Al Pisano v. Kim Strach , 743 F.3d 927 ( 2014 )

  •                               PUBLISHED
    No. 13-1368
    Plaintiffs – Appellants,
    KIM WESTBROOK STRACH, as Executive Director of the North
    Carolina Board of Elections; JOSH HOWARD, as Member of the
    North Carolina Board of Elections; RHONDA AMOROSO, as
    Member of the North Carolina Board of Elections; PAUL
    FOLEY, as Member of the North Carolina Board of Elections;
    MAJA KRICKER, as Member of the North Carolina Board of
    Elections; JOSHUA MALCOLM, as Member of the North Carolina
    Board of Elections,
    Defendants – Appellees.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the Western
    District of North Carolina, at Charlotte.   Graham C. Mullen,
    Senior District Judge. (3:12-cv-00192-GCM)
    Argued:   October 29, 2013                 Decided:    February 27, 2014
    Before NIEMEYER, MOTZ, and DIAZ, Circuit Judges.
    Affirmed by published opinion. Judge Diaz wrote the opinion, in
    which Judge Niemeyer and Judge Motz joined.
    ARGUED: Robert Milton Bastress, Jr., Morgantown, West Virginia,
    for Appellants.     Susannah Porter Holloway, NORTH CAROLINA
    DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, Raleigh, North Carolina, for Appellees.
    ON BRIEF: Jason E. Huber, CHARLOTTE SCHOOL OF LAW, Charlotte,
    North Carolina, for Appellants.    Roy Cooper, North Carolina
    Attorney General, Susan K. Nichols, Special Deputy Attorney
    Carolina, for Appellees.
    DIAZ, Circuit Judge:
    North        Carolina   provides        three         ways    for   a     candidate          to
    appear on a general election ballot when running for a partisan
    federal,           state,    county,      or       municipal         office. 1          First,        a
    “recognized” political party may nominate candidates.                                           Second,
    unaffiliated          candidates       may     petition        to     appear     on     a       general
    election          ballot.       Third,       and       most    relevant         here,       a    “new”
    political party may nominate candidates.
    In this appeal, Al Pisano, Nicholas Triplett, the North
    Carolina Constitution Party, and the North Carolina Green Party
    raise        an    as-applied       challenge          to     North    Carolina’s           May     17
    petition-filing             deadline    for     the      formation         of    new     political
    parties. 2         They contend that the deadline violates the First and
    Fourteenth Amendments because it imposes an unjustified, severe
    burden on their ability to field presidential candidates.                                         They
    also        assert    that    the   deadline           violates      the    Equal       Protection
    Clause        of     the     Fourteenth        Amendment        because         it     places       an
    additional, substantial burden on them that is not imposed on
    unaffiliated candidates or recognized political parties.
    An individual may also qualify as a write-in candidate for
    a non-municipal, partisan office.   See N.C. Gen. Stat. § 163-
    Al Pisano is the chairperson of the North Carolina
    Constitution Party. Nicholas Triplett is a vice chairperson of
    the North Carolina Green Party.
    The district court held that discovery was not necessary to
    determine the constitutionality of the deadline and upheld its
    validity, noting that the deadline has no impact on Plaintiffs’
    constitutional rights.          Even assuming that it did, however, the
    court concluded that the deadline is justified, and any burden
    it imposes is ameliorated by other aspects of North Carolina’s
    statutory framework.        For the reasons that follow, we affirm.
    We   begin     with   a   brief    sketch    of   the   relevant    statutory
    framework before turning to the issues presented.
    North    Carolina      election     law     provides    that   a   recognized
    political party may nominate candidates for federal, state, and
    local offices.        McLaughlin v. N.C. Bd. of Elections, 
    65 F.3d 1215
    , 1218 (4th Cir. 1995).             Recognized political parties must
    nominate their candidates by primary election unless only one
    candidate    from    that      party   seeks     election    for    a   particular
    Id. at 1219;
    see also N.C. Gen. Stat. § 163-110.                 North
    Carolina recognizes a political party if it polled at least two
    percent of the entire votes cast in the state for governor or
    for presidential electors.             See N.C. Gen. Stat. § 163-96(a)(1).
    A new political party may also nominate candidates.                       See
    id. § 163-98.
          To do so, a qualifying new party must select its
    candidates by party convention and submit its nominees by July
    Id. To qualify
    as a new party, a group must file petitions
    with the State Board of Elections before 12:00 PM on June 1 in
    the election year in which the group desires to participate.
    Id. § 163-96(a)(2),
