United States v. Janice Demmitt , 706 F.3d 665 ( 2013 )

  •      Case: 11-11120    Document: 00512132239     Page: 1   Date Filed: 02/01/2013
    FOR THE FIFTH CIRCUIT  United States Court of Appeals
    Fifth Circuit
    February 1, 2013
    No. 11-11120                      Lyle W. Cayce
    Plaintiff - Appellee,
    Defendant - Appellant.
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Texas
    Before STEWART, Chief Judge, and GARZA and ELROD, Circuit Judges.
    CARL E. STEWART, Chief Judge:
    A jury convicted Defendant-Appellant Janice Edwina Demmitt of
    conspiracy to launder monetary instruments, wire fraud, and money laundering.
    The district court sentenced her to seventy months imprisonment, a net term of
    five years supervised release, and restitution. Demmitt now appeals on the
    basis of alleged evidentiary errors, an improper jury instruction as to deliberate
    ignorance, and as to one of the money laundering counts, a fatal variance from
    the indictment or, alternatively, insufficient evidence to support the conviction.
    We AFFIRM in part, VACATE in part, and REMAND.
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    A.    Facts
    Demmitt and her son, Timothy Fry (“Fry”) lived and ran an insurance
    annuity business together. They were both licensed agents for Allianz Life
    Insurance Company (“Allianz”), a legitimate company.         Demmitt and Fry
    secured several clients and set up annuity policies for them with Allianz.
    Between 2007 and 2008, Fry began to defraud his customers. He forged
    letters and e-mails purporting to be from Allianz that promised customers a fifty
    or one-hundred percent match for opening a new annuity. Fry encouraged
    clients to come up with this money in a variety of ways, including cashing out
    their existing Allianz annuities.     Fry told clients he needed the money
    immediately in order to secure the match and that, to save time, the clients
    should provide cash or write him, not Allianz, a personal check. Each time a
    client cashed out or borrowed against an existing Allianz annuity, Fry or
    Demmitt sent a fax from their office to Allianz’s Minnesota office. In most
    instances, whenever a change was made to an Allianz annuity, Allianz sent a
    letter to Demmitt to inform her of the changes, even if Fry had initiated them.
    Fry also obtained money from clients in other ways. In one instance, Fry
    obtained a $30,000 check from a client by reporting that the client’s husband,
    also a client, owed him the money.
    In many cases, Fry deposited the fraudulently-obtained checks into his
    individual bank accounts or joint bank accounts he owned with Demmitt. In
    some instances, Fry cashed the checks and then gave cash to Demmitt, who
    deposited it into her individual or joint bank accounts. Demmitt used the funds
    to cover business and personal expenses, including frequent purchases from
    QVC and payments to an interior decorator who was helping her set up a call
    center in a warehouse that required significant renovations. Fry and Demmitt
    both bought new vehicles.
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    Fry also funneled some of his clients’ money into an E*TRADE account
    that he used to fund his investment activities. Fry’s discussions of his trading
    successes were convincing enough that his brother, Tad Fry (“Tad”), who lived
    in Colorado and periodically sent money to help with Demmitt and Fry’s
    household expenses, requested that some of his money be invested in the
    E*TRADE account. In fact, Fry lost a significant amount of the money in the
    account, including fraudulently-obtained client money.
    In the summer of 2008, some of Tad’s logging equipment began to break
    down, and he asked Fry and Demmitt to send him money from the E*TRADE
    account. Tad believed Fry and Demmitt would send him his own money.
    Instead, they wired Tad money that was ultimately traced to client funds. For
    example, on August 21, 2008, Demmitt wired Tad $3,000 in client funds from
    one of her bank accounts.
    Meanwhile, both Demmitt and Fry experienced significant cash flow
    problems of which Demmitt was aware. Because the business only had a
    handful of clients, annuity commissions alone were insufficient to cover business
    expenses, let alone personal expenses. Several people informed Demmitt of
    financial problems the business and Fry were having.           For example, in
    September 2008, after Tad informed Fry that he needed more money to pay for
    the equipment, Fry sent Tad a series of checks that were ultimately returned for
    insufficient funds. Consequently, Tad’s bank account became overdrawn by
    $47,000. Tad informed Demmitt that Fry’s checks had been returned for
    insufficient funds. Demmitt was also informed several times that employee
    paychecks had been returned for insufficient funds.
    In August 2008, clients Georgiann and Donald McCormick filed a
    complaint with the Amarillo Police Department, alleging that Fry had stolen
    $450,000 from them. Police Detective Celia Vargas was dispatched to Demmitt
    and Fry’s business office to investigate. When Demmitt opened the locked door,
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    Vargas asked to speak with Fry, but Demmitt reported that he was not present.
