Jacobs Project Management Co v. DOI ( 2023 )

  •                                            PRECEDENTIAL
    No. 22-1147
    Petition for Review of a Final Order
    of the U.S. Department of the Interior
    DOI Case No. OI-VA-16-0167-I
    Argued March 6, 2023
    Before: SHWARTZ, BIBAS, and AMBRO, Circuit Judges.
    (Filed: April 3, 2023)
    Ryan T. Bergsieker
    Gibson Dunn & Crutcher
    1801 California Street
    Suite 4200
    Denver, CO 80202
    Andrew T. Brown
    Zachary C. Freund
    Julian W. Poon [ARGUED]
    Gibson Dunn & Crutcher
    333 South Grand Avenue
    Los Angeles, CA 90071
    Counsel for Petitioner
    Edward Himmelfarb [ARGUED]
    United States Department of Justice
    Civil Division
    Room 7541
    950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
    Washington, DC 20530
    Abby C. Wright
    United States Department of Justice
    Civil Division
    Room 7252
    950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
    Washington, DC 20530
    Counsel for Respondent U.S. Department of Interior
    John R. Weber
    5 Harrison Avenue
    East Brunswick, NJ 08816
    Pro Se Intervenor-Respondent
    SHWARTZ, Circuit Judge.
    Jacobs Project Management Co. (“Jacobs”) petitions for
    review of an order by the United States Department of the
    Interior (“DOI”) that found that Jacobs retaliated against a
    former employee for whistleblowing in violation of 
    41 U.S.C. § 4712
    . Jacobs asserts that the DOI lacked jurisdiction to issue
    the order because it and the Office of the Inspector General
    (“OIG”) acted after various statutory deadlines in § 4712 had
    passed. Because the deadlines are not jurisdictional, the DOI
    had the authority to issue its order. We will therefore deny the
    We begin with an overview of the various deadlines that
    apply to reprisal claims against federal contractors, like Jacobs.
    By way of background, Congress enacted § 4712 as part of the
    National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 as a
    “Pilot program for enhancement of contractor protection from
    reprisal for disclosure of certain information.” 
    Pub. L. No. 112-239, 126
     Stat. 1632, 1837 (2013). Section 4712(a)
    prohibits contractors from engaging in reprisals against their
    employees for disclosing “gross mismanagement of a Federal
    contract” or any other “violation of a law, rule, or regulation
    related to a Federal contract.” 
    41 U.S.C. § 4712
    (a). Under the
    statute, a person who believes he has been subject to a reprisal
    can file a complaint with the OIG of the relevant agency. 
    § 4712(b)(1).     “[W]ithin 180 days after receiving the
    complaint,” the OIG “shall” investigate the complaint and
    submit a report. Id. § 4712(b)(1)-(2)(A). The OIG may have
    an additional period of “up to 180 days” to issue the report if
    the complainant agrees. Id. § 4712(b)(2)(B). “Not later than
    30 days after receiving an [OIG] report . . . the head of the
    executive agency concerned shall determine whether there is
    sufficient basis” to conclude that there was a prohibited
    reprisal, and “shall [] issue an order” denying or granting relief.
    Id. § 4712(c)(1). If the agency head denies relief or “has not
    issued an order within 210 days after the submission of a
    complaint,” or, if there was an extension, “not later than 30
    days after the expiration of the extension of time,” then “the
    complainant shall be deemed to have exhausted all
    administrative remedies with respect to the complaint,” and he
    “may” file suit “against the contractor . . . to seek . . . relief . . .
    in the appropriate district court of the United States,” but must
    do so within two years after the date on which his remedies are
    deemed to have been exhausted. Id. § 4712(c)(2).
    With the statutory background in mind, we now turn to
    the relevant facts. In March 2014, one of the National Park
    Service’s service centers (“NPS”) entered a contract with
    Perini Management Services to perform work on Ellis Island.
    The NPS hired Jacobs Technology Inc., an entity related to
    Jacobs, to provide contract management services on the Perini
    contract. Jacobs assigned John Weber as the lead contract
    management representative on the project. Weber observed
    what he believed to be discrepancies between Perini’s work
    and its billing practices and disclosed those discrepancies to
    the DOI’s OIG in August 2014. Weber informed his direct
    supervisor, Roger Haddock, that he had spoken with the OIG,
    and Haddock told Weber not to speak with the OIG again
    without a company attorney present. Despite this directive,
    Weber continued to raise concerns over Perini’s billing
    practices and met with the OIG again in October 2015. The
    OIG discussed the alleged billing issues with the NPS and
    concluded that there was no misconduct.
