Zheng, Yahong v. Gonzales, Alberto R. ( 2005 )

  •                             In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 04-2402
    Attorney General of the United States,
    Petition for Review of an Order of
    the Board of Immigration Appeals.
    No. A79-287-264
    ARGUED MARCH 29, 2005—DECIDED MAY 24, 2005
    Before CUDAHY, WOOD, and SYKES, Circuit Judges.
    SYKES, Circuit Judge. Yahong Zheng petitions for review
    of an order of the Board of Immigration Appeals (“BIA”) af-
    firming the denial of her claim for withholding of removal
    under 8 U.S.C. § 1231(b)(3). Zheng, a native of China, argues
    that she established eligibility for relief because she was per-
    secuted under a “coercive family planning program” within
    Pursuant to FED. R. APP. P. 43(c), we have substituted Alberto
    R. Gonzales for John D. Ashcroft as the named respondent.
    2                                               No. 04-2402
    the meaning of the expanded definition of “refugee” in 8
    U.S.C. § 1101(a)(42)(B). Zheng testified that she was
    repeatedly subjected to the involuntary insertion of
    intrauterine devices (“IUDs”) after she and her husband had
    a child without obtaining a “birth permit” from the Chinese
    government. The BIA assumed that Zheng’s testimony was
    credible and also assumed that the involuntary insertion of
    IUDs constitutes persecution pursuant to a “coercive
    population control program” for purposes of § 1101(a)(42)(B).
    Nonetheless, the BIA denied Zheng’s claim for relief because
    it found her evidence “lack[ed] sufficient detail to meet her
    burden of proof.” Because the BIA’s decision is not sup-
    ported by substantial evidence, we grant the petition for
    I. Background
    A. Facts
    Zheng is a 36-year-old native of Guangtao Village in
    Fujian Province in the People’s Republic of China. She mar-
    ried Xing Dong in 1990. The couple registered the marriage
    in February 1991 and were fined for filing the registration
    late. Zheng gave birth to a son in November 1991 without
    having received a “birth permit” from the Chinese govern-
    ment. She testified that during her pregnancy her husband’s
    employer threatened to fire him if she did not have an
    abortion and that her husband was in fact fired from his
    factory job after their son’s birth. Zheng submitted a copy
    of her husband’s notice of termination, dated February 6,
    1992, which corroborates her testimony. The notice states
    that Xing Dong resisted the “education and persuasion” of
    his supervisors and “argued with the Birth Control officer
    several times.” The notice further provides that pursuant to
    China’s “Population and Family Planning Law” and Fujian
    Province’s “Family Planning Stipulations,” the factory’s
    Communist Party Committee terminated Xing Dong’s em-
    No. 04-2402                                                 3
    ployment in order to “maintain our factory’s honor on Birth
    Control matters and to educate other workers in this fac-
    tory.” Xing Dong left China in March 1992 and has since
    been living in the United States, except for a brief return to
    China in 1996 to attend to his ailing mother.
    Zheng testified that after her son was born, she and her
    husband were identified as “Birth Planning Targets” and she
    was repeatedly required to submit to involuntary insertion
    of IUDs in order to prevent further pregnancies. Zheng tes-
    tified that Chinese birth control officers forced her to have
    an IUD inserted on three specific occasions. The first time,
    in May 1992, birth control officials came to Zheng’s home
    and took her to a hospital where doctors implanted an IUD.
    Zheng testified that she contracted an infection from the
    procedure and also suffered from bleeding, headaches, and
    fatigue, which she attributed to the IUD. Zheng had the
    IUD removed by a private physician in January 1994. The
    removal was discovered at a quarterly checkup in
    May 1994, and a second IUD was inserted against her will.
    Zheng again had the IUD removed, and it was replaced
    with a third in December 1994.
    Zheng provided copies of two written notices of
    “Implementation of Birth Control Measures,” which corrob-
    orate that she and her husband were identified as “Birth
    Planning Targets” by the Villagers Committee of Guangtao
    because they had one child. The notices, dated 1998 and 1999,
    reiterate China’s “Birth Planning” policy and urge that she
    “enthusiastically respond to the calling of the government”
    and report for a “Female Examination” by a certain date or
    face “necessary corresponding administrative measures.”
    Zheng had the third IUD removed in 1999 and left China
    for the United States in 2000.
