United States v. Sergio Zacahua ( 2019 )

  •                                In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 16-4046
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 13-cr-576-3 — Robert M. Dow, Jr., Judge.
    Before EASTERBROOK, HAMILTON, and ST. EVE, Circuit
    ST. EVE, Circuit Judge. Defendant-Appellant Sergio Zaca-
    hua requests that we vacate his guilty plea because the district
    court failed to inform him of the potential immigration conse-
    quences of his plea, as Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure
    11(b)(1)(O) requires. The government concedes, and we agree,
    that the district court failed to give Zacahua this admonish-
    ment. But because Zacahua does not demonstrate a
    2                                                   No. 16-4046
    reasonable probability that, had the district court provided
    this warning, he would not have pleaded guilty, we affirm.
    Zacahua, a citizen of Mexico, has lived as an unauthorized
    alien in the United States for over 20 years. Although he was
    employed as a scrap worker and in the kitchen at Hilton ho-
    tels, Zacahua also transported heroin for a drug trafficking or-
    ganization. In 2013, Zacahua and five codefendants were in-
    dicted in the United States District Court for the Northern
    District of Illinois for conspiracy to distribute heroin under 21
    U.S.C. §§ 841(a)(1), 846.
    On July 23, 2013, during Zacahua’s bond hearing, the gov-
    ernment invoked Zacahua’s immigration status to support
    their argument that he was a serious flight risk. The govern-
    ment explained:
    Importantly, he is admittedly an undocu-
    mented alien and a citizen of Mexico. This in-
    creases the risk of flight for this defendant be-
    cause he has significantly less ties here and
    strong ties to Mexico. Additionally, now that
    he’s arrested, even if he were not convicted, he
    faces the likelihood of removal from the United
    States to Mexico. And thus, he must surely be
    questioning why he would stay in the United
    States to face a potentially long prison term only
    to end up in Mexico at the end of the day.
    In ordering Zacahua’s detention, the court highlighted his
    risk of deportation: “I give some credence to the government’s
    argument that Mr. Zacahua really doesn’t have any incentive
    to stick around if he’s going to be deported anyway.”
    No. 16-4046                                                   3
    On March 22, 2016, the district court held a change of plea
    hearing pursuant to Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11.
    The district court advised Zacahua that he faced a mandatory
    minimum sentence of 120 months’ imprisonment. The district
    court also informed Zacahua of the many rights he would
    give up by pleading guilty and some of the potential conse-
    quences of a felony conviction. But the district court never
    told Zacahua that he may be removed from the United States
    and denied admission in the future as a consequence of his
    guilty plea, as Rule 11(b)(1)(O) requires, and neither the pros-
    ecutor nor defense counsel prompted the court to make this
    admonishment. After confirming Zacahua was competent to
    enter a plea and that his plea was knowing and voluntary, the
    district court accepted Zacahua’s guilty plea.
    On April 8, 2016, just 17 days after Zacahua pleaded
    guilty, a Probation Officer interviewed Zacahua while prepar-
    ing his presentence investigation report. During this inter-
    view, Zacahua acknowledged his unauthorized status and
    that he faced deportation. He told Probation that, when he re-
    turned to Mexico, he intended to apply to work at one of the
    Hilton hotels in Cabo San Lucas because of his extensive hos-
    pitality experience, and that he wished to return quickly to
    Mexico to care for his ailing parents.
    Zacahua’s sentencing hearing occurred on November 21,
    2016. At the hearing, the district court acknowledged that
    Zacahua was “likely to be eligible for deportation.” The court
    discussed Mr. Zacahua’s employment prospects upon his re-
    turn to Mexico: “I think if you are bilingual there are a lot of
    opportunities in Mexico, actually, to be a successful person in,
    really, any field where being even partially bilingual is help-
    ful. … [I]t may make it easier for [you] to find and keep good
    4                                                  No. 16-4046
    employment in Mexico.” Later, the court stated, “I under-
    stand that you’re accepting the responsibility for what you’ve
    done here and you would like this to get over with as fast as
    possible so you can return to Mexico.” While discussing the
    § 3553(a) sentencing factors, the court explained, “In terms of
    deterrence, I think the deportation—the likely deportation—
    will make it unlikely that Mr. Zacahua would have the oppor-
    tunity to commit further crimes here.” As a condition of su-
    pervised release, the court imposed a requirement that Zaca-
    hua surrender to immigration authorities for a determination
    of deportability after his release.
    Zacahua also embraced returning to Mexico as he ad-
    dressed the court:
    And if I were to be deported the quickest possi-
    ble, I would go to Mexico and I will not come
    back. I have now lost everything that I had here.
