Berger, Terrance v. AXA Network LLC ( 2006 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 05-2495
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 03 C 125—Elaine E. Bucklo, Judge.
    Before BAUER, RIPPLE and WILLIAMS, Circuit Judges.
    RIPPLE, Circuit Judge. Section 510 of the Employee Retire-
    ment Income Security Act (“ERISA”), 
    29 U.S.C. § 1140
    prevents employers from altering their workers’ employ-
    ment status for the purpose of interfering with rights under
    an ERISA-qualified benefit plan. The named plaintiffs in
    this class action, two insurance salesmen, have invoked
    § 510 against their employers, AXA Network LLC and
    the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States
    (collectively, “AXA”). They allege that AXA intentionally
    2                                                  No. 05-2495
    deprived them of benefits by changing the way that insur-
    ance salesmen are defined as full-time employees of the
    company. The district court awarded summary judgment
    to AXA on the ground that the limitation period applicable
    to the plaintiffs’ claim had expired; it ruled alternatively
    that the plaintiffs’ assertions failed as a matter of law. We
    agree with the district court that the plaintiffs’ claim is time-
    barred. Accordingly, we affirm the judgment of the district
    court on that ground and find it unnecessary to reach the
    A. Facts
    In this de novo review of the district court’s grant of
    summary judgment to AXA, we must construe the facts in a
    manner that resolves all reasonable inferences in the non-
    movant’s favor. See Scaife v. Cook County, 
    446 F.3d 735
    , 738-
    39 (7th Cir. 2006). Indeed, there is little dispute concerning
    the basic facts. The defendants in this action, AXA Network
    LLC and the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United
    States—to whom we refer collectively as “AXA”—are
    insurance brokerage subsidiaries of the France-based AXA
    Financial, Inc. Both subsidiaries are headquartered in New
    York City and provide the same pension and welfare
    benefits to their employees, agents and managers through
    a number of ERISA-qualified plans. AXA maintains a
    network of agency offices throughout the United States.
    Each satellite office employs a staff of insurance salesmen
    who work locally, selling policies to customers in their
    region. The lead plaintiffs in this action, Terrance Berger
    and Donald Laxton, are Illinois residents who signed on as
    No. 05-2495                                                 3
    insurance salesmen with a local AXA office near Chicago in
    the early 1980s. After having worked for the company for
    three years, each entered into an agreement with AXA
    known as the “14th Edition” contract that permitted them to
    sell AXA policies as independent contractors.
    AXA insurance salesmen, despite being independent
    contractors, were able to participate in the company’s
    ERISA-qualified plans. To become eligible, they had to be
    considered an “employee” under the Internal Revenue
    Code, which includes “full-time life insurance sales-
    man” within the definition of “employee.” 
    26 U.S.C. § 3121
    (d)(3)(B). An IRS regulation, in turn, defines a “full-
    time insurance salesman” as an individual “whose entire or
    principal activity is devoted to the solicitation of life
    insurance or annuity contracts, or both, primarily for one
    life insurance company.” 
    26 C.F.R. § 31.3121
    This definition is a default; the employer and employee may
    choose to redefine “full-time” status via contract, so long as
    they act reasonably. See Brian E. Gates, Internal Revenue
    Manual § 4.23.5-3 (2005).
    At the time that the plaintiffs entered into their 14th
    Edition contracts with AXA, the company employed
    essentially an “honor system” to qualify salesmen as full-
    time agents. Under this system, salesmen were asked, upon
    contracting with AXA, to complete a FICA form indicat-
    ing whether they intended to devote their principal business
    activity to the solicitation of life insurance or annuity
    policies for AXA. Assuming they answered affirmatively,
    AXA then applied a presumption that agents who had
    submitted an appropriate FICA form were statutory em-
    ployees. When Mr. Berger and Mr. Laxton entered into 14th
    Edition contracts with AXA, both indicated on their FICA
    forms that they intended to devote their principal business
    4                                               No. 05-2495
    activity to selling AXA policies. AXA then relied on these
    representations to qualify them as full-time agents and to
    allow them to participate in AXA’s ERISA-qualified plans.
    In the mid-1990s, senior management at AXA began
    recommending that the company do away with the “honor
    system” and no longer accept a salesman’s representation
    that he was committed to selling AXA policies full-time.
    Instead, management proposed a new policy that tied
    statutory employee status to an objective measure of annual
    insurance sales. The idea was that this objective formula
    more accurately measured the agents’ intent to devote their
    principal business activity to selling AXA policies. The
    proposal was adopted, and AXA announced that, starting
    January 1, 1999, agents under 14th Edition contracts who
    failed to meet a specified sales goal during the preceding
    year no longer would be considered statutory employees.
