Payne, Joseph v. Milwaukee County ( 2002 )

  • In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 01-1818
    Joseph Payne,
    Milwaukee County, et al.,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Wisconsin.
    No. 93 C 1380--Patricia J. Gorence, Magistrate Judge.
    Argued February 27, 2002--Decided May 3, 2002
    Before Bauer, Kanne, and Diane P. Wood,
    Circuit Judges.
    Diane P. Wood, Circuit Judge. This is
    the second time we have seen Joseph
    Payne’s case, in which he asserted that
    Milwaukee County, its Personnel Review
    Board, and certain officers (collectively
    Milwaukee County) had unlawfully
    terminated him in violation of his First
    Amendment rights, and thus in violation
    of 42 U.S.C. sec. 1983. The factual
    background of Payne’s claims is set forth
    in our earlier opinion, see Payne v.
    Milwaukee County, 
    146 F.3d 430
    (7th Cir.
    1998), and there is no need to repeat it
    here in detail. The present appeal
    concerns the application of Fed. R. Civ. P.
    68 in a civil rights case, where a
    prevailing plaintiff’s entitlement to
    attorneys’ fees arises under 42 U.S.C.
    sec. 1988. We conclude that the district
    court erred in its decision to require
    Payne to pay the defendants’ attorneys’
    fees, and we remand for further
    Payne was discharged from his position
    in the Medical Examiner’s Office for
    Milwaukee County in 1991, in the wake of
    correspondence he sent to various public
    officials in which he accused the Medical
    Examiner’s Office of discrimination.
    After lodging appropriate charges with
    the EEOC, Payne filed his complaint on
    December 13, 1993; an amended complaint
    followed on September 30, 1994.
    A first trial took place before a jury
    on April 21, 1997, and ended with
    judgment as a matter of law for the
    defendants on April 24, 1997. That
    judgment was appealed, and this court
    reversed in part, ordering a new trial on
    the First Amendment retaliation claim.
    The new trial took place on November 1,
    1999. The jury returned a special verdict
    for Payne, finding that his protected
    speech was indeed a factor in his
    termination by Milwaukee County and its
    Personnel Review Board. For that, the
    jury awarded damages of $10,400; the
    court later denied Payne’s motion for the
    entry of certain remedial orders and a
    new trial.
    Before the first trial took place,
    Milwaukee County filed an Offer of
    Judgment pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 68 on
    February 12, 1996, which read as follows:
    I. Money Only Offer: The Defendants
    agree to pay the Plaintiff a lump sum of
    $37,500 in full and complete settlement
    of any and all claims which arose out of
    the plaintiff’s employment with Milwaukee
    County. II. Alternative Offer: Job and
    Money: The Defendants agree to employ the
    Plaintiff as a Human Service Worker, pay
    range $24,000-$39,000. . . . The
    Defendants would also pay $18,000 in a
    lump sum to the Plaintiff and his
    Thus, Payne had a choice: $37,500 on the
    table, or the lesser amount of $18,000
    plus a new job with Milwaukee County. He
    elected to accept neither one. By making
    this choice, he accepted the risk that if
    he ended up winning at trial a damage
    award lower than what was offered, his
    entitlement to post-offer costs and
    attorneys’ fees under 42 U.S.C. sec. 1988
    would be lost. Not only that: he would
    also be saddled with Milwaukee County’s
    post-offer costs. This is precisely what
    happened, as the jury’s verdict in
    Payne’s favor after the second trial was
    for only $10,400, a lower amount than
    either judgment option in Milwaukee
    County’s Rule 68 offer.
    After the verdict, the three lawyers who
    had represented Payne filed motions for
    their fees, all relying on sec. 1988.
    John Uelman spent 104.5 hours working on
    the case prior to the February 12, 1996,
    Offer of Judgment, and the district court
    awarded him the full amount he claimed up
    to that date, plus certain costs. Robert
    Sutton also asked for fees in the amount
    of $75,550 for work done from January 25,
    1997, through December 21, 1999. A third
    attorney, Larraine McNamara-McGraw was
    going to seek fees of $31,200 in
    connection with the appeal after the
    first trial, but she failed to file her
    motion in time, and she is not involved
    in this appeal. The appeal thus concerns
    only Attorney Sutton’s right to fees, on
    Payne’s side.
    Milwaukee County opposed these requests
    insofar as they covered fees for work
    done after February 12, 1996. (At one
    point they mention the date February 9,
    1996, but the Magistrate Judge ignored
    this, and so shall we.) Not only that,
    but Milwaukee County also sought to have
    its own costs and attorneys’ fees taxed
    against Payne, once again because the
    final award Payne received was less than
    the amount they had offered. The district
    court (Magistrate Judge Gorence, sitting
    by consent) decided that Milwaukee County
    was entitled to both its costs pursuant
    to Rule 68 and its attorneys’ fees, while
    Sutton was not entitled to anything.
