United States v. Aleef Nicks ( 2022 )

  • USCA4 Appeal: 21-4113      Doc: 25         Filed: 08/09/2022     Pg: 1 of 7
    No. 21-4113
    Plaintiff - Appellee,
    ALEEF JAMAR NICKS, a/k/a Jamar Aleef Nicks,
    Defendant - Appellant.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the Western District of North Carolina, at
    Statesville. Kenneth D. Bell, District Judge. (5:20-cr-00097-KDB-DCK-1)
    Submitted: May 31, 2022                                           Decided: August 9, 2022
    Before DIAZ and RICHARDSON, Circuit Judges, and TRAXLER, Senior Circuit Judge.
    Affirmed by unpublished per curiam opinion.
    Statesville, North Carolina, for Appellant. Amy Elizabeth Ray, Assistant United States
    Attorney, OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES ATTORNEY, Asheville, North Carolina,
    for Appellee.
    Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit.
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    Aleef Jamar Nicks pled guilty pursuant to a plea agreement to possession with intent
    to distribute cocaine, in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    (a)(1), (b)(1)(C) (count 1), and
    possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 922
    (count 2). The district court calculated Nicks’ advisory imprisonment range under the U.S.
    Sentencing Guidelines Manual (2018) at 92 to 115 months and sentenced Nicks to two
    concurrent terms of 108 months’ imprisonment and two concurrent three-year terms of
    supervised release.
    On appeal, Nicks’ counsel has filed a brief pursuant to Anders v. California,
    386 U.S. 738
     (1967), stating that there are no meritorious grounds for appeal, but raising
    as issues for review whether Nicks’ sentence is procedurally and substantively reasonable.
    Nicks filed a pro se supplemental brief in which he questions whether his guilty plea was
    knowingly and voluntarily made and whether the district court imposed a procedurally
    reasonable sentence. The Government declined to file a brief and does not seek to enforce
    the appeal waiver in Nicks’ plea agreement. 1 We affirm.
    In federal cases, Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure “governs the
    duty of the trial judge before accepting a guilty plea.” Boykin v. Alabama, 
    395 U.S. 238
    243 n.5 (1969). The Rule “sets out the information a court is to convey to ensure that a
    Because the Government fails to assert the waiver as a bar to this appeal, we may
    consider the issues raised by counsel and Nicks and conduct an independent review of the
    record pursuant to Anders. See United States v. Poindexter, 
    492 F.3d 263
    , 271 (4th Cir.
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    defendant who pleads guilty understands the consequences of the plea.” United States v.
    676 F.3d 376
    , 381 (4th Cir. 2012). “The court also must determine that the plea
    is voluntary and that there is a factual basis for the plea.” United States v. Williams,
    811 F.3d 621
    , 622 (4th Cir. 2016). Because Nicks did not move in the district court to
    withdraw his guilty plea, the acceptance of it is reviewed for plain error. United States v.
    947 F.3d 187
    , 191 (4th Cir. 2020) (en banc). “To succeed under plain error
    review, a defendant must show that: (1) an error occurred; (2) the error was plain; and (3)
    the error affected his substantial rights.” 
     In the guilty plea context, a defendant meets
    his burden to establish that a plain error affected his substantial rights by showing a
    reasonable probability that he would not have pled guilty but for the district court’s error.
    United States v. Sanya, 
    774 F.3d 812
    , 815-16 (4th Cir. 2014).
    Our review of the record leads us to conclude that the magistrate judge’s omissions
    under Rule 11 did not affect Nicks’ substantial rights. The record also reveals that the plea
    was supported by an independent basis in fact and that Nicks entered the plea voluntarily
    and with an understanding of the consequences. We reject as unsupported by the record
    Nicks’ suggestion made in his pro se brief that he did not plead guilty knowingly and
    voluntarily because counsel never advised him of and never objected to the erroneous
    enhancement of his Sentencing Guidelines offense level. Accordingly, we discern no plain
    error warranting correction in the acceptance of Nicks’ guilty plea.
    Turning to Nicks’ sentence, this court “reviews all sentences—whether inside, just
    outside,   or   significantly   outside   the       Guidelines   range—under   a   deferential
    abuse-of-discretion standard.” United States v. Torres-Reyes, 
    952 F.3d 147
    , 151 (4th Cir.
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    2020) (cleaned up).      This review entails consideration of both the procedural and
    substantive reasonableness of the sentence. 
     In determining procedural reasonableness,
    this court considers whether the district court properly calculated the defendant’s
    Guidelines range, gave the parties an opportunity to argue for an appropriate sentence,
    considered the 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (a) factors, and sufficiently explained the selected
    sentence. United States v. Fowler, 
    948 F.3d 663
    , 668 (4th Cir. 2020). If there are no
    procedural errors, this court then considers the substantive reasonableness of the sentence,
    evaluating “the totality of the circumstances to determine whether the sentencing court
    abused its discretion in concluding that the sentence it chose satisfied the standards set forth
    in § 3553(a).” United States v. Nance, 
    957 F.3d 204
    , 212 (4th Cir. 2020) (internal quotation
    marks omitted). Any sentence that is within a properly calculated Guidelines range is
    presumptively substantively reasonable, and the defendant bears the burden of
    demonstrating the sentence is unreasonable when measured against the § 3553(a) factors.