    Upon Demmitt’s question, Vargas informed her that she was investigating
    possible fraud being perpetrated by Fry. When Vargas requested to look around
    the property, Demmitt called to Fry, who appeared. Demmitt informed Fry that
    Vargas was there to investigate “financial fraud,” thus qualifying Vargas’s
    investigation in a way Vargas had not done.
    In total, Fry defrauded over $700,000 from his clients.
    B.    Procedural History
    Demmitt and Fry were each charged with one count of conspiracy to
    launder monetary instruments, fifteen counts of wire fraud, and eleven counts
    of money laundering. All of the money laundering counts, except Count 27, were
    brought under 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 1957
     and 2 and involved amounts over $10,000.
    Count 27 was brought under 
    18 U.S.C. § 1956
    (a)(1)(B)(i) and alleged, inter alia,
    that Demmitt transferred $3,000 to Tad knowing that the transaction was
    designed to conceal the illegal attributes of the money.
    Fry pleaded guilty, signing a factual resume that, inter alia, asserted
    Demmitt had been involved in the scheme. Demmitt pleaded not guilty, and she
    was tried before a jury. At trial, Demmitt presented no witnesses or evidence,
    and she argued that Fry had been the sole perpetrator of the scheme. The jury
    convicted Demmitt of conspiracy to launder monetary instruments, eight counts
    of wire fraud, and all of the money laundering counts.
    Demmitt now brings this appeal, raising four issues: (1) the district court
    reversibly erred when it permitted the Government to introduce Fry’s factual
    resume as substantive evidence of Demmitt’s guilt; (2) the district court
    reversibly erred when it permitted the Government to introduce witness Doris
    Streu’s testimony; (3) the district court reversibly erred when it gave the jury a
    deliberate ignorance instruction; and (4) conviction under Count 27 was
    improper because the Government’s evidence was a fatal variance from the
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    indictment or, alternatively, there was insufficient evidence that Demmitt
    satisfied the essential elements of the crime.
    Demmitt raises two evidentiary issues. First, she argues that the trial
    court erred when it permitted the prosecution to introduce Fry’s factual resume
    as substantive evidence of Demmitt’s guilt. Second, she argues that the trial
    court erred when it permitted the prosecution to introduce Streu’s testimony
    regarding a loan her husband made to Fry.
    We first address Demmitt’s second argument. As Demmitt has cited no
    authority in support of her contentions as to the impropriety of admitting Streu’s
    testimony, we hold this argument waived. See Fed. R. App. P. 28(a)(9) (“The
    appellant’s brief must contain . . . citations to the authorities . . . .”); see also
    Procter & Gamble Co. v. Amway Corp., 
    376 F.3d 496
    , 499 n.1 (5th Cir. 2004)
    (collecting citations) (“Failure adequately to brief an issue on appeal constitutes
    waiver of that argument.”).
    We now turn to Demmitt’s argument that the trial court erred when it
    permitted the prosecution to introduce Fry’s factual resume as substantive
    evidence of Demmitt’s guilt.
    A.    Standard of Review
    Where a party has properly preserved an objection, as is the case here, we
    review evidentiary rulings for an abuse of discretion, subject to a harmless error
    analysis. United States v. Cisneros-Gutierrez, 
    517 F.3d 751
    , 757 (5th Cir. 2008)
    (citation omitted); United States v. Crawley, 
    533 F.3d 349
    , 353 (5th Cir. 2008)
    (citation omitted). “Reversible error occurs only when the admission of evidence
    substantially affects the rights of a party.” Crawley, 
    533 F.3d at 353
    “A nonconstitutional trial error is harmless unless it had substantial and
    injurious effect or influence in determining the jury’s verdict.” United States v.
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    664 F.3d 467
    , 526 (5th Cir. 2011) (citations and internal quotation
    marks omitted). “Under this standard, we ask whether the error itself had
    substantial influence on the jury in light of all that happened at trial; if we are
    left in grave doubt, the conviction cannot stand.” 
     (citations and internal
    quotation marks omitted).
    B.    Discussion
    We now address the merits of Demmitt’s contention as to the introduction
    of the factual resume. Soon after Fry was sworn in as a witness for the
    prosecution, the following exchange occurred:
    Q [Prosecutor]. And Government’s [Exhibit] 17-2, is
    that the factual resume that provides the factual basis
    for your plea of guilty that you entered?
    A [Fry]. Yes.
    Q. And does it bear your signature, along with that of
    your lawyer?
    A. Yes.
    [Prosecutor]: The Government                 offers
    Government’s Exhibit . . . W17-2.
