Miguel Perez v. James Fenoglio , 792 F.3d 768 ( 2015 )

  •                                In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 12-3084
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Southern District of Illinois.
    No. 3:11-cv-00819—G. Patrick Murphy, Judge.
    ARGUED OCTOBER 30, 2014 — DECIDED JULY 7, 2015
    Before WILLIAMS, TINDER, and HAMILTON, Circuit Judges.
    WILLIAMS, Circuit Judge. Miguel Perez, an inmate at Law-
    rence Correctional Center, brought an action under 42 U.S.C.
    § 1983 against various prison officials alleging cruel and un-
    usual punishment in violation of the Eighth Amendment.
    According to his pro se complaint, prison officials were de-
    liberately indifferent to his severe hand injury, delaying his
    receipt of medically necessary surgery for ten months. This
    delay caused Perez needless pain and suffering and left him
    2                                                    No. 12-3084
    with permanent loss of hand functioning. The district court,
    after denying Perez’s request for pro bono counsel, screened
    his complaint under 28 U.S.C. § 1915A, and dismissed it sua
    sponte, with prejudice, for failure to state a claim. This ap-
    peal followed.
    We find that the district court’s dismissal of Perez’s
    claims was premature. Liberally construed, Perez’s pro se
    complaint states valid Eighth Amendment claims against
    members of the prison’s medical staff and various grievance
    officials. It also states, by way of an attached grievance, a
    valid First Amendment retaliation claim. Therefore, we re-
    verse the district court’s dismissal and remand for proceed-
    ings consistent with this opinion.
    We accept the facts alleged in Perez’s complaint as true
    and review them in the light most favorable to him. Thulin v.
    Shopko Stores Operating Co., LLC, 
    771 F.3d 994
    , 997 (7th Cir.
    2014). On May 16, 2010, while an inmate at Lawrence Cor-
    rectional Center in Sumner, Illinois, Miguel Perez was in-
    jured during a prison basketball game. He suffered a torn
    ligament in his right hand, dislocation of his thumb, tissue
    damage, and a “gaping wound” between his thumb and
    right index finger. No physician was on duty at the prison,
    so Perez was seen by a nurse, C. Brooks, 1 who wrapped his
    hand with gauze. She stated that she could not provide pain
    medicine to Perez or stitch his wound because only physi-
    cians were authorized to do so.
    1The first names of several of the named defendants, including
    Nurse Brooks, are not yet part of the record.
    No. 12-3084                                                 3
    The following day, Perez returned to the prison infirma-
    ry and was seen by a physician, Dr. James Fenoglio, who
    prescribed Perez antibiotics, but did not stitch his wound.
    Recognizing the severity of the injury, Dr. Fenoglio stated
    that Perez “would need to go to the outside hospital to see a
    hand surgeon” and recommended a specialist at the Carle
    Clinic in Champaign, Illinois. Before Perez could see the spe-
    cialist, a referral request had to be approved by Phil Martin,
    the prison’s Health Care Administrator. Martin waited sev-
    eral days before issuing his approval, during which time Pe-
    rez languished in pain and attempted to manage an open,
    bleeding wound.
    Four days after sustaining his hand injury, on May 20,
    2010, Perez filed a grievance with the prison. In it, he ex-
    plained that he had an open, bleeding wound and was expe-
    riencing extreme levels of pain and discomfort. He also
    claimed he was being “punished in retribution for a prior
    grievance” he filed on January 2, 2010, which complained of
    a delay in receiving his prescription depression medication.
    Perez’s May 20th grievance was rejected by Counselor C.
    Vaughn, whose decision was affirmed by Grievance Officer
    Pamela Moran.
    On May 21, 2010, Perez was taken to the Carle Clinic,
    where he was seen by a physician’s assistant, Julie Young.
    Young diagnosed Perez with “a large soft tissue tear” and
    “[p]robable right thumb MCP [metacarpophalageal] joint
    subluxation/dislocation with [a] possible radial collateral
    ligament tear.” Young determined that Perez had “2 [centi-
    meters] soft tissue laceration … extend[ing] from the web-
    space proximally across the base of the thumb,” and a
    “wound [that] itself is quite deep ... gaping open several
    4                                                 No. 12-3084
    [millimeters] and … more when he abducts his thumb.”
    Young could not suture the wound, however, because it was
    already five days old. She determined that the hand would
    have to be treated through “surgical revision” or “secondary
    intention,” the process by which a wound heals outward
    from its base because the skin edges cannot be brought to-
    gether. Young ordered that Perez receive twice-daily dress-
    ing changes and cleanings with hydrogen peroxide. She also
    suggested “possible splinting or casting for the thumb inju-
    ry” and scheduled Perez for a “wound check” for early the
    following week.
    Prison officials did not follow Young’s care instructions,
    nor did they take Perez to his follow-up appointment. As a
    result, Perez claims to have filed another grievance on June
    17, 2010 requesting that he be returned to the Carle Clinic.
    Around this time, he also appealed the denial of his May
    20th grievance. Brian Fairchild, an officer with the Adminis-
    trative Review Board, and Gladyse Taylor, the Acting Direc-
    tor of the Illinois Department of Corrections, rejected this
    appeal, stating the issue was appropriately addressed by the
    institutional administration.
    On December 6, 2010, seven months after his initial visit,
    Perez was brought back to the Carle Clinic, where he was
    seen by Dr. Cliff Johnson. Dr. Johnson determined that Perez
    had an “obvious subluxation of the right thumb MCP joint,”
    “hyperextension of the MCP joint,” and “laxity of the radial
    collateral ligament.” He also took “X-rays … of [his] right
    thumb [that] show[ed] some early wear and tear changes as
    well as ulnar deviation of the thumb MCP joint.” Dr. John-
    son presented Perez with two treatment options. He could
    undergo surgery (a right thumb MCP fusion procedure) or
    No. 12-3084                                                                5
    he could “live with it” and have a Thermoplast spica splint
