United States v. Griffin, Warren G. ( 2002 )

  •                            In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 02-1336
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Illinois.
    No. 01 CR 30080—William D. Stiehl, Judge.
    Before FLAUM, Chief Judge, and CUDAHY and KANNE,
    Circuit Judges.
    KANNE, Circuit Judge. A jury found defendant Warren
    G. Griffin, Jr. guilty of being a felon in possession of a
    firearm that had traveled in interstate commerce in viola-
    tion of 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(1). Griffin appeals, arguing (1)
    that the district court committed plain error in admitting
    improper rebuttal testimony; (2) that the evidence was
    insufficient to support his conviction; and (3) that the
    district court clearly erred in applying a two-level sen-
    tence enhancement for obstruction of justice. Because the
    evidence was sufficient and because we find no error
    either in the district court’s decision to admit evidence
    2                                             No. 02-1336
    or in its application of the enhancement, we affirm both
    Griffin’s conviction and his sentence.
    At 11:00 p.m. on June 12, 2000, in East St. Louis, Illi-
    nois, Detective Desmond Williams pulled over a blue four-
    door Pontiac Grand Am for speeding. He illuminated the
    car’s interior by shining his car-mounted spotlight into
    the vehicle and saw that two men were inside. Approach-
    ing the car on the driver’s side, Williams stopped at the
    car’s center post and requested the driver’s license and
    registration. While speaking with the driver, Darryl Rus-
    sell, Williams saw that the car’s front-seat passenger had
    the handle of a handgun protruding from the waistband of
    his pants. Drawing his own gun and ordering both the
    driver and passenger to keep their hands in the air and
    make no sudden movements, Williams reached inside the
    car from the back seat and tried to retrieve the gun from
    the passenger’s waist. Before Williams could secure the
    gun, the passenger grabbed Williams’s hand. A stand-off
    ensued, with Williams training his gun at the passenger’s
    head, demanding that the passenger release his grip. The
    passenger refused, only letting go of Williams’s hand as
    he opened the car door and fled. Instead of giving chase,
    Williams arrested Russell.
    Williams conducted an investigation to identify the
    unknown passenger. He first searched the car and found
    a traffic ticket and a bond sheet issued to Griffin. By
    running the car’s license plates, he determined Griffin had
    rented the car from a rental agency. Also, Williams re-
    covered an envelope containing a set of photographs
    that had been recently developed by Griffin at a local
    supermarket. Examining the photos, Williams identified
    the passenger who had fled the scene as one of the individ-
    uals depicted. And after comparing that photo to a set
    No. 02-1336                                               3
    of mug shots at the station house, Williams identified Grif-
    fin as that passenger.
    Russell gave a statement to police after the incident
    in which he claimed that someone named “James” or
    “Jaybo” was the passenger in the car who had the gun,
    not Griffin. According to Russell’s statement, Jaybo had
    picked him up in Griffin’s car that evening; Griffin was
    never in the car with Russell. When U.S. Deputy Marshal
    Sean Newlin arrested Griffin, Griffin corroborated Russell’s
    story, claiming he had loaned the rental car to Jaybo that
    evening and had not been in the car with Russell when
    Williams pulled it over. According to Newlin, Griffin
    was adamant as to this last point stating, “I wasn’t ar-
    rested by any skinny policeman.” And although Griffin
    denied he was the passenger, Newlin reported that Grif-
    fin admitted to possessing guns while on supervised release.
    In the end, despite Griffin’s and Russell’s protestations
    of mistaken identity, Griffin was arrested and indicted
    with the charge of being a felon in possession of a firearm
    under 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(1).
    Not surprisingly, Griffin presented an elaborate mistak-
    en-identity and alibi defense at trial supported by his own
    testimony and that of five other defense witnesses, includ-
    ing Russell. But curiously, gone was the claim that Jaybo
    had been the gun-bearing passenger. Griffin and Russell
    admitted at trial that they had made up the Jaybo story,
    hoping to throw police off of Griffin’s trail. Nevertheless,
    they continued to maintain that Griffin wasn’t the pas-
    senger; they now claimed that the unknown individual
    was a minor named Issac Windom, also known as “Boo.”