    [Counsel for Demmitt]: Your Honor, both of these
    documents are hearsay.            They’re out-of-court
    statements that are being offered for the truth of the
    matter asserted.
    The Court: Admitted.
    Q (By [Prosecutor]): Did you plead guilty to this on July
    the 28 of 2011?
    A. Yes.
    Q. And prior to your – during your plea of guilty, were
    you sworn in?
    A. Yes.
    Q. Did you raise your right hand and promise to tell
    the truth?
    A. Yes.
    Q. And did you swear that everything contained in the
    factual resume was true and correct?
    A. Yes.
    [Prosecutor]: I’ll pass the witness.
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    Fry’s factual resume attributes every aspect of the fraud to both himself
    and Demmitt. On cross-examination, Fry testified that he did not remember
    most of his fraudulent activities due to heavy medication, but that he did not
    recall Demmitt’s involvement in the fraud. He explained that he did not believe
    he was representing Demmitt was part of the fraud when he signed the factual
    resume and that, before he signed the factual resume, he had informed the
    prosecutor that Demmitt was not involved in the scheme. Fry also stated that
    he had informed Demmitt that his E*TRADE investments were doing well.
    However, Fry also conceded Demmitt’s awareness of particular aspects of the
    fraud, such as withdrawals from client annuity accounts.
    Demmitt argues that the factual resume was impermissibly admitted
    hearsay. The Government disputes this characterization, claiming that the
    factual resume is admissible non-hearsay under Federal Rule of Evidence 801
    as an adoption or as a prior inconsistent statement. We disagree with the
    Government’s contentions.
    As is well-known, hearsay is a statement, including a “written assertion
    . . . that: (1) the declarant does not make while testifying at the current trial or
    hearing; and (2) a party offers in evidence to prove the truth of the matter
    asserted in the statement.” Fed. R. Evid. 801(a), (c). Hearsay is not admissible
    unless a statute or rule provides otherwise. Fed. R. Evid. 802. In some
    instances, however, a declarant-witness’s prior statement is not hearsay. The
    Government presses two of those non-hearsay situations here: (1) when the
    declarant adopts the prior statement and (2) when the prior statement is
    inconsistent with the declarant’s testimony. Fed. R. Evid. 801(d).
    1. Adoption
    “If the witness admits on the stand that he made the statement and that
    it was true, he adopts the statement and there is no hearsay problem.” Fed. R.
    Evid. 801(d)(1) advisory committee’s note; see also Vanston v. Conn. Gen. Life
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    Ins. Co., 
    482 F.2d 337
    , 344 (5th Cir. 1973) (quoting committee note and
    recognizing this circuit as having adopted the rule). The Government argues
    that the direct examination exchange between the prosecutor and Fry, quoted
    at the outset of this section, was sufficient to serve as an adoption.
    The hearsay rule stands as a bulwark against unreliable testimony, and
    thus hearsay exceptions and exclusions have been carefully crafted. As made
    clear in the committee note and our case law, the prior statement must be
    acknowledged and affirmed on the stand in order to be admissible for
    substantive purposes independent of use as a prior inconsistent statement. As
    the above exchange illustrates, Fry did acknowledge that he had made the
    statements in the factual resume. However, he did not admit on the stand, in
    the presence of the jury, that they were true statements, only that he had
    previously sworn they were true. The prosecutor’s careful use of the past tense
    when asking about the truth of the factual resume—“did you swear that
    everything contained in the factual resume was true and correct?”—is
    insufficient to establish Fry’s affirmation on the stand at Demmitt’s trial. Cf.
    517 F.3d at 758
     (holding that a witness’s admission under
    oath at a plea hearing that a factual resume was “true and correct in every
    respect” demonstrated sufficient adoption such that the factual resume could be
    used as a prior inconsistent statement). We thus conclude that Fry did not adopt
    the factual resume on the stand at Demmitt’s trial.
    As the factual resume was not adopted on the stand, it was hearsay and
    should not have been admitted. The trial court erred when it admitted the
    factual resume, and its error was an abuse of discretion. That, however, does not
    end our inquiry because we now must assess whether the error was harmless.
    2. Harmless Error
    Under the Federal Rules of Evidence, when “[t]he declarant testifies and
    is subject to cross-examination about a prior statement, and the statement . . .
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    is inconsistent with the declarant’s testimony and was given under penalty of
    perjury at a trial, hearing, or other proceeding or in a deposition,” the statement
    is not hearsay. Fed. R. Evid. 801(d)(1).
