Makia Smith v. Baltimore City Police Dep't ( 2016 )

  •                                 PUBLISHED
    No. 15-1604
    Plaintiff - Appellant,
    official capacity as Commissioner of the Baltimore City
    Police Department;    OFFICER NATHAN CHURCH, in both his
    official and individual capacity as an officer of the
    Baltimore City Police Department; OFFICER KENNETH CAMPBELL,
    in both his official and individual capacity as an officer
    of the Baltimore City Police Department,
    Defendants – Appellees,
    OFFICER WILLIAM PILKERTON, JR., in both his official            and
    individual capacity as an officer of the Baltimore             City
    Police Department; OFFICER NATHAN ULMER, in both                his
    official and individual capacity as an officer of               the
    Baltimore City Police Department,
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of
    Maryland, at Baltimore.     J. Frederick Motz, Senior District
    Judge. (1:13-cv-01352-JFM)
    Argued:   September 20, 2016                 Decided:   October 27, 2016
    Amended:    November 1, 2016
    Before KEENAN, FLOYD, and THACKER, Circuit Judges.
    Reversed and remanded by published opinion. Judge Thacker wrote
    the opinion, in which Judge Keenan and Judge Floyd joined.
    ARGUED: Lawrence S. Greenberg, GREENBERG LAW OFFICE, Baltimore,
    Maryland, for Appellant.    Suzanne Sangree, BALTIMORE CITY LAW
    DEPARTMENT, Baltimore, Maryland, for Appellees.       ON BRIEF:
    Zebulan P. Snyder, GREENBERG LAW OFFICE, Baltimore, Maryland,
    for Appellant. George Nilson, City Solicitor of Baltimore City,
    William R. Phelan, Chief Solicitor, Glenn Marrow, Chief of
    Police Legal Affairs Division, BALTIMORE CITY LAW DEPARTMENT,
    Baltimore, Maryland, for Appellees.
    THACKER, Circuit Judge:
    Makia    Smith    (“Smith”       or   “Appellant”)    sued     the
    Baltimore City Police Department (“BCPD”) and several individual
    officers pursuant to 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
     and Maryland law.                 Smith
    claimed two officers battered and unlawfully arrested her after
    they saw her filming them as they arrested a juvenile.                     At
    trial,   the   district   court   allowed    defense   counsel   to   elicit
    testimony that Smith had been arrested three times before.                The
    jury ultimately returned a verdict in favor of the two officers
    on all counts.
    We fail to see how Smith’s prior arrests were relevant
    to her claim for damages, which was the sole reason the district
    court admitted them, and any probative value of those arrests
    was far outweighed by prejudice to Smith.           The admission of such
    evidence was prohibited by Federal Rule of Evidence 404(b) and
    was not harmless.     Therefore, we reverse and remand for a new
    Officer Nathan Church of the BCPD testified to the
    following facts at the trial.       On Friday, March 8, 2012, just as
    high school students were being released from school, Officer
    Church received a call for back-up to the 2800 block of Harford
    Road in Baltimore.    He arrived to find several juveniles running
    through       the     streets    and     another      officer,     Talmadge      Jackson,
    attempting to arrest one of them.                    When Officer Church arrived,
    the juvenile was giving Officer Jackson a struggle.                                  Officer
    Church       and    several     other    officers       formed    a   “half-horseshoe”
    barrier between the public and Officer Jackson to “keep other
    juveniles from getting close to [Officer Jackson].”                          S.J.A. 7. 1
    Meanwhile, Officer Church heard tires screeching and
    turned to see multiple vehicles stopped on Harford Road.                                   He
    testified          that   traffic      was    stopped    and/or       moving    extremely
    slowly, and Smith’s car was “blocking all the traffic behind
    her.”       S.J.A. 10-11.       Smith was standing outside of her car with
    her phone up as if videotaping.                      Officer Church, over 50 feet
    away from Smith, yelled, “Ma’am, pull your car to the side or
    keep on going.”            
