United States v. Wells ( 1998 )

    v.                                                                      No. 97-4765
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of North Carolina, at Raleigh.
    W. Earl Britt, Senior District Judge.
    Argued: September 25, 1998
    Decided: December 31, 1998
    Before MURNAGHAN, WILKINS, and LUTTIG, Circuit Judges.
    Affirmed in part and reversed in part by published opinion. Judge
    Murnaghan wrote the opinion, in which Judge Wilkins and Judge Lut-
    tig joined.
    ARGUED: Charles Theophilus Francis, WOOD & FRANCIS,
    P.L.L.C., Raleigh, North Carolina, for Appellant. Anne Margaret
    Hayes, Assistant United States Attorney, Raleigh, North Carolina, for
    Appellee. ON BRIEF: Janice McKenzie Cole, United States Attor-
    ney, Raleigh, North Carolina, for Appellee.
    MURNAGHAN, Circuit Judge:
    The instant case is an appeal by James Vincent Wells, who was
    convicted of all twelve counts of an indictment in relation to mail
    fraud, bank fraud, interference with Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
    officials and interstate transportation of stolen property. In addition,
    the district court departed upward from the sentencing guidelines
    because it found that Wells participated in terrorism as defined in 
    18 U.S.C. § 2331
    . Wells has alleged several errors, including the
    improper admission of prior bad acts testimony, insufficient evidence
    to support the verdict, the basis of the upward departure, and the cal-
    culation of the amount of loss resulting from his conduct.
    The record below provides us with the following factual back-
    The government introduced evidence showing that between 1988
    and 1993, Wells engaged in a large tobacco fraud conspiracy. The
    IRS conducted an audit of Wells and concluded that he had a substan-
    tial tax liability resulting from the unreported proceeds of the fraud.
    Thus, the IRS issued an assessment against Wells for approximately
    $1.8 million, and assigned to revenue officer Priscilla Smith the
    enforcement responsibilities. In October and November 1993, reve-
    nue officers Smith and Teresa Varnell issued tax liens on several
    properties that Wells either owned or controlled.
    In November 1995, Wells and parties close to him began to send
    Smith and Varnell a series of documents relating to their enforcement
    efforts in connection with Wells' IRS assessment. On November 11,
    1995, revenue officer Smith received a document captioned "Non-
    Statutory Abatement" from Wells' daughter, Doris Brantley, in
    response to Smith's attempt to schedule an appointment with Brantley
    to discuss the status of some real property believed to be owned or
    controlled by Wells. The Non-Statutory Abatement alleged that
    Smith's contact with Wells had been illegal, and it threatened Smith
    with civil and criminal liability. The envelope in which it arrived bore
    Russell Dean Landers' return address.
    On December 20 and 21, 1995, revenue officers Varnell and Smith,
    respectively, each received an "affidavit" and a "claim and demand
    letter" from Wells, himself. The letters discussed the dollar figure of
    the IRS jeopardy assessment. The accompanying affidavits threatened
    action against the officers and threatened liability of $1 million in
    pure silver if the revenue officers did not release IRS tax liens filed
    against property associated with Wells.
    On January 5, 1996, Wells, Landers, and others attended a two day
    seminar presented by the Freemen, including Leroy Schweitzer. A
    portion of the seminar focused on the use of instruments known as
    comptroller warrants. Comptroller warrants are fraudulent financial
    instruments that, to some extent, look like legitimate financial
    Timothy Healy, an FBI Special Agent who infiltrated the Freemen
    organization, testified that Schweitzer warned class members that
    they could be arrested if they used the comptroller warrants, and that
    they should use a compilation of documents called"proof packs" to
    establish lack of fraudulent intent. Virtually none of the warrants were
    being accepted.2
    Persons attending a Freemen conference could acquire as many as
    five comptroller warrants for $100; additional comptroller warrants
    cost the purchaser $100 each. Wells acquired several warrants during
    his stay in Montana, some of which had face values as high as $3.7
    million. Each was issued jointly to Wells and a third party payee.
    During November and December 1995, Wells told associates that he
    could arrange loans for them. He then created lists of those to whom
    he would negotiate the warrants, which included the acquaintances as
    well as his creditors. Schweitzer's usual practice was to send Wells
    comptroller warrants whose face values were twice the amount
    1 Evidence was introduced tending to show that some of the banks had
    difficulty determining that the documents were fraudulent.
    2 There was evidence that two of the warrants were accepted by banks.
    Soon after Wells returned to North Carolina, he distributed several
    of the warrants to acquire money. Testimonial evidence established
    that Wells distributed the following warrants in January, 1996, alone:
    on January 7, to Eastern Auto Sales for $155,704.00; on January 9,
    to Royster-Clark Corp. for $1,400,060.00 and to G.R.M. Enterprises
    for $770,000.00; on January 10, to Taylor Construction Co. for
    $433,478.00, to Heritage Bank for $7,778.14, to Simba Tech Auto
    Sales for $424,000.00, and to Travelinks for $384,000.00; on January
    11, to the Internal Revenue Service for $3,705,858.00,3 and to Cen-
    tura Bank for $9,898.24; and on January 26, to Centura Bank for
    Wells sent cover letters along with the warrants to notify creditors
