Sealed v. Sealed ( 2012 )

  •                      REVISED February 15, 2012
    United States Court of Appeals
    Fifth Circuit
    No. 10-11163
    December 19, 2011
    SEALED APPELLEE,                                           Lyle W. Cayce
    Petitioner - Appellee
    Respondent - Appellant
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Texas
    Before CLEMENT, OWEN, and HIGGINSON, Circuit Judges.
    HIGGINSON, Circuit Judge:
    The issue before this court is whether sufficient, accurate facts warranted
    revocation of the conditional discharge for medical treatment of a person
    (“C.K.”). We hold that the revocation was proper, because the provisions of Title
    18, United States Code § 4246(f) were adhered to. Specifically, the district court
    held a hearing, at which time two expert forensic psychologists testified. Having
    acquainted itself with the danger of her state, the district court made a present
    determination that in light of C.K.’s failure to comply with her treatment
    regimen, her continued release would create a substantial risk of harm to others.
    No. 10-11163
    Section 4246 (“Hospitalization of a person due for release but suffering
    from mental disease or defect”), in Chapter 313 (“Offenders with Mental Disease
    or Defect”), contemplates a continuum of events protective of the public and also
    of persons who are involuntarily hospitalized under commitment to the Attorney
    General. C.K. has progressed through this continuum, subject to periodic review
    in district court and this court. After pleading guilty to bank fraud, C.K. was
    sentenced to time served and a five year supervised release period. During
    C.K.’s supervised release, however, and on May 12, 2005, pursuant to Section
    4246(a)-(d), she was committed to the custody of the Attorney General, based on
    clear and convincing evidence that she was “suffering from a mental disease or
    defect as a result of which [her] release would create a substantial risk of bodily
    injury to another person . . . .” 
    18 U.S.C. § 4246
    (d)(2). We affirmed this
    commitment order. Sealed Appellee v. Sealed Appellant, 185 F. App’x 345 (5th
    Cir. 2006).
    On June 14, 2006, pursuant to Section 4246(e), the district court
    conditionally discharged C.K. based on a preponderance of the evidence that her
    conditional release under a prescribed treatment regimen “would no longer
    create a substantial risk of bodily injury to another person . . . .” 
    18 U.S.C. § 4246
    On November 5, 2010, after hearings on September 15, 2010, and
    November 1, 2010, and pursuant to Section 4246(f), the district court revoked
    the conditional release of C.K. and entered the order on review.
    Subsection (f), which pertains to “[r]evocation of conditional discharge,”
    states that a court:
    shall, after a hearing, determine whether the person should be
    remanded to a suitable facility on the ground that, in light of [her]
    failure to comply with the prescribed regimen of medical,
    psychiatric, or psychological care or treatment, [her] continued
    release would create a substantial risk of bodily injury to another
    person . . . .
    No. 10-11163
    18 U.S.C. § 4246
    (f). C.K. observed in district court and now again on appeal that
    this language—unlike the antecedent subsections (d)1 and (e)(2)2—does not
    specify the level of convincing force that the evidence must show about a
    substantial risk of harm to warrant revocation.
    C.K. contended in district court that such proof of a substantial risk of
    harm must rise to a clear and convincing level. The district court correctly
    observed, however, that applying this level of proof to the revocation process has
    neither legal nor logical basis. The plain language of subsection (f) does not
    require the higher clear and convincing evidence standard, and the internally
    coherent structure of Section 4246 would be undermined. A contumacious
    person could violate release conditions yet continually relitigate against
    commitment under subsection (d)’s clear and convincing proof standard.
    Moreover, lifting the heightened burden from subsection (d) into subsection (f)
    would impede the operation of subsection (e), which prescribes that release is
    proper when a preponderance of the evidence demonstrates a recovery to such
    an extent that a substantial risk of harm no longer exists. Indeed, subsection (e)
    explains further that courts “at any time may, after a hearing employing the
    same criteria, modify or eliminate” a conditional release regimen. 
    18 U.S.C. § 4246
    (e).    This subsection (e) evidentiary showing necessary to modify or
    eliminate conditional release should not be circumvented by persons who violate
    terms of release yet then oppose revocation and commitment on the ground that
    the district court must re-find clear and convincing proof of a substantial risk of
    Subsection (d) governs involuntary hospitalizations, based on clear and convincing
    evidence of a mental infirmity as a result of which a release would create a substantial risk of
    18 U.S.C. § 4246
    Subsection (e) governs discharges from involuntary hospitalization, based on a
    preponderance of the evidence that the person has recovered to such an extent that release
    would no longer create a substantial risk of harm. 