    Id. at 11
    .         Smith replied, “I’m not going to
    let you hurt that young boy.                  I ain’t moving -- I ain’t moving
    Officer Church “quickstep[ped]” toward Appellant and
    again       told    her   to   move,    and    she    responded,      “I’m     not   moving
    [shit].        [Fuck] y’all.”           S.J.A. 13-14.        Officer Church moved
    closer, told her this was a traffic stop, and asked for her
    license.       Smith “ran back into her car” and sat with her back
    Citations to the “S.J.A.” refer to the Supplemental Joint
    Appendix filed by the parties in this appeal.
    toward the passenger door, which Officer Church described as
    “not normal[]” and indicative of someone “trying to flee from
    the   scene.”          
    Id. at 17-19
    .         At   that    point,       Officer    Church
    reached in the car and was trying to grab for her keys, but
    Appellant began “kicking [him], throwing fists at [him], [and]
    scratching [him].”            
    Id. at 19
    .          At one point he was “being hit
    with a[n] [unidentified] hard object.”                    
            He placed his right
    arm on the vehicle and reached in the car with his left arm,
    “just trying to grab her and pull her out of the car.”                              
    was “flailing” and Office Church was “keeping [his] face . . .
    out of harm’s way.”                
    Id. at 22
    .          Officer Church succeeded in
    pulling       Smith    out    of   the   car,     but   he     did    not    know     what   he
    grabbed onto, whether it was her hair or something else.                                     He
    handcuffed       her    and    began     to   effect     an    arrest.         Pictures      of
    Officer Church with visible red marks and scratch marks on his
    arm and neck were admitted into evidence.
    Smith’s       version     of   the      facts    is     quite    different.
    According to her, while she was driving with her two-year-old
    daughter on Harford Road, she saw Officer Jackson arresting the
    juvenile and became concerned when she saw the officer’s “knee
    pressed against his temple.”                    J.A. 94. 2       She got out of her
    Citations to the “J.A.” refer to the Joint Appendix
    filed by the parties in this appeal.
    vehicle, took the keys out, and pulled her cell phone up as if
    videoing what the officers were doing.                  Officer Church yelled,
    “What are you doing?” and Smith replied, “I’m just trying to
    make sure that you guys are not hurting that little boy and
    trying to make sure that he’s okay.”               
    Id. at 97
    At that point, Officer Church “started coming towards
    the   vehicle   .   .   .     [l]ike    The    Incredible    Hulk,    like    Manny
    Pacquiao . . . in an aggressive . . . manner,” and once he got
    closer to the vehicle, he started running.                      J.A. 97.      Smith
    tried to get back in the car, but at that point, she could not
    have driven anywhere because traffic was still stopped.                     Officer
    Church came over to the car, “snatched the phone out of [her]
    hand and he kicked it and he stomped it.”                 
    Id. at 99
    .        He then
    said, “You want to film things, B[itch], film this.                        I should
    knock your teeth out.”          
         Smith had one foot in the car and
    tried to get her other foot in the car when Officer Church “took
    both of his hands and dragged [her] out of the car” by her hair.
       She did not punch, scratch, or kick Officer Church before
    he grabbed her hair because “that kind of thinking gets you
    killed,”   although     she    admitted       to   “flailing”   to   try   and   get
    Officer Church off of her.             
    Id. at 101-02
    .       Then she felt three
    or four other people join in but could not really see them.                      She
    felt someone hit her in the back of the head and then she “just
    blacked out.”       
    Id. at 102
    .         The next thing she remembered is
    being slammed onto the car and then seeing her daughter crying.
    Another officer, Officer Campbell, pulled her left arm back and
    all the way up and said, “Did you have enough yet?                              Do you want
    me to break it?”          
    Id. at 103
    As   they    began    to    arrest         her,     Smith    asked    Officer
    Church   if    she    could   call       her       mother    to   come    get    her    baby.
    Officer Church taunted, “No.               Child Protective Services will be
    here to get your daughter.”               J.A. 105.          Smith asked a bystander
    if she could come get her daughter out of the car, and the
    bystander did so.          The officers put Smith in the patrol car, and
    she began yelling out her mother’s phone number; another officer
    finally gave the bystander her mother’s phone number.
    Smith was taken away in the transport vehicle to a
    central booking station.             Because she was complaining of head
    and   neck    pain,    she    was    taken          to   a   nearby      hospital      before
    booking.      She was eventually charged with second-degree assault
    of Officer Church, resisting or interfering with arrest, failing
    to display a license on demand, willfully disobeying a lawful
    order of the police, and causing a vehicle to obstruct a free
    vehicle passage of a roadway.                  On January 3, 2013, after nearly
    a year of pre-trial release obligations, the charges against
    Smith were dropped via a nolle prosequi disposition.
