Paper Systems Inc v. Nippon Paper Indus ( 2002 )

  • In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 01-2925
    Paper Systems Incorporated, Graphic Controls
    Corp., and Victor Paper Roll Products, Inc.,
    Nippon Paper Industries Co., Ltd.,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Wisconsin.
    Nos. 96-C-959 et al.--Lynn Adelman, Judge.
    Argued January 17, 2002--Decided February 6, 2002
    Before Flaum, Chief Judge, and Bauer and
    Easterbrook, Circuit Judges.
    Easterbrook, Circuit Judge. Five
    manufacturers of thermal facsimile paper-
    -a product now obsolete--are accused in
    this class action of conspiring to reduce
    output and raise price in this business
    from 1990 to 1992. The paper business has
    a long history of cartelization; criminal
    prosecutions and civil antitrust actions
    are depressingly common. In 1995 the
    Department of Justice brought a criminal
    prosecution against the major producers
    of thermal fax paper. Nippon Paper
    Industries (known until recently as Jujo
    Paper) was among the defendants. See
    United States v. Nippon Paper Industries
    109 F.3d 1
    (1st Cir. 1997). Although
    it was acquitted, see 
    62 F. Supp. 2d 173
    (D. Mass. 1999), this does not foreclose
    civil litigation, which employs a lower
    burden of persuasion. Nippon Paper
    prevailed in this action, too, and
    without a trial, because the district
    judge concluded that the direct-purchaser
    rule of Illinois Brick Co. v. Illinois,
    431 U.S. 720
    (1977), and Kansas v.
    Utilicorp United Inc., 
    497 U.S. 199
    (1990), precludes recovery. 2000 U.S.
    Dist. Lexis 4535 (E.D. Wis. Mar. 30,
    2000). After the remaining defendants
    settled, the plaintiffs appealed the
    dismissal of their claim against Nippon
    The five manufacturers use different
    distribution systems. Kanzaki Specialty
    Papers, Inc., and Appleton Papers, Inc.,
    sell directly to firms such as
    plaintiffs. (Our plaintiffs resold fax
    paper to their own customers, but under
    Hanover Shoe, Inc. v. United Shoe
    Machinery Corp., 
    392 U.S. 481
    they are entitled to collect damages
    without reduction to account for the
    possibility that they passed the
    overcharge on to their own customers. The
    first buyer from a conspirator is the
    right party to sue. In other words,
    Hanover Shoe holds that there is no
    passing-on defense, while Illinois Brick
    and Utilicorp establish that indirect
    purchasers cannot use a passing-on theory
    offensively.) Two other manufacturers,
    Oji Paper Co. and Mitsubishi Paper Mills
    Ltd., sell exclusively to trading houses,
    which resell to firms such as plaintiffs.
    Oji sold only to Elof Hansson Paper &
    Board, Inc., while Mitsubishi Paper sold
    exclusively to Mitsubishi Corp. in Japan,
    which resold exclusively to Mitsubishi
    International Corp. in the United States.
    The complaint alleges that Elof and the
    two Mitsubishi trading firms are members
    of the conspiracy, which makes plaintiffs
    the first purchasers from outside the
    conspiracy. The right to sue middlemen
    that joined the conspiracy is sometimes
    referred to as a co-conspirator
    "exception" to Illinois Brick, but it
    would be better to recognize that Hanover
    Shoe and Illinois Brick allocate to the
    first non-conspirator in the distribution
    chain the right to collect 100% of the
    damages. Perhaps if a conspirator defects
    and sues its former comrade, that snitch
    would come to own the right to damages,
    but Elof and the Mitsubishi trading
    houses did not change sides and align
    themselves as plaintiffs. Thus our
    plaintiffs are entitled to collect
    damages from both the manufacturers and
    their intermediaries if conspiracy and
    overcharges can be established. See
    Fontana Aviation, Inc. v. Cessna Aircraft
    617 F.2d 478
    , 481 (7th Cir. 1980);
    In re Brand Name Prescription Drugs
    Antitrust Litigation, 
    123 F.3d 599
    , 604
    (7th Cir. 1997); Phillip E. Areeda &
    Herbert Hovenkamp, II Antitrust Law
    para.para. 346f, 346h (rev. ed. 2000).
    Nippon Paper, the fifth manufacturer,
    sold its output in Japan to Japan Pulp &
    Paper Co. and Mitsui & Co., which resold
    through subsidiaries around the world.