    The parties do not dispute that at the time the factual resume was entered
    into evidence, the document was not yet a prior inconsistent statement. We
    agree because, as demonstrated by the above testimony, at the time the evidence
    was admitted, Fry had not yet made any inconsistent statements concerning
    facts also contained in the factual resume.
    Instead, the Government asserts that the factual resume’s admission was
    harmless because it later became a prior inconsistent statement under Federal
    Rule of Evidence 801(d)(1)(A). Specifically, the Government contends that
    because Demmitt then cross-examined Fry about the factual resume, “by the
    time of Fry’s redirect examination, the factual resume had clearly become a prior
    inconsistent statement admissible for its truth under [Federal Rule of Evidence]
    801(d)(1)(A).” We disagree with the Government’s argument, but we nonetheless
    find the error harmless due to the totality of the evidence adduced at trial.
    We first dispense with the Government’s argument that the “premature
    admission of evidence whose foundation is later established is harmless error.”
    Demmitt argues, and the Government implicitly concedes, that Demmitt herself
    was essentially forced to elicit Fry’s inconsistent testimony, thereby correcting
    the trial court’s admission error. After the trial court erroneously admitted the
    factual resume, Demmitt was left with an unenviable choice: (1) decline to cross
    examine Fry on the factual resume’s contents and hope that on appeal, Demmitt
    would prevail on an argument that the document was impermissible hearsay or
    (2) cross-examine Fry on the document in an attempt to undermine its
    effectiveness, thereby satisfying Federal Rule of Evidence 801 in the process.
    Such a prosecution tactic is impermissible, and we decline to endorse it by
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    finding that the trial court’s error was ameliorated by Demmitt’s cross-examination.
    However, even though we disagree with the Government’s argument about
    subsequent inconsistency, that does not end our inquiry into the error’s
    harmlessness. Instead, we must consider the admission of the factual resume
    “not in isolation, but in relation to the entire proceedings.” United States v.
    957 F.2d 1238
    , 1244 (5th Cir. 1992) (citation and internal quotation
    marks omitted).      Our examination is “fact-specific and record-intensive,
    requiring a close review of the entire trial proceedings.” El-Mezain, 664 F.3d at
    526. “[W]e must judge the likely effect of any error in the case before us based
    on the totality of the circumstances in this trial.” Id. “Unless there is a
    reasonable possibility that the improperly admitted evidence contributed to the
    conviction, reversal is not required.” Id. (citation and internal quotation marks
    omitted) (alterations omitted). “It is well established that error in admitting
    evidence will be found harmless when the evidence is cumulative, meaning that
    substantial evidence supports the same facts and inferences as those in the
    erroneously admitted evidence.” Id. (collecting citations).
    After carefully reviewing the record, we conclude that the erroneous
    admission of the factual resume does not require reversal. Although the case
    against Demmitt was circumstantial, in light of the volume of evidence
    presented by the prosecution that supports the same facts and inferences as
    those in the factual resume, we conclude the admission was harmless.
    The factual resume stated that Demmitt was actually involved in the
    fraud.   Other trial testimony could lead to the same conclusion or to the
    conclusion that she was deliberately ignorant of it, either of which is sufficient
    basis for conviction. See Chaney v. Dreyfus Serv. Corp., 
    595 F.3d 219
    , 240 (5th
    Cir. 2010) (“Deliberate ignorance is the legal equivalent of knowledge.”). Broadly
    defined, there were four types of evidence presented at trial, in addition to Fry’s
    factual resume, that lead to this conclusion.
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    First, there was ample testimony that Demmitt was made aware of
    problems with client accounts. For example, Allianz Senior Special Investigator
    Barbara Krueger testified that Demmitt was copied on letters Allianz sent about
    changes to client annuities, and Fry testified that he “probably” informed his
    mother that he was sending faxes to Allianz using her name. There were also
    several instances in which clients directly informed Demmitt that their money
    had not been properly deposited in their Allianz annuities. For example, client
    Richard Burdett informed Demmitt that Fry had personally cashed a check he
    had written, but the money had not been deposited in Burdett’s Allianz account.
    Burdett testified that Demmitt denied Fry’s signature was on the check and
    claimed that the money had been deposited in Burdett’s Allianz account.
    Burdett testified that he did not think Demmitt believed what she told him.
    Another client, Dahl Clower, testified that Demmitt accepted checks made out
    to Fry from Clower’s wife, as well as discussed the fake Allianz bonus structure
    with her. A third client, Georgiann McCormick, testified that Demmitt was
    aware other clients were complaining that their money had not been deposited
    in their Allianz annuities. McCormick further testified that she did not believe
    Fry acted alone or fooled Demmitt.