    On May 8, 2013, Smith filed the instant action in the
    District        of      Maryland     against         the     BCPD;        Anthony       Batts,
    Commissioner of the BCPD; Office Church; Officer Campbell; and
    two other officers at the scene, William Pilkerton and Nathan
    Ulmer      (collectively,         “Appellees”).            The    operative       complaint,
    amended on October 9, 2014, alleged 13 counts: excessive force,
    deprivation of property without due process, and violations of
    the     First     and     Fourth     Amendments       under        
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    violation        of    attendant     rights       under    the     state     constitution;
    Monell 3       claims    against     the     city;     and       state     law    claims    of
    conversion,           battery,     false    arrest,        false        imprisonment,      and
    intentional infliction of emotional distress.                             Smith claimed a
    minimum of $1.5 million in damages for, inter alia, “emotional
    trauma,        humiliation,       distress,       bodily     injury        and    damage    to
    personal property.”          J.A. 37-38.
    The original district court judge to whom the case was
    assigned        granted    summary     judgment       to     Officers       Pilkerton      and
    Ulmer on some of the counts and determined the case should be
    tried     in    two     phases.      First    the     jury       would    consider      claims
    against        Officers    Church     and    Campbell,           and    then,    the    Monell
    claims against the city would proceed in a second phase if the
    3   Monell v. Dep’t of Soc. Servs., 
    436 U.S. 658
    jury   determined    any    constitutional   harm   had     occurred.       As   a
    result, at the trial underlying this appeal, only five claims
    proceeded against Officer Church -- the First Amendment, Fourth
    Amendment, excessive force, battery, and false arrest claims --
    and two claims against Officer Campbell -- the excessive force
    and battery claims.
    Notably, on March 9, 2015, Smith filed a motion in
    limine to exclude “all evidence or discussion of [Appellant’s]
    prior arrests.”      J.A. 81.     Smith had been arrested three times:
    for second degree assault in 2005, fleeing and eluding in 2006,
    and second degree assault in 2010. 4         No convictions followed any
    of Smith’s prior arrests.        The district court granted the motion
    on March 11, explaining, “There shall be no reference [at trial]
    to [Appellant]’s prior arrests.”           Id. at 86.       On March 26, the
    case was reassigned to a new district court judge and proceeded
    to trial.
    During    the    three-day     trial    in     March    2015,     the
    following    relevant      exchanges   occurred.         First,    at   a   bench
    conference on March 25, directly before Smith’s mother testified
    on her behalf, Appellees’ counsel said, “I expect plaintiff’s
    counsel to elicit [testimony from Smith’s mother of] pain and
    The motion also mentioned a fourth arrest, which was not
    presented to the jury.
    suffering after the event, [but] one of the Motions in Limine is
    that we are not allowed to go into prior arrests.      . . . [I]f
    [plaintiff’s counsel] go[es] into it, I believe they opened the
    door.”   S.J.A. 79.   The court explained to Smith’s counsel, “I
    haven’t heard the testimony yet.     But be forewarned.   It makes
    sense to me.”   Id. at 80.
    Smith’s mother then testified as follows:
    Following the incident, . . . Makia cried
    every day. She held onto [her daughter] and
    continued to apologize to her for what had
    happened. You know, she was, “I’m sorry. I
    didn’t know that was going to happen.   I’m
    . . . .
    She didn’t eat, and at night she would just
    be up crying . . . in her room crying.
    . . . .
    Her eyes would practically close where she
    just continued to cry and be depressed and
    Id. at 83-84.     Later that day, just before Smith testified,
    Smith’s counsel reiterated at a bench conference that the prior
    arrests should not come in.   The district court explained,
    I have tremendous respect for [the judge who
    originally ruled on the motion in limine].
    He has not heard the evidence.     He didn’t
    hear the mother give overemotional testimony
    which     was     shaded    with     hearsay
    . . . .
    I am letting it in.    I think it goes to
    whether or not she really suffered pain and
    suffering from this incident.                 So     I’m
    letting it in for that reason.
    Id. at 87.   The court added, “I think [the original judge] is
    right, you don’t attack somebody’s credibility by an arrest and
    not a conviction, but I’m letting it in.”        Id.
