William Faison v. United States , 650 F. App'x 881 ( 2016 )

    File Name: 16a0285n.06
    Case No. 14-6148
    UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS                            May 31, 2016
    FOR THE SIXTH CIRCUIT                            DEBORAH S. HUNT, Clerk
    WILLIAM FAISON,                                      )
    Petitioner-Appellant,                         )
    v.                                                   )       STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,                            )       KENTUCKY
    Respondent-Appellee.                          )
    )       OPINION
    BERNICE BOUIE DONALD, Circuit Judge. Petitioner-Appellant William Faison
    filed a motion pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2255 to vacate, set aside, or correct his sentence, asserting
    that he is entitled to an evidentiary hearing on two ineffective-assistance-of-counsel
    claims. Those claims are (1) that his two trial attorneys were ineffective for allowing a plea
    agreement offer to lapse when neither advised the government or the court that Faison had
    accepted the plea agreement and (2) that his appointed trial attorney improperly solicited a
    retainer fee, creating a conflict of interest. Declining to hold an evidentiary hearing, the district
    court denied his claims. We granted a certificate of appealability on both issues. For the reasons
    stated below, we REVERSE the district court’s judgment denying an evidentiary hearing and
    REMAND for further proceedings not inconsistent with this opinion.
    Case No. 14-6148
    Faison v. United States
    On November 5, 2009, a federal grand jury returned a superseding indictment against
    Faison, charging him with conspiracy to distribute a controlled substance, in violation of
    21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1), and conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute a controlled substance,
    in violation of § 841(a)(1). See 21 U.S.C. § 846. During arraignment, Faison indicated that his
    family may have the funds to pay for a private attorney. Until he could ascertain the funds, a
    magistrate judge appointed Cullen Gault as Faison’s counsel pursuant to the Criminal Justice Act
    After the arraignment, Gault sent Faison several emails concerning his case.           On
    November 24, 2009, Gault emailed Faison about signing a waiver of his right to a speedy trial
    and stated the following: “I [] discussed with your father [] retaining this office to represent you
    in this matter. As I informed your father, there will be a $7,500.00 retainer and this Firm charges
    $215.00 per billable hour for an attorney.” R. 727-1, PageID #1984. Approximately a week
    later, Gault emailed Faison again. In its entirety, the email stated,
    I am writing to inquire as to whether you sent the $7,500.00 retainer check. As of
    today’s date, I have not received it. Please remember I am appointed only until
    you retain an attorney. You have a jury trial date of January 25, 2010 in
    Lexington, KY and a Motions Hearing scheduled for December 17, 2009 in
    Lexington, KY.
    Id. at 1986.
    Lastly, on December 15, 2009, Gault emailed Faison concerning the plea agreement,
    stating, “I just mailed you . . . a proposed Plea Agreement. As far as the Plea Agreement, I am
    ethically obligated to forward you this document. I fully expect you to resolve this matter at
    your jury trial.” 
    Id. at 1988.
    Then, Gault mentioned that the Assistant U.S. Attorney had spoken
    to him about the evidence that he would be presenting at trial. Gault pressed, “It is imperative
    that we discuss your case this week so I can receive your input.” 
    Id. Finally, Gault
    Case No. 14-6148
    Faison v. United States
    “I also still need the $7,500.00 retainer check. Please remember you informed the Magistrate
    you were going to retain an attorney, and I am appointed pursuant to the CJA statute until that
    Id. Gault included
    an address where Faison could send a check and concluded the email
    by stating, “Please send the check via overnight mail so I receive it this week.” 
    Id. Faison lost
    confidence in Gault’s representation based on Gault’s requests for a retainer
    fee. He resolved to ask his parents to pay for an attorney in lieu of Gault. However, Faison still
    signed the plea agreement and returned it to Gault with the intent to plead guilty in accordance
    with the plea agreement.