    that the warrants were intended to satisfy debts owed to them. Any
    additional funds were to be refunded to Wells. According to the let-
    ters, failure to refund excess amounts would constitute "criminal con-
    version" and trigger the obligation to pay high interest rates.
    In January, 1996, Wells and Landers sent Officers Smith and Var-
    nell documents captioned as "true bills." The"true bills" alleged that
    the revenue officers had placed illegal restraints on Wells' property
    and directed them to sign the documents to acknowledge their liabil-
    ity. The documents further stated that failure to comply within 10
    days would result in the officers being held personally liable for $100
    million in "silver coins" to Wells. Liability was to extend for 99 years.
    Wells had begun hearing of rejections of the warrants before he
    had even distributed any of his own. In one instance, Landers had
    received notice from the Iowa Department of Human Services that it
    had rejected as invalid a comptroller warrant Landers had submitted
    to it. Landers responded to the rejection with a January 2, 1996, letter
    and provided a copy of his letter to Wells.
    When Wells began distributing his comptroller warrants, he also
    received notices of rejection from banks. On January 12, 1996, he
    received two rejections. The next day, Wells was notified by mail of
    a rejection. During the latter half of January, Wells received six more
    3 This warrant was sent to the IRS to satisfy the tax liabilities resulting
    from the tobacco fraud operation.
    rejections. He received still more rejections in February, including a
    rejection by the IRS.
    Prajesh Patel, one of Wells' business associates, had more success.
    On January 18, 1996, he successfully deposited the Travelinks comp-
    troller warrant as a result of the bank's errors. Wells often called Patel
    for information as to the status of that warrant, and was pleased that
    it was accepted.
    Officers Smith and Varnell were "summoned" to appear before
    "Our One Supreme Court" in late January, 1996. The summonses
    informed them that the "Court" had entered $100 million judgments
    against each revenue officer personally. The officers were further
    directed to appear before the Our One Supreme Court on a specific
    date. Wells signed the summons, indicating that he was the complain-
    ant and "justices" of the "court" also signed the summonses.
    The revenue officers later learned that the Our One Supreme Court
    was a tribunal associated with the Montana Freemen Organization
    that purported to hold trials, and enter judgments against private citi-
    zens and public officials. Smith also learned of plans by the Freemen
    to kidnap and kill a judge, and Varnell learned that the court had mar-
    shals upon whom they conferred powers of arrest. After learning
    those things, Smith and Varnell became afraid.
    Now that the Travel Links account was open, Wells ordered Patel
    to write a series of checks against the account on Wells' behalf. Patel
    followed Wells' order, writing six Travelinks checks that totaled over
    $85,000. Wells immediately used two of the checks to purchase a
    Chevrolet Suburban and a recreational vehicle (RV) on the same date.
    A third check was used to buy Russell Landers a computer.
    The Freemen conducted Smith and Varnell's hearing in their
    absence. Wells was present, and Landers presented Wells' case
    against the officers. After the hearing, Wells and others traveled to
    Montana in the Suburban and RV that had just been purchased. They
    brought the Suburban and RV to the Freemen compound on February
    2, 1996. During a February 3, 1996, telephone conversation with busi-
    ness associate Prajesh Patel, Wells stated that he intended to acquire
    several more Suburbans to give to the Freemen for their use in Mon-
    tana. Wells had a similar conversation with another acquaintance in
    North Carolina.
    The Freemen intended to use Suburban vehicles to arrest and exe-
    cute public officials in Jordan, Montana. Schweitzer wished to
    acquire approximately 20 Suburbans for this purpose. The FBI was
    concerned about Wells' arrival at the Freemen compound with the
    Suburban, because it placed the Freemen closer to their goal of being
    able to effect arrests.
    After returning to North Carolina, Wells presented a second comp-
    troller warrant with a face value of $254,000 to Patel, who had suc-
    cessfully negotiated a previous warrant. Patel was successful again,
    as bank errors permitted the warrant to be accepted on February 6.
    Wells was arrested on February 8, 1996. During the trial, the dis-
    trict court realized an error in Count Three. As the indictment had
    then read, Wells was charged under 
    18 U.S.C. § 1002
     with using a
    counterfeit document to defraud the government "for the purpose of
    enabling himself to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service . . . ."
    The statute actually reads "for the purpose of enabling another to
    obtain . . . ." 
    18 U.S.C. § 1002
    . (emphasis added). At the close of the
    evidence, the court amended the indictment to read correctly. Wells
    was convicted of all counts.
    At sentencing, the government's Motion for Upward Departure
    based on Wells' involvement with the terrorist activities of the Free-
    men was granted. The court also increased Wells' base offense level
    because it found that he was a leader or organizer of the offenses
    charged. Finally, the court increased Wells' offense level 15 levels
    because the presentence report had included in its calculation of the
    loss occasioned by Wells' conduct several signed, sealed, or stamped
    but undistributed comptroller warrants. The district court calculated
    the aggregate amount of the loss, including the warrants, at approxi-