    custom made for his hand. However, he was not sure if Pe-
    rez would be able to wear such a splint in prison. Dr. John-
    son further stated that if Perez wished to try the splint, the
    prison should “schedule him back in therapy [at the clinic]
    for that appointment.” He explained these options to Perez
    and sent his recommendations to Dr. Fenoglio.
    Following this visit, Perez was seen at the prison by Dr.
    Fenoglio, who elected to wrap Perez’s hand in an Ace band-
    age. While wrapping his hand in the bandage, he told Perez,
    “[t]hat’s [your] thumb-splica splinter.” 2
    On January 10, 2011, Perez filed another grievance. This
    time, he detailed the seven-month delay between his visits to
    the Carle Clinic, described continued pain and suffering,
    complained about the indifference of the prison’s medical
    staff, and requested that he be provided with either a cus-
    tom-made spica splint or surgery.
    On February 15, 2011, Perez was brought back to the
    Carle Clinic, where Dr. Johnson informed him and prison
    officials that “MCP joint fusion” was “the only surgical solu-
    tion” remaining for Perez. The following month, Perez re-
    ceived the surgery. However, as a consequence of the ten-
    month delay, Perez claims to have sustained irreparable
    damage to his hand, resulting in “decreased usage.”
    2 A “spica splint” is a splint that is custom-fitted to the thumb area of
    the hand to immobilize it while permitting continued use of the other
    fingers of the hand. Throughout the complaint, Perez refers to this as a
    “splica” splint, including when he recounts statements allegedly made
    by medical personnel.
    6                                                          No. 12-3084
    Following the surgery, on April 27, 2011, Perez submitted
    a “resident request” to Warden Lee Ryker, asking for “as-
    sist[ance] in obtaining a resolution to [his] grievance”; he re-
    ceived no response. He also sent a letter to the Administra-
    tive Review Board requesting his grievance be processed.
    His appeal was not answered.
    On September 8, 2011, Perez filed a pro se complaint un-
    der 42 U.S.C. § 1983 for damages and injunctive relief. He
    also requested that the district court recruit counsel to repre-
    sent him pro bono under 28 U.S.C. § 1915(e)(1). The district
    court twice denied Perez’s request for counsel. It then
    screened his complaint under the Prison Litigation Reform
    Act (“PLRA”), 28 U.S.C. § 1915A, and dismissed it sua spon-
    te, with prejudice, for failure to state a claim. So, Perez filed
    this appeal. 3
    On appeal, Perez makes four claims: (1) the district court
    erred in dismissing his case for failure to state an Eighth
    Amendment claim; (2) the district court failed to address the
    First Amendment claim of retaliation stated in his complaint;
    (3) the district court abused its discretion by dismissing his
    complaint with prejudice; and (4) the district court abused
    its discretion by refusing to grant his request for pro bono
    counsel. We address each in turn.
    3 This court, after reviewing Perez’s pro se appeal, appointed appel-
    late counsel.
    No. 12-3084                                                   7
    A.     Perez’s Complaint States a Valid Eighth Amend-
    ment Claim
    Our review of the district court’s dismissal of Perez’s
    complaint under § 1915A for failure to state an Eighth
    Amendment claim is de novo, taking the allegations in the
    complaint as true and drawing all reasonable inferences in
    Perez’s favor. Smith v. Knox Cnty. Jail, 
    666 F.3d 1037
    , 1039
    (7th Cir. 2012) (per curiam). Because Perez’s complaint is pro
    se, we construe it “liberally,” holding it to a “less stringent
    standard than formal pleadings drafted by lawyers.” Arnett
    v. Webster, 
    658 F.3d 742
    , 751 (7th Cir. 2011).
    “The Eighth Amendment safeguards the prisoner against
    a lack of medical care that ‘may result in pain and suffering
    which no one suggests would serve any penological pur-
    pose.’” Rodriguez v. Plymouth Ambulance Serv., 
    577 F.3d 816
    828 (7th Cir. 2009) (quoting Estelle v. Gamble, 
    429 U.S. 97
    , 103
    (1976)). To state an Eighth Amendment claim based on defi-
    cient medical care, a plaintiff must allege an objectively seri-
    ous medical condition and an official’s deliberate indiffer-
    ence to that condition. 
    Arnett, 658 F.3d at 750
    . Because there
    is no dispute that Perez’s alleged injury was sufficiently se-
    rious, the only issue in this appeal is whether the complaint
    alleges deliberate indifference. Deliberate indifference occurs
    when a defendant realizes that a substantial risk of serious
    harm to a prisoner exists, but then disregards that risk. See
    Farmer v. Brennan, 
    511 U.S. 825
    , 837 (1994) (plaintiff must
    show that officials are “aware of facts from which the infer-
    ence could be drawn that a substantial risk of serious harm
    exists, and they must also draw the inference.”). The deliber-
    ate indifference standard reflects a mental state somewhere
    between the culpability poles of negligence and purpose,
    8                                                   No. 12-3084
    and is thus properly equated with reckless disregard. 
    Id. at 836.
        The district court dismissed Perez’s complaint on the
    ground that Perez had undermined any contention of delib-
    erate indifference by “conceding” to having received “im-
    mediate” and “continuing” medical attention from prison
    staff for his injury. We disagree with this reasoning. If all the
    Eighth Amendment required was that prison officials pro-
    vide some “immediate and ongoing attention,” they could
    shield themselves from liability (and save considerable re-
    sources) by shuttling sick or injured inmates to perfunctory
    medical appointments wherein no meaningful treatment is
    dispensed. Needless to say, the responsibilities imposed by
    the Constitution are not so easily avoided.
    Prison officials must provide inmates with medical care
    that is adequate in light of the severity of the condition and
    professional norms. See, e.g., 
    Farmer, 511 U.S. at 832
    Arnett, 658 F.3d at 751
    . The “receipt of some medical care does not
    automatically defeat a claim of deliberate indifference.” Ed-
    wards, 478 F.3d at 831
    ; see also 
    Arnett, 658 F.3d at 751
    er need not show that his or her medical needs were “literal-
