Sid Tilstra v. BouMatic LLC , 791 F.3d 749 ( 2015 )

  •                                  In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 14-3333
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Western District of Wisconsin.
    No. 3:12-cv-00827-slc — Stephen L. Crocker, Magistrate Judge.
    ARGUED APRIL 17, 2015 — DECIDED JUNE 30, 2015
    Before POSNER and WILLIAMS, Circuit Judges, and WOOD,
    District Judge.*
    POSNER, Circuit Judge. This diversity suit pits a dealer in
    dairy (“milking parlor”) equipment (the corporate plaintiff,
    owned by Sid Tilstra, the other plaintiff, but to simplify we’ll
    pretend that Mr. Tilstra is the only plaintiff) in southwestern
    *Hon. Andrea R. Wood of the Northern District of Illinois, sitting by des-
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    Ontario against a manufacturer of such equipment, Bou-
    Matic, a Wisconsin company. The parties agree that the law
    applicable to the substantive issues in this case is Wisconsin
    law; their contract authorized BouMatic to designate either
    Wisconsin law or the law of the jurisdiction in which the
    dealer is located as the law to govern a dispute between the
    parties, and it chose Wisconsin law.
    Tilstra had been a dealer in BouMatic’s dairy equipment
    for about twenty years. He claims that by devious means,
    violating the rule of contract law that contracts be performed
    in good faith, BouMatic forced him to sell his dealership to a
    neighboring BouMatic dealer at a below-market price. The
    jury agreed and awarded Tilstra $471,124 in damages, which
    the magistrate judge (presiding by agreement of the parties)
    upheld over the objections of BouMatic, which has appealed.
    Each BouMatic dealer is assigned a territory within
    which he has the exclusive right to sell and service BouMatic
    products. Tilstra’s territory included (according to John
    Ghey, the BouMatic district sales manager whose domain
    included that territory) “arguably the richest dairy county in
    Canada,” on which 55,000 dairy cows grazed. His dealership
    was making a profit of about $400,000 a year.
    The dealership contract reserved to BouMatic “the right
    to change, at its sole discretion, the assigned territory,” but
    further provided that “BouMatic shall not terminate this
    [dealership] Agreement or effect a substantial change in the
    competitive circumstances of this Agreement without good
    cause and only upon at least ninety (90) days’ advance writ-
    ten notice sent by certified mail. The term ‘good cause’
    means Dealer’s failure to comply substantially with essential
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    and reasonable requirements imposed upon Dealer by Bou-
    Adjacent to Tilstra’s territory was another BouMatic terri-
    tory, this one assigned to a dealership that the parties call
    Dortmans. Dortmans’ territory grazed only about half the
    number of dairy cows as Tilstra’s. Dortmans wanted to buy
    Tilstra’s dealership in order to obtain his territory. But the
    two were unable to come to terms—Tilstra was demanding a
    much higher price than Dortmans was willing to pay. A
    BouMatic district sales manager, Ghey, whose district in-
    cluded both territories, advised his superiors that Tilstra was
    doing a poor job with his territory; whether this was true is
    unclear, but in 2009, BouMatic’s regional sales manager,
    Stephane Desjardins, advised Ghey by email that “We
    [should] approach Sid [Tilstra] again and ask him to sell. If
    he refuses or makes it too difficult, we would in the short
    term, modify the territory lines in favor of Advanced [an-
    other adjacent BouMatic dealer] and Dortmans. This would
    … put unbearable pressure on Sid [to sell]—without cancel-
    ling him outright or immediately.”
    Desjardins and Ghey met with Tilstra and told him that
    BouMatic would eliminate his territory altogether unless he
    agreed to sell his dealership, with all its assets, to the Dort-
    mans by the first of the next month (December 2009), the sale
    to be closed by January 1. There is evidence that BouMatic
    also threatened to stop selling dairy equipment to Tilstra.
    Tilstra was willing to sell his dealership, but he contin-
    ued to resist the terms offered by Dortmans. On January 8
    BouMatic’s North American Director of Sales sent Tilstra a
    letter reminding him that BouMatic had decided to “have
    Dortmans … take over the territory covered by your com-
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    pany. … [O]ur decision … is not negotiable and … we will
    proceed with or without your cooperation.” The following
    month Tilstra sold the dealership to Dortmans for $500,000
    plus a five-year consulting contract under which he would
    receive a total of $310,000 in consulting fees. The sale was
    completed in March.
    Tilstra had valued the goodwill of his dealership at $1.5
    million; BouMatic, siding with Dortmans, had forced him to
    sell it for half that amount even when the consulting contract
    awarded to Tilstra as part of the deal is deemed part of the
    price of the dealership. In this suit, brought some two and a
    half years later, Tilstra argues that BouMatic both violated
    the dealership agreement and improperly interfered with his
    negotiations with Dortmans; but the latter claim was dis-
    missed as untimely, leaving only the former.
    The jury was entitled to find that BouMatic, though it did
    not purport to terminate its contract with Tilstra, in fact ter-
    minated it, and did so without complying with the provi-
    sion, quoted earlier, forbidding termination “without good
    cause and only upon at least ninety (90) days’ advance writ-
    ten notice sent by certified mail.” True, BouMatic didn’t
    formally terminate the agreement. But by telling Tilstra that
    unless he sold out to Dortmans his territory would be
    shrunk to zero, BouMatic was telling him that he was fin-
    ished, his dealership doomed; for without a territory his po-
    sition as a BouMatic dealer would be untenable. The territo-
    rial clause of the dealership agreement provides that the
    “Dealer shall purchase Bou-Matic products only … for resale
    to purchaser-users in Dealer’s assigned territory … [and]
    shall solicit sales only in their assigned territory unless al-
