Tenenbaum v. United States Department of Defense , 407 F. App'x 4 ( 2010 )

    File Name: 10a0774n.06
    Case No. 09-1992                                  FILED
    Dec 20, 2010
    UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS                          LEONARD GREEN, Clerk
    DAVID AARON TENENBAUM and                              )
    MADELINE GAIL TENENBAUM,                               )
    Plaintiffs-Appellants,                         )       ON APPEAL FROM THE
    v.                                     )       COURT FOR THE EASTERN
    UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF                            )
    DEFENSE, et al.,                                       )
    Defendants-Appellees.                          )
    _______________________________________                )
    BEFORE: BATCHELDER, Chief Judge; MOORE and COLE, Circuit Judges.
    ALICE M. BATCHELDER, Chief Judge.                    David and Madeline Tenenbaum (the
    “Tenenbaums”) appeal the district court’s dismissal of their lawsuit, filed pursuant to 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    , against Appellees, various government officials and entities who, the Tenenbaums claim,
    deprived them of their constitutional right to access the courts when Appellees allegedly filed false
    affidavits asserting the state-secrets privilege. Invocation of that privilege led to the dismissal of a
    prior § 1983 lawsuit brought by the Tenenbaums. Because we find that the Tenenbaums are
    collaterally estopped from relitigating the district court’s application of the state-secrets doctrine in
    the prior case, we AFFIRM the judgment of the district court.
    Mr. Tenenbaum is a civilian employee of the United States Army Automotive Armaments
    Command (“TACOM”) who, from February 1997, to February 1998, was subjected to an intense and
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    intrusive investigation (the “Investigation”) into allegations that he had revealed classified
    information to the Israeli government. On October 14, 1998, the Tenenbaums filed their first lawsuit
    (the “1998 Lawsuit”) against certain of the present defendants (the “1998 Defendants”) for violation
    of their civil rights in connection with the Investigation. The 1998 Defendants moved for dismissal,
    claiming that they would be unable to mount a defense to the Tenenbaums’ claims because the
    evidence necessary to their defense comprised state secrets.
    In connection with their motion to dismiss, the 1998 Defendants submitted two sealed briefs,
    along with a large volume of sealed documents supporting the state-secrets claim, and signed
    affidavits by then-Attorney General John Ashcroft (“Ashcroft”), then-Deputy Secretary of Defense
    Paul Wolfowitz (“Wolfowitz”), and Uldric Fiore (“Fiore”), then the Army Litigation Division Chief.
    After an in camera review of the supporting documentation, the court found that the 1998 Defendants
    could not defend the 1998 Lawsuit without resorting to use of state secrets and that the state-secrets
    doctrine therefore required dismissal of all claims. The Tenenbaums appealed and, after reviewing
    the sealed materials in support of the state-secrets assertion, we affirmed. Tenenbaum v. Simonini,
    372 F.3d 776
     (6th Cir. 2004).
    On March 14, 2006, Senator Carl Levin made a formal request to the Office of the Inspector
    General at the Department of Defense that an investigation of the Tenenbaum matter be conducted.
    On July 13, 2008, the Department of Defense submitted its completed report (the “Report”) to
    Senator Levin by way of the Senate Armed Services Committee. The Report presents certain factors
    that raised concerns regarding the possibility that Mr. Tenenbaum was engaged in espionage. The
    Report details the history of the Investigation, and concludes, among other things, that: (1) Mr.
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    Tenenbaum was subjected to inappropriate treatment; (2) the Investigation deviated from established
    policies and procedures; (3) the Investigation was improperly used as a cover for a
    counterintelligence investigation; and (4) Mr. Tenenbaum’s religion was a factor in the decision to
    commence the Investigation.
    The Report also contains several relevant qualifications. For example, while the Report
    states that investigators “reviewed relevant classified and unclassified records, including records
    relating to the affidavits of [Wolfowitz] and [Ashcroft],” it also declares that investigators “did not
    review the actions taken by the Department of Justice or the FBI” and therefore “were unable to
    perform a comprehensive review of the state secrets documents related to the case dismissal.” The
    Report further states that it “should not be construed as commenting on the judicial decisions
    rendered in civil litigation.”
    On February 19, 2009, the Tenenbaums filed the present action. In their Complaint, the
    Tenenbaums allege that the 1998 Defendants, along with Ashcroft, Wolfowitz, and Fiore
    (collectively, the “2009 Defendants”), knowingly lied when they asserted the state-secrets privilege
    in the 1998 Lawsuit. The Tenenbaums argue that the Report proves that no evidence ever existed
    against Mr. Tenenbaum, and that the intense scrutiny Mr. Tenenbaum suffered was solely the result
    of religious discrimination by the 1998 Defendants and others, The Tenenbaums further argue that
    the 2009 Defendants could not have legitimately believed the state-secrets privilege applied in the
    1998 Lawsuit.
    The 2009 Defendants moved to dismiss the present case as barred by res judicata, collateral
    estoppel, and the statute of limitations, and on the grounds that the district court lacked personal and
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    subject matter jurisdiction and that the Tenenbaums failed to state a claim. The district court
    expressly rejected the 2009 Defendants’ personal and subject matter jurisdiction claims, and did not
    rule on the Tenenbaums’ res judicata and failure-to-state-a-claim arguments.1 The district court
    concluded, however, that collateral estoppel precluded relitigation of the validity of the state-secrets
    doctrine. The district court therefore granted the 2009 Defendants’ motion to dismiss, and the
    Tenenbaums filed this appeal.