    On January 18, 2010, Gault filed a motion requesting rearraignment, indicating Faison
    wished to plead guilty. A week later, the district court held a rearraignment hearing prior to the
    start of trial that day. After the court began the hearing, Gault stated that his office had received
    a phone call from Sheldon Halpern, an attorney whom Faison had contacted about representing
    him. Gault then requested a continuance, asking that he be allowed “to withdraw for a short
    period of time . . . to allow [Faison] to retain Mr. Halpern.” R. 351, PageID #843. The court
    granted the continuance and verified that Gault would remain Faison’s attorney until Halpern
    could enter an appearance and set a trial date. It then asked both Gault and the United States if
    there was anything else, and Gault asked that Faison remain subject to the same terms and
    conditions of his bond until the new trial date. The court granted the request.
    After the rearraignment hearing, Gault sent Faison a letter. It stated, in part, “After your
    court appearance, Ron Walker, Assistant United States Attorney, informed me the proposed Plea
    Agreement was null and void and he would be issuing [a Superseding] Indictment in this
    matter.” R. 771-1, PageID #2155. The United States Attorney’s Office also sent a follow-up
    correspondence after the rearraignment hearing to Faison and Gault. It stated,
    Case No. 14-6148
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    This letter will confirm our discussion about the status of this case after
    your client’s request to obtain new counsel and not proceed with the guilty plea.
    As I informed him during the telephone conference from my office with
    you and Mr. Faison being in Detroit, there will likely be a superseding indictment
    that will add new charges and another co-defendant.
    R. 727-1, PageID #1996. The letter noted that “because the plea agreement terms have been
    rejected, there will be a new plea agreement.” 
    Id. On February
    4, 2010, the grand jury returned
    a superseding indictment adding a count for conspiracy to commit money laundering. The
    magistrate judge subsequently granted Halpern’s motion to appear pro hac vice and relieved
    Gault’s CJA appointment.
    On May 24, 2010, Faison pleaded guilty to both counts in the superseding indictment.
    There was no plea agreement in place. Faison’s presentence report (“PSR”) recommended a
    total offense level of 33 and assigned him to criminal history category III, which resulted in a
    U.S. Sentencing Guidelines range of 168 to 210 months’ imprisonment.            The government
    recommended a sentence of 168 months. Because Faison accepted responsibility and to prevent
    a sentencing disparity between the defendants, the district court granted Faison a downward
    variance and sentenced him to 132 months’ imprisonment.
    Faison filed the instant 28 U.S.C. § 2255 motion, seeking to vacate his sentence, asserting
    that Gault and Halpern provided ineffective assistance of counsel in violation of the Sixth
    Amendment when they failed to inform either the government or the court that Faison had
    accepted the plea agreement. He also contended that Gault was ineffective for improperly
    soliciting funds from him. Faison attached a personal affidavit, in which he stated that “Attorney
    Gault repeatedly asked me and/or my family to pay him a retainer in the amount of Seven
    Thousand Five Hundred ($7,500.00) Dollars, even though he had been appointed through the
    Criminal Justice Act.” R. 727-1, PageID #2008. Additionally, Faison stated that he had signed
    Case No. 14-6148
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    and returned the original plea agreement to Gault and that he had “never asked [Gault] not to
    forward to executed Plea Agreement.” 
    Id. at 2008-09.
    Lastly, Faison claimed that “Halpern
    specifically advised me that the Plea Agreement could still be accepted if he were representing
    Id. at 2009.
    The district court declined to hold an evidentiary hearing and denied Faison relief. It
    concluded that neither attorney’s performance fell below an objectively reasonable level. The
    district court also found that Faison was not prejudiced by the attorneys’ actions, “as he was
    ultimately sentenced within the range he insists would have applied under the original plea
    agreement.” R. 786, PageID #2220. Faison appealed.
