Genaro Gonzales v. Burl Cain, Warden , 525 F. App'x 251 ( 2013 )

  •      Case: 12-30056         Document: 00512238081          Page: 1    Date Filed: 05/10/2013
    FOR THE FIFTH CIRCUIT  United States Court of Appeals
    Fifth Circuit
    May 10, 2013
    No. 12-30056                        Lyle W. Cayce
    BURL CAIN, Warden, Louisiana State Penitentiary,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Louisiana
    USDC No. 11-cv-1846
    Before JONES and CLEMENT, Circuit Judges, and KAZEN, District Judge.*
    Petitioner-Appellant Genaro Gonzales received a 40-year sentence in
    Louisiana state court for attempted second-degree murder.                      Following the
    denials of his direct appeal and petition for a writ of habeas corpus in the state
    courts, Gonzales petitioned for habeas relief in the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Louisiana. Gonzales sought relief on the basis that,
    among other things, the trial judge vindictively imposed an increased sentence
    District Judge of the Southern District of Texas, sitting by designation.
    Pursuant to 5TH CIR. R. 47.5, the court has determined that this opinion should not
    be published and is not precedent except under the limited circumstances set forth in 5TH CIR.
    R. 47.5.4.
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    solely on account of Gonzales’s decision to proceed to trial in lieu of accepting the
    state’s plea deal. The district court dismissed Gonzales’s petition, and we
    Petitioner-Appellant Genaro Gonzales was convicted by a jury of
    attempted second-degree murder of Camille Tarver. At trial, Tarver testified
    that she and Gonzales dated for a few months in 2004 until she broke off their
    relationship. In January 2005, Tarver was waiting for the streetcar in New
    Orleans to go to work when Gonzales approached and asked if they could talk.
    She became upset and boarded the streetcar, leaving Gonzales behind. Later
    that night, after finishing her shift at work, Tarver proceeded to walk home
    along her usual route when Gonzales jumped from behind some bushes and
    attacked her. Gonzales threw Tarver to the ground, took out a knife, and
    stabbed her multiple times. At one point during the struggle, Tarver was able
    to push Gonzales away and to run into the street screaming. A car stopped to
    help, Tarver jumped in, and the driver immediately took her to the Hospital.
    Upon arriving at the hospital, Tarver was told she needed emergency
    surgery. She had suffered three stab wounds, one of which was life threatening.
    The life-threatening wound was located just below Tarver’s breast bone, and was
    so large and deep that her liver and stomach could be seen at the base of the
    wound. Tarver’s surgeon later testified at trial that the knife had severed a
    major artery, and that Tarver probably would have died if she had not been
    taken to the hospital at that time.
    Just before Tarver went into surgery, she identified Gonzales as her
    attacker, gave a police officer Gonzales’s name and address, and informed the
    officer that Gonzales had family in New York.           Gonzales was ultimately
    apprehended and offered an opportunity to plead guilty in exchange for a
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    sentence of 20 years’ imprisonment. Gonzales rejected the offer, and, following
    a one-day jury trial, was convicted of attempted second-degree murder.
    Gonzales ultimately was sentenced to 40 years’ imprisonment.
    After unsuccessfully seeking direct review of his conviction and sentence
    in the Louisiana Court of Appeal and the Louisiana Supreme Court, Gonzales
    filed an application for post-conviction relief. In his petition, Gonzales alleged
    several grounds for relief that were ultimately denied by the Louisiana district
    court and the Louisiana Court of Appeal. Gonzales then filed a 
    28 U.S.C. § 2254
    habeas petition raising the same claims in federal district court. The district
    court judge construed Gonzales’s argument as a claim that the 40-year sentence
    was disproportionately severe in comparison to the 20-year sentence that he had
    been offered prior to trial as part of the plea deal. The court then analyzed the
    proportionality of the sentence under the Eighth Amendment and denied
    Gonzales relief. This court granted a Certificate of Appealability only as to
    whether Gonzales’s 40-year sentence violated the Eighth Amendment due to the
    trial judge’s alleged imposition of a more severe sentence after Gonzales
    exercised his right to a jury trial.
    The standard of review for federal courts in habeas cases is statutorily
    defined by 
    28 U.S.C. § 2254
    (d), the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty
    Act (“AEDPA”). McCamey v. Epps, 
    658 F.3d 491
    , 496 (5th Cir. 2011). Under
    AEDPA, federal courts cannot grant a habeas petition regarding a claim
    adjudicated on the merits in state court unless that adjudication: “(1) resulted
    in a decision that was contrary to, or involved an unreasonable application of,
    clearly established Federal law, as determined by the Supreme Court of the
    United States; or (2) resulted in a decision that was based on an unreasonable
    determination of the facts in light of the evidence presented in the State court
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    proceeding.” Woodward v. Epps, 
    580 F.3d 318
    , 325 (5th Cir. 2009) (quoting 
    28 U.S.C. §§ 2254
    On appeal from the denial of habeas relief in the context of a claim under
    AEDPA, “we review the district court’s findings of fact for clear error and review
    its conclusions of law de novo, applying the same standard of review to the state
    court’s decision as the district court.” Garcia v. Quarterman, 
    454 F.3d 441
    , 444
    (5th Cir. 2006) (internal quotation omitted).