    In her testimony and affidavit in support of her asylum
    application, Zheng stated that she entered the United States
    through Mexico in August 2000, after a four-day journey on
    4                                                No. 04-2402
    foot. However, the government asserts, without citing rec-
    ord evidence, that Zheng told an INS agent during her
    asylum interview that she flew to Los Angeles and passed
    through the airport without being stopped by immigration
    officials. Zheng’s written asylum application contains no de-
    tails about how she entered the United States, but at her
    hearing she denied ever having told an immigration official
    that she arrived in the country at a Los Angeles airport.
    Zheng rejoined her husband, who was living in New Lenox,
    Illinois, and in July 2001 she gave birth to a second child,
    a daughter. She testified that as the mother of two children,
    and because of her past violations of China’s population
    control policies, she would likely be subjected to involuntary
    sterilization and other punishment, including jail, if
    removed to China.
    B. Case History
    Zheng filed her asylum application in May 2001, just be-
    fore the birth of her daughter, and also sought withholding
    of removal and relief under the Convention Against Torture
    (CAT). After an interview with an INS officer, her petition
    was rejected and the INS filed a Notice to Appear charging
    her with removability under 8 U.S.C. § 1227(a)(1)(A). Zheng
    conceded removability and a hearing was held in February
    2003 before an Immigration Judge (“IJ”). The IJ denied all
    forms of relief and ordered Zheng removed to China.
    Regarding Zheng’s asylum claim, the IJ first determined
    that Zheng had not established the time, date, and manner
    of entry to show that she filed for asylum within one year of
    arrival in the United States, as required by 8 U.S.C.
    § 1158(a)(2)(B). However, the IJ also addressed the merits
    of Zheng’s asylum application, concluding that she was not
    credible and thus had not established that she suffered past
    persecution “by the alleged IUDs.” The IJ also denied
    Zheng’s claim for withholding of removal under § 1231(b)(3),
    No. 04-2402                                                   5
    which is not subject to the one-year deadline applicable to
    asylum claims. The IJ determined that Zheng had not dem-
    onstrated the clear probability of persecution required for
    such relief because she was not a credible witness. The IJ
    also relied on this adverse credibility finding to deny Zheng’s
    claim for relief under the CAT.
    Zheng appealed the IJ’s order of removal to the BIA.
    Zheng argued that she was eligible for asylum because she
    was a “refugee” within the meaning of the Immigration and
    Nationality Act (“INA”) as a person who resisted a “coercive
    population control program.” The INA defines a “refugee” as
    a person who is unable or unwilling to return to the country
    of his nationality because of “persecution or a well-founded
    fear of future persecution on account of race, religion, nation-
    ality, membership in a particular social group, or political
    opinion.” 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(42)(A). The Illegal Immigration
    Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (“IIRIRA”)
    amended the definition of “refugee” to cover certain appli-
    cants seeking relief from China’s one-child policy who before
    the amendment could not establish persecution on one of
    the five enumerated grounds. See Lin v. Ashcroft, 
    385 F.3d 748
    , 752 (7th Cir. 2004).
    Under the amended statute, an applicant may establish
    past persecution on account of political opinion if she: (1)
    has been forced to abort a pregnancy, (2) has undergone in-
    voluntary sterilization, (3) has been persecuted for failing
    or refusing to undergo either such procedure, or (4) has
    been persecuted for “other resistance to a coercive popula-
    tion control program.” 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(42)(B); 
    Lin, 385 F.3d at 752
    . Zheng argued that she met the statutory
    definition because she credibly testified that she suffered
    past persecution by the involuntary implantation of IUDs
    and resisted China’s population control policy by having the
    IUDs removed illegally.
    Zheng also argued that she established a likelihood of
    future persecution that was credible “in light of the family
    planning policy and practice in China” because as the mother
    6                                                    No. 04-2402
    of two children, she would face involuntary sterilization
    if returned to China. Zheng asserted that the IJ unfairly
    relied upon State Department Country Reports in his deci-
    sion; in particular, she challenged the IJ’s reliance on the
    Country Reports to support his conclusion that “in urban
    areas . . . the one child policy is not strictly enforced”2 and
    that Chinese tend to immigrate for economic rather that
    political reasons. Zheng argued that the State Department
    reports were outdated, internally inconsistent, inaccurate,
    and too generalized to permit an individualized assessment
    of her claim. Zheng also took issue with the IJ’s conclusion
    that her husband was unlikely to have been fired for the
    couple’s violation of China’s family planning policies.