    We granted a certificate of appealability on two issues: “(1) whether Gault rendered
    ineffective assistance by requesting a retainer fee; and (2) whether Gault and Halpern rendered
    ineffective assistance by permitting the original plea offer to lapse because neither the district
    court nor the government were advised that Faison had accepted the offer.” R. 820, PageID
    Faison contends that he is entitled to an evidentiary hearing and relief on the merits for
    his ineffective-assistance-of-counsel claims. “A prisoner who proves that the process leading to
    his conviction was tainted by an ‘error of constitutional magnitude’ is entitled to relief under
    § 2255.” Valentine v. United States, 
    488 F.3d 325
    , 331 (6th Cir. 2007) (quoting Weinberger v.
    United States, 
    268 F.3d 346
    , 351 (6th Cir. 2001)). While we will only overturn the district
    court’s factual findings if they are clearly erroneous, we review the district court’s denial of a
    § 2255 motion de novo. Pough v. United States, 
    442 F.3d 959
    , 964 (6th Cir. 2006). Ineffective-
    assistance-of-counsel claims are mixed questions of law and fact, which we also review de
    Case No. 14-6148
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    novo. Short v. United States, 
    471 F.3d 686
    , 691 (6th Cir. 2006). “Although we review a district
    court’s refusal to conduct an evidentiary hearing with respect to a defendant’s § 2255 motion
    only for abuse of discretion, such a hearing ‘is required unless the record conclusively shows that
    the petitioner is entitled to no relief.’” Campbell v. United States, 
    686 F.3d 353
    , 357 (6th Cir.
    2012) (quoting Arredondo v. United States, 
    178 F.3d 778
    , 782 (6th Cir. 1999)).
    The Sixth Amendment right to counsel is essential to “protect[ing] the fundamental right
    to a fair trial.” Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    , 684 (1984). The right to counsel
    “extends to the plea-bargaining process.” Lafler v. Cooper, 
    132 S. Ct. 1376
    , 1384 (2012). To
    state a claim of ineffective assistance of counsel in violation of the Sixth Amendment,
    defendants must first show “that counsel’s representation fell below an objective standard of
    Strickland, 466 U.S. at 688
    . They must demonstrate that “counsel made errors
    so serious that counsel was not functioning as the ‘counsel’ guaranteed the defendant by the
    Sixth Amendment.” 
    Id. at 687.
    Defendants must also show “that there is a reasonable probability that, but for counsel’s
    unprofessional errors, the result of the proceeding would have been different. A reasonable
    probability is a probability sufficient to undermine confidence in the outcome.” 
    Id. at 694.
    Supreme Court has explained where “a plea offer has lapsed or been rejected because of
    counsel’s deficient performance,” to show prejudice
    defendants must demonstrate a reasonable probability they would have accepted
    the earlier plea offer had they been afforded effective assistance of
    counsel. Defendants must also demonstrate a reasonable probability the plea
    would have been entered without the prosecution canceling it or the trial court
    refusing to accept it . . . . To establish prejudice in this instance, it is necessary to
    show a reasonable probability that the end result of the criminal process would
    have been more favorable by reason of a plea to a lesser charge or a sentence of
    less prison time.
    Case No. 14-6148
    Faison v. United States
    Missouri v. Frye, 
    132 S. Ct. 1399
    , 1409 (2012).
    Furthermore, “[w]here there is a factual dispute, the habeas court must hold an
    evidentiary hearing to determine the truth of the petitioner’s claims.” Turner v. United States,
    183 F.3d 474
    , 477 (6th Cir. 1999). Unless the record “conclusively show[s] that the prisoner is
    entitled to no relief, the court shall . . . grant a prompt hearing [to] determine the issues and make
    findings of fact and conclusions of law.” 28 U.S.C. § 2255(b). In other words, “the court is not
    required to hold an evidentiary hearing if the petitioner’s allegations cannot be accepted as true
    because they are contradicted by the record, inherently incredible, or conclusions rather than
    statements of fact.” Amr v. United States, 280 F. App’x 480, 485 (6th Cir. 2008). The burden
    “for establishing an entitlement to an evidentiary hearing is relatively light.” 
