Molenda v. I.N.S. ( 1993 )

  •                                   United States Court of Appeals,
    Fifth Circuit.
    No. 93-4009
    Summary Calendar.
    Janusz Romuald MOLENDA, Petitioner,
    Aug. 20, 1993.
    Petition for Review of an Order of the Immigration and Naturalization Service.
    Before JOLLY, DUHÉ, EMILIO M. GARZA, Circuit Judges.
    DUHÉ, Circuit Judge:
    Janusz Romuald Molenda appeals his deportability and the denial of his application for relief
    from deportation under section 212(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 8 U.S.C. §
    1182(c). The Board of Immigration Appeals (Board or BIA) affirmed the order of the immigration
    judge (IJ) finding petitioner deportable and denying his application for relief. We affirm.
    Janusz R. Molenda is a 27 year old native and citizen of Poland. He emigrated with his family
    to the United States when he was eight years old. In 1986, Molenda was convicted of criminal
    damage to property, burglary, residential burglary, attempted residential burglary and theft. In 1989,
    as a result of these convictions, he was found deportable, but granted a waiver of deportation under
    section 212(c).1
    Less than two months later, Molenda was arrested for trying to have someone murdered. In
    June 1990, he plead guilty to soliciting a crime of violence in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 373. As a
    result of this conviction, the INS instituted deportation proceedings under section 241(a)(2)(A)(ii).
    At the deportation hearing, Molenda denied deportability arguing that the prior criminal
    Molenda was found deportable as an alien who, after entering the United States, had
    committed two crimes involving moral turpitude not arising out of a single scheme of criminal
    misconduct. See § 241(a)(2)(A)(ii) of the INA, 8 U.S.C. § 1251(a)(2)(A)(ii).
    convictions for which he was previously granted section 212(c) relief could not be combined with his
    new offense to establish deportability in this case. The IJ rejected this argument and found Molenda
    deportable as charged.
    Molenda then testified in support of his application for section 212(c) relief. He attributed
    his prior criminal conduct to his drug addiction stating that the burglaries were committed in an
    attempt to support his $90-$160 per day cocaine and alcohol habit. Molenda also testified that he
    paid $2,500 to have a man murdered because he owed the man $22,000 to $33,000 for drugs, and
    was desperate to avoid the debt.
    Molenda contends that he has reformed his life. He has spent over 500 hours in drug
    counseling, and is a few credit hours away from earning his associates degree. He has worked at
    reestablishing his relationship with his ex-wife and two sons. He is gainfully employed and is
    currently obeying the terms of his probation.
    Molenda's brother, ex-wife, and ex-mother-in-law testified on his behalf that he has reformed
    since he entered prison and quit using drugs. Mr. Molenda was also designated as a kidney donor
    for his ailing father who has subsequently passed away.
    The IJ, after consideration of the petitioner's favorable and adverse factors denied relief under
    section 212(c). Initially, the IJ determined that because of the seriousness of Molenda's crimes, he
    needed to establish unusual or outstanding equities. The judge then found that he had established an
    unusual equity, i.e. his willingness to donate a kidney to his father. Nevertheless, the judge concluded
    that the adverse factors were so serious that, even though Molenda had established unusual and
    outstanding equities, relief under section 212(c) was not warranted. The IJ also noted that Molenda
    had once received section 212(c) relief and after receiving this second opportunity, he should have
    strictly abided by the laws of this country.
    On appeal, the BIA rejected Molenda's contention that, pursuant to 8 C.F.R. § 212.3(d)
    (1993), the INS was precluded from using petitioner's prior criminal convictions for which he was
    previously granted 212(c) relief to establish his deportability in this case. Relying on Matter of
    Balderas,2 the Board held that a grant of 212(c) relief does not expunge the criminal convictions from
    the alien's immigration record. Additionally, the Board stated that regulation 212.3(d) "assures that
    only grounds of excludability or deportability specifically disclosed and described in an application
    for that relief are waived ... It does not preclude reliance on previous grounds of deportability when
    additional grounds of deportability arise from a subsequently compounded criminal record."
    The Board also upheld the IJ's denial of section 212(c) relief for the reasons stated by the IJ.
    Additionally, the Board stated that Molenda's conviction after having once been granted 212(c) relief
    "evidence[d] a lack of rehabilitation."
    Molenda raises two issues on appeal. First, he contends that his prior relief under section
    212(c) expunged his prior convictions. Secondly, Molenda contends that the Board abused its
    discretion when it denied his request for section 212(c) relief.