    (b1).       A separate petition must be filed for
    each county in which the group gathers signatures.               See 
    id. § 163-96(b),
    The petitions must collectively be “signed by registered
    and qualified voters in [North Carolina] equal in number to two
    percent (2%) of the total number of voters who voted in the most
    recent     general   election   for   Governor,”   with   at   least   200
    signatures from each of at least four congressional districts.
    Id. § 163-96(a)(2).
         In addition to complying with the June 1
    deadline, a group must submit each petition for verification to
    the chairperson of the county board of elections in the county
    where the signatures were obtained by 5:00 PM on May 17. 3             
    Id. § 163-96(b1).
    The statute does not expressly say that May 17 is the
    operative deadline.   Rather, it requires that the petitions be
    submitted to the chairperson “of the county board of elections
    in the county in which the signatures were obtained no later
    than 5:00 P.M. on the fifteenth day preceding the date the
    petitions are due to be filed with the State Board of
    Elections.”   N.C. Gen. Stat. § 163-96(b1).   Although Plaintiffs
    initially contended that the operative deadline was May 16, see
    First Am. Compl. ¶ 19 , they now concede the additional day.
    Groups     seeking      to       form    new       political         parties    are    not
    limited to a short time frame for gathering signatures and have
    notice of the number of signatures required three-and-one-half
    years before the deadline.                     This is so because the number of
    required signatures is based on the total number of votes cast
    in the previous gubernatorial election.                          See 
    id. § 163-96(a)(2).
    North Carolina does not preclude voters from signing petitions
    based    on     their      party    affiliation            or    from       signing    multiple
    North Carolina held a primary election on May 8, 2012.                                 The
    Republican presidential candidate was nominated in August, and
    the     Democratic         presidential             candidate          was     nominated       in
    September.        The general election was held on November 6.                                  To
    nominate       candidates         for     North       Carolina’s            general    election
    ballot,    a    group      needed       to   collect       and       timely    submit       85,379
    signatures,      a   figure        amounting         to   two        percent   of     the    total
    number    of    votes      cast    in    North       Carolina’s         2008    gubernatorial
    The North Carolina Constitution Party and Al Pisano filed
    suit    against      the    Executive          Director         of    the    State    Board     of
    Elections and its members on March 27, 2012.                                On April 6, they
    filed an amended complaint, joined by the North Carolina Green
    Party and Nicholas Triplett.                   Plaintiffs allege that the May 17
    deadline violates the First and Fourteenth Amendments and the
    Equal    Protection      Clause     because    it     severely     burdens     their
    ability to field presidential candidates.                   Although Plaintiffs
    do    not    challenge     North     Carolina’s       two    percent      signature
    requirement, they argue that the deadline, in combination with
    the signature requirement, creates an impermissible barrier to
    ballot access.          Plaintiffs moved in the district court for a
    preliminary     injunction     to    prevent    enforcement       of   the   May    17
    petition-filing     deadline        in   the   2012    presidential       election,
    which the district court denied.
    The parties subsequently held a conference in which they
    agreed not to take discovery until the district court ruled on
    Defendants’ motion for summary judgment or Plaintiffs’ motion
    under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 56(d) for discovery.                         The
    district court denied the Rule 56(d) motion on October 18, 2012,
    concluding that discovery was not needed to decide whether the
    May     17   deadline     is   unconstitutional.            The   court      allowed
    Plaintiffs time to file additional affidavits before the court
    ruled on the summary judgment motion, but Plaintiffs did not
    take advantage of that opportunity.
    On March 1, 2013, the district court granted Defendants’
    motion for summary judgment. 4                 It first stated that the filing
    deadline has no impact on Plaintiffs' rights and that it is
    instead the unchallenged two percent signature requirement that
    imposes a severe burden.                 The court then concluded, however,
    that       the    filing     deadline    is   constitutional    even   if    it   does
    impose a burden.             Applying strict scrutiny, the court determined