    Turner, 183 F.3d at 477
    .    At the same time, something more than “mere assertions of innocence” is
    Valentine, 488 F.3d at 333
    ; see 
    Turner, 183 F.3d at 477
    (“[I]t would be nonsensical to
    conclude that the petitioner could meet that burden . . . by proclaiming his innocence.”).
    Faison and the government disagree about whether there was a deadline associated with
    accepting the plea agreement that Gault and Halpern allegedly let lapse. The record contains
    facts supporting both arguments, which necessitates an evidentiary hearing. First, contrary to the
    government’s assertions, there is evidence in the record that a deadline existed. In its brief
    before the magistrate judge, the government indicated that Faison “has previously specifically
    acknowledged knowing that the United States intended to void the original plea offer upon his
    request for new counsel at the first re-arraignment hearing and decided to pursue new counsel.”
    R. 740, PageID #2053. However, there is no indication of when or where that acknowledgment
    occurred. The letter from the U.S. Attorney’s Office also supports a finding that the
    Case No. 14-6148
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    rearraignment hearing constituted a deadline for accepting the plea agreement: “This letter will
    confirm our discussion about the status of this case after your client’s request to obtain new
    counsel and not proceed with the guilty plea.” R. 771-1, PageID #1996 (emphasis
    added). Notably, the record lacks a statement from Gault about whether he knew of a deadline
    or informed Faison of that deadline. See United States v. Allen, 53 F. App’x 367, 372 (6th Cir.
    2002) (noting a lack of “testimony from either defendant or defendant’s original counsel
    regarding whether defendant knew” of the deadline for accepting the plea agreement).
    At the same time, none of Gault’s communications to Faison reveal the existence of a
    deadline. When Gault emailed Faison the plea agreement, he did not mention a deadline for
    signing and returning the plea agreement. Gault informed Faison of the government’s decision
    to revoke the plea agreement in a letter in which he stated, “After your court appearance, Ron
    Walker, Assistant United States Attorney, informed me the proposed Plea Agreement was null
    and void and he would be issuing [a Superseding] Indictment in this matter.” R. 771-1, PageID
    #2155. While it may be that Gault did inform Faison of the expiration of the plea agreement, it
    may also be that Faison pursued the change in counsel because he did not know the favorable
    plea offer would expire. Making such a determination requires an evidentiary hearing.
    Faison and the government also dispute whether Gault was ineffective for failing to
    inform the government and the court that Faison wished to plead guilty at the rearraignment
    hearing. Contrary to Faison’s assertions, it was Gault who requested the rearraignment
    hearing. This inherently puts the government and the court on notice that Faison wished to
    change his plea and, presumably, accept the conditions of the plea agreement. Faison’s
    assertions are also contradicted by Gault’s email in which Gault explained that he “fully
    expect[s] you to resolve this matter at your jury trial.” R. 727-1, PageID #1988. If Gault had
    Case No. 14-6148
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    wished to go to trial, it would not follow that Gault would move for a rearraignment hearing if it
    were not for Faison’s decision to plead guilty.
    Ultimately, it is unclear from the record whether Faison still wanted to plead guilty at the
    rearraignment hearing, despite the change in counsel. Faison asserts that he did, which is why he
    returned the signed plea agreement to Gault. It may be that, as Faison asserts, Gault wrongfully
    let a favorable plea agreement offer lapse; however, it may also be that, as the government
    asserts, Gault was simply attempting to abide by Faison’s wishes that Halpern represent him.
    The answer turns on whether Gault knew there was a deadline for accepting the plea agreement,
    which the record does not reveal. An evidentiary hearing is thus appropriate, as the record does
    not “conclusively show” that Faison is not entitled to relief. § 2255(b).
