Gulf States Land & Development, Inc. v. Premier Bank N.A. ( 1992 )

  •                     United States Court of Appeals,
    Fifth Circuit.
    No. 91–4105.
    PREMIER BANK N.A., et al., Defendants–Appellees.
    March 31, 1992.
    Appeals from the United States District Court for the Western
    District of Louisiana.
    Before THORNBERRY, GARWOOD, and DAVIS, Circuit Judges.
    THORNBERRY, Circuit Judge:
    The Plaintiffs sued Defendant Premier Bank for violations of
    the Bank Holding Company Act, the Sherman and Clayton Acts, and the
    Louisiana Antitrust Statute.         The district court found that the
    Plaintiffs failed to establish essential elements of their claims,
    and granted summary judgment in favor of the Defendant. We affirm.
    On   October   13,   1986,    Plaintiffs   Stanley   Palowsky,   Carol
    Palowsky, Dr. John Smiarowski, Larry James, Dianne James, Walter
    Meredith, and Mona Meredith purchased a piece of property to be
    developed as a subdivision known as North Pointe. These Plaintiffs
    (together, the "Gulf States Plaintiffs") later formed Gulf States
    Land & Development, Inc. to develop the property.               Defendant
    Premier Bank's predecessor, Ouachita National Bank, financed the
    purchase of the property and made a commitment to provide a
    development loan.    The Plaintiffs' claims against Premier Bank
    arise out of the Bank's involvement in the Plaintiffs' purchase of
    the North Pointe property and several related transactions, and
    Premier Bank's later refusal to continue funding the development
    Two of the Plaintiffs, Dr. Smiarowski and Mr. Palowsky, were
    involved in a number of joint businesses and investments with Dr.
    Lee Roy Joyner, some of which involved Premier Bank as a creditor.
    Joyner and Smiarowski, together as J & S Pecan Farms, owned the
    tract of land (the "North Pointe tract") that was later sold to the
    Gulf States Plaintiffs.   This tract of land was mortgaged by J & S
    to Premier Bank for $1.3 million.    The J & S Partnership also owned
    another tract of land known as the Williams Orchard, which was
    mortgaged to lenders other than Premier Bank.
    Joyner,   Smiarowski,   and   Palowsky   together   owned   several
    additional pieces of property.     They were joint owners of a tract
    of land in Arkansas, held free of debt.        In addition, all three
    were partners in the Reviens Partnership, which owned real estate
    on which Premier Bank held a second mortgage. Finally, both Joyner
    and Palowsky were part owners of several tracts of land known as
    the Interchange property, also mortgaged to Premier Bank.
    In 1985, Dr. Joyner had a falling out with his business
    partners.   He was also experiencing financial difficulties and was
    getting divorced from his wife, Nancy Joyner.       The J & S loan on
    the North Pointe property was in default, as was Joyner's other
    debt at Premier Bank.    All of the parties involved in the different
    business ventures, including Premier Bank, thought it desirable to
    separate Dr. Joyner's interests from his partners and restructure
    the parties' indebtedness to Premier Bank.
    Plaintiffs James and Meredith expressed interest in purchasing
    the North Pointe tract to develop as a subdivision.        They acquired
    an option to purchase the tract for $1.3 million, the amount of J
    & S's outstanding debt on the property, and they attempted to
    obtain government financing of the purchase.        When this financing
    arrangement fell through, the parties began negotiating a purchase
    to be financed by Premier Bank;       however, James and Meredith did
    not have sufficient financial strength to obtain the financing on
    their own.   Smiarowski agreed to participate as a purchaser, and
    Palowsky either agreed or was blackmailed by Mr. Whitfield Hood, an
    executive vice president at Premier Bank, to participate.             The
    purchase price was fixed at $800,000, and the Bank agreed to fund
    a development loan.
