Universal Furniture International, Inc. v. Frankel , 538 F. App'x 267 ( 2013 )

  •                               UNPUBLISHED
    No. 12-1928
    Plaintiff - Appellee,
    Defendant - Appellant,
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the Middle
    District of North Carolina, at Greensboro.  William L. Osteen,
    Jr., District Judge. (1:08-cv-00395-WO-JEP)
    Argued:   May 15, 2013                      Decided:   August 20, 2013
    Before Sandra Day O’CONNOR, Associate Justice (Retired), Supreme
    Court of the United States, sitting by designation, and FLOYD
    and THACKER, Circuit Judges.
    Affirmed by unpublished per curiam opinion.
    John F. Bloss, HIGGINS BENJAMIN PLLC, Greensboro, North
    Carolina, for Appellant.     W. Swain Wood, WOOD JACKSON PLLC,
    Raleigh, North Carolina, for Appellee.
    Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit.
    In   Universal       Furniture          International,            Inc.   v.   Collezione
    Europa      USA,    Inc.,       
    618 F.3d 417
           (4th    Cir.   2010),      this     Court
    affirmed      a    judgment       in    favor       of       Universal    Furniture,        making
    Collezione         liable       for     $11     million          in   damages     for    various
    infringements         on        Universal’s             intellectual       property.            But
    Collezione’s bankruptcy kept it from satisfying that judgment,
    and so Universal decided to pursue individual liability against
    defendant Paul Frankel and his brother Leonard -- Collezione’s
    principal      owners       and       managers.           Leonard      defaulted,       but     Paul
    contested his liability.                      The district court granted summary
    judgment to Universal largely by giving preclusive effect to
    issues resolved in the first lawsuit.                               Paul appeals, asserting
    that   this       preclusion          holding       was      erroneous    and    that      he   had
    viable      individual       defenses          to       liability.         We   disagree        and
    Because      the     facts       of    the       underlying       dispute     are      fully
    developed in previous opinions and mostly irrelevant to this
    appeal, we offer only an abbreviated discussion.
    Collezione         was     admittedly            in    the     “knock-off”       furniture
    business -- in general, it made money by producing approximate
    versions of others’ designs at a lower price.                                     It ran into
    trouble      when     it     did       so     with        certain      copyrighted        designs
    belonging to Universal, and its problems were compounded by its
    display of actual Universal furniture as its own during a major
    furniture show called the High Point Market.                       After Universal
    sent a cease-and-desist letter, Collezione agreed to redesign
    the relevant furniture collections.                     But it again produced a
    design rather close to Universal’s and then used it to pursue
    customers who were originally induced to deal with Collezione
    through its previous actions.                   Universal sued, and prevailed.
    This    Court’s     opinion     in    the       first    lawsuit     resolved       that
    Universal had valid and enforceable copyrights, that Collezione
    infringed them, that Collezione also violated federal and state
    unfair trade laws by passing off Universal’s product as its own,
    and that it owed some $11 million in damages.                        See Universal
    Furniture, 618 F.3d at 424-27.
    Collezione    was      owned    and       managed    almost       entirely    by
    defendant Paul Frankel and his brother, Leonard.                         The brothers
    founded     Collezione     together         and     were    its    only     corporate
    officers.      Leonard     was       the    President,      but    Paul     was     Vice
    President, Secretary, and Treasurer, and had responsibility for
    the    financial    aspects     of    the       business,   as    well    as   certain
    distribution matters.          In the first trial, Paul testified that
    he was aware of the cease-and-desist letter and told his brother
    that it would be a good idea to redesign the furniture.                        He also
    testified that he was present at the High Point Market when a
    photographer        took   pictures        of       the   apparently-Collezione-but-
    actually-Universal         furniture,           and       that      he    received      those
    pictures     and     distributed         them       to    salespeople           (although    he
    maintains that he was not aware of any intellectual property
    violations).        Finally, Paul was involved in the decision to hold
    orders during the redesign of the furniture to give customers a
    chance to purchase the new design, and personally contacted at
    least one of those potential buyers.                      He had responsibility for
    the   flow    of    Collezione          product,      and     as    a    co-owner     of    the
    business, he was generally familiar with its operations.                                    See
    Universal Furniture Int’l, Inc. v. Frankel, 
    835 F. Supp. 2d 35
    45-48 (M.D.N.C. 2011).