    During       Appellant’s   testimony   that       same     day,   the
    following exchange took place:
    [SMITH]: Every time I see a officer now, I
    immediately tense up.    I remember once my
    taillight was out and I got pulled over, I
    was like extremely scared. Every time I see
    anything that goes on on TV, I kind of get
    upset because I really trusted in the
    officers.   I was raised to respect officers
    and that they were people that should be
    respected, and I kind of was let down.
    BY [Smith’s counsel]:
    Q. Had you ever had an interaction like this
    with an officer before?
    A. No.
    Q. Not   just  the   Baltimore         City       Police
    Department, but anywhere?
    A. No.
    Q. What you just described, the problems you
    had, do you still have those problems?
    A. Most definitely.
    J.A. 118 (emphasis supplied).
    *            *         *             *
    Then,        during   cross-examination,          the      following
    testimony occurred:
    BY [BCPD’s counsel]:
    Q. Ma’am, you said you were traumatized by
    this event; is that correct?
    A. I think anybody would be.
    Q. Okay.   And you also testified that you
    were brought up to have respect for police
    and now you feel a little different; is that
    A. I don’t   feel that they shouldn’t be
    respected.   I feel like I was let down by
    Q. You   also  remember  when   I  had   an
    opportunity to speak to you in my office, I
    asked you, I said this wasn’t your first
    rodeo, was it?
    [Smith’s counsel]: Objection.
    THE COURT: Let me tell you, it’s important
    -- I think I know where [BCPD’s counsel] is
    going, and I’m overruling the objection,
    which is understandable.
    If the plaintiff -- am I right, the rodeo
    means arrest?
    [BCPD’s   counsel]: That’s      correct,   Your
    THE COURT: If the plaintiff was arrested and
    the charges were dismissed, which is, I
    think, what happened, you can’t use an
    arrest,   and   it’s   essential  that   you
    understand that.    You cannot use the mere
    fact of an arrest to judge the plaintiff’s
    credibility. That is absolutely essential.
    Rightly   or  wrongly,   having  heard   the
    testimony, I think that since the plaintiff
    says this has had such an effect on her that
    the fact of the arrest may be relevant to
    the amount of damages, if any, that she
    suffered. So that I’m letting it in.
    But   please   understand   that  you  cannot
    consider an arrest to judge the plaintiff’s
    credibility.    That’s absolutely against the
    rules, and it’s a good rule, because they
    haven’t -- you know, there hasn’t been a
    trial.    And there’s an objection to this,
    and that’s understandable.
    . . . .
    [Smith’s counsel]: And in addition to the
    prior ruling from [the original judge] that
    you --
    THE COURT: [He] made his ruling, but [he]
    hadn’t heard the testimony.
    [Smith’s counsel]: Okay.
    . . . .
    BY [BCPD’s counsel]:
    Q. When you were in my office, I asked you,
    I said this wasn’t your first rodeo, was it?
    . . . .
    [SMITH]: Yes, I have been arrested before.
    Q. Right. And, matter of fact, when I asked
    you how many times, you said, “Two.   No, I
    think three”; correct?
    A. I think so.
    J.A. 133-35.
    *       *          *        *
    Appellees did not ask any further questions about the
    prior arrests.     But on redirect examination, Smith’s counsel
    asked about the nature of the prior arrests.       As to the first
    (second degree assault), Smith explained the father of her child
    sent his girlfriend “to beat [her] up,” and she merely defended
    herself.       J.A. 136.      The second (fleeing and eluding) occurred
    when an officer tried to her pull her over, and she kept driving
    to pull into a lit area, rather than a dark area.                   The officer
    arrested her, but when she explained herself, he apologized.
    Finally, as to the third arrest (second degree assault), the
    father of her child showed up in the middle of the night and
    dragged her baby out of the house in her car seat, threw her out
    into the grass, and “tousl[ed]” Appellant around, and again,
    Appellant defended herself.            Id.
    The   jury   returned    a    verdict   in   favor   of   Officers
    Church and Campbell on all counts on March 30, 2015. 5                   Appellant
    moved    for    a    new   trial,   raising    an   unrelated   issue,    but   her
    request was denied.           She then filed this appeal, raising only
    one issue: whether the district court committed reversible error
    in admitting evidence of Appellant’s prior arrests.