    that the deadline is narrowly tailored and that any burden it
    imposes “is significantly lessened by the alleviating factors in
    the overall statutory scheme.”                 J.A. 96-97.     The district court
    also rejected Plaintiffs’ equal protection claim, holding that
    groups seeking to form new political parties are not similarly
    situated          to     unaffiliated    candidates    or    recognized     political
    parties.          This appeal followed.
    Plaintiffs first argue that the district court erred in
    denying          their    Rule   56(d)   motion.      Rule   56(d)   mandates     that
    The district court ruled on the merits of Plaintiffs’
    claims after the November 2012 general election.     The case is
    not moot, however, because Plaintiffs’ challenge to the May 17
    deadline falls under the “capable of repetition, yet evading
    review” exception to the mootness doctrine. See Norman v. Reed,
    502 U.S. 279
    , 287-88 (1992) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    summary judgment be denied when the nonmovant “has not had the
    opportunity to discover information that is essential to his
    opposition.” 5     Ingle ex rel. Estate of Ingle v. Yelton, 
    439 F.3d 191
    , 195 (4th Cir. 2006) (internal quotation marks omitted).        A
    court should hesitate before denying a Rule 56(d) motion when
    the nonmovant seeks necessary information possessed only by the
    Id. at 196-97.
        But a court may deny a Rule 56(d)
    motion when the information sought would not by itself create a
    genuine issue of material fact sufficient for the nonmovant to
    survive summary judgment.       
    Id. at 195.
        We review a district
    court’s denial of a Rule 56(d) motion for abuse of discretion.
    Greater Balt. Ctr. for Pregnancy Concerns, 
    Inc., 721 F.3d at 280
    Plaintiffs sought the following discovery:      (1) production
    of any state records regarding minor parties’ attempts to gain
    ballot access for presidential candidates in North Carolina; (2)
    a deposition of Gary Bartlett, then Executive Director of the
    State      Board   of   Elections,   to   explore   North   Carolina’s
    justifications for the May 17 deadline; and (3) information from
    officials in other states as to the efficacy of later filing
    “By amendment that took effect on December 1, 2010, former
    Rule 56(f) was carried forward into subdivision (d) without
    substantial change.” Greater Balt. Ctr. for Pregnancy Concerns,
    Inc., v. Mayor of Balt., 
    721 F.3d 264
    , 275 n.6 (4th Cir. 2013)
    (en banc).
    deadlines.        They contend that this discovery was essential to
    their ability to oppose summary judgment.
    We    conclude       that   the     district        court       did    not   abuse      its
    discretion on this issue.                  To begin with, the record includes
    information       regarding        other       minor      parties’        efforts      to    gain
    ballot      access     in   recent      years.           Between    1996      and   2012,      the
    Libertarian       Party      qualified         as    a    new    party       four   times      and
    qualified once as a recognized political party based on previous
    election results.            The Reform Party qualified as a new party
    twice, and the Natural Law Party and the Americans Elect Party
    each qualified as a new party once.                         We also know that as of
    April 17, 2012, five groups other than Plaintiffs had expressed
    interest in forming new political parties but had not submitted
    any signatures.         In addition, the State Board of Elections posts
    the status of current statewide petitions in each county on its
    website.        Plaintiffs         do    not    appear       to    dispute       this       record
    evidence; they simply want more.
    Plaintiffs complain that they do not know precisely how
    many     groups      have    attempted         but       failed     to       qualify    as     new
    political parties.            True enough, but we are satisfied that this
    information       by    itself      would      not       create    a     genuine       issue    of
    material      fact     sufficient       to     preclude         summary      judgment,       given
    that the question before us is principally one of law, and there
    is a wealth of case law assessing similar challenges.
    Second, with respect to North Carolina’s reasons for the
    May 17 deadline, the record provides justifications.                      In a sworn
    declaration, Bartlett highlighted the problems that the state
    fears would arise without ballot-access requirements, including
    “tremendous voter confusion and chaos.”                    J.A. 19.      At bottom,
    Plaintiffs want to compel North Carolina to say more in support
    of the May 17 deadline.            But the fact that Plaintiffs believe
    the state has provided only ephemeral support for the deadline
    goes to the merits of their claim--not to whether the district
