Daniela Smedley v. Mark Smedley , 772 F.3d 184 ( 2014 )

  •                                 PUBLISHED
    No. 14-1414
    Petitioner - Appellee,
    Respondent - Appellant.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern
    District of North Carolina, at Wilmington. James C. Fox, Senior
    District Judge. (7:14-cv-00066-F)
    Argued:   September 17, 2014                Decided:   November 5, 2014
    Before NIEMEYER, DUNCAN, and THACKER, Circuit Judges.
    Affirmed by published opinion. Judge Duncan wrote the opinion,
    in which Judge Niemeyer and Judge Thacker joined.
    ARGUED: Clifton Jason Humphrey, GAYLOR, EDWARDS, VATCHER &
    HUMPHREY, LLP, Jacksonville, North Carolina, for Appellant.
    Thurston Holderness Webb, KILPATRICK TOWNSEND & STOCKTON LLP,
    Winston-Salem, North Carolina, for Appellee. ON BRIEF: Chad D.
    Hansen, Andrew W. Rinehart, KILPATRICK TOWNSEND & STOCKTON LLP,
    Winston-Salem, North Carolina, for Appellee.
    DUNCAN, Circuit Judge:
    Ever since A.H.S. and G.A.S., the Smedley children, left
    North Carolina with their mother, Daniela Smedley, they have
    lived with only one of their parents.                 First, Daniela took them
    to Germany, where they stayed with her.                     Later, during a one-
    month visit to North Carolina to see their father, Daniela’s ex-
    husband      Mark     Smedley,    Mark    decided   to    keep      them.         In   each
    instance, the parent not housing the children (i.e. first Mark
    and then Daniela) petitioned under the Hague Convention on the
    Civil       Aspects     of     International     Child     Abduction,        a     treaty
    designed      to      return    children    wrongfully       removed        from       their
    “habitual residence.”
    A German court denied Mark’s Hague petition, and a German
    appellate court affirmed, so Daniela did not have to return the
    children to North Carolina.                After Mark decided to keep them
    following their visit, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern
    District      of    North      Carolina    accorded      comity 1    to     the    German
    appellate      court’s       decision.      It   therefore       granted      Daniela’s
    Hague petition, ordering the children’s return to Germany.                               On
    “A practice among political entities (as countries,
    states, or courts of different jurisdictions), involving esp.
    mutual recognition of legislative, executive, and judicial
    acts.” Black’s Law Dictionary 324 (10th ed. 2014).
    appeal, Mark argues that the district court erred in according
    comity.     For the reasons that follow, we affirm.
    The goals of the Hague Convention are “to secure the prompt
    return     of    children    wrongfully       removed        to    or    retained     in   any
    Contracting State; and . . . to ensure that rights of custody
    and   of    access       under   the   law       of    one   Contracting         State     are
    effectively        respected      in    the       other         Contracting         States.” 2
    Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction
    art. 1, Oct. 25, 1980, T.I.A.S. No. 11,670, 1343 U.N.T.S. 98
    (“Hague Convention”) (implemented through the enactment of the
    International Child Abduction Remedies Act, 
    22 U.S.C. § 9001
    seq.).      The Convention often comes into play when one parent
    abducts     a    child    from   the   child’s         habitual        residence     to    that
    parent’s        home   country   in    order      to     gain      a    favorable    custody
    ruling.         Though    the    Convention           does   not       empower   courts      to
    address “the merits of any underlying child custody claims,” 
    22 U.S.C. § 9001
    (b)(4), its primary operative provisions, found in
    Both the United States and Germany are Contracting States.
    U.S. Dep’t of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs, U.S. Hague
    Convention                    Treaty                    Partners,
    ague-party-countries.html (saved as ECF opinion attachment)
    (last visited Nov. 4, 2014).
    Articles 3, 12, and 13, do allow them to consider abduction
    Under Article 3, the removal or retention of a child is
    wrongful when it breaches a person’s rights of custody “under
    the    law    of    the   State    in    which        the    child    was       habitually
    resident.”         Hague Convention art. 3.               The Hague Convention does
    not define “habitual residence.”                    United States federal courts
    analyze a child’s habitual residence on a case-by-case basis,
    taking into account first, whether the parents share an intent
    to    make   a     particular   country       the     child’s    home,      and     second,
    whether enough time has passed for the child to acclimatize to
    the residence.         See Maxwell v. Maxwell, 
    588 F.3d 245
    , 251 (4th
    Cir. 2009).          The underlying principle here is that “a parent
    cannot create a new habitual residence by wrongfully removing
    and sequestering a child.”              Miller v. Miller, 
    240 F.3d 392
    , 400
    (4th Cir. 2001) (citing Diorinou v. Mezitis, 
    237 F.3d 133
    , 141–
    42 (2d Cir. 2001)).