    The plaintiffs were alerted to this policy change by letters
    from AXA headquarters, dated February 6, 1998. In 1999,
    Mr. Berger failed to meet the new annual sales threshold
    and lost his status as a statutory employee. Mr. Laxton met
    the same fate the following year. As a result, they were no
    longer eligible to participate in AXA’s benefit plans. From
    1999 to 2004, several thousand other AXA agents lost full-
    time status and plan eligibility as a result of the change in
    B. District Court Proceedings
    On January 7, 2003, Mr. Berger and Mr. Laxton filed a
    three-count complaint alleging that AXA’s 1999 change in
    the way it classified agents violated § 510 of ERISA, see 29
    No. 05-2495 
    5 U.S.C. § 1140.1
     In 2004, the district court granted the plain-
    tiffs’ motion for certification of a class consisting of the
    thousands of other insurance agents who had been reclassi-
    fied by AXA and denied eligibility for benefits.
    AXA then moved for summary judgment, asking the court
    to dismiss the class action on the ground that the plaintiffs’
    claims were time-barred or, alternatively, on the ground
    that they failed as a matter of law. The district court granted
    the motion. Because § 510 lacks a statute of limitations, the
    court borrowed a limitations period from the law of New
    York, the state that, in its view, had the most significant
    relationship to the dispute. The court determined that the
    most analogous claim for relief under New York law is a
    claim for retaliatory discharge under the state’s workers’
    compensation law; New York law bars such claims after two
    years, see 
    N.Y. Work. Comp. Law § 120
    . The court then
    rejected the plaintiffs’ theory that each yearly denial of full-
    time status started the limitations clock anew. The court
    held that the plaintiffs’ claims accrued in 1998, when they
    first learned of AXA’s decision to change the way it classi-
    fied insurance salesmen, or, at the latest, when the policy
    became effective in January 1999. In either case, the plain-
    tiffs’ failure to institute this action until January 7, 2003,
    barred their claim under the applicable two-year statute of
    The district court held, alternatively, that the plaintiffs’
    grievance under § 510 failed as a matter of law. That section,
    which is designed to protect the employment relationship
    from being changed in ways intended to deny benefits, did
    not, according to the court, apply to the present dispute. In
    Only the ERISA count survived a motion to dismiss. The other
    allegations are not before us in this appeal.
    6                                                    No. 05-2495
    the court’s view, the employment relationship between
    AXA and its salesmen had not been altered by the 1999
    change in policy. What had changed was that, instead of
    taking an agent’s word that he was committed to selling
    AXA policies full-time, AXA had chosen to employ a
    concrete sales calculus in order to make the full-time
    determination objective. This change, the district court
    concluded, did not offend § 510.
    We first address whether the district court correctly
    determined the appropriate limitations period for an action
    under § 510 of ERISA, see 
    29 U.S.C. § 1140
    . In examining this
    problem, we must confront several difficult methodological
    issues that have “spawned a vast amount of litigation” and
    “uncertainty for both plaintiffs and defendants.” Jones v.
    R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co., 
    541 U.S. 369
    , 377, 379 (2004).
    In enacting ERISA, Congress supplied an express limita-
    tions period for several parts of the statute;2 it did not,
    For instance, claims under Part 4 of ERISA, the sections
    governing plan fiduciaries, expire within six years or three years,
    depending on when the plaintiff knows or should know of the
    fiduciary’s breach. See 
    29 U.S.C. § 1113
    . Similarly, actions under
    Subtitle E, the special provisions for multiemployer plans, 
    §§ 1381-1453, must be brought within six years from when they
    arose or three years from when the underlying actions were
    No. 05-2495                                                          7
    however, provide one for actions grounded in § 510.3
    Section 510 also was enacted too early to permit us to apply
    the default four-year federal limitations period contained in
    28 U.S.C. § 1658
    (a). That statute functions as a catch-all
    limitations period for federal causes of action that do not
    have their own limitations periods.4 The catch-all, however,
    applies only to those causes of action created after 1990.
    Although the Supreme Court has held that, under certain
    circumstances, a new amendment to an older federal statute
    discovered. However, § 510, id. § 1140, was codified in Part 5 of
    ERISA, “Administration and Enforcement,” to which the statute
    of limitations in § 1113 expressly does not apply.