    We therefore consider whether Faison may be entitled to relief under Strickland. See
    Allen, 53 F. App’x at 374, 377 (reviewing the Strickland claim after concluding that the
    petitioner was entitled to an evidentiary hearing). The government concedes that if Gault had
    failed to inform the government and the court that Faison wanted to plead guilty in accordance
    with the proposed plea agreement, his conduct would constitute ineffective assistance of
    counsel. See 
    Frye, 132 S. Ct. at 1408
    (“When defense counsel allowed the offer to expire
    without advising the defendant or allowing him to consider it, defense counsel did not render the
    effective assistance the Constitution requires.”). Thus, we need only analyze whether Faison has
    demonstrated prejudice.
    In finding no prejudice existed, the district court reasoned that Faison “was ultimately
    sentenced within the range he insists would have applied under the original plea agreement.” R.
    786, PageID #2220. The government also asserts this argument. However, Faison asserts that
    “without the benefit of the plea bargain, he received more prison time than he would have under
    Case No. 14-6148
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    the plea.” Allen, 53 F. App’x at 376. Faison cites to Glover v. United States, 
    531 U.S. 198
    , 203
    (2001), for the proposition that “any amount of actual jail time has Sixth Amendment
    The plea agreement recommended a base offense level of 32 and a three-level reduction
    for acceptance of responsibility for a total base offense level of 29. Although it did not state a
    criminal history category, it calculated a Guidelines range of 108 to 135 months’
    imprisonment. Instead of pleading guilty under those terms, Faison pleaded guilty without a plea
    agreement in place. Based on a Guidelines range of 168 to 210 months’ imprisonment, the
    government recommended a sentence of 168 months.                The district court accepted the
    government’s suggestion and applied a downward variance based on Faison’s acceptance of
    responsibility and in an effort to prevent disparity between Faison’s sentence and those of his co-
    defendants. It then sentenced Faison to 132 months’ imprisonment.
    Faison has demonstrated that Gault’s alleged actions prejudiced him. He has shown that
    he would have accepted the plea offer because he has alleged that he signed and returned it to
    Gault. This assertion is consistent with the record. At the rearraignment hearing, nothing
    suggested that the court would not have accepted such an agreement or that the agreement was
    otherwise unavailable. Indeed, there is evidence in the record that the rearraignment hearing was
    the deadline for accepting the agreement. Faison has also demonstrated that the outcome of his
    sentencing most likely would have been different had he accepted the plea agreement. Any
    disparity between the Guidelines range applied and the lapsed plea agreement Guidelines range
    may give rise to prejudice. Cf. Molina-Martinez v. United States, 
    136 S. Ct. 1338
    , 1345 (2016)
    (concluding that the harmless error standard does not require a “further showing of prejudice
    beyond the fact that the erroneous, and higher, Guidelines range set the wrong framework for the
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    sentencing proceedings” and that “[t]his is so even if the ultimate sentence falls within both the
    correct and incorrect range”).
    Furthermore, at sentencing, the government recommended a sentence at the low end of
    the PSR’s range, which the district court adopted. The district court may have sentenced Faison
    in the low end of the Guidelines range stated in the plea agreement, which would have resulted in
    a lower sentence. Cf. United States v. Rayford, 496 F. App’x 767, 769 (10th Cir. 2012) (noting
    that in a previous case “the district court chose a bottom-of-the-guidelines sentence under the
    improperly applied guidelines range, and [therefore,] the court might choose a bottom-of-the-
    guidelines sentence under the correct range as well”). As Faison points out, any increase in jail
    time is prejudicial. See Allen, 53 F. App’x at 376; see also 
    Glover, 531 U.S. at 203
    that prior precedent “does not suggest that a minimal amount of additional time in prison cannot
    constitute prejudice”). Thus, Faison has met Strickland’s prejudice prong. Because Faison has
    asserted more than conclusory statements demonstrating that he is entitled to relief, he meets the
    “relatively light” burden of demonstrating that he is entitled to an evidentiary hearing. 