    If a removal or retention is found wrongful, Article 12
    provides that the child must be returned unless certain defenses
    apply.       See     Hague   Convention           arts.   12,   13.        If   a   defense
    applies, return is discretionary.                    
     art. 13.           The defenses
    include the following: (1) the person who had care of the child
    “was not actually exercising the custody rights at the time of
    removal      or    retention,     or    had       consented     to    or    subsequently
    acquiesced in the removal or retention”; (2) there is a “grave
    risk”      that    “return      would      expose        the    child        to    physical      or
    psychological        harm”;      and       (3)       “the    child     objects          to    being
    returned and has attained an age and degree of maturity at which
    it is appropriate to take account of its views.”                                  
    that background, we now turn to the facts before us.
    The Smedleys married in 2000 in Germany, where Mark was
    stationed     as    a    member       of    the       United        States    Army.           Their
    children,     A.H.S.      and    G.A.S.,          were       born     in    2000     and      2005,
    respectively.           Except       for    approximately             one     year      spent     in
    Tennessee, the family lived in Bamberg, Germany, until August
    2010, when Mark was transferred to North Carolina.                                 He bought a
    house in Swansboro and brought the family with him.
    At    this    point,      the       parties’       stories       diverge.              Daniela
    claims that marital tensions, which had surfaced in Germany,
    were exacerbated in Swansboro by her homesickness and isolation
    to such an extent as to lead to discussion of divorce.                                       Daniela
    maintains that she told Mark she was returning to Germany with
    the children permanently in May 2011, and he consented.                                      Daniela
    and   the    children     left       on    July       13th     of    that    year.           Because
    Daniela      had    agreed      to     take       four       weeks    to     reconsider         her
    decision, Mark bought them round-trip tickets with a return date
    of August 11, 2011.       Mark told Daniela that if she chose to stay
    in Germany, he would try to relocate there to be close to the
    children.     In late July 2011, Daniela informed Mark via phone of
    her decision to remain in Germany.
    Mark, on the other hand, denies that he and Daniela ever
    discussed divorce and claims that the trip to Germany was to be
    nothing     more   than   a    one-month      vacation.       In   his    version,
    Daniela’s     decision    to    stay     in   Germany   came    as    a   complete
    surprise:    he    learned     of   it   only   after   the    late   July   phone
    conversation, about two weeks after she had already left North
    Carolina.     She had not told him of her intent in May, and he had
    not consented to a permanent move.
    On September 2, 2011, Mark obtained a temporary custody
    order from the District Court of Onslow County, where Swansboro
    is located.        In October, he filed a Hague petition in Germany
    seeking the children’s return.
    The District Court of Bamberg denied Mark’s Hague petition.
    It based the denial in part on the findings of a court-appointed
    family advocate.       The court credited the advocate’s allegations
    that Mark had physically abused A.H.S. and found that returning
    the children to North Carolina would expose them to a serious
    risk of harm, one of the Article 13 defenses.
    Mark appealed the District Court of Bamberg’s decision to
    the Bamberg Higher Regional Court.                     There, Daniela, A.H.S., the
    family     advocate,      and      a    representative          from       the   Office      of
    Children    Protection       Services          of    Bamberg    testified        in   person.
    Mark, who was unable to attend because his passport was expired,
    testified through his lawyer.                       The court agreed with Daniela
    that Mark had consented to the move to Germany, finding her
    testimony more credible than Mark’s.                     As consent is another of
    the Article 13 defenses, the court held that Daniela need not
    return the children without determining whether North Carolina
    or Germany was their habitual residence.
    Mark and Daniela obtained a divorce under German law in May
    2012,    and     the    children       lived    with    Daniela       in    Bamberg        until
    August 2013.           Daniela agreed in June 2013 to let the children
    visit Mark because they wanted a vacation and had not seen their
    father in two years.            On August 6th, Mark picked the children up
    at Ramstein Air Base in Germany.                      He gave Daniela a notarized
    document stating that he would return the children on or about
    August     26,    2013,     with       the     exact     date    to        depend     on     the
    availability of military flights.