    See Tolle v. Carroll Touch, Inc., 
    977 F.2d 1129
    , 1137 (7th Cir. 1992)
    (“Congress did not provide a statute of limitations for claims
    premised upon Section 510 of ERISA.”). We note, additionally,
    that it is not uncommon for Congress to omit limitations periods
    from federal statutes. See, e.g., Goodman v. Lukens Steel Co., 
    482 U.S. 656
    , 660-61 (1987) (discussing the omission in 
    42 U.S.C. § 1981
    ); Wilson v. Garcia, 
    471 U.S. 261
    , 266-67 (1985) (discussing the
    omission in 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    Section 1658(a) was a response to the host of “practical
    problems” that arise from the practice of borrowing state statutes
    of limitations to fill gaps in federal statutes. As the House Report
    to § 1658(a) described, reliance on analogous state statutes
    obligates judges and lawyers to determine the most analo-
    gous state law claim; it imposes uncertainty on litigants;
    reliance on varying state laws results in undesirable variance
    among the federal courts and disrupts the development of
    federal doctrine on the suspension of limitation periods.
    H.R. Rep. No. 101-734, at 24 (1990), as reprinted in 1990
    U.S.C.C.A.N. 6860, 6870.
    8                                                 No. 05-2495
    can trigger § 1658(a), see Jones, 
    541 U.S. at 382
    , § 510 of
    ERISA has not been amended since its original enactment in
    Because Congress has failed to provide any statutory
    direction, our inquiry must be guided by principles of
    federal common law. The basic approach is well-settled.
    When Congress fails to provide a statute of limitations for
    a federal claim and § 1658(a) is not applicable, federal courts
    must borrow the most analogous statute of limitations from
    state law. See Reed v. United Transp. Union, 
    488 U.S. 319
    , 323
    (1989); Teumer v. Gen. Motors Corp., 
    34 F.3d 542
    , 546-47 (7th
    Cir. 1994). The Supreme Court has recognized a limited
    exception to this general rule:
    We decline to borrow a state statute of limitations only
    when a rule from elsewhere in federal law clearly
    provides a closer analogy than available state statutes,
    and when the federal policies at stake and the
    practicalities of litigation make that rule a significantly
    more appropriate vehicle for interstitial lawmaking.
    488 U.S. at 324
     (internal quotation marks omitted). The
    Supreme Court also has made clear, however, that this
    exception is “a closely circumscribed[,] . . . narrow exception
    to the general rule,” 
    id. at 324
    , and that state law remains the
    “lender of first resort,” N. Star Steel Co. v. Thomas, 
    515 U.S. 29
    , 34 (1995). In any event, borrowing directly from federal
    law in this case is foreclosed by our prior cases. See, e.g.,
    34 F.3d at 546-47
     (applying a state limitations period
    to a claim under § 510); Tolle v. Carroll Touch, Inc., 
    977 F.2d 1129
    , 1137 (7th Cir. 1992) (same).
    In Teumer, we held that “the five-year statute of limita-
    tions governing retaliatory discharge claims in Illinois
    should apply to all § 510 actions in which Illinois limitations
    No. 05-2495                                                        9
    law is to be borrowed.” Teumer, 
    34 F.3d at 550
    . However, in
    Teumer, we did not have to choose between the law of
    Illinois and the law of another state in borrowing a state
    statute of limitations.5 In the present case, by contrast, the
    parties dispute whether Illinois or New York law ought to
    supply the limitations period. Illinois is the forum state and
    home to the named plaintiffs in this class action. New York,
    on the other hand, is the location of AXA’s headquarters,
    where the plan is administered and where the decisions at
    issue in this case were made. It is also the state whose
    substantive law is, by the terms of the plan, applicable to
    disputes arising under that contract.
    In order to determine whether Illinois or New York law
    ought to supply the limitations period, we first must
    identify a choice of law rule or methodology that will permit
    our determination to be a principled one. The Supreme
    Court has not set forth a definitive choice of law formula to
    govern the selection of a limitations period. See Auto Workers
    v. Hoosier Cardinal Corp., 
    383 U.S. 696
    , 705 n.8 (1966) (reserv-
    ing the question).6 However, its rulings on related issues
    See Teumer v. Gen. Motors Corp., 
    34 F.3d 542
    , 547 (7th Cir. 1994)
    (“Because Illinois is both the forum state and the state in
    which the significant events of this case took place, we will
    refer to its law without resolving the difficult question of
    what is the proper choice-of-law rule when selecting state
    limitation periods for federal claims.”).
    We do not believe that the Supreme Court decided this issue by
    implication in North Star Steel Co. v. Thomas, 
    515 U.S. 29
    although one of our sister circuits appears to have thought
    otherwise, see Int’l Union, United Plant Guard Workers of America
    v. Johnson Controls World Servs., 
    199 F.3d 903
    , 905 (11th Cir. 1996).