    A   number   of   transactions   between   Joyner,   Palowsky,   and
    Smiarowski were negotiated at the same time, and all of the
    transactions closed on October 13, 1986.        With regard to the North
    Pointe transaction, Mr. Hood issued a loan commitment letter to the
    Gulf States Plaintiffs for $2.868 million, of which $800,000
    covered the purchase price of the North Pointe property.       The Bank
    released both Joyner and Smiarowski from the $1.3 million J & S
    loan secured by the property.               The Joyners transferred their
    partnership    interest     in    the   Williams     Orchard      property     to
    Smiarowski, and he assumed all of the J & S Partnership debt on
    that property.
    The Joyners transferred their interest in the Interchange
    property, as well as their debt to Premier Bank secured by that
    interest, to Palowsky.        Palowsky and Smiarowski transferred their
    partnership interests in Reviens Partnership to Dr. Joyner, and Dr.
    Joyner assumed their liability to Premier Bank on those partnership
    interests.       The   Bank      required    Dr.   Joyner    to    pledge      the
    newly-acquired    Reviens     partnership      interests    to    the   Bank   as
    security for his other loans then in default.               Approval of this
    transfer by the other Reviens partners took some time;                      while
    approval was pending, Smiarowski and Palowsky pledged the interests
    to the Bank.     Finally, Palowsky and Smiarowski transferred their
    interest in the Arkansas property, owned jointly by Smiarowski,
    Palowsky and Joyner, to Nancy Joyner.
    These transactions form the basis of the Plaintiffs' Bank
    Holding Company Act claims. The Plaintiffs claim that Premier Bank
    conditioned the North Pointe purchase and development loan on
    Palowsky's and Smiarowski's agreement to the other transactions.
    They point out that the Bank benefitted from the other "swap"
    transactions because Dr. Joyner's troubled debt was reduced by $1
    million, and additional security was pledged for his remaining
    The Bank disputes this characterization of the negotiations.
    The   Bank   claims   that   Palowsky   was   primarily   responsible   for
    negotiating the restructure plan. Although the Bank admits that it
    sought to protect its investments, it claims that its role in the
    negotiations was limited to accepting the proposals made by the
    parties.     The Bank also claims that the parties pressured Mr. Hood
    to commit to the development loan, and that Mr. Hood did not inform
    Bank management of the commitment.
    In March of 1988, Premier Bank notified the Gulf States
    Plaintiffs that it would not advance any additional funds on the
    North Pointe development loan.      Bank management was, at that time,
    under the impression that the loan commitment was for $2.4 million.
    The Bank claims that as of March 1988, it had funded $2.4 million,
    but only 54 of the 175 subdivision lots had been developed.             The
    Bank had the property appraised, and it was valued at $1 million
    less than the outstanding loan balance on the development loan.
    The Bank requested additional security or a cash payment to reduce
    the undercollateralized portion of the loan.
    On March 21, 1988, the Plaintiffs filed suit against the Bank
    in Louisiana state court for breach of contract, seeking $195
    million in damages and contesting liability on the amount advanced
    under the loan commitment.       Premier Bank also filed suit in state
    court seeking a declaratory judgment as to which party breached the
    loan agreement.
    The Plaintiffs claim that several acts by Premier Bank in the
    course   of   the   state   court    litigation      constitute   additional
    violations of the Bank Holding Company Act.          On August 3, 1988, the
    Bank deposited the unfunded portion of the development loan into
    the state court's registry pursuant to an ex parte order that
    placed   certain    requirements     on   advances   of   the   funds.   The
    Plaintiffs refused to comply with the requirements, and the state
    court later reversed the ex parte order.              On October 2, 1989,
    Premier Bank offered to advance funds necessary to complete water
    and sewer connections to North Pointe if the Plaintiffs would
    consent to an agreed judgment in the amount of the new advances.
    The Plaintiffs refused the offer.         They describe these actions by
    the Bank as extensions of credit on conditions that violate the
    anti-tying provisions of the Bank Holding Company Act.