    Expressing concerns over their dental care and schooling,
    Mark kept the children in North Carolina and informed Daniela of
    his decision via Facebook on August 27, 2013.                  He enrolled the
    children in the Onslow County school system.
    Daniela filed a Hague petition in the U.S. District Court
    on April 7, 2014.            In a comprehensive opinion, the district
    court, ruling that the Bamberg Higher Regional Court’s finding
    on consent was not “wholly unsupported,” accorded comity to that
    decision. 3      J.A. 59.
    First, the district court concluded that the German court’s
    failure to determine the children’s habitual residence was not
    fundamentally unreasonable because the decision “rested on what
    is   akin   to    an   affirmative    defense   in   Article   13(a)”:    Mark’s
    consent to the move.            J.A. 56.        Second, the district court
    reasoned      that,     based    on   the     German    court’s    credibility
    determinations,        the   testimony   supported     the   contention   “that
    Mark had agreed to the trip with the knowledge that Daniela and
    the children might not return.               That the German court did not
    credit Mark’s version of the story does not render its Article
    13(a) determination . . . fundamentally unreasonable.”                J.A. 57.
    Third, the district court rejected Mark’s argument that, because
    he did not formally manifest his non-consent, he did not consent
    to Daniela’s decision, by noting that “[c]onsent . . . ‘may be
    Henceforth in this opinion, the term “German court” refers
    to the Bamberg Higher Regional Court.
    evinced by the [parent’s] statements or conduct, which can be
    rather    informal.’”    J.A.   58    (second   alteration   in   original)
    (quoting Nicolson v. Pappalardo, 
    605 F.3d 100
    , 105 (1st Cir.
    Having found that Daniela did not wrongfully remove the
    children to Germany and reasoning that they had acclimatized to
    life in Germany between July 2011 and August 2013, the district
    court found that Germany was the children’s habitual residence
    at the time of their visit to North Carolina. 4         Because Mark did
    not assert any defense, the court allowed Daniela’s petition and
    awarded her physical custody for the purpose of returning the
    children to Germany. 5   This appeal followed.
    Our task is to decide whether the district court properly
    accorded comity to the German court’s ruling that Daniela did
    not unlawfully remove the children to Germany.           This court has
    noted that, though foreign judgments are not entitled to full
    Mark does not contest that the children had acclimatized
    to life in Germany. Rather, he argues that Germany was not the
    children’s habitual residence at the time of their visit to
    North Carolina because Daniela’s removal of them to Germany in
    2011 was wrongful.
    We denied Mark’s motion to stay the district court’s order
    pending appeal.     Order, May 1, 2014, ECF No. 8.        Daniela
    returned to Germany with the children the next day.
    faith     and   credit,     “comity     is      at    the   heart    of    the     Hague
    Convention.”          Miller, 
    240 F.3d at 400
     (quoting Diorinou, 
    237 F.3d at 142
    ) (internal quotation marks omitted).                          Accordingly,
    “American courts will normally accord considerable deference to
    foreign    adjudications      as    a   matter       of   comity.”    
    237 F.3d at 142
    ) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    The Ninth Circuit has provided a useful framework for extending
    comity    in    Hague   cases:     “[W]e   may       properly   decline     to   extend
    comity    to    the    [foreign]    court’s      determination       if    it    clearly
    misinterprets the Hague Convention, contravenes the Convention’s
    fundamental premises or objectives, or fails to meet a minimum
    standard of reasonableness.” 6             Asvesta v. Petroutsas, 
    580 F.3d 1000
    , 1014 (9th Cir. 2009).
    We have yet to decide whether to review comity decisions de
    novo or for abuse of discretion, and need not do so here. 7                        Under
    Relying on Miller, Daniela urges this court to refrain
    from an in-depth review of the German court’s opinion and simply
    ask   whether   its   reliance  on  the   Hague  Convention  was
    “reasonable.”     Appellee’s Br. at 21.      But Miller did not
    explicitly suggest that course, and the Second Circuit pointed
    out in Diorinou that “[a]lthough deference as a matter of comity
    often entails consideration of the fairness of a foreign
    adjudicating system, a case-specific inquiry is sometimes
    appropriate.”    Diorinou, 
    237 F.3d at 143
     (citations omitted).
    In any event, whether we follow Daniela’s proposed standard of
    review or that described in Asvesta, the result is the same
    because, as discussed below, the facts of this case render the
    German court’s decision at least minimally reasonable.