    court properly denied the Rule 56(d) motion.
    Finally,    Plaintiffs       sought    information      from     officials    in
    other states about possible alternatives to the May 17 deadline,
    presumably to attack the merits of North Carolina’s choice.                        The
    district court, however, did not bar Plaintiffs from obtaining
    and   presenting      that   evidence.          To    the     contrary,      it   gave
    Plaintiffs    ample    opportunity      to     offer       additional     affidavits
    before considering the summary judgment motion, but Plaintiffs
    simply chose not to do so.
    We find no abuse of discretion on this record.
    We   next    consider    whether        the     May     17   petition-filing
    deadline   violates     Plaintiffs’         First    and    Fourteenth       Amendment
    rights.      We   review     the    district        court’s    grant    of    summary
    judgment de novo.          See S.C. Green Party v. S.C. State Election
    612 F.3d 752
    , 755 (4th Cir. 2010).
    It   is    well     established          that    ballot-access      restrictions
    “implicate      substantial         voting,      associational      and    expressive
    rights     protected      by     the    First     and    Fourteenth       Amendments.”
    McLaughlin, 65 F.3d at 1221
    .      In    analyzing     whether    state
    election laws impermissibly infringe on such rights, the Supreme
    Court has instructed us to weigh
    ‘the character and magnitude of the asserted injury to
    the rights protected by the First and Fourteenth
    Amendments that the plaintiff seeks to vindicate’
    against ‘the precise interests put forward by the
    State as justifications for the burden imposed by its
    rule,’ taking into consideration ‘the extent to which
    those interests make it necessary to burden the
    plaintiff’s rights.’
    Burdick v. Takushi, 
    504 U.S. 428
    , 434 (1992) (quoting Anderson
    v. Celebrezze, 
    460 U.S. 780
    , 789 (1983)).
    Applying    the     Anderson/Burdick            framework,    we    have   stated
    that election laws that impose a severe burden on ballot access
    are   subject    to     strict    scrutiny,       and   a   court   applying     strict
    scrutiny may uphold the restrictions only if they are “narrowly
    drawn to advance a state interest of compelling importance.”
    McLaughlin, 65 F.3d at 1220
    (internal quotation marks omitted).
    On the other hand, “if a statute imposes only modest burdens,
    then a State’s important regulatory interests will usually be
    enough to justify reasonable, nondiscriminatory restrictions.”
    S.C. Green      
    Party, 612 F.3d at 756
        (internal      quotation      marks
    When      deciding         whether    a      state’s       filing      deadline     is
    unconstitutionally burdensome, we evaluate the combined effect
    of the state’s ballot-access regulations.                       See Wood v. Meadows,
    207 F.3d 708
    , 711 (4th Cir. 2000) (“When determining whether a
    given    state’s          filing      deadline         unconstitutionally         burdens
    candidates’     and        voters’    rights,      a    court    must       examine    that
    state’s ballot access scheme in its entirety.”).
    Although        the    district      court    relied       on    our    decision    in
    McLaughlin when it applied strict scrutiny, we do not believe
    that McLaughlin addresses the appropriate level of scrutiny that
    we should apply here.              There, we considered several challenges
    to   North      Carolina’s           then-applicable         statutory          framework,
    including its retention requirement to qualify as a recognized
    political party.            
    See 65 F.3d at 1220
    .                Then, as now, North
    Carolina imposed a two percent signature requirement on groups
    seeking to form new political parties.                    See 
    id. at 1219.
             At the
    time,    however,         the   state     also     required          that   a    notarized
    affidavit      and    a     five-cent     verification          fee     accompany      each
    signature. 6     
    Id. at 1218.
              Furthermore, a political party could
    The district court had invalidated the notarized affidavit
    and five-cent verification fee requirements, and the state did
    not cross appeal. 
    Id. at 1220.
    only retain the right to field candidates if its nominee for
    governor or for president received at least ten percent of the
    votes    cast    in    the   previous       general      election       for    governor      or
    president. 7      
    Id. at 1219.
    In    McLaughlin,       the      Libertarian        Party    challenged         the     ten
    percent     retention        requirement,           as    it      had    satisfied          the
    requirements to form a new political party multiple times.                                  
    Id. at 1219-20.
              We recognized that the burden imposed by North