    mately $17.4 million, which permitted the court to raise the base
    offense level 15 levels.
    Wells has appealed his conviction of Count Three because the
    count as read to the grand jury did not constitute a crime. The district
    court amended Count Three at the close of all of the evidence to
    reflect a criminal act. Both parties have agreed that this was plain
    error, and that Wells' conviction and sentence as to that count should
    be reversed.4
    I. Admission Of Evidence Relating To Wells' Prior Bad Acts
    A. Rule 404(b)
    Wells contends that the admission of evidence of his participation
    in a tobacco fraud and tax evasion scheme several years prior to the
    events giving rise to the charges in the instant case violated Rules
    404(b), 402 and 403 of the Federal Rules of Evidence. Rule 404(b)
    of the Federal Rules prohibits the admission of evidence relating to
    "other crimes, wrongs or acts" if the purpose of the admission is to
    prove that the person acted in conformity with his character. 
    ever, the evidence is admissible to prove other things, such as "mo-
    tive, opportunity, intent, preparation, plan, knowledge, identity or
    absence of mistake or accident." 
     The trial court's decisions to
    admit or exclude evidence are reviewed for abuse of discretion. See
    United States v. Queen, 
    132 F.3d 991
     (4th Cir. 1997).
    During the trial, the government introduced evidence tending to
    show that Wells had engaged in tobacco fraud and tax evasion
    between 1988 and 1993. Wells argues that the bank fraud and inter-
    ference with tax officials charges in the instant case occurred three
    years after the other alleged activities, and are distinct from them.
    Therefore, he has urged they can have no relevance or purpose to the
    current allegations except to establish that he has a proclivity to com-
    mit crime. He cites several cases as support for that proposition,
    including United States v. Hernandez, 
    975 F.2d 1035
    , 1040 (4th Cir.
    1992), United States v. Sanders, 
    964 F.2d 295
     (4th Cir. 1992), and
    United States v. Tate, 
    715 F.2d 864
     (4th Cir. 1983).
    4 Wells has not appealed Count Twelve, which did not charge him with
    a crime but requested the forfeiture of the property discussed below.
    Evidence that is "(1) relevant to an issue other than character; (2)
    necessary; and (3) reliable" is admissible under Rule 404(b). United
    States v. Rawle, 
    845 F.2d 1244
    , 1247 (4th Cir. 1988). Thus the evi-
    dence in question must meet this test to be admissible.
    The evidence is clear that Wells' acts toward the IRS directly
    resulted from the fraudulent tobacco scheme and tax evasion. Marga-
    ret Davis, a former IRS agent, testified that she audited Wells' returns
    for the years 1988-91 and determined that Wells owed taxes for unre-
    ported income earned from the tobacco scheme.
    As a result, she referred his report to the IRS criminal division.
    Because of the audit, the IRS made a $1.8 million assessment against
    Wells and began attempts to enforce it through liens.
    Wells responded to the liens two years later by sending the threat-
    ening letters that formed the basis of the indictment on Counts 1, 4
    and 5. Some of the letters even referenced the specific dollar amount
    -- $1,852,929 -- of the liens. Moreover, Wells presented a $3.7 mil-
    lion comptroller warrant -- the subject of the bank fraud charges in
    Counts 3 and 11 -- to pay his tax bill -- the $1,852,929 tax bill.
    As is shown above, the evidence is relevant to show intent, motive,
    knowledge, and absence of mistake, which are proper bases under
    Rule 404(b). Moreover, it is also "necessary." Evidence is "necessary"
    when it "furnishes part of the context of the crime." Rawle, 
    845 F.2d at 1247, n.4
     (citation omitted). The evidence above certainly provides
    context for the crimes. Finally, Wells has not challenged the reliabil-
    ity of the evidence. Thus, the evidence is admissible under Rule
    The other bad act evidence challenged by Wells is also admissible
    under 404(b). The government introduced evidence regarding transac-
    tions with Prajesh Patel, one of Wells' associates. Patel testified about
    the manner in which he and Wells transferred the money from the
    tobacco scheme. As Wells' behavior in the instant case is very simi-
    lar, the evidence may properly be introduced to show absence of mis-
    take. It also provides context for the crimes here. As such, the district
    court did not abuse its discretion by admitting the evidence.
    B. Rule 403
    Evidence that is admissible under Rule 404(b) may still be
    excluded under Rule 403 if its probative value is substantially out-
    weighed by the possibility of unfair prejudice. See Fed. R. Evid. 403.
    We generally favor admissibility, and will find undue prejudice only
    if there is "a genuine risk that the emotions of a jury will be excited
    to irrational behavior, and this risk is disproportionate to the probative
    value of the offered evidence." United States v. Bailey, 
    990 F.2d 119
    123 (4th Cir. 1993).
    Wells' arguments are unavailing. He argues that since he stipulated
    to the tax assessment, proof of it was not very probative. Furthermore,
    even if it were, the underlying conduct leading to the assessment had
    no relevance to any issue in the case. However, as the evidence shows
    that warrants and letters were sent because of the outstanding tax lien,
    the probative value of the evidence outweighs any prejudice that
    might have existed. Furthermore, the court gave a limiting instruction.
    The evidence as to Wells' interaction with Patel is admissible for sim-
    ilar reasons.
    II. Wells' Motion For Acquittal As To Counts 1, 4 and 5