    The BIA affirmed in a two-page opinion. The BIA agreed
    with the IJ that Zheng’s asylum claim was statutorily time-
    barred and thus only reached the merits of her applications
    for withholding and relief under the CAT. The BIA did not
    accept the IJ’s adverse credibility finding, but instead held
    that “even if we were to fully credit her testimony and as-
    sume that the insertion of IUD’s [sic] constitutes a cognizable
    claim under section 101(a)(42) of the Act, her testimony
    lacks sufficient detail to meet her burden of proof.”
    The BIA noted that although Zheng claimed she had
    received medical attention in the United States for health
    problems resulting from the IUDs, she did not produce any
    documents to corroborate that treatment. The BIA also
    found it “particularly critical” that Zheng’s husband was
    present in the United States but did not testify in corrobo-
    ration of her story. The BIA also attached significance to
    the fact that Zheng had not been forcibly sterilized after she
    had the IUDs removed illegally. Finally, the BIA noted the
    The IJ presumably meant to state that the Country Report
    suggests that the one-child policy is not rigidly enforced in rural
    areas, like the area where Zheng lived.
    No. 04-2402                                                 7
    fact that Zheng’s siblings and her husband’s siblings had
    more than one child, which was “consistent with” the State
    Department’s report that the one-child policy is not strictly
    enforced in the part of China where Zheng lived. For these
    reasons, the BIA concluded that Zheng had not established
    that it was “more likely than not that she will face either
    persecution or torture if returned to China.”
    II. Analysis
    On this review Zheng has abandoned her argument that
    she is eligible for relief under the CAT because she has not
    discussed that claim in her opening brief. 
    Lin, 385 F.3d at 750
    . Acknowledging our lack of jurisdiction to review asy-
    lum decisions based on the timeliness of the application, see
    Zaidi v. Ashcroft, 
    377 F.3d 678
    , 681 (7th Cir. 2004), Zheng
    also does not seek review of the denial of her asylum claim.
    The only issue before us is the denial of Zheng’s claim for
    withholding of removal.
    A preliminary question is whether to limit our review to
    the BIA’s opinion or consider the IJ’s decision as well. Typi-
    cally when the BIA issues an opinion, that opinion becomes
    the basis of review. Niam v. Ashcroft, 
    354 F.3d 652
    , 655
    (7th Cir. 2004). But if the BIA merely supplements the IJ’s
    decision, we review the decision of the IJ as supplemented
    by the BIA. 
    Id. at 655-66.
    Our reading of the BIA’s opinion
    is that it is not merely supplemental. Indeed, the BIA did
    not accept the IJ’s credibility determination, but, rather,
    evaluated the case on the assumption that Zheng’s testi-
    mony was fully credible. Accordingly, we will limit our
    review to the BIA’s opinion.
    A denial of an application for withholding of removal will
    be affirmed if supported by substantial evidence. Nigussie
    v. Ashcroft, 
    383 F.3d 531
    , 534 (7th Cir. 2004). We will not
    reverse a decision of the BIA unless the evidence compels
    the contrary conclusion. INS v. Elias-Zacarias, 
    502 U.S. 478
    8                                                No. 04-2402
    481 (1992); 
    Nigussie, 383 F.3d at 534
    . To establish eligibility
    for withholding of removal under 8 U.S.C. § 1231(b)(3),
    Zheng has the burden of demonstrating a clear probability
    of persecution if removed to China. See Prela v. Ashcroft,
    394 F.3d 515
    , 519 (7th Cir. 2005). A “clear probability”
    exists where the applicant demonstrates that it is “more
    likely than not” that she would be persecuted if returned to
    her native country. 
    Id. If an
    applicant establishes that she
    has been subjected to past persecution, a presumption
    arises that the persecution will continue upon her return.
    Zaidi, 377 F.3d at 681
    . “Even if an applicant cannot create
    a presumption of a well-founded fear of future persecution
    by affirmatively demonstrating past persecution, she can
    demonstrate a well-founded fear of persecution if the fear
    is subjectively genuine and objectively reasonable.” Diallo
    v. Ashcroft, 
    381 F.3d 687
    , 699 (7th Cir. 2004). The standard
    for establishing eligibility for withholding of removal is more
    stringent and harder to meet than that for asylum. Balogun
    v. Ashcroft, 
    374 F.3d 492
    , 508 (7th Cir. 2004); Dobrican v.