    Although a prevailing plaintiff in a
    civil rights case is normally entitled to
    costs pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 54(d),
    and to attorneys’ fees under 42 U.S.C.
    sec. 1988, those rules are qualified by
    the operation of Fed. R. Civ. P. 68. Rule
    68 is designed to provide a disincentive
    for plaintiffs from continuing to
    litigate a case after being presented
    with a reasonable offer. The part of Rule
    68 critical to this appeal is a cost-
    shifting provision affecting a plaintiff
    who rejects a good-faith offer that turns
    out to be equal to or more than the
    actual judgment:
    If the judgment finally obtained by the
    offeree is not more favorable than the
    offer, the offeree must pay the costs
    incurred after the making of the offer.
    See Marek v. Chesny, 
    473 U.S. 1
    Delta Air Lines, Inc. v. August, 
    450 U.S. 346
    , 351-56 (1981). Payne finds himself
    precisely in the situation covered by
    Rule 68: in hindsight, he would have been
    better off accepting either one of
    Milwaukee County’s offers, rather than
    taking his chances at trial. He therefore
    must bear whatever consequences the rule
    prescribes for his failure accurately to
    evaluate his claim (or perhaps for the
    murkiness of his crystal ball). Rule 68
    is designed to change the incentive
    structure of a plaintiff faced with a
    reasonable offer. The twin aims of the
    rule, in its ex post application, are to
    compensate the defense for costs it ought
    not to have incurred, and to deter future
    plaintiffs from lightly disregarding rea
    sonable settlement offers made with the
    formalities prescribed by the rule. See
    Moriarty v. Svec, 
    233 F.3d 955
    , 967 (7th
    Cir. 2000).
    These twin aims lead to two analytically
    distinct questions in this case: as
    compared to a legal landscape without a
    Rule 68, the first question is what
    entitlement Payne has lost because the
    eventual verdict in his favor was less
    than Milwaukee County’s offer of
    judgment; the second is what entitlement
    Milwaukee County has gained in the way of
    rights to payments from Payne because its
    offer was rejected.
    Before addressing those questions, we
    must consider one preliminary argument
    Payne has advanced: he claims that
    Milwaukee County’s failure to renew its
    Rule 68 offer after the result in the
    original trial was partially set aside by
    this court means that there was no
    operative Rule 68 offer at all to bar his
    right to full fees and costs. That is
    simply wrong. The Advisory Committee
    Notes to the 1946 amendment to the rule
    state that "[i]t is implicit, however,
    that as long as the case continues--
    whether there be a first, second or third
    trial--and the defendant makes no further
    offer, his first and only offer will
    operate to save him the costs from the
    time of that offer if the plaintiff
    ultimately obtains a judgment less than
    the sum offered." See also 12 Charles A.
    Wright, Arthur R. Miller & Edward H.
    Cooper, Federal Practice & Procedure 2d
    sec. 3003, at 102 (2d ed. 1997). This
    position is fully consistent with the
    language of the rule, which permits
    subsequent offers, but says nothing about
    depriving offers that have not been
    superseded by a later offer of their
    legal force. Ours is therefore a case in
    which a valid Rule 68 offer was on the
    1.   Payne’s Claims for Fees and Costs
    To establish that Milwaukee County must
    pay for Attorney Sutton’s fees and the
    costs of the litigation after February
    12, 1996, Payne must show, as required by
    42 U.S.C. sec. 1988(b), that he was a
    prevailing party, and that Rule 68 does
    not preclude Milwaukee County’s liability
    as to his costs. Milwaukee County seemed
    to suggest at oral argument that Payne
    did not really "prevail," but that is
    plainly not true. Payne did prevail, to
    the tune of $10,400. Had he lost, he
    would not have been entitled to any of
    his own attorneys’ fees or costs anyway,
    by the straightforward operation of Rule
    54(d) and sec. 1988. The argument is also
    misguided: Rule 68 can work the way
    Milwaukee County argues for only if the
    plaintiff is, indeed, the prevailing
    party. Had he not prevailed in some
    significant sense, Milwaukee County would
    be confined to Rule 54(d), and Rule 68
    would have simply no application. See
    Delta Air 
    Lines, 450 U.S. at 352
    Lentomyynti Oy v. Medivac, Inc., 
    997 F.2d 364
    , 375 (7th Cir. 1993).