    Turner, 183 F.3d at 477
    Second, Faison claims that Halpern was also ineffective for allowing the plea agreement
    offer to lapse. He states that he retained Halpern to represent him at the guilty plea hearing and
    sentencing and thus, Halpern was representing him when Halpern provided advice concerning
    the plea offer. The government argues that even if Halpern gave Faison such advice, Halpern
    was not representing Faison before the court during the rearraignment hearing and thus could not
    have provided ineffective assistance of counsel.
    The record does not conclusively show that Faison is not entitled to relief. In United
    States v. Martini, 
    31 F.3d 781
    , 782 (9th Cir. 1994), the defendant’s original lawyer had advised
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    him to accept a plea deal. Unhappy with that suggestion, the defendant sought advice from
    another lawyer, who advised him that his case might be “triable.” 
    Id. The defendant
    claimed that the second opinion he received constituted ineffective assistance of counsel. 
    Id. Reviewing the
    claim, the Ninth Circuit explained that “[f]or a lawyer’s advice to constitute
    ineffective assistance of counsel, it must come from a lawyer who is representing the criminal
    defendant or otherwise appearing on the defendant’s behalf in the case.” 
    Id. In other
    [t]he Sixth Amendment right to effective assistance of counsel guaranteed under
    Strickland [] does not include the right to receive good advice from every lawyer
    a criminal defendant consults about his case. Instead, it comprises only the right
    to the effective assistance of counsel guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment—that
    is, counsel who represents the criminal defendant and helps to prepare his
    Id. However, the
    Ninth Circuit was careful to note that “[i]f a criminal defendant in fact receives
    effective assistance of counsel from the lawyer he has retained to meet the prosecution’s case, he
    cannot later claim that he received ineffective assistance of counsel from another lawyer he
    chose to consult.” 
    Id. at 782-83.
    We repeated this tenet in Santosuosso v. United States, 
    74 F.3d 1240
    , *3 (6th Cir. Jan. 16, 1996) (per curiam) (table decision).
    Here, unlike in Martini or in Santosuosso, Faison does assert that Gault was ineffective.
    As we previously explained, the record is unclear as to whether Gault was ineffective.
    Therefore, Faison may be able to assert an ineffective-assistance claim against Halpern as well.
    See Santosuosso, 74 F.3d at *3. Relevantly, the government concedes that a failure to notify the
    court of a defendant’s decision to plead guilty meets Strickland’s first prong.        Faison has
    demonstrated that he may have been prejudiced by his failure to plead guilty pursuant to the
    proposed plea agreement. Therefore, Faison is entitled to an evidentiary hearing on this issue as
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    Finally, Faison claims that Gault’s repeated requests for a retainer fee created a conflict
    of interest that constitutes ineffective assistance of counsel under Cuyler v. Sullivan, 
    446 U.S. 335
    , 348 (1980). He argues that “Mr. Gault’s failure to pass along the signed plea agreement or
    advise Mr. Faison about the government’s deadline can only be explained by his decision not to
    prioritize Mr. Faison’s case because he had not paid the requested retainer fee.” Appellant Br.
    23. Faison also asserts that he is entitled to an evidentiary hearing on this claim.
    The government, on the other hand, asserts that Strickland—and not Sullivan—applies;
    however, it concedes Faison’s arguments that his counsel’s actions were improper under the CJA
    Plan for the Eastern District of Kentucky as well as 18 U.S.C. § 3006A(f). It nonetheless asserts
    that Faison cannot demonstrate that he was prejudiced by Gault’s actions, despite the fee
    requests. See United States v. O’Neil, 
    118 F.3d 65
    , 71 (2d Cir. 1997) (explaining that the court
    has never “held that failure to pay fees or an attorney’s motion to withdraw for his client’s failure
    to pay, without more, gives rise to a conflict of interest”). The government contends that Faison
    is not entitled to an evidentiary hearing on this issue, as his allegations fall under the category of
    “inherently incredible.” Amr, 280 F. App’x at 485.
