United States v. Woolfolk ( 2005 )

  •                            PUBLISHED
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,              
    v.                             No. 04-4260
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Western District of Virginia, at Charlottesville.
    Norman K. Moon, District Judge.
    Argued: December 3, 2004
    Decided: March 2, 2005
    Before WILLIAMS and MICHAEL, Circuit Judges,
    and Henry F. FLOYD, United States District Judge
    for the District of South Carolina,
    sitting by designation.
    Remanded by published opinion. Judge Williams wrote the opinion,
    in which Judge Floyd concurred. Judge Michael wrote a separate
    opinion concurring in the judgment and concurring in part.
    ARGUED: Roy David Bradley, Madison, Virginia, for Appellant.
    William Frederick Gould, Assistant United States Attorney, OFFICE
    OF THE UNITED STATES ATTORNEY, Charlottesville, Virginia,
    2                    UNITED STATES v. WOOLFOLK
    for Appellee. ON BRIEF: John L. Brownlee, United States Attorney,
    Roanoke, Virginia, for Appellee.
    Curtis Delmont Woolfolk pleaded guilty to one count of possession
    with intent to distribute more than five grams of crack cocaine, in vio-
    lation of 21 U.S.C.A. § 841(a)(1) (West 1999), while reserving the
    right to challenge his prosecution as violating the Speedy Trial Act,
    18 U.S.C.A. § 3161(b) (West 2000) and his Sixth Amendment right
    to a speedy trial. The district court rejected both of Woolfolk’s
    claims, and, for the following reasons, we remand the case to the dis-
    trict court for further proceedings. We remand for further consider-
    ation of whether Woolfolk was subject to "any restraint resulting from
    federal action" that triggered the Speedy Trial Act’s provisions.
    United States v. Lee, 818 F.2d, 302, 305 (4th Cir. 1987). Because of
    the factual uncertainty regarding Woolfolk’s detention, we also
    remand the case for a full consideration of Woolfolk’s Sixth Amend-
    ment claim under Barker v. Wingo, 
    407 U.S. 514
    On December 15, 2002, Detective David Harris was assigned to a
    sobriety checkpoint in downtown Charlottesville, Virginia. At
    approximately 2 a.m., a 1991 Lincoln approached the checkpoint and
    turned into another lane in an effort to avoid it. Detective Harris
    began a pursuit of the vehicle and effected a stop. Harris approached
    the car and observed that the driver of the vehicle, Woolfolk,
    appeared to be intoxicated. Harris also had personal knowledge that
    Woolfolk was involved in drug activities. During the traffic stop, sev-
    eral Charlottesville residents who had been standing nearby watching
    the stop approached Woolfolk’s vehicle and attempted to gain entry.
    Harris heard Woolfolk tell one such individual that "it[’]s between the
    seats." (J.A. at 6.) Woolfolk was arrested for driving under the influ-
    UNITED STATES v. WOOLFOLK                        3
    ence. Following the arrest, Harris performed a search of the vehicle
    and found eight grams of crack cocaine in the center console.1
    On December 18, 2002, the United States (the Government) filed
    a criminal complaint against Woolfolk in the United States District
    Court for the Western District of Virginia, alleging that Woolfolk
    knowingly possessed with intent to distribute five grams or more of
    crack cocaine, in violation of 21 U.S.C.A. § 841(a)(1). An arrest war-
    rant for Woolfolk was issued on the same date. At the time, Woolfolk
    was in the custody of Virginia authorities pending trial on state
    charges stemming from the December 15 arrest.2 On January 9, 2003,
    the Government issued a federal detainer to the state authorities. The
    detainer specified that a federal arrest warrant had been issued against
    Woolfolk. The detainer also requested that "[p]rior to the subject’s
    release from your custody, please notify this office at once so that we
    may assume custody if necessary." (J.A. at 13.) The detainer also was
    to be served on Woolfolk, but he contends that he received the war-
    rant but not the detainer.
    Although Woolfolk’s state proceedings were terminated on April
    10, 2003, Woolfolk was not released by the state authorities at that
    time.3 The record contains no evidence as to why the state continued
    to detain Woolfolk after April 10. At a hearing before the district
    court on Woolfolk’s motion to dismiss, Woolfolk contended that,
    after April 10, "there can be no other interpretation" of the record but
    that Woolfolk was being held only because of the federal detainer.