    ly ignored”). Deliberate indifference may occur where a
    prison official, having knowledge of a significant risk to in-
    mate health or safety, administers “blatantly inappropriate”
    medical treatment, Ed
    wards, 478 F.3d at 831
    , acts in a manner
    contrary to the recommendation of specialists, 
    Arnett, 658 F.3d at 753
    , or delays a prisoner’s treatment for non-medical
    reasons, thereby exacerbating his pain and suffering.
    McGowan v. Hulick, 
    612 F.3d 636
    , 640 (7th Cir. 2010).
    Based on a review of the complaint and attached docu-
    ments, we have no trouble finding that Perez states a valid
    No. 12-3084                                                  9
    Eighth Amendment claim. Perez sets forth a plausible ac-
    count of the facts showing the severity of his injury, how
    much delay he experienced in obtaining meaningful treat-
    ment, how often he asked various officials to intervene on
    his behalf, and the consequences of their inaction. Our deci-
    sion in Edwards is squarely on point. There, the plaintiff al-
    leged that “he severely injured his finger while in prison and
    failed to receive adequate, timely care for a nonmedical rea-
    son … result[ing] in permanent disfigurement, loss of range
    of motion, and the infliction of unnecessary 
    pain.” 478 F.3d at 830
    . We held that these allegations were sufficient to “sat-
    isfy federal pleading requirements and state a claim for de-
    liberate indifference.” 
    Id. Perez’s allegations,
    which are vir-
    tually identical, are also sufficient. Because Perez’s allega-
    tions against the individual defendants are different, we ad-
    dress them individually below.
    1. The Prison Physician—Dr. Fenoglio
    Perez’s complaint alleges that his prison physician, Dr.
    James Fenoglio, failed to provide him with adequate, timely
    care and ignored the treatment recommendations of special-
    ists at the Carle Clinic.
    “Prison physicians will be liable under the Eighth
    Amendment if they intentionally disregard a known, objec-
    tively serious medical condition that poses an excessive risk
    to an inmate’s health.” Gonzales v. Feinerman, 
    663 F.3d 311
    313 (7th Cir. 2011). A delay in treatment may show deliber-
    ate indifference if it exacerbated the inmate’s injury or un-
    necessarily prolonged his pain. 
    McGowan, 612 F.3d at 640
    wards, 478 F.3d at 831
    . Whether the length of delay is tol-
    erable depends upon the seriousness of the condition and
    the ease of providing treatment. 
    McGowan, 612 F.3d at 640
    10                                                  No. 12-3084
    In some cases, even brief, unexplained delays in treatment
    may constitute deliberate indifference. See Ed
    wards, 478 F.3d at 831
    -32 (two-day delay in treatment for open dislocated
    finger for no medical reason stated a claim against prison
    doctor for deliberate indifference); Cooper v. Casey, 
    97 F.3d 914
    , 917 (7th Cir. 1996) (“whether the plaintiffs were in suffi-
    cient pain to entitle them to pain medication within the first
    48 hours after the beating” presented question for jury).
    Perez’s complaint alleges with specificity a number of
    troubling delays in his treatment. After sustaining a gaping
    wound and open dislocation, he was forced to wait 24 hours
    before seeing a physician with authority to prescribe medica-
    tion or suture wounds. After being seen by Dr. Fenoglio,
    who determined that the wound was so serious it required
    the care of a specialist, Perez had to wait four days (and had
    to file a grievance) before being sent to the Carle Clinic. By
    the time he arrived, it was too late for the specialist to suture
    the wound. After visiting the Carle Clinic, Perez waited sev-
    en months (and had to file another grievance) before he was
    returned to the clinic for follow-up care. All told, while un-
    der Dr. Fenoglio’s care, Perez experienced a ten-month delay
    from the time of his injury until the time he received mean-
    ingful treatment in the form of surgery.
    Such unexplained delays could support a deliberate in-
    difference claim if Dr. Fenoglio was aware of the severity of
    Perez’s condition. See 
    McGowan, 612 F.3d at 640
    . Here, Perez
    has alleged that Dr. Fenoglio knew as early as May 17, 2010,
    that Perez had a severe hand injury, which, in Dr. Fenoglio’s
    own estimation, required expert attention to treat. Dr. Feno-
    glio saw Perez on multiple occasions thereafter, during
    which Perez complained of ongoing symptoms (pain and
    No. 12-3084                                                   11
    discomfort, bleeding, swelling, and loss of functioning),
    which could support a finding that the delays in Perez’s
    treatment were unacceptable.
    Perez also alleges that Dr. Fenoglio’s failure to follow the
    recommendations of specialists at the Carle Clinic constitut-
    ed deliberate indifference. According to Perez, doctors at the
    clinic recommended two courses of treatment: undergo sur-
    gery or get custom fitted for a Thermoplast spica splint and
    attempt to live with the injury for a time. Dr. Fenoglio alleg-
    edly ignored the recommendations, electing instead to wrap
    Perez’s wound in an Ace bandage.
    Allegations that a prison official refused to follow the
    advice of a medical specialist for a non-medical reason may
    at times constitute deliberate indifference. See 
    Arnett, 658 F.3d at 753
    (allegation that medical official refused to pro-
    vide inmate with prescribed anti-inflammatory medication
    or substitute, despite his repeated complaints and worsening
    pain, stated claim for deliberate indifference); Gil v. Reed, 
    381 F.3d 649
    , 664 (7th Cir. 2004) (allegation that prison doctor
    prescribed medication to inmate that specialist warned
    against gave rise to genuine issue of material fact precluding
    summary judgment); Jones v. Simek, 
    193 F.3d 485
    , 490–91 (7th
    Cir. 1999) (evidence prison doctor refused to follow special-
    ist’s orders precluded summary judgment); see also Holloway
    v. Delaware Cnty. Sheriff, 
    700 F.3d 1063
    , 1074 (7th Cir. 2012)
    (prison doctor “is free to make his own, independent medi-
    cal determination as to the necessity of certain treatments or
    medications, so long as the determination is based on the
    physician’s professional judgment and does not go against
    accepted professional standards”).