    Neither Japan Pulp & Paper nor Mitsui is
    alleged to have participated in the
    conspiracy. As a result, Hanover Shoe and
    Illinois Brick allocate to them any right
    to collect overcharges attributable to
    Nippon Paper’s sales. Neither of these
    firms joined the suit or expressed any
    interest in suing, so no damages may be
    awarded to the three plaintiffs (or any
    class member) on account of Nippon
    Paper’s sales. The district court
    understood this to mean that Nippon Paper
    cannot be liable. Yet all that Hanover
    Shoe and Illinois Brick establish is that
    the direct purchasers (here, Japan Pulp &
    Paper and Mitsui) own the right to
    damages on account of particular sales.
    Nothing in Illinois Brick displaces the
    rule of joint and several liability,
    under which each member of a conspiracy
    is liable for all damages caused by the
    conspiracy’s entire output. See Texas
    Industries, Inc. v. Radcliff Materials,
    451 U.S. 630
    (1981). Our three
    plaintiffs, and members of their class,
    hold rights to recover on account of
    purchases directly from Kanzaki and
    Appleton, and (through other
    conspirators) from Oji and Mitsubishi. If
    they can prove that there was indeed a
    conspiracy, they may collect damages not
    just firm-by-firm according to the
    quantity each sold, but from all
    conspirators for all sales. If Nippon
    Paper was among those conspirators, then
    it is responsible for the entire
    overcharge of all five manufacturers--and
    any direct purchaser from any conspirator
    can collect its own portion of damages
    (that is, the damages attributable to its
    direct purchases) from any conspirator.
    This makes it impossible to dismiss
    Nippon Paper outright.
    Recognizing the normal effects of joint
    and several liability, Nippon Paper
    contends that Illinois Brick creates an
    exception. If it is liable at all, it
    insists, judges or juries will have to
    trace the original overcharge through
    several levels of distribution to
    determine what damages it caused. The
    difficulty of figuring out how much was
    passed on, and how much swallowed by a
    distributor, is one major reason that
    Illinois Brick came out as it did. That’s
    true enough, but it does not justify
    abandonment of the joint-and-several-lia
    bility norm. Every firm sells indirectly
    in some respect. All products of this
    industry went through multiple hands; the
    plaintiffs are themselves distributors.
    If the presence of any wholesaler or
    retailer in the chain of distribution
    creates complications too great to allow
    joint liability, then the norm that every
    conspirator is responsible for the acts
    of every other would be overthrown.
    Illinois Brick and Hanover Shoe together
    do three things. First, they concentrate
    damages in the hands of the initial
    purchasers, and thus improve deterrence.
    Firms that deal directly with the
    manufacturers are apt to know the most
    about the industry’s behavior and thus
    are in the best position to detect
    cartels; allowing them to collect the
    full overcharge, trebled, creates
    powerful incentives to investigate and
    file suit. See William M. Landes &
    Richard A. Posner, Should Indirect
    Purchasers Have Standing To Sue Under the
    Antitrust Laws? An Economic Analysis of
    the Rule of Illinois Brick, 46 U. Chi. L.
    Rev. 602 (1979). The prospect of recovery
    also acts like a cents-off coupon to the
    initial buyer, which given competition at
    the distribution stage is forced to pass
    on this anticipated discount, and so
    protects remote customers from the
    effects of the cartel if deterrence
    Second, these cases prevent double
    recoveries. Hanover Shoe allows the first
    purchaser to recover the whole overcharge
    even if some was passed on to its
    customers. Had Illinois Brick allowed
    indirect purchasers to recover for the
    portion passed on to them, the total
    recovery would have exceeded the treble
    damages provided by the Sherman Act--
    unless Hanover Shoe was overruled and the
    take of the initial purchaser curtailed.
    Here is where the third consideration
    comes in. If Hanover Shoe was to be
    modified to avoid duplicative recovery,
    how would that be done? How much of any
    overcharge is passed on depends on the
    elasticities of supply and demand in the
    chain of distribution, which are
    exquisitely hard to pin down. The Supreme
    Court concluded that the game is not
    worth the candle--even, Utilicorp held,
    in the simplified case of a utility
    operating under rate regulation that is
    designed to cause a complete pass-on.
