United States v. Sushil Sheth , 759 F.3d 711 ( 2014 )

  •                                  In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Nos. 13-2040, 14-1824, & 14-1980
    Appeals from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 09 CR 69-1 — Rebecca R. Pallmeyer, Judge.
    SUBMITTED APRIL 8, 2014* — DECIDED JULY 18, 2014
    Before EASTERBROOK, ROVNER, and WILLIAMS, Circuit Judges.
    PER CURIAM. Sushil Sheth, a cardiologist, pled guilty in 2009
    to an information charging a single count of healthcare fraud.
    18 U.S.C. § 1347
    . As agreed by Sheth, the district court
    entered an order of criminal forfeiture for cash and investment
    We have consolidated Sheth’s various appeals in this matter for our
    review. After examining the briefs and the record, we have concluded that
    oral argument is unnecessary. Thus the appeals are submitted on the briefs
    and the record. See FED. R. APP. P. 34(a)(2)(C).
    2                             Nos. 13-2040, 14-1824, & 14-1980
    accounts then valued at roughly $13 million plus real estate
    and a vehicle. The government represented that the forfeited
    assets represented the proceeds of Sheth’s fraud, which the
    parties had calculated to be approximately $13 million. Sheth’s
    plea agreement specifies that forfeited assets would be credited
    against the amount of restitution, which the district court had
    determined to be $12,376,310. In September 2012, however,
    before the government had liquidated all of the forfeited assets
    or disbursed any of the proceeds to the victims, it sought more
    of Sheth’s assets to apply to restitution. Sheth objected, arguing
    that the forfeited assets in the government’s possession were
    enough to satisfy the order of restitution. Without resolving the
    parties’ factual dispute, the district court ordered turnover of
    the assets, which were held by third parties. Sheth filed an
    appeal of that ruling, which was docketed as No. 13-2040. We
    conclude that the court erred by ordering turnover of the assets
    without first allowing for discovery and holding an evidentiary
    hearing. We therefore vacate the court’s turnover orders and
    remand for further proceedings. Sheth also has filed two more
    appeals from later related rulings. Those appeals have been
    docketed as Nos. 14-1824 and 14-1980, and consolidated with
    the first appeal. On remand, the district court also should
    address any properly raised issues related to those appeals.
    The government learned of Sheth’s fraud in 2006, when one
    of his colleagues brought a qui tam suit against him under the
    False Claims Act, see 
    31 U.S.C. § 3730
    (b), and Illinois’s Whistle-
    blower Reward and Protection Act, see 740 ILCS § 175/4(b). The
    United States intervened in the suit and also initiated a
    criminal investigation. Sheth’s plea agreement lists the prop-
    Nos. 13-2040, 14-1824, & 14-1980                                 3
    erty subject to forfeiture and provides “that any payments
    made in satisfaction of the forfeiture judgment shall be credited
    to any outstanding restitution judgment.” Contemporaneously
    with Sheth’s sentencing in August 2010, a $20 million consent
    judgment in favor of the United States was entered in the civil
    suit. One of the terms of the civil settlement is that “[a]ny
    amounts paid to the United States as criminal restitution in the
    criminal case … against Sheth shall be credited against the”
    $20 million civil judgment.
    Six months after Sheth’s sentencing, the government had
    not liquidated all of Sheth’s forfeited assets, and neither had
    the government distributed any proceeds of liquidated assets
    to the victims. Nonetheless, the government began
    postjudgment proceedings under the existing criminal docket
    number to discover other assets belonging to Sheth and to
    collect those assets in satisfaction of the restitution amount.
    See United States v. Lee, 
    659 F.3d 619
    , 620 (7th Cir. 2011) (ex-
    plaining that district courts may entertain postjudgment
    collection proceedings within underlying criminal case). The
    government elected to use state collection procedures, as
    permitted by federal law when collecting restitution. See 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 3664
    (m)(1)(A)(I), 3613(a), (f); United States v. Resnick,
    594 F.3d 562
    , 565 (7th Cir. 2010). It served citations on ten
    financial-services companies, see 735 ILCS § 5/2-1402(a),
    informing those third parties about the order of restitution and
    stating that $12,395,563 remained unpaid. (This is $19,253 more
    than Sheth was ordered to pay in the restitution order.) The
    service of such citations initiates supplementary proceedings
    during which the court may compel a third party in possession
    4                              Nos. 13-2040, 14-1824, & 14-1980
    of the judgment debtor’s assets to turn over the assets to the
    judgment creditor to satisfy an unpaid judgment. See 735 ILCS
    § 5/2-1402(a)–(c); ILL. S. CT. R. 277(b); Dexia Crédit Local v.
    629 F.3d 612
    , 622 (7th Cir. 2010); Workforce Solutions v.