    The Plaintiffs also assert claims under the Sherman and
    Clayton Acts and the Louisiana Antitrust Statute based on the
    Bank's failure to fund the development loan and to perform other
    obligations necessary to complete the development of North Pointe,
    such as approving subdivision restrictions necessary to transfer
    clear title on the lots.            They assert that the Bank and its
    officers acted in concert to prevent the development of North
    Pointe because it competed for lot sales with nearby subdivisions
    owned by officers and directors of the Bank.
    Two of the Plaintiffs, Roy and Linda McCaskill, were not
    parties to the transactions between the Bank and the Gulf States
    Plaintiffs.     Once    North   Pointe    was   under   development,   the
    McCaskills purchased a lot in the subdivision and built a house.
    Their claim against the Bank is based on the Bank's failure or
    refusal to approve subdivision restrictions or to fund water and
    sewer hookup for the subdivision.        The McCaskills claim that, as a
    result of the Bank's inaction, they lost the mortgage on their home
    and therefore lost the home and all of the money invested in its
    construction.   In addition to the federal claims, the McCaskills
    assert a pendent claim at state law for intentional interference
    with contractual relations.
    The district court granted summary judgment in favor of
    Defendant Premier Bank on all claims.        The Plaintiffs appeal.
    We review the district court's grant of summary judgment de
    novo to determine whether a disputed issue of material fact makes
    the district court's grant of summary judgment inappropriate.
    1. Bank Holding Company Act
    The   Plaintiffs    assert   that     Premier   Bank   violated   the
    anti-tying provision of the Bank Holding Company Act on three
    separate occasions.     The relevant provision of the Act provides as
    A bank shall not in any manner extend credit ... on the
    condition or requirement that the customer provide some
    additional credit, property, or service to such bank, other
    than those related to and usually provided in connection with
    a loan....
    12 U.S.C. § 1972
    (1)(C).   The Plaintiffs claim that Premier Bank
    violated this provision in the first instance by conditioning the
    North Pointe purchase and development loan on Palowsky's and
    Smiarowski's agreement to the other transactions.     We note at the
    outset that the only Plaintiffs with standing to assert this claim
    are Mr. Palowsky and Dr. Smiarowski.       See 
    12 U.S.C. § 1975
    Campbell v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., 
    781 F.2d 440
    , 442–43 (5th
    Plaintiffs' counsel, in brief and oral argument, focused a
    great deal of attention on allegations that Mr. Hood blackmailed
    Mr. Palowsky with information obtained in a private investigation
    of Mr. Palowsky's background.     Mr. Hood allegedly coerced Mr.
    Palowsky to participate in the purchase and development loan under
    threats that Mr. Hood would expose the information and ruin Mr.
    Palowsky's reputation in the community.   The district court found
    that these allegations were immaterial to the Plaintiff's claims
    under the Bank Holding Company Act.       We agree.     The alleged
    extortion does not in itself constitute a Bank Holding Company Act
    violation, nor does it establish any element of the Bank Holding
    Company Act claim based on the transactions surrounding the sale of
    the North Pointe tract.
    The district court granted summary judgment on the Plaintiffs'
    claim based on those transactions because the Plaintiffs did not
    establish that conditioning the development loan on the other
    transactions was unusual.1   In order to survive summary judgment,
    the Plaintiffs must present evidence sufficient to create a fact
    issue regarding whether the conditions placed on the loan were
    unusual in the banking industry.   See Dibidale v. American Bank &
    Trust Co., 
    916 F.2d 300
    , 304 n. 2 (5th Cir.1990);     Rae v. Union
    725 F.2d 478
    , 480 (9th Cir.1984).     Accepting as true the
    Plaintiffs' allegations that Premier Bank conditioned the North
    Pointe loan on the other transactions, we find as a matter of law
    that the restructuring arrangement entered into by the parties in
    this case does not constitute an unusual banking practice.