    Gonzales contends that the Louisiana Court of Appeal’s decision denying
    him postconviction relief involved an unreasonable application of federal law.
    According to Gonzales, the trial court vindictively imposed a 40-year sentence
    (rather than the 20-year sentence he had been offered earlier) to punish him for
    refusing to plead guilty and proceeding with a jury trial. His support for that
    claim relies on the discrepancy between the sentence he was offered as part of
    a plea deal and the sentence he ultimately received, and on two statements of
    the trial court judge referring to Gonzales’s refusal to plead guilty.
    A. Post-Trial Sentence Enhancement
    A defendant challenging the imposition of an elevated sentence is, in
    certain situations, entitled to a presumption of vindictiveness where the trial
    court has made no affirmative showing of reasons sufficient to warrant the
    increase in his sentence after trial. See Alabama v. Smith, 
    490 U.S. 784
    , 798–99
    (1989) (“[W]henever a judge imposes a more severe sentence upon a defendant
    after a new trial, the reasons for him doing so must affirmatively appear. . . .
    Otherwise, a presumption arises that a greater sentence has been imposed for
    a vindictive purpose.” (internal quotation marks omitted)); see also North
    Carolina v. Pearce, 
    395 U.S. 711
    , 723 (1969), overruled on other grounds by
    490 U.S. 794
    . This presumption “is a prophylactic rule designed to
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    protect a defendant’s due process rights where a danger exists that the
    government might retaliate against him for exercising a legal right.” United
    States v. Saltzman, 
    537 F.3d 353
    , 359 (5th Cir. 2008). It applies “only where
    there exists a ‘reasonable likelihood that the increased sentence is the product
    of actual vindictiveness’ and ‘where there is no such reasonable likelihood, the
    burden remains upon the defendant to prove actual vindictiveness.’” United
    States v. Reinhart, 
    442 F.3d 857
    , 860 (5th Cir. 2006) (quoting Smith, 
    490 U.S. at 794
    Gonzales first alleges that the trial court’s imposition of a harsher
    sentence after trial demonstrates that he was being punished for exercising his
    right to stand trial.       This claim alone does not create a presumption of
    vindictiveness.     The Fifth Circuit, sitting en banc, determined that this
    presumption is “completely inapplicable to post-plea bargain proceedings.”
    Frank v. Blackburn, 
    646 F.2d 873
    , 885 (5th Cir. 1980) (en banc) modified on
    other grounds, 
    646 F.2d 902
     (5th Cir. 1981).1 In such situations, a defendant
    must demonstrate that there was a reasonable likelihood that the increase in his
    sentence was due to actual vindictiveness. See United States v. Rodriguez, 
    602 F.3d 346
    , 359 (5th Cir. 2010). Gonzales ultimately rejected the state’s offer to
    plead guilty and instead chose to contest his guilt by taking his chances at trial.
    Once a plea deal has been rejected:
    [T]he defendant cannot complain that the denial of the rejected offer
    constitutes a punishment or is evidence of judicial vindictiveness.
    To accept such an argument is to ignore completely the underlying
    philosophy and purposes of the plea bargaining system. If a
    Although the Supreme Court has not directly addressed this issue, in Smith, 
    490 U.S. 794
    , it declined to apply the presumption of vindictiveness where the defendant appealed his
    guilty plea, went to trial, and received a longer sentence than was originally imposed. The
    Court concluded that “when a greater penalty is imposed after trial than was imposed after
    a prior guilty plea, the increase in sentence is not more likely than not attributable to
    vindictiveness on the part of the sentencing judge.” 
    Id. at 801
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    defendant can successfully demand the same leniency after standing
    trial that was offered to him prior to trial in exchange for a guilty
    plea, all the incentives to plea bargain disappear; the defendant has
    nothing to lose by going to trial.
    Frank, 646 F.2d at 883. Thus, the mere imposition of a harsher sentence after
    trial than was offered during plea negotiations does not warrant a presumption
    that the trial judge sought to punish Gonzales for exercising his right to stand
    trial absent some other indicia of actual vindictiveness.
    Additionally, the imposition of an increased sentence after trial is often
    warranted by the presentation of evidence at trial that was not previously
    available during the plea negotiations. See, e.g., Smith, 
    490 U.S. at
    (“The trial court explained that it was imposing a harsher sentence than it had
    imposed following respondent’s guilty plea because the evidence presented at
    trial, of which it had been unaware at the time it imposed sentence on the guilty
    plea, convinced it that the original sentence had been too lenient.”).                  At
    Gonzales’s sentencing, the trial judge recalled the course of the trial and the
    nature of the evidence presented, particularly the testimony of Tarver and the
    surgeon.2 The judge also noted that he could not “find anything at all to say in
    mitigation about [Gonzales], about his actions” which “clearly evidenced an
    intent to kill [Tarver].” Gonzales’s crime, concluded the trial judge, “clearly
    [couldn’t] be thought of as a crime of provocation. The idea of premeditation and
    a desire to terminate [Tarver’s] life just screams out.” At sentencing, the trial
    judge made clear that the evidence presented at trial shed new light on
    Gonzales’s character and the heinous nature of his crime. These comments are
    more than sufficient to show that the Louisiana Court of Appeal did not
    unreasonably apply Supreme Court precedent in determining that Gonzales’s
    The trial court stated that “[t]he testimony of [Tarver] itself was—was extremely
    significant; quite compelling. But it was no match for the testimony of the emergency room
    surgeon, a young doctor who testified before the Jury in this court.”