    After being apprised of his Fifth Amendment rights,
    Boo testified that he was the passenger in the car. Accord-
    ing to Boo, he was attending a friend’s party when Rus-
    sell drove up in Griffin’s rental car. Although he did not
    know either Griffin or Russell (at trial, he was only able
    4                                             No. 02-1336
    to identify Russell as the driver by describing him as the
    man in the courtroom wearing an orange jumpsuit), he
    had heard from others that Russell was driving to Duck’s
    Variety Store and, wanting to get something from the
    store himself, he decided to ride along. Boo testified that
    it was during this trip to the store that Williams pulled
    the car over. When Williams saw that he had a gun and
    tried to retrieve it, Boo ran.
    Russell corroborated Boo’s story, testifying that he had
    borrowed the rental car from Griffin at Duck’s Variety
    Store earlier that evening. Russell was to return the car
    to Griffin at the store before it closed. Boo had hitched a
    ride with him back to the store, and on the way, Williams
    pulled the car over. On cross-examination, Russell admit-
    ted that he had lied in his statement to police and that
    he and Griffin had made up the Jaybo story.
    Griffin, likewise, admitted at trial that he and Russell
    had manufactured the Jaybo story in an attempt to mis-
    lead the police. What had really happened, he testified,
    was that in the early evening of June 12, 2000, he had
    driven his rental car to Duck’s Variety Store, where he
    was to meet Russell. He loaned the car to Russell for a
    joyride, requesting that Russell return the car later that
    evening. In the meantime, Griffin would walk around the
    store’s neighborhood, visiting friends. But as he made
    his rounds, Griffin noticed that it was getting late and
    Russell had not yet returned. By 9:00 p.m., he decided
    to call another friend, Charles Gray, to give him a ride
    home. Gray picked him up around 10:00 p.m., and it took
    them about an hour to get to Griffin’s home, arriving
    sometime around 11:00 p.m.
    Gray testified that he had received a call from Griffin,
    who was calling from his cellular phone, sometime around
    10:30 p.m. on the night of June 12, 2000. He remembered
    the time because he had been sitting at his computer
    No. 02-1336                                               5
    when his phone rang. Griffin wanted Gray to give him a
    ride home from Duck’s Variety Store. Gray agreed. He esti-
    mated that the trip lasted between fifteen and twenty-five
    To corroborate Gray’s story, Griffin called both Gregory
    Parker, the owner of Duck’s Variety Store, and Griffin’s
    wife, Jocelyn. Parker testified that he had seen Griffin
    walk up to the store that evening and that Griffin had
    left sometime around 10:00 p.m. Jocelyn testified that
    she had been at home watching television on the night
    of June 12, 2000, and that Griffin returned home just as
    the previews of “In the Heat of the Night,” were coming
    on at about 11:00 p.m. He did not have the rental car
    with him when he returned home.
    The case was submitted, and the jury returned a guilty
    verdict, crediting the circumstantial evidence linking Grif-
    fin to the rental car and Williams’s identification over
    the testimony of Griffin and his defense witnesses. At
    sentencing, the district court applied a two-level enhance-
    ment for obstruction of justice under the U.S. Sentencing
    Guideline Manual § 3C1.1 finding (i) that Griffin had
    initially lied to police by concocting the Jaybo story and
    (ii) that the evidence indicated he had committed perjury
    at trial. Griffin now appeals his conviction and sentence.
    A. Improper Rebuttal Testimony
    Griffin’s first challenge on appeal—that the district
    court committed plain error in allowing U.S. Deputy Mar-
    shal Newlin to testify in rebuttal—is unsuccessful. Be-
    cause Griffin failed to object to Newlin’s testimony, we
    could only grant him a new trial if the district court com-
    mitted a plain error that, if allowed to stand, would sub-
    stantially impair the fairness and integrity of the judicial
    6                                                No. 02-1336
    process. United States v. Noble, 
    246 F.3d 946
    , 955 (7th Cir.
    2001). Griffin does not explain how any asserted error in
    admitting this testimony could have had a substantial
    impact on the judicial process’s fairness and integrity. This
    alone dooms his argument. Cf. United States v. Alwan,
    279 F.3d 431
    , 439 (7th Cir. 2002). Moreover, we find no
    plain error in the district court’s decision to allow Newlin’s
    rebuttal testimony. The crux of Griffin’s argument is
    that since he and Russell both admitted on their direct
    and cross-examinations that they had manufactured the
    Jaybo story, Newlin’s rebuttal testimony that Griffin had
    told him, in essence, “Jaybo did it,” was cumulative and
    improper. Griffin ignores that Newlin also testified that
    Griffin had made the gun-possession and “skinny police-
    man” statements—both of which, on cross-examination,
    Griffin had denied making. Thus, Newlin’s testimony served
    to impeach Griffin—a proper subject of rebuttal. At worst,
    Newlin’s rebuttal testimony included some cumulative
    evidence; that fact alone does not make the district court’s
    decision to allow him to testify in the first place—without
    objection—plain error.
