Velez, Carlos v. Gamboa, Ronny , 457 F.3d 703 ( 2006 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 05-1690
    CARLOS VELEZ, Chicago Police Officer #20162,
    R. RODRIGUEZ, Chicago Police Officer #20230,
    PAUL LOPEZ, Chicago Police Officer #2001, et al.,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 03 C 219—Paul E. Plunkett, Judge.
    ARGUED MAY 12, 2006—DECIDED AUGUST 10, 2006
    Before MANION, KANNE, and ROVNER, Circuit Judges.
    MANION, Circuit Judge. After a jury acquitted Ronny
    Gamboa of murder, Gamboa sued several Chicago police
    detectives under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt
    Organizations Act (“RICO”), 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 1961
     et seq. He
    claimed that the detectives lied and otherwise conspired
    in their investigation and testimony to falsely accuse him
    and others of committing the murder. The detectives moved
    to dismiss, arguing that Gamboa had failed to state a RICO
    2                                                No. 05-1690
    claim. The district court denied the motion but allowed the
    detectives to pursue an interlocutory appeal. The officers
    then petitioned this court for permission to appeal, and we
    granted their petition. We now reverse.
    In July 1997, Sindulfo Miranda was murdered in Chicago.
    The Chicago police department assigned detectives Alfonso
    Bautista, Paul Lopez, R. Rodriguez, and Carlos Velez to the
    case. As a result of the detectives’ investigation, Ronny
    Gamboa was charged in November 1997 with murder and
    solicitation of murder for hire. Their investigation turned up
    evidence that Miranda was allegedly in a tavern owned by
    Gamboa on the night of his murder. Other evidence sug-
    gested that Gamboa allegedly solicited and participated in
    Miranda’s kidnapping, beating, and murder. (Gamboa’s
    supposed motive for killing Miranda is not readily apparent
    from the record before us.) In the face of these and similar
    allegations, Gamboa went to trial and was acquitted in
    August 2000.
    Other defendants initially implicated in Miranda’s murder
    were not so fortunate. The detectives’ investigation linked
    Omar Aguirre, Robert Gayol, Luis Ortiz, and Duarte Santos
    to Gamboa and Miranda’s murder. Aguirre was convicted
    of murder and sentenced to 55 years in prison. Gayol was
    convicted of murder and sentenced to life. Ortiz pleaded
    guilty to murder and received a 25-year sentence, and
    Santos pleaded guilty to a lesser charge, receiving a 12-year
    sentence. However, as the detectives now readily acknowl-
    edge, each of these convictions (even the guilty pleas) has
    been overturned. Apparently, Miranda’s true killers have
    since been identified. See United States v. Carman, No. 02-CR-
    No. 05-1690                                                     3
    2004 WL 1638231
    , at *2 (N.D. Ill. July 16, 2004) (describ-
    ing Miranda’s brutal murder as part of a gang’s attempt to
    steal some 1,000 kilograms of marijuana from Miranda).
    All this and more prompted Gamboa to sue the City of
    Chicago and the four detectives responsible for his appar-
    ently erroneous prosecution. Filed in January 2003, his
    complaint led with a RICO claim under 
    18 U.S.C. § 1962
    It also included counts under 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    , as well as
    state law claims of malicious prosecution and intentional
    infliction of emotional distress. On the City and detectives’
    motion, the district court dismissed the § 1983 and state law
    claims with prejudice on statute-of-limitations grounds. In
    addition, the district court dismissed the RICO count for
    failing to state a claim but did so without prejudice for
    Gamboa to file an amended complaint. Gamboa did file an
    amended complaint, with the § 1962(c) claim as the only
    count, and the City and detectives again moved to dismiss.
    While that motion was pending Gamboa agreed to dismiss
    the City from the case without prejudice.1
    As to the detectives, the district court denied their second
    motion to dismiss, concluding that Gamboa’s amended
    complaint sufficiently stated a RICO claim. The legal
    dispute here centered upon whether Gamboa adequately
    alleged a pattern of racketeering activity, an element of his
    RICO claim described in greater detail below. With respect
    to that issue, the detectives, at the district court’s suggestion,
    filed a motion requesting permission to pursue an interlocu-
    Gamboa also named two private individuals as defendants,
    Luis Ortiz and Miguel LaSalle, each of whom implicated Gamboa