    10                                                     No. 05-2495
    and the experience of our sister circuits provide helpful
    We begin our journey with a principle upon which there
    is no real disagreement: In fashioning a choice of law rule to
    govern our quest for the most appropriate state limitations
    period, our task, when the underlying claim is a federal
    claim, is to fashion a federal choice of law rule.7 This princi-
    ple is really nothing more than a corollary principle to the
    more general maxim that, when state law is borrowed in a
    federal question suit, the choice of “which [state] law to
    select is itself a question of federal law.” Resolution Trust
    As recently as last Term, the Supreme Court recognized that this
    issue has yet to be resolved. See Jones v. R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co.,
    541 U.S. 369
    , 378 (2004) (“The practice of borrowing state statutes
    of limitation also forced courts to address the frequently present
    problem of a conflict of laws in determining which State statute
    was controlling, the law of the forum or that of the situs of the
    injury.” (internal quotation marks and alterations omitted)).
    See, e.g., Wang Labs., Inc. v. Kagan, 
    990 F.2d 1126
    , 1128 (9th Cir.
    1993) (“We decide as a matter of federal law which state
    statute of limitations is appropriate.”); Gluck v. Unisys Corp.,
    960 F.2d 1168
    , 1179 (3d Cir. 1992) (“If a statute of limitations of a
    state other than the forum state were implicated in the litigation
    of a federal claim, then federal, not state, choice of law principles
    would govern.”); Champion Int’l Corp. v. United Paperworkers Int’l
    779 F.2d 328
    , 332-34 (6th Cir. 1985) (holding that federal
    law, rather than a state borrowing statute, should govern the
    choice between the forum state’s statute of limitations and that of
    another state in an action under the federal labor laws).
    No. 05-2495                                                      11
    Corp. v. Chapman, 
    29 F.3d 1120
    , 1124 (7th Cir. 1994) (citation
    omitted) (emphasis added). In Chapman, we explained:
    What law Illinois courts would choose is . . . irrelevant.
    This is not a diversity case, where Erie would require
    the forum court to apply the whole law of the state,
    including its choice of law principles. Klaxon Co. v.
    Stentor Electric Manufacturing Co., 
    313 U.S. 487
    61 S. Ct. 1020
    85 L.Ed. 1477
     (1941). It is a suit by a federal agency
    invoking federal jurisdiction per 12 U.S.C. § 1441a(l)(1),
    which says that suits to which the [Resolution Trust
    Corp.] is a party “shall be deemed to arise under the
    laws of the United States”. Federal law may well look to
    state law for substantive principles, see United States v.
    Kimbell Foods, Inc., 
    440 U.S. 715
    , 727-29, 
    99 S. Ct. 1448
    59 L.Ed.2d 711
     (1979), but which law to select is itself a
    question of federal law, as Kimbell Foods and O’Melveny
    & Myers [v. FDIC, 
    512 U.S. 79
    114 S. Ct. 2048
    129 L.Ed.2d 67
     (1994),] show. The Supreme Court in
    O’Melveny & Myers did not ask what law a state court
    would have selected; it approached the question as one
    for independent decision.
    This general principle is easily applicable to the borrow-
    ing of a state statute of limitations to fill a gap left open in a
    federal statute. Unlike when our jurisdiction is based on
    diversity of citizenship, the exercise of federal question
    Subsequently, the primary holding of Chapman was over-
    ruled by the Supreme Court in Atherton v. FDIC, 
    519 U.S. 213
    (1997). We later recognized that Chapman’s “ruling on
    choice-of-law, however, presumably remains controlling prec-
    edent.” FDIC v. Wabick, 
    335 F.3d 620
    , 625 n.2 (7th Cir. 2003).
    12                                                No. 05-2495
    jurisdiction does not implicate concerns of federalism and
    interstate comity. “State legislatures do not devise their
    limitations periods with national interests in mind.” Reed,
    488 U.S. at 324
     (internal quotation marks omitted); Gluck v.
    Unisys Corp., 
    960 F.2d 1168
    , 1179 n.8 (3d Cir. 1992) (“A
    state court or legislature does not necessarily seek to further
    or even consider federal laws when it develops its choice of
    law provisions.”). In federal question cases, we must ensure
    only that the borrowed limitations period is compatible with
    the purpose of the federal statute. In view of this general
    principle, we now must evaluate several possible methodol-
    ogies for determining which state’s law should apply.
    One possible approach would be simply to choose, in
    every case, the forum state’s law as the source of the
    applicable limitations period. The prime advantage of this
    approach is its simplicity; neither the court nor the parties
    remain in doubt concerning which state’s law ought to
    apply. Certainly, predictability and ease of administration
    are factors long recognized in the fashioning of any choice
    of law tool. See Restatement (Second) of Conflict of Laws
    § 6(2).9
    This approach is not without disadvantages, however. The
    selected limitations period, drawn in rote fashion from the
    forum state’s law, may have only a limited relationship to
    the federal cause of action and its underlying policies. When
    a state, either by statute or by case law, makes a certain
    limitations period applicable to a particular state cause of
    action, a conscious decision is made that the public policy of
    the state ought to permit suit on that state-created cause of
    action only for the length of time permitted by that limita-
    tions period. Whatever the reasons for the state’s policy on
    See infra note 14.