    Although the record is unclear, Woolfolk apparently was taken into
    custody by Virginia authorities following this arrest. According to the
    limited record in this proceeding, Woolfolk was charged by Virginia
    with four violations of state law stemming from the December 15, 2002
    arrest — driving under the influence, manufacture of a controlled sub-
    stance, refusal, and driving on a suspended operator’s license.
    Although we recognize that Virginia is a commonwealth, we use the
    familiar term "state" in lieu of "Commonwealth of Virginia."
    One of the charges against Woolfolk was nolle prossed on February
    20, 2003. On April 10, 2003, Woolfolk was found guilty of the charge
    of driving on a suspended operator’s license and was given a suspended
    sentence of ten days imprisonment. Also on April 10, the remaining two
    state charges were nolle prossed.
    4                     UNITED STATES v. WOOLFOLK
    (J.A. at 22.) The district court responded, "[t]hat seems to be con-
    ceded, that the only thing keeping him in jail was a federal detainer."
    (J.A. at 22.) Woolfolk answered that question in the affirmative, and
    the Government did not respond. On appeal, however, the Govern-
    ment contends that Virginia failed, as an administrative matter, prop-
    erly to process the termination of Woolfolk’s state charges and
    therefore was holding him on the dismissed state charges instead of
    the federal detainer.
    Although it remains unclear why Woolfolk remained in state cus-
    tody, at some point, apparently after Woolfolk filed a state habeas
    claim, the Government became aware that Woolfolk was still in state
    custody even though no proceedings remained against him in the state
    system. At oral argument before the district court, the Government
    asserted that "[w]hen [Woolfolk’s] situation was brought to [the Gov-
    ernment’s] attention, [it] brought him over federally and executed the
    complaint." (J.A. at 21.) This action occurred on July 10, 2003, when
    the Government executed its December 18 arrest warrant and brought
    Woolfolk before a magistrate judge for his initial appearance. On
    August 7, the federal grand jury indicted Woolfolk on one count of
    violating § 841(a)(1).
    On August 22, Woolfolk filed a motion to dismiss the indictment,
    alleging that the delay between the filing of the complaint and arrest
    warrant and serving of the detainer and the indictment violated the
    Speedy Trial Act, 18 U.S.C.A. § 3161(b), and his Sixth Amendment
    rights to a speedy trial. The district court heard arguments on the dis-
    missal motion and, on October 2, 2003, issued an order denying it.
    Woolfolk subsequently entered a conditional guilty plea, which
    reserved his right to appeal the district court’s denial of the dismissal
    motion. Woolfolk was sentenced to sixty months imprisonment on
    March 12, 2004, and filed a timely appeal on March 18. We have
    jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C.A. § 1291 (West 1999).
    On appeal, Woolfolk contends that the Government’s delay in
    indicting him violated both the Speedy Trial Act and the Sixth
    Amendment and that accordingly, the district court erred in failing to
    grant his motion to dismiss. We address each argument in turn.
    UNITED STATES v. WOOLFOLK                        5
    A. Speedy Trial Act
    We review the district court’s factual findings on a motion to dis-
    miss an indictment for clear error, but we review its legal conclusions
    de novo. United States v. Good, 
    326 F.3d 589
    , 591 (4th Cir. 2003).
    The Speedy Trial Act provides, in relevant part, that "[a]ny informa-
    tion or indictment charging an individual with the commission of an
    offense shall be filed within thirty days from the date on which such
    individual was arrested or served with a summons in connection with
    such offense."4 18 U.S.C.A. § 3161(b). If the Government fails to
    comply with this requirement, the "complaint shall be dismissed or
    otherwise dropped." 18 U.S.C.A. § 3162(a)(1). We have interpreted
    this language to provide that the Government must charge a defendant
    by indictment or information within 30 days of his "federal arrest
    upon a federal charge" or face the prospect of dismissal. United States
    v. Thomas, 
    55 F.3d 144
    , 148 (4th Cir. 1995) (quoting United States
    v. Lee, 
    818 F.2d 302
    , 305 (4th Cir. 1987)). The Act "is intended to
    mandate an orderly and expeditious procedure for federal criminal
    prosecutions by fixing specific, mechanical time limits within which
    the various progressions in the prosecution must occur." United States
    v. Iaquinta, 
    674 F.2d 260
    , 264 (4th Cir. 1982).