    B. Sufficiency of Evidence
    Insufficient as well is Griffin’s sufficiency-of-evidence
    challenge. At bottom, Griffin argues that since he and
    five other witnesses testified at trial that he was not the
    gun-bearing passenger in the car that evening, the jury—
    relying solely on Williams’s questionable (as Griffin sees
    it) testimony and identification—could not have possibly
    found beyond a reasonable doubt that he was. Griffin mis-
    understands the role of an appellate court evaluating
    a sufficiency-of-evidence claim. We will overturn a guilty
    verdict only when the record contains no evidence, regard-
    less of how it is weighed, upon which a rational trier of
    fact could find guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. United
    No. 02-1336                                                 7
    States v. Richardson, 
    208 F.3d 626
    , 631 (7th Cir.), cert.
    531 U.S. 910
    (2000); United States v. Griffin, 
    150 F.3d 778
    , 784 (7th Cir. 1998). We do not weigh the evi-
    dence or reassess the credibility of the witnesses. 
    Id. at 784-85.
    Yet, this appears to be what Griffin argues we
    should do. Griffin attacks Williams’s identification argu-
    ing that his perception and judgment were impaired by the
    circumstances. Undeniably, at the time he observed the
    passenger in the car, it was dark and Williams was in
    a tense, stressful situation. Nevertheless, Williams testi-
    fied that he had illuminated the vehicle with his car-
    mounted spotlight and that he had as long as three min-
    utes in which to observe the passenger, at times coming
    nose-to-nose with him. This explanation provided the jury
    sufficient basis to credit Williams’s identification. Although
    Griffin’s attacks on Williams’s perception would have
    been proper material for his closing argument, they do not
    form the proper basis of an appeal.
    Contradicting Williams’s testimony was that of six
    witnesses who stated that it was not Griffin but Boo
    who was the passenger. Six against one, Griffin argues,
    means that the evidence was overwhelmingly in his fa-
    vor and, thus, the jury could not have reasonably found
    him guilty. But there can be no doubt by its verdict that
    the jury found Griffin’s own witnesses’ testimony fraught
    with inconsistencies, laden with bias, and, in the end, not
    credible. For example, Parker testified he had seen Grif-
    fin walk to Duck’s Variety Store that evening; Griffin said
    he drove up. Gray said he received a call from Griffin at
    10:30 p.m. to pick him up at Duck’s and that the ride to
    Griffin’s house took at most twenty-five minutes; Griffin
    said he called Gray at 10:00 p.m. and that the ride took
    an hour. Moreover, the witnesses were able to recall spe-
    cific dates and times to relate Griffin’s alibi, but unable
    to reconstruct other supporting details. And Griffin’s alibi
    witnesses all admitted to having known or having had
    8                                               No. 02-1336
    close relationships with him. All of these facts were, as
    Griffin admits, effectively elicited through the govern-
    ment’s cross-examinations. But even more damaging
    were Griffin’s and Russell’s admissions that they had
    previously lied to police about the passenger’s identity; it
    is not surprising in light of that revelation that the jury
    chose to disbelieve the new story they presented at trial.
    The jury’s verdict stands.
    C. Obstruction Enhancement
    Griffin’s final argument is that the district court clearly
    erred in applying a two-level enhancement for obstruc-
    tion of justice under § 3C1.1 of the sentencing guidelines.