    Carolina’s then-applicable restrictions was “undoubtedly severe”
    because,    “as       history    reveal[ed],        those      regulations         ma[d]e     it
    extremely       difficult       for   any   ‘third       party’    to    participate         in
    electoral       politics.”        
    Id. at 1221.
            Moreover,         we    expressed
    concern about the regulations’ impact on candidates for local
    offices.        In effect, the regulations prevented any third-party
    candidates       for    local      offices        from    designating         their     party
    affiliation on the ballot unless their group met the two percent
    or ten percent requirements--even if the corresponding number of
    signatures or votes far exceeded the number of people entitled
    to vote for that local office.                    
    Id. at 1224.
              Concluding that
    strict    scrutiny       applied      because       the     restrictions           imposed    a
    severe burden, see 
    id. at 1221,
    we nevertheless rejected the
    The ten percent requirement has since been repealed. See
    Electoral Fairness Act, 2006 N.C. Sess. Laws 234 § 1 (changing
    the ten percent requirement to a two percent requirement).
    Libertarian       Party’s       challenge       in    light    of    applicable    Supreme
    Court precedent, 
    id. at 1225-26.
                         We did not expressly decide,
    however,      whether           North      Carolina’s          filing      deadline       is
    constitutional. 8
    Nor does McLaughlin mandate that we apply strict scrutiny
    in this case.        In McLaughlin, we considered a significantly more
    restrictive statutory framework in the context of a different
    type of challenge.               North Carolina no longer requires groups
    seeking    new     party    status       to     submit      notarized     affidavits     and
    verification fees, nor does it impose a ten percent retention
    requirement.        See N.C. Gen. Stat. § 163-96.                    Thus, the pre-1996
    history that we discussed in McLaughlin is immaterial to the
    question     at     hand:       whether        the    current       statutory    framework
    imposes a severe burden.                 In addition, Plaintiffs challenge the
    filing deadline only in the context of presidential elections,
    which     involve    the        entire    statewide         electorate.         Thus,    our
    concern     in      McLaughlin          about        the    regulations’        effect    on
    candidates in local elections is irrelevant here.
    With         this      background           in        mind,     we    address       the
    constitutionality          of    the     May    17    petition-filing       deadline      as
    We note that since our 1995 decision in McLaughlin, minor
    parties have met the two percent signature requirement eight
    times in presidential election years, and the Libertarian Party
    placed its candidate on the 2012 ballot by satisfying the ballot
    retention provision.
    applied   to     Plaintiffs.        Consistent   with     the   Supreme   Court’s
    analytical framework, “we base our conclusions directly on the
    First and Fourteenth Amendments and do not engage in a separate
    Equal Protection Clause analysis.”              
    Norman, 502 U.S. at 288
    Anderson, 460 U.S. at 786
    n.7); see also Libertarian
    Party of Ohio v. Blackwell, 
    462 F.3d 579
    , 586 n.6 (6th Cir.
    2006)(same); Council of Alt. Political Parties v. Hooks, 
    179 F.3d 64
    , 70 n.7 (3d Cir. 1999)(same).
    We   first     address    whether    the    filing    deadline    imposes    a
    severe burden on Plaintiffs’ constitutional rights.                    Plaintiffs
    assert    that    the   May    17    deadline,    in    combination     with    the
    unchallenged      two   percent      signature    requirement,        creates    an
    impermissible       barrier     to     ballot     access. 9       Specifically,
    Plaintiffs contend that the May 17 deadline prevents them from
    gathering signatures at the height of the presidential election
    Plaintiffs place great emphasis on a 1988 letter from
    North Carolina’s Office of the Attorney General that suggests
    the May 17 deadline is unconstitutional.        In that letter,
    however, the Attorney General’s Office appears to have read
    Anderson to require strict scrutiny review in all cases
    challenging ballot access restrictions.     The Court has since
    clarified that Anderson does not compel strict scrutiny review
    in all cases, but instead only when the burden imposed is
    severe.    See 
    Burdick, 504 U.S. at 434
    .     In any event, this
    letter has no bearing on our resolution of this case.
    season.      According       to    them,    early    filing     deadlines         impose   a
    severe burden by requiring parties to gather signatures when the
    election     is    remote,        before    voters    focus     on    the       campaigns.