    On appeal, Woolfolk argues that the provisions of the Speedy Trial
    Act were triggered on January 9, when the Government lodged a
    detainer against him with the state because, on that date, the Govern-
    ment had issued a complaint, served an arrest warrant, and lodged a
    detainer with the state. In the alternative, Woolfolk contends that the
    Act’s 30 day time limit began on April 10, when the state concluded
    its prosecution but continued holding him, allegedly because of the
    federal detainer. The Government counters that Woolfolk was not
    subject to "federal arrest" or "federal custody on a federal charge," see
    Thomas, 55 F.3d at 148
    , until July 10, when the magistrate judge
    issued the temporary detention order. With July 10 as the starting
    Woolfolk contends that he was "arrested" within the meaning of
    § 3161(b) but does not argue that he was "served with a summons." 18
    U.S.C.A. § 3161(b) (West 2000).
    6                      UNITED STATES v. WOOLFOLK
    date, the Government notes, the August 7 indictment complies with
    the dictates of the Act.5
    Woolfolk’s contention that the protections of the Speedy Trial Act
    were triggered on January 9 is foreclosed by our holding in Thomas.
    In Thomas, state authorities were detaining the defendant on state
    charges when the Government filed a criminal complaint, secured an
    arrest warrant, and lodged the arrest warrant as a detainer with the
    state authorities. 
    Id. at 147.
    Thomas remained in the custody of state
    authorities facing state charges for more than two years. 
    Id. The state
    authorities concluded their prosecution, and the Government indicted
    Thomas within thirty days of the termination of the state prosecution.
    Id. We rejected
    Thomas’s argument that the complaint, warrant and
    detainer activated the requirements of the Speedy Trial Act, finding
    that, when an individual is lawfully being held to answer to state
    charges, a "criminal complaint coupled with an unexecuted arrest
    warrant and a federal detainer" do not trigger the Act. 
    Thomas, 55 F.3d at 148
    . See also 
    Lee, 818 F.2d at 303
    (finding that the Act
    requires a federal arrest upon a federal charge and rejecting defen-
    dant’s argument that filing of complaint, arrest warrant and detainer
    on individual being held in state custody on state charges constituted
    a federal arrest on a federal charge).6 Accordingly, under the binding
    precedent of Thomas, the Government’s filing of a complaint, serving
    of an arrest warrant, and lodging of that warrant as a detainer on Janu-
    ary 9, while Woolfolk was in state custody answering to state charges,
    did not activate the provisions of the Speedy Trial Act.
    The district court found that Woolfolk was never in federal custody
    before his indictment. This conclusion is erroneous because, at a mini-
    mum, Woolfolk was in federal custody as of July 10, 2003 when the
    arrest warrant was executed and Woolfolk was transferred to federal cus-
    The basis for the holding in Thomas and Lee is the notion of dual sov-
    ereignty, "which recognizes that ‘the federal government is not bound by
    the actions of state authorities and that successive state and federal prose-
    cutions are constitutionally permissible.’" United States v. Iaquinta, 
    674 F.2d 260
    , 264 (4th Cir. 1982) (quoting United States v. Wilson, 
    657 F.2d 755
    , 767 (5th Cir. 1981). As another circuit has explained, "one sover-
    eign’s actions should not force the other sovereign to proceed with a
    prosecution before it is ready." United States v. Benitez, 
    34 F.3d 1489
    1493 n.1 (9th Cir. 1994).
    UNITED STATES v. WOOLFOLK                         7
    Woolfolk’s second argument, that the Speedy Trial Act’s thirty-day
    time limit for filing an indictment began on April 10, when his state
    proceedings terminated but his detention continued, gives us some
    pause. Neither Thomas nor Lee specifically address that argument. In
    both of those cases, the federal indictment was filed within thirty days
    of the termination of the state proceedings. Here, the state proceed-
    ings terminated on April 10, but the federal indictment was not filed
    until August 7. In fact, we have found no caselaw that addresses the
    specific factual situation before us. A canvas of our caselaw in this
    area, however, does provide us guidance on how to proceed in this
    case. First, as Thomas makes clear, for the Act to apply, the defendant
    must be under "federal arrest" or be in "federal custody." The relevant
    question thus becomes whether an individual being held by state
    authorities is ever under "federal arrest" or in "federal custody." The
    answer, at least while a state has valid charges currently pending
    against an individual, is "no." We believe however, that in limited cir-
    cumstances, this question can be answered in the affirmative. In
    Iaquinta, we cited, with approval, the following passage from a law
    review article:
    For this [thirty-day time] limit to commence, a person must
    be held for the purpose of answering to a federal charge.