    We review the district court’s evidentiary decisions
    for abuse of discretion.            See United States v. Lighty, 
    616 F.3d 321
    , 351 (4th Cir. 2010).              An abuse of discretion occurs only
    5 The district court later entered judgment in favor of BCPD
    and Batts pursuant to City of Los Angeles v. Heller, 
    475 U.S. 796
    , 799 (1986) (holding that where no underlying constitutional
    violation occurred, the city cannot be liable under Monell).
    See Order, Smith v. Baltimore City Police Dep’t, No. 1:13-cv-
    1352 (D. Md. June 17, 2015), ECF No. 165.
    when the district court acts “arbitrarily or irrationally” in
    admitting evidence.          United States v. Benkahla, 
    530 F.3d 300
    309 (4th Cir. 2008) (internal quotation marks omitted).                        Such
    evidentiary rulings are, however, “subject . . . to harmless
    error review.”       United States v. Johnson, 
    587 F.3d 625
    , 637 (4th
    Cir. 2009).         “Where error is founded on a violation of Rule
    404(b), the test for harmlessness is whether we can say with
    fair   assurance,      after    pondering      all    that     happened     without
    stripping the erroneous action from the whole, that the judgment
    was not substantially swayed by the error.”                    United States v.
    38 F.3d 747
    , 753 (4th Cir. 1994) (internal quotation
    marks omitted).
    This appeal turns on whether the fact that Smith was
    arrested three times before -- with no evidence that her prior
    arrests involved a struggle of any kind with police and with no
    convictions stemming from the arrests -- makes it more or less
    probable     that   she    suffered   emotional      damages    in    the   case   at
    hand, where the police allegedly cursed at her, beat her, and
    threatened to turn her child over to Child Protective Services.
    We   think   not,    and   indeed,    the    admission   of    that    fact   could
    easily have tipped the scales in what the district court itself
    called “a tough case” that boiled down to a classic he-said,
    she-said dispute.         J.A. 158.
    Federal          Rule     of     Evidence        404(b)         prohibits      the
    admission of “[e]vidence of a crime, wrong, or other act . . .
    to   prove   a    person’s          character       in    order    to    show     that    on   a
    particular       occasion      the     person       acted    in    accordance      with     the
    character.”        Fed. R. Evid. 404(b)(1).                    Prior act evidence is
    admissible,       however,       to    prove        “motive,       opportunity,      intent,
    preparation, plan, knowledge, identity, absence of mistake, or
    lack of accident.”            Fed. R. Evid. 404(b)(2).
    We utilize a four-part test to assess admissibility of
    prior-act evidence: “(1) the prior-act evidence must be relevant
    to an issue other than character, such as intent; (2) it must be
    necessary to prove an element of the [claim]; (3) it must be
    reliable; and (4) its probative value must not be substantially
    outweighed by its prejudicial nature.”                       United States v. Garcia-
    Lagunas, --- F.3d ---, 
    2016 WL 4547206
    , at *9 (4th Cir. Sept. 1,
    2016) (alteration and internal quotation marks omitted).                                 In her
    opening      brief,       Smith        only     questions          the       relevance      and
    prejudicial       nature       of     the    prior       arrests,       so   we   limit     our
    discussion to those two issues.
    It    is    well       established       that    “a    witness,      whether      a
    party   or   not,       may    not    be     asked       questions      as   to   irrelevant
    matters      on   cross-examination        for     the    purpose        of    .    .    .
    discrediting [her].”          United States v. Chase, 
    372 F.2d 453
    , 463
    (4th Cir. 1967).         Generally, “[r]elevant evidence is admissible”
    unless otherwise prohibited by the Constitution, the Rules of
    Evidence, statutes, or other rules prescribed by the Supreme
    Court.      Fed. R. Evid. 402.          Evidence is relevant if “it has any
    tendency to make a fact more or less probable than it would be
    without     the    evidence,”     and    “the    fact    is     of    consequence       in
    determining the action.”          Fed. R. Evid. 401(a), (b).