    I. Standard of Review. "This court must affirm the decision of the BIA if it has made no
    error in law and if reasonable, substantial, and probative evidence on the record considered as a whole
    supports its factual findings." Howard v. INS, 
    930 F.2d 432
    , 434 (5th Cir.1991); see section
    106(a)(4) of the INA, 8 U.S.C. § 1105a(a)(4). Furthermore, in construing administrative regulations,
    the Board's interpretation must be accepted unless it is "plainly inconsistent with the wording of the
    regulations." United States v. Larionoff, 
    431 U.S. 864
    , 873, 
    97 S. Ct. 2150
    , 2156, 
    53 L. Ed. 2d 48
    (1977); Stinson v. United States, --- U.S. ----, ----, 
    113 S. Ct. 1913
    , 1919, 
    123 L. Ed. 2d 598
    Our review of the Board's denial of a section 212(c) waiver is even more limited. Section
    212(c) makes a waiver of excludability (hence, deportation) available "in the discretion of the
    Attorney General." Because section 212(c) does not provide for standards governing how the
    Board's discretion should be exercised, the Attorney General has unusually broad discretion in
    granting and denying waivers. Ashby v. INS, 
    961 F.2d 555
    , 557 (5th Cir.1992). We limit our review
    to whether denial of a waiver was "arbitrary, irrational, or contrary to law." Diaz-Resendez v. INS,
    960 F.2d 493
    , 495 (5th Cir.1992). Additionally, our review is "exceedingly narrow" and "severely
    Interim Decision 3159 (BIA 1991).
    limited." Ashby v. 
    INS, 961 F.2d at 557
    II. "New Grounds" for Deportability. Molenda submits that he is not deportable because
    "new grounds" for deportability have not risen as required under 8 C.F.R. § 212.3(d). The INS
    charged him with deportability by cumulating his most recent conviction with convictions previously
    used in deportation proceedings in which section 212(c) relief was granted. He contends that these
    previous convictions were "forgiven" because section 212(c) relief was granted. Therefore, he argues
    that these previous convictions may not be cumulated with his most recent conviction for purposes
    of deportability under section 241(a)(2)(A)(ii) of the INA which requires that at least two crimes
    involving moral turpitude have been committed.
    In addition, he contends that the BIA's ruling in Matter of Balderas3 is invalid. In Balderas,
    the BIA held that
    a conviction which has once been relied upon in a charge of deportability may be alleged as
    one of the "two crimes involving moral turpitude" in a second proceeding, even though the
    first proceeding was terminated by a grant of relief under Section 212(c) of the Act, where
    the second crime is a subsequent conviction or a conviction that was not disclosed in the prior
    Balderas at 6-7. The BIA relied on 8 C.F.R. § 212.3 in its decision. Section 212.3 has subsequently
    been amended, and Molenda contends that the amendment effectively invalidates Balderas. At the
    time of Balderas, 8 C.F.R. § 212.3(b) provided:
    An application may, in the discretion of the district director, be approved. Once granted, the
    approval is valid indefinitely; however, the approval covers only the specific grounds of
    excludability or deportability described in the application; an applicant who failed to describe
    any such ground(s) or material facts existing at the time of approval remains excludable or
    deportable therefor. If the applicant subsequently becomes excludable or deportable on other
    grounds, a new application must be filed with the appropriate district director. (emphasis
    In 1991, sect ion 212.3 was revised to reflect the changes made by the Immigration Act of
    1990. In the process, what was 8 C.F.R. § 212.3(b) became 8 C.F.R. § 212.3(d), and was changed
    to read as follows:
    Once an application is approved, that approval is valid indefinitely. However, the approval
    covers only those specific grounds of excludability or deportability that were described in the
    application. An application (sic) who failed to describe any other grounds of excludability or
    Interim Dec. 3159 (BIA 1991).
    deportability, or failed to disclose material facts existing at the time of the approval of the
    application, remains excludable or deportable under the previously unidentified grounds. If
    at a later date, the applicant becomes subject to exclusion or deportation based upon these
    previously unidentified grounds or upon new ground(s), a new application must be filed with
    the appropriate district director. (emphasis added)
    Molenda contends that the amendment restricts the INS from bringing a charge which is partially
    based on conduct which was the subject of an earlier section 212(c) grant of relief. He argues that
    by cumulating his most recent conviction with prior "forgiven" convictions, t he INS has failed to
    show "new grounds" for deportation. We disagree.