    The Gulf States Plaintiffs sought to purchase the North Pointe
    property for $800,000, and requested Premier Bank to release a $1.3
    million mortgage on the property, which was then in default.   Even
    if the Bank, rather than Palowsky or Smiarowski, demanded that the
    other transactions occur, the Bank acted within traditional banking
    practices in requiring the debtors on the North Pointe property
    loan, Joyner and Smiarowski, to restructure their other troubled
    The district court also stated that the Plaintiffs' claim
    failed because the Plaintiffs did not establish that Premier Bank
    had engaged in an anticompetitive practice. Citing Palermo v.
    First National Bank and Trust Co., 
    894 F.2d 363
     (10th Cir.1990),
    the district court stated that anticompetitive practice is an
    essential element of a claim under the Bank Holding Company Act.
    Because our holding rests on another aspect of the Plaintiffs'
    claim, we do not address this portion of the district court's
    opinion. We note, however, that the Fifth Circuit has
    consistently held that a showing of anticompetitiveness is not
    required to state a claim under the Bank Holding Company Act.
    See, e.g., Amerifirst Properties, Inc. v. FDIC, 
    880 F.2d 821
    , 826
    (5th Cir.1989); Campbell v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., 
    781 F.2d 440
    , 443 (5th Cir.1986).
    debts prior to granting them a release on the $1.3 million loan and
    foregoing satisfaction of the $500,000 deficiency on the debt.
    That restructure necessarily involved Mr. Palowsky, because he was
    a joint debtor with Smiarowsky and Joyner on other related loans.
    Attempting to establish that the conditions on the North
    Pointe loan were unusual, the Plaintiffs emphasize the transfer of
    Palowsky's and Smiarowski's interest in the Arkansas property, in
    which Premier Bank had no interest, to Nancy Joyner, who the
    Plaintiffs argue is an unrelated party.                 We disagree with the
    Plaintiffs' position because, given the state of affairs between
    Dr. and Mrs. Joyner at the time, Mrs. Joyner was necessarily
    involved in the transactions.            Mrs. Joyner was entitled to a
    portion of the proceeds of the sale of Dr. Joyner's interests
    pursuant to the Joyners' marital settlement agreement. Mrs. Joyner
    was   obviously   not   an   unrelated    party   in     these   transactions;
    transferring the Arkansas property directly to her, rather than to
    Dr. Joyner, merely satisfied her rights related to the various
    properties transferred.
    We also note that the testimony of Joyner, Palowsky, and
    Smiarowski   consistently     reflects    that    all    three   independently
    desired to separate their business interests.              Palowsky stated in
    deposition that all of the parties felt that mutual values were
    exchanged in the swap;        this position is also documented in a
    release signed by all parties, stating that "[a]ll appearers
    acknowledge that the consideration for all of these transactions
    represent mutual considerations ..., it being acknowledged and
    declared by all parties that these mutual considerations and
    transactions are equal in value for the benefit of each respective
    party." This uncontested testimony supports our view that the Bank
    did not abuse its economic power over these borrowers.                 The Bank
    acted   within   the    scope   of   traditional    banking      practices    to
    legitimately protect its troubled investments.                 Because we find
    that the conditions placed on the North Pointe loan were not
    unusual, we affirm the district court's grant of summary judgment
    on this claim.
    We similarly reject the Plaintiffs' claims based on Premier
    Bank's actions in the course of the state court litigation.                  The
    Plaintiff's first claim is based on Premier Bank's procurement of
    an ex parte order limiting the Plaintiffs' access to funds that
    Premier Bank deposited into the registry of the state court.                 The
    order allowed the Plaintiffs to withdraw funds upon certification
    that all funds previously advanced were used for development of the
    subdivision and that the funds to be withdrawn would be used for
    the same purpose.      Premier Bank cannot be said to have violated the
    Bank Holding Company Act by successfully urging the state court to
    enter the order. Given that the Bank suspected misappropriation of
    funds by the Plaintiffs, its attempt to invoke the district court's
    protection does not constitute "the improper use of economic
    leverage that the [Bank Holding Company] Act seeks to prevent."