    Griffin’s argument is two-fold. First, he argues that the
    Jaybo story he told police cannot support the enhance-
    ment because the guidelines require materially false
    statements to police officers, not given under oath, to
    significantly obstruct or impede the official investiga-
    tion before the enhancement applies. See U.S.S.G. § 3C1.1
    cmt. n. 4(g) (2002). Since there was no evidence that Wil-
    liams or anyone else expended any resources to investi-
    gate the Jaybo lead, Griffin argues that the enhance-
    ment was improper. Second, Griffin argues that the dis-
    trict court erred in awarding the enhancement on perjury
    grounds because it did not make a sufficiently specific
    finding of the factual predicates of perjury. Griffin ob-
    jected to the enhancement at sentencing and, thus, we
    review the district court’s factual determination that
    the enhancement applied for clear error. See United States
    v. Messino, 
    55 F.3d 1241
    , 1247 (7th Cir. 1995). Because the
    district court could have applied the enhancement on
    either ground, Griffin needs to succeed on both challenges
    in order for us to remand for resentencing.
    Griffin wins his first argument. The application notes to
    § 3C1.1 plainly explain that making material false state-
    No. 02-1336                                                9
    ments, not under oath, to law-enforcement officers will
    only serve as a basis for an obstruction enhancement
    when those statements “significantly obstruct[ ] or impede[ ]
    the official investigation or prosecution.” U.S.S.G. § 3C1.1
    cmt. n. 4(g) (emphasis added). This language requires a
    causal relationship between the materially false state-
    ment given and a resulting impediment upon the instant
    investigation or prosecution. There is no argument that
    the Jaybo statement was immaterial, but without evi-
    dence that the official investigation was impeded in any
    manner—let alone significantly—the statement alone
    cannot support the obstruction enhancement. Compare
    United States v. Barnett, 
    939 F.2d 405
    , 407 (7th Cir. 1991)
    (obstruction enhancement not applicable in part because
    false statement did not cause investigators to expend
    additional resources), with United States v. Francis, 
    39 F.3d 803
    , 811 (7th Cir. 1994) (obstruction enhancement prop-
    er where defendant’s retraction of information previously
    given about co-conspirators caused government to reinv-
    estigate and reevaluate its case, thereby impeding its in-
    vestigation and prosecution).
    In response, the government notes that we have indi-
    cated elsewhere that § 3C1.1 is designed to avoid apply-
    ing an obstruction increase for a mere “exculpatory no,”
    where a defendant denies guilt or conceals his crimes
    during police questioning. See, e.g., United States. v. Ross,
    77 F.3d 1525
    , 1550 (7th Cir. 1996). Since Griffin’s state-
    ment went beyond a mere denial of his involvement to
    craft out of whole cloth the identity of a fictional person
    in an attempt to mislead police, the government argues
    that the statement oversteps the boundaries of the ex-
    culpatory-no doctrine and therefore may support the en-
    hancement. Certainly, Griffin’s Jaybo statement exceeds
    the protection of the exculpatory-no doctrine. Be that as
    it may, the clear guidance from the guidelines suggests
    that even the most outlandish and creative lies to law-
    10                                              No. 02-1336
    enforcement officers, not given under oath, must have a
    detrimental effect upon their efforts to investigate or
    prosecute the instant offense before the enhancement
    can apply. This is not to say that, in an appropriate
    case, the elaborateness or intricacies of a manufactured
    story exceeding the boundaries of the exculpatory-no
    doctrine cannot demonstrate a resulting burden placed
    upon law-enforcement officials who expended resources
    to track down its false leads. But here, without proof
    that police expended any additional resources in their
    investigation because of the Jaybo story, basing the en-
    hancement on that statement was improper.
    This is, however, an empty victory for Griffin. Besides
    relying on the Jaybo lie to support the enhancement,
    the district court made the independent finding that Grif-
    fin had lied on the stand by “ma[king] up a scenario rela-
    tive to the events.” (R. 38 at 27:17-18.) Committing, suborn-
    ing, or attempting to suborn perjury supports an obstruc-
    tion enhancement. U.S.S.G. § 3C1.1 cmt. n. 4(b). For en-
    hancement purposes, perjury is defined—as it is under the
    federal perjury statute—as willfully giving under oath,
    rather than as a result of confusion, mistake, or faulty
    memory, a materially false statement. United States v.
    507 U.S. 87
    , 94 (1993); see also 18 U.S.C. § 1621
    (2002). An obstruction enhancement will be upheld on
    appeal so long as the district court made an independent
    finding of obstruction that encompasses all of perjury’s
    factual predicates. 
    Dunnigan, 507 U.S. at 95
    . Here, be-
    cause the district court made the requisite independent
    finding of perjury encompassing all of its factual predi-
    cates, it properly applied the enhancement.
    Griffin contends that the district court’s perjury deter-
    mination is deficient under Dunnigan because it fails to
    identify these factual predicates with the requisite spec-
    ificity. Without this specificity, Griffin claims he does
    not know to what the district court was referring when
    No. 02-1336                                             11
    it found that he “ma[d]e up a scenario relative to the
    events.” Was the district court relying on the Jaybo story?
    If so, he had testified truthfully at trial that the Jaybo
    story was a lie. Or, perhaps, was it merely pointing out
    the inconsistencies between his and other witnesses’ tes-
    timony? In that case, those minor inconsistencies were
    immaterial and inadvertent: a likely product of confusion
    or mistake, not the willful material lies contemplated by
    the perjury statute.
    But Griffin does not take into account the simplicity of
    his trial, which presented a single factual issue for the
    jury: whether or not he was the gun-bearing passenger.
    In arguing that he was not, Griffin did not merely deny
    that he was the gun-bearing passenger and put the gov-
    ernment to its burden. He and other defense witnesses
    testified that Boo was the passenger and that he was
    elsewhere at the time of Russell’s arrest. Griffin’s deci-
    sion to testify to this elaborate mistaken-identity and
    alibi defense (and present five other witnesses to testify
    to it as well) was not the result of confusion, mistake, or
    faulty memory. Nor was this the case contemplated by
    Dunnigan where a self-defense, lack-of-capacity, insanity,
    or duress defense could have been truthfully presented,
    yet nonetheless thought by the jury to be an insufficient
    excuse for criminal liability. 
    Id. No, here,
    all that was at issue was Griffin’s presence
    in that car that evening. In the end, the jury believed
    that he was and therefore must have rejected his elabor-
    ate mistaken-identity and alibi defense as untruthful.
    But more importantly for sentencing purposes, the district
    court believed he lied, independently determining that
    the only defense Griffin presented at trial—the mistaken-
    identity and alibi story—was untruthful:
    [The enhancement] is also prefaced by the defendant’s
    testimony at trial, and the defendant is allowed to
    12                                              No. 02-1336
    have a trial and is allowed to testify, he is allowed to
    deny that he committed the crime or that he was
    present, whatever; but what he’s not allowed to do
    is make up a scenario relative to the events. And it’s
    clear from the evidence that this is what this defen-
    dant did.
    (R. 38 at 27:12-18 (emphasis added).) Thus, the district
    court independently found all of the factual predicates
    for a finding of perjury: that under oath Griffin had given
    material false testimony by concocting the Boo story and
    his alibi, the whole purpose of which was to substan-
    tially affect the outcome of the case by obtaining a not-
    guilty verdict. Accord United States v. Bonilla-Comacho,
    121 F.3d 287
    , 293 (7th Cir. 1997) (upholding obstruction
    enhancement where “[b]oth judge and jury found the
    government’s version of the events to be the truth and, as
    a result, . . . that [the defendant] lied on the stand”).
    Indeed, the finding of the lower court that the Supreme
    Court upheld in Dunnigan was similar to, and no more
    specific than, the record we have here:
    The court finds that the defendant was untruthful
    at trial with respect to material matters in this case.
    [B]y virtue of her failure to give truthful testimony
    on material matters that were designed to substan-
    tially affect the outcome of the case, the court con-
    cludes that the false testimony at trial warrants an
    upward adjustment by two levels.
    Dunnigan, 507 U.S. at 95
    (alteration in original). Although
    the Dunnigan Court observed that it is preferable for a
    district court to address each element of the alleged per-
    jury in a separate and clear finding, it found the above-
    quoted determination sufficient because it encompassed
    all of perjury’s factual predicates. Id.; United States v.
    201 F.3d 900
    , 905 (7th Cir. 2000). Here, as in
    Dunnigan, the district court made the requisite finding.
    No. 02-1336                                                13
    As the Court in Dunnigan observed in rejecting the
    argument that the perjury enhancement may chill or
    interfere with a defendant’s right to testify, “[t]he require-
    ment of sworn testimony, backed by punishment for
    perjury, is as much a protection for the accused as it is a
    Dunnigan, 507 U.S. at 97
    . While Griffin clearly had
    a right to put the government to its burden by deny-
    ing the charges brought against him, he did not have the
    right to invent a story with hopes of impeding that burden.
    For the foregoing reasons, Griffin’s conviction and sen-
    tence are AFFIRMED.
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit