U.S. v. Perez-Bustamante ( 1992 )

  •                       UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS
    No. 91-2599
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Texas
    (May 29, 1992)
    Before SNEED,1 REAVLEY, and BARKSDALE, Circuit Judges.
    BARKSDALE, Circuit Judge:
    The     single    issue   before   us    is   whether   Rafael   Perez-
    Bustamante's confession, given on Monday morning, the day before
    New Year's and approximately 60 hours after his Friday night
    arrest, should have been suppressed as involuntary, solely because,
    prior to his confession, he had not been taken before a magistrate.
    We AFFIRM.
    Senior Circuit       Judge   of    the   Ninth   Circuit,   sitting   by
    At 9:00 p.m. on Friday, December 28, 1990, in response to a
    sensor alert,2 Border Patrol Agents were dispatched to an area near
    the Rio Grande River, sixteen miles east of the International
    Bridge at Brownsville, Texas.      On arriving, they observed Perez
    looking toward a trail that led to the river.        Ordered to come
    forward, Perez drew a pistol.3
    Perez was arrested; and when two more agents arrived, they
    pursued two other individuals.         From the trail leading to the
    river, they observed four or five persons swimming back across the
    river.   The agents found two wet inner tubes along the river bank;
    two pistols; and two large bags containing 167 pounds of marijuana
    in the field next to the river (approximately 100 to 150 yards from
    the arrest site).
    At the arrest site, an agent read Perez his Miranda rights (in
    Spanish).   After Perez was taken to the Brownsville Border Patrol
    Station, he was again read those rights (in Spanish).   Perez waived
    them (written) and was interviewed and processed for Immigration
    purposes.   He stated that he was a Mexican citizen and had entered
    the United States illegally.4      As part of his processing as an
    illegal alien, Perez executed several forms which explained the
    A sensor is a device planted in the ground that alerts to
    pressure vibrations in the area around it.
    An agent drew his pistol and shouted (in Spanish)
    "Immigration. Drop the pistol." After this command was repeated
    several times, Perez obeyed.
    Perez does not challenge this confession.
    - 2 -
    reason for his arrest and his rights in deportation proceedings.5
    Because the Border Patrol was not authorized to process Perez
    on drug charges, it notified DEA Agent Tamayo of the seizure and
    that Perez was in custody.     After midnight, Perez was taken by
    Border Patrol Agents to the Port Isabel Service Processing Center
    (a Border Patrol detention camp) in Bayview, Texas.
    Magistrates were not available for initial appearances during
    the weekend, but Tamayo expected that Perez would see one on
    Monday.    On Monday, December 31, 1990, the marijuana and pistol
    were released to Tamayo; and between 10:00 and 11:00 a.m., Perez
    was taken to the Brownsville DEA office for processing on drug
    charges.   Tamayo told Perez that morning that he (Perez) would see
    a magistrate that day; normally, defendants are arraigned between
    1:30 and 3:00 p.m.6
    Those forms were: I-213 (Record of Deportable Alien); I-214
    (Rights Form); I-221 (Form of Arrest for Illegal Entry Form) and I-
    274 (Voluntary Departure or Hearing Form).
    As discussed infra, it was not until after his interview with
    Perez that Tamayo learned that a magistrate was not available on
    December 31. The following colloquy occurred at the suppression
    THE COURT:     At   what   time   was   this [Perez's]
    statement taken?
    [TAMAYO]:      It was approximately 10:00 to 11:00
    [a.m.] ... on Monday, December 31st.
    * * *
    THE COURT:     In ordinary course, ... when do you
    take persons before the Magistrate? At what hour?
    [TAMAYO]:      Normally between 1:30 and 3:00 is
    when they are arraigned....
    - 3 -
    Tamayo advised Perez of his Miranda rights (in Spanish) and
    informed him that he was being charged with possession of marijuana
    and carrying a weapon during a narcotics transaction.   Perez then
    informed Tamayo that he was carrying a gun to protect the load of
    marijuana, not to engage law enforcement; that he was hired by an
    individual named Juan from Matamoros; and that he was going to be
    paid $100 to assist and protect the marijuana.   Perez's statement
    was not in response to a question; as indicated, it was offered
    THE COURT:     So if the Magistrate had been
    available [on Monday], the arraignment would, in
    ordinary course, have taken place that afternoon?
    [TAMAYO]:      Yes, sir ....
    * * *
    [GOVERNMENT:] Did you take the defendant in front
    of a Magistrate?
    [TAMAYO:]      Well, I had told the defendant that
    he would appear before the Magistrate that day.