    No. 05-2495                                                  13
    how long a state cause of action ought to remain alive, those
    policy concerns may not have much relevance to the
    congressional policies that animate a federal cause of action
    in the district court under the court’s federal question
    jurisdiction. See Reed, 
    488 U.S. at 324
    ; Gluck, 
    960 F.2d at
    The force of this criticism partially is assuaged, no doubt,
    by the fact that the state limitations period is linked to a
    state cause of action that at least somewhat resembles the
    federal cause of action. Here, for instance, the state limita-
    tions period typically borrowed in § 510 actions is the one
    that applies to the state cause of action for retaliatory
    discharge, a cause of action that embodies at least some of
    the same protective policy concerns that are contained in
    § 510. See Teumer, 
    34 F.3d 547
     (noting that § 510 protects
    workers against “the disruption of employment privileges
    to punish (i.e. retaliate for) the exercise of benefit rights”
    (emphasis omitted)).
    Nevertheless, we must conclude that the automatic
    application of the forum state’s statute of limitations does
    risk endangering federal policies by displacing them in
    favor of state concerns that are driven by local geographical
    factors or local interests and that are different from or
    even inimical to national policy interests. “Federal law is no
    judicial chameleon, changing complexion to match that of
    each state wherever lawsuits happen to be commenced.”
    D’Oench, Duhme & Co. v. FDIC, 
    315 U.S. 447
    , 471-72 (1942)
    (Jackson, J., concurring).
    A second possible approach is to fashion a choice of law
    rule as a matter of federal common law by relying on the
    approach to statutes of limitations set forth in the Restate-
    ment (Second) of Conflict of Laws. See Held v. Mfrs. Hanover
    14                                                      No. 05-2495
    Leasing Corp., 
    912 F.2d 1197
    , 1202 (10th Cir. 1990) (discussing
    this approach). The Restatement has a special section
    devoted to the selection of an appropriate statute of limita-
    tions: Section 142.10 This section was revised in 1988 to
    reflect “the emerging trend” in the way courts were ap-
    proaching limitations questions. See Reinke v. Boden, 
    45 F.3d 166
    , 168-69 (7th Cir. 1995). The comments to the revision
    observed that, in the period after the adoption of the Second
    Restatement in 1971, many courts had ceased to “character-
    ize the issue of limitations as ipso facto procedural and
    hence governed by the law of the forum.” Restatement
    (Second) of Conflict of Laws § 142 cmt. e.11 Instead, these
    courts had decided that a claim should not be maintained
    Section 142 provides:
    Whether a claim will be maintained against the defense of
    the statute of limitations is determined under the principles
    stated in § 6. In general, unless the exceptional circumstances
    of the case make such a result unreasonable:
    (1) The forum will apply its own statute of limitations
    barring the claim.
    (2) The forum will apply its own statute of limitations
    permitting the claim unless:
    (a) maintenance of the claim would serve no
    substantial interest of the forum; and
    (b) the claim would be barred under the statute of
    limitations of a state having a more significant
    relationship to the parties and the occurrence.
    Restatement (Second) of Conflict of Laws § 142.
    See also Keeton v. Hustler Magazine, Inc., 
    465 U.S. 770
    , 778 (1984)
    (“There has been considerable academic criticism of the rule
    that permits a forum State to apply its own statute of limita-
    tions regardless of the significance of contacts between the forum
    State and the litigation.”).
    No. 05-2495                                                         15
    “if it is barred by the statute of limitations of the state
    which, with respect to the issue of limitations, is the state of
    the most significant relationship to the occurrence and the
     As revised, section 142 resolves limitations
    conflicts through the Restatement’s general, multi-factor
    “interest analysis,” 
     § 6(2),12 despite retaining “a decided
    forum bias.” Eugene F. Scoles et al., Conflict of Laws 130
    (4th ed. 2004).
    Application of the Restatement approach to the task
    before us requires a significant amount of prudence and
    caution. Full-scale implementation of the Restatement
    would amount to using a tool created for one task to
    accomplish another. Section 142 provides that, if the forum
    has a longer statute of limitations that would permit the
    claim, the longer period should apply unless there is no
    “substantial” forum interest and the “state having a more
    significant relationship to the parties and the occurrence”
    Section 6(2) states that
    the factors relevant to the choice of the applicable rule of law
    (a) the needs of the interstate and international systems,
    (b) the relevant policies of the forum,
    (c) the relevant policies of other interested states and the
    relative interests of those states in the determination of
    the particular issue,
    (d) the protection of justified expectations,
    (e) the basic policies underlying the particular field of
    (f) certainty, predictability and uniformity of result, and
    (g) ease in the determination and application of the law
    to be applied.