    in Miranda’s murder. However, the district court dismissed Ortiz
    and LaSalle from the case without prejudice due to Gamboa’s
    failure to serve them. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 4(m).
    4                                                 No. 05-1690
    tory appeal under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1292
    (b). See Fed. R. App. P.
    5(a)(3). The district court granted their request. The detec-
    tives then petitioned this court for permission to appeal,
    presenting the following question for review: “whether a
    single scheme that ends without indication that it will be
    repeated establishes a pattern of racketeering activity
    merely because the scheme occurs over several years,
    involves a variety of predicate acts, and targets more than
    one victim.” We granted the detectives’ petition.
    Before tackling the interlocutory question presented by
    the detectives, we first review several fundamental points
    about stating a RICO claim under § 1962(c) and then further
    examine the pleading at issue in this appeal, i.e., Gamboa’s
    amended complaint. The theory of Gamboa’s claim is that
    the four detectives coordinated a scheme of widespread
    criminal misconduct to erroneously prosecute Gamboa,
    Aguirre, Gayol, Ortiz, and Santos for Miranda’s murder and
    then cover it up. (To be clear, Gamboa is the only plaintiff in
    this action.) To advance his claim under § 1962(c), Gamboa
    characterizes the alleged misconduct as racketeering
    RICO, nonetheless, does not cover all instances of wrong-
    doing. Rather, it is a unique cause of action that is con-
    cerned with eradicating organized, long-term, habitual
    criminal activity. See Pizzo v. Bekin Van Lines Co., 
    258 F.3d 629
    , 633 (7th Cir. 2001) (emphasizing the habitual nature
    of the requisite criminal activity) (quoting H.J. Inc. v. Nw.
    Bell Tel. Co., 
    492 U.S. 229
    , 242 (1989)); Midw. Grinding Co.,
    Inc. v. Spitz, 
    976 F.2d 1016
    , 1019 (7th Cir. 1992). In keeping
    with this limited purpose, there are four elements to a
    No. 05-1690                                                   5
    § 1962(c) claim: (1) conduct (2) of an enterprise (3) through
    a pattern (4) of racketeering activity. See Sedima v. Imrex Co.,
    473 U.S. 479
    , 496 (1985); Bressner v. Ambroziak, 
    379 F.3d 478
    481-82 (7th Cir. 2004). To give the detectives fair notice
    of the claim against them and avoid dismissal under Fed. R.
    Civ. P. 12(b)(6), Gamboa “must . . . allege each of these
    elements to state a claim.” Sedima, 
    473 U.S. at 496
    The only element disputed in this appeal is the third
    element—the pattern element. For this element to be
    satisfied, the alleged acts of wrongdoing must not only be
    related, but, important for purposes of this appeal, must
    “amount to or pose a threat of continued criminal activity.”
    Corley v. Rosewood Care Ctr., Inc. of Peoria, 
    388 F.3d 990
    , 1002
    (7th Cir. 2004) (quoting H.J. Inc., 
    492 U.S. at 239
    ); see also
    Roger Whitmore’s Auto. Servs., Inc. v. Lake County, 
    424 F.3d 659
    , 672-74 (7th Cir. 2005) (citing H.J. Inc., 
    492 U.S. at
    42). This is true whether the misconduct at issue is consid-
    ered a “close-ended” scheme (a completed scheme that,
    by its duration, can carry an implicit threat of future
    harm) or “open-ended” scheme (a scheme that, by its
    intrinsic (e.g., business-as-usual) nature, threatens repetition
    and thus future harm). See Roger Whitmore’s, 
    424 F.3d at
    73; Midw. Grinding, 
    976 F.2d at 1022-23
    . Consequently,
    isolated instances of criminal behavior, not presenting at
    least some threat of future harm, cannot meet § 1962(c)’s
    continuity element. See Roger Whitmore’s, 
    424 F.3d at 673-74
    258 F.3d at 633
     (observing that “continuity” is a proxy
    in the language of the case law for frequent, habitual
    criminal conduct); Midw. Grinding, 
    976 F.2d at 1022-23
    In this case, the detectives maintain that Gamboa has
    not satisfied the continuity element because the allega-
    tions in his amended complaint—even when construed in
    his favor for Rule 12(b)(6) purposes—present only a
    6                                                 No. 05-1690
    single, nonrecurring scheme (a frame-up of five individ-
    uals for a single murder), which, as alleged, does not
    carry any threat of continued criminal activity. Since the
    factual allegations in Gamboa’s amended complaint are
    crucial to the question before us, we review those allega-
    tions in detail. For purposes of this discussion, we accept the