    Under Rule 404(b), “admission of evidence of other bad
    acts to assist the jury in measuring the extent of damages is a
    legitimate, non-character-based use of such evidence.”                             Udemba
    v. Nicoli, 
    237 F.3d 8
    , 15 (1st Cir. 2001) (citing Lewis v. Dist.
    of   Columbia,     
    793 F.2d 361
    ,   363    (D.C.    Cir.        1986))   (emphasis
    supplied).        But that evidence still must have “probative value
    on the question of . . . damages” in the case at hand.                             Nelson
    v.   City    of    Chicago,      
    810 F.3d 1061
    ,    1069    (7th     Cir.      2016)
    (internal quotation marks omitted).
    In Nelson, the plaintiff, Larry Nelson, sued officers
    and the City of Chicago pursuant to § 1983 when Chicago police
    officers pulled him over, pointed a gun at him, threatened to
    kill him, and searched his car for no apparent reason.                                  See
    Nelson, 810 F.3d at 1064.              At trial, the district court allowed
    defense     counsel      to   introduce    Nelson’s      arrest        record,     which
    included nine arrests between 1983 and 1999 and one in 2005.
    See id. at 1066.
    Nelson    moved       in   limine         to   exclude    the   evidence      of
    prior    arrests,    but     then      he    testified        about     his     emotional
    distress during the traffic stop, explaining, “I was terrified,
    humiliated . . .         I feared for my life.”                    Nelson, 810 F.3d at
    1067.      The   court     then    granted        defense     counsel’s        request   to
    introduce the prior arrest evidence, but explained it could only
    come in for impeachment purposes and “on the theory that some of
    [Nelson’s] fear of the police may have been attributable to his
    earlier arrests.”        Id. at 1067-68.               The district court gave no
    limiting    instruction,      although           it    prohibited      mention    of     the
    evidence in closing argument.                The jury returned a verdict in
    favor of the police.        See id. at 1065-66.
    The Seventh Circuit found reversible error.                         First, it
    concluded the evidence was not relevant.                      The theories that his
    arrest history “mitigated his fear during the traffic stop” or
    “augmented it,” were “tenuous at best,” and the arrest history
    had “miniscule probative value on the question of his damages.”
    Nelson, 810 F.3d at 1068-69 (emphases in original) (internal
    quotation marks omitted).              Indeed, “the arrests were distant in
    time,”   and     “Nelson    carefully        limited         his     claimed    emotional
    injury to the fear he felt during the 30 minutes of the traffic
    stop itself.”        Id. at 1069; see also id. (“Although [Nelson]
    said he remained angry about the incident despite the passage of
    time, he never claimed that the experience left him fearful of
    the   police    more       generally.”).        The       court    also      warned      that
    allowing such evidence in § 1983 cases “would seemingly permit
    any civil-rights plaintiff’s criminal history to come in on the
    issue of emotional-distress damages, no matter how tenuous a
    connection     the     evidence    has   to     the   issue       of    damages     or   how
    central a role emotional distress plays during the plaintiff’s
    case.”    Id. (quoting Barber v. City of Chicago, 
    725 F.3d 702
    715 (7th Cir. 2013)).
    The court then decided the error was not harmless:
    “The jury heard that Nelson had been arrested numerous times,
    making him appear particularly unsympathetic.                          The trial turned
    entirely on his credibility, so the harm caused by improperly
    admitting       this        damaging      evidence          would        naturally        be
    substantial.”          Nelson,     810   F.3d    at       1070.        And   even   though
    defense counsel only asked one question and elicited only the
    fact of the prior arrests, the court explained, “[T]hat single
    question was especially damning, referring to ‘numerous’ prior
    arrests.”      Id.
    Some       decisions       involving      prior       arrests      allegedly
    bearing on damages, however, have gone the other way.                                    See,
    e.g.,    Udemba,     
    237 F.3d at 15
        (in    §    1983    appeal,     affirming
    district court’s finding that evidence of subsequent arrest was
    relevant to a contested issue in the case -- the extent of
    damages attributable to emotional distress); Karnes v. Skrutski,
    62 F.3d 485
    , 500 (3d Cir. 1995) (finding no abuse of discretion
    in admitting evidence of prior arrest in § 1983 action where
    plaintiff contended that the underlying incident diminished his
    respect for police and, thus, caused him damage), abrogated on
    other grounds as recognized in Curley v. Klem, 
    499 F.3d 199
    Cir.    2007);       Montoya    v.      Sheldon,      
    898 F. Supp. 2d 1259
    ,      1273
    (D.N.M.    2012)      (allowing         evidence      of    prior    arrests     in    §    1983
    action,     explaining          they        “are      relevant      to     the      issue     of
    [plaintiff’s] emotional distress damages, because the amount of
    times    and    the    manner      in    which       [plaintiff]     had     been     arrested
    . . .     makes      more     or     less     probable       the     Defendants’       arrest
    emotionally distressed him”).