    A. The Jury Instruction In Count 1
    Wells has challenged his convictions on Counts 1, 4 and 5. Addi-
    tionally, he has challenged Count 1 because of a failure by the district
    court to instruct the jury as to the elements of 
    18 U.S.C. § 876
    . That
    statute addresses the use of the mails to send "threatening communi-
     Either knowledge or intent is required, depending upon
    the substance of the communication mailed. 
     Since Wells did not
    object to this failure at trial, he must show that the failure was plain
    error. See Fed. R. Crim. P. 52(b).
    Wells' argument is not persuasive. The United States Supreme
    Court has held that correction of an error not objected to below is
    appropriate where there is a plain error affecting"substantial rights."
    See United States v. Olano, 
    507 U.S. 725
    , 732 (1993). Even when that
    factor is satisfied, a reviewing court retains discretion to correct the
    error, which it should not exercise unless the error seriously compro-
    mises "the fairness, integrity, or public reputation of judicial proceed-
     We also recognize these principles. See, e.g., United States
    v. Wilkinson, 
    137 F.3d 214
    , 224 (4th Cir. 1998), cert. denied, ___
    U.S. ___, 
    119 S. Ct. 172
     (1998). Where there is overwhelming evi-
    dence to convict the defendant, however, a failure to instruct does not
    compromise the fairness, integrity, or public reputation of judicial
    proceedings. See 
    id. at 224
    . As demonstrated below, there is over-
    whelming evidence to convict Wells on all of the counts. Therefore,
    we decline to notice any error in the jury instructions in Count 1.
    B. The Insufficiency Of The Evidence
    Wells has challenged his convictions on Counts 1, 4 and 5 as not
    being supported by the evidence. Counts 1, 4 and 5 alleged a conspir-
    acy to violate and actual violations of 18 U.S.C.§ 7212, which pro-
    hibits individuals from corruptly endeavoring to intimidate and
    impede IRS officers and employees. In addition, as stated above,
    Count 1 alleged that Wells conspired to mail threatening communica-
    Wells has argued that he did not act "corruptly." We have inter-
    preted the term "corruptly" to mean acting with the intent to secure
    an unlawful benefit for oneself. See United States v. Wilson, 
    118 F.3d 228
    , 230 (4th Cir. 1997); United States v. Bostian, 
    59 F.3d 477
    , 479
    (4th Cir. 1995). Other circuits interpreting § 7212 have also inter-
    preted the statute that way. See, e.g., United States v. Winchell, 
    129 F.3d 1093
    , 1099 (10th Cir. 1997).
    Wells argued that the letters sent to the officers were so outrageous
    that they could not reasonably be taken as attempting to secure a
    financial benefit -- i.e., forgiveness of the tax lien. He has claimed
    that there was no threat of violence, at least no threat rising to the
    level that the courts have considered a threat. In fact, he had con-
    tended that the agents were not afraid when they received the letters
    and only became afraid much later, when they discovered that the
    Freemen organization was involved. Wells has cited cases addressing
    § 876 in support of that proposition. See, e.g., United States v.
    222 F.2d 1
     (7th Cir. 1955), cert. denied, 
    350 U.S. 836
    (1955) (holding that there was a threat under § 876 where the defen-
    dant demanded $10,000 and told the victim at that time "you only
    have one chance").
    Nevertheless, the evidence is sufficient to support a conviction.
    When the defendant challenges a conviction for insufficiency of evi-
    dence, the reviewing court will "draw all reasonable inferences in the
    light most favorable to the government" to determine whether the evi-
    dence is sufficient to support the conviction. United States v.
    107 F.3d 248
    , 256 (4th Cir. 1997), cert. denied, ___ U.S.
    117 S. Ct. 2525
     (1997). The government must show that there
    is "substantial evidence" to support the verdict. 
    Viewed in the light most favorable to the government, there is sub-
    stantial evidence to support the verdict. First, the evidence shows that
    Wells sent a document to IRS officer Smith entitled"Non-Statutory
    Abatement," which Smith was told to return within 30 days or face
    default judgment and civil or criminal penalties. He then sent both
    Smith and Officer Varnell letters entitled "Claim And Release Of
    Levy & Lien." Then, he sent them "true bills," to which they were
    required by Wells to respond, or they would be liable for a $100 mil-
    lion judgment.
    While it is true that these letters are very outrageous, a reasonable
    juror could have determined to convict Wells. In United States v.
    129 F.3d 1093
     (10th Cir. 1997), the defendant was con-
    victed of a § 7212 violation because of conduct very similar to
    Wells'. Winchell sent letters to government officials which stated that
    they would be liable to him for an implausible amount. Id. at 1099.
    He made the same argument before the Tenth Circuit that Wells
    makes here, and the Tenth Circuit rejected it. Id. It found that a rea-
    sonable juror could have concluded that he violated the statute, even
    if the letters sent were not likely to be taken seriously. Id. (citation
    Moreover, Wells' argument that there were no threats of violence
    -- serious violence -- are not persuasive. Wells argues that because
    neither agent believed that he or she was in danger when the letter
    was received, § 876 is not satisfied. However, the agents testified that
    they thought that they would be arrested, which they thought would
    involve some violence. Moreover, proof of actual intimidation is not
    required. See United States v. Rosnow, 
    977 F.2d 399
    , 410 (8th Cir.
    1992) (en banc), cert. denied, 