    Balderas held that when section 212(c) relief is granted, the Attorney General does not issue
    a pardon or expungement of the conviction itself. Balderas at 3-4. The grant of a section 212(c)
    relief merely waives the finding of depo rtability rather than the basis of the deportability itself.
    Therefore, the crimes alleged to be grounds for deportability do not disappear from the alien's record
    for immigration purposes. 
    Id. We believe
    that the amendment of 8 C.F.R. § 212.3 does not undercut the holding in
    Balderas. Nothing suggests that the change from the word "other" to "new" had any significance in
    the context here used. The explanatory comments to this regulation do not indicate that the drafters
    of the regulation intended to overrule the Balderas decision. In fact, the language of the regulation
    very closely tracks the language of the decision. In Balderas, the Board stated
    the regulations make it clear that the grant of relief is specific to the grounds stated at the time
    of the grant of relief. Thus, section 212(c) relief remains valid indefinitely, unless new
    circumstances or previously undisclosed facts come to light which give rise to a new basis of
    excludability or deportability.
    Id. at 6;
    see 8 C.F.R. § 212.3(d). We conclude that the Board's decision in Matter of Balderas is
    consistent with the regulations, and Molenda's argument is without merit.
    III. Denial of Section 212(c) Relief. Molenda contends that he is entitled to section 212(c)
    relief based on the extensive favorable evidence presented to the IJ. Secti on 212(c) provides for
    discretionary relief from deportation for a permanent resident alien who has been lawfully domiciled
    in the United States for more than seven years. 8 U.S.C. § 1182(c); Diaz-Resendez v. INS, 
    960 F.2d 493
    , 494 n. 1 (5th Cir.1992). When deciding whether to grant section 212(c) relief, the IJ "must
    balance the adverse factors evidencing an alien's undesirability as a permanent resident with the social
    and humane considerations presented in his behalf." Matter of Marin, 16 I & N Dec. 581, 584 (BIA
    1978).4 In addition to satisfying the criteria under Marin, Molenda was also required to demonstrate
    that his equities were of an unusual or outstanding nature to countervail the seriousness of his
    criminal offense. Matter of Buscemi, 19 I & N Dec. 628 (BIA 1988). However, the fact that an alien
    demonstrates unusual or outstanding equities does not compel a favorable exercise of discretion. 
    Id. Molenda contends
    that unusual or outstanding equities clearly exist in this case, yet the IJ
    failed to recognize and properly evaluate the strength of these equities. He argues that the IJ did not
    give all the positive factors due weight in the balancing process.
    While finding that Molenda had established outstanding equities, the Board, adopting the
    reasons cited by the IJ, concluded that these equities did not outweigh the negative factors, and
    denied the requested relief.
    Based on our review of the record, we find that the IJ and the Board considered and weighed
    all the favorable factors Molenda presented, but found that they did not overcome the serious adverse
    factors present in this case, particularly Molenda's solicitation of the crime of murder. Additionally,
    this Court can not properly reweigh the factors presented to the IJ giving more weight to Molenda's
    equities than did the IJ and the Board by applying what approximates de novo appellate review. INS
    v. Rios-Pineda, 
    471 U.S. 444
    , 452, 
    105 S. Ct. 2098
    , 2103, 
    85 L. Ed. 2d 452
    (1985). Accordingly,
    while the Court is sympathetic to Mr. Molenda's situation and commends him on his rehabilitative
    efforts, we find that the Board did not abuse its discretion in denying his request for section 212(c)
    In Matter of Marin, the Board listed the following relevant factors: Adverse Factors Include:
    (a) the nature and underlying circumstances of the exclusion ground at issue; (b) the presence of
    additional significant violations of this country's immigration laws; (c) the existence of a criminal
    record and, if so, its nature, recency, and seriousness; and (d) the presence of other evidence
    indicative of an alien's bad character or undesirability as a permanent resident of this country.
    Favorable Factors Include: (a) the existence of substantial family ties within the
    United States; (b) residence of long duration in this country (particularly when the
    inception of residence occurred while the appellant was of young age); (c) evidence of
    hardship to the appellant and his family if deported; (d) service in the Armed Forces; (e)
    history of employment; (f) the existence of property or business ties; (g) evidence of
    value and service to the community; (h) rehabilitation, if a criminal conviction is at issue;
    and (i) other evidence of good moral character. Additionally, the alien bears the burden of
    demonstrating that his application warrants favorable consideration. Marin, 16 I & N
    Dec. at 582-83.
    For the foregoing reasons, the decision of the Board is AFFIRMED.