    Considering Smith’s argument “with meticulous regard
    to the facts of [her] case,” United States v. Hernandez, 
    975 F.2d 1035
    ,     1040      (4th     Cir.     1992)        (internal       quotation       marks
    omitted), we find this case on par with Nelson, and we find the
    reasoning of Nelson to be sound.                        Like Nelson, Smith did not
    claim     damages      because       she     is      now    more     fearful     of     police
    generally; in fact, her testimony at trial was that she felt
    “let    down    by    them”    but      still      thought    they     deserved       respect.
    J.A. 133.        Rather, in her Amended Complaint she claims damages
    for the allegedly unlawful arrest and use of excessive force
    that occurred on March 8, 2012, and emotional damages stemming
    from   that    encounter.          See       id.    at     37    (claiming     damages      for
    “emotional trauma, humiliation, distress . . . suffered from the
    acts of the Defendants” (emphasis supplied)).
    Appellees’ relevance argument also falls apart given
    the backdrop of Smith’s testimony.                           First of all, on direct
    examination, Smith clearly testified she had “[n]ever had an
    interaction        like    this    with       an     officer        before.”        J.A.    118
    (emphasis      supplied).           Rather          than     try     and   disprove        this
    testimony, defense counsel pointedly asked Smith if this was her
    “first     rodeo,”    J.A.    133,       a    question       that    Baltimore      City    Law
    Department’s own appellate counsel admitted was “a very poor way
    of   asking    her    whether       she       had     been      arrested   before,”        Oral
    Argument at 19:01, Smith v. Baltimore City Police Dep’t, No. 15-
    1604   (4th    Cir.       Sept.    20,       2016),
    oral-argument/listen-to-oral-arguments.                             This   is       a      clear
    indication that the evidence was being used to show character
    and propensity, rather than to demonstrate the extent of her
    Perhaps most damning to Appellees’ position, however,
    is not what defense counsel said, but what he failed to say.
    Appellees made no record of -- and the district court did not
    inquire -- whether these prior arrests were of a similar nature
    to   the    case     at    hand.         “There       is,       after   all,    a   material
    difference       between     being      arrested     and     being     subjected       to
    excessive force in the course of that arrest.”                       Sanchez v. City
    of Chicago, 
    700 F.3d 919
    , 931 (7th Cir. 2012).                       And by eliciting
    the mere fact of Smith’s three prior arrests with no further
    details,     the    jurors       were    permitted     to    fill      in     the     gaps
    themselves and let their imaginations run wild.
    In sum, the district court did not determine whether
    the three prior arrests involved conduct remotely similar to the
    arrest in this case; Smith is claiming damages specifically for
    the alleged conduct of the March 8, 2012 arrest; and defense
    counsel’s    questioning         reveals    the     evidence    was     admitted      for
    purposes    of     credibility,      propensity,      and    character       of     Smith.
    Therefore, based on this record, the evidence was irrelevant to
    damages,     and    the    district       court     abused     its     discretion      in
    admitting it.
    Even     if    the    prior     arrests     possessed       a     trace     of
    probative value, we find the risk of prejudice from the mention
    of the prior arrests to be “enormous.”                       Nelson, 810 F.3d at
    1069.   For one thing, it is common sense that “evidence of prior
    arrests . . . generally impugns character.”                      Id.        And “[i]t’s
    doubtful that the jury drew the distinction between an arrest
    and a legal finding of wrongdoing[.]”                Id.