    Finally,      although       he    maintains        that     Leonard       “controlled”
    the   first        round     of     litigation,           Paul       clearly       played    a
    considerable        role     in     that    suit.           Paul         gave     substantial
    deposition testimony as Collezione’s Rule 30(b)(6) witness, was
    the sole in-court representative for Collezione, and was the
    only Collezione employee to submit any sworn statements on its
    behalf.      Paul and Leonard owned equal shares in the company, and
    so held an equally serious stake in the outcome of that case.
    Id. at 41-42.
    In     this    case,        Universal         pursued        individual       liability
    against Paul for his role in Collezione’s infringing activities.
    The district court granted summary judgment to Universal, making
    two sets of determinations that Paul challenges here.                              First,
    the district court determined that Paul could be collaterally
    estopped   from   re-litigating         important       matters    resolved        during
    the first trial (such as the validity of Universal’s copyrights,
    and Collezione’s infringement thereof).                 The district court held
    that, given Paul’s substantial role in the first suit and the
    absence of any evidence that he would have conducted himself
    differently had personal liability been at stake, Paul had a
    “full and fair opportunity” to litigate the relevant issues,
    making collateral estoppel appropriate.                     Second, the district
    court held that there were no genuine issues of material fact
    surrounding Paul’s individual liability.                    The court found that,
    on   the   admitted     facts,    Paul’s       role    in   the    distribution          of
    infringing furniture was sufficient to find either direct or
    vicarious liability for infringement, and that Paul either did
    know, should have known, or willfully blinded himself to the
    passing off of Universal furniture that occurred at the High
    Point   Market.       Paul   challenges        both     these     holdings,        and   we
    discuss each in turn.
    Paul first argues that the district court erred in applying
    collateral    estoppel       to   the     issues       resolved         in   the    first
    litigation.       The   grant     of    summary       judgment     on    a   collateral
    estoppel issue is reviewed de novo.                      See Henson v. Liggett Grp.,
    61 F.3d 270
    , 274 (4th Cir. 1995).
    The     form      of   issue     preclusion        applied    in       this   case    is
    sometimes called “offensive, non-mutual, collateral estoppel”:
    “offensive,”         because      it    is   being      invoked     by    a    plaintiff     to
    foreclose a defense to liability; “non-mutual,” because at least
    one of the parties did not participate in the first litigation;
    and “collateral estoppel,” because it estops the defendant from
    arguing again about what was resolved in an earlier, separate
    case.         The    Supreme      Court      has      counseled    that       this   form    of
    preclusion          is    somewhat      disfavored         because       it    creates      the
    potential       for      gamesmanship        by       plaintiffs    and       unfairness     to
    defendants.          See Parklane Hosiery Co. v. Shore, 
    439 U.S. 322
    329-31 (1979); In re Microsoft Corp. Antitrust Litig., 
    355 F.3d 322
    , 326-27 (4th Cir. 2004).                   But for the reasons that follow,
    we     find    the       tests    for    its       application      satisfied        and    the
    allegations of unfairness wanting.
    This Court’s previous cases have identified various factors
    that    trial       courts       must   consider         before    applying       collateral
    estoppel -- factors bearing on the extent to which the relevant
    issues were conclusively resolved and the extent to which the
    party suffering estoppel had a chance to defend itself on these
    issues in the original litigation.                       See In re Microsoft Corp.,
    355 F.3d at 326
    ; Polk v. Montgomery Cnty., 
    782 F.2d 1196
    , 1201
    (4th Cir. 1986).        Paul’s challenge addresses only two of these
    factors: (1) whether he was “in privity” with Collezione, the
    defendant in the first action; and (2) whether he had “a full
    and fair opportunity” to litigate in that case.                        The district
    court correctly resolved these related issues.
    Two     parties   can    be   said       to   be   in    privity    when   “the
    interests of one party are so identified with the interests of
    another that representation by one party is representation of
    the other’s legal right.”           Weinberger v. Tucker, 
    510 F.3d 486
    491 (4th Cir. 2007) (citation omitted).                  It does not require “an
    exact identity of parties,” 
    id. at 492
    ; a party with closely
    aligned interests who controls the litigation of another can be
    considered in privity with the party it controls.                      See Martin v.
    Am. Bancorporation Ret. Plan, 
    407 F.3d 643
    , 651 (4th Cir. 2005).
    The    district      court    correctly        identified       this     relationship
    between Paul Frankel and Collezione -- the closely held company
    he    owned    and    controlled    equally         with      his   brother.     The
    uncontested evidence showed that, as co-owner and manager, Paul
    had every incentive to make Collezione contest the copyright
    validity and infringement issues resolved in the first case, and
    his substantial role in that case indicates that he had a full
    and fair opportunity to do so.
    Paul asserts that, given Collezione’s impending bankruptcy,
    he did not have a full incentive to contest the first case.                       But
    he has not pointed to any argument or evidence that he would
    have   offered       had    he    appeared        in   the       first      litigation      as    an
    individual defendant, let alone suggested any material effect
    that    such    evidence         could     have      had    on    the       issues   that    case
    resolved.       The same is true of his allegation that his brother
    Leonard “controlled” the first litigation:                             Even in this Court,
    he has not explained how his interests could have departed at
    all from his brother’s or their company’s; he has not indicated
    why    he   lacked    the        ability    to       contest      his    brother’s       alleged
    decisions given his equal ownership; he has not identified a
    decision that he would have contested; and he has not offered
    any evidence of how such a decision could have affected the
    outcome of the case.                  Accordingly, we can find no fault in the
    district       court’s      holding        that      Paul       came     forward     with        “no
    evidence to suggest that [he] would have conducted himself any
    differently . . . had he been a named party in [the] prior
    action.”       Universal Furniture, 835 F. Supp. 2d at 43.
    Paul also suggests that collateral estoppel should be per
    se unavailable because Universal failed to join him in the first
    action when it could have.                 To be sure, the district court found
    that there was “no reason why [Universal] could not have easily
    joined      [Paul]     as        an     individual         party       to     the    Collezione
    Litigation,” id. at 42, and this Court has said that offensive
    non-mutual      collateral            estoppel       may   be     inappropriate        where       a
    plaintiff seeking to use it could have joined issue with the
    current defendant in the previous litigation, see, e.g., Polk,
    782 F.2d at 1202
    .              Accordingly, Paul argues that it would be
    unfair to him to allow Universal to leave him out of the first
    litigation, only to use that litigation against him later.
    Paul takes this doctrine out of context however, and so
    fails   to    identify      the    unfairness      it     means   to     address.     The
    Supreme      Court   has    noted    that    offensive        non-mutual      collateral
    estoppel can be unfair when it encourages plaintiffs to adopt a
    “wait and see” attitude towards litigation.                         In particular, a
    plaintiff who is not a party to a particular litigation might
    have an incentive to sit on the sidelines and see if the first
    plaintiff prevails:             if so, she can use non-mutual collateral
    estoppel to free-ride on the victory; if not, she can use non-
    mutuality      to    get   a   second    bite     at    the    apple     by   litigating
    herself.      See Parklane Hosiery Co., 
    439 U.S. at 329-30
    .                         Thus,
    plaintiffs who opt not to join a case must be precluded from
    making offensive use of its results to prevent gamesmanship, as
    the rule in Polk provides.               But the problem for Paul is that
    Universal      was    a    party    to   the      first    litigation,        and   would
    unquestionably have been bound to its result, win or lose.                            In
    other words, had Collezione prevailed in the first litigation,
    Universal’s      party     status    would       prevent    it    from    re-litigating
    that case with Paul as a new defendant.                           Given the district
    court’s correct determination about the alignment of interests
    between    Paul     and       Collezione,      there      is    no     reason      this   result
    should     not    run     both    ways.        Indeed,         given    the     finding      that
    Collezione and Paul were in privity, the estoppel in this case
    is only garden-variety, mutual estoppel between the plaintiff in
    the first action (Universal) and the defendant in that action or
    its   privy      (Collezione/Paul).                Accordingly,         we    find    that    the
    application of collateral estoppel was correct, and the district
    court      properly        gave     preclusive            effect       to     those       issues
    definitively resolved in the prior litigation.