    amended complaint’s allegations as true and draw all
    reasonable inferences therefrom in Gamboa’s favor. See
    379 F.3d at 480
    The amended complaint begins by generally accusing
    the detectives of making false arrests, tampering with
    witness statements, procuring perjured testimony, commit-
    ting perjury, and engaging in a malicious prosecution “in
    order to intimidate and retaliate against” one person,
    Gamboa. It further alleges that the detectives falsified police
    reports, coerced witnesses to testify against Gamboa and
    others falsely, and lied before a grand jury or in court “in an
    attempt to convict GAMBOA and others of the crime of
    murder and to keep him incarcerated, to cover up the false
    arrests of GAMBOA and others.” The amended complaint
    defines the word “others” to mean Aguirre, Gayol, Ortiz,
    and Santos.
    The amended complaint then moves to specifics, stat-
    ing that Miranda was murdered in July 1997 and that
    Gamboa was arrested for and charged with Miranda’s
    murder in November 1997. It also names the four detectives
    assigned to the Miranda murder investigation, Bautista,
    Lopez, Rodriguez, and Velez. The amended complaint then
    alleges that Rodriguez and Velez intimidated an individual
    named Miguel LaSalle into falsely stating that Miranda’s
    kidnapping and beating took place in Gamboa’s tavern at
    the direction and control of Gamboa. Elsewhere, the
    amended complaint alleges that LaSalle stated that Gamboa
    No. 05-1690                                               7
    solicited and participated in Miranda’s murder and that the
    detectives used these statements knowing that they were
    false. Also, according to the amended complaint, the
    detectives coerced two individuals named Jose Chapa and
    Leticia Martinez into “giv[ing] false statements or . . .
    refus[ing] to testify to the truth” during the course of the
    investigation/prosecution. With respect to Chapa in
    particular, Rodriguez and Velez allegedly coerced him into
    falsely stating that he was with Miranda in Gamboa’s tavern
    on the night of the murder. Additionally, Rodriguez and
    Velez allegedly intimidated Ortiz into falsely implicating
    Gamboa in Miranda’s murder and further intimidated or
    offered inducements to Ortiz to testify falsely at Gamboa’s
    trial. Ortiz’s allegedly false testimony included statements
    that he was present in the tavern when the solicitation for
    murder occurred and while Miranda was kidnapped and
    beaten. More important, Ortiz also allegedly falsely
    stated that Gamboa solicited and participated in
    Miranda’s murder. Similar statements were allegedly
    extracted from Aguirre and Santos.
    Furthermore, Gamboa avers that the detectives prepared
    multiple reports based upon this allegedly false information
    in an attempt, according to the amended complaint, to cover
    up their false arrests of Gamboa and the others. Relatedly,
    the detectives allegedly ignored information that would
    have helped exonerate Gamboa. The amended complaint
    then claims that the purportedly false reports and state-
    ments led directly to Gamboa’s prosecution and all the
    consequences that Gamboa suffered therefrom. Moreover,
    knowing that the charges against Gamboa were false, the
    detectives conspired, according to the amended complaint,
    for more than five years to cover up their intimidation of
    witnesses and other wrongdoing.
    8                                                 No. 05-1690
    The amended complaint then turns to explaining the
    nature of the detectives’ “racketeering activity,” maintaining
    that they “illegally” worked to obstruct justice, to intimidate
    witnesses into committing perjury, to cover up their false
    arrests, and “to prosecute [Gamboa] for murder.” It alleges
    that the detectives committed criminal offenses that in-
    cluded influencing a grand jury, obstructing a criminal
    investigation, obstructing state or local law enforcement,
    extorting witnesses to commit perjury to avoid prosecution
    or to induce false statements and testimony, obstructing
    justice generally, and tampering with a witness all purport-
    edly in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 1503
    , 1510, 1511, and 1512.
    Arriving at the heart of the matter, the amended complaint
    then averred the following:
    Between July 1997 and December 2002, [the detectives]
    did the following acts as part of their continued crim-
    inal activity:
    a) knowingly prepared a false confession in November
    1997, which implicated GAMBOA in the solicitation of
    murder for hire of Miranda and had Duarte Santos
    execute same;
    b) knowingly prepared a false confession in November
    1997, which implicated GAMBOA in the solicitation of
    murder for hire of Miranda and had Omar Aguirre
    execute same;
    c) knowingly prepared a false confession in November
    1997, which implicated GAMBOA in the solicitation of
    murder for hire of Miranda and had Luis Ortiz execute
    d) tendered the three false confessions to the Office of
    the Cook County States [sic] Attorney, which were used
    No. 05-1690                                               9
    to in part prosecute Santos, Aguirre, Ortiz, Robert
    Gayol, and [Gamboa] on murder charges;
    e) prepared police reports between July and November
    1997 and signed same, which contained knowingly false
    oral and written statements of Santos, Aguirre and
    f) several weeks prior to [Gamboa’s] trial in August,
    2000 on murder charges, coerced Luis Ortiz to change
    his oral and written statements in order to create a
    witness who allegedly heard GAMBOA solicit the
    murder of Miranda and who witnessed GAMBOA
    participate in the beating and murder of Miranda. Ortiz
    was the only witness presented by the State at
    GAMBOA’s murder trial who allegedly heard the
    solicitation for murder;
    g) coerced Luis Ortiz to falsely testify against GAMBOA
    in an attempt to convict him on the charge of murder;
    h) in the years 2001 and 2002, coerced Luis Ortiz to
    falsely testify that he saw Gayol burn Miranda alive in a
    car in order to obtain a murder conviction and life jail
    sentence for Gayol;
    i) coerced the Office of the Cook County States [sic]
    Attorney to use the false statement of Omar Aguirre
    in two separate murder trials in 1988 [sic] and 1999
    in order to convict him of the murder of Miranda and to
    sentence him to 55 years in jail;
    j) on information and belief in the year 2002 provided
    their police reports containing the false statements
    and false confessions aforementioned to federal
    agents[;] thereafter failed and refused to advise the
    federal agents that the reports and statements contained
    false information[;]
    10                                                    No. 05-1690
    k) on information and belief have further refused to
    cooperate with federal prosecutors in subsequent
    prosecutions of the individuals who actually murdered
    Miranda in order to continue to cover up the prepara-
    tion of false reports, preparation of false statements,
    perjury and intimidation.
    Finally, the amended complaint concluded by recounting
    the injuries inflicted by the detectives’ acts upon Gamboa,
    Aguirre, Gayol, Ortiz, and Santos and by requesting treble
    damages for Gamboa alone in excess of $10 million plus fees
    and costs.
    The amended complaint reveals that the detectives’
    scheme, as alleged, had a limited purpose, distinct from
    the detectives’ routine law enforcement duties. In places, the
    amended complaint alleges that the detectives sought to
    inflict a malicious murder prosecution upon Gamboa alone.
    Elsewhere, it alleges that the purpose of the detectives’
    criminal conduct was to frame Gamboa plus Aguirre, Gayol,
    Ortiz, and Santos for Miranda’s murder. Even with the
    addition of the other alleged victims, the amended com-
    plaint cabins the detectives’ alleged wrongdoing here to a
    one-time endeavor to wreak havoc upon all matters linked
    to a single murder investigation. Consequently, the criminal
    activity, as alleged, had a built-in end point: once the frame-
    up was put to rest, the scheme was over.2 Cf. Roger
    As the district court properly noted, acts to conceal the
    underlying wrongdoing in a RICO suit do not carry with them
    the threat of future harm and generally do not extend the
    duration of the underlying scheme. See Midw. Grinding, 
    976 F.2d at
    1024 (citing Aldridge v. Lily-Tulip, Inc., 
    953 F.2d 587
    , 593-94
    (11th Cir. 1992); Pyramid Sec., Ltd. v. IB Resolution, Inc., 924 F.2d
    No. 05-1690                                                      11
    424 F.3d at 674
     (“[Plaintiff] pleaded himself out
    of showing a continuing threat of continued activity,
    because the alleged scheme had a natural ending point . . .
    .”) (discussing open-ended continuity in summary judgment
    context); Olive Can Co. v. Martin, 
    906 F.2d 1147
    , 1151 (7th
    Cir. 1990) (defendants entitled to summary judgment in part
    because “the undisputed evidence” showed that “the
    scheme . . . had a natural ending with no threat of continued
    criminal activity”). Furthermore, on top of the confining
    nature of the amended complaint’s allegations is the
