Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

  • to 9 k x OFFICE OF THE AmORNEY GENERAL. OF TEXAS I AUSTIN Hr. Joe IW.eon Chief Aaoounte8at Roard of colmty and Dietriot Road IndewMdxmss Austin, Teaa we aokmule request fir an oplaion aa to whe%h@r oert ounty are ellglble to pmtiefpate in riut Hi@wa~ Fund, rhiahrequest i (LF aa fol.Larst truetior&of road@. th iamwr tore wed tart were oounty * ’ In J3amlln Countg it is obdorsd that e Highway be deaigmted inrr axilntammctio8 with U.S. iiy. $59 at $%labee extmM.ng Weet to BP inter8eotionwith U.Ss Xy. #69, Boa&h of Bountro, a dietanoe of ~p?a’o%ti1~ate4t3& mmm; and Hr. Jo4 w41son - page @ a 1 Itie further ordered thatStatemal.n- tenanae be aamnnad on the existing rood oovered by thie designationat suah time aa Rsrdia county shall have fawnlahhedtitle to the stats 0r fikws to a R.0.W. a8 may be OCIT- sldared neaeamry bg the 8tato Highrrg Engineer UMI on further oonrrideration,thtIUrdin Countf shall plaoo thin road in a proper abate of main- teqaoe aeaoptablato the State High- Bnglneor prior to state aerwaptlon of eeme.* %I view of thu tad, please advim w ir in your opiaion the bomds lamed in 19LB and 1919 ON, el%glble to parti %o in the County and Road Dir- P triot IilghwayFund.. Itappurrr iroaathe &ow)quot~dmLnnta of the EQh- way Dapartalentthat the desQgiationor 6.B tile, as h&llway 1~ a oonditlonaldetdgnatlon, and it is not &oun that the eondltlona bnposed therefa have ovw been aomp;Ued with. 2hl6 la a question of fact that must be dsterm&ed by the Highway Departit. *All bonds, warrants or other legal raidmom of indsbtedneaaoutetandi~ am of dats OS the de- signationhuminafter rmfermd to, and %sewd by a aounty or deiinsd rotid dirtriot p&lop %0 Jemnxy 2, l@J9, lnsgfar as anwunta of (191104 were lnawd md the groaeads actually eqm&d in the construe- tion o? road8 that have been offiio%ally designated aa a part of the state m&way Bpdxtm subsequentt.6 Hr. Jo. Belaan, p*ga #8 January 2, lQ3QI @hall be eligible to part;i- pate In the dl8trlbutionof the moneys aoxc%ng into aaid Qounty and Road Dkstriat Highway pbnd aa of the date ot doaignrtionof said mud as a part of U3e State HighrcrgSytit4a The mount of mush bonds, nrraAtl3, or other legal lndebtednesaout8tandSnga8 of the dak of designationof ruoh road aa II, part or the state Highway gy8tem nhal1 be oU.gib1o for partiaipatlonin the aaau ~OAMC a8 provided for other bonda under thb Act." If the Rlghway Conaalr~fon hulldetemiPsd that the aondltlonrImposed in Its Rinute Wo. 1T04S3,duted Febmmry lS, l940, have been oappliedwith, and the state haa taken oviw the mainteAun00 of the soad meA%iOAOd, and further fm thst ~rt.iOM Of 'the f'UAdl3 Of th0 19fjzlLAd1919 i88u.8 were aatually expended on this partlaulaz mud, the bonda of both 188~8 outstandinga8 of the date OS the deslgzxntion o? 8sid road a8 a part of the State Hlghwa SyoWm, insofar a8 aaae were lsaued and the proaeed8 aotUUL yexpoSded In the cOMtl'UOti4Ii Of th. 6.8 mibS oi rwd wntioned in *rid Yhaute lo. 170&5, u-or tn our opinion, eligible to part&al- puts in the County and Road Mntrlat Highway Fuud. -C. F. Gibson Asaistont CFG-a

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4738

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017