    Second, there was testimony that Demmitt tightly controlled the business
    and that Fry frequently consulted Demmitt before he made any decisions. For
    example, former employee Jan Burchfield testified that only Demmitt and Fry
    were permitted to answer the business telephone or open the business mail. Fry
    also testified that Demmitt sometimes opened the mail. Additionally, Burchfield
    testified that she assisted Demmitt in organizing client files around August
    2008, and that Demmitt and Fry shared business decisions. Another former
    employee, Delores Austin, testified that Demmitt was in charge of the office and
    that Demmitt prohibited her from standing near the copy machine when
    Demmitt made copies.      Multiple people also testified that Fry frequently
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    consulted Demmitt before making decisions. For example, Austin testified that
    Fry called his mother to find out how he should pay Austin after she refused to
    accept a personal check for fear it would be returned for insufficient funds.
    Streu testified that Demmitt became involved when Streu’s husband set up a
    payment plan for Fry, who was delinquent in repaying the truck loan for which
    Streu’s husband had signed. Demmitt personally delivered Fry’s payments and
    required the Streus to sign a receipt for each. Later, when the Streus decided
    to repossess Fry’s truck after Fry stopped paying on the loan, Demmitt called
    Streu to attempt to convince her not to repossess the truck.
    Third, there was significant evidence that Demmitt’s annuity commissions
    alone could not have supported her business or personal expenses, yet she and
    Fry made frequent and expensive purchases. For example, Demmitt’s bank
    records show that she often received only about $1 per month in commission
    from Allianz. Nevertheless, both Fry and Demmitt purchased new vehicles, and
    Demmitt made numerous QVC purchases. Demmitt and Fry also made down
    payments on two houses, and Demmitt made numerous payments to the interior
    decorator who was working on preparing the warehouse for Demmitt’s planned
    call center.
    Finally, there was substantial evidence that Demmitt participated in or
    that her bank accounts received suspicious financial transactions. Demmitt and
    Fry had at least one joint account into which client-signed checks were directly
    deposited. On other occasions, Fry cashed client checks and Demmitt deposited
    the cash into her accounts in suspicious quantities. For example, at least one of
    these transactions involved a deposit of one hundred and twenty $100 bills.
    We hold that the record shows the Government presented significant
    evidence, albeit circumstantial, that demonstrated Demmitt was actually
    involved in Fry’s scheme or deliberately indifferent to it. Given that this
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    evidence is cumulative of the factual resume, we hold that the trial court’s error
    in admitting the factual resume was harmless and does not warrant reversal.
    Over Demmitt’s objection, the trial court gave the jury a deliberate
    ignorance instruction. The trial court did, however, agree to include a limiting
    instruction, which was included as the last sentence in the deliberate ignorance
    You may find that a defendant had knowledge of a fact
    if you find that the Defendant deliberately closed her
    eyes to what otherwise would have been obvious to her.
    While knowledge on the part of the Defendant cannot
    be established merely by demonstrating that the
    Defendant was negligent, careless, or foolish,
    knowledge can be inferred if the Defendant deliberately
    blinded herself to the existence of a fact. This does not
    lessen the Government’s burden to prove, beyond a
    reasonable doubt, that the knowledge elements of the
    crimes have been satisfied.
    On appeal, Demmitt challenges the propriety of the trial court’s deliberate
    ignorance instruction.
    A.     Standard of Review
    We utilize an abuse of discretion standard when reviewing a district
    court’s jury instructions. Baisden v. I’m Ready Prods., Inc., 
    693 F.3d 491
    , 504-05
    (5th Cir. 2012) (citation omitted). We use a two-part test to review challenges
    to particular instructions. 
    Id. at 505
     (citation omitted). First, the appellant
    “must demonstrate that the charge as a whole creates substantial and
    ineradicable doubt whether the jury has been properly guided in its
     (citation and internal quotation marks omitted). Second,
    even if a jury instruction were given in error, we will not reverse the district
    court if, “in light of the entire record, the challenged instruction could not have
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    affected the outcome of the case.” 
     (citation and internal quotation marks
    When a defendant contends that a jury instruction was inappropriate, we
    consider whether the charge was both legally accurate and supported by fact.
    See United States v. Mendoza-Medina, 
    346 F.3d 121
    , 132 (5th Cir. 2003)
    (citations and internal quotation marks omitted). “In assessing whether the
    evidence sufficiently supports the district court’s charge, we view the evidence
    and all reasonable inferences that may be drawn from the evidence in the light
    most favorable to the Government.” 
     (citations and internal quotation marks
    omitted). If we determine the charge was erroneous, we review for harmless
     (citations and internal quotation marks omitted).