    In November 2015, the NPS informed Jacobs that it
    would not extend its contract, purportedly because there was
    not enough work in 2016 to warrant the presence of a contract
    management representative. After receiving this news, Weber
    contacted the OIG and stated that he believed NPS’s decision
    not to renew the contract was due to his reports to the OIG, and
    that he feared Jacobs would “blame him for the contract non-
    extension and not retain him after it expired.” App. 924. In
    December 2015, Jacobs’ contract ended, and Weber was
    placed on a ninety-day company convenience leave, during
    which time Jacobs did not pay Weber a salary but provided him
    with health benefits. 1 After the ninety-day period, Jacobs
    formally discharged Weber.
    Weber filed a complaint with the OIG on December 3,
    2015. In an interview with the OIG in January 2016, Weber
    While on convenience leave, Weber regularly notified
    Jacobs that he was available for work and applied for other
    open positions within the company, but he was never hired.
    Two other Jacobs employees on the Ellis Island project,
    however, were reassigned to other projects for the company.
    expressed his belief that Jacobs placed him on convenience
    leave due to his disclosures about the Ellis Island project. The
    OIG commenced an investigation. In April 2016, the OIG
    requested, and Weber agreed to, an extension of the 180-day
    statutory deadline to complete its investigation. From April
    through June 2016, the OIG conducted interviews with Jacobs,
    Perini, and NPS employees about the Ellis Island project. On
    February 21, 2017, beyond the 360-day extended deadline, the
    OIG completed and transmitted its report to the Acting
    Secretary for the DOI. One week later, the OIG sent redacted
    copies of the report to Weber and Jacobs.
    More than three years later, on August 5, 2020, the DOI
    sent Jacobs a letter indicating that it had not received a
    response from Jacobs to the report and offering Jacobs thirty
    days within which to respond. Jacobs responded that it had
    never received the report, and the DOI then re-sent the report
    to Jacobs. On August 13, 2020, Jacobs notified the DOI that it
    declined to submit a response, asserting that the report was
    issued after the statutory deadline in 
    41 U.S.C. § 4712
     and that
    “the OIG and the Secretary [therefore] lack[ed] jurisdiction to
    take further action” in the case. App. 1038.
    On December 8, 2020, the DOI notified Jacobs and
    Weber that it would issue a determination, provided the parties
    with redacted exhibits, and offered the parties thirty days to
    submit additional information. Jacobs again informed the DOI
    that it would not respond because it believed that the agency
    lacked jurisdiction.
    The DOI issued its final determination and order on
    December 1, 2021, well beyond the thirty-day deadline to do
    so, which (1) concluded that Jacobs had engaged in a
    prohibited reprisal against Weber in violation of 
    41 U.S.C. § 4712
    , (2) awarded Weber $803,906.08, which included
    $615,648.79 in backpay covering the period from April 2016,
    when Weber was officially terminated, until January 2021,
    reduced by the amount Weber earned through other
    employment, and (3) ordered Jacobs to reinstate Weber to the
    same or a substantially similar position with the same pay and
    Jacobs petitions for review of the DOI’s authority to
    issue the order and, alternatively, asks that we reduce the
    Weber did not petition for review of the agency’s
    We first examine whether the DOI had jurisdiction to
    issue its order after the statutory deadlines had passed. To
    repeat, § 4712 provides that the OIG “shall investigate” and
    We have jurisdiction pursuant to 
    41 U.S.C. § 4712
    (c)(5), which allows a party adversely affected by an
    agency’s order to petition for review in “the United States court
    of appeals for a circuit in which the reprisal is alleged in the
    order to have occurred.” Weber argues that we lack
    jurisdiction because he was not a New Jersey resident on the
    day he was fired. At least two other circuits have held that
    similar provisions about where a violation occurred speak to
    venue, not jurisdiction. Peck v. Dep’t of Lab., 
    996 F.3d 224
    228 (4th Cir. 2021); Brentwood at Hobart v. NLRB, 
    675 F.3d 999
    , 1002 (6th Cir. 2012). We need not address that issue.
    Whether it goes to jurisdiction or venue, the agency’s order
    here clearly alleges that the violation occurred in New Jersey:
    Weber worked and resided in New Jersey when he was staffed
    on the Ellis Island project, made the protected disclosures to
    the OIG, and was placed on company convenience leave.
    In reviewing an agency action, we consider whether the
    action is “arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, or
    otherwise not in accordance with law.” 