    18 U.S.C. § 4246
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    Instead, we hold that the proceedings that have occurred in this case
    adhered to the requirements and protective logic of Section 4246. To justify
    C.K.’s original involuntary hospitalization order, the district court found that the
    evidence met the heightened burden of proof standard that Congress imposed for
    commitment, namely, a substantial risk of harm shown to a clear and convincing
    18 U.S.C. § 4246
    (d).3 Thereafter, to grant C.K. her conditional discharge,
    the district court found that the evidence met the ordinary civil burden of proof
    that Congress imposed to obtain release, namely, a preponderance of the
    evidence of a recovery to such an extent that release according to a medical
    treatment regimen would no longer create a substantial risk of harm. 
    18 U.S.C. § 4246
    (e). Then, once conditionally released, but upon proof of a violation of a
    release term, the district court ordered revocation and remand “to a suitable
    facility” on the ground that “continued release would create a substantial risk
    of bodily injury . . . .” 
    18 U.S.C. § 4246
    This appeal, and C.K.’s two points of alleged error, relate to the third of
    these determinations, the district court’s November 5, 2010 revocation order
    pursuant to subsection (f). First, we reiterate the twin findings necessary for a
    Section 4246(f) revocation order, i.e., a failure to comply with a conditional
    release treatment regimen and also a contemporaneous finding that, “in light of
    [her] failure to comply . . . [her] continued release would create a substantial risk
    of bodily injury to another person . . . .” Id.; see United States v. Sealed
    Appellant 1, 169 F. App’x 415, 416-17 (5th Cir. 2006). Second, we hold that the
    See also Addington v. Texas, 
    441 U.S. 418
    , 432-33 (1979) (holding that the burden of
    proof must be “greater than the preponderance-of-the-evidence standard” in a civil commitment
    For further clarification, these statutory provisions in contested proceedings
    presuppose burdens of persuasion as follows: subsection (d)’s commitment mechanism, on the
    government; subsection (e)’s discharge mechanism, on the person seeking release, or
    modification or elimination of terms of conditional release; and subsection (f)’s revocation and
    re-commitment mechanism, on the government.
    No. 10-11163
    fair preponderance of evidence standard, not challenged as the standard
    appropriate to decide whether the violative conduct occurred,5 also applies to the
    twin finding of a substantial risk of harm. In that regard, we do not perceive in
    the plain language of subsection (f) (or caselaw pertaining to it or similar
    revocation provisions, such as 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 4243
    (g) and 4248(f)), a rebuttable
    presumption for or against release carrying over from subsections (d) or (e),
    favoring or disfavoring discharge.             Instead, given the flux and purpose to
    encourage treatment recovery, balanced with the imperative of public safety, we
    emphasize that each substantial risk finding in Section 4246’s three
    aforementioned provisions must be contemporaneous.
    Applying these two interpretations of the statute to the case before us, we
    recognize that the district court received expert hearing testimony devoted to the
    substantial risk question. The district court recessed its first hearing to permit
    observation of C.K. by a government and a private psychologist, whereafter the
    district court reconvened its hearing and probingly asked both experts about
    their substantial risk assessments. At the conclusion of this second hearing, the
    district court, speaking in the present tense, made clear that “I have not been
    persuaded by any evidence that the finding previously made on that subject
    [whether release would create a substantial risk of bodily injury] should be
    changed or that that’s not in fact the case.” This finding, in turn, explicitly was
    incorporated in the district court’s subsequent written order of November 5, 2010
    (“The court adopts all findings and conclusions expressed on the record by the
    court at such hearing.”).6
    18 U.S.C. § 3583
    (e)(3) (revocation of supervised release to require a
    defendant to serve “in prison all or part of the term of supervised release” if the court “finds by
    a preponderance of the evidence that the defendant violated a condition of supervised release
    . . . .”).
    Throughout the two-hundred page transcript of the November 1 hearing devoted to
    whether C.K.’s failure to comply with her treatment regimen meant that her re-release would
    No. 10-11163
    We hold that the hearings, and especially the extensive expert testimony
    taken in this case on November 1, 2010, coupled with the district court’s present
    tense finding of fact at the conclusion of these hearings, were sufficient to
    support revocation of C.K.’s conditional discharge and belie the argument that
    C.K. was confined based on no risk of harm, contravening Section 4246 and
    O’Connor v. Donaldson, 
    422 U.S. 563
    C.K.’s second contention of error pertains to seven letters admitted at the
    September 15, 2010 hearing.              Subsection (f), again unlike its antecedent
    provisions in Section 4246, does not explicitly require that revocation hearings
    conform to the hearing provision of Section 4247(d) which, in turn, not only
    guarantees representation by counsel, but also that:
    [t]he person shall be afforded an opportunity to testify, to present
    evidence, to subpoena witnesses on [her] behalf, and to confront and
    cross-examine witnesses who appear at the hearing.