    B.     Discussion
    We first note that Demmitt has not challenged the district court’s
    instruction as an incorrect statement of law. Therefore, our sole ground for
    review is whether the instruction was supported by fact. We conclude that it
    Due to concerns that a jury will convict a defendant for what she should
    have known rather than the appropriate legal standard, we have “often
    cautioned against the use of the deliberate ignorance instruction.” Mendoza-
    346 F.3d at 132
     (citations omitted). It is improper for a district court
    to instruct a jury on deliberate ignorance “when the evidence raises only the
    inferences that the defendant had actual knowledge or no knowledge at all of the
    facts in question.” 
    Id. at 134
     (citation omitted).
    We use a two-prong test to determine whether the evidence supports a
    deliberate ignorance instruction, wherein the evidence presented at trial “must
    raise two inferences: (1) the defendant was subjectively aware of a high
    probability of the existence of the illegal conduct and (2) the defendant
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    purposefully contrived to avoid learning of the illegal conduct.” 
    Id. at 132-33
    (citation omitted).
    In evaluating the first prong, we have noted that “the same evidence that
    will raise an inference that the defendant had actual knowledge of the illegal
    conduct ordinarily will also raise the inference that the defendant was
    subjectively aware of a high probability of the existence of illegal conduct.”
    United States v. Conner, 
    537 F.3d 480
    , 487 (5th Cir. 2008) (citation and internal
    quotation marks omitted).
    In discussing the second prong, we have cautioned that
    the sine qua non of deliberate ignorance is the conscious
    action of the defendant—the defendant consciously
    attempted to escape confirmation of the conditions or
    events he strongly suspected to exist. Where the choice
    is simply between a version of the facts in which the
    defendant had actual knowledge, and one in which he
    was no more than negligent or stupid, the deliberate
    ignorance instruction is inappropriate.
    346 F.3d at 133
     (citations and internal quotation marks
    omitted). We have held that the second prong can be established where “the
    circumstances in the case were so overwhelmingly suspicious that the
    defendant’s failure to conduct further inspection or inquiry suggests a conscious
    effort to avoid incriminating knowledge.” Conner, 
    537 F.3d at 486
     (citation and
    internal quotation marks omitted) (alterations omitted).
    “Under well-established precedent, the error in giving a deliberate
    ignorance instruction in the absence of evidence of contrivance is harmless
    where there is substantial evidence of actual knowledge.” United States v.
    672 F.3d 320
    , 341 (5th Cir. 2012) (en banc) (citation and internal
    quotation marks omitted).
    1. Prong One
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    We hold that the trial testimony raises a strong inference that Demmitt
    was subjectively aware of the existence of Fry’s illegal conduct. Much of the
    evidence supporting this inference is presented in Sub-section II.B, supra.
    Therefore, we need not reiterate all of the relevant facts, but we highlight a few
    of the more telling pieces of evidence. First, at least two clients informed
    Demmitt that they were missing money from their Allianz annuity accounts.
    Second, Allianz copied Demmitt on letters it sent to clients, confirming changes
    to their annuity accounts. Finally and most tellingly, Fry deposited client checks
    directly into bank accounts he jointly owned with Demmitt. Thus, there was
    ample evidence to support an inference that Demmitt was subjectively aware of
    Fry’s illegal conduct, and the first prong is satisfied.
    2. Prong Two
    Demmitt contends there is no evidence to show she contrived to avoid
    learning of the illegal conduct. We disagree. Instead, there is ample evidence
    that the circumstances were “so overwhelmingly suspicious” that Demmitt’s
    “failure to conduct further inspection or inquiry suggests a conscious effort to
    avoid incriminating knowledge.” See Conner, 
    537 F.3d at 486
    . Much of this
    evidence overlaps with that discussed in Prong One.
    Perhaps most tellingly, Demmitt frequently deposited large sums of cash
    that she likely obtained from Fry, often in relatively small bills, into her bank
    accounts. Second, even though the Allianz commissions were clearly unable to
    support business and personal accounts, Fry and Demmitt made numerous
    purchases, totaling thousands of dollars per month. In addition, even after
    Detective Vargas notified Demmitt that Fry was being investigated for fraud,
    Fry deposited a $60,000 client check into his and Demmitt’s joint bank account.
    Finally, as discussed above, several clients notified Demmitt that their money
    had not been deposited into their Allianz annuity accounts. Given all these
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    suspicious facts, Demmitt’s failure to conduct further inspection or inquiry
    suggests a conscious effort to avoid incriminating knowledge.
    Moreover, Demmitt admits on appeal that she “devoted all of her attention
    to the creation of a call center,” and this evidence also was presented to the jury.