    As an initial matter, we are prepared to concede that during the Investigation the Tenenbaums
    were forced to endure a highly unusual amount of scrutiny and intrusion into their lives. We are also
    prepared to assume, for the purposes of this appeal, that Mr. Tenenbaum’s religion played a role in
    the decision to investigate him. However, as the following analysis shows, any sympathy for the
    Tenenbaums’ regrettable experiences cannot alter the district court’s proper conclusion that collateral
    estoppel applies to bar the Tenenbaums’ present case.
    Whether collateral estoppel is applicable is a mixed question of law and fact which we review
    de novo. Wolfe v. Perry, 
    412 F.3d 707
    , 716 (6th Cir. 2005). “Issue preclusion, or collateral estoppel,
    bars subsequent relitigation of a fact or issue where that fact or issue was necessarily adjudicated in
    a prior cause of action and the same fact or issue is presented in a subsequent suit.” Cobbins v. Tenn.
    Dep’t of Transp., 
    566 F.3d 582
    , 589 (6th Cir. 2009). Before the doctrine of collateral estoppel may
    be applied to bar relitigation of an issue, four requirements must be met: (1) the precise issue must
    have been raised and litigated in the prior action; (2) the determination of the issue must have been
    The 2009 Defendants do not challenge these portions of district court’s decision.
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    necessary to the outcome of the prior action; (3) the prior proceedings must have resulted in a final
    judgment on the merits; and (4) the party against whom estoppel is sought must have had a full and
    fair opportunity to litigate the issue in the prior proceeding. 
    Id. at 589-90
    The present action consists of a single claim, that the 2009 Defendants deprived the
    Tenenbaums of their constitutional right to meaningful access to the courts by the false invocation
    of the state-secrets doctrine in the 1998 Lawsuit. But that precise issue was directly addressed by
    the district court and this court in dismissing the 1998 Lawsuit, when it was determined that the
    state-secrets privilege had been properly invoked by the government and invocation of the privilege
    denied the 1998 Defendants any defense. The Tenenbaums’ claims regarding invocation of the state-
    secrets privilege were therefore raised and litigated during the 1998 Lawsuit and were necessary to
    the final resolution of the case; the first three requirements for collateral estoppel have been satisfied.
    The Tenenbaums argue, however, that collateral estoppel should not apply in this case
    because they were not allowed to fully and fairly litigate the state-secrets doctrine during the 1998
    Lawsuit. The Tenenbaums were represented by counsel during the entirety of the 1998 Lawsuit,
    which was litigated both before the district court and before us, but the Tenenbaums argue that they
    were deprived of the opportunity to fully litigate the issue because the 2009 Defendants “submitted
    false statements and sealed materials to the Courts to support their frivolous assertion of the state-
    secrets privilege in order to mislead and deceive the Courts into dismissing the 1998 Lawsuit.”
    The Tenenbaums’ evidence for the alleged falsity of the sealed materials submitted during
    the 1998 Lawsuit is the findings of the Report. As discussed by the district court, however, any
    claim that the 2009 Defendants engaged in any falsehoods during the 1998 Lawsuit goes to the
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    merits of the prior lawsuit, not to whether the Tenenbaums had the opportunity to fully and fairly
    litigate the assertion of the state-secrets privilege. Nevertheless, even if we were to accept the
    Tenenbaums’ faulty premises, namely that (1) the alleged falsity of the sealed materials is relevant
    to the question of whether collateral estoppel applies, and (2) the conclusions of the Report are
    binding on this court, the Report would still be insufficient to overcome the application of collateral
    estoppel.       By its own terms, the Report makes clear that investigators did not conduct a
    comprehensive review of the sealed documents and disclaims any intent to criticize or comment on
    the assertion of the state-secrets doctrine in the 1998 Lawsuit. There is simply no evidence that the
    Department of Defense’s investigators even reviewed, let alone found false, the documents that were
    submitted under seal to the district court and this court during the 1998 Lawsuit. We find, therefore,
    that the Tenenbaums had a full and fair opportunity to litigate the state-secrets question during the
    1998 Lawsuit and that collateral estoppel bars relitigation of that question in the present case.
    The Tenenbaums argue, in the alternative, that collateral estoppel should not be rigidly
    applied here because doing so would contravene public policy and result in manifest injustice. Tipler
    v. E.I. duPont deNemours & Co., 
    443 F.2d 125
    , 128 (6th Cir. 1971). The Tenenbaums argue that
    there is an overriding public policy in favor of access to the courts, and that application of collateral
    estoppel would allow the 2009 Defendants to get away with their allegedly false and fraudulent
    invocation of the state-secrets privilege. As set forth above, however, the Report does not establish
    that the sealed materials in the 1998 Lawsuit were false, and the Tenenbaums’ “manifest injustice”
    argument also fails.
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    Accordingly, we AFFIRM the judgment of the district court.