Petrov, Aleksey v. Gonzales, Alberto ( 2006 )

  •                             In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 05-4696
    ALBERTO R. GONZALES, Attorney General
    of the United States,
    Petition for Review of an Order of the
    Board of Immigration Appeals
    Before POSNER, EASTERBROOK, and EVANS, Circuit
    EASTERBROOK, Circuit Judge. In 1998 the United States
    Embassy in Moscow gave Aleksey Gennadiyovich Petrov
    permission to enter the United States on parole, a reward
    for assistance that he had rendered in a criminal investiga-
    tion. This status was renewed annually until Petrov
    was convicted of conspiracy to bribe federal officials as part
    of an immigration fraud. He admitted helping at least four
    other persons obtain bogus “green cards,” accepting more
    than $10,000 for his efforts. Petrov was sentenced to 16
    months’ imprisonment, and his right to remain in the
    United States was not renewed. Nonetheless, he asked
    immigration officials to withhold removal; he also main-
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    tained that he would be subject to torture if returned to
    Russia. An immigration judge concluded that Petrov’s
    conviction makes him ineligible for withholding of removal
    and that his return to Russia would be compatible with the
    Convention Against Torture. The Board of Immigration
    Appeals dismissed his appeal.
    Petrov’s criminal conviction forecloses most of the argu-
    ments he presents in this court.
    Notwithstanding any other provision of law (statu-
    tory or nonstatutory), including section 2241 of title
    28, United States Code, or any other habeas corpus
    provision, and sections 1361 and 1651 of such title,
    and except as provided in subparagraph (D), no
    court shall have jurisdiction to review any final
    order of removal against an alien who is removable
    by reason of having committed a criminal offense
    covered in section 1182(a)(2) or 1227(a)(2)(A)(iii),
    (B), (C), or (D) of this title, or any offense covered by
    section 1227(a)(2)(A)(ii) of this title for which both
    predicate offenses are, without regard to their date
    of commission, otherwise covered by section
    1227(a)(2)(A)(i) of this title.
    8 U.S.C. §1252
    (a)(2)(C). Section 1227(a)(2)(A)(iii) in turn
    provides that an alien who commits an “aggravated felony”
    while in the United States is removable. The definition of
    that phrase, in §1101(a)(43), includes a long list. At least
    two entries on that list cover Petrov’s crime: subsection (M)
    refers to any crime of fraud or deceit in which the loss
    exceeds $10,000, and subsection (P) refers to any crime that
    entails the creation of bogus immigration credentials when
    the sentence exceeds a year in prison.
    Petrov does not deny that his conviction is for an “aggra-
    vated felony.” He took in at least $10,000, which is a loss to
    the aliens who paid him and received spurious documents
    in exchange. The crime thus qualifies under subsection (M).
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    His sentence for procuring these bogus immigration
    documents exceeded a year, so the crime also qualifies
    under subsection (P). Petrov’s lawyer simply ignores the
    issue, choosing instead to contend that his crime is not a
    “particularly serious crime” for the purpose of 
    8 U.S.C. §1231
    (b)(3)(B)(ii). When a criminal’s sentence is less than
    five years, the agency may decide that the crime is not
    “particularly serious” and, if so, the alien is eligible for
    withholding of removal. That was Petrov’s principal
    argument to the Board: his sentence was less than five
    years, and he wanted the Board to declare the offense “not
    particularly serious” and remand for a hearing so that the
    immigration judge could apply the criteria for withholding
    of removal. Yet given §1252(a)(2)(C), the undisputed
    classification of Petrov’s crime as an “aggravated felony”
    means that we are not authorized to inquire whether it is
    also a “particularly serious crime”—for the latter character-
    ization affects the agency’s decision, not ours.
    An alien who commits a crime that is not an “aggravated
    felony,” and may or may not be a “particularly serious
    crime,” still encounters a jurisdictional hurdle, for
    §1252(a)(2)(B) forecloses judicial review of certain discre-
    tionary decisions. We concluded in Tunis v. Gonzales, 
    447 F.3d 547
     (7th Cir. 2006), that classification of a particular
    crime as “particularly serious” often is discretionary.
    (“Often” is an important qualifier, for the agency does not
    have discretion to contradict its own rules of decision. A
    contention that the immigration judge or Board failed to
    use the right rule of law when making the classification
    therefore is open to judicial review under §1252(a)(2)(D),
    though a claim that the agency abused its discretion in
    weighing the multiple desiderata made relevant by the
    Board’s definition of a “particularly serious crime” is not
    reviewable.) But when the crime is an “aggravated felony,”
    §1252(a)(2)(C) blocks judicial review of the removal order
    whether or not the agency has made a discretionary
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    decision. Subsection (C) covers the removal order as a
    As Petrov sees things, the judiciary always may review
    the agency’s application of the Convention Against Torture.
    After concluding in Tunis that the Board had not contra-
    dicted its own definition of the phrase “particularly serious
    crime” (and that its discretionary weighing of multiple
    factors was not reviewable), we then addressed, on the
    merits, Tunis’s request for relief under the Convention
    Against Torture. Petrov wants us to follow suit. Yet the
    panel in Tunis considered only the effect of §1252(a)(2)(B),
    holding that it does not apply because relief under the
    Convention is non-discretionary. We did not ask whether
    §1252(a)(2)(C) independently forecloses review if the
    conviction is of a kind covered by that subsection. Because
    Tunis did not mention that subject, it does not contain a
    holding on the issue. See Steel Co. v. Citizens for a Better
    523 U.S. 83
    , 91 (1998); United States v. L.A.
    Tucker Truck Lines, Inc., 
    344 U.S. 33
    , 38 (1952).
    An earlier decision that addressed the effect of
    §1252(a)(2)(C) directly holds that a criminal alien’s conten-
    tions under the Convention are not reviewable. See Hamid
    v. Gonzales, 
    417 F.3d 642
     (7th Cir. 2005). That holding,
    which Tunis did not question (and Petrov ignores, even
    though the agency relies on it), is controlling today. Recall
    the language of subsection (C) (emphasis added): “no court
    shall have jurisdiction to review any final order of removal
    against an alien who is removable by reason of having
    committed” an aggravated felony. Unlike subsection (B),
    which forbids review of particular issues in a case otherwise
    within the court’s authority, subsection (C) provides that
    the “order of removal” itself is unreviewable. There is no
    exception for arguments under the Convention. This does
    not mean that the Convention may be ignored; it means
    only that the administrative resolution of disputes about
    No. 05-4696                                                   5
    the risk a criminal alien faces in his native land is conclu-
    Subsection (C) does have one exception: it refers to
    subsection (D), which as amended by the Real ID Act of
    2005 permits “review of constitutional claims or questions
    of law”. No rule of law prevents the removal of aliens who
    have committed immigration fraud. See INS v. Yueh-Shaio
    519 U.S. 26
     (1996); Alsagladi v. Gonzales, 
    450 F.3d 700
     (7th Cir. 2006). Nor did the Board make any legal error
    in applying the Convention Against Torture. Factual
    mistakes, if any, in understanding how Russia treats
    persons in his position differ from “questions of law”; Petrov
    does not argue otherwise. He maintains, however, that the
    agency violated the due process clause of the fifth amend-
    ment by assigning his hearing to Immigration Judge George
    P. Katsivalis, who until his appointment as an IJ in 2005
    had been the Chief Counsel of the Chicago Office of Immi-
    gration and Customs Enforcement. Katsivalis had served in
    an equivalent position during 2002 and 2003 with ICE’s
    predecessor, the Immigration and Naturalization Service.
    Petrov insists that Katsivalis must have played some role
    in the agency’s decision to terminate his parole and seek his
    removal under 
    8 U.S.C. §1228
    (b)—and that, even if he did
    not, his service as an IJ created an appearance of impropri-
    Petrov’s position has neither factual nor legal support.
    Nothing in the record implies that Katsivalis had any
    involvement in ICE’s decision to commence removal
    proceedings against Petrov. The Chief Counsel of a large
    office is unlikely to play any role in routine decisions of this
    kind. We held in Mireles v. Gonzales, 
    433 F.3d 965
     (7th Cir.
    2006), that the alien must produce evidence that his case is
    the rare one in which the head of an office took part in a
    routine action; Petrov’s situation is functionally identical.
    As for law: Petrov assumes that the Constitution forbids
    an agency official who has participated in a prosecution
    6                                              No. 05-4696
    decision to play a role in its adjudication, but he does not
    cite a single case for that proposition. He mentions
    8 U.S.C. §1229a(b), which entitles aliens to a reasonable
    opportunity to present and examine evidence, but a judge’s
    former position does not detract from this right, which
    concerns what happens at the hearing rather than
    the presiding officer’s curriculum vitae. Officials of the
    Executive Branch (a category that includes immigration
    judges) play dual roles all the time. Commissioners of the
    Equal Employment Opportunity Commission file “Commis-
    sioner’s charges” of employment discrimination that the
    Commission proceeds to adjudicate. The Federal Trade
    Commission and Securities and Exchange Commission
    issue complaints that accuse respondents of violating the
    antitrust or securities laws; after an administrative law
    judge takes evidence, the same Commissioners who ap-
    proved the complaint decide whether the respondent has
    violated the law and, if so, what remedy is appropriate. No
    decision of which we are aware holds that this mixture of
    prosecutorial and adjudicatory functions violates the
    Constitution. There is no actual conflict of interest: No
    Commissioner’s pocketbook is on the line in any of these
    Whether “appearance of impropriety” is a constitutional
    doctrine (or only based on statute) is a subject that may
    be left open today, as it was in Del Vecchio v. Illinois
    Department of Corrections, 
    31 F.3d 1363
     (7th Cir. 1994) (en
    banc). Claims of an “appearance of impropriety” are as-
    sessed from the perspective of an informed third party. See
    Liteky v. United States, 
    510 U.S. 540
    , 548 (1994); Liljeberg
    v. Health Services Acquisition Corp., 
    486 U.S. 847
    Because the record does not offer any reason to believe that
    IJ Katsivalis participated in the decision to commence
    proceedings against Petrov, an objectively reasonable and
    well-informed person would not perceive any impropriety.
    Consider a parallel: a federal judge who joined the bench
    No. 05-4696                                               7
    after service as a United States Attorney or a member of
    the Cabinet. Such a person would not be disqualified just
    because there was a possibility that subordinates had made
    a decision that might be contested in court. Instead the
    right question would be whether the new judge had “served
    in governmental employment and in such capacity partici-
    pated as counsel, adviser or material witness concerning the
    proceeding or expressed an opinion concerning the merits of
    the particular case in controversy”. 
    28 U.S.C. §455
    See also subsection (b)(1) (disqualification required if the
    judge has “personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts
    concerning the proceeding”). The Board of Immigration
    Appeals has adopted the standards of §455 for itself and the
    immigration judges. See Matter of Exame, 
    18 I&N Dec. 303
    306-07 (1982). Nothing suggests that IJ Katsivalis “partici-
    pated as counsel” in proceedings against Petrov, expressed
    an opinion about Petrov’s rights, or gained knowledge of
    any disputed material facts about Petrov, before his
    appointment as an immigration judge. No legal rule forbids
    his participation; whether recusal would have been prudent
    is not a pure question of law and so is outside the Real ID
    Act’s exception to §1252(b)(2)(C).
    None of Petrov’s other arguments requires discussion. The
    petition is dismissed for lack of jurisdiction.
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit