Barbara Wells v. Winnebago County, Illinois , 820 F.3d 864 ( 2016 )

  •                                In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 15-1805
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Illinois, Western Division.
    No. 11 C 50030 — Frederick J. Kapala, Judge.
    SUBMITTED MARCH 18, 2016 — DECIDED APRIL 27, 2016
    Before BAUER, EASTERBROOK, and HAMILTON, Circuit
    EASTERBROOK, Circuit Judge. Barbara Wells worked as a
    “computer navigator” at the Winnebago County courthouse.
    Her job was to help litigants who lack counsel deal with the
    judicial system’s requirements. She contends in this suit that
    before her departure to take what she thought would be a
    better job, state and county officials discriminated against
    her on the basis of her race (she is black) and disability (she
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    suffers from chronic fatigue syndrome). The district court
    granted summary judgment to the County, giving two rea-
    sons: first, any discrimination was attributable to state rather
    than county workers; second, the record would not allow a
    reasonable jury to find actionable discrimination.
    Evidence would permit a jury to find that Winnebago
    County was Wells’s employer, and therefore the entity re-
    sponsible for complying with federal employment-
    discrimination statutes. The County hired and paid her, was
    identified on tax forms as her employer, and so on. The dis-
    trict judge observed that most of the decisions that Wells
    now labels discriminatory were made by state employees—
    the Circuit Court is a unit of state government. The judge
    thought that this made the County not responsible.
    Yet employers must control the behavior of others in the
    workplace, so as to ensure nondiscriminatory working con-
    ditions. See, e.g., Burlington Industries, Inc. v. Ellerth, 
    524 U.S. 742
    (1998); Faragher v. Boca Raton, 
    524 U.S. 775
    (1998). We ex-
    plained in Dunn v. Washington County Hospital, 
    429 F.3d 689
    691 (7th Cir. 2005):
    Because liability is direct rather than derivative, it makes no dif-
    ference whether the person whose acts are complained of is an
    employee, an independent contractor, or for that matter a cus-
    tomer. Ability to “control” the actor plays no role. Employees are
    not puppets on strings; employers have an arsenal of incentives
    and sanctions (including discharge) that can be applied to affect
    conduct. It is the use (or failure to use) these options that makes
    an employer responsible—and in this respect independent con-
    tractors are no different from employees. Indeed, it makes no
    difference whether the actor is human. Suppose a patient [at a
    hospital] kept a macaw in his room, that the bird bit and
    scratched women but not men, and that the Hospital did noth-
    ing. The Hospital would be responsible for the decision to ex-
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    pose women to the working conditions affected by the macaw,
    even though the bird (a) was not an employee, and (b) could not
    be controlled by reasoning or sanctions. It would be the Hospi-
    tal’s responsibility to protect its female employees by excluding
    the offending bird from its premises. This is, by the way, the
    norm of direct liability in private law as well: a person “can be
    subject to liability for harm resulting from his conduct if he is
    negligent or reckless in permitting, or failing to prevent, negli-
    gent or other tortious conduct by persons, whether or not his
    servants or agents, upon premises or with instrumentalities un-
    der his control.” Restatement (2d) of Agency § 213(d).
    See also Maalik v. International Union of Elevator Constructors,
    437 F.3d 650
    (7th Cir. 2006). If the district court’s approach
    were right, then organizations would be able to avoid their
    responsibilities by dividing authority among bureaus, divi-
    sions, or agencies. The people who made the decisions could
    not be liable, because they would not be “employers”; and
    the employers could not be liable, because they let someone
    else make the decisions. The federal laws concerning em-
    ployment discrimination cannot be so easily evaded.
    The district court’s second reason is stronger. Wells’s job
    was to assist pro se litigants in the “Winnebago County Legal
    Self-Help Center.” Some litigants came on their own; others
    were referred by judges or the clerk’s office. Many expected
    Wells and other computer navigators to write complaints or
    fill in forms for them. When she explained that she was not a
    lawyer and could not act as their counselor—though she
    could use her computer to find and print forms and instruc-
    tions they would find useful—people sometimes became
    abusive. One spat on her. Wells asked officials running the
    court’s library and administrative staff to create a barrier be-
    tween her and the public. She thought that a counter might
    do (public on one side, computer navigators on the other),
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    though she would have preferred a partition (a wall between
    the computer navigators and the public, with an opening,
    after the fashion of some banks, through which the public
    could speak to the navigators). She also once asked for per-
    mission to lock the door behind her when going out, so that
    no member of the public would be in the Self-Help Center
    when she returned. Wells’s supervisors declined these re-
    quests and left her exposed to direct public contact. She has
    several other grievances as well, such as lack of access to the
    court’s break room and a delayed raise.
    She calls all of this race discrimination, but as the district
    court observed she produced no evidence that her race
    played any role. She was treated the same as the other com-
    puter navigators, who were white. She does not contend that
    any supervisor said anything about race or used language
    with racial connotations.
    That leaves her claim about failure to accommodate a
    disability, as the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C.
    §§ 12111–17, requires. The County concedes that chronic fa-
    tigue syndrome is a disability, which can impair memory
    and concentration and thus aggravate anxiety. But it main-
    tains, and the district judge concluded, that Wells had not
    requested a counter or partition as an accommodation of a
    disability. True, the record shows that she mentioned anxiety
    and at least once a month asked to be placed behind a coun-
    ter or partition. But she did not link that anxiety to a qualify-
    ing disability. Many people suffer anxiety without being dis-
    abled by it. The only time she submitted medical evidence of
    a qualifying condition, the relief she requested was time
    off—which the County immediately granted. On one later
    occasion she requested time off to deal with her chronic fa-
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    tigue syndrome, this time without medical documentation,
    and again her request was granted. She quit before returning
    from this second medical leave.
    Interrogatory responses that Wells filed during discovery
    assert that she asked for a counter or partition as an accom-
    modation of her chronic fatigue syndrome. She does not
    maintain, however, that she furnished any medical evidence
    to back up her contention that her disability adversely af-
    fected her ability to deal with the public in an open setting—
    and, perhaps more to the point, she did not rely on these in-
    terrogatory responses either in the district court (when op-
    posing summary judgment) or in her appellate briefs. In-
    stead she has relied exclusively on the many times she told
    supervisors about her anxiety.
    She needed to establish that the County was required to
    treat her references to anxiety as notices of a link between
    her disability and her working conditions that would set off
    the process of considering possible accommodations. Even
    in this litigation she has not offered medical evidence
    demonstrating that a reasonable employer would under-
    stand every mention of an employee’s anxiety as a disability
    or understand, without medical knowledge, how anxiety
    and chronic fatigue syndrome are related. Certainly Wells
    did not provide such evidence to her employer. “[O]ur cases
    have consistently held that disabled employees must make
    their employers aware of any nonobvious, medically neces-
    sary accommodations with corroborating evidence such as a
    doctor’s note or at least orally relaying a statement from a
    doctor, before an employer may be required under the
    ADA’s reasonableness standard to provide a specific modest
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    accommodation”. Ekstrand v. School District of Somerset, 
    583 F.3d 972
    , 976 (7th Cir. 2009).
    In sum, the two requests that Wells expressly made on
    account of disability both sought time off, and both requests
    were granted. The record does not show that she supported
    any other request with the sort of medical evidence that the
    ADA contemplates. The district court therefore properly
    granted the County’s motion for summary judgment.