    507 U.S. 990
     (1993). Furthermore, the
    agents testified that Wells' letters actually impeded their work to the
    extent that the letters took them away from their work. Thus, the con-
    victions should be upheld.
    Finally, the conspiracy conviction should also stand. Wells has
    contended that the conspiracy alleged in Count 1 had two objectives,
    and that the evidence was insufficient to satisfy one of the objectives,
    namely the mailing of threatening communications as defined and
    proscribed under § 876. Therefore, Wells has claimed that the entire
    conviction should be reversed. However, the Supreme Court recently
    held just the opposite when faced with that question. In United States
    v. Griffin, 
    502 U.S. 46
    , 60 (1991), the defendant was charged with a
    conspiracy to achieve several unlawful objectives. The evidence
    appeared to establish one of the bases of conviction but not the other.
    502 U.S. at 48
    . The Court held that the conviction on the conspir-
    acy remains valid so long as a conspiracy to commit any one of the
    objectives was established. See 
    502 U.S. at 60
    . Thus, Wells' argument
    in the instant case has been rejected by the Supreme Court and the
    conviction should stand.
    III. Was The Evidence Sufficient To Convict Wells On
    Counts 2 and 6-11?
    Wells has contended that there was insufficient evidence to convict
    him on Counts 2 and 6-11, which are various counts of fraud and con-
    spiracy, including bank fraud. Specifically, Wells was charged with
    mail fraud under 
    18 U.S.C. § 1341
     (Count 2), conspiracy to commit
    bank fraud under 
    18 U.S.C. § 1344
     (Counts 6, 7 and 10), conspiracy
    to transport stolen property in interstate commerce under 
    18 U.S.C. § 2314
     (Counts 8 and 9), and corruptly endeavoring to obstruct and
    impede the due administration of IRS laws under 
    26 U.S.C. § 7212
    (Count 11). As with his challenge to the sufficiency of the evidence
    for the other counts, the reviewing court "draws all reasonable infer-
    ences in the light most favorable to the government," Dorlouis, 
    107 F.3d at 256
     (citation omitted), and affirms the conviction if "there is
    substantial evidence, taking the view most favorable to the govern-
    ment, to support it." 
    The counts center around Wells' use of comptroller warrants --
    documents passed by Wells as payment instruments-- which were,
    in fact, worthless. Wells' central argument is that he did not have the
    specific intent to defraud anyone in using the warrants and that he
    acted in good faith. Since mail fraud requires knowledge or intent, see
    18 U.S.C. § 1341
     ("Whoever, having devised, or intending to devise
    . . ."); 
    18 U.S.C. § 1344
     ("Whoever knowingly executes . . ."), he
    claims that he is not guilty of these charges.
    Wells supports his argument by pointing to several items in the
    record. First, he argues that he never admitted that he believed that
    the warrants were worthless. Second, if he did believe that they were
    invalid, he would not have sent them to the IRS, nor later admitted
    that he did. Third, some banks accepted the warrants, and could not
    at first glance tell that they were invalid. Fourth, LeRoy Schweitzer,
    one of the leaders of the Freemen, distributed the warrants with
    "proof packages," designed to help users demonstrate the validity of
    the warrants. Schweitzer also told Wells that the banks' rejection of
    the documents would result from their own ignorance, not the validity
    of the warrants.
    Despite those facts, however, there is ample evidence to convict
    Wells. First, proof of actual knowledge is not necessary if the defen-
    dant was willfully blind. See United States v. Withers, 
    100 F.3d 1142
    1145 (4th Cir. 1996), cert. denied, ___ U.S. ___, 
    117 S. Ct. 1282
    (1997). The fact of the warrants' worthlessness was not one to avoid.
    Second, the government has pointed to the series of seminars con-
    ducted by Schweitzer and the Freemen (during which several bizarre
    theories were raised) and asserts that Wells heard them and had rea-
    son to believe that the warrants would be invalid. Third, Schweitzer
    told the seminar attendees that they should prepare to be arrested and
    that banks often rejected warrants. Fourth, and perhaps most amazing,
    the first five warrants cost Wells $100 (each one thereafter was $100
    apiece), and one of the warrants alone had a face value of $3.7 mil-
    lion. Finally, Wells generally did not distribute them himself but dis-
    tributed them through third parties.
    Since there appears to have been substantial evidence that Wells
    either knew of the fraudulent character of the warrants, or deliberately
    ignored obvious signs that they were invalid, his conviction of the
    above counts should stand.
    IV. Did The District Court Err In Departing Upward
    In Wells' Sentence?
    Wells has argued that the government improperly departed upward
    from the sentencing guidelines based on domestic terrorism activities.
    A sentencing court's decision to depart upward or downward from the
    sentencing guidelines is reviewable under an abuse of discretion stan-
    dard. See Koon v. United States, 
    518 U.S. 81
    , 91 (1996).
    At the time Wells committed the crimes, the departure for "terror-
    ism" addressed international, not domestic terrorism. See U.S.
    SENTENCING GUIDELINES MANUAL § 3A1.4 (1994). The guidelines were
    amended to include domestic terrorism after commission of the
    crimes but before sentencing. See U.S. SENTENCING GUIDELINES
    MANUAL § 3A1.4 (1996). The amendment is inapplicable to Wells
    because it is a substantive amendment that would retroactively
    increase Wells' sentence. See, e.g., United States v. Capers, 