    Plaintiffs emphasize that the May 17 deadline comes before most
    of the presidential candidates have been selected and before the
    candidates’ political platforms are defined.
    Plaintiffs’ argument ignores important alleviating factors
    in North Carolina’s statutory framework.                       North Carolina does
    not limit groups to a short time frame for gathering signatures,
    and groups are on notice of the number of signatures they need
    to     collect     three-and-one-half             years   before          the   deadline.
    Plaintiffs       thus   have      ample    opportunity    to    collect         signatures
    when    voters    are   engaged,       such   as    during     primaries        and   other
    elections.        And they have a large pool from which to collect
    signatures, as the state does not preclude voters from signing
    petitions    based      on     their      party    affiliation       or    from    signing
    multiple petitions.
    Plaintiffs also misconstrue the timeline for presidential
    election cycles.        Although the Republican and Democratic parties
    did not officially nominate their candidates for president until
    August and September of 2012, the names of potential recognized-
    party candidates and their platforms were known well before the
    May 17 deadline.          Given that North Carolina held a primary on
    May 8, 2012, the May 17 deadline allowed Plaintiffs to engage
    voters      during   the    height       of    the    primary     season.       Indeed,
    Plaintiffs      could      have    collected         signatures      from   registered
    voters at polling locations during the early voting period and
    on the day of the May primary.
    The cases Plaintiffs cite, wherein courts have struck down
    filing      deadlines,      are    inapposite,            principally   because       the
    deadlines in those cases preceded the state’s primary. 10                           See,
    Anderson, 460 U.S. at 804
    n.31, 806 (striking down Ohio’s
    filing deadline for unaffiliated presidential candidates, which
    fell in March--75 days before a June primary); Nader v. Brewer,
    531 F.3d 1028
    , 1038-40 (9th Cir. 2008) (striking down Arizona’s
    filing deadline for unaffiliated candidates, which fell in June-
    -90 days before the primary); MacBride v. Exon, 
    558 F.2d 443
    446, 448-49 (8th Cir. 1977) (striking down Nebraska’s deadline
    for   the    formation      of    new    political        parties,    which    fell   in
    February--90 days before the primary).                     As the Sixth Circuit has
    explained,       “the      great        weight       of     authority       . . .     has
    distinguished between filing deadlines well in advance of the
    primary and general elections and deadlines falling closer to
    Plaintiffs cite one federal district court case that did
    not address whether the filing deadline fell before or after the
    presidential primary.    See Nader 2000 Primary Comm., Inc. v.
    110 F. Supp. 2d 1201
    , 1208-09 (D.S.D. 2000) (striking
    down June 20 deadline for unaffiliated presidential candidates).
    We do not find the reasoning of that case persuasive.
    the dates of those elections.”              Libertarian Party of 
    Ohio, 462 F.3d at 590
    Election law schemes with modest signature requirements and
    filing deadlines falling close to or after the primary election
    are the relevant points of comparison.               We, and several of our
    sister   circuits,    have    found    that   such   schemes     do   not   impose
    severe burdens.       See, e.g., Swanson v. Worley, 
    490 F.3d 894
    905-06, 910 (11th Cir. 2007) (upholding Alabama’s primary-day
    filing deadline, in combination with a three percent signature
    requirement, for unaffiliated candidates in local and statewide
    elections); Lawrence v. Blackwell, 
    430 F.3d 368
    , 370, 375 (6th
    Cir.   2005)   (upholding     Ohio’s    primary-eve     filing    deadline     for
    unaffiliated congressional candidates, in combination with a one
    percent signature requirement); 
    Wood, 207 F.3d at 713-14
    , 717
    (upholding     Virginia’s          primary-day       filing      deadline,      in
    combination with a 0.5% signature requirement, for unaffiliated
    candidates in local and statewide elections).
    Plaintiffs    have    not   shown    that   North   Carolina’s       scheme
    burdens them in any meaningful way.              In that respect, this case
    is far different from Anderson, where the Supreme Court held
    Ohio’s March 20 filing deadline for unaffiliated presidential
    candidates unconstitutional. 11          
    See 460 U.S. at 806
    .         There, the
    deadline fell 75 days before a June primary.                  
    Id. at 804
    Anderson’s supporters submitted a petition that satisfied all of
    Ohio’s statutory requirements, but the state refused to accept
    it solely because it was about two months late. 12                   
    Id. at 782.