    12                                                 No. 12-3084
    Perez alleges that Dr. Fenoglio was aware of the special-
    ists’ recommendations, but refused to follow them despite
    Perez’s severe injury and his repeated complaints of pain. By
    quoting Dr. Fenoglio’s sarcastic statement that the Ace
    bandage would be his “thumb-splica splinter,” Perez also
    suggests that Dr. Fenoglio’s decision to ignore the recom-
    mendations was not based on any reasoned judgment. See
    Rodriguez, 577 F.3d at 832
    (allowing claim to advance that
    “alleged implicitly that [inmate’s] treatment … was not
    based on a legitimate medical judgment”); see also Dixon v.
    114 F.3d 640
    , 645 (7th Cir. 1997) (prison official’s
    “sarcastic responses” to prisoner’s complaint “help raise a
    dispute about … defendants’ knowledge of the condition,
    and [his] refusal to take steps to prevent it”). These allega-
    tions could sustain a claim of deliberate indifference against
    Dr. Fenoglio.
    We recognize that a more complete examination of the
    facts may show that Perez’s condition did not necessitate
    surgery or a splint, that Dr. Fenoglio was not aware of the
    need for more urgent care, or that someone else was respon-
    sible for the alleged delays. It might also reveal that Dr. Fen-
    oglio’s treatment plan fell within the specialists’ recommen-
    dations or was based on his own legitimate medical judg-
    ment. But those are details to be explored during discovery.
    At this stage, Perez has stated a claim for such serious delays
    in the provision of adequate treatment that the Eighth
    Amendment may have been violated. See 
    McGowan, 612 F.3d at 640
    2. The Prison Nurse—Brooks
    Perez alleges that Nurse Brooks’s failure to suture Perez’s
    wound or provide pain medication on the day of his injury,
    No. 12-3084                                                              13
    and thereafter to ensure he received constitutionally ade-
    quate care, constituted deliberate indifference. The State4
    contends that Perez’s claim against Nurse Brooks must be
    dismissed because Brooks lacked the authority to provide
    additional care to Perez and because she acted appropriately
    by making an appointment for Perez to see Dr. Fenoglio the
    day after his injury.
    While nurses may generally defer to instructions given
    by physicians, they have an independent duty to ensure that
    inmates receive constitutionally adequate care. See Berry v.
    604 F.3d 435
    , 443 (7th Cir. 2010). Nurses, like phy-
    sicians, may thus be held liable for deliberate indifference
    where they knowingly disregard a risk to an inmate’s heath.
    id. “[A] nurse
    confronted with an ‘inappropriate or ques-
    tionable practice’ should not simply defer to that practice,
    but rather has a professional obligation to the patient to ‘take
    appropriate action,’ whether by discussing the nurse’s con-
    cerns with the treating physician or by contacting a respon-
    sible administrator or higher authority.” Id.; see also Rice ex
    rel. Rice v. Correctional Med. Servs., 
    675 F.3d 650
    , 683 (7th Cir.
    2012) (“[A] nurse may not unthinkingly defer to physicians
    and ignore obvious risks to an inmate's health….”).
    4  Although some of the named defendants were officials or employ-
    ees of the State of Illinois, the district court dismissed Perez’s complaint
    for failure to state a claim under 28 U.S.C. § 1915A at the screening stage
    before summonses were served. Thus, these defendants never appeared
    in the case and were not required to file response briefs in this appeal.
    We invited Attorney General of the State of Illinois, Lisa Madigan (“the
    State”), to file a response brief as an interested party, and she accepted.
    The Attorney General, however, is not acting as counsel for defendants.
    14                                                 No. 12-3084
    Berry illustrates these principles. There, an inmate com-
    plained of a toothache, but was not taken to a dentist for two
    months and ultimately required a root 
    canal. 604 F.3d at 439
    The inmate brought an action under § 1983 alleging deliber-
    ate indifference on the part of the prison dentist and the
    nurse. The district court granted summary judgment in fa-
    vor of the defendants, but we reversed, finding that there
    were genuine issues of material fact as to whether the nurse
    had acted with deliberate indifference by deferring to the
    prison doctor’s determination that the inmate could wait
    two months to see a dentist despite his persistent com-
    Id. at 443.
    We also explicitly rejected the notion—put
    forward by the State in this case—that nurses cannot, as a
    matter of law, be held liable for Eighth Amendment viola-
    tions where they allegedly lacked authority to provide par-
    ticular forms of medical care to inmates. 
    Id. We find
    that Perez’s complaint states a claim for deliber-
    ate indifference against Nurse Brooks by alleging she had
    knowledge of his severe injury, yet failed to provide ade-
    quate medical treatment to Perez herself (e.g., by suturing
    his wound) or to ensure that others did (e.g., by contacting
    supervisory personnel to voice any concerns about the
    treatment being provided to him).
    Again, we note that discovery may yield more infor-
    mation regarding whether Nurse Brooks had authority to
    stitch wounds or dispense pain medication, and whether
    such actions were medically necessary. Discovery may also
    show that Brooks did in fact take steps to ensure Perez was
    receiving constitutionally adequate care. However, these are
    questions of fact that cannot be resolved at this stage in the
    No. 12-3084                                                              15
    3. Wexford Health Sources, Inc.
    The complaint also names as a defendant Wexford
    Health Sources, Inc., the private corporation that serves as
    the prison’s healthcare provider. In this circuit, a private
    corporation cannot be held liable under § 1983 unless it
    maintained an unconstitutional policy or custom. See Wood-
    ward v. Corr. Med. Servs. of Ill., Inc., 
    368 F.3d 917
    , 927 (7th Cir.
    2004). 5 Perez’s complaint alleges that Nurse Brooks “told
    [him] that there was no doctor there therefore she couldn’t
    stitch [his] wound and just wrapped [his] hand.” The ques-
    tion before us is thus whether this statement is sufficient to
