United States v. Ruelas-Villalobos , 250 F. App'x 556 ( 2007 )

  •                             UNPUBLISHED
    No. 07-4003
    Plaintiff - Appellee,
    Defendant - Appellant.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern
    District of Virginia, at Alexandria.  T. S. Ellis, III, Senior
    District Judge. (1:05-cr-00442-TSE-2)
    Submitted:   September 28, 2007           Decided:   October 15, 2007
    Before NIEMEYER and MOTZ, Circuit Judges, and WILKINS, Senior
    Circuit Judge.
    Affirmed by unpublished per curiam opinion.
    Harry Tun, Daniel K. Dorsey, Washington, D.C., for Appellant.
    Chuck Rosenberg, United States Attorney, Steven D. Mellin,
    Assistant United States Attorney, David B. Joyce, Special Assistant
    United States Attorney, Alexandria, Virginia, for Appellee.
    Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit.
    Marin Ruelas-Villalobos appeals his convictions and 240-
    month sentence for conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute
    marijuana, five or more kilograms of cocaine, and fifty grams or
    more of methamphetamine, in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 841
    846 (2000); possession with intent to distribute five or more
    kilograms of cocaine, in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    (a)(1) and 
    18 U.S.C. § 2
     (2000); and illegal reentry after removal for an
    aggravated felony, in violation of 
    8 U.S.C. § 1326
    (a), (b)(2)
    (2000). Ruelas-Villalobos contends the district court violated his
    right     to    a    fair   trial   by    excessively    intervening   in    the
    proceedings.         Finding no error, we affirm.
    Because Ruelas-Villalobos did not object to the judicial
    intervention at trial, we review the claims for plain error.                  See
    United States v. Smith, 
    452 F.3d 323
    , 330 (4th Cir. 2006) (citation
    omitted).        Four conditions must be met before this court will
    notice plain error:         (1) there must be error; (2) it must be plain
    under current law; (3) it must affect substantial rights, typically
    meaning the defendant is prejudiced by the error in that it
    affected       the   outcome   of   the   proceedings;   and   (4)   the    error
    seriously affected the fairness, integrity, or public reputation of
    judicial proceedings. United States v. Olano, 
    507 U.S. 725
    , 733-37
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    Pursuant to Fed. R. Evid. 614, a district court is
    permitted to call witnesses on its own motion, and may interrogate
    any witness who testifies at trial.                    It is “settled beyond doubt
    that in a federal court the judge has the right, and often an
    obligation, to interrupt the presentations of counsel in order to
    clarify      misunderstandings          or    otherwise     insure       that     the   trial
    proceeds efficiently and fairly.”                     United States v. Morrow, 
    925 F.2d 779
    , 781 (4th Cir. 1991) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Because issues of trial management are largely left to
    the     discretion         of    the   district       court,      we     review      judicial
    interference claims with a “measure of deference” to the district
    court’s judgment.               Smith, 
    452 F.3d at 333
    .             However, the trial
    judge    must       ensure      that   he    does    not   create      an   appearance       of
    partiality through continued intervention or interruption on behalf
    of one of the parties.              See United States v. Godwin, 
    272 F.3d 659
    677 (4th Cir. 2001) (citation omitted).                     Ultimately, the district
    court must “never [reach] the point at which it appears clear to
    the jury that the court believes the accused is guilty, . . . or
    [give] the appearance of bias or partiality in any way or [become]
    so pervasive in his interruptions and interrogations that he may
    appear       to    usurp     the    role     of   either    the     prosecutor        or   the
    defendant’s counsel.”              United States v. Parodi, 
    703 F.2d 768
    , 775-
    76    (4th    Cir.     1983)       (citations       omitted).       In      making    such   a
    determination, we do not look at the challenged questions in
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    isolation, but rather examine the “demeanor and conduct of the
    trial judge throughout the trial” for evidence of partiality or
    bias sufficient to deprive the defendant of his right to a fair
    Id. at 776
    Ruelas-Villalobos claims the district court helped to
    rehabilitate      the   Government’s   witnesses      after   they   had   been
    impeached.        The   Government’s   first    witness,   Patricia    Triana,
    testified briefly regarding her translation of the Government’s
    audio recordings from Spanish to English. Ruelas-Villalobos claims
    that     during   cross-examination,     he    successfully    attacked     the
    “credibility” of the translation, but that his efforts were negated
    when the district court called Triana back to the stand and asked
    her a series of additional questions.                However, the district
    court’s questions simply regarded the process used by Triana when
    she found words to be unintelligible.           The court’s inquiries were
    clearly intended to clarify this matter for the jury and to explain
    the relevance of context in making an accurate translation.                 See
    452 F.3d at 332
    The Government’s next witness, Donald Griffin, testified
    about    Ruelas-Villalobos’     presence      and   involvement   in   various
    meetings during which the purchase of cocaine was discussed.
    Ruelas-Villalobos claims the district court’s questions to Griffin
    “tied appellant to the purchase of drugs” and that its “excessive
    intervention” assisted the Government in questioning the witness.