    lowed by Bou-Matic in writing prior to any solicitation.” So
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    if Tilstra’s territory were eliminated, Tilstra wouldn’t be able
    to buy any products from BouMatic for resale to anyone, or
    solicit any sales from anyone. In other words, no territory,
    no dealership. BouMatic ripostes that, as also quoted earlier,
    the dealership contract reserved to it “the right to change, at
    its sole discretion, the assigned territory.” Elimination of a
    dealership’s entire territory is certainly a change, but were it
    a change permitted by the contract, it would amount to al-
    lowing termination “without good cause,” contrary to an
    explicit contract term. That would not be a tenable interpre-
    tation of the contract.
    Contract law imposes on both parties to a contract a duty
    of good faith in the performance of their contractual obliga-
    tions. E.g., In re Estate of Chayka, 
    176 N.W.2d 561
    , 564 (Wis.
    1970). One form of bad faith that Wisconsin law recognizes
    is “evasion of the spirit of the bargain,” Foseid v. State Bank of
    Cross Plains, 
    541 N.W.2d 203
    , 212 (Wis. App. 1995)—an apt
    description of BouMatic’s de facto termination (“construc-
    tive termination” is the conventional legalism) by taking
    away a dealer’s entire territory. Another form of bad faith
    recognized in Wisconsin law is “abuse of a power to specify
    terms” (in this case to specify the size and shape of the
    dealer’s territory). 
    Id. at 213,
    quoting (as in our earlier quota-
    tion from the Foseid opinion) Restatement (Second) of Contracts
    § 205, comment d (1981); see also Zenith Ins. Co. v. Employers
    Ins. of Wausau, 
    141 F.3d 300
    , 308 (7th Cir. 1998) (Wisconsin
    law). An internal email by Desjardins accurately describes
    what BouMatic was trying to do to Tilstra (and succeeding)
    as “cancellation.”
    Backhandedly conceding the point, BouMatic argues that
    it had good cause to terminate Tilstra. But it never told Til-
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    stra that, as required by the contract, or proved at trial that
    Tilstra had failed “to comply substantially with essential and
    reasonable requirements imposed upon [Tilstra] by Bou-
    Matic.” No doubt BouMatic thought it would make more
    money if Dortmans rather than Tilstra managed what had
    been Tilstra’s territory. But the dealership contract did not
    authorize BouMatic to terminate a dealer merely because it
    had found a substitute that it thought it could make more
    money from. That would have made the contract terminable
    at will by BouMatic. The dealership agreement specifies that
    Tilstra may terminate it at will but BouMatic may terminate
    only if it has good cause to do so.
    With regard to remedy, BouMatic fires a blunderbuss of
    objections to the calculation of damages by Tilstra’s expert, a
    certified management accountant (with four other profes-
    sional certifications as well) named Rinaldo Sciannella.
    BouMatic points out that Sciannella did not attempt to verify
    Tilstra’s financial statements prepared in the ordinary course
    of business (that is, unrelated to the litigation) by outside ac-
    countants. But an expert witness is not required to verify all
    the facts on which he relies; he can rely on hearsay (in this
    case, what the accountants stated in the financial statements)
    provided that such reliance is an accepted practice in his
    profession, as it is. Fed. R. Evid. 703. BouMatic also points to
    a provision in its dealership agreement with Tilstra that “re-
    gardless of which party terminates this Agreement, Dealer
    shall not be entitled to any termination compensation or to
    any compensation for goodwill.” But the section of the
    agreement in which this provision appears conditions Bou-
    Matic’s right to terminate a dealer on good cause and 90-day
    written notice, and BouMatic did not comply with those
    conditions and so cannot rely on the provision we quoted. It
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    broke its contract with Tilstra, thereby exposing itself to a
    liability that would have been excluded only if BouMatic
    had terminated Tilstra’s dealership for good cause.
    BouMatic objects that the expert assumed that had Tilstra
    not been terminated, his dealership would have remained as
    valuable as it had been in recent years, and BouMatic re-
    gards this as mere speculation. But the damages calculated
    by the expert under the rubric of “goodwill” were the sum of
    the discounted future earnings of the dealership based on
    that assumption, and that is a standard method of business
    valuation, known as the “capitalized earnings” approach.
    BouMatic points out that even if it couldn’t lawfully
    shrink Tilstra’s territory to zero, it could shrink it some, and
    that would reduce Tilstra’s dealership profits. But the jury
    was entitled to find that any shrinkage attempted by Bou-
    Matic would have been a further attempt to transfer the
    dealership to Dortmans without complying with the contrac-
    tual provisions governing termination or with the duty of
    good faith performance imposed by contract law. BouMatic
    also argues that Tilstra could have obtained a comparable
    dealership from another supplier of milking-parlor equip-
    ment, or remained independent. But there was evidence that
    it is difficult to secure a new dealership and that a dealership
    is necessary to remain competitive—indeed, without a deal-
    ership and thus an assured source of supply of milking-
    parlor equipment, Tilstra might be relegated to manufactur-
    ing its own such equipment, which would hardly be a realis-
    tic option.
    BouMatic has other complaints about Sciannella as well,
    but they too go not to the admissibility of Sciannella’s testi-
    mony but to its weight. BouMatic had the opportunity to
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    discredit Sciannella’s testimony before the jury, tried to do
    so, and succeeded in persuading it to award Tilstra only
    about half the damages calculated by Sciannella.
    The judgment of the district court is

Document Info

Docket Number: 14-3333

Citation Numbers: 791 F.3d 749

Judges: Posner

Filed Date: 6/30/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023