    5 U.S.C. § 706
    “The scope of review under the arbitrary and capricious
    standard is narrow and a court is not to substitute its judgment
    for that of the agency.” Prometheus Radio Project v. FCC, 
    652 F.3d 431
    , 444 (3d Cir. 2011) (quoting Motor Vehicle Mfrs.
    Ass’n v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co., 
    463 U.S. 29
    , 43
    “submit a report of the findings of the investigation” within
    “180 days after receiving the complaint” or within an
    “additional period of time, up to 180 days,” if the complainant
    agrees. § 4712(b)(1)-(2). “Not later than 30 days after
    receiving an [OIG] report . . ., the head of the executive agency
    concerned shall determine whether there is sufficient basis” to
    conclude that there was a prohibited reprisal, and “shall [] issue
    an order” denying or granting relief. § 4712(c)(1).
    To determine whether these deadlines are jurisdictional,
    we consider the statute’s text, context, and purpose. Dolan v.
    United States, 
    560 U.S. 605
    , 610 (2010). If the language of the
    statute directly conveys that the power of the agency is
    circumscribed by the deadline, then our inquiry is complete,
    and we must conclude the deadline is jurisdictional. See Reed
    Elsevier, Inc. v. Muchnick, 
    559 U.S. 154
    , 161-62 (2010). If
    not, then we consider, among other things, (1) whether the
    statute specifies a consequence for noncompliance with the
    deadline, Dolan, 
    560 U.S. at 611
    , (2) whether the procedural
    provisions of the statute reinforce the statute’s purpose, 
    id. at 612
    , (3) the harm to those who are not responsible for the delay
    if the agency does not act by the deadline, 
    id. at 613-14
    (4) whether there are ways a party who may be impacted by the
    agency’s tardiness can protect itself from delay, 
    id. at 615
    , and
    (5) whether important public rights are at stake, Brock v.
    Pierce County, 
    476 U.S. 253
    , 260-62 (1986).4 Each of these
    considerations leads us to conclude that the statute’s deadlines
    The nature of the task and the period of time Congress
    directed for the task to be completed may also indicate whether
    Congress intended the deadline for agency action to be
    jurisdictional. Brock v. Pierce County, 
    476 U.S. 253
    , 261
    are not jurisdictional. 5
    First, although § 4712 uses the word “shall” when
    discussing the deadlines for the OIG to issue its report and the
    agency to issue its order, “a statute’s use of [“shall”] alone has
    not always led [the Supreme] Court to interpret statutes to bar
    judges (or other officials) from taking the action to which a
    missed statutory deadline refers.” Dolan, 
    560 U.S. at 611-12
    476 U.S. at 262
     (“We hold, therefore, that the mere use
    of the word ‘shall’ . . . standing alone, is not enough to remove
    the [agency’s] power to act after [the deadline].”); see also
    Barnhart v. Peabody Coal Co., 
    537 U.S. 149
    , 158 (2003) (“Nor,
    since Brock, have we ever construed a provision that the
    Government ‘shall’ act within a specified time, without more,
    as a jurisdictional limit precluding action later.”). Here, the use
    of “shall” alone does not indicate that the deadlines are
    Second, the text does not contain a consequence for the
    agency’s failure to comply with the statutory deadlines. See
    There are three types of deadlines: (1) a
    “jurisdictional” deadline, which is “absolute” and “prevents
    the court [or other public official] from permitting or taking the
    action to which the statute attached the deadline,” Dolan, 
    560 U.S. at 610
    , (2) “claims-processing rules,” which “do not limit
    a court’s [or other public official’s] jurisdiction, but rather
    regulate the timing of motions or claims brought before the
    court [or public official],” 
     and (3) a deadline that “seeks
    speed by creating a time-related directive that is legally
    enforceable but does not deprive a judge or other public official
    of the power to take the action to which the deadline applies if
    the deadline is missed,” 
    id. at 611
    560 U.S. at 611
     (explaining that if a statute “does not
    specify a consequence for noncompliance with its timing
    provisions,” the deadline likely is not jurisdictional (quotation
    marks and citation omitted)). In Shenango, Inc. v. Apfel, we
    identified several statutes in which Congress had articulated an
    explicit consequence. 
    307 F.3d 174
    , 194 (3d Cir. 2002) (“42
    U.S.C. § 1396n(h) (application for waiver of Medicaid
    requirements must be deemed approved if Secretary of Health
    and Human Services does not issue a decision within ninety
    days); 49 U.S.C. § [11701(c)] (providing that Surface
    Transportation Board investigative proceeding is dismissed
    automatically if not concluded within three years)”). The
    language in those statutes stands in contrast to § 4712, which
    does not provide a consequence for an agency head’s failure to
    timely issue its final determination.