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    sentence was based on factors other than the trial judge’s alleged vindictiveness.
    B. Comments Made by the Trial Judge at Sentencing
    Gonzales also argues that two statements made by the trial court at
    sentencing suggest that the court took his decision to stand trial into account
    when fashioning his sentence. One of these statements could perhaps raise a
    specter of vindictiveness, but since the trial court proffered alternative
    rationales for Gonzales’s sentence, this claim fails.
    In discussing his decision to impose a 40-year sentence on Gonzales, the
    trial judge observed that:
    [T]his Court did offer [Gonzales] . . . the opportunity to admit his
    guilt, and to serve a term of 20 years. [Gonzales] chose to turn that
    down, and thus the question is asked: Is a judge allowed to give
    someone a greater sentence after the case has been heard, the trial
    testimony taken, and the verdict rendered by judge or jury? Or is
    a judge prohibited from doing that, because to do so would have a
    chilling effect on the right of a defendant to have trial?
    The law has answered that it is not improper for a Court to consider
    whether or not a plea offer was indeed rejected and trial followed.
    The law as I appreciate it views the initial offer [as] more of a
    reward than it does view a subsequent greater sentence following
    trial as being a punishment.
    Contrary to Gonzales’s contentions, these initial statements do not
    indicate that the judge acted vindictively during sentencing. Instead, the trial
    judge merely recognized that the imposition of an increased sentence after trial
    is often justifiable since the bargained-for leniency inherent in the plea
    negotiation process is not available once a trial has been held. See Smith, 
    490 U.S. at
    802–03 (recognizing that “the same mutual interests that support the
    practice of plea bargaining to avoid trial may also be pursued directly by
    providing for a more lenient sentence if the defendant pleads guilty”). In
    refusing to plead guilty, Gonzales assumed the risk of a conviction and
    ultimately, a harsher sentence. The trial judge’s statements acknowledge this
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    reality without suggesting that Gonzales was being punished solely for his
    decision to stand trial.
    Additional comments made by the trial judge at sentencing, however,
    might suggest that the judge sought, at least in part, to punish Gonzales for the
    exercise of his constitutional right to trial. The trial judge found it “difficult . . .
    to sit and watch [Tarver] have to travel all the way back from Korea . . . and give
    testimony.” By attending trial, Tarver was forced “to have to repeat and relive
    that nightmare [of the attack], literally a nightmare,” a consideration that the
    trial judge expressly “weigh[ed] against the defendant in choosing the sentence
    [to] be imposed.” These comments—made in the context of the trial judge’s
    explanation of the reasons for imposing a 40-year sentence on Gonzales—if
    viewed in isolation, might indicate that the court was punishing Gonzales for
    choosing to go to trial rather than plead guilty.
    Even if a defendant’s claim presents some indicia of possible
    vindictiveness, it can be rebutted by a showing that the trial court based the
    defendant’s sentence on “some objective reason or reasons,” occurring some time
    after the defendant declined to plead guilty, “to overcome the presumption of
    vindictiveness    and      justify   a   lengthier   sentence.”     United    States   v.
    251 F.3d 514
    , 518 (5th Cir. 2001). Such objective evidence
    includes any “events subsequent to the first trial that may have thrown new
    light upon the defendant’s life, health, habits, conduct, and mental and moral
    propensities.” Pearce, 
    395 U.S. at 723
     (internal quotation marks omitted). The
    trial court satisfied its burden to provide this justification when it listed
    numerous reasons for rejecting a 20-year sentence in favor of a longer, 40-year
    sentence. As discussed above in Section III(A), supra, the sentencing transcript
    reveals that the trial court focused on the lack of mitigating evidence and the
    violent nature of Gonzales’s crime in deciding on an appropriate sentence. This
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    objective evidence justifies the trial court’s decision and is sufficient to rebut
    Gonzales’s claim of actual vindictiveness.
    The trial court’s imposition of a harsher sentence after Gonzales’s trial
    than was offered during plea negotiations did not raise a presumption of
    vindictiveness. Nor did the trial court’s reference to Gonzales’s decision to refuse
    the plea deal constitute actual vindictiveness. The trial court’s comment on the
    burden imposed on Tarver by virtue of Gonzales’s decision to stand trial raises
    a slightly closer question. However, as the trial court proffered several other
    justifications for its sentencing decision, we decline to hold that it unreasonably
    applied Supreme Court precedent in dismissing Gonzales’s petition.              We
    therefore AFFIRM.