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    However, the district court’s questions during direct examination
    were intended to produce additional details regarding the nature of
    the drug meetings and Ruelas-Villalobos’ role, as it was unclear
    how much involvement he had due to his limited ability to speak
    English. Most of the court’s questions related to clarifying which
    individuals were speaking on the Government’s recordings of these
    meetings and what those individuals said, as well as establishing
    the context of the conversations.
    During   cross-examination,    the   district   court   asked
    questions regarding the breadth of Griffin’s plea deal and his
    assistance to the Government.     While Ruelas-Villalobos claims this
    “destroyed” the effectiveness of the cross-examination, the court
    simply inquired as to how far Griffin might go to assist his
    brother, who was also being prosecuted for drug distribution, as
    Griffin had failed to answer the question directly.          See Parodi,
    703 F.2d at 775
    .    The   remainder   of    the   district   court’s
    interactions merely involved directing the witness to answer a
    question that had been previously asked by counsel.
    As for Jesus Vega, Jr., another Government witness,
    Ruelas-Villalobos claims that the district court’s questions helped
    to tie him to the drug transactions while also bolstering the
    credibility of the witness.     However, the district court provided
    no such assistance to the Government’s presentation; rather, the
    court asked Vega to repeat his answer and noted for the record that
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    Vega had identified Ruelas-Villalobos.                See Morrow, 
    925 F.2d at 781
    .    The district court also intervened on two occasions after
    finding the Government’s questions were leading or dealt with
    irrelevant material, as the court restated the questions to avoid
    any objectionable responses. See United States v. Castner, 
    50 F.3d 1267
    , 1273 (4th Cir. 1995).              Finally, the district court asked
    Vega,    who    had   pled    guilty,    about   his    understanding       of   the
    Sentencing Guidelines and sentencing procedure and whether he was
    given any promises of a sentencing reduction.                        While Ruelas-
    Villalobos contends these questions blunted his attack on Vega’s
    credibility, he provides no explanation or support for these
    conclusory allegations.
    During the direct examination of Carlos Ruelas, Ruelas-
    Villalobos’ son and the defense’s first witness, the district court
    asked no questions; however, Ruelas-Villalobos contends the court’s
    intervention during cross-examination had the effect of “usurping
    the    role    of   the   prosecutor.”      However,     the   district     court’s
    questions were brief and infrequent, as the court asked Ruelas a
    few questions in an attempt to clarify his testimony.                 Not only was
    this an appropriate effort by the court to ensure the facts were
    properly      developed      and   understood    by    the   jury,    but   Ruelas-
    Villalobos has failed to demonstrate that he was prejudiced by the
    court’s actions or the witness’ responses.
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    Ruelas-Villalobos    next    contends    the   district   court
    excessively intervened in the examination of his other son, Marin
    Ruelas-Gutierrez.   While Ruelas-Villalobos identifies a number of
    statements by the district court that he contends implicitly
    questioned the witness’ credibility, almost all of the court’s
    efforts involved restating and clarifying counsel’s questions or
    asking for additional elaboration from Ruelas-Gutierrez.1
    Finally, Ruelas-Villalobos contends the district court
    unnecessarily intervened during his own testimony.         However, the
    court’s   involvement    largely    related   to   restating   counsel’s
    questions, often to avoid irrelevant or objectionable testimony or
    to direct Ruelas-Villalobos to answer a specific inquiry.             See
    50 F.3d at 1273
    .    The court also asked Ruelas-Villalobos
    to identify the individuals speaking on a recording and to clarify
    certain facts regarding his personal and criminal history. Ruelas-
    Villalobos claims that certain questions asked by the district
    court may have indicated to the jury that it did not find his
    testimony credible.     Even if the district court’s questions could
    be read to indicate some level of skepticism or disbelief of
    During direct examination, the district court asked Ruelas-
    Gutierrez a series of questions regarding his father’s arrival in
    the United States and his knowledge of the English language.
    Additionally, during cross-examination, the court asked Ruelas-
    Gutierrez whether he had previously pled guilty in Virginia to a
    drug offense. While this line of inquiry is generally pursued by
    the Government, Ruelas-Gutierrez has failed to demonstrate
    prejudice, much less prejudice amounting to the denial of a fair
    trial. See Parodi, 
    703 F.2d at 776
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    Ruelas-Villalobos’ testimony, we find that in light of the court’s
    conduct throughout the trial and its instructions to the jury,2
    these isolated statements fail to establish any partiality or bias
    that would amount to reversible error, much less plain error.
    Accordingly, we affirm Ruelas-Villalobos’ convictions and
    sentence.    We dispense with oral argument because the facts and
    legal contentions are adequately presented in the materials before
    the court and argument would not aid the decisional process.
    During the preliminary instructions to the jury, the district
    court stated that nothing it may say or do during the trial should
    be understood as indicating what the verdict should be, as the
    jurors were the sole judges of the facts in the case.
    Additionally, during the closing instructions, the district court
    noted that any questions it may have asked during the trial were
    only meant to clarify matters and did not reflect any opinion on
    the issues to which the questions may have related. See Smith, 
    452 F.3d at 333-34
    ; Parodi, 
    703 F.2d at 778
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