    Restatement (Second) of Conflict of Laws § 6(2).
    16                                                No. 05-2495
    would bar the claim. Restatement (Second) of Conflict of
    Laws § 142(2)(a), (b). This task of accommodating the
    interests of two states is, of course, not the appropriate focus
    of the judicial inquiry in the task before us. Our task is not
    to reconcile the competing interests of Illinois and New York
    but to identify the state statute of limitations that is most
    compatible with the underlying policies of the federal cause
    of action before us, ERISA § 510. From this perspective,
    Restatement § 142 is a helpful tool in our task only insofar
    as it counsels that the appropriate statute of limitations, in
    certain cases, may not be that of the jurisdiction in which the
    court sits, but rather one from another jurisdiction that has
    a more significant relationship with the parties and with the
    Our examination of these two approaches convinces us
    that neither is a totally effective tool in identifying the
    appropriate statute of limitations for a claim based on
    federal law. Total adherence to forum law would provide a
    great deal of certainty and avoid a “trial within a trial” on
    the statute of limitations issue. Certainly, “ ‘[f]ew areas of
    the law stand in greater need of firmly defined, easily
    applied rules than does the subject of periods of limitations.’
    Wilson v. Garcia, 
    471 U.S. 261
    , 266 (1985) (quoting Chardon v.
    Fumero Soto, 
    462 U.S. 650
    , 667 (1983) (Rehnquist, J., dissent-
    ing)). There will be occasions, however, when the statute of
    limitations of another state ought to be applied—not
    because that state has a greater interest in the application of
    its own law as opposed to the law of the forum—but
    because application of that state’s law is more consistent
    with the federal policies embodied in the substantive federal
    statute. See Gluck, 
    960 F.2d at
    1179 & n.8.
    Because both of the methodologies that we have out-
    lined are tools created for other tasks, some of our sister
    No. 05-2495                                                 17
    circuits have suggested a third approach. Under this
    approach, a federal court selects a statute of limitations from
    the forum state’s law unless another state has more signifi-
    cant contacts with the dispute.13 This approach gives
    adequate, indeed great, weight to the concerns of predict-
    ability, certainty and ease of administration. It also en-
    sures at least some minimum congruence between the
    policy concerns underlying the federal cause of action and
    those underlying the state cause of action from which the
    limitations period is borrowed.
    We believe that this approach has significant merit.
    However, the congruence may be truly minimal, and
    therefore we hesitate to characterize forum law as the
    “presumptive” choice. In our view, it is preferable to refer
    to the forum’s limitations period instead as a starting
    point. If another state with a significant connection to the
    parties and to the transaction has a limitations period that
    is more compatible with the federal policies underlying
    the federal cause of action, that state’s limitations law ought
    to be employed because it furthers, more than any other
    option, the intent of Congress when it created the underly-
    ing right.
    We now must apply this approach to the case before us.
    In our view, New York is the state with the most significant
    relationship to the parties and to the transaction. The
    occurrence at issue here was the corporate decision on the
    part of AXA to alter the criterion for determining wheth-
    The Third and Ninth Circuits have employed this approach. See
    Wang Labs., 
    990 F.2d at 1128
    ; Gluck, 
    960 F.2d at 1179
    18                                                   No. 05-2495
    er an employee ought to be considered a full-time insurance
    salesman. That change was made by AXA management in
    New York and documented by evidence and by witnesses
    in New York. Moreover, the decision was applicable to all
    AXA’s salesmen, not simply to those in Illinois. Although
    the named plaintiffs reside in Illinois, other members of the
    class reside in states other than Illinois. Thus, Illinois is
    simply a spoke rather than the hub of this lawsuit.14 Addi-
    tionally, although not dispositive to our decision today, it is
    not entirely irrelevant that the plan chose New York law to
    govern non-ERISA disputes arising out of the document.
    Although the choice of law clause does not apply directly to
    the problem before us,15 its presence serves as strong
    Cf. Restatement (Second) Conflict of Laws § 192 cmt. h (noting
    that, with respect to group life insurance policies, rights against
    the insurer are usually governed by the law that governs the
    master policy (usually the place of the corporate headquarters)
    because it is “desirable that each individual insured should enjoy
    the same privileges and protections”).
    The plan’s choice-of-law provision cannot control our inquiry
    for two reasons. First, it would be against the weight of precedent
    to apply a broad choice-of-law provision to limitations issues
    where, as here, the provision does not extend expressly
    to statutes of limitations, see R.68-1, Ex.25 at 279 (“To the ex-
    tent ERISA is not applicable or does not preempt state law, the
    laws of the State of New York shall govern.”). See Cole v. Mileti,
    133 F.3d 433
    , 437-38 (6th Cir. 1998); Gluck, 
    960 F.2d at 1179
    ; Trs.