    77 F.3d 164
    , 168 (7th Cir. 1996).
    As we have noted, the BIA assumed the credibility of
    Zheng’s testimony and also assumed that the involuntary
    insertion of IUDs constitutes “a cognizable claim” of pers-
    ecution on account of political opinion under amended defi-
    nition in 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(42)(B). Nonetheless, the BIA
    concluded that Zheng’s testimony “lacks sufficient detail
    to meet her burden of proof.” The record simply does not
    support this conclusion. If Zheng’s testimony is accepted as
    true (the BIA assumed this); and if repeated involuntary
    insertion of IUDs constitutes persecution for resistance to
    a coercive population control program under § 1101(a)(42)(B)
    (the BIA assumed this as well); then Zheng necessarily has
    met her burden of proving past persecution and “is auto-
    matically entitled to the presumption of a well-founded fear
    of future persecution.” 
    Lin, 385 F.3d at 757
    ; 8 C.F.R.
    § 1208.13(b)(1).
    No. 04-2402                                                   9
    Zheng testified with specificity that she gave birth to a
    child without a birth permit, was identified as a “Birth
    Planning Target,” and thereafter on three occasions had an
    IUD inserted against her will. She further testified that the
    IUDs caused health problems that included bleeding and
    headaches. She likewise provided specific testimony about
    where and when she had the IUDs illegally removed.
    Having assumed the full credibility of Zheng’s testimony,
    the BIA’s rejection of her claim for lack of “sufficient detail”
    is inexplicable.
    The BIA apparently expected corroboration from Zheng’s
    American doctor and also from her husband. In applying
    the corroboration rule, an IJ (or the BIA) must provide: (1)
    an explicit credibility finding, (2) an explanation of why it
    is reasonable to expect additional corroboration, and (3) an
    account of why the petitioner’s explanation for not produc-
    ing that corroboration is inadequate. Gontcharova v.
    384 F.3d 873
    , 877 (7th Cir. 2004). But we have
    repeatedly held that corroboration is not required when an
    applicant testifies credibly. 
    Lin, 385 F.3d at 751
    ; Uwase v.
    349 F.3d 1039
    , 1041 (7th Cir. 2003). Here, the BIA
    assumed Zheng’s complete credibility. Given this assump-
    tion, the BIA’s application of the corroboration rule was
    Zheng’s testimony was sufficiently specific as to time,
    place, and pertinent details regarding the IUD insertions
    and removals. She also supplied documentary evidence of
    the termination of her husband’s employment as a result of
    the couple’s violation of China’s childbirth restrictions, as
    well as copies of two notices identifying the couple as “Birth
    Planning Targets” and requiring her to submit to “Female
    Examinations.” Absent a sound reason to doubt her credibil-
    ity, we cannot see how Zheng’s testimony and documentary
    evidence lacked the specificity required to carry her burden
    of proving past persecution.
    10                                               No. 04-2402
    The BIA also concluded that “the claimed threat of steril-
    ization has not been demonstrated on this record” because
    Zheng “was not sterilized when she was required to return
    for IUD insertion on several occasions after having them
    illegally removed.” The BIA opinion also refers to Zheng’s
    “family history” as being “consistent with the State
    Department’s assessment that the one-child policy is not
    rigidly enforced in her area.” Zheng testified that her
    husband’s siblings have two, three, and four children, re-
    spectively, and her own siblings have one and two children,
    respectively (the BIA opinion incorrectly states that Zheng’s
    siblings had two and three children, respectively). However,
    the record does not tell us whether Zheng’s nieces and
    nephews were born with or without official permission, or
    whether her relatives were identified as “Birth Planning
    Targets” and subjected to involuntary IUD insertions as a
    result of their own childbearing histories, or whether they
    resisted China’s population control policy by having IUDs
    illegally removed. Without this additional evidence, the
    childbearing histories of Zheng’s siblings and in-laws have
    only limited relevance to her claim.
    In any event, these are precisely the circumstances that
    make Zheng a target for persecution if she returns to China.
    Zheng has repeatedly defied China’s population control pol-
    icy—perhaps others in her family have as well. Although
    State Department Country Reports are entitled to deference,
    they cannot substitute for an individualized determination
    of an asylum or withholding claim; we have cautioned
    against “over-reliance” on the Country Reports because of
    their potential for bias and the inability of asylum seekers
    to question their conclusions. 