    Amerifirst   Properties,     Inc.    v.   FDIC,   
    880 F.2d 821
    ,   824   (5th
    The Plaintiffs also claim that Premier Bank's offer to advance
    funds   for   water   and   sewer    hookup   on    the   condition    that   the
    Plaintiffs' consent to an agreed judgment for the amount of the
    advance violated the Bank Holding Company Act. This was, again, in
    the context of litigation in state court, during the course of
    which the Plaintiffs had disclaimed liability for the amount of the
    funds previously advanced under the loan commitment.                  The Bank's
    offer was an attempt to accommodate the Plaintiffs' development
    efforts, while protecting itself against the Plaintiffs' disclaimer
    of liability for the funds advanced.               As such, this conduct was
    within the scope of traditional banking practices, and does not
    constitute a violation of the Bank Holding Company Act.                 See FDIC
    v. Linn, 
    671 F.Supp. 547
    , 561 (N.D.Ill.1987) (conditioning loan on
    waiver of defenses to guaranties found to be a traditional banking
    The Plaintiffs have failed to establish their claims under the
    Bank Holding Company Act. We therefore affirm the district court's
    summary judgment in favor of the Defendant Premier Bank on those
    2. Sherman and Clayton Acts
    The Plaintiffs also assert claims under the Sherman and
    Clayton Acts.     Although unclear, the Plaintiffs' claim under the
    Sherman Act appears to allege a Section 1 violation by claiming
    that    Premier   Bank   and   its   officers      and    directors,    who   own
    subdivision lots in the vicinity of North Pointe, conspired to
    eliminate competition in lots sales by Gulf States.            Premier Bank
    disclaimed the existence of a conspiracy in three affidavits by
    officers of Premier Bank, and offered valid business reasons for
    the Bank's refusal to continue funding the North Pointe development
    loan.    The Plaintiffs have not responded with any evidence, direct
    or indirect, tending to prove the existence of a conspiracy.               For
    this    reason,   summary   judgment   on    their   Section   1   claim   was
    appropriate.      See Pan–Islamic Trade Corp. v. Exxon Corp., 
    632 F.2d 539
     (5th Cir.1980), cert. denied, 
    454 U.S. 927
    102 S.Ct. 427
    70 L.Ed.2d 236
    To the extent that the Plaintiffs assert other claims under
    the Sherman and Clayton Acts, they have failed to specify their
    contentions or identify the particular provisions of these statutes
    under which their claims arise.             Because the Plaintiffs' have
    failed to satisfy the standard set forth in Rule 28(a)(4) of the
    Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, we consider those claims
    waived. See Weaver v. Puckett, 
    896 F.2d 126
    , 128 (5th Cir.), cert.
    denied, ––– U.S. ––––, 
    111 S.Ct. 427
    112 L.Ed.2d 411
    3. Louisiana State Law Claims
    The Plaintiffs' claim under the Louisiana antitrust statute
    fails for the same reason their federal antitrust claim fails. The
    Plaintiffs have not come forward with any evidence of a conspiracy
    to support their claim. See La.Rev.Stat.Ann. § 51:122 (West 1987).
    The district court's grant of summary judgment was therefore
    The McCaskills, who contracted with Gulf States to purchase a
    lot in North Pointe, brought a Louisiana state law claim against
    Premier   Bank    for   intentional   interference   with   contractual
    relations.     Louisiana recently recognized a limited exception to
    its general refusal to recognize a cause of action for intentional
    interference with contractual relations in 9 to 5 Fashions, Inc. v.
    538 So.2d 228
     (La.1989).        That exception is limited,
    however, and does not cover the type of conduct at issue here.       We
    agree with the district court that the McCaskills' claim does not
    fit within the 9 to 5 exception and affirm the district court's
    summary judgment on this claim.
    For all of the foregoing reasons, we AFFIRM the district
    court's grant of summary judgment on all claims.        We, therefore,
    need not consider the Motion for Summary Affirmance recently filed
    by the Defendant in this case.

Document Info

Docket Number: 91-4105

Filed Date: 5/20/1992

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 12/21/2014