Madiagne Diop v. Loretta Lynch , 807 F.3d 70 ( 2015 )

  •                                 PUBLISHED
    No. 14-2115
    LORETTA E. LYNCH, Attorney General,
    On Petition for Review of an Order of the Board of Immigration
    Argued:   October 28, 2015                  Decided:   December 2, 2015
    Before WILKINSON, KEENAN, and THACKER, Circuit Judges.
    Petition for review denied by published opinion.       Judge
    Wilkinson wrote the opinion, in which Judge Keenan and Judge
    Thacker joined.
    Silver Spring, Maryland, for Petitioner.     Aaron David Nelson,
    Respondent.    ON BRIEF: Benjamin C. Mizer, Principal Deputy
    Assistant Attorney General, Civil Division, Greg D. Mack, Senior
    Litigation Counsel, Office of Immigration Litigation, UNITED
    STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, Washington, D.C., for Respondent.
    WILKINSON, Circuit Judge:
    Petitioner Madiagne Diop challenges here the decision by
    the immigration judge and Board of Immigration Appeals to deny
    him    a    continuance         or    administrative               closure    of    his       removal
    proceedings         so    he   could       receive       a    mental      health        evaluation.
    Because      the     immigration           judge       did    not     err    procedurally           or
    substantively in assessing Diop’s mental competency, we deny the
    petition for review.
    Diop is a native of Senegal. He was admitted to the United
    States as a temporary visitor under a B-2 visa on October 15,
    1997       and    granted       entry      only        until       April     14,        1998.      Diop
    overstayed        his     six-month        visa    and       has    resided    in       the     United
    States without legal immigration status for the past seventeen
    years.      On     January      14,    2012,       Diop       was    arrested       following        a
    psychotic        episode       at    his   workplace,          a    Bed    Bath     &    Beyond      in
    Rockville, Maryland. He was indicted on eleven counts, including
    assault,         sexual    assault,        and     resisting         arrest.       Based      on    his
    behavior at the time of arrest, Diop was transferred from police
    custody to a hospital for a psychological evaluation. He was
    diagnosed with psychosis and prescribed antipsychotic medication
    before returning to police custody.
    Diop   eventually        pled    guilty       to    three   counts     of   second-
    degree assault. He was sentenced to 120 days for each count. The
    court suspended all of his sentences and placed him on probation
    for three years. The Department of Homeland Security served Diop
    with a Notice to Appear on October 10, 2012. The Notice deemed
    Diop removable under 
    8 U.S.C. § 1227
    (a)(1)(B) as a nonimmigrant
    who   remained    in    the    United      States        longer   than    permitted    in
    violation of the Immigration and Nationality Act.
    During   his     removal      proceedings,          Diop    appeared    before    an
    immigration judge (IJ) in Baltimore, Maryland a total of five
    times between November 2012 and May 2013. At the November 28,
    2012 hearing, the IJ indicated that the court would evaluate
    Diop’s   mental   competency          when    it    reconvened      on    December     13,
    2012. The IJ questioned Diop at that hearing, leading to the
    following dialogue:
    IJ: And, Mr. Diop, I would like to just ask you a few
    questions. Your attorney said that she was about to
    communicate with you. Did you feel like you were able to
    have a meaningful conversation with her?
    Diop: I spoke to her on the phone.
    IJ: You did talk to her on the phone? Okay. All right, and
    are you having any trouble understanding me today?
    Diop: [Indiscernible]
    IJ: Okay.        Do     you   have      any    history       of    mental   health
    Diop: No.
    IJ: No? Okay. And do you understand why you are in these
    Diop: Not really.
    IJ: Okay. Okay, what do you understand the purpose of these
    hearings that you’ve been brought to be?
    Diop: Excuse me?
    IJ: What do you understand the purpose of these hearings?
    Diop: It’s about immigration, right?
    IJ: Yes, Okay, this is about immigration. And if you have
    anything that you . . . need to tell your attorney about
    your Immigration history or Immigration status, do you
    think you will be able to communicate with her and tell her
    what you need to tell her?
    Diop: Sure.