    The   Court   explained    that    the    March      filing   deadline    burdened
    unaffiliated candidates who decided to run before the deadline
    because    they   were    forced    to    gather      signatures    “[w]hen   the
    primary    campaigns     [were]   far    in    the   future   and   the   election
    itself [was] even more remote.”               
    Id. at 792.
        The deadline also
    excluded any unaffiliated presidential candidate who decided to
    run after the deadline.           
    Id. Ultimately, the
    Court concluded
    Plaintiffs’ challenge is also far different from cases in
    our  circuit   in   which we   have  found   that  ballot-access
    requirements impose a severe burden and fail strict scrutiny.
    See, e.g., Libertarian Party of Va. v. Judd, 
    718 F.3d 308
    , 317-
    19 (4th Cir. 2013) (holding that residency restrictions on
    petition witnesses fail strict scrutiny because the restrictions
    impose a severe burden and the state “produced no concrete
    evidence of persuasive force explaining why the plaintiffs’
    proposed solution . . . would be unworkable or impracticable”).
    In Judd, we explained that there was a general consensus among
    our sister circuits that residency restrictions on petition
    witnesses created a severe burden. 
    Id. at 317.
    Here, there is
    no such consensus, and the weight of authority cuts against
    Plaintiffs’ position.
    Anderson’s name nonetheless appeared on Ohio’s ballot
    because the district court held that the filing deadline was
    unconstitutional, and the state did not seek to stay the
    district court’s order. 
    Id. at 783-84.
    The appeal was pending
    on the date of the presidential election. 
    Id. at 784.
    that     the    burden    the     filing    deadline       imposed     “unquestionably
    outweigh[ed] the State’s minimal interest in imposing a March
    Id. at 806.
    Unlike the March 20 deadline in Anderson, however, North
    Carolina’s       May     17     petition-filing         deadline     falls    after    the
    state’s May primary.              And although not dispositive, Plaintiffs
    here      did   not      come     close     to       meeting   the    other      petition
    requirements for the 2012 general election--most notably the two
    percent signature requirement.                       By April 17, 2012, the North
    Carolina Constitution Party had submitted only 3,521 signatures-
    -2,827 of which had been verified by the relevant counties--out
    of   a    required      85,379.      The        North    Carolina    Green     Party   had
    submitted no petitions by that date.                       Moreover, neither party
    submitted any petitions between the date of the May primary and
    the filing deadline.
    In sum, we are not persuaded that the May 17 deadline,
    considered       in    the    context      of    North    Carolina’s       ballot-access
    scheme, imposes a severe burden on Plaintiffs’ ability to form
    new parties and nominate candidates.                      To the contrary, because
    Plaintiffs       have     ample     time    and       opportunity     to     collect   the
    reasonable number of required signatures, we conclude that the
    burden on Plaintiffs is modest.
    Because the deadline does not impose a severe burden, we
    decline        to     apply      strict       scrutiny      to    Plaintiffs’       claim. 13
    Instead, we simply “balance the character and magnitude of the
    burdens       imposed       against     the    extent      to    which   the    regulations
    advance the state’s interests in ensuring that ‘order, rather
    than        chaos,     is     to    accompany        the    democratic         processes.’”
    McLaughlin, 65 F.3d at 1221
    (quoting Storer v. Brown, 
    415 U.S. 724
    ,     730        (1974)).          North    Carolina’s         “asserted      regulatory
    interests         need    only     be   sufficiently        weighty      to    justify   the
    limitation imposed on the [plaintiffs’] rights.”                          See Timmons v.
    Twin Cities Area New Party, 
    520 U.S. 351
    , 364 (1997) (internal
    quotation marks omitted).
    To support its choice of a May 17 deadline, North Carolina
    relies       on     its     general     interest     in     regulating        the   election
    process.          There is “an important state interest in requiring
    In its appellate brief, the state did not contest the
    district court’s application of strict scrutiny to Plaintiffs’
    challenge.   We, however, are not bound by that concession but
    rather must independently determine the proper standard of
    review. See Kamen v. Kemper Fin. Servs., Inc., 
    500 U.S. 90
    , 99
    (1991) (“When an issue or claim is properly before the court,
    the court is not limited to the particular legal theories
    advanced by the parties, but rather retains the independent
    power to identify and apply the proper construction of governing
    law.”); see also United States ex rel. May v. Purdue Pharma
    737 F.3d 908