    Changes in market conditions after
    regulators set rates meant that the
    design might not be fulfilled. It is
    better, the Court held in both Illinois
    Brick and Utilicorp, to avoid these
    complications and concentrate damages in
    the hands of the initial purchasers so as
    to maximize deterrence.
    Joint and several liability is another
    vital instrument for maximizing
    deterrence. See Lewis A. Kornhauser &
    Richard L. Revesz, Sharing Damages Among
    Multiple Tortfeasors, 98 Yale L.J. 831
    (1989). Holding Nippon Paper jointly and
    severally liable with the other four
    manufacturers, for the conspiracy’s
    entire sales, is compatible with Hanover
    Shoe, Illinois Brick, and Utilicorp.
    Certainly it does not undermine these
    decisions, which are themselves designed
    to improve deterrence. Nor does this suit
    pose any risk of double recovery; sales
    to Japan Pulp & Paper and Mitsui have
    been carved out of the case, because
    those entities own the right to recover
    on account of their own purchases. The
    difficulty of tracing overcharges through
    the chain of distribution therefore is
    unimportant; duplicative recovery has
    been blocked at the outset. It remains
    necessary to determine the amount of the
    overcharge, and if this cannot be
    established in any other way (for
    example, by the conspirators’ own
    agreement) then it is necessary to
    determine the elasticities of supply and
    demand. But this prospect is present in
    every cartel case; it is not occasioned
    solely by the presence of intermediaries.
    The monopoly overcharge is the excess
    price at the initial sale--here, from the
    five manufacturers to their initial
    customers. Calculations are complicated
    by the fact that two of the five
    (Appleton and Kanzaki) provide some
    distribution services, and thus may
    charge higher initial prices than do the
    other three. But disaggregating these
    expenses to impute a transfer price from
    the manufacturing to the distribution arm
    of the two vertically integrated firms
    does not transgress Illinois Brick
    because the process cannot lead to
    multiple recovery.
    A simple example makes the point.
    Suppose that five vertically integrated
    manufacturers sell directly to consumers
    at $12 per unit, and that this price is
    an overcharge attributable to a cartel;
    the competitive price would have been $10
    per unit. Each manufacturer sells 100
    units per year, so the total overcharge
    is $1,000 ($2 on each of 500 units) and
    treble damages under the Sherman Act are
    $3,000. Given joint and several
    liability, each of the five conspirators
    is liable to pay the whole $3,000--though
    no consumer can recover more than $6 per
    unit purchased. Now suppose further that
    one of the five manufacturers gets out of
    the distribution business and sells its
    output to a wholesaler for $10 per unit;
    the wholesaler resells the product for
    $12 per unit. It is hard to see why this
    should change the total damages any
    conspirator must pay under the antitrust
    laws. According to Hanover Shoe and
    Illinois Brick, it changes who may
    collect damages (the wholesaler, as
    direct purchaser, owns the right to
    collect damages on 100 units each year)
    but not how much each cartelist owes in
    the aggregate. Yet Nippon Paper’s
    position is that the use of a wholesaler
    has a profound effect; it reduces that
    manufacturer’s total exposure from $3,000
    to $600 (treble the $2 overcharge on 100
    units sold to the wholesaler)--and then
    only if the wholesaler sues. This would
    be economically identical to a system of
    full contribution and indemnity among
    antitrust offenders, with each firm
    bearing liability only in proportion to
    its market share. Texas Industries
    rejected just such a proposal. Nothing in
    Illinois Brick requires that the approach
    disapproved by Texas Industries be
    implemented under a different name. All
    that Illinois Brick means is that, if one
    direct purchaser wholesaler declines to
    sue, then the total damages the five
    example manufacturers owe jointly and
    severally cannot exceed what is
    recoverable by direct purchasers that do
    litigate (in our example, for $2,400).
    Every participant in the conspiracy
    remains liable for damages on every sale
    to every direct purchaser from any of the
    If Nippon Paper participated in a cartel
    of thermal fax paper (something that
    remains to be determined) then it is
    jointly and severally liable for the
    cartel’s entire overcharge. That the
    plaintiffs did not buy from Nippon Paper
    directly, or at all, does not matter. As
    long as Nippon Paper’s direct customers
    hold the exclusive right to damages for
    its own output, the holding and goals of
    Illinois Brick have been satisfied. It
    was improper to dismiss Nippon Paper as a
    defendant while its status as a member of
    the cartel remains to be determined.
    Reversed and Remanded