    IJ: Okay.
    Diop: Sometimes it’s hard. Where I’m at, I have to pay to
    use the phone and it costs like $20.
    IJ: Okay. Okay, but other than that, once you can get her
    on the phone do you feel like you can communicate with her
    about your situation?
    Diop: Yes.
    J.A.        143-45.    Based     on    this      exchange,     his     counsel’s
    representations, and the record as a whole, the IJ found Diop
    competent to participate in removal proceedings. At the next
    hearing     on     February    7,     2013,     Diop     admitted     all    factual
    allegations       against   him     and    conceded    that   he    was   removable.
    Diop’s counsel requested another continuance so that she could
    ask for prosecutorial discretion. When asked whether Diop would
    seek other forms of relief, counsel responded, “at this time . .
    . all I’m seeing immediately is that he might be eligible for a
    prosecutorial        discretion.”      J.A.      155.     The    IJ   granted        the
    On April 23, 2013, Diop moved to either administratively
    close or continue proceedings in order to await passage of an
    immigration reform bill in Congress. Diop argued that the law
    would grant him legal status despite his prior convictions. The
    IJ refused to continue the case pending legislation that “has
    not been enacted and likely would not be enacted in its current
    form.” J.A. 124. She granted Diop voluntary departure, or in the
    alternative, ordered his removal.
    Diop filed an appeal to the Board of Immigration Appeals
    (BIA)    on   June    6,     2013,    arguing     that    the    IJ       should    have
    administratively closed or continued the case in order to allow
    Diop to receive a psychological evaluation. To contest the IJ’s
    finding of competency, Diop put forth mental health records from
    immediately    after       his   arrest    on   January    14,   2012.      Diop    also
    posited that a mental health assessment would have given him the
    opportunity     to    advance,       for   the    first    time,      a     claim    for
    withholding of removal on account of his mental incompetency.
    The BIA found no clear error in the IJ’s determination that
    Diop    was   competent      to    proceed.      The    Board    noted      that    Diop
    testified to no prior history of mental health problems and had
    demonstrated his ability to communicate with counsel. The BIA
    discounted the assessment taken directly after Diop’s psychotic
    episode   as   merely    a     reflection      of    his    mental   state    at    that
    moment and relied instead on his more recent favorable mental
    health records. Diop’s withholding claim was rejected because he
    had failed to raise it before the IJ. The BIA affirmed the order
    of removal, and this petition for review followed.
    Petitioner challenges his removal order on a single basis:
    that the IJ should have continued or administratively closed the
    removal proceedings to allow Diop to receive a mental health
    evaluation. He claims that the IJ’s refusal to do so violated
    due process. Respondents in removal proceedings are entitled to
    procedural     due    process.    Reno     v.   Flores,       
    507 U.S. 292
    ,   306
    (1993). To establish a due process violation, the respondent
    must prove both “that the defect in the proceeding rendered it
    fundamentally        unfair”    and   “that         the    defect    prejudiced      the
    outcome of the case.” Anim v. Mukasey, 
    535 F.3d 243
    , 256 (4th
    Cir. 2008).
    The IJ denied Diop an independent psychological evaluation
    because she deemed him competent to proceed. Competency has long
    been considered an issue of fact. See Thompson v. Keohane, 
    516 U.S. 99
    , 111 (1995). The IJ’s factual finding of competency is
    reviewed under the substantial evidence standard and treated as
    conclusive     unless    the    evidence      presented       “was   such    that    any
    reasonable adjudicator would have been compelled to conclude to
    the contrary.” Haoua v. Gonzalez, 
    472 F.3d 227
    , 231 (4th Cir.
    The   BIA    established         in     Matter     of    M-A-M       the       process    for
    addressing mental competency in removal proceedings. 
    25 I&N Dec. 474
     (BIA 2011). Inherent in this process is a high degree of
    flexibility and discretion for the fact-finder to tailor his
    approach    to    the     case   at     hand.         First,   the    IJ     starts        with    a
    presumption of competence. 
    Id. at 477
     (citations omitted). If he
    finds no indicia of incompetency, the inquiry is at an end. 
    (citations omitted). The test for competency utilized by the BIA
    has three components: whether the respondent (1) “has a rational
    and   factual      understanding            of   the     nature      and    object         of   the
    proceedings,”        (2)        “can        consult       with       the         attorney         or
    representative       if    there       is    one,”      and    (3)    “has       a    reasonable
    opportunity to examine and present evidence and cross-examine
    Id. at 479
    . In applying this test, the IJ may draw
    on a “wide variety of observations and evidence,” including his
    perception of the respondent’s behavior and medical records or
    psychological assessments. 
    Where      there    are    indicia         of    incompetency,         the      IJ   should
    “take measures to determine whether a respondent is competent to
    participate in proceedings.” 
    Id. at 480
    . Here, the Board notes,
    “the approach taken in any particular case will vary based on
    the   circumstances.”          
        The       Board    offers     some      examples    of
    measures the IJ could take, such as questioning the respondent
    about his state of mind and medical history or, if the matter
    remains in doubt, requesting a mental health evaluation. 
    Id. at 480-81
    . In a recent decision, the BIA further clarified that
    neither party bears the burden of proof at this stage; rather,
    the   IJ    should      determine     by    a       preponderance      of    the    evidence
    whether the respondent is competent. Matter of J-S-S, 
    26 I&N Dec. 679
    , 683 (BIA 2015); M-A-M, 25 I&N Dec. at 481.
    The upshot of the foregoing discussion should be clear. The
    BIA does not tie the fact-finder to a list where one unchecked
    item could invalidate an otherwise fair removal proceeding. The
    Board has avoided requiring IJ’s to ask any particular question,
    request     any     particular       evaluation,         or    adopt    any     particular
    safeguard.        It    opts   instead          for     an    adaptable       case-by-case
    approach. By contrast, petitioner here is bent on contorting
    every “may” into “must,” every issue of fact into a question of
    law, every illustrative guide into a binding directive.
    Petitioner’s position ignores the Supreme Court’s language:
    competency “depends heavily on the trial court’s appraisal of
    witness credibility and demeanor.” Thompson, 
    516 U.S. at 111
    . In
    other      words,      competency     is        an    issue    that     highlights       the
    institutional          constraints    on    appellate         courts:       “Face   to   face
    with living witnesses the original trier of the facts holds a
    position of advantage from which appellate judges are excluded.”
    Maggio v. Fulfold, 
    462 U.S. 111
    , 118 (1983) (citation omitted).
    In   removal        proceedings     specifically,      competency     turns   on   a
    credibility determination: the IJ must decide whether someone is
    honestly failing to understand the proceedings or is instead
    putting on an act. E.g., Munoz-Monsalve v. Mukasey, 
    551 F.3d 1
    7 (1st Cir. 2008) (noting that “stumbl[es]” and “glitches” in
    respondent’s exchange with the IJ “are more consistent with a
    prevaricating petitioner than with a mentally incompetent one”).
    Drawing that distinction requires the IJ to scrutinize facial
    expressions, eye contact, tone of voice, body language -- all
    those      little    details      that   a   dry    transcript   cannot   hope     to
    Ultimately, assessing the competency of individuals subject
    to removal comes down to a balance between competing interests.
    On   the    one     hand,   for   someone    navigating    an    unfamiliar   legal
    system      while     facing      the    daunting    prospect    of   deportation,
    procedural due process is a much-needed protection. See Rusu v.
    United States Immigration & Naturalization Serv., 
    296 F.3d 316
    320-22 (4th Cir. 2002). To order the removal of someone unable
    to participate meaningfully in his or her removal proceedings
    would make the whole process a charade. 1 On the other hand,
    requests for continuances and medical evaluations can quickly
    become a strategy of delay, delay, and more delay. Diop, for
    instance, appeared in front of the IJ five separate times and
    seized upon every conceivable basis to postpone his case. To
    string out the proceedings on flimsy grounds risks prolonging
    the stay of those who have no lawful basis for remaining in this
    There is no question that the IJ in this case struck the
    right balance by refusing Diop’s request for a separate mental
    health evaluation. Petitioner’s due process argument falters at
    the   initial     stage    of    the   M-A-M    analysis:     there   were    no
    sufficient indicia of Diop’s incompetency. “Mental competency is
    not a static condition”; what matters is respondent’s mental
    state at the time of the removal proceedings. M-A-M, 
    25 I&N Dec. 474
       at   480.   The     only   evidence      that   even   comes    close   to
    suggesting      incompetency      is    the     above-noted     psychological
    1In the removal context, for example, courts have required
    safeguards   to   ensure   meaningful  participation   if   such
    participation is in doubt. M-A-M, 
    25 I&N Dec. 474
     at 481-83
    (summarizing cases); accord 8 U.S.C. § 1229a(b)(3). Appropriate
    safeguards include having the IJ actively aid in developing the
    record or allowing a family member or guardian to assist the
    respondent. Id. at 483. Because Diop was properly deemed
    competent, however, the question of appropriate safeguards is
    not one we need address.
    assessment of Diop taken mere days after his arrest. While past
    mental history can certainly bear on competency, it is by no
    means dispositive. See id. at 479. In this case, Diop denied any
    history of mental health troubles, while his counsel had “no
    reason to believe” that he suffered from “an ongoing medical
    problem.” J.A. 137. In that context, a single snapshot of mental
    health concerns taken ten months earlier can hardly represent
    Diop’s state of mind when he arrived in immigration court.
    Diop tried to prove this very point. In arguing before the
    IJ for yet another continuance, he sought to portray his violent
    behavior as an aberrant and isolated psychotic outburst brought
    on by “lack of sleep.” J.A. 179. The strategy at that time
    apparently was to demonstrate that his stable and non-violent
    nature warranted a continued stay in the United States. Diop
    submitted to the IJ mental health assessments conducted closer
    in time to the removal proceedings, all of which indicated he
    had   been   “cooperative    with    treatment,”    found   “no     psychiatric
    concerns” whatsoever, and recommended no further treatment or
    medication. J.A. 171-72. By Diop’s own evidence then, he was
    competent by the time he appeared before the IJ. Petitioner is
    thus caught in a trap of his own design: he claimed a stable
    condition before the IJ to stall for more time and incompetency
    before   the   BIA   to   secure    reversal   of   his   removal    order.   We
    cannot credit a strategy that uses competency as a delay tactic
    rather than a genuine defense.
    Erring      on   the    side        of   caution,      the    IJ    nonetheless       took
    appropriate measures to assess Diop’s competency by holding a
    separate      hearing     and       inquiring          specifically        about    his   mental
    health and ability to communicate with counsel. Her exchange
    with   Diop       provided     ample        basis      for   a    finding    of     competency.
    Petitioner voiced no psychological concerns, understood that the
    proceedings related to his immigration status, and raised only
    one objection, which focused on the cost of making phone calls
    to his attorney.
    The    Supreme     Court       has       cautioned        against    flyspecking       the
    IJ’s questions or quibbling with the quality of respondent’s
    answers. In determining competency, fact-finders cannot look to
    “fixed or immutable signs which invariably indicate the need for
    further inquiry”; instead they have to rely on a “wide range of
    manifestations and subtle nuances.” Drope v. Missouri, 
    420 U.S. 162
    ,   180     (1975).        The     IJ    did     what     she    deemed       necessary     to
    ascertain Diop’s competency in full compliance with M-A-M. This
    was    not    a    case       where    the        IJ    sacrificed         due     process    for
    expediency. Far from it. Diop received one continuance after
    another -- to prepare his case, to consult with counsel, to
    request prosecutorial discretion, to receive a hearing on his
    mental competency. There being no defect in these proceedings,
    we need not reach the question of prejudice. 2 The petition for
    review is hereby denied.
    2   We also decline to consider petitioner’s argument
    regarding withholding of removal. The BIA found that Diop failed
    to raise his withholding claim before the IJ and failed to
    submit the relevant application for relief or show prima facie
    eligibility for relief in his appeal to the BIA. The Board did
    not err in refusing to remand the case to permit him to apply
    for withholding.