Venus Springs v. Ally Financial Incorporated , 684 F. App'x 336 ( 2017 )

  •                               UNPUBLISHED
    No. 16-2146
    VENUS YVETTE SPRINGS, a/k/a Yvette Springs,
    Plaintiff - Appellant,
    Defendants – Appellees,
    KATHLEEN PATTERSON;   YEQUIANG    HE,   a/k/a   Bill   He;   CYNTHIA
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the Western
    District of North Carolina, at Charlotte. Max O. Cogburn, Jr.,
    District Judge. (3:10-cv-00311-MOC-DCK)
    Submitted:   March 28, 2017                 Decided:     April 10, 2017
    Before SHEDD, DUNCAN, and FLOYD, Circuit Judges.
    Affirmed by unpublished per curiam opinion.
    Herman   Kaufman,   HERMAN   KAUFMAN,   ESQ.,   Old   Greenwich,
    Connecticut; Venus Yvette Springs, SPRINGS LAW FIRM PLLC,
    Charlotte, North Carolina, for Appellant.      Kirk G. Warner,
    JERNIGAN, LLP, Raleigh, North Carolina, for Appellees.
    Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit.
    Venus   Yvette     Springs      appeals       the    district    court’s    order
    adopting the magistrate judge’s order granting Ally Financial
    Incorporated (“Ally”) and Amy Bouque’s (collectively, Appellees)
    motion for a protective order.*                  Finding no reversible error, we
    Springs   first    contends          that    the    district    court    violated
    this Court’s mandate by modifying a protective order and that
    the   court     lacked    subject-matter             jurisdiction        to    enter    a
    postjudgment protective order, even though we previously ruled
    that it had such jurisdiction.                   “We review de novo the district
    court’s    interpretation        of    the       mandate.”        United      States   v.
    703 F.3d 675
    , 679 (4th Cir. 2013).                        The mandate rule
    “forecloses     relitigation          of     issues       expressly      or    impliedly
    decided by the appellate court,” as well as “issues decided by
    the district court but foregone on appeal or otherwise waived.”
    United    States   v.    Susi,    
    674 F.3d 278
    ,    283   (4th     Cir.   2012).
    Moreover, “any issue that could have been but was not raised on
    appeal is waived and thus not remanded.”                     Doe v. Chao, 
    511 F.3d 461
    , 465 (4th Cir. 2007) (internal quotation marks omitted).                           We
    *This case has been before us on two prior occasions,
    Springs v. Ally Fin., Inc., 475 F. App’x 900 (4th Cir. 2012)
    (No. 12-1258), and Springs v. Ally Fin., Inc., 657 F. App’x 148
    (4th Cir. 2016) (Nos. 15-1244, 15-1888).
    conclude    that    the    district     court   faithfully    carried      out    our
    Next,    Springs     contends     that   Appellees’        motion   was    not
    timely    filed.        Rule   26(c),   Fed.    R.   Civ.   P.,    authorizes      the
    district court to issue protective orders, but does not contain
    a timeframe in which a party must seek such an order.                      However,
    “courts regularly have grafted reasonable time requirements onto
    otherwise silent federal procedural rules in both the criminal
    and civil contexts.”           Resolution Tr. Corp. v. N. Bridge Assocs.,
    22 F.3d 1198
    , 1204 (1st Cir. 1994) (internal quotation
    marks omitted).          Here, Appellees first sought to resolve this
    dispute without seeking judicial intervention, as required by
    Rule   26(c).      We     further   conclude    that    Appellees     filed      their
    motion within a reasonable time.
    Finally, Springs contends that good cause does not support
    the protective order and that it violates her First Amendment
    rights.        We review a “district court’s entry of a protective
    order . . . for abuse of discretion.”                  Fonner v. Fairfax Cty.,
    415 F.3d 325
    , 330 (4th Cir. 2005).               “The district court abuses
    its discretion if its conclusion is guided by erroneous legal
    principles or rests upon a clearly erroneous factual finding.”
    Belk, Inc. v. Meyer Corp., U.S., 
    679 F.3d 146
    , 161 (4th Cir.
    2012) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    The Supreme Court has held that “where . . . a protective
    order is entered on a showing of good cause as required by Rule
    26(c), is limited to the context of pretrial civil discovery,
    and does not restrict the dissemination of the information if
    gained     from      other   sources,   it    does    not     offend     the    First
    Amendment.”          Seattle Times Co. v. Rhinehart, 
    467 U.S. 20
    , 37
    (1984).       Springs correctly notes that the video deposition at
    issue    in   the     protective   order     was    not     just    pretrial    civil
    discovery, but was attached to her opposition to Ally’s motion
    for summary judgment.           We have “held that the First Amendment
    right of access [to judicial documents] attaches to materials
    filed in connection with a summary judgment motion.”                           Doe v.
    Pub. Citizen, 
    749 F.3d 246
    , 267 (4th Cir. 2014).                          Thus, we
    conclude      that    the    district   court      should    have    conducted     an
    explicit First Amendment analysis.
    However, “we may affirm a district court’s ruling on any
    ground apparent in the record.”              United States ex rel. Drakeford
    v. Tuomey, 
    792 F.3d 364
    , 375 (4th Cir. 2015).                       In the sealing
    context, the First Amendment limits restricting access to court
    documents      to      restrictions     “necessitated         by     a   compelling
    government interest” and that are “narrowly tailored to serve
    that interest.”         Doe, 749 F.3d at 266 (internal quotation marks
    omitted).      Applying this framework to the protective order at
    issue, we readily conclude that the district court’s order does
    not unduly infringe on Springs’ First Amendment rights.                                 The
    district court has a compelling interest in preventing litigants
    like Springs from using discovery to mock and harass a private
    party on the Internet.           See Seattle Times, 
    467 U.S. at 34
    26(c) furthers a substantial governmental interest unrelated to
    the    suppression      of     expression.”).          Moreover,        the        district
    court’s order is narrowly tailored to support that interest,
    only     preventing      Springs      from     using        the    video    and       audio
    recordings to distribute her message.
    Finally, we conclude that the district court did not abuse
    its discretion in concluding that good cause supports issuing
    the      protective      order.           “Broad       allegations            of     harm,
    unsubstantiated by specific examples or articulated reasoning,
    do not satisfy” Rule 26(c).               Cipollone v. Liggett Grp., Inc.,
    785 F.2d 1108
    , 1121 (3d Cir. 1986).                    However, Springs accused
    Bouque    of    perjury,      which   amounts    to    defamation      per     se     under
    North Carolina law.            See Gudger v. Penland, 
    13 S.E. 168
    , 170
    (N.C. 1891).
    Accordingly,      we    affirm    the    district      court’s      order.       We
    dispense       with    oral    argument      because        the    facts     and     legal
    contentions      are   adequately       presented      in    the   materials        before
    this court and argument would not aid the decisional process.