    , 913 n.3 (4th Cir. 2013) (citing Kamen and
    explaining that a party’s failure to raise a particular argument
    “does not preclude our consideration and application of it”).
    some preliminary showing of a significant modicum of support
    before printing the name of a political organization’s candidate
    on the ballot--the interest, if no other, in avoiding confusion,
    deception, and even frustration of the democratic process at the
    general   election.”          Jenness     v.      Fortson,    
    403 U.S. 431
    ,    442
    (1971).     States      are   not    required       “to    make    a    particularized
    showing     of    the     existence          of     voter        confusion,        ballot
    overcrowding, or the presence of frivolous candidacies prior to
    the imposition of reasonable restrictions on ballot access.” 14
    Munro v. Socialist Workers Party, 
    479 U.S. 189
    , 194-95 (1986).
    Indeed, states have an interest "in ensuring orderly, fair, and
    efficient procedures for the election of public officials."                             See
    S.C. Green 
    Party, 612 F.3d at 759
    .                   This interest necessarily
    requires the imposition of some cutoff period “to verify the
    validity of signatures on the petitions, to print the ballots,
    and, if necessary, to litigate any challenges.”                         See Am. Party
    of Tex. v. White, 
    415 U.S. 767
    , 787, n.18 (1974).
    Plaintiffs      concede        the   state’s         interest      in     regulating
    elections    generally,       but     they     argue      that    its        interest   in
    regulating presidential elections is diminished.                             It is true
    As the record shows, North Carolina’s ballot is often
    lengthy, which has contributed to lines at the polls and
    increased costs for additional tabulators in counties that use
    paper ballots.
    that “in a Presidential election a State’s enforcement of more
    stringent        ballot        access      requirements,            including           filing
    deadlines, has an impact beyond its own borders.”                          
    Anderson, 460 U.S. at 795
    .       Indeed, a state has a “less important interest in
    regulating       Presidential         elections        than    statewide          or    local
    elections, because the outcome of the former will be largely
    determined by voters beyond the State’s boundaries.”                              
    Id. Even so,
      states     maintain        an   interest        in   regulating       presidential
    We    conclude      that    North    Carolina’s         choice       of    a     May    17
    deadline is reasonable, especially in context.                              The deadline
    falls after the state’s May primary and precedes other important
    deadlines.       Notably, the counties need time to verify signatures
    before     the   June     1   deadline.         And    even    putting          the    June   1
    deadline     aside,     North     Carolina      also       requires    qualifying            new
    parties to select their nominees by party convention and submit
    their names by July 1.            These deadlines permit the government to
    verify signatures and prepare the ballot before the November
    election.        Accepting Plaintiffs’ argument would require us to
    overturn all of North Carolina’s pre-election deadlines for new
    parties.         Having       determined    that       the    May     17    deadline          is
    reasonable, we decline this invitation.
    Balancing       “the     character     and      magnitude       of    the        burdens
    imposed against the extent to which the regulations advance the
    state’s interests,” 
    McLaughlin, 65 F.3d at 1221
    , we find that
    North   Carolina’s   choice   of   May   17   as   the   operative   deadline
    outweighs the modest burden imposed on Plaintiffs.             Accordingly,
    we   hold   that     the   May     17    petition-filing      deadline     is
    constitutional as applied to Plaintiffs.
    For the reasons given, the district court’s judgment is

Document Info

Docket Number: 13-1368

Citation Numbers: 743 F.3d 927

Judges: Diaz, Motz, Niemeyer

Filed Date: 2/27/2014

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/31/2023

Authorities (20)

Johnny Swanson, III v. The State of Alabama , 490 F.3d 894 ( 2007 )

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Storer v. Brown , 94 S. Ct. 1274 ( 1974 )

American Party of Texas v. White , 94 S. Ct. 1296 ( 1974 )

Jenness v. Fortson , 91 S. Ct. 1970 ( 1971 )

Munro v. Socialist Workers Party , 107 S. Ct. 533 ( 1986 )

Kamen v. Kemper Financial Services, Inc. , 111 S. Ct. 1711 ( 1991 )

Norman v. Reed , 112 S. Ct. 698 ( 1992 )

Burdick v. Takushi , 112 S. Ct. 2059 ( 1992 )

Timmons v. Twin Cities Area New Party , 117 S. Ct. 1364 ( 1997 )

Anderson v. Celebrezze , 103 S. Ct. 1564 ( 1983 )

Nader 2000 Primary Committee, Inc. v. Hazeltine , 2000 DSD 39 ( 2000 )

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