    complete absence of any basis to suggest misconduct
    beyond the bounds of this one murder investigation or to
    otherwise indicate that the detectives have repeated or will
    repeat their alleged unlawful behavior.3 Cf. Roger
    424 F.3d at 674
     (discussing, in the summary
    judgment context, the lack of any indication that defendants
    had engaged in any other misconduct before or after the
    closed-period scheme at issue). As the district court stated,
    when granting the detectives’ § 1292(b) motion, the
    “[amended] complaint does not permit the suggestion that
    Defendants intended to or threatened to commit similar acts
    in future investigations.”
    Despite this inherent lack of a threat of future/habitual
    criminal activity, the district court concluded that the
    1114, 1117 (D.C. Cir. 1991)).
    At oral argument, Gamboa’s attorney acknowledged that the
    amended complaint is silent in this regard because he does not
    have the necessary factual/evidentiary basis, under the strictures
    of Fed. R. Civ. P. 11(b)(3), to make any such further allegations of
    wrongdoing (e.g., that these detectives engaged in frame-ups as
    a matter of course; that they have conducted other such malicious
    12                                                    No. 05-1690
    amended complaint sufficiently alleged continuity because
    the detectives’ one-shot scheme took several years, involved
    a variety of criminal acts, and targeted multiple victims.
    While such factors are generally helpful in assessing
    continuity, see Morgan v. Bank of Waukegan, 
    804 F.2d 970
    , 975
    (7th Cir. 1986),4 we have cautioned that courts “are to apply
    these factors with an eye toward achieving a ‘natural and
    commonsense’ result, recognizing that ‘Congress was
    concerned in RICO with long-term criminal conduct.’ ”
    Vicom, Inc. v. Harbridge Merchant Servs. Inc., 
    20 F.3d 771
    , 780
    (7th Cir. 1994) (quoting U.S. Textiles, Inc. v. Anheuser-Busch
    911 F.2d 1261
    , 1267 (7th Cir. 1990) (quoting H.J. Inc.,
    492 U.S. at 237
    )); see also Roger Whitmore’s, 
    424 F.3d at 673-74
    The district court erred in allowing the factors to over-
    ride the big picture. Since, as the district court correctly
    recognized, the amended complaint’s allegations foreclosed
    any threat of continued criminal activity, the natural and
    commonsense result here is dismissal—the amended
    complaint cannot support the continuity element.5 Restated,
    In Morgan, we stated that “[r]elevant factors” in the continuity
    analysis “include the number and variety of predicate acts
    and the length of time over which they were committed, the
    number of victims, the presence of separate schemes and the
    occurrence of distinct injuries.” 
    804 F.2d at 975
    To its credit, the district court rightly recognized, upon fur-
    ther reflection, that it had reached a counterintuitive result (find-
    ing continuity when continuity was not alleged). In a status
    conference after its Rule 12(b)(6) ruling, the district court ob-
    served: “[T]he thought occurred to me . . . when I read about
    what I had rendered in the Chicago Lawyer and how they dis-
    cussed how it was[,] I don’t want to say groundbreaking, but
    perhaps bizarre is the word. The question that occurred to me
    No. 05-1690                                                  13
    when, as here, a complaint explicitly presents a distinct and
    non-reoccurring scheme with a built-in termination point
    and provides no indication that the perpetrators have
    engaged or will engage in similar misconduct, the complaint
    does not sufficiently allege continuity for § 1962(c) purposes
    even if the purported scheme takes several years to unfold,
    involves a variety of criminal acts, and targets more than
    one victim. See Talbot v. Robert Matthews Distrib. Co., 
    961 F.2d 654
    , 662-63 (7th Cir. 1992) (failure to state a RICO claim even
    though defendants’ alleged scheme “extended over a period
    of years,” involved multiple fraudulent acts, and injured
    more than one victim); see also W. Assocs. Ltd. P’ship. v. Mkt.
    Square Assocs., 
    235 F.3d 629
    , 633-37 (D.C. Cir. 2001) (dis-
    missal of complaint affirmed because alleged scheme, while
    lasting some eight years, was merely a single effort and thus
    failed to satisfy the pattern element); Efron v. Embassy Suites
    (P.R.), Inc., 
    223 F.3d 12
    , 13, 17-21 (1st Cir. 2000) (failure to
    state a RICO claim—failure to alleged the necessary
    pattern—because “the acts as alleged comprise a single
    effort, over a finite period of time”); Edmondson & Gallagher
    v. Alban Towers Tenants Ass’n, 
    48 F.3d 1260
    , 1263, 1265 (D.C.
    Cir. 1995) (dismissal of RICO claim upheld, concluding that,
    even though the alleged scheme lasted some three years, it
    was “virtually impossible for plaintiffs to state a RICO
    claim” where they alleged a single-purpose scheme with a
    discrete injury suffered by a small number of victims); cf.
    Roger Whitmore’s, 
    424 F.3d at 673
     (summary judgment
    setting) (“Perhaps the most important element of RICO
    continuity is its temporal aspect. Although we have not
    is whether or not the City wants to make a motion to seek an
    interim appeal of this under [§]1292(b). . . .” R.53-2.
    14                                                  No. 05-1690
    employed a bright-line rule for how long a closed period
    must be to satisfy continuity, we have not hesitated to find
    that closed periods of several months to several years did not
    qualify as ‘substantial’ enough to satisfy continuity.”
    (emphasis added) (citing Midw. Grinding, 
    976 F.2d at 1024
    We briefly add that this conclusion makes particular sense
    in the context of a frame-up claim against police detectives.
    An innate part of our legal system is that some criminal
    defendants are acquitted, and some of those acquitted may
    have causes of action under state tort law and/or federal
    civil rights law. Here, Gamboa’s state and other federal
    causes of action appear to be time- barred. However, that
    does not mean, as Gamboa would have it, that we should
    reformulate the law so as to indirectly revive other untimely
    claims. RICO is not a substitute for every time-barred tort or
    civil rights action. See Corley, 
    388 F.3d at 1002
     (“In H.J., Inc.,
    the Supreme Court ‘attempted to give definition to the
    pattern requirement to forestall RICO’s use against isolated
    or sporadic criminal activity, and to prevent RICO from
    becoming a surrogate for garden variety fraud actions
    properly brought under state law.’ ” (quoting Midw. Grind-
    976 F.2d at 1022
    )). As we have previously observed:
    [C]ivil RICO plaintiffs persist in trying to fit a square
    peg in a round hole by squeezing garden-variety
    business disputes into civil RICO actions. While it is
    clear that the scope of civil RICO extends beyond the
    prototypical mobster or organized crime syndicate,
    it is equally evident that RICO has not federalized every
    state common-law cause of action available to remedy
    business deals gone sour.
    Midw. Grinding, 
    976 F.2d at 1025
     (citations omitted). While
    we have previously addressed such misuse of RICO in the
    business fraud context, see, e.g., 
    id. at 1022, 1025
    , the reason-
    No. 05-1690                                                  15
    ing applies with equal force here. RICO demands more than
    a straightforward case of malicious prosecution (such as the
    case before us) to open up its window to treble damages.
    While we do not intend to minimize Gamboa’s case by
    labeling it “garden variety,” it is not uncommon for a
    criminal investigation to develop over the course of several
    years. Further, many investigations involve a variety of
    police activities and result in charges against multiple
    defendants. Under the district court’s approach, the pres-
    ence of three such commonplace occurrences would satisfy
    § 1962(c)’s continuity requirement and thereby routinely
    enable the conversion of malicious prosecution claims into
    RICO claims. That is too broad a brush given RICO’s limited
    concern of punishing organized and habitual criminal
    conduct. Cf. Evans v. City of Chicago, 
    434 F.3d 916
    , 928 n.23
    (7th Cir. 2006) (generally observing that “[i]t is unlikely that
    [Congress] would have had the foresight to see [RICO]
    being utilized in an action against a municipality or its
    police officers. . . .”).
    Gamboa’s amended complaint explicitly presents a
    distinct and non-reoccurring scheme with a built-in termina-
    tion point and does not otherwise provide an indication that
    the detectives here have engaged or will engage in similar
    misconduct. As a consequence, the wrongdoing alleged,
    even when accepted as true, cannot amount to or pose a
    threat of continued criminal activity. Thus, for the reasons
    stated above, the amended complaint does not state a RICO
    claim under § 1962(c). Accordingly, we REVERSE and
    REMAND the case for further proceedings consistent with
    this opinion.
    16                                           No. 05-1690
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit

Document Info

Docket Number: 05-1690

Citation Numbers: 457 F.3d 703

Judges: Per Curiam

Filed Date: 8/10/2006

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (17)

Efron v. Embassy Suites (Puerto Rico), Inc. , 223 F.3d 12 ( 2000 )

allan-c-aldridge-dennis-w-peterson-and-henry-a-sieron-cross-appellants , 953 F.2d 587 ( 1992 )

Ronnie Evans v. City of Chicago , 434 F.3d 916 ( 2006 )

Olive Can Co., Inc. v. Jacob Martin, Jonathan Martin, and D.... , 906 F.2d 1147 ( 1990 )

Josephine Pizzo v. Bekin Van Lines Company , 258 F.3d 629 ( 2001 )

Kermit J. Bressner v. Shirlee Ambroziak, Dennis Ambroziak, ... , 379 F.3d 478 ( 2004 )

We Assoc Ltd Prtnshp v. Mkt Sq Assoc , 235 F.3d 629 ( 2001 )

Margaret Morgan and Burton Morgan v. Bank of Waukegan, a ... , 804 F.2d 970 ( 1986 )

United States Textiles, Inc. v. Anheuser-Busch Companies, ... , 911 F.2d 1261 ( 1990 )

midwest-grinding-company-inc-an-illinois-corporation-cross-appellee-v , 976 F.2d 1016 ( 1992 )

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robert-n-corley-individually-and-as-of-the-estate-of-vera-m-corley , 388 F.3d 990 ( 2004 )

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