    Lin, 385 F.3d at 754
    Diallo, 381 F.3d at 700
    . That Zheng was not forcibly sterilized for
    her past birth control violations does not make it less likely
    that she will face involuntary sterilization in the future. On
    this record there is a reasonable contrary inference— that
    the threat of involuntary sterilization is now likely to be
    No. 04-2402                                                 11
    greater based on her continued defiance of her country’s
    population control policy by having a second child.
    Accordingly, having assumed the credibility of Zheng’s tes-
    timony, the BIA’s conclusion that her evidence was insuffi-
    ciently detailed to carry her burden of proof is not supported
    by substantial evidence. As we have noted, IIRIRA expanded
    the statutory definition of “refugee” in § 1101(a)(42)(B) to
    provide that forced abortion and involuntary sterilization
    are forms of persecution on account of political opinion. 
    Lin, 385 F.3d at 752
    . The amended definition also specifies that
    persecution for “failure or refusal to undergo such a proce-
    dure” constitutes persecution on account of political opinion,
    as does persecution for “other resistance to a coercive
    population control program.” 
    Id. Finally, the
    provides that a person who has a well-founded fear that she
    will be forced to undergo an abortion or involuntary steril-
    ization or will be persecuted for failing or refusing to do so,
    or has a well-founded fear of persecution for resisting a
    “coercive population control program” “shall be deemed to
    have a well-founded fear of persecution on account of
    political opinion.” 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(42)(B).
    We recently suggested that credible evidence of involun-
    tary insertion of IUDs and required female medical check-
    ups might establish persecution under a “coercive population
    control program” and that having IUDs removed by a private
    doctor may constitute “resistance” to such a program. 
    Lin, 385 F.3d at 757
    . Lin involved an asylum applicant from
    China who testified to two involuntary abortions and three
    involuntary IUD insertions. 
    Id. at 749-50.
    We rejected the
    IJ’s adverse credibility finding because it was not supported
    by substantial evidence and remanded for reconsideration
    of the claim. 
    Id. at 757
    (remanding for reconsideration of
    whether two forced abortions constitutes past persecution
    under the expanded definition and also whether “three in-
    voluntary IUD insertions and mandatory checkups could
    constitute persecution as a ‘coercive population control pro-
    12                                               No. 04-2402
    gram’ under the amended statutory definition or whether
    [petitioner’s] efforts to have the IUDs removed by private
    doctors is the type of ‘resistance’ that Congress sought to
    Thus far, however, no court of appeals has decided whether
    persecution under the expanded definition of “refugee” can
    be established on the basis of forcible IUD insertions alone.
    Cf. Wang v. Ashcroft, 
    341 F.3d 1015
    , 1020 (9th Cir. 2003)
    (holding that alien established past persecution “through
    two forced abortions and an IUD insertion”). The BIA as-
    sumed that the answer to this question is “yes.” The agency
    thus assumed rather than decided the heart of this case.
    By assuming rather than deciding that Zheng was credible
    and that the repeated involuntary insertion of IUDs consti-
    tutes persecution within the meaning of § 1101(a)(42)(B),
    the BIA has provided us with scant basis for review. See Iao
    v. Gonzales, 
    400 F.3d 530
    , 534 (7th Cir. 2005) (when the
    immigration decision merely assumes credibility and says
    that an applicant “hasn’t carried her burden of proof, the
    reviewing court is left in the dark”); 
    Diallo, 381 F.3d at 699
    (citing with approval Krastev v. INS, 
    292 F.3d 1268
    , 1279
    (10th Cir. 2002) (“we caution the BIA that its practice of
    simply assuming, without deciding, credibility is not fa-
    vored”)); Cordon-Garcia v. INS, 
    204 F.3d 985
    , 993 (9th Cir.
    2000) (statements such as “even were we to assume that the
    respondent was a credible witness” do not allow the reviewing
    court to “undertake a meaningful analysis”). For the reasons
    we have noted above, the BIA’s sole ground for rejecting
    Zheng’s claim—that she had not met her burden of proof—
    was largely unreasoned and unsupported by the record.
    “[W]e are not authorized to affirm unreasoned decisions.”
    Iao, 400 F.3d at 535
    Accordingly, we GRANT the petition for review and
    REMAND for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    No. 04-2402                                         13
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit
    14   No. 04-2402