    Operative Plasterers’ & Cement Masons’ Local Union Officers &
    Employees Pension Fund v. Journeymen Plasterers’ Protective &
    Benevolent Soc’y, Local Union No. 5, 
    794 F.2d 1217
    , 1221 (7th Cir.
    1986). Second, the plaintiffs’ claim does not arise out of the
    plan itself. Rather, it is an action for interference with the
    employment status of the salesmen that in turn ends up denying
    No. 05-2495                                                  19
    evidence of the parties’ “justified expectations,” see Restate-
    ment (Second) of Conflict of Laws § 6(2), that New York law
    would fill in the necessary gaps in federal ERISA law.
    We recognize, of course, that Illinois, as the forum state
    and home to the named plaintiffs, has some connection with
    this action. Indeed, the comments to Restatement § 142
    recognize that, at least in state court litigation, the decision
    of which state’s law to apply “becomes difficult in situations
    where, although the forum is not the state of the most
    significant relationship to important issues in the case, some
    forum interest would be served by entertainment of the
    claim,” as, for example, “where the domicil of the plaintiff
    is in the state of the forum.” Id. § 142 cmt. g. However, the
    comments go on to say that, “[i]n such a situation, the forum
    should entertain the claim only in extreme and unusual
    circumstances.” Id. This latter statement, made by the
    Restatement authors in the context of state conflicts jurispru-
    dence, seems even more important in the context of ERISA,
    where uniformity of treatment among beneficiaries is a
    primary concern. See generally Pilot Life Ins. Co. v. Dedaux,
    481 U.S. 41
    , 56 (1987) (discussing the legislative history of
    ERISA on the need for uniformity of treatment). Indeed,
    were we to follow the plaintiffs’ theory to its logical end,
    this class action would be governed by a “crazy quilt” of
    limitations periods and the federal interest in uniformity
    would be rendered nugatory. Doe v. Blue Cross & Blue Shield,
    112 F.3d 869
    , 874 (7th Cir. 1997). We conclude therefore that
    application of New York limitations law to the present
    them benefits under the plan. The plan’s contractual choice-of-
    law provision cannot control a claim under § 510 that is by
    definition extra-contractual.
    20                                                 No. 05-2495
    dispute better serves the federal policies at issue in this case
    and should displace the law of the forum.
    Now that we have selected New York law as the source of
    the applicable limitations period, we must “ ‘characterize
    the essence of’ the federal claim in question and find the
    most analogous cause of action.” Teumer, 
    34 F.3d at
    (citing Wilson, 
    471 U.S. at 267-70
    ). In Teumer, we held that
    allegations similar to the ones set forth in this complaint
    most resembled the tort of retaliatory discharge under
    Illinois law, which, like § 510, encompasses “discharges that
    either retaliate against or interfere with the exercise of
    favored rights.” Teumer, 
    34 F.3d at 549
     (emphasis in origi-
    nal). Noting that § 510 protects workers against the “dis-
    ruption of employment privileges to prevent (i.e. interfere
    with) the vesting or enjoyment of benefit rights,” we
    concluded that the Illinois tort of retaliatory discharge
    captured “ ‘the essence of’ the federal claim in question” and
    was therefore “the most analogous cause of action.” Teumer,
    34 F.3d at 546-47
     (emphasis in original) (quoting Wilson, 
    471 U.S. at 267-70
    Like Illinois, New York has a retaliatory discharge
    cause of action, contained in New York Workers’ Compen-
    sation Law § 120. Section 120 provides in pertinent part:
    It shall be unlawful for any employer or his or her
    duly authorized agent to discharge or in any other
    manner discriminate against an employee as to his or
    her employment because such employee has claimed or
    attempted to claim compensation from such employer,
    or because he or she has testified or is about to testify in
    a proceeding under this chapter and no other
    No. 05-2495                                                21
    valid reason is shown to exist for such action by the
    Any complaint alleging such an unlawful discrimina-
    tory practice must be filed within two years of the
    commission of such practice. . . .
    N.Y. Work. Comp. Law § 120
    . The Second Circuit, relying
    expressly on our analysis in Teumer, held that section 120 of
    the workers’ compensation law provides the closest New
    York analog to a suit under § 510. See Sandberg v. KPMG Peat
    Marwick, L.L.P., 
    111 F.3d 331
    , 335-36 (2d Cir. 1997). Noting
    that section 120 protects against the same employer actions
    as § 510, including employer interference with obtaining
    benefits, our colleagues on the Second Circuit believed the
    parallel between the New York statute and § 510 to be
    “obvious.” Id. at 336. We agree; the plaintiffs’ therefore had
    two years to institute this proceeding.