    61 F.3d 1100
    , 1109 (4th Cir. 1995) (stating that courts may retroactively apply
    clarifying, but not substantive amendments to the Guidelines). Thus,
    Wells has contended that there is no valid basis upon which the gov-
    ernment may seek successfully to increase his sentence upward.
    Although there was no specific provision at the time authorizing a
    court to consider "domestic terrorist" activities, the catch-all provision
    of the Guidelines is certainly broad enough to allow such consider-
    ation. Under 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (b), the sentencing court can deviate
    from the Sentencing Guidelines to take into account any aggravating
    or mitigating circumstance that the Guidelines did not adequately
     In addition, the policy statement of the Sentencing
    Guidelines also provides for departure in such circumstances. See
    U.S. SENTENCING GUIDELINES MANUAL § 5K2.0 (1994) ("Circumstances
    that may warrant departure from the guidelines pursuant to this provi-
    sion cannot, by their very nature, be comprehensively listed and ana-
    lyzed in advance."). Thus, the district court did not abuse its
    discretion in departing upward for Wells' domestic terrorist activities.
    Wells then has made the contention that even if the court may
    depart from the Guidelines on that ground, his activities did not con-
    stitute "terrorism." Terrorism, as defined by 
    18 U.S.C. § 2331
    international terrorism statute), as "violent acts or acts dangerous to
    human life that are or would be a violation of the laws of the United
    States or any state," 
     at (a), that are intended (1) to "intimidate or
    coerce" civilians; (2) "to influence the policy of a government by
    intimidation or coercion; or" (3) "to affect the conduct of a govern-
    ment by assassination or kidnapping." 
     at (b). Of course, the terror-
    ism defined here must be international. 
     at (c).
    Wells contends that his activities were not violent. He contends
    that the statute does not contemplate plans or schemes, but "acts."
    Since he did not commit any violent acts, he contends, the departure
    cannot stand.
    He points to several facts in support of his argument. First, he
    argues that although the Freemen discussed violence toward govern-
    ment officials, they never hurt any of them. Second, Wells did not
    sign any of the "[w]anted" posters, or personally participate in the
    Civil Rights Task Force's (the Freemen's enforcers) violent acts, if
    any. He thus argues that he is being punished for being a member of
    the Freemen organization, an arguable violation of the First Amend-
    However, there is ample evidence that shows that Wells' plans and
    activities support the upward departure. First, he agreed to participate
    in the grand jury of "our one Supreme Court," the "court" that the
    Freemen established to try officials. That court was also the forum of
    Wells' "trial" of IRS agents Smith and Varnell. Second, Wells bought
    a Chevrolet Suburban that he brought to Montana. The plan, as articu-
    lated by Schweitzer to the seminar attendees, was to use the Subur-
    bans to abduct government officials, who would later be hanged. He
    intended to "bring a lot more of 'em out here." In fact, Wells was the
    only one supplying the Suburbans. Third, Wells otherwise actively
    participated in the group, despite knowing its violent goals, and even
    helped the group prepare. Finally, he has not challenged the district
    court's finding that the group engages in terrorist activities.
    These facts counterbalance Wells' contention that he neither knew
    of the Freemen's plans nor was involved in them. His use of the
    "court" for his own dispute with IRS officials, given the intention of
    the Freemen to injure or kill government officials, can be considered
    a "terrorist" act. In addition, as the only supplier of the vehicles that
    were to be used in a violent plan about which everyone knew, it is
    unlikely that Wells neither knew nor had reason to know of the Free-
    men's activities. Since, as Wells points out, the Guidelines permit a
    defendant to be held responsible for the conduct of his associates if
    that conduct was reasonably foreseeable, see U.S. SENTENCING
    GUIDELINES MANUAL § 1B1.3(b), his participation in the planning of
    violence may properly give rise to liability. Hence, the district court
    did not abuse its discretion by departing from the guidelines.
    V. Did The District Court Err In Finding That
    Wells Was A Leader?
    Wells has contended that the district court erred in finding that he
    was a leader or organizer of the Freemen, a finding that increased his
    sentence under U.S. SENTENCING GUIDELINES MANUAL § 3B1.1(c).The
    finding was made in the presentence report. Factual findings by the
    district court are reviewable under the clearly erroneous standard. See
    United States v. Richardson, 
    939 F.2d 135
     (4th Cir. 1991), cert.
    502 U.S. 1061
     (1992). However, where, as here, the defen-
    dant did not object to the finding below, the finding is reviewable
    only for plain error. See United States v. Grubb , 
    11 F.3d 426
    , 440-41
    (4th Cir. 1993).
    Wells has contended that he could not be a leader under the Guide-
    lines, because the district court never made any determinations that
    the people under his direction committed criminal acts. The Commen-
    tary to section 3B1.1(c) states that the persons following the direc-
    tions must be "participants" -- i.e., criminally responsible individuals
    who need not have been convicted. See U.S. SENTENCING GUIDELINES
    MANUAL § 3B1.1(c), cmt. 2. Since all of the persons to whom Wells
    gave the warrants testified that they did not know that the warrants
    were worthless, Wells has argued that there were no"participants" for
    him to supervise.
    However, it appears that at least one of those persons, Prajesh
    Patel, was criminally responsible. Patel testified that although he
    doubted the validity of the warrants, he attempted to cash them any-
    way because he was having financial difficulty. Moreover, he once
    told Wells that Wells "can't write [a warrant] personally to me, that's
    bad." The above evidence allows the conclusion that Patel knew or
    should have known of the fraudulent character of the warrants, and
    thus qualifies as a criminally responsible individual.
    VI. Did The District Court Err In Calculating The Amount Of
    Loss That Resulted From Wells' Conduct?
    Wells claims that the district court erred in calculating the amount
    of loss, thereby increasing his sentence by 15 levels. Specifically, he
    claims that the court should not have included in its calculation war-
    rants that were in sealed envelopes but never mailed to the addressee.
    If these warrants are excluded from calculation, he argues, the amount
    of loss drops below $10 million, which is the threshold amount for
    the 15 level increase. See U.S. SENTENCING GUIDELINES MANUAL
    § 2F1.1(b)(1)(P).
    The dispute over the scope of calculable material-- i.e., the mean-
    ing of "intended loss" under the Guidelines-- is a legal one which
    must be reviewed de novo. See United States v. Loayza, 
    107 F.3d 257
    265 (4th Cir. 1997) (citation omitted). However, the amount of loss
    is a factual determination that is reviewable for clear error. 
    The Commentary to the Guidelines states that "if an intended loss
    that the defendant was attempting to inflict can be determined, this
    figure will be used if it is greater than the actual loss." U.S.
    SENTENCING GUIDELINES MANUAL § 2F1.1, cmt. n.2 (1994). Wells'
    argument is that the fact that the warrants were not mailed creates
    doubt as to his intent to cause loss, even if the fraudulent documents
    are addressed, sealed and stamped.
    The Fourth Circuit has not addressed this exact issue. Both parties
    cite United States v. Chappell, 
    6 F.3d 1095
     (5th Cir. 1993), cert.
    510 U.S. 1183
     (1994), as giving some guidance to the issue,
    with Wells attempting to distinguish it from his case. In Chappell, the
    defendant was involved in a counterfeit check scheme. 
    Id. at 1097
    The district court based Chappell's sentence on, inter alia, five com-
    pleted checks seized from the defendant's car, 16 other completed
    checks from which the dollar amounts were determined with some
    diligence, and 51 blank checks for which the dollar amounts were
    estimated based on previously recovered checks. 
    Id. at 1101
    . The
    Fifth Circuit affirmed the district court's use of the checks that had
    not yet been cashed, reasoning that it was not clearly erroneous to
    find that the defendant intended to cause loss with regard to those
    Wells has attempted to distinguish Chappell on the ground that the
    defendants in Chappell possessed a detailed plan to distribute the
     Moreover, the appellate court determined that the district
    court calculation of the loss was conservative. 
     By contrast, Wells
    argues, he did not possess any detailed plan to distribute the undistrib-
    uted warrants in a fraudulent manner, nor was the court's $17.4 mil-
    lion estimate "conservative."
    However, Wells' argument is not convincing. As established
    above, Wells had ample reason to question the validity of the war-
    rants, even if he was not actually told that they were invalid. In addi-
    tion, he appeared to have a detailed way of distributing the warrants
    through third parties, as discussed above. Finally, unlike the defen-
    dants in Chappell, no estimates or conjecture are needed because the
    warrants in Wells' possession were completed. Thus, the amount of
    loss would not have been speculative. Because Wells cannot distin-
    guish Chappell, the one case to address a similar issue, his intended
    loss calculation should include the checks found in his possession.
    The district court correctly included those amounts on the face of
    the warrants that Wells had sealed and addressed, but not mailed, and
    its determination that the amount is over $10 million is not clearly
    erroneous. The Guidelines state that the intended loss figure may be
    used if it: (1) can be determined and (2) is greater than the actual loss.
    See U.S. SENTENCING GUIDELINES MANUAL § 2F1.1, cmt. n.2 (1994).
    Here, the intended loss figures can be determined by the face values
    of the warrants. As over $10 million in warrants were either com-
    pleted and mailed or were signed and sealed by Wells directly or by
    others (such as Patel) at his direction, a 15-level increase in the sen-
    tence is appropriate.5
    5 The district court found the exact amount of loss to be
    $17,411,355.38. However, it appears that the total aggregates the actual
    We affirm the district court's rulings as to: (1) admitting the evi-
    dence of prior schemes under Fed. R. Evid. 404(b) and 403;
    (2) convicting Wells on Counts 1, 2 and 4-11; (3) departing upward
    for terrorist activities; (4) concluding that Wells was a leader within
    the meaning of the Sentencing Guidelines; and (5) ruling that the
    signed, sealed, stamped but undistributed warrants were within the
    scope of "intended loss." We reverse the district court's rulings as to
    Wells' conviction on Count 3.
    loss suffered by the victims with the intended losses. Since the statute
    permits the use of either the intended loss figures or the actual losses,
    whichever is greater, aggregation is not appropriate. In any event, since
    the intended loss figures are well above $10 million, the increase is