    This is not to say that missing the deadlines here has no
    effect. If the agency fails to act within the statutory deadlines,
    the complainant will be deemed to have exhausted his
    administrative remedies. See § 4712(c)(2) (“the exhaustion
    provision”). This result, however, simply gives a complainant
    another avenue for seeking relief. It does not mean that the
    agency cannot act if a lawsuit is not filed. 6 The permissive
    Jacobs relies on several immigration cases that
    addressed a statute with a similar provision, 
    8 U.S.C. § 1447
    (b), allowing a naturalization applicant to file a petition
    in federal court if the agency fails to render a decision within
    120 days. See Aljabri v. Holder, 
    745 F.3d 816
    , 821 (7th Cir.
    2014) (holding the agency loses jurisdiction over an
    application once the applicant files in federal court);
    Bustamante v. Napolitano, 
    582 F.3d 403
    , 409-10 (2d Cir.
    nature of the language concerning the complainant’s ability to
    file suit conveys that a complainant can also opt to have the
    agency decide his claim. See Bustamante v. Napolitano, 
    582 F.3d 403
    , 407 (2d Cir. 2009) (“If the naturalization applicant
    chooses to do nothing, the application will remain pending
    before USCIS with the agency maintaining jurisdiction to
    decide the application.”); Etape v. Chertoff, 
    497 F.3d 379
    , 385
    (4th Cir. 2007) (“Section 1447(b) . . . clearly prescribes
    consequences for the [US]CIS’s failure to act: upon an
    applicant’s petition, a district court acquires jurisdiction and
    may either decide the matter itself or remand to the [US]CIS
    with instructions.”).7 Accordingly, the result of an agency’s
    tardiness simply provides that complainant another avenue to
    seek relief.8
    2009) (same); Etape v. Chertoff, 
    497 F.3d 379
    , 384-85 (4th Cir.
    2007) (same); United States v. Hovsepian, 
    359 F.3d 1144
    1159 (9th Cir. 2004) (en banc) (same). However, those cases
    addressed the separate question of whether the agency retained
    jurisdiction once suit was filed in district court. Jacobs’
    citation to Stone v. Duke Energy Corp., 
    432 F.3d 320
     (4th Cir.
    2005), is unpersuasive for the same reason.
    See also Kash v. Tex. Educ. Agency Def., No. 19-73-
    2019 WL 9078399
    , at *14-15 (U.S. Dep’t of Educ. Nov.
    22, 2019) (explaining that the exhaustion provision in § 4712
    states only that “the complainant may file such an action,”
    implying that the “complainant may also continue to await a
    decision from the [agency]” (emphasis omitted)).
    Jacobs’ other textual arguments are unavailing. Jacobs
    argues that because the deadlines for the OIG and agency head
    in subsections (b)(2) and (c)(1), respectively, are laid out
    separately from the exhaustion provision in subsection (c)(2),
    Third, interpreting the deadlines in § 4712 as
    jurisdictional would be contrary to the statute’s primary
    purpose, which is to protect whistleblowers from reprisal and
    ensure that those who have been subject to reprisals can obtain
    relief, see § 4712(a). If the deadlines were viewed as
    jurisdictional, then an agency’s tardiness could leave a
    complainant without relief for reprisals he may have suffered.
    Cf. Dolan, 
    560 U.S. at 612-13
     (holding that jurisdictionally
    barring courts from conducting restitution proceedings after
    the deadline would be contrary to the statute’s purpose of
    ensuring that victims of crime receive full restitution);
    Shenango, 307 F.3d at 195 (explaining that the Coal Act’s key
    objective was to ensure that miners’ retirement benefits would
    be paid by the relevant private parties, and therefore cutting off
    these deadlines “must have independent jurisdictional force”
    under the canon against surplusage. Pet. Br. at 27. As
    discussed, courts are reluctant to hold that a statutory deadline
    for agency action is jurisdictional absent an explicit
    consequence for failure to comply with that deadline. See, e.g.,
    537 U.S. at 159
    . Jacobs further asserts that the
    statute allows the OIG to extend its deadline for the
    investigation but does not afford the same option to the agency
    head. Pet. Br. at 28-29. This feature of the statute, however,
    does not demonstrate that one deadline is jurisdictional while
    the other is not. The fact that Congress included an extension
    for the OIG’s investigation and not the agency head’s final
    determination likely reflects Congress’s understanding that an
    investigation is often more time-consuming than a final
    determination. Additionally, courts have held that statutory
    deadlines are non-jurisdictional even where Congress has not
    included an extension provision. See, e.g., Dolan, 
    560 U.S. at 611
    ; Brock, 
    476 U.S. at 262
    the agency’s ability to assign miners to the proper entity after
    the statutory deadline “would surely frustrate that objective”).