    identify an unconstitutional policy or practice maintained by
    In light of our duty to construe Perez’s pro se complaint
    Arnett, 658 F.3d at 751
    , and to draw all reasonable
    inferences in his favor, 
    Thulin, 771 F.3d at 997
    , we find that
    Perez sufficiently alleges that Wexford maintained a policy
    or practice that prevented nurses from stitching wounds or
    prescribing medication without a “doctor there.” We further
    infer from his complaint the allegation that Wexford main-
    tained a policy or practice of not having a full-time doctor
    stationed at the prison at all times (or on call to suture open
    wounds as necessary). Because these alleged policies are ca-
    5  We recently examined the legal soundness of this rule in Shields v.
    Ill. Dep’t of Corr., 
    746 F.3d 782
    , 789 (7th Cir. 2014) (questioning whether
    the Monell principle, which shields municipalities from respondeat supe-
    rior liability in actions brought under § 1983, is properly extended to pri-
    vate corporations), cert. denied, 
    135 S. Ct. 1024
    (2015). However, the par-
    ties do not here challenge it.
    16                                                 No. 12-3084
    pable of causing delays in treatment—which could result in
    a constitutional deprivation, 
    McGowan, 612 F.3d at 640
    claim against Wexford should have been allowed to proceed.
    4. Administrator Martin
    Perez accuses Administrator Martin, the individual re-
    sponsible for approving requests for inmates to be seen by
    outside doctors, of deliberate indifference for refusing to
    grant Perez’s referral request without explanation for four
    We find that Perez’s complaint states a claim for deliber-
    ate indifference against Administrator Martin. See 
    McGowan, 612 F.3d at 641
    (plaintiff stated plausible deliberate indiffer-
    ence claim against health administrator who “stalled in au-
    thorizing a referral to an outside surgeon”). As noted above,
    a delay in treatment may constitute deliberate difference if it
    exacerbates the inmate’s injury or unnecessarily prolonged
    his pain. 
    McGowan, 612 F.3d at 640
    . “Even a few days’ delay
    in addressing a severely painful but readily treatable condi-
    tion suffices to state a claim of deliberate indifference.”
    Smith, 666 F.3d at 1040
    . Here, Perez alleges that because Mar-
    tin took four days to approve the request, the specialist was
    unable to suture the wound, causing him needless pain and
    suffering and worsening the injury. This suffices to state a
    claim against Martin.
    5. The Grievance Defendants
    Perez’s complaint alleges deliberate indifference on the
    part of various non-medical prison officials (“the grievance
    defendants”) who were made aware of Perez’s predicament
    by way of his grievances and other correspondences. Perez
    asserts that Counselor Vaughn and Officer Moran reviewed
    No. 12-3084                                                   17
    and denied each of Perez’s grievances; that Warden Ryker
    received a “resident request” asking for “assist[ance] in ob-
    taining a resolution to [Perez’s] grievance” but failed to re-
    spond; and that Director Taylor (of the Illinois Department
    of Corrections) and Officer Fairchild (of the Administrative
    Review Board) denied his appeals and never responded to
    his inquiry letter, which requested that his grievance be duly
    processed. The State contends that as a matter of law the
    grievance defendants cannot be held personally liable for
    any inadequate medical care Perez may have received be-
    cause other prison officials, i.e., the medical defendants,
    would have been directly responsible for his medical care.
    It is well established that “[f]or constitutional violations
    under § 1983 … a government official is only liable for his or
    her own misconduct.” E.g., Locke v. Haessig, 13-1857, 
    2015 WL 3528782
    , at *5 (7th Cir. June 5, 2015). This means that to
    recover damages against a prison official acting in a supervi-
    sory role, a § 1983 plaintiff may not rely on a theory of re-
    spondeat superior and must instead allege that the defend-
    ant, through his or her own conduct, has violated the Consti-
    tution. See Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 
    556 U.S. 662
    , 676 (2009). The fac-
    tors necessary to establish a § 1983 violation against a prison
    official depend upon the constitutional provision at issue,
    including the state of mind required to establish a violation
    of that provision. See 
    id. As pertains
    to this case, in order to establish a constitu-
    tional violation based upon conditions of confinement, a plain-
    tiff must allege that each prison official named as a defend-
    ant has been deliberately indifferent to that plaintiff’s objec-
    tively serious medical condition, 
    Arnett, 658 F.3d at 750
    , with
    deliberate indifference occurring where an official realizes
    18                                                 No. 12-3084
    that a substantial risk of serious harm to a prisoner exists,
    but disregards it, 
    Farmer, 511 U.S. at 837
    . Applying Farmer,
    we have stated that deliberate indifference may be found
    where an official knows about unconstitutional conduct and
    facilitates, approves, condones, or “turn[s] a blind eye” to it.
    See Vance v. Peters, 
    97 F.3d 987
    , 992-93 (7th Cir. 1996) (quot-
    ing Gentry v. Duckworth, 
    65 F.3d 555
    , 561 (7th Cir. 1995)). An
    inmate’s correspondence to a prison administrator may thus
    establish a basis for personal liability under § 1983 where
    that correspondence provides sufficient knowledge of a con-
    stitutional deprivation. 
    Vance, 97 F.3d at 993
    (“[A] prison of-
    ficial’s knowledge of prison conditions learned from an in-
    mate’s communications can, under some circumstances, con-
    stitute sufficient knowledge of the conditions to require the
    officer to exercise his or her authority and to take the needed
    action to investigate and, if necessary, to rectify the offend-
    ing condition.”). Indeed, once an official is alerted to an ex-
    cessive risk to inmate safety or health through a prisoner’s
    correspondence, “refusal or declination to exercise the au-
    thority of his or her office may reflect deliberate disregard.”
    Id.; accord 
    Arnett, 658 F.3d at 756
    . In other words, prisoner
    requests for relief that fall on “deaf ears” may evidence de-
    liberate indifference. 