    Urban Servs. of Am., Inc., 
    977 N.E.2d 267
    , 275 (Ill. App. Ct. 2012).
    The government received written answers from the third
    parties and learned that five of them held assets belonging to
    Sheth—four brokerage accounts and one 401(k) plan. At the
    time the citations were served (April and May of 2011), the
    total value of these assets was $281,102.
    In September 2012—18 months after learning of these
    accounts—the government asked the district court to order the
    third parties to liquidate Sheth’s investments and turn over the
    proceeds to the clerk of the court. The government stated in its
    motion that Sheth owed $12,203,370 in restitution, with interest
    accruing. (This amount is $192,193 less than the balance listed
    on the citations and $172,940 less than the amount in the order
    of restitution. These discrepancies are puzzling, since the
    government had not yet distributed any funds to the victims.)
    At a hearing in September 2012, Sheth’s lawyer requested that
    the government provide an accounting of the assets that had
    been forfeited. The government responded that it could say
    “with some surety [sic]” that the United States Marshals
    Service was holding $9 million in forfeited assets. The govern-
    ment also stated that it intended to distribute that money to the
    victims but that it wanted Sheth’s additional assets turned over
    so that it could “know exactly how much money” it had before
    distributing any funds to the victims. The court set a briefing
    Nos. 13-2040, 14-1824, & 14-1980                               5
    schedule and ordered the government to provide an account-
    ing of the forfeiture proceeds.
    In January 2013 the government sent Sheth a two-page list
    of the forfeited assets. The government’s lawyer asserted in an
    e-mail to Sheth’s lawyer that the government held $9,989,320
    of liquidated assets and additional, unliquidated assets that it
    estimated to be worth $1.3 million—a total of approximately
    $11.3 million. The government’s lawyer added, however, that
    the unliquidated assets might actually be worth “substantially
    less,” but he offered no basis for this conclusion or for the
    stated valuation. The government’s lawyer further represented
    in his e-mail that “the $12.2 million judgment remain[ed]
    completely unsatisfied” because, “for some complicated
    reason” that counsel did not articulate, the forfeited funds
    could not be distributed to the victims before the turnover
    orders were issued.
    After receiving the government’s list of assets, Sheth
    objected to the turnover motion. He argued that the govern-
    ment’s valuation was incomplete and inaccurate because it did
    not credit him for earnings on liquid assets (the government
    had taken possession six years earlier of bank accounts valued
    at $6.5 million) and did not include a valuation for several
    forfeited assets. Sheth also insisted that he was entitled to a
    detailed accounting and to documentation of the government’s
    sale of certain assets, including real estate. Last, he contended
    that, if the government’s valuation was correct, the government
    held almost $10 million in assets, and his current restitution
    balance was therefore approximately $2.5 million, not
    $12.2 million as the government maintained.
    6                             Nos. 13-2040, 14-1824, & 14-1980
    The government replied that Sheth’s arguments were
    “merely speculation” and reassured the district court that it
    should not be troubled by the possibility of over-collection
    because any surplus would be applied to the $20 million civil
    judgment. And, the government maintained, even if Sheth
    satisfied the order of restitution and the civil judgment, the
    government “could apply any further surplus to the defen-
    dant’s $13 million forfeiture judgment, which remains unsatis-
    fied because all the assets seized pursuant to the forfeiture
    warrant in this case were applied to the restitution judgment.”
    The government’s lawyer, though, did not identify what legal
    authority would permit collecting the $13 million forfeiture
    judgment twice, or how this collection argument could be
    reconciled with the promise made in the plea agreement to
    credit “any payments made in satisfaction of the forfeiture
    judgment” against the order of restitution, which never
    exceeded $12.4 million. Neither did the government’s lawyer
    identify legal authority for his proposal to apply any surplus
    against the civil judgment. The government did not deny that
    the funds in its possession were accruing earnings but asserted,
    again without citing authority, that it was not required to
    credit any earnings to Sheth and that, in any event, “the issue
    is not germane to the present motion.” The government also
    stated that Sheth could not be credited the value of the
    unliquidated assets and that—regardless of the total value of
    the assets that the government was holding—the balance due
    on the order of restitution would remain the full amount until
    the government transferred the funds to the clerk of the court,
    which it would not do until the resolution of the turnover
    Nos. 13-2040, 14-1824, & 14-1980                               7
    The district court conducted another hearing on the
    turnover motion in March 2013. Sheth’s lawyer requested that
    the government be required to produce evidence to “back up”
    its valuation. He argued that it was unfair for the government
    to hold the assets for years while asserting that interest was
    accruing on the entire amount of restitution. The government’s
    response was that its two-page list of assets was an “extensive”
    inventory and that Sheth’s arguments were irrelevant because,
    but for the plea agreement, the government would not have
    had to credit Sheth’s forfeited assets toward restitution and,
    thus, Sheth could have been criminally liable for a total of more
    than $25 million. The Illinois procedures governing these
    supplementary proceedings require a court to resolve parties’
    factual disputes through discovery and an evidentiary hearing.
    See ILL. S. CT. R. 277(e) (stating that in proceedings under 735
    ILCS § 5/2-1402, “[a]ny interested party may subpoena
    witnesses and adduce evidence as upon the trial of any civil
    action”); Dexia Crédit, 
    629 F.3d at
    618–19; Workforce Solutions,
    977 N.E.2d at 275–77. Instead, the judge ordered supplemental
    The government then gave Sheth documentation of the sale
    of forfeited land in Arizona but provided no further evidence
    in support of its valuation. Later, the government’s lawyer sent
    Sheth’s lawyer another e-mail. The government had recently
    liquidated some of the assets and, according to its lawyer, “the
    most optimistic view” of the total value of the assets in the
    government’s possession was now roughly $11.15 mil-
    lion—$1.16 million more than the valuation the government
    had provided only six months earlier. This total included two
    8                             Nos. 13-2040, 14-1824, & 14-1980
    investments that Sheth had purchased for $550,000, which the
    e-mail valued at the purchase price. The e-mail also showed
    another investment that Sheth had purchased for $250,000,
    which the e-mail valued at zero because, the government’s
    lawyer asserted, that investment had “been deemed worth-
    At the final hearing on the turnover motion, Sheth’s lawyer
    again argued that the government’s valuation was “haphaz-
    ard” and that still the government had not supplied substantia-
    tion for its numbers. Sheth’s counsel also maintained that the
    $20 million civil judgment was irrelevant because the govern-
    ment had moved to collect under the Mandatory Victims
    Restitution Act, see 
    18 U.S.C. § 3613
    (a), and thus the govern-
    ment and the court had no right to bring the $20 million civil
    judgment “into play.” The government responded that Sheth
    was “only” losing $200,000 because this was “the only money
    that the government found that wasn’t linked to his fraud.”
    The judge granted the motion for turnover, concluding that she
    had not “heard any basis upon which to sustain an objection”
    to the motion. The judge reasoned that there was no point in
    having another hearing because all of the money would
    ultimately be “scooped up by the government” to satisfy the
    $20 million civil judgment.
    Three weeks later, Sheth filed a timely notice of appeal. See
    FED. R. APP. P. 4(a)(1); Lee, 
    659 F.3d at
    620–21. He then moved
    for a stay of the turnover orders pending appeal, but by then
    the third parties had liquidated and transferred the funds to
    the clerk of the district court. The government agreed not to
    distribute those funds—totaling $300,738 (approximately
    Nos. 13-2040, 14-1824, & 14-1980                                9
    $20,000 more than when the government discovered the assets
    two years earlier)—pending appeal. The government did,
    however, move to transfer the funds it had obtained thus far
    by liquidating the forfeited assets, $10,371,661 “plus any
    interest that has accrued,” to the clerk for distribution to the
    victims. (The government did not explain why it was now
    requesting that the accrued interest be distributed to the
    victims when previously it had maintained that the interest
    earned would not be credited toward Sheth’s order of restitu-
    tion.) The government attached an updated list of assets to its
    motion, this time valuing the investments that Sheth had
    purchased for $550,000—which the government still had not
    liquidated—at zero. The court granted the motion.
    On appeal, Sheth repeats the arguments he made below,
    challenging the district court’s conclusion that there was no
    point in resolving the parties’ factual dispute because his assets
    not subject to forfeiture would eventually end up in the hands
    of the government anyway. The government continues to insist
    that Sheth’s objections to the turnover motion are baseless
    because any amount it collects to satisfy the order of restitution
    may be applied to either the $20 million civil judgment or the
    $13 million forfeiture judgment.
    The government’s contention—relied on by the district
    court—that it can collect the $20 million civil judgment through
    the provisions of the Mandatory Victims Restitution Act is
    incorrect. In general, the Federal Debt Collection Procedures
    Act “provides the exclusive civil procedures for the United
    States … to recover a judgment on a debt.” 