    Payne’s first effort to show that
    Milwaukee County should pay his costs is
    an argument that the "real" amount he re
    covered--or should have recovered--was
    worth more than the offered $37,500. He
    reasons that he should have been awarded
    back pay along with the $10,400 the jury
    gave him, and if the court had entered
    such an order, then the amount would have
    exceeded Milwaukee County’s offer. But
    that approach introduces an impossible
    level of speculation into the operation
    of Rule 68. We cannot divine how much any
    such award might have been. The fact is
    that the final judgment of the district
    court did not include a back pay element,
    and Payne has not appealed from that
    aspect of the judgment. We thus take as
    final the actual verdict amount and
    assess the consequences for Rule 68 from
    that amount.
    The only other hope Payne might have had
    to recover his costs was squelched a long
    time ago when the Supreme Court decided
    Marek. In that case, a civil rights
    plaintiff who prevailed at trial but
    received less than a Rule 68 offer argued
    that attorneys’ fees were not subject to
    the Rule 68 cost-shifting structure. The
    Supreme Court disagreed. It held that
    "[s]ince Congress expressly included
    attorneys’ fees as ’costs’ available to a
    plaintiff in a sec. 1983 suit, such fees
    are subject to the cost-shifting
    provision of Rule 
    68." 473 U.S. at 9
    . It
    went on to make clear that "[c]ivil
    rights plaintiffs--along with other
    plaintiffs--who reject an offer more
    favorable than what is thereafter
    recovered at trial will not recover
    attorneys’ fees for services performed
    after the offer is rejected." 
    Id. at 10.
    We see no way, in the face of such clear
    language from the Supreme Court, to hold
    anything but that the district court
    correctly found that Attorney Sutton was
    not entitled to his fees (all of which
    were incurred after the date of the Rule
    68 offer).
    2. Milwaukee County’s Claims for Fees
    and Costs
    The situation with respect to Milwaukee
    County is slightly more complicated.
    Under the language of Rule 68 quoted
    above, not only must a prevailing
    plaintiff like Payne bear the expense of
    his own attorneys’ work, but he must also
    pay the defendant’s post-offer "costs."
    The question we must decide is what the
    word "costs" means in this context--an
    issue that Marek left open. The district
    court opted for symmetry, reasoning that
    since the word "costs" includes
    attorneys’ fees from a plaintiff’s
    position, accordingly "costs" ought to
    include attorneys’ fees when the
    defendant asserts a right to recover its
    post-offer costs.
    There is a superficial appeal to this
    reading, but upon closer examination we
    conclude that it fails to take into
    account the strict link the Supreme Court
    has drawn between the concept of "costs"
    in Rule 68 and the underlying statute
    that gives rise to a right to attorneys’
    fees. Briefly put, "costs" cannot
    encompass more than the rules or other
    relevant statutes authorize. Here, the
    relevant statute is sec. 1988, which is
    not a two-way fee-shifting statute. This
    was no accident; the rationale behind the
    asymmetry between prevailing plaintiffs
    and prevailing defendants was addressed
    by the Supreme Court in Christiansburg
    Garment Co. v. EEOC, 
    434 U.S. 412
    As the Court later explained,
    Christiansburg and Newman v. Piggie Park
    Enterprises, Inc., 
    390 U.S. 400
    stand for the propositions that "a
    prevailing plaintiff should ordinarily
    recover an attorneys’ fee . . . based on
    what we found to be the important policy
    objectives of the Civil Rights statutes,
    and the intent of Congress to achieve
    such objectives through the use of
    plaintiffs as private attorneys general.
    In Christiansburg we determined that the
    same policy considerations were not at
    work in the case of a prevailing civil
    rights defendant." Fogerty v. Fantasy,
    510 U.S. 517
    , 522-23 (1994).
    Christiansburg identified three reasons
    for distinguishing between defendants and
    plaintiffs: the need to facilitate the
    enforcement of the civil rights laws
    through "private attorneys 
    general," 434 U.S. at 416-18
    ; the risk of creating a
    disincentive for plaintiffs to bring
    civil rights suits if prevailing
    defendants could obtain their attorneys’
    fees as a matter of course, 
    id. at 421-
    22; and lastly, "when a district court
    awards counsel fees to a prevailing
    plaintiff, it is awarding them against a
    violator of federal law," 
    id. at 418.
    In the specific context of Rule 68
    offers, the First Circuit endorsed the
    approach that is faithful to the
    structure of sec. 1988 in Crossman v.
    806 F.2d 329
    (1st Cir. 1986),
    and we find its analysis instructive.