    Dixon, 114 F.3d at 645
    In this regard, Gentry v. Duckworth is instructive. There,
    an inmate claimed that his right of access to the courts was
    violated because he was denied scribe materials (e.g., paper,
    some means of writing, and access to notary services) by
    guards. 65 F.3d at 557
    . He sent many letters to the su-
    perintendent concerning his claims, which went unan-
    Id. at 561.
    Although the superintendent may not
    have been directly responsible for the constitutional depriva-
    tion, we concluded that the superintendent knew of the de-
    No. 12-3084                                                    19
    nial of scribe materials because of the prisoner’s “many let-
    ters” to him, and that the superintendent had systematically
    ignored these requests for redress. We thus allowed the in-
    mate’s § 1983 action to survive summary judgment. 
    Id. We find
    that Perez’s complaint alleges facts sufficient to
    form a basis for personal liability against the grievance offi-
    cials for violations of the Eighth Amendment. The complaint
    alleges that the named defendants each obtained actual
    knowledge of Perez’s objectively serious medical condition
    and inadequate medical care through Perez’s coherent and
    highly detailed grievances and other correspondences. It al-
    so alleges that each of these officials failed to exercise his or
    her authority to intervene on Perez’s behalf to rectify the sit-
    uation, suggesting they either approved of or turned a blind
    eye to his allegedly unconstitutional treatment. 
    Gentry, 65 F.3d at 561
    . Perez’s claims against the grievance officials thus
    should have been allowed to proceed.
    Again, we emphasize that the district court screened Pe-
    rez’s complaint before discovery, before submission of any
    evidence, and before the defendants were even served pro-
    cess. At this early stage of the litigation, we ask only whether
    Perez’s complaint, liberally construed, 
    Arnett, 658 F.3d at 751
    , and drawing all reasonable inferences in his favor, Thu-
    lin, 771 F.3d at 997
    , contains facts sufficient to state a plausi-
    ble Eighth Amendment claim against the grievance defend-
    ants. We believe that it has. Of course, discovery will shed
    light on whether, as the State contends, the grievance de-
    fendants took “the needed action to investigate” Perez’s
    Vance, 97 F.3d at 993
    , and “reasonably rel[ied] on
    the judgment of medical professionals.” Johnson v. Doughty,
    433 F.3d 1001
    , 1011 (7th Cir. 2006). However, these are ques-
    20                                                   No. 12-3084
    tions of fact that simply cannot be resolved in the absence of
    a record.
    Therefore, we reverse the dismissal of Perez’s complaint
    with respect to all of the defendants.
    B.     Perez’s Complaint States a Valid First Amend-
    ment Retaliation Claim
    Perez further argues that his complaint states a valid
    First Amendment claim of retaliation by way of an attached
    grievance. See, e.g., 
    Arnett, 658 F.3d at 746
    (documents “at-
    tached to the complaint” are “part of the complaint”). That
    grievance, dated May 20, 2010, alleged the following:
    [T]he Health Care Professionals at this facility
    have been deliberately indifferent in providing
    needed care. It seems as though I am being
    punished in retribution for a prior grievance I
    had filed on January 2, 2010 in regards to their
    not providing me with my medication (Remer-
    on 45mg) for 20 days in total disregard[] to
    doctor’s order and prescription.
    To state a First Amendment claim for retaliation, a plain-
    tiff must allege that “(1) he engaged in activity protected by
    the First Amendment; (2) he suffered a deprivation that
    would likely deter First Amendment activity in the future;
    and (3) the First Amendment activity was at least a motivat-
    ing factor in the defendants’ decision to take the retaliatory
    action.” Bridges v. Gilbert, 
    557 F.3d 541
    , 546 (7th Cir. 2009).
    With respect to the first of these elements, filing a non-
    frivolous grievance is a constitutionally protected activity
    sufficient to support a retaliation claim. Thomson v. Washing-
    362 F.3d 969
    , 971 (7th Cir. 2004). With respect to the sec-
    No. 12-3084                                                  21
    ond, we have held that denial of medical treatment is a dep-
    rivation likely to dissuade a reasonable person from engag-
    ing in future First Amendment activity. See Murphy v. Lane,
    833 F.2d 106
    , 108 (7th Cir. 1987). Here, Perez alleges that be-
    cause he brought a grievance against prison officials for
    withholding of his prescribed depression medication, mem-
    bers of the prison’s medical staff (including Dr. Fenoglio and
    Administrator Martin) denied him adequate care when he
    injured his hand. These allegations suffice to state a claim of
    retaliation, which the district court should have recognized
    and allowed Perez to pursue. See 28 U.S.C. § 1915A(b) (as
    part of the screening process “the court shall identify cog-
    nizable claims”).
    C.     Dismissal With Prejudice Was Problematic
    Because we reverse the district court’s dismissal of the
    complaint, we need not address whether dismissal with
    prejudice was an abuse of discretion. We note, however, that
    the PLRA’s screening requirement does not—either explicit-
    ly or implicitly—justify deviation from the usual procedural
    practice, Jones v. Bock, 
    549 U.S. 199
    , 214 (2007), which in this
    circuit is for courts to grant leave to amend or to dismiss
    without prejudice. See Luevano v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 
    722 F.3d 1014
    , 1024 (7th Cir. 2013) (collecting cases); Powers v.
    484 F.3d 929
    , 933 (7th Cir. 2007) (noting that in pro se
    prisoner cases, deficient pleadings should be dismissed
    “with leave to replead, rather than … with prejudice,” which
    would “count as a ‘strike,’ limiting the plaintiff’s right to
    bring subsequent suits”). Upon remand, Perez should be
    able to amend his pleading, should he so choose, “once as a
    matter of course” and thereafter as justice requires. See Fed.
    R. Civ. P. 15(a); Crestview Vill. Apartments v. U.S. Dep’t of
    22                                                  No. 12-3084
    Hous. and Urban Dev., 
    383 F.3d 552
    , 557 (7th Cir. 2004) (“A
