Int'l Ass'n of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail & Transp. Workers v. Port Authority Trans-Hudson ( 2020 )

  •                        NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PUBLICATION
    File Name: 20a0331n.06
    Case No. 19-4241
    Jun 08, 2020
    INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHEET                    )                 DEBORAH S. HUNT, Clerk
    METAL, AIR, RAIL AND TRANSPORTATION                   )
    WORKERS, TRANSPORTATION DIVISION,                     )
    )        ON APPEAL FROM THE
    Petitioner-Appellee,                           )        UNITED STATES DISTRICT
    v.                                                    )        DISTRICT OF OHIO
    PORT AUTHORITY TRANS-HUDSON                           )
    CORPORATION,                                          )
    )                            OPINION
    Respondent-Appellant.                          )
    BEFORE:        COLE, Chief Judge; McKEAGUE and KETHLEDGE, Circuit Judges.
    COLE, Chief Judge. The Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corporation (“PATH”) is party to
    a collective bargaining agreement (“CBA”) with its union employees which requires that
    grievances brought on behalf of PATH employees be submitted to arbitration. Here, the union
    filed a grievance on behalf of PATH tower operator David Shenberger and the dispute proceeded
    to an arbitrator for resolution. But when the arbitrator ruled in favor of the union, PATH refused
    to comply with the award. The union then turned to the federal courts to enforce the award, and
    the district court granted the union summary judgment. We affirm.
    Case No. 19-4241, Int’l Ass’n of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transp. Workers, Transp. Div. v. Port
    Auth. Trans-Hudson Corp.
    Under the CBA, PATH employees are allotted vacation and sick leave benefits in
    accordance with their seniority, with employees who have been at PATH longer receiving more
    leave. This case began when Shenberger objected to the computation of his leave benefits.
    Shenberger began working for PATH in 1993. After battling an ever-worsening case of
    pulmonary fibrosis for roughly a decade, he was forced to retire in 2009, at which point he accepted
    a disability annuity. In 2016, after receiving a lung transplant, Shenberger successfully sought
    reinstatement with PATH, which hired him as a tower operator in March 2017. Upon his
    reinstatement, however, PATH calculated Shenberger’s leave benefits as if he were a new
    employee, rather than one who had worked at PATH for 16 years.               For Shenberger, this
    determination made a significant difference. Were he to receive credit for his 16 years of service
    prior to his retirement, he would be entitled to 29 days of vacation leave, 65 days of full-pay sick
    leave, and 195 days of half-pay sick leave each year. But when PATH classified him as a new
    employee, that entitlement dropped to 13 days of vacation leave, 5 days of full-pay sick leave, and
    10 days of half-pay sick leave.
    Shenberger was represented by his union, the International Association of Sheet Metal,
    Air, Rail and Transportation Workers, Transportation Division (“SMART-TD”). SMART-TD
    filed a grievance on Shenberger’s behalf, contending that he was entitled to the status of a 16-year
    employee for purposes of calculating his benefits. PATH took a different view, arguing that the
    CBA precluded Shenberger from receiving credit for years of employment that were interrupted
    by his retirement. In accordance with the terms of the CBA, parties brought their dispute to a
    neutral arbitrator, the Public Law Board No. 7551. (“the Board”). The Board ultimately agreed
    Case No. 19-4241, Int’l Ass’n of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transp. Workers, Transp. Div. v. Port
    Auth. Trans-Hudson Corp.
    with SMART-TD’s interpretation of the CBA and issued an award sustaining the claim and
    directing PATH to make Shenberger whole consistent with the terms of the CBA.
    PATH did not comply with the award, so SMART-TD filed a petition in the United States
    District Court for the Northern District of Ohio seeking to enforce it. PATH then filed a
    counterclaim seeking to vacate the award. After considering the parties’ arguments and a
    stipulated administrative record, the district court granted summary judgment for SMART-TD.
    PATH timely appealed.
    In a dispute over an arbitration award, we review the district court’s decision to grant
    summary judgment de novo. Totes Isotoner Corp. v. Int’l Chem. Workers Union Council/UFCW
    Local 664C, 
    532 F.3d 405
    , 410 (6th Cir. 2008) (internal citation omitted). Our focus, however, is
    on the arbitrator’s analysis, not the district court’s. Bhd. of Locomotive Eng’rs & Trainmen v.
    United Transp. Union, 
    700 F.3d 891
    , 898 (6th Cir. 2012) (internal citation omitted). And in
    reviewing the arbitrator’s analysis, we are “exceedingly deferential” to the arbitrator’s decision.
    Mich. Family Res., Inc. v. Serv. Emps. Int’l Union Local 517M, 
    475 F.3d 746
    , 755 (6th Cir. 2007)
    (en banc). When a losing party asks us to review an arbitration award issued pursuant to a CBA,
    our review is “very limited.” Major League Baseball Players Ass’n v. Garvey, 
    532 U.S. 504
    , 509
    (2001) (per curiam). We focus on questions of “procedural aberration.” Mich. Family, 
    475 F.3d at 753
     (quoting United Paperworkers Int’l Union v. Misco, Inc., 
    484 U.S. 29
    , 40, n. 10 (1987)).
    We resist intervening even when the arbitrator makes “serious, improvident, or even silly errors in
    resolving the merits of the dispute” so long as the arbitrator was “arguably construing or applying
    the contract,” did not act outside its authority by resolving a dispute not committed to arbitration,
    Case No. 19-4241, Int’l Ass’n of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transp. Workers, Transp. Div. v. Port
    Auth. Trans-Hudson Corp.
    and did not commit fraud or otherwise act dishonestly in issuing the award. 
     (internal citations
    and quotation marks omitted).
    Here, PATH does not contend that the claim should not have been arbitrated or that the
    Board acted dishonestly in any way in resolving the dispute. Rather, it argues that the Board was
    not arguably construing the terms of the CBA when it issued the award.
    Judicial consideration of the merits of an arbitration award is “the rare exception, not the
    rule,” to the point where we “must tolerate serious arbitral errors.” 
     (internal quotation marks
    omitted). Our strong tendency not to delve into the merits of an arbitrator’s decision, however,
    has its limits. “[W]e cannot ignore the specter that an arbitration decision could be so ignorant of
    the contract’s plain language as to make implausible any contention that the arbitrator was
    construing the contract.” 
     (internal citation and quotation marks omitted). In the inquiry as to
    whether the arbitrator “arguably construed” the contract, only “the most egregious awards” will
    be vacated. 
     Ultimately, we ask a single question: “did the arbitrator appear to be engaged in
    interpreting the agreement or agreements before [it]?” Bhd. of Locomotive Eng’rs and Trainmen,
    700 F.3d at 901 (internal citations and quotation marks omitted). If so, we will enforce the award.
    To determine whether this is one of the rare instances where we could disturb an arbitration
    award for the arbitrator’s failure to arguably construe a contract, we start with the relevant terms
    of the CBA. Regarding the calculation of sick and vacation leave benefits, Article VIII(B)(2) of
    the CBA provides:
    In determining the vacation allowance to which an employee is entitled, length of
    service shall be measured from the initial date of uninterrupted employment by
    PATH or any of its predecessors. For this purpose, sick leave in excess of six (6)
    Case No. 19-4241, Int’l Ass’n of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transp. Workers, Transp. Div. v. Port
    Auth. Trans-Hudson Corp.
    months (unless by reason of on-job injury) and leave of absence in excess of thirty
    (30) days shall not be counted.
    (R. 14-1, PageID 144.) Article IX(A)(4) of the CBA establishes an identical method for calculating
    seniority for purposes of determining sick leave. Finally, Article II(A)(9) of the CBA addresses
    the “seniority rights” of employees who, like Shenberger, retire on a disability annuity before the
    age of 65. (Id., PageID 134.) It provides that such an employee “shall not have his seniority status
    and rights terminated[.]” (Id.)
    The Board considered each of those provisions in determining that Shenberger was entitled
    to credit for the 16 years that he spent working at PATH before his disability. (R. 14-1, PageID
    244–46.) The Board determined that Article II’s guarantee that an employee does not lose seniority
    rights when he retires because of a disability and is subsequently rehired meant that Shenberger
    was entitled to vacation and sick leave benefits in accordance with his 16 years of service at PATH.
    It accordingly interpreted the leave computation provisions in Articles VIII and IX of the CBA to
    mean that Shenberger’s uninterrupted period of employment from 1993 until 2009 counted as
    service time, while the time spent retired on the disability annuity—the interruption in that
    employment—did not.
    PATH ardently disputes this interpretation, contending that the term “uninterrupted
    employment period” unambiguously excludes time spent by an employee at PATH before that
    employee retires with a disability. In PATH’s view, once Shenberger retired on disability, his
    period of employment was interrupted and therefore cannot entitle him to greater leave benefits
    upon being rehired and that the seniority clock started at zero when he was rehired.
    That argument closely tracks the argument that PATH made to the Board during the
    arbitration proceeding, and it is a plausible—if not persuasive—construction of the CBA. But it
    Case No. 19-4241, Int’l Ass’n of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transp. Workers, Transp. Div. v. Port
    Auth. Trans-Hudson Corp.
    is not the only one. The CBA does not contain language providing that the retention of seniority
    rights upon return from disability does not apply to leave calculations, and it does not expressly
    limit a period of “uninterrupted employment” to the period between an employee’s last interruption
    and the present. In fact, it does not define the term at all. In short, the terms of the CBA do not
    foreclose the Board’s interpretation. In its role as an arbitrator, the Board relied on provisions
    within the CBA to ascertain the proper approach to an issue that the agreement does not explicitly
    address. Put differently, the Board’s analysis clearly constitutes an interpretation of the CBA.
    And, under our precedent, that alone is enough to foreclose us from disturbing the award the Board
    We affirm the district court’s judgment in favor of SMART-TD.