    My family. So I am now going back to Mexico
    to my parents. My dad just passed away. I did
    not see him. Now, I’ve got my mom who is left
    and to take care of her.
    He never raised any concern about the district court’s Rule 11
    violation or his potential deportation. The district court sen-
    tenced him to the mandatory minimum sentence of 120
    Zacahua now wishes to withdraw his guilty plea. He
    therefore appeals his conviction.
    Because Zacahua let a Rule 11 error pass without objection
    in the trial court, he has forfeited this objection and must es-
    tablish “plain error” to obtain relief on appeal. United States
    No. 16-4046                                                      5
    v. Vonn, 
    535 U.S. 55
    , 59 (2002). Under plain error review, a de-
    fendant “will prevail if he can demonstrate that: (1) there was
    an error; (2) the error is clear or obvious, rather than subject
    to reasonable dispute; (3) the error affected [the defendant’s]
    substantial rights; and (4) the error seriously affects the fair-
    ness, integrity, or public reputation of judicial proceedings.”
    United States v. Navarro, 
    817 F.3d 494
    , 499 (7th Cir. 2015) (citing
    Puckett v. United States, 
    566 U.S. 129
    , 135 (2009)).
    To obtain relief for an unpreserved Rule 11 error, a defend-
    ant “must do more than show that the Rule was technically
    violated. He must show that his guilty plea was involuntary
    and that he would not have entered it on the basis of the rec-
    ord as a whole.” United States v. Sura, 
    511 F.3d 654
    , 660 (7th
    Cir. 2007). The error must have affected the defendant’s “sub-
    stantial rights,” meaning that the “defendant is obliged to
    show a reasonable probability that, but for the error, he would
    not have entered the plea.” United States v. Dominguez Benitez,
    542 U.S. 74
    , 76 (2004).
    Zacahua argues that we should vacate his conviction be-
    cause his guilty plea was not knowing and voluntary due to
    his lack of notice regarding the immigration consequences of
    his plea. Zacahua’s argument that his plea was uninformed is
    entangled with his argument that the district court made a
    Rule 11 error.
    Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure Rule 11(b)(1)(O) spe-
    cifically requires that, before a court accepts a guilty plea, a
    district court must inform the defendant that “if convicted, a
    defendant who is not a United States citizen may be removed
    from the United States, denied citizenship, and denied admis-
    sion to the United States in the future.” This provision was
    added to the rules in 2013, following the Supreme Court’s
    6                                                  No. 16-4046
    decision in Padilla v. Kentucky, 
    559 U.S. 356
    (2010). FED. R.
    CRIM. P. 11(b)(1)(O); Committee note to 2013 amendments. In
    Padilla, the Supreme Court recognized that deportation is al-
    ways “a particularly severe penalty.” 
    Id. at 365
    (internal cita-
    tion omitted). “[A]s a matter of federal law, deportation is an
    integral part—indeed, sometimes the most important part—
    of the penalty that may be imposed on noncitizen defendants
    who plead guilty.” 
    Id. at 364.
    “[P]reserving the client’s right
    to remain in the United States may be more important to the
    client than any potential jail sentence.” 
    Id. at 368
    I.N.S. v. St. Cyr, 
    533 U.S. 289
    , 322 (2001)). Courts, however,
    “should not upset a plea solely because of post hoc assertions
    from a defendant about how he would have pleaded … .
    Judges should instead look to contemporaneous evidence to
    substantiate a defendant’s expressed preferences.” Lee v.
    United States, 
    137 S. Ct. 1958
    , 1967 (2017).
    The government concedes that the district court plainly
    failed to comply with Rule 11(b)(1)(O), and that Zacahua has
    therefore met the first two prongs of plain error review. But
    Zacahua cannot establish the third and fourth prongs of plain
    error review because (1) he knew he faced a high likelihood
    of deportation and (2) he cannot produce any “contempora-
    neous evidence” that substantiates his post-sentencing desire
    to withdraw his plea. First, at Zacahua’s bond hearing, both
    the government and the court noted his immigration status
    and likely deportation. Thus, Zacahua had notice of his high
    risk of deportation prior to his change of plea hearing. Second,
    Zacahua’s statements during his interview with his Probation
    Officer—only seventeen days after entering his guilty plea—
    and at his sentencing hearing demonstrated not only that he
    was aware he faced deportation, but that he accepted his
    eventual return to Mexico.