    Because the record contradicts Faison’s assertions, he is not entitled to an evidentiary
    hearing. Gault’s requests for the retainer fee did not indicate that the adequacy of his
    performance was based on whether he was actually retained. See Friedman v. United States,
    588 F.2d 1010
    , 1016 (5th Cir. 1979) (explaining that the attorney indicated directly to the
    defendant “that the court-awarded fee would be too meager to justify more than a perfunctory
    effort”). This belies Faison’s conclusory and self-serving statement that Gault purposefully did
    not proffer the signed plea agreement at the rearraignment hearing as some sort of atonement for
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    failing to pay the retainer fee. See Amr, 280 F. App’x at 485 (explaining that defendants are not
    entitled to an evidentiary hearing if their statements are “conclusions rather than statements of
    As the record is complete, we turn to the ineffective-assistance-of-counsel claim. This
    Court has yet to apply Sullivan, a higher standard than Strickland, to a fee dispute. See Mickens
    v. Taylor, 
    535 U.S. 162
    , 176 (2002). However, even if we were to apply this standard, Faison
    has not demonstrated that “(1) his attorney had an actual conflict of interest, and (2) the conflict
    adversely affected the attorney’s performance.” Lugo v. United States, 349 F. App’x 484, 486
    (11th Cir. 2009).
    This case mirrors Lugo, where the petitioner argued “that his [appointed] counsel had a
    financial conflict of interest stemming from the refusal of Lugo’s family to hire him as a private
    Id. The Eleventh
    Circuit required the petitioner to show an “actual financial conflict,”
    where the attorney “actively represented his own financial interest” to the detriment of the
    Id. at 486-87.
    The court concluded that “[w]hile Lugo did present evidence that his
    appointed trial counsel had unsuccessfully tried to solicit Lugo’s family to retain him privately,
    he has not shown that his counsel’s performance suffered as a result of that attempt.” 
    Id. at 487.
    Although counsel failed to inform Lugo of a plea agreement offer (one the district court
    found Lugo would have rejected anyways), the court found his counsel’s performance at trial to
    be otherwise adequate. 
    Id. Here, Gault
    requested the rearraignment hearing to allow Faison to plead guilty. Like the
    attorney in Lugo, Gault actively pursued Faison’s wishes—namely, to plead guilty pursuant to
    the offered plea agreement. At the beginning of the hearing, Gault indicated that Faison had
    contacted Halpern about representing him. Gault specifically stated to the court that he wanted
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    to do what was in Faison’s best interest concerning Faison’s representation. Furthermore, Gault
    did protect Faison’s best interests by securing the same bond conditions for Faison while the
    matter was continued. Whether Gault should have notified the government or the court of
    Faison’s decision to plead guilty at the rearraignment hearing is a separate question. Thus, the
    record does not suggest that Gault placed his own financial interest above the interests of the
    Moreover, Faison has not demonstrated that his refusal to pay the retainer fee adversely
    affected Gault’s performance. To meet Sullivan’s second prong, Faison must show “(1) his
    attorney could have pursued a plausible alternative strategy, (2) the alternative strategy was
    reasonable, and (3) the alternative strategy was not followed because it conflicted with the
    attorney’s own interests.” Lugo, 349 F. App’x at 487. Nothing in Gault’s communications
    indicates that Gault changed his conduct or advice based on the inability to obtain a retainer fee
    from Faison. See 
    Friedman, 588 F.2d at 1016
    . Additionally, there is no evidence that a failure
    to submit the signed plea agreement affected Gault’s own financial interests. Because Faison
    had already decided to replace Gault with Halpern, Gault was not financially incentivized either
    way in entering the plea agreement at the rearraignment hearing. Instead, the record only shows
    Gault attempting to honor and abide by Faison’s wish to be represented by Halpern. The record
    conclusively shows that Gault is not entitled to relief or an evidentiary hearing on this claim.
    For the foregoing reasons, we REVERSE the district court’s judgment denying an
    evidentiary hearing and REMAND for proceedings not inconsistent with this opinion.
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