    We    next    address       Paul’s      arguments        regarding        his    personal
    defenses to liability.                 We again review the district court’s
    grant of summary judgment on these issues de novo, and again
    agree with its determination.
    First,       we     agree        with    the        district       court        that    the
    uncontested       evidence       established         at    least     vicarious        liability
    for copyright infringement.                   It is copyright infringement not
    only to copy another’s design, but to authorize distribution of
    such copies to the public for sale.                            See 
    17 U.S.C. § 106
    And a party may be guilty of vicarious infringement if it: “(1)
    possessed     the       right    and    ability      to     supervise        the     infringing
    activity;     and       (2)    possessed      an     obvious     and     direct       financial
    interest       in     the    exploited           copyrighted        materials.”                 Nelson-
    Salabes, Inc. v. Morningside Dev., LLC, 
    284 F.3d 505
    , 513 (4th
    Cir. 2002).           By his own admission, Paul was involved in: the
    “operations          and    financial        side      of    the     business,”             including
    transactions with the Collezione warehouse; “order fulfillment;”
    “purchasing          and    flow     of    product;”        “general        operation           of   the
    sales     [department];”              and        “supervision         of     .     .        .    [the]
    distribution center.”                J.A. 38, 59.            Given his status as a co-
    owner,    and       his     expression       of    his      opinion       that    the       furniture
    should    be    redesigned,          we     can    easily      agree       with    the       district
    court’s    finding          that    Paul     had    both      the    ability       to       supervise
    infringing distribution and an obvious financial interest in the
    exploitation          of     the     copyrighted         furniture.               He    had      every
    incentive       to    see     that    his        company     successfully          marketed          its
    knock-off       furniture,         and      to    ensure      that     it    did       so       without
    committing       copyright          infringement.             His     failure          to       prevent
    infringing      distribution              thus    leaves     him     at    least       vicariously
    liable for that infringement.
    Finally, we also agree with the district court’s holding
    regarding      Paul’s        personal       liability        for    Collezione’s             “reverse
    passing off” of Universal’s furniture under both federal and
    state law.           Paul was admittedly present in the showroom when
    this     passing           off     occurred        and       when     the        furniture           was
    photographed, and he admittedly distributed those photographs to
    Collezione’s       salespeople.          Even    after         he    became    aware   of
    Universal’s allegations in its cease-and-desist letter, he was
    involved in the distribution of furniture to customers initially
    induced to deal with Collezione through its false designation of
    Universal’s furniture as its own.                     He also profited directly
    from those sales and failed as a co-owner to do anything to
    prevent them, even after becoming aware of a significant risk of
    continued     infringement           through     Universal’s           communications.
    Accordingly,       we    can    locate   no   error       in   the   district    court’s
    finding     that        Paul    either   knew        or    should     have     known    of
    Collezione’s infringement, or was at least willfully blind to
    its misdoings.
    At bottom, it is clear that Paul’s strategy in this action
    was to pin both the conduct of Collezione’s first trial and its
    entire operation as a knock-off furniture business on his absent
    brother Leonard.               But we agree with the district court that
    Paul’s    evident        involvement     in    the    first     trial    and    his    own
    testimony regarding his role in the business make that strategy
    untenable.          We     therefore     agree        with     the    application      of
    collateral estoppel and the grant of summary judgment on Paul’s
    asserted personal defenses, and affirm the judgment below.