    There, a sec. 1983 plaintiff prevailed at
    trial, though for an amount lower than
    the Rule 68 offer the defendant had made,
    and the defendant then moved for
    attorneys’ fees. The Crossman court
    recognized that, based on the language of
    the civil rights attorneys’ fee statute,
    a party must be the "prevailing party" in
    order to have a right to fees. As the
    defendant was not the "prevailing party,"
    his attorneys’ fees were not recoverable
    as costs under the terms of sec. 1988.
    This is the first time that this court
    has been squarely presented with the
    Crossman issue, but we endorsed the same
    reasoning that the First Circuit adopted
    while Crossman was still pending on
    appeal. In Grosvenor v. Brienen, 
    801 F.2d 944
    (7th Cir. 1986), we suggested,
    without deciding the point, that Marek
    implies that one must look to the
    underlying statute authorizing fees in
    the course of applying Rule 68. See
    Grosvenor, 801 F.2d at 946
    n. 4 ("[I]t is
    doubtful that a prevailing plaintiff
    should have the defendant’s post-offer
    attorneys’ fees imposed upon him."). We
    reasoned that sec. 1988 allows only a
    prevailing party to recover fees, and
    that Rule 68--requiring that the
    plaintiff be the prevailing party--is
    inconsistent with a recovery by the
    losing defendant of attorneys’ fees.
    Under sec. 1988, we noted, such fees may
    be recovered from a plaintiff only if the
    plaintiff’s claim is frivolous or
    vexatious--hardly the case where the
    plaintiff has prevailed. See Hensley v.
    461 U.S. 424
    , 429 n. 2 (1983)
    (prevailing defendant may recover
    attorney’s fees only when suit vexatious,
    frivolous, or brought to harass or
    embarrass defendant).
    The official endorsement of the
    Grosvenor/Crossman position came later in
    Harbor Motor Co. v. Arnell Chevrolet-Geo,
    265 F.3d 638
    (7th Cir. 2001). There
    we considered whether a defendant could
    receive attorneys’ fees after a spurned
    Rule 68 offer in a copyright case. The
    Copyright Act provides, as does sec.
    1988, for the collection of attorneys’
    fees by the prevailing party. 17 U.S.C.
    sec. 505. The defendant in Harbor Motor
    was not the prevailing party;
    nevertheless, because of Rule 68 the
    defendant was relieved of the obligation
    to pay the plaintiff’s post-offer
    attorneys’ fees. Following Crossman, we
    concluded that the requirement under the
    Copyright Act that a party must have
    prevailed before it is entitled to fees
    meant that the defendant could not
    recover its own post-offer fees. See also
    O’Brien v. City of Greers Ferry, 
    873 F.2d 1115
    , 1120 (8th Cir. 1989); 12 Wright &
    Miller, sec. 3006.2, at 132 (defendants
    may recover fees as part of the Rule 68
    costs only if they can satisfy the
    otherwise applicable statutory standard
    for recovery).
    We are persuaded that Grosvenor, Harbor
    Motor, and the cases from our sister
    circuits are correct. They are consistent
    with the Supreme Court’s general
    admonition in Marek to assess the right
    to attorneys’ fees in the light of the
    underlying statute that creates the right
    to such fees. If sec. 1988 did not rest
    explicitly on a party’s status as a "pre
    vailing" party before fees could be
    recovered, we would have a different
    case. But it does, and this court has
    unequivocally held that defendants who
    make more generous Rule 68 offers than
    the winning plaintiff wins from a jury
    are not "prevailing parties." See Poteete
    v. Capital Engineering, Inc., 
    185 F.3d 804
    (7th Cir. 1999). Indeed, as we noted
    earlier, if a defendant prevails, the
    entire question of fees and costs is
    assessed differently.
    Milwaukee County’s right to costs, as
    opposed to fees, does not depend upon
    sec. 1988, and thus the costs question
    must be analyzed separately. Rule 54(d)
    of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
    sets forth the general rule that costs
    other than attorneys’ fees "shall be
    allowed as of course to the prevailing
    party," except as otherwise provided by
    statute or in the rules. Rule 68 does
    provide otherwise, by explicitly calling
    for the plaintiff to bear the defendant’s
    costs if the final judgment is less
    favorable than the offer. The district
    court’s final order in this case did not
    distinguish between Milwaukee County’s
    post-offer attorneys’ fees and its post-
    offer costs. A remand will therefore be
    necessary to sort out those two elements;
    Milwaukee County is entitled only to the
    post-offer costs.
    For the reasons stated, we Affirm the
    district court’s judgment insofar as it
    denies post-offer attorneys’ fees and
    costs to Payne; we Reverse the judgment
    insofar as it awards post-offer
    attorneys’ fees to the defendants; and we
    Remand for the purpose of determining the
    post-offer costs to which defendants are