    Put differently, interpreting the deadlines by which the agency
    must act as jurisdictional would hurt the very people the statute
    seeks to benefit based on events they cannot control. See
    560 U.S. at 613-14
    Fourth, when “there are less drastic remedies available
    for failure to meet a statutory deadline, courts should not
    assume that Congress intended the agency to lose its power to
    act.” Brock, 
    476 U.S. at 260
    . Here, there is a less drastic
    remedy available to a party seeking a speedier determination:
    it can file suit under the Administrative Procedure Act
    (“APA”) to “compel agency action unlawfully withheld or
    unreasonably delayed,” 
    5 U.S.C. § 706
    (1). See Brock, 
    476 U.S. at
    260 n.7 (noting that nothing in the relevant statute
    barred an action to enforce the statutory deadline under the
    APA); Sw. Pa. Growth All. v. Browner, 
    121 F.3d 106
    , 114-15
    (3d Cir. 1997) (holding deadline in Clean Air Act was not
    jurisdictional in part because either the petitioner or the state
    could have brought an action to enforce the deadline under the
    Fifth, we are reluctant to construe statutory deadlines as
    jurisdictional when a statute “does not merely command the
    [agency] to file a complaint within a specified time, but
    requires [it] to resolve the entire dispute within that time.”
    476 U.S. at 261
    . Here, the OIG is tasked with
    investigating and issuing a report of the investigation within
    180 days of a complaint, or within 360 days with an extension.
    § 4712(b)(2). The agency head then has thirty days to reach a
    final determination and issue an order. § 4712(c)(1). As Brock
    acknowledged, these are “substantial task[s]” and “the
    [agency’s] ability to complete [them] within [the deadline] is
    subject to factors beyond [its] control.” 
    476 U.S. at 261
    Finally, we are reluctant to conclude that a deadline is
    jurisdictional “when important public rights are at stake.” 
    Id. at 260
    ; see also Barnhart, 
    537 U.S. at 158, 160
    . As discussed,
    the statute seeks to protect whistleblowers who report on
    mismanagement of federal contracts or gross waste of federal
    funds. Thus, similar to the statute at issue in Brock, § 4712
    implicates “both the public fisc and the integrity of a
    Government [contractor].” 
    476 U.S. at 259
    For these reasons, the statutory deadlines for agency
    action in § 4712 are best interpreted “as a spur to prompt
    [agency] action, not as a bar to tardy completion,” Barnhart,
    537 U.S. at 172
    , and thus they are not jurisdictional.
    Accordingly, the DOI retained jurisdiction to issue its order
    even after the statutory deadlines in § 4712 had passed.9
    Jacobs asks that, if we conclude that the DOI had
    jurisdiction, we reduce the backpay award. Jacobs is a
    sophisticated litigant and had multiple opportunities to
    While the agency’s considerable delay in this case is
    “troubling, [it is] not legally significant.” Frey v. U.S. Dep’t
    of Health & Hum. Servs., 
    920 F.3d 319
    , 325 n.21 (5th Cir.
    2019) (addressing agency delay under a nearly identical
    whistleblower statute). Here, Jacobs’ allegations of prejudice
    do “not so subvert the procedural scheme of [§ 4712] as to
    invalidate the [agency’s determination].” United States v.
    495 U.S. 711
    , 717 (1990).
    challenge the award before the agency. It, however,
    intentionally chose to make just one argument, that the agency
    lacked jurisdiction. It cannot raise its backpay argument now.
    See Sw. Pa. Growth All., 
    121 F.3d at 112
    ; cf. Barna v. Bd. of
    Sch. Dirs. of Panther Valley Sch. Dist., 
    877 F.3d 136
    , 147 (3d
    Cir. 2017) (stating “waiver . . . is the intentional relinquishment
    or abandonment of a known right” (quotation marks and
    citation omitted)).
    For the foregoing reasons, we will deny Jacobs’ petition
    for review.10
    Because Weber was an intervenor and did not file a
    petition for review, we will not consider his request that we
    order the agency to increase its monetary award. Sw. Pa.
    Growth All., 
    121 F.3d at 121
     (“It is a general rule that an
    intervenor may argue only the issues raised by the principal
    parties and may not enlarge those issues.”).