    Since one was not available, he would have to wait
    two days, which would have been the Wednesday
    [GOVERNMENT:] Did you tell him before or after he
    made the statement?
    [TAMAYO:]      ... [I]t was after the statements,
    because it was after then that I found out that no
    Magistrate was available.
    [GOVERNMENT:] Okay.      Now, did you make any
    promises or threats to the defendant in order to
    obtain these statements?
    [TAMAYO:]      None at all.
    [GOVERNMENT:] Did you take the defendant in front
    of the Magistrate at the earliest possible time?
    [TAMAYO:]      Yes, it was, which was Wednesday on
    January 2nd, 1991.
    - 4 -
    after Tamayo informed him of the charges.7        The interview, which
    included fifteen minutes of taking photographs and fingerprints,
    lasted approximately thirty minutes.        After the interview, Tamayo
    learned that, because of the New Year's holiday, a magistrate would
    not be available until Wednesday, January 2.           He informed Perez,
    who remained in custody and did not appear before a magistrate
    until two days later.
    Perez was indicted on six drug and weapons counts.8             Relying
    in   part   on   
    18 U.S.C. § 3501
    ,   discussed   infra,   he    moved
    unsuccessfully to suppress his December 31 confession, contending
    that it was involuntary, solely because of the delay in his
    Tamayo testified at the suppression hearing as follows:
    [TAMAYO:]    I don't recall that I asked him a
    question.   It was after I told him what he was
    being charged with that he explained to me about
    what the purpose of the firearm was. He was very
    concerned about that.
    [DEFENSE COUNSEL:]     You asked him no questions?
    [TAMAYO:]   When I told him what he was charged
    with, that's when he just started -- we carried on
    a   conversation.     There  [were]   no  specific
    questions. And he was concerned about the firearm.
    He was indicted for (1) conspiracy to import more than 50
    kilograms of marijuana, in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 963
    , 952(a),
    and 960(b)(3); (2) importing approximately 167 pounds of marijuana,
    in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 952
    (a), 960(b)(3), and 
    18 U.S.C. § 2
    (3) conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute more than 50
    kilograms of marijuana, in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 846
    841(a)(1), and 841(b)(1)(C); (4) possessing with intent to
    distribute approximately 167 pounds of marijuana, in violation of
    21 U.S.C. §§ 841
    (a)(1), 841(b)(1)(C), and 
    18 U.S.C. § 2
    ; (5)
    possession of a firearm during and in relation to a drug
    trafficking offense, in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 924
    (c); and (6)
    possessing a firearm as an illegal alien, in violation of 18 U.S.C.
    - 5 -
    appearing before a magistrate.                 In March 1991, Perez was tried
    before a jury and convicted on all counts.                     He was sentenced, inter
    alia, to 101 months' imprisonment.
    Perez confessed approximately 60 hours after he was arrested
    and two days prior to appearing before a magistrate.                            Arrested
    without a warrant on Friday night, Perez contends that, under the
    Fourth Amendment, he was required to be taken before a magistrate
    prior   to     the     time    on    Monday        that   he    confessed;    and   that
    accordingly,         his    confession       was     involuntary     and,     therefore,
    Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 5(a) bears on this issue.
    It provides in pertinent part:                "An officer making an arrest ...
    shall take the arrested person without unnecessary delay before the
    nearest available federal magistrate or, in the event that a
    federal magistrate is not reasonably available, before a state or
    local judicial officer authorized by 
    18 U.S.C. § 3041
    ."                        For Rule
    5(a) purposes here, in determining whether the delay rendered the
    pre-presentation confession inadmissible, our focus is on 
    18 U.S.C. § 3501
    , which provides in part:                     "In any criminal prosecution
    brought   by    the        United   States    ...     a   confession    ...    shall   be
    admissible in evidence if it is voluntarily given."                         
    18 U.S.C. § 9
       Perez concedes that the subsequent period between the Monday
    confession and Wednesday appearance is not relevant. And, because
    we hold that the confession was admissible, we need not reach the
    issue of harmless error.
    - 6 -
    3501(a).10     Section 3501 requires the trial judge to determine
    voluntariness in light of
    all the circumstances surrounding the giving of the
    confession, including (1) the time elapsing between
    arrest and arraignment of the defendant making the
    confession, if it was made after arrest and before
    arraignment, (2) whether such defendant knew the
    nature of the offense with which he was charged or
    of which he was suspected at the time of making the
    confession, (3) whether or not such defendant was
    advised or knew that he was not required to make
    any statement and that any such statement could be
    used against him, (4) whether or not such defendant
    had been advised prior to questioning of his right
    to the assistance of counsel; and (5) whether or
    not such defendant was without the assistance of
    counsel when questioned and when giving such
    The presence or absence of any of the above-
    mentioned factors to be taken into consideration by
    the judge need not be conclusive on the issue of
    18 U.S.C. § 3501
    (b) (emphasis added).
    After the testimony at the suppression hearing, the following
    exchange occurred:
    THE COURT:       ....    Now, are you attacking
    voluntariness?    I don't have any evidence to the
    * * *
    [DEFENSE COUNSEL]:   Your Honor, it is not my
    obligation to attack anything ....   What I am
    saying is that the Government has not fulfilled
    [its] burden in proving that Rafael Perez-
    Bustamante gave his confession knowingly and
    THE COURT:   ... I don't have any evidence other
    than it was voluntary and I so find. Aren't you
    also addressing the fact that there was a delay?
    Although Perez did not rely on Rule 5(a) in district court, he
    did rely, as noted, upon § 3501.
    - 7 -
    [DEFENSE COUNSEL]: [T]he delay under [§] 3501(b)
    is one of the considerations that the trial judge
    in determining the issue of voluntariness shall
    take   into   consideration....      [T]he    delay
    contributed   to   the  involuntariness    of   the
    confession ....
    [THE COURT]: I don't agree.... I will tell you
    where I might have to agree. Had there been some
    statements made after Monday morning [December 31],
    I think that would have been an undue delay. But
    up till Monday morning, there was nothing that
    doesn't happen in ordinary course. In other words,
    when people are arrested Friday late, that they are
    simply taken before a Magistrate Monday during the
    course of the day.
    And what statements he made to Mr. Tamayo were
    made prior to the time that he ordinarily would
    have been taken to the Magistrate anyway. I don't
    think that departure is sufficient to where it
    would totally affect the voluntariness of the
    making of the statement.
    I would call to your attention that the
    evidence before me ... indicates, and there is
    nothing to the contrary, that the warning was not
    given once, but it was given three times before he
    made a statement to Mr. Tamayo. I don't think that
    the delay is such that it caused or created in the
    defendant a setting by which he did not knowingly
    and willfully make a statement.
    Section 3501 further provides:
    [A] confession ... shall not be inadmissible
    solely because of delay in bringing a person before
    a magistrate ... if such confession is found by the
    trial judge to have been made voluntarily and if
    the weight to be given the confession is left to
    the jury and if such confession was made or given
    by such person within six hours immediately
    following his arrest ... Provided, That the time
    limitation ... shall not apply in any case in which
    the delay in bringing such person before such
    magistrate ... beyond such six-hour period is found
    by the trial judge to be reasonable considering the
    means of transportation and the distance to be
    traveled to the nearest available such magistrate
    or other officer.
    - 8 -
    18 U.S.C. § 3501
    (c).      Perez     asserts   that   §    3501(c)   renders
    inadmissible all confessions obtained more than six hours after
    arrest,   unless       the     delay   is    occasioned      by   "the   means   of
    transportation and the distance to be traveled to the nearest
    available ... magistrate".             However, this court rejected that
    construction in United States v. Hathorn, 
    451 F.2d 1337
    , 1341 (5th
    Cir. 1971):
    While Section 3501(c) can be construed to mean that
    the only confessions obtained more than six hours
    after arrest that can be admitted are those that
    were elicited during the time necessary for travel
    to the magistrate, we agree with the 9th Circuit
    [United States v. Halbert, 
    436 F.2d 1226
     (9th Cir.
    1970)] that Congress did not intend to legislate
    any such arbitrary edict. We believe the correct
    interpretation to be that Congress established six
    hours as a minimum period which would pass muster.
    If, therefore, a longer delay occurs, it merely
    constitutes another factor to be considered by the
    trial judge in determining voluntariness.
    Furthermore, in United States v. Bustamante-Saenz, 
    894 F.2d 114
    119-20 (5th Cir. 1990), we upheld the admission of a confession
    given nine and one-half hours after arrest.               Similar to this case,
    there was no evidence that the delay was for the purpose of
    extracting a confession or that the interrogation was lengthy,
    hostile, or coercive, even though the defendant was detained more
    than thirty hours before he was presented to a magistrate.                    
    "Once a defendant has been tried and convicted, delay in
    bringing him before a magistrate is not reason to set aside the
    conviction unless the defendant can show that he was prejudiced by
    the delay."        
    Id. at 120
     (quoting United States v. Causey, 
    835 F.2d 1527
    , 1529 (5th Cir. 1988)).           "[D]elay is `simply one factor which
    - 9 -
    must   be   considered   along    with   other   factors   in    determining
     (quoting United States v. Gorel, 
    622 F.2d 100
    , 104 (5th Cir. 1979), cert. denied, 
    445 U.S. 943
    "[W]here there is no evidence to support a finding that the delay
    was for the purpose of obtaining a confession, there is no evidence
    that the delay had a coercive effect on the confession, there is no
    causal connection between the delay and the confession, and the
    confession was otherwise voluntarily given, we hold that the
    defendant has not shown prejudice by the delay."           
    Perez, however, seeks to impose a new standard, based on
    County of Riverside v. McLaughlin, ___ U.S. ___, 
    111 S. Ct. 1661
    (1991).     He maintains that, under McLaughlin, the 60 hours between
    his arrest and confession is "not tolerable".11            "In Gerstein v.
    420 U.S. 103
     (1975), [the] Court held that the Fourth
    Amendment requires a prompt judicial determination of probable
    cause as a prerequisite to an extended pretrial detention following
    a warrantless arrest."       McLaughlin, 
    111 S. Ct. at 1665
    .             In
    McLaughlin, a § 1983 case, the Supreme Court addressed "what is
    prompt under Gerstein."     Id.
    Where an arrested individual does not receive
    a probable cause determination within 48 hours ....
    the arrested individual does not bear the burden of
    proving an unreasonable delay. Rather, the burden
    shifts to the government to demonstrate the
    existence of a bona fide emergency or other
    extraordinary circumstance.    The fact that in a
    particular case it may take longer than 48 hours to
    consolidate    pretrial   [probable    cause    and
    arraignment] proceedings does not qualify as an
    McLaughlin was decided approximately two and one-half months
    after the suppression hearing in this case.
    - 10 -
    extraordinary circumstance.             Nor for that matter,
    do intervening weekends.
    Id. at 1670.
    Perez asserts that the 48-hour requirement applies here.
    McLaughlin's requirement arose out of concern that, following a
    warrantless arrest, "prolonged detention [by a State] based on
    incorrect    or    unfounded      suspicion     may     unjustly   `imperil     [a]
    suspect's job, interrupt his source of income, and impair his
    family relationships.'" Id. at 1668 (quoting Gerstein, 
    420 U.S. at 114
    ) (brackets by Supreme Court).            The Court stated in McLaughlin
    that its "purpose in Gerstein was to make clear that the Fourth
    Amendment requires every State to provide prompt determinations of
    probable cause...." 
     On the federal stage, Rule 5(a) addresses
    this concern.
    On   the     other   hand,   §   3501    focuses    on   voluntariness     and
    addresses    the    concern    that   a   federal     conviction   be   based    on
    reliable evidence.        See Crane v. Kentucky, 
    476 U.S. 683
    , 687-92
    (1986).     This concern is adequately protected, under § 3501, by
    requiring the district court to consider carefully the issue of
    unreasonable delay and by placing voluntariness before the trier of
    The delay reflected in this case is cause for considerable
    concern, as discussed below.              Under the § 3501 totality of the
    circumstances test, however, we cannot say that the delay prior to
    the confession rendered it inadmissible.              Perez was arrested late
    Perez requested, and received, an instruction pertaining to
    the statement's voluntariness.
    - 11 -
    Friday night; he was being held as an illegal alien (in part as the
    result of a confession not challenged here); and he had executed
    forms which explained the reason for his detention on immigration
    charges.   There is no evidence that the delay in presenting Perez
    to a magistrate was for the purpose of interrogation.              Perez never
    claimed this; instead, he conceded for purposes of his suppression
    motion that "the delay was not designed by the Government, (no
    Magistrate was available until Wednesday morning)."             Furthermore,
    there is no evidence that the interrogation was lengthy, hostile,
    or coercive.     To the contrary, the interview with Tamayo lasted
    about   thirty     minutes,     fifteen   of     which   were      devoted    to
    fingerprinting and photographing.             Perez had been read Miranda
    warnings   three   times,     once   immediately    before   the    interview.
    Tamayo testified that, during the interview, he and Perez "carried
    on a conversation" and that "[t]here were no specific questions."
    In fact, as discussed, Perez volunteered the information after
    being advised of the charges against him.          Finally, the record does
    not suggest that the delay in any way caused Perez to confess.                 As
    noted, Perez confessed on Monday morning, after he was told,
    mistakenly, that he would see a magistrate in a few hours.
    Our holding should not be understood to condone the almost
    five-day delay in taking a defendant before a magistrate.                    Such
    delay, even for a holiday period, is not acceptable as standard
    operating procedure; far from it.
    - 12 -
    Accordingly, the judgment is
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