Document Info

Docket Number: 97-4765

Filed Date: 12/31/1998

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/22/2015

Authorities (21)

United States v. Winchell , 129 F.3d 1093 ( 1997 )

United States v. William Frank Tate , 715 F.2d 864 ( 1983 )

United States v. James Ned Grubb , 11 F.3d 426 ( 1993 )

United States v. Roland Demingo Queen, A/K/A Mingo , 132 F.3d 991 ( 1997 )

United States v. Renee Withers, United States of America v. ... , 100 F.3d 1142 ( 1996 )

united-states-v-philippe-dorlouis-aka-terrance-united-states-of , 107 F.3d 248 ( 1997 )

United States v. Salomon S. Loayza , 107 F.3d 257 ( 1997 )

United States v. Douglas D. Wilson, United States of ... , 118 F.3d 228 ( 1997 )

united-states-v-egbert-richardson-aka-bunny-united-states-of-america , 939 F.2d 135 ( 1991 )

United States v. Kenneth E. Bailey , 990 F.2d 119 ( 1993 )

United States v. Xiomaro E. Hernandez , 975 F.2d 1035 ( 1992 )

United States v. James A. Rawle, Jr. , 845 F.2d 1244 ( 1988 )

United States v. Carlos Sanders , 964 F.2d 295 ( 1992 )

united-states-v-anthony-j-capers-united-states-of-america-v-lisa-a , 61 F.3d 1100 ( 1995 )

The United States of America v. John Joseph Prochaska, Jr , 222 F.2d 1 ( 1955 )

United States v. Marietta Joyce Chappell, Charles Edward ... , 6 F.3d 1095 ( 1993 )

United States v. Thomas A. Wilkinson, Iii, United States of ... , 137 F.3d 214 ( 1998 )

united-states-v-eugene-r-rosnow-united-states-of-america-v-melford-h , 977 F.2d 399 ( 1992 )

Griffin v. United States , 112 S. Ct. 466 ( 1991 )

United States v. Olano , 113 S. Ct. 1770 ( 1993 )

View All Authorities »