    18 U.S.C. § 4247
    (d). However, these rights conferred by Section 4247(d) are
    said, in that subsection itself, to apply to “a hearing ordered pursuant to this
    chapter . . . .” 
     Consequently, we hold that the hearing rights elaborated in
    Section 4247(d) apply also to revocation hearings pursuant to Section 4246(f).
    We hold also that the district court in the instant revocation proceedings
    complied with, and provided to C.K., each protection listed, and specifically
    what she terms her “statutory right to confrontation.”
    present a substantial risk of harm, the district court invited the parties to cooperate to present
    a subsection (e) modified conditional release “solution” which would enable C.K. to continue
    in a conditional discharge status based on a preponderance of evidence showing that the terms
    of any revised conditional release could protect against a substantial risk of harm to others.
    Also, the district court rejected C.K.’s suggestion that it must ignore or even redo its 2005 clear
    and convincing finding of a substantial risk which commenced C.K.’s hospitalization. However,
    that original finding is almost seven years old, and has been conceded to have been close at
    that time, hence we clarify that the 2005 finding created no “rebuttable presumption” that
    negated the district court’s present obligation to re-assess whether, in light of her proven
    failure in 2010 to comply with release conditions, C.K.’s continued release would create a
    substantial risk of bodily injury to another person.
    No. 10-11163
    C.K.’s evidentiary objections occurred during the first hearing on
    September 15, 2010, when the district court received documentary items which
    pertained to whether she had failed to comply with her treatment regimen. Five
    were letters the district court sufficiently authenticated as written by C.K.,
    hence admissible as not hearsay. Fed. R. Evid. 801(d)(2)(A); see also Fed. R.
    Evid. 104; Fed. R. Evid. 1101(d)(1). Another, government exhibit 2, was a four-
    sentence letter authored by the program director of C.K.’s treatment regimen to
    the district court and C.K.’s probation officer stating that C.K. had failed to
    appear for treatment on a specific date. The district court, in the hearing,
    ascertained that the Missouri treatment center works under contract with the
    supervising United States probation office. See United States v. Lykes Bros. S.S.
    432 F.2d 1076
    , 1079-1080 (5th Cir. 1970). And the final letter, government
    exhibit 3, was authored by C.K.’s probation officer to the United States
    Attorney’s Office, describing that officer’s supervision of C.K. and investigation
    of her failure to comply with release conditions. Both of these last two letters
    were found to be admissible under Fed. R. Evid. 803(8)’s hearsay exception for
    public records and factual findings in civil proceedings, although the former
    would also, in its neutral statement of medical treatment not administered,
    appear to be admissible under Fed. R. Evid. 803(4). Both contain matters
    observed and consistent with firsthand knowledge, though government exhibit
    3 does attribute several statements to C.K.’s sister. See Moss v. Ole South Real
    Estate, Inc., 
    933 F.2d 1300
    , 1309-1310 (5th Cir. 1991). C.K. made no showing to
    the district court that “the source[s] of information [or] other circumstances
    indicate lack of trustworthiness.” Fed. R. Evid. 803(8)(C); see generally Beech
    Aircraft Corp. v. Rainey, 
    488 U.S. 153
     (1988). In fact, Cheryl Smallwood, C.K.’s
    probation officer, the author of government exhibit 3, and a recipient of
    government exhibit 2, testified at the September 15 hearing, and counsel for
    C.K. declined to cross-examine her at all. C.K. has acknowledged on appeal that
    No. 10-11163
    it is “uncontested . . . that she did not meet with her supervising officer,” as
    required by her conditional release terms. Consequently, we hold that the
    district court did not abuse its discretion in admitting these seven items over
    C.K.’s hearsay contentions.7
    C.K.’s extended complaint on appeal that the district court admitted these letters “by
    analogy to” or “in reliance on” United States v. Grandlund, 
    71 F.3d 507
     (5th Cir. 1995), is
    misplaced. The district court adverted to the evidence reliability analysis we approved for
    supervised release revocations in Grandlund, but made its evidentiary rulings in the instant
    matter with reference to and consistent with the Federal Rules of Evidence.