    motion to dismiss does not constitute a responsive pleading
    for purposes of Rule 15(a); thus, an order dismissing the
    original complaint normally does not eliminate the plaintiff’s
    right to amend once as a matter of right.”); 
    Luevano, 722 F.3d at 1023
    (“District courts must allow [in forma pauperis] plain-
    tiffs leave to amend at least once in all circumstances in
    which such leave would be granted to fee-paying plaintiffs
    under Rule 15(a).”).
    D.   Perez’s Request for Pro Bono Counsel
    Perez also argues the district court should have appoint-
    ed counsel under 28 U.S.C. § 1915(e)(1). We review denials
    of requests for pro bono counsel for abuse of discretion, ask-
    ing not whether the district court’s decision was right, but
    whether it was “reasonable.” Henderson v. Ghosh, 
    755 F.3d 559
    , 564 (7th Cir. 2014) (internal citations omitted).
    In a civil case, the district court has discretion to recruit
    counsel to represent a litigant who is unable to afford one. 28
    U.S.C. § 1915(e)(1). If a plaintiff makes a reasonable attempt
    to secure counsel, the court must examine “whether the dif-
    ficulty of the case—factually and legally—exceeds the par-
    ticular plaintiff’s capacity as a layperson to coherently pre-
    sent it.” Pruitt v. Mott, 
    503 F.3d 647
    , 655 (7th Cir. 2007) (en
    banc). “There are no fixed requirements for determining a
    plaintiff’s competence to litigate his own case.” 
    Id. Normally, the
    district court will “take into consideration the plaintiff’s
    literacy, communication skills, educational level, and litiga-
    tion experience” in relationship to the difficulties of the par-
    ticular case. 
    Id. But “in
    the end, the estimation as to whether
    a plaintiff can handle his own case must be a practical one,
    made in light of whatever relevant evidence is available on
    No. 12-3084                                                 23
    the question.” Santiago v. Walls, 
    599 F.3d 749
    , 762 (7th Cir.
    2010) (internal citations and quotation marks omitted).
    According to Perez, the district court did not adequately
    consider the difficulties posed by Perez’s case and whether
    he was capable of litigating it. We disagree. The district
    court considered Perez’s ability to litigate the case, noting
    that Perez (who had attended some college) lucidly set forth
    his allegations in his complaint. Cf. 
    Pruitt, 503 F.3d at 649
    660-61 (finding abuse of discretion not to recruit counsel for
    an inmate with the “educational level of an early sixth grad-
    er”). The court also considered the complexity of his case,
    observing that it presented a relatively straightforward claim
    of deliberate indifference. See Olson v. Morgan, 
    750 F.3d 708
    712 (7th Cir. 2014) (rejecting inmate’s argument “state-of-
    mind questions are categorically too difficult for pro se liti-
    gants”). Based on these considerations, we believe that the
    district court’s denial of counsel was not unreasonable.
    However, when deciding whether to recruit counsel, we
    encourage district courts in future cases to also consider the
    severity of the medical condition that the inmate has alleged.
    Where an inmate suffers a serious medical condition, it
    could be a red flag that prison officials may have failed to
    “take reasonable measures to guarantee the safety” of that
    Farmer, 511 U.S. at 832
    . Courts should be hesitant to
    dismiss a pro se complaint that states a serious medical con-
    dition (as Perez’s did), yet fails perhaps to adequately allege
    deliberate indifference. As we have stated, whether there has
    been deliberate indifference on the part of a defendant is an
    issue that requires the “subtle appreciation of legal causation
    and of the duties imposed upon state prison officials by the
    Eighth Amendment.” 
    Santiago, 599 F.3d at 761
    . Even a pro se
    24                                                 No. 12-3084
    litigant with a meritorious claim may fail to grasp these sub-
    tleties. Where an inmate alleges an objectively serious medi-
    cal condition, it may be better to appoint counsel—so that he
    or she can investigate and flesh out any claim that may ex-
    ist—than to dismiss a potentially meritorious claim and
    leave the prisoner in harm’s way. In this regard, we are re-
    minded that prisoners have been “[s]tripped … of virtually
    every means of self-protection and foreclosed … [from] ac-
    cess to outside aid.” 
    Farmer, 511 U.S. at 833
    . District courts
    should remain cognizant of the common law adage that the
    “public … [is] required to care for the prisoner, who cannot
    by reason of the deprivation of his liberty, care for himself.”
    Estelle, 429 U.S. at 103-04
    Thus far, our analysis has focused on the considerations
    district courts should take into account when determining
    whether to recruit counsel at the initial pleadings stage.
    Those considerations change as a case progresses to discov-
    ery or trial. Taking depositions, conducting witness exami-
    nations, applying the rules of evidence, and making opening
    statements are beyond the ability of most pro se litigants to
    successfully carry out. See 
    Santiago, 599 F.3d at 763-64
    ; Hen-
    derson, 755 F.3d at 567
    . These tasks are even more challeng-
    ing in cases, like Perez’s, where complex medical evidence
    (including expert testimony) is needed to assess the adequa-
    cy of the treatment received. See e.g., 
    Greeno, 414 F.3d at 658
    Santiago, 599 F.3d at 761
    . District courts abuse their discre-
    tion where they fail to consider the complexities of ad-
    vanced-stage litigation activities and whether a litigant is
    capable of handling them. 
    Id. Our cases
    would thus suggest
    that Perez should likely be granted pro bono counsel upon
    remand, once his case moves beyond the pleadings stage.
    No. 12-3084                                                25
    We emphasize, however, that counsel is critical at all
    stages of litigation. For this reason, courts should strive to
    implement programs to help locate pro bono assistance for
    indigent litigants. See 
    Henderson, 755 F.3d at 563
    the Trial Bar Pro Bono Program instituted by the United
    States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois).
    The judgment of the district court is REVERSED, and this
    case is REMANDED for further proceedings consistent with
    this opinion.