    Thus, if one is held by state officers on a state charge and
    subsequently turned over to federal authorities for federal
    prosecution, the starting date of the time period is the date
    that the defendant is delivered into federal custody. How-
    ever, if the person is held in state custody at the request of
    federal authorities, the date of arrest by the state officers is
    Iaquinta, 674 F.2d at 267
    (quoting Martoche, The Federal Speedy
    Trial Act: An Introduction and Guide, 4 Nat. Journal of Criminal Def.
    295 (1978)) (emphases added). In Lee, we again quoted, with
    approval, the suggestion that "[f]or the time limit of the Act to com-
    mence a person must be held for the purpose of answering a federal
    Lee, 818 F.2d at 304
    (quoting United States v. Shahryar, 
    719 F.2d 1522
    , 1524-25 (11th Cir. 1983) (emphasis in original)). We then
    reiterated that "to the knowledge of this Court, [no] other Court [has]
    stated — that a federal complaint without federal arrest or any
    restraint resulting from federal action brings the combination of 18
    8                     UNITED STATES v. WOOLFOLK
    U.S.C. §§ 3161(b) and 3162(a)(1) into play." 
    Id. at 305
    added). Thus, Lee makes explicit that the provisions of the Speedy
    Trial Act can be triggered by something other than actual federal cus-
    tody and federal arrest, i.e., "any restraint resulting from federal
    Id. Although Lee
    does not discuss the parameters of this lan-
    guage, we believe that a "restraint resulting from federal action," suf-
    ficient to trigger the time limits of the Speedy Trial Act, occurs when
    the Government has knowledge that an individual is held by state
    authorities solely to answer to federal charges.7
    The phrase "federal action," in our view, requires a showing that
    the Government knew or should have known that the defendant was
    restrained solely to answer federal charges. Permitting the Speedy
    Trial Act’s provisions to apply whenever a state has concluded its
    prosecution but failed to notify the Government would be an undesir-
    able result. Given the breadth of the Government’s criminal prosecu-
    tions, and what must be the sheer number of federal detainers lodged
    with state authorities, to impose a form of strict liability upon the
    Government for actions taken by independent sovereigns would be
    detrimental to the administration of justice. Instead, the Speedy Trial
    Act’s purpose is best served if its provisions are triggered in those
    instances where the Government has knowledge that an individual is
    being held by state authorities only to answer to federal charges. In
    such situations, we believe an individual would be subject to a "re-
    straint resulting from federal action." 
    Id. Applying this
    rule to the facts before us, we believe a remand to
    the district court is necessary. First, it is unclear whether, after April
    10, Woolfolk remained in state custody only to answer to federal
    charges. On remand, the district court should consider whether the
    state continued to hold Woolfolk because of the federal detainer, or
    because, as the Government alleges before this court, the state failed
    The language used in Lee is analogous to the "ruse" exception
    adopted in other circuits. See, e.g., United States v. Cepeda-Luna, 
    989 F.2d 353
    (9th Cir. 1993). Under the ruse exception, "Speedy Trial Act
    time periods may be triggered by state detentions that are merely a ruse
    to detain the defendant solely for the purpose of bypassing the require-
    ments of the Act." United States v. Benitez, 
    34 F.3d 1489
    , 1494 (9th Cir.
    UNITED STATES v. WOOLFOLK                        9
    to process the termination of Woolfolk’s state charges. Moreover,
    even if we assume that Woolfolk was being held by the state solely
    because of the federal detainer from April 10 to July 10, thus making
    him subject to a "restraint" during that period, it is not clear, on the
    facts as currently developed, that the restraint was a result of "federal
    action." The record does not show when the Government knew or
    should have known that Woolfolk was being held solely because of
    the federal detainer.
    In sum, we must remand the case for the district court to determine
    when the Government knew or should have known that Woolfolk was
    being held by the state solely because of the federal detainer. If the
    Government knew or should have known before July 8, then the Gov-
    ernment violated the Act, and Woolfolk’s indictment should be dis-
    B. Sixth Amendment Speedy Trial Rights
    Woolfolk next argues that his Sixth Amendment rights were vio-
    lated by the delay following the issuance of the federal detainer on
    January 9. The Sixth Amendment provides that "[i]n all criminal pros-
    ecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public
    trial." U.S. Const. amend. VI. In order to prove a Sixth Amendment
    violation in this context, a defendant "must show first that the
    Amendment’s protections have been triggered by ‘arrest, indictment,
    or other official accusation.’" 
    Thomas, 55 F.3d at 148
    (quoting Dog-
    gett v. United States, 
    505 U.S. 647
    , 655 (1992)).
    If the Sixth Amendment protections apply, we must make "four
    separate [i]nquiries: whether delay before trial was uncommonly long,
    whether the government or the criminal defendant is more to blame
    for that delay, whether, in due course, the defendant asserted his right
    to a speedy trial, and whether he suffered prejudice as the delay’s
    Doggett, 505 U.S. at 651
    . In addition to being a factor, the
    first inquiry is also a threshold requirement, because "[s]imply to trig-
    ger a speedy trial analysis, an accused must allege that the interval
    This four part balancing test was originally set forth in Barker v.
    407 U.S. 514
    (1972), and is commonly referred to as the Barker
    balancing test.
    10                    UNITED STATES v. WOOLFOLK
    between accusation and trial has crossed the threshold dividing ordi-
    nary from presumptively prejudicial delay." 
    Id. at 651-652
    marks omitted). After the defendant makes this threshold showing, he
    "must . . . show on balance," that the four inquiries weigh in his favor.
    Thomas, 55 F.3d at 148
    Under Thomas, the filing of the detainer, warrant and complaint on
    January 9, 2003, triggered Woolfolk’s Sixth Amendment speedy trial
    rights. See 
    Thomas, 55 F.3d at 149
    (holding that "the combination of
    the criminal complaint, the arrest warrant, and the federal detainer
    were sufficient to implicate the speedy trial provision of the Sixth
    Amendment"). He was indicted on August 7, almost eight months
    later, and pleaded guilty on December 19, almost a full year after his
    Speedy Trial rights attached.
    The Supreme Court has counseled that "postaccusation delay [is]
    presumptively prejudicial at least as it approaches one year." 
    Doggett, 505 U.S. at 652
    n.1. One year is the "point at which courts deem the
    delay unreasonable enough to trigger the Barker [i]nquiry." 
    Id. The Supreme
    Court, however, has never offered guidance on what the
    phrase "postaccusation delay" encompasses, and in this case it is
    unclear whether the time from January 9 to December 19, or from
    January 9 to August 7, is the proper measure.9 Even assuming, how-
    ever, that the relevant period of "postaccusation delay" is the period
    from the serving of the detainer, arrest warrant, and complaint on Jan-
    uary 9 to the filing of the indictment on August 7, we believe that
    Woolfolk has met the threshold Barker requirement. As one commen-
    tator explains, "it may generally be said that any delay of eight
    months or longer is presumptively prejudicial." 4 WAYNE R. LAFAVE,
    ed. 1999) (quoting Joseph, Speedy Trial Rights in Application, 48
    Fordham L. Rev. 611, 623 n.71 (1980)). Although the eight month
    threshold is a general rule and not a rigid requirement, see United
    Although Woolfolk’s motion to dismiss seemed to target the delay
    from the serving of the detainer through his impending trial, before this
    court Woolfolk has centered his Sixth Amendment claim on the delay
    between the filing of the complaint, warrant, and detainer and his indict-
    ment, not between the indictment and trial or even the filing of the com-
    plaint, warrant, detainer and trial.
    UNITED STATES v. WOOLFOLK                       11
    States v. Cope, 
    312 F.3d 757
    , 778 (6th Cir. 2002) (finding eight
    month delay was "substantial" but not "presumptively prejudicial" in
    "two-defendant, eleven-count case that involves multiple allegations
    of attempted murder"), given the fact that Woolfolk’s case involves
    little complexity, we see no reason to deviate from that general rule
    here. Thus, regardless of whether the relevant period of postaccusa-
    tion delay is from January 9 to August 7 or from January 9 to Decem-
    ber 19, the postaccusation delay in this case was presumptively
    prejudicial and Woolfolk has satisfied the threshold Barker require-
    Although Woolfolk has satisfied the threshold requirement, that
    fact by no means ends our Barker inquiry. We have previously found
    no Sixth Amendment violation in cases involving time periods much
    greater than that at issue here. See United States v. Grimmond, 
    137 F.3d 823
    , 827 (4th Cir. 1998) (thirty-five months); 
    Thomas, 55 F.3d at 149
    -150 (two and a half years). At this stage in the analysis, we
    typically would examine the remaining Barker inquiries in order to
    determine if Woolfolk’s Sixth Amendment rights were violated. On
    the record before us, however, we believe that a remand to the district
    court is more appropriate. The Barker inquiry is a "fact-intensive
    Cope, 312 F.3d at 778
    , and, given the uncertainty regarding
    the cause of Woolfolk’s detention after April 10, we believe that the
    district court is in the best position to conduct a full Barker analysis.
    For the foregoing reasons, we remand the case to the district court
    for further consideration of Woolfolk’s Speedy Trial Act and Sixth
    Amendment claims.
    MICHAEL, Circuit Judge, concurring in the judgment and concurring
    in part:
    I concur in the judgment entered by the majority, which remands
    for further consideration of Curtis Woolfolk’s Sixth Amendment and
    Speedy Trial Act claims. I also concur fully in the reasoning in part
    12                   UNITED STATES v. WOOLFOLK
    II.B of the majority opinion, which deals with Woolfolk’s claim that
    his speedy trial rights were denied under the Sixth Amendment. I
    respectfully disagree, however, with the majority’s conclusion in part
    II.A that a federal detainer does not trigger Speedy Trial Act rights
    until "the Government has knowledge that an individual is being held
    by state authorities only to answer to federal charges." Ante at 8. I
    would have the district court analyze the Speedy Trial Act claim
    under a different standard — a standard that serves the Act’s purpose
    of achieving the prompt disposition of criminal cases. Specifically,
    the Speedy Trial Act’s thirty-day indictment clock should be triggered
    at the point when a state holds a prisoner under the sole authority of
    a federal detainer.
    Woolfolk was locked up in a Virginia jail in December 2002 to
    await the disposition of state criminal charges. On January 9, 2003,
    the U.S. Marshal for the Western District of Virginia lodged with the
    Virginia authorities a detainer against Woolfolk that was based on a
    warrant for his arrest on federal drug charges. The document was enti-
    13. The detainer stated that "[t]he notice and speedy trial requirements
    of the Interstate Agreement on Detainers Act do NOT apply to this
    detainer because the subject is not currently serving a sentence of
    Id. The government
    thus did not volunteer to extend
    Woolfolk any rights under the Interstate Agreement on Detainers Act,
    which gives a sentenced prisoner subject to a detainer the right to
    demand a prompt trial on the charges underlying the detainer, that is,
    a trial within 180 days. See 18 U.S.C. app. 2 § 2, art. 3. The detainer
    requested that the government be notified before Woolfolk was
    released so that it could assume physical custody. Woolfolk’s state
    charges were disposed of on April 10, 2003, and he was then no lon-
    ger subject to state custody. He was held in the state jail, however,
    until July 10, 2003, when he was finally picked up by the federal
    authorities. Woolfolk was indicted on federal charges on August 7,
    2003. The question is whether he was being held solely to answer the
    federal charges after April 10, 2003. If he was, the government vio-
    lated the Speedy Trial Act’s requirement that he be indicted within
    thirty days after his arrest.
    The Speedy Trial Act provides that "[a]ny . . . indictment charging
    an individual with the commission of an offense shall be filed within
    UNITED STATES v. WOOLFOLK                        13
    thirty days from the date on which such individual was arrested . . .
    in connection with such charges." 18 U.S.C. § 3161(b). Our circuit
    recognizes that "[f]or the [indictment] time limit . . . to commence a
    person must be held for the purpose of answering [to] a federal
    charge." United States v. Lee, 
    818 F.2d 302
    , 304 (4th Cir. 1987)
    (internal quotation marks and citation omitted) (emphasis omitted).
    Assuming that all state charges against Woolfolk were disposed of on
    April 10, 2003, when he received a suspended sentence, there was no
    longer any valid state authority under which he could have been held.
    The Virginia authorities nevertheless continued to hold Woolfolk in
    custody. Thus, the only two possibilities are that (1) the state authori-
    ties held Woolfolk illegally, or (2) they detained him pursuant to valid
    federal authority (the detainer). The government maintains that a
    detainer like the one here serves to hold a defendant in custody once
    state grounds for detention have ended. The detainer thus functioned
    as a valid grant of federal authority to state law enforcement officials
    to hold the defendant on federal charges when, in the absence of the
    detainer, he would have been entitled to his release.
    I will assume for this discussion that Woolfolk was not held on
    state charges after April 10. Woolfolk was "arrested . . . in connection
    with [the federal] charges," 18 U.S.C. § 3161(b), some time on April
    10 because that was when the state began detaining him solely on the
    basis of the outstanding federal detainer. Woolfolk was "held for the
    purpose of answering [to the] federal charge," 
    Lee, 818 F.2d at 304
    after April 10 because there was no other purpose for which the state
    could have legally detained him. The majority avoids this conclusion
    by taking language from Lee and construing it narrowly to excuse the
    government from its responsibilities under the Speedy Trial Act. The
    majority begins by citing Lee for the proposition that "the provisions
    of the Speedy Trial Act can be triggered by . . . ‘any restraint resulting
    from federal action.’" Ante at 8 (quoting 
    Lee, 818 F.2d at 305
    ). The
    majority gets around this language by saying that there was no federal
    action here. There was federal action, however, when the U.S. Mar-
    shal lodged a detainer with state authorities, authorizing them to keep
    Woolfolk in custody if state process ended. Once Woolfolk’s custody
    on the state charges ended on April 10, 2003, his continued "restraint"
    in the state jail "result[ed] from federal action," specifically, the fed-
    eral detainer.
    14                    UNITED STATES v. WOOLFOLK
    The majority suggests that there can be no qualifying federal action
    unless the government somehow "knew or should have known that
    the defendant was restrained solely to answer federal charges." Ante
    at 8. The government might not have known that Woolfolk was being
    held pursuant to the federal detainer after April 10, but it knew
    enough (by reason of its own actions) to be responsible for his deten-
    tion after that date. The government filed the detainer secure in the
    knowledge that the detainer would serve to hold Woolfolk in custody
    if the state charges against him were disposed of. The majority says,
    however, that we cannot charge a prisoner’s detention to the govern-
    ment unless it knows that the detainer has kicked in. Otherwise,
    according to the majority, we would be "impos[ing] a form of strict
    liability upon the Government for actions taken by independent sover-
    eigns." Ante at 8. Virginia did not reach its detention decision inde-
    pendently, however. The entire process began with federal action, the
    filing of a detainer, which authorized the state to continue custody on
    behalf of the federal government. The filing of the detainer was a con-
    scious act, signifying the government’s intention to authorize the state
    to act on its behalf. Because the government took the intentional step
    of authorizing the state to act on its behalf, the government would not
    be held strictly liable for some totally independent action taken by the
    state. If we do not charge the time Woolfolk was held under the fed-
    eral detainer to the government, we allow the government to enjoy the
    advantages of the detainer system without taking any responsibility.
    The majority also attempts to justify its knowledge rule on the
    basis of "the breadth of the [federal] Government’s criminal prosecu-
    tions and what must be the sheer number of federal detainers lodged
    with state authorities." Ante at 8. I am willing to accept that there are
    a fair number of federal detainers lodged against unsentenced prison-
    ers in state custody. But I also expect it is fairly rare for state authori-
    ties to fail to notify the federal government that a state prisoner
    subject to a federal detainer is about to be free of state custody. States
    have every incentive to provide timely notification. In light of the
    costs and responsibilities of housing prisoners, state jailers are no
    doubt eager to transfer the custody of a prisoner subject to a federal
    detainer at the earliest possible moment. It appears that Woolfolk fell
    through the cracks, and the question is whether the federal govern-
    ment must be held responsible for the delay in his indictment. The
    majority is correct to point out that "administration of justice" con-
    UNITED STATES v. WOOLFOLK                       15
    cerns should be taken into account. But Congress has made the judg-
    ment, by its enactment of the Speedy Trial Act and the Interstate
    Agreement on Detainers Act, that justice is best served by prompt
    indictment and trial. There is no room to excuse the government for
    the delay when a defendant languishes in jail as a result of the govern-
    ment’s detainer. I would have the district court determine on remand
    whether Virginia continued to hold Woolfolk solely because of the
    federal detainer. If it did, Woolfolk’s Speedy Trial Act rights were
    violated, and the court should decide whether to dismiss the indict-
    ment with or without prejudice. See 18 U.S.C. § 3162(a).