    Of course, prejudice may be mitigated by “carefully
    framed” limiting instructions regarding “proper consideration of
    [the] evidence.”     United States v. Lespier, 
    725 F.3d 437
    , 448
    (4th Cir. 2013); see also Sanchez, 700 F.3d at 932 (assuming
    error occurred with admission of statement that § 1983 plaintiff
    had been arrested “several” times in the past, finding no harm
    where court “gave a limiting instruction admonishing the jury
    that it was to consider this evidence only insofar as it shed
    light on the extent of any emotional harm he experienced”).           But
    assuming limiting instructions in this type of case are even
    effective, 6 here, we cannot say the instructions were carefully
    framed   or   sufficiently   explained    how   the   jury   should   have
    properly considered the evidence.        Rather, they afforded “meager
    protection” at best.     United States v. Johnson, 
    617 F.3d 286
    297 (4th Cir. 2010).
    The court gave the following instructions to the jury
    during Smith’s testimony:
    If the plaintiff was arrested and the
    charges were dismissed, which is, I think,
    what happened, you can’t use an arrest, and
    it’s essential that you understand that.
    6 Cf. United States v. Jones, 
    455 F.3d 800
    , 811 (7th Cir.
    2006) (Easterbrook, J., concurring) (“Telling juries not to
    infer from the defendant’s criminal record that someone who
    violated the law once is likely to do so again is like telling
    jurors to ignore the pink rhinoceros that just sauntered into
    the courtroom.”).
    You cannot use the mere fact of an arrest to
    judge the plaintiff’s credibility.   That is
    absolutely essential.
    Rightly   or  wrongly,   having  heard   the
    testimony, I think that since the plaintiff
    says this has had such an effect on her that
    the fact of the arrest may be relevant to
    the amount of damages, if any, that she
    suffered. So that I’m letting it in.
    But   please  understand   that  you  cannot
    consider an arrest to judge the plaintiff’s
    credibility.   That’s absolutely against the
    rules, and it’s a good rule, because they
    haven’t -- you know, there hasn’t been a
    J.A. 134-35. 7         This was the universe of the instruction, since
    the district court did not give a limiting instruction in the
    jury       charge   before     deliberations.       The    court    mentioned   only
    credibility         and    nothing    about    “character,”        which   is   also
    forbidden use of the evidence and is listed in the text of Rule
    404(b)       itself,      or   “propensity    to   break   the     law,”   which   is
    prohibited under our case law, and which became a central issue
    in this trial.            United States v. Young, 
    248 F.3d 260
    , 271 (4th
    Cir. 2001).         And while the court instructed the jury to consider
    the testimony on the issue of damages, it did not confine the
    Appellees claim Smith did not properly object to the
    limiting instruction.     However, directly after the district
    court gave the instructions above, Smith’s counsel noted his
    “continuing objection,” to which the district court responded,
    “Oh, you have an absolutely continuing objection.”      J.A. 134.
    We find this sufficient to preserve the argument for our review.
    jury’s consideration to that issue.               Thus, prejudice in this
    case far outweighed any perceived probative value of the three
    Having found error, we must now consider whether it is
    harmless, i.e., “whether we can say with fair assurance, after
    pondering   all   that    happened    without     stripping    the   erroneous
    action from the whole, that the judgment was not substantially
    swayed by the error.”       United States v. Madden, 
    38 F.3d 747
    , 753
    (4th Cir. 1994) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    We cannot say with fair assurance the judgment was not
    substantially swayed by the admission of Smith’s prior arrests.
    Smith’s and Officer Church’s accounts of their interaction were
    extremely    different.         The        main    issues     in     the   case
    -- who assaulted whom, whether probable cause to arrest existed,
    whether the force used by Officer Church was justified -- hinged
    on which witness the jury believed, making the trial a classic
    he-said, she-said dispute.        The district court itself admitted
    this was a “tough case.”        J.A. 158.         Thus, the jury’s view of
    Smith’s credibility and character was necessarily central to its
    Once the jury heard the evidence, it is reasonable
    that they assumed “where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”                 Nelson,
    810 F.3d at 1069.        And again, the limiting instructions in this
    case failed to mitigate the prejudice naturally flowing from
    this questioning.       Cf. Barber, 725 F.3d at 717 (“At some point
    judicial   presumptions      must   give       way   to   commonsense,     and   the
    formulaic recitation of a pro forma limiting instruction may not
    suffice to cure an error as it may fail to instruct the jury
    meaningfully     as    to   what    it    legitimately       may    do    with   the
    evidence.”).     Therefore,        the    error      in   this     case   was    not
    harmless and requires reversal.
    For   the    foregoing    reasons,        we   reverse   the    judgment
    below and remand for a new trial.