Document Info

Docket Number: 12-3084

Citation Numbers: 792 F.3d 768

Judges: Williams

Filed Date: 7/7/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (24)

Pruitt v. Mote , 503 F.3d 647 ( 2007 )

Thomas Powers v. Donald Snyder , 484 F.3d 929 ( 2007 )

Santiago v. Walls , 599 F.3d 749 ( 2010 )

McGowan v. Hulick , 612 F.3d 636 ( 2010 )

Arnett v. Webster , 658 F.3d 742 ( 2011 )

Berry v. Peterman , 604 F.3d 435 ( 2010 )

Crestview Village Apartments v. United States Department of ... , 383 F.3d 552 ( 2004 )

Diego Gil v. James Reed, Jaime Penaflor, and United States ... , 381 F.3d 649 ( 2004 )

Darnell Cooper and Anthony Davis v. Michael Casey , 97 F.3d 914 ( 1996 )

Brian K. Thomson v. Odie Washington , 362 F.3d 969 ( 2004 )

Anthony Dixon v. Salvador A. Godinez, Theopolis Smith, ... , 114 F.3d 640 ( 1997 )

Van Dyke Johnson v. Stephen Doughty, Doctor, John Cearlock, ... , 433 F.3d 1001 ( 2006 )

Estate of Rice Ex Rel. Rice v. Correctional Medical Services , 675 F.3d 650 ( 2012 )

paul-murphy-v-michael-p-lane-director-of-department-of-corrections , 833 F.2d 106 ( 1987 )

Jackie Vance v. Howard Peters, Iii, Director, Jane E. ... , 97 F.3d 987 ( 1996 )

Kenneth E. Gentry v. Jack R. Duckworth, Superintendent, ... , 65 F.3d 555 ( 1995 )

Rodriguez v. Plymouth Ambulance Service , 577 F.3d 816 ( 2009 )

Harriett G. Woodward, Special Administrator of the Estate ... , 368 F.3d 917 ( 2004 )

Gonzalez v. Feinerman , 663 F.3d 311 ( 2011 )

Bridges v. Gilbert , 557 F.3d 541 ( 2009 )

View All Authorities »