    As the government argues, the jury could have inferred that by doing so,
    Demmitt purposefully contrived to avoid learning of Fry’s illegal conduct
    associated with the annuity business. Thus, the second prong is satisfied.
    Because the evidence adduced at trial satisfies both prongs, we conclude
    that the district court’s deliberate ignorance instruction was proper.1
    Demmitt challenges her conviction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1956
    which was identified in the indictment as Count 27. She first argues that the
    difference between the date of the action charged in the indictment and the date
    about which evidence was presented at trial is a fatal variance from the
    indictment. She next argues that there was insufficient evidence to satisfy the
    elements of the statute. Because we agree that the Government did not present
    sufficient evidence to support Demmitt’s conviction under the statute, we need
    not reach her fatal variance argument.
    A. Standard of Review
    We review de novo whether sufficient evidence was presented at trial to
    support a conviction. United States v. Brown, 
    186 F.3d 661
    , 664 (5th Cir. 1999)
    (citation omitted). Our review is highly deferential to the verdict. United States
    v. Elashyi, 
    554 F.3d 480
    , 491 (5th Cir. 2008) (citation and internal quotation
    Even if both prongs of the test were not satisfied and the district court erred in giving
    the deliberate ignorance instruction, we hold the error harmless because there was substantial
    evidence that Demmitt was aware of the scheme. See, e.g., United States v. Peterson, 
    244 F.3d 385
    , 395 (5th Cir. 2001) (permitting deliberate ignorance instruction where evidence showed
    defendants were deliberately indifferent or had actual knowledge that they were engaged in
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    marks omitted). We review “whether a rational trier of fact could have found
    that the evidence established the essential elements of the offense beyond a
    reasonable doubt.” United States v. Ned, 
    637 F.3d 562
    , 568 (5th Cir. 2011) (per
    curiam) (citation omitted). We consider the evidence in the light most favorable
    to the Government, and we draw all reasonable inferences and credibility choices
    in support of the verdict. 
     (citation omitted). We assess whether “the trier of
    fact made a rational decision, rather than whether it correctly determined the
    defendant’s guilt or innocence.” 
     (citation omitted). The standard of review
    does not change, even though the evidence in this case was largely
    circumstantial. See 
     (citation omitted).
    B. Discussion
    The statute under which Demmitt was charged in Count 27 is as follows:
    Whoever, knowing that the property involved in a
    financial transaction represents the proceeds of some
    form of unlawful activity, conducts or attempts to
    conduct such a financial transaction which in fact
    involves the proceeds of specified unlawful activity . . .
    knowing that the transaction is designed in whole or in
    part (i) to conceal or disguise the nature, the location,
    the source, the ownership, or the control of the proceeds
    of specified unlawful activity . . . shall be sentenced . . . .
    18 U.S.C. § 1956
    (a)(1)(B)(i). The indictment charged Demmitt with violating the
    statute when she transferred $3,000 via wire to her son, Tad. Demmitt argues
    that the Government did not prove that the wire transfer was “designed . . . to
    conceal or disguise the nature, the location, the source, the ownership, or the
    control” of the fraudulently obtained money. Despite our demanding standard
    of review, we agree.
    The Supreme Court has interpreted the statute’s element requiring a
    design to mean “purpose or plan; i.e., the intended aim of the [transaction].”
    Cuellar v. United States, 
    553 U.S. 550
    , 563 (2008) (interpreting 18 U.S.C.
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    § 1956(a)(2)(B)(i), which prohibits transporting, transmitting, and transferring
    money when it is designed to conceal or disguise the proceeds in specified ways).
    We have previously applied Cuellar’s statutory interpretation to 
    18 U.S.C. § 1956
    (a)(1)(B)(i). See United States v. Brown, 
    553 F.3d 768
    , 786 n.56 (5th Cir.
    We have explained Cuellar as follows:
    In Cuellar, the Supreme Court overturned an en banc
    decision of this court. The Court first held that the
    “designed to conceal” element of this statute does not
    require the government to prove that a defendant
    sought to “create the appearance of legitimate wealth,”
    because in this provision of the statute, “Congress used
    broad language that captures more than classic money
    laundering.” However, the Court limited the statute’s
    breadth somewhat: “[M]erely hiding funds during
    transportation is not sufficient to violate the statute,
    even if substantial efforts have been expended to
    conceal the money.”
    553 F.3d at 786-87
     (quoting Cuellar, 
    553 U.S. at 558-59, 563
    ). The
    concealment of the unlawfully obtained money must be a purpose—not just an
    effect—of the money transfers. Chaney, 595 F.3d at 240-42. The way in which
    a transaction is structured may be related to the transaction’s purpose, but “how
    one moves the money is distinct from why one moves the money. Evidence of the
    former, standing alone, is not sufficient to prove the latter.” Cuellar, 
    553 U.S. at 566
    . Thus, the statute’s design requirement “distinguishes the crime of
    money laundering from the innocent act of mere money spending.” United
    States v. Burns, 
    162 F.3d 840
    , 848 (5th Cir. 1998) (citing United States v. Willey,
    57 F.3d 1374
    , 1384 (5th Cir. 1995)). In Brown, we held the government’s
    evidence was sufficient to satisfy Cuellar’s standard where “defendants intended
    to and did make it more difficult for the government to trace and demonstrate
    the nature of these funds,” including by employing “classic” money laundering
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    techniques, such as conducting transactions in cash and making deposits below
    $10,000 to avoid reporting requirements. 
    553 F.3d at 787
    The evidence presented at trial shows that on August 11, 2008, Fry
    deposited a cashier’s check from Georgiann McCormick into the bank account he
    jointly owned with Demmitt at Amarillo Community Federal Credit Union. This
    check had been obtained fraudulently. At the time of the deposit, the account
    balance was only $175.67. On August 21, 2008, Demmitt sent $3,000 from her
    account, using this money, via wire to Tad. The wire transfer receipt contains
    Demmitt’s name, address, and account number, as well as Tad’s business name.
    Most importantly, Tad testified that Demmitt sent the money upon Tad’s
    request to help him purchase necessary business equipment. The Government
    has not suggested that Tad was part of Fry and Demmitt’s scheme nor has it
    suggested that Tad did not need the money for business expenses.
    As we noted above, mere spending of fraudulently obtained funds does
    not by itself satisfy 
    18 U.S.C. § 1956
    (a)(1)(B)(i). At trial, the Government proved
    only that the wire transfer occurred and that it was connected to fraudulently
    obtained money, not that Demmitt’s actions were designed to conceal the
    fraudulent aspects of the money. Critically, the Government presented no
    evidence to rebut Tad’s testimony that the purpose of the wire transfer was to
    provide money for his business expenses. Moreover, the series of transactions
    that culminated in the wire transfer differs from our precedent where we have
    upheld convictions that employed classic money laundering techniques. See, e.g.,
    553 F.3d at 787
    ; United States v. Powers, 
    168 F.3d 741
    , 748 (5th Cir.
    1999) (finding important that checks did not reveal on their faces that the
    defendant or his wife were involved in the transactions).
    No such techniques appear to have been used here nor did Demmitt intend
    to or succeed in making “it more difficult for the government to trace and
    demonstrate the nature of these funds.” Brown, 
    553 F.3d at 787
    . This is not a
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    case where, for this particular transaction, Demmitt commingled fraudulently
    obtained funds with legitimate business funds—Demmitt’s legitimate business
    funds were so minuscule that the provenance of the client funds were not
    concealed when deposited into her account. Instead, Demmitt treated the
    fraudulently obtained money as her personal spending money, and she sent it
    to Tad upon his request for help with his business expenses. The Government
    presented no additional evidence or witnesses to explain how this transaction
    was designed to conceal the fraudulently obtained money in any of the specified
    In sum, this transaction does not demonstrate any indicia of the type of
    unusualness or concealment that we have previously held to be sufficient to
    support a money laundering conviction. See, e.g., Willey, 
    57 F.3d at 1385-87
    (describing unusual brokerage account transactions, the use of third parties, and
    “convoluted financial maneuvers” designed to conceal the source of funds).
    Accordingly, in light of the evidence in the record, we hold that no rational
    trier of fact could have found that the evidence established all of the essential
    elements in 
    18 U.S.C. § 1956
    (a)(1)(B)(i) beyond a reasonable doubt. We therefore
    vacate Demmitt’s conviction as to Count 27.
    In light of the foregoing, we AFFIRM Demmitt’s conviction except as to
    Count 27. We VACATE Demmitt’s conviction as to Count 27, and REMAND to
    the district court for proceedings not inconsistent with this opinion.
    One of the Government’s witnesses testified that Georgiann McCormick’s personal
    check was negotiated in Nazareth. Even if that is the case, the cashier’s check Fry obtained
    is stamped as deposited into Amarillo Community Federal Credit Union on August 11, 2008,
    and the check is clearly labeled “Remitter: Georgiann McCormick.” This check does not
    present the case, as demonstrated by some of the other checks, where Fry apparently
    deposited fraudulently obtained funds into one of his accounts, and then purchased a cashier’s
    check in his own name, which he then deposited into another one of his accounts.