    The Second Circuit held that the proper standard in cases
    either     standard,      the    district    court     properly    extended      comity
    because       the     German        court’s      decision         neither       clearly
    misinterpreted the Hague Convention nor failed to meet a minimum
    standard of reasonableness. 8          Mark makes two arguments on appeal,
    which we address in turn.
    Mark     first       argues     that       the    German      court     clearly
    misinterpreted the Hague Convention because it failed to make a
    habitual-residence determination before addressing the defense
    of consent.        The order of analysis matters, he contends, because
    the German court “would have been compelled to find that [the
    children’s] habitual residence was North Carolina,” Appellant’s
    Br.   at     15,    and   such    a   finding     “might    have     made   a    court
    respectful of the Hague Convention more reluctant to find that
    the defenses of Article 13 applied in the case,” id. at 16.                         We
    are not persuaded.
    such as this one is de novo. See Diorinou, 
    237 F.3d at
    The Ninth Circuit acknowledged that holding but ultimately left
    the issue open. See Asvesta, 
    580 F.3d at
    Mark argued to the U.S. District Court that the German
    court’s    failure   to determine   habitual  residence  clearly
    misinterpreted the Hague Convention and that by allowing Daniela
    “to forum shop for a jurisdiction that she preferred for
    custody,” J.A. T.95, it contravened the Convention’s fundamental
    premises.     Because both prongs turn on whether the German
    court’s failure to determine habitual residence was proper, they
    are inextricably tied in this case.
    Mark’s contention that the German court would necessarily
    have     found       North     Carolina      to    be     the        children’s    habitual
    residence is pure conjecture.                     Further, he cites no authority
    for the proposition that a court must decide habitual residence
    before addressing defenses.                  Nor is there anything in the text
    of the Hague Convention that requires a court to address Article
    3 first.       The Hague Convention does not set out a roadmap, only
    It is true that in Asvesta, the Ninth Circuit criticized a
    Greek        court     for     failing        to    make         a     habitual-residence
    580 F.3d at 1017
    .             The Greek court had decided
    that the respondent’s retention of the child in Greece was not
    wrongful because the petitioner was not exercising his custodial
    rights at the time.             See 
     at 1016–17.              But in Asvesta it was
    necessary to determine the child’s habitual residence because
    that country determines custodial rights, see Hague Convention
    art.    3;    as     such,    the    Greek    court       could      not    have   addressed
    custodial      rights        without   first       knowing       the    child’s    habitual
    residence, see Asvesta, 
    580 F.3d at 1017
    .                              The Ninth Circuit
    therefore reasoned that the Greek court’s failure to determine
    the    child’s       habitual       residence      cast    doubt       on   its    wrongful-
    removal determination under Article 3.                     
    By contrast, here the habitual-residence question was not
    dispositive or even helpful, as the court’s conclusion did not
    turn on habitual residence or custodial rights.                     Even if the
    German     court   had   assumed      that     the    children    were   habitual
    residents of North Carolina when Daniela took them to Germany,
    the finding that Mark consented to that move would have still
    provided her with an affirmative defense to wrongful removal. 9
    The district court analogized such a process to granting summary
    judgment based on an affirmative defense after assuming that the
    plaintiff made out a prima facie case, as courts routinely do.
    We next consider Mark’s argument that the German court’s
    decision    did    not   meet    a   minimum    standard    of    reasonableness
    because the court unreasonably relied on contradictory evidence
    in making its credibility determination.                The German court found
    credible Daniela’s testimony that Mark knew she went to Germany
    with the intent of staying there with the children, and that
    Mark consented to that move in the event she did not change her
    mind.      Though the court made such a determination with Mark
    present    only    through     his   lawyer,    the    decision   was    at   least
    minimally reasonable.
    According      to   the    German   court,       Daniela’s   testimony     was
    “detailed, coherent and consistent.”                  J.A. 27.     Also, A.H.S.
    Notably, the Asvesta court neither discussed nor even
    mentioned  habitual  residence   when addressing the  consent
    defense. See 
    580 F.3d at
    corroborated it, stating that Mark had promised her she could
    stay in Germany.         (The family advocate reported to the German
    district court that she found A.H.S. to be “very authentic,”
    J.A. 66E, and confirmed that report to the regional court.)