    United States v. White, 
    810 F.3d 212
    , 230 (4th Cir. 2016).
    After review of the record, we conclude that the district court did not reversibly err
    in calculating Nicks’ Guidelines imprisonment range. Contrary to Nicks’ suggestions
    made in the Anders and pro se briefs, the district court did not plainly err in enhancing his
    base offense level under USSG § 2D1.1(b)(1) and USSG § 3B1.1(b). See United States v.
    994 F.3d 696
    , 701 (4th Cir. 2021) (stating standard of review). The enhancement
    under § 2D1.1(b)(1) is supported by information in the presentence report (PSR) the district
    court adopted establishing that Nicks possessed a loaded firearm in connection with drug
    activity that was part of the same course of conduct as his offense of conviction. See USSG
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    § 2D1.1(b)(1) & cmt. n.11(A); United States v. Bolton, 
    858 F.3d 905
    , 912 (4th Cir. 2017).
    Nicks did not establish that the information in the PSR was incorrect, cf. United States v.
    631 F.3d 185
    , 188 (4th Cir. 2011); United States v. Randall, 
    171 F.3d 195
    , 210-11
    (4th Cir. 1999), and points on appeal to no evidence suggesting the connection between the
    firearm and his drug activity was “clearly improbable,” Bolton, 858 F.3d at 912 (internal
    quotation marks omitted). The enhancement under § 3B1.1(b) is supported by information
    in the PSR the district court adopted-and which Nicks failed to show was
    incorrect-establishing that he supervised his girlfriend and other persons in an extensive
    conspiracy to distribute cocaine. See USSG § 3B1.1(b); United States v. Steffen, 
    741 F.3d 411
    , 414 (4th Cir. 2013). We also discern no reversible error in the district court’s
    remaining calculations relative to the Guidelines imprisonment range. 2
    The district court, further, afforded counsel an adequate opportunity to argue for an
    appropriate sentence, properly heard allocution from Nicks, and properly heard statements
    from Nicks’ supporters. After considering the argument and these statements, the advisory
    Guidelines range, and the 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (a) factors, the district court determined that
    concurrent prison terms of 108 months were warranted based on the nature and
    circumstances of Nicks’ offense conduct, his history and characteristics, and the needs for
    Because the district court did not reversibly err in calculating Nicks’
    92-to-115-month Guidelines imprisonment range—the range the PSR calculated for count
    1 and concluded was the applicable Guidelines range for Nicks—counsel’s challenge in
    the Anders brief to a proposal in the PSR that the court apply an enhancement under USSG
    § 2D1.1(b)(6) to count 2 fails. The district court did not adopt that proposal in calculating
    Nicks’ Guidelines imprisonment range.
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    the sentence imposed to promote respect for the law, to reflect the seriousness of Nicks’
    offense, to afford adequate deterrence to criminal conduct, and to protect the public from
    further crimes by Nicks, see 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (a)(1), (2)(A)-(C). The district court’s
    explanation—which, contrary to counsel’s suggestion in the Anders brief, makes plain the
    court considered the § 3533(a) factors—was sufficient to support the imposition of these
    terms, and Nicks does not overcome the presumption of reasonableness afforded to them.
    We thus discern no abuse of discretion in the district court’s imposition of the 108-month
    prison terms.
    Turning to the three-year terms of supervised release, we review the reasonableness
    of these terms for plain error. United States v. Aplicano-Oyuela, 
    792 F.3d 416
    , 422
    (4th Cir. 2015). The district court did not err in calculating Nicks’ supervised release
    Guidelines sentence and range and did not plainly err in its consideration of the § 3553(a)
    factors supporting its sentencing decision. The court’s comments sufficiently reveal the
    basis for the terms it imposed, and Nicks proffers no argument suggesting that the
    within-Guidelines supervised release terms are unreasonable when measured against the
    § 3553(a) factors. He thus fails to establish plain error in his three-year terms of supervised
    In accordance with Anders, we also have reviewed the remainder of the record and
    have found no meritorious issues for appeal. We therefore affirm the criminal judgment.
    This court requires that counsel inform Nicks, in writing, of the right to petition the
    Supreme Court of the United States for further review. If Nicks requests that a petition be
    filed, but counsel believes that such a petition would be frivolous, then counsel may move
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    in this court for leave to withdraw from representation. Counsel’s motion must state that
    a copy thereof was served on Nicks.
    We dispense with oral argument because the facts and legal contentions are
    adequately presented in the materials before this court and argument would not aid the
    decisional process.