    No. 16-4046                                                    7
    True, the evidence in the record demonstrates only that
    Zacahua was on notice that he likely faced deportation as a
    result of his immigration status. No evidence indicates that
    Zacahua was aware that his conviction would elevate his risk
    of deportation prior to entering his plea. Zacahua, however,
    has failed to present any evidence that had he known of the
    immigration consequences of his conviction, he would have
    been reasonably likely to proceed to trial. Indeed, on this rec-
    ord, his protests fall into the category of “post hoc assertions
    from a defendant about how he would have pleaded” that the
    Supreme Court discouraged in Lee. 
    Lee, 137 S. Ct. at 1967
    The Sixth Circuit case that Zacahua cites in his defense—
    United States v. Ataya, 
    884 F.3d 318
    , 326 (6th Cir. 2018)—is in-
    applicable to this case. In Ataya, the district court judge simi-
    larly failed to inform a defendant during the plea colloquy
    that he would face immigration consequences—in his case,
    denaturalization—as a result of his conviction. 
    Ataya, 884 F.3d at 324
    –25. The record in Ataya, however, contained sufficient
    “contemporaneous evidence in the record demonstrating a
    reasonable probability that Ataya in particular would not
    have pleaded guilty if he had notice of the potential adverse
    immigration consequences.” 
    Id. at 325.
    At sentencing, Ataya
    “articulated a strong, and very reasonable, aversion to his for-
    mer homeland of Syria.” 
    Id. He explained
    how the ongoing
    civil war had displaced his relatives. 
    Id. He also
    how he is the “father of three minor children who reside in
    the United States, is an active parent, and is the family’s
    Id. The contemporaneous
    concerns Ataya
    voiced about returning to Syria stand in stark contrast with
    Zacahua’s desire for swift release from prison so he could re-
    turn to Mexico to care for his mother.
    8                                                     No. 16-4046
    Similarly, the Second Circuit case that Zacahua cites—
    United States v. Gonzales, 
    884 F.3d 457
    (2d Cir. 2018) (per cu-
    riam)—is readily distinguishable. Gonzales initially learned
    through his PSR that he faced deportation after completing
    his sentence, and the record shows that he raised the issue
    with the court during his sentencing hearing after learning of
    this consequence. 
    Gonzales, 884 F.3d at 459
    . Because Gonzales
    preserved his objection to the district court’s Rule 11 error, the
    Second Circuit reviewed the record for “harmless error,” ra-
    ther than plain error. 
    Id. at 461.
    Therefore, unlike this case, the
    burden rested with the government.
    To explain that there is a reasonable likelihood he would
    have changed his sentence, Zacahua compares his situation to
    that of a co-defendant, Maria Moreno. Zacahua argues that,
    because Moreno also received a ten-year sentence after a jury
    convicted her on all counts at trial, he would have likely taken
    his chances at trial had he known of the immigration conse-
    quences of his guilty plea. But this argument is flawed. First,
    Moreno did not receive her sentence until November 20, 2017,
    nearly a year after Zacahua entered his guilty plea, making it
    impossible for him to have also considered Moreno’s sentence
    when deciding whether to plead guilty. Second, even if tim-
    ing were not an issue, it is impossible to tell to what extent
    Moreno’s decision to proceed to trial influenced the judge’s
    sentence. Moreno’s sentence is therefore irrelevant to whether
    there is a reasonable probability Zacahua would have
    pleaded guilty had the district court informed him of the im-
    migration consequences of his guilty plea.
    We end by repeating an important note to district judges,
    prosecutors, and defense counsel. Although Zacahua was un-
    able to demonstrate plain error on this record, omissions like
    No. 16-4046                                                      9
    the one at issue in this case “are far from inconsequential and
    entirely preventable.” United States v. Polak, 
    573 F.3d 428
    , 432
    (7th Cir. 2009). To avoid this type of appeal in the future, we
    recommend that district court judges utilize a checklist that
    outlines the Rule 11 requirements at every plea colloquy they
    conduct. See 
    id. at 432–33;
    United States v. Stoller, 
    827 F.3d 591
    597 (7th Cir. 2016); United States v. Fard, 
    775 F.3d 939
    , 947 (7th
    Cir. 2015); United States v. Brown, 
    571 F.3d 690
    , 695 (7th Cir.
    Critically, we again emphasize that the prosecutor and de-
    fense counsel share the responsibility of ensuring the district
    court complies with the requirements of Rule 11. See 
    Polak, 573 F.3d at 432
    . If the court inadvertently omits a required warn-
    ing during the plea colloquy, counsel should alert the court
    before the court accepts the defendant’s plea. 
    Id. III For
    the foregoing reasons, we AFFIRM Zacahua’s convic-
    tion and sentence.