    By contrast, the German court found that Mark’s testimony
    through   his   lawyer    was    not   credible.   In   addition   to    being
    “unsubstantiated,” J.A. 28, its accuracy was also called into
    question.     Mark initially asserted to the German court that he
    first learned of Daniela’s decision to stay in Germany on August
    10, 2011, the day before the scheduled return flight.                   But he
    later admitted that nine days earlier, on August 1st, he had
    authored a Facebook post, which he had since removed, that read
    in part, “Please come back to me.            I am really taking this hard
    right now.”     J.A. 37.        That post casts doubt on Mark’s initial
    statement about when he first learned of Daniela’s decision, 10
    and is also consistent with Daniela’s story that she made her
    decision to stay in Germany prior to leaving North Carolina,
    while agreeing to reconsider.
    After Daniela introduced the Facebook post, Mark’s lawyer
    telephoned him.   Mark explained that Daniela told him over the
    phone in late July that she would probably not return. He would
    later attest the same to the U.S. District Court, and to this
    court in his brief. Even though the Facebook post is consistent
    with that testimony, the post is inconsistent with his initial
    testimony before the German court and thus supports that court’s
    negative credibility determination.
    Mark argues that this case is “virtually indistinguishable”
    from Asvesta, in which the Ninth Circuit found that the Greek
    court’s consent determination was unreasonable.                            Appellant’s Br.
    at   19.       In     Asvesta,        the     Greek      court    had     found    that      the
    petitioner        consented       to       the    child’s        removal       based    on   an
    ambiguous email and a notarized writing giving permission to his
    wife to travel temporarily with the child.                             
    580 F.3d at 1019
    In the email, dated November 2, 2005, the petitioner pleaded
    with his wife to stay in the United States.                              
    Id. at 1005
    .         He
    wrote that if she would not, then he would ask for a divorce and
    she should “[g]o to Greece with the child and we will see how I
    will   come    to     Greece      to    visit         him.”      
          He    subsequently
    executed a writing, notarized on November 11, 2005, 
    id. at 1019
    which stated, “I hereby consent to Despina Asvesta Petroutsas to
    travel     with     our     son   .    .    .    between       the     following       dates[:]
    November 8, 2005-December 8, 2005,” 
    id. at 1005
     (alteration in
    The    Ninth    Circuit         held      that    the     Greek    court’s      consent
    determination         was    “completely          unsupported,         and     [was]     indeed
    contradicted by, this evidence.”                      
    Id. at 1019
    .       First, the email
    could be read as consent to go permanently to Greece or to
    travel only temporarily, and in the context of the whole email,
    the latter was more likely.                 
           Second, the notarized writing,
    executed after the email was sent, unambiguously gave consent
    for only temporary travel.               
    By contrast, here there was no such evidence that rendered
    the German court’s consent determination unreasonable. 11                           Whereas
    the   petitioner’s        email     in    Asvesta      could    be     read    as    giving
    consent     for        permanent    or         temporary     travel,        according     to
    Daniela’s     testimony,       which       the      German    court    credited,        Mark
    unambiguously consented to a permanent move.                           And unlike the
    petitioner        in     Asvesta,        who     submitted     a      writing       clearly
    delineating       the     period     of        consent,      Mark     did     not   submit
    Evidence in the record supporting Mark’s claims includes
    that he purchased round-trip tickets for Daniela and the
    children, that Daniela packed enough for only a short vacation--
    leaving valuables in North Carolina--and that Mark, within three
    months after the children left North Carolina, began proceedings
    to effect their return.   But that evidence does not render the
    German court’s decision unreasonable.   Daniela testified to the
    German court that Mark bought round-trip tickets because they
    were cheaper than one-way tickets.      (We also note that the
    purchase of those tickets is consistent with her testimony that
    she promised to reconsider her decision to stay in Germany.)
    And although on direct examination before the U.S. District
    Court, Mark discussed the items Daniela packed, Daniela
    testified in the German court--and it is the German court’s
    decision we review for a minimum standard of reasonableness--
    that she brought the children’s birth certificates in case she
    needed them for school enrollment or other purposes, and that
    Mark did not object.      Finally, even though Mark instituted
    custody proceedings and filed a Hague petition after Daniela
    reconfirmed her decision to keep the children in Germany, those
    actions are consistent with the notion that he simply regretted
    his earlier consent.
    comparable    evidence        to    the    German     court    suggesting    that
    Daniela’s trip to Germany with the children was only a vacation.
    Because Daniela’s testimony was detailed and corroborated,
    and the evidence did not show that Mark’s consent was for only
    temporary    travel,    the    German      court’s    decision   was   at   least
    minimally reasonable.
    Accordingly,      for    the   foregoing       reasons,   the   judgment   of
    district court is