    Finally, we must determine what event started the
    clock running on the two-year limitations period. This
    question of “accrual” is decided by reference to federal
    common law. See Tolle, 
    977 F.2d at
    1138 (citing Delaware
    State Coll. v. Ricks, 
    449 U.S. 250
     (1980)). We begin our
    analysis by identifying the alleged unlawful conduct that
    forms the basis for the claim and then ascertaining
    when this act occurred. See Tolle, 
    977 F.2d at 1139
    . After
    fixing the date of the alleged unlawful act, we then deter-
    mine when the plaintiffs discovered “an injury resulting
    from this unlawful act.” 
     In this case, for the plaintiffs’
    claims to have been timely under the applicable two-year
    statute of limitations, those claims must have accrued
    some time after January 7, 2001.
    22                                                    No. 05-2495
    In an action under § 510, the unlawful act is the deci-
    sion to interfere purposefully with a plan “participant’s
    ability to collect benefits to which the participant would
    otherwise be entitled or from taking actions to prevent
    such a participant from collecting benefits to which he or
    she may become entitled.” Id. Because an employer
    can violate this prohibition before a participant has applied
    for or even becomes entitled to benefits, the accrual of a
    § 510 claim turns on the discovery of the decision to inter-
    fere with benefits rather than on the eventual effect of that
    decision. This was our reasoning in Tolle, in which
    we rejected a plaintiff’s claim that her § 510 claim accrued
    on the date that her termination went into effect instead
    of on the date of the defendant’s earlier decision to termi-
    nate her. We held that “it is the decision and the partici-
    pant’s discovery of this decision that dictates accrual.” Id. at
    1140-41; see also Teumer, 
    34 F.3d at 550
    As a result, we cannot accept the plaintiffs’ contention that
    “[i]t is the application of the policy to a particular plaintiff,
    not the existence of the policy in the abstract, that violates
    the law and causes injury to each employee.” Appellants’
    Br. at 23. Here, the plaintiffs’ § 510 claim is directed at
    AXA’s 1998 change in its method for determining a sales-
    man’s full-time status. As in Tolle, the plaintiffs’ discovery
    of their employer’s allegedly unlawful decision put them on
    notice of a potential ERISA violation and provided the
    factual basis for their claim. The clock started running at this
    moment, not when the plaintiffs eventually failed to meet
    their sales quotas and ultimately lost eligibility.16
    Finally, the plaintiffs argue that, even if they discovered the
    factual basis for their claim as early as January 1999, they suffered
    No. 05-2495                                                         23
    Because the plaintiffs brought this action more than two
    years after their claim accrued, the district court properly
    dismissed the action as time-barred.
    For the foregoing reasons, the judgment of the district
    court is affirmed.
    a continuing violation each time that AXA terminated their plan
    eligibility for failure to meet the new sales quotas. As authority
    for this proposition, the plaintiffs rely on Bazemore v. Friday, 
    478 U.S. 385
     (1986), a case in which black agricultural workers were
    permitted to recover for a pattern of salary discrimination that
    began prior to the enactment of the civil rights laws; the Court
    allowed the claims because each week’s discriminatory paycheck
    was considered to be a new and actionable wrong. The plaintiffs
    in this case have not alleged a continuing wrong. Although the
    plaintiffs may have felt the continuing effects of their ineligibility
    for ERISA benefits, their allegations make clear that AXA’s
    wrongful conduct, if any, involved the decision to change the way
    it classified insurance salesmen. There are no allegations that,
    once AXA had changed its policy, it then applied the new policy
    in a discriminating manner among salesmen. The plaintiffs
    therefore have alleged one violation not several, and it must be
    from the date of this single violation that the plaintiffs’ time for
    filing their claim began to run. Cf. Delaware State Coll. v. Ricks, 
    449 U.S. 250
    , 258 (1980) (“It is simply insufficient for [the plaintiff] to
    allege that his termination gives present effect to the past illegal
    act and therefore perpetuates the consequences of forbidden
    discrimination.” (internal quotation marks omitted)).
    24                                          No. 05-2495
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit

Document Info

Docket Number: 05-2495

Judges: Per Curiam

Filed Date: 8/18/2006

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/24/2015

Authorities (30)

John H. Held v. Manufacturers Hanover Leasing Corporation , 912 F.2d 1197 ( 1990 )

Jerome SANDBERG, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. KPMG PEAT MARWICK, ... , 111 F.3d 331 ( 1997 )

Marcia N. Cole, Representative of the Estate of Joseph E. ... , 133 F.3d 433 ( 1998 )

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View All Authorities »