    28 U.S.C. § 3001
    That Act states that other collection procedures may apply if
    10                            Nos. 13-2040, 14-1824, & 14-1980
    “another Federal law supplies procedures for recovering on a
    claim or a judgment for a debt arising under such law,” 
    § 3001(b), but the government has identified no other federal
    law that governs the collection of the civil judgment in this
    case. Sheth maintains that the disputed accounts cannot be
    collected in satisfaction of the civil judgment because they are
    retirement accounts that are protected by ERISA’s anti-alien-
    ation provision. See 
    29 U.S.C. § 1056
    (d). The government
    responds by stating that “‘retirement funds’ are not exempt
    from a criminal judgment” (emphasis added). This statement is
    correct but irrelevant. While we have recognized that the
    Mandatory Victims Restitution Act supersedes anti-alienation
    provisions so that retirement accounts may be used “as a
    source of funds to provide restitution,” United States v. Hosking,
    567 F.3d 329
    , 334 (7th Cir. 2009) (emphasis added), we did so
    because the Act itself provides that, “[n]otwithstanding any
    other Federal law … , a judgment imposing a fine may be
    enforced against all property or rights to property of the
    person fined,” 
    18 U.S.C. § 3613
    (a). The government provides
    no legal authority stating that the civil judgment in favor of the
    government can be collected notwithstanding ERISA’s anti-
    alienation provision.
    The government’s assertion that it could have seized the
    five accounts in satisfaction of the $13 million forfeiture
    judgment also is unconvincing. The five accounts at issue are
    not listed in the forfeiture order. See 
    18 U.S.C. § 982
    21 U.S.C. § 853
    (g). True, the sentencing judge is allowed “to make
    the forfeiture order in personam rather than in rem, so that it
    is a personal judgment against the defendant rather than a
    Nos. 13-2040, 14-1824, & 14-1980                                 11
    claim to specified assets.” United States v. Navarette, 
    667 F.3d 886
    , 887 (7th Cir. 2012); see United States v. Newman, 
    659 F.3d 1235
    , 1242–43 (9th Cir. 2011) (explaining that “a money
    judgment is a proper form of criminal forfeiture”). But the
    government identifies no authority that permits the use of the
    Mandatory Victims Restitution Act to collect the balance due
    on such a forfeiture judgment, and “[i]t is not the court’s
    responsibility to research the law and construct the parties’
    arguments for them.” Econ. Folding Box Corp. v. Anchor Frozen
    Foods Corp., 
    515 F.3d 718
    , 721 (7th Cir. 2008). Perhaps the
    government believes that the five accounts qualify as substitute
    property, see 
     § 853(p), but, if so, the government must obtain
    an order of forfeiture or amend an existing order of forfeiture
    to include the accounts. See FED. R. CRIM. P. 32.2(e); United
    States v. Gordon, 
    710 F.3d 1124
    , 1165–66 (10th Cir. 2013); United
    States v. Duboc, 
    694 F.3d 1223
    , 1226–27 (11th Cir. 2012).
    The government also argues that the plea agreement is
    silent about how Sheth’s property is to be divided between
    restitution, forfeiture, and the civil judgment, and thus it is free
    to first collect and apply other assets to the order of restitution
    and only then pay off the balance due with forfeited assets.
    What the government means by this, as far as we can tell, is
    that honoring its plea agreement with Sheth is optional. “[W]e
    interpret a plea agreement based on the parties’ reasonable
    expectations and construe ambiguities against the government
    as the drafter.” United States v. Munoz, 
    718 F.3d 726
    , 729 (7th
    Cir. 2013). By the government’s logic, if the five accounts it
    sought from the third parties had been worth $12.4 million
    rather than approximately $300,000, the government could
    12                            Nos. 13-2040, 14-1824, & 14-1980
    have seized those accounts, liquidated them, used the
    $12.4 million to completely pay off the restitution judgment,
    and simply kept the more than $10 million in proceeds from
    forfeited assets. Rather than being a reasonable reading of its
    plea agreement with Sheth, the government’s argument reads
    out of the agreement its unambiguous promise “that any
    payments made in satisfaction of the forfeiture judgment shall
    be credited to any outstanding restitution judgment” (emphasis
    added). Furthermore, the government’s contention that it
    could hold the forfeited funds indefinitely until all of Sheth’s
    other assets were collected is inconsistent with the right of
    victims to “full and timely restitution as provided by law.” 
    18 U.S.C. § 3771
    (a)(6) (emphasis added); see U.S. DEP’T OF JUSTICE,
    ASSISTANCE 42 (2011).
    Perhaps the government was worried that, if it did not seize
    Sheth’s other assets as quickly as possible, he would attempt to
    move them out of its reach. But this concern is easily ad-
    dressed. The Illinois statute that the government used in its
    collection efforts empowers the judgment creditor and the
    court to prevent—by citation or injunction—a third party in
    possession of the judgment debtor’s assets “from making or
    allowing any transfer” or disposing of the assets. See 735 ILCS
    § 5/2-1402(f). Thus, the assets can be frozen until further order
    of the court or the termination of the proceeding, whichever
    occurs first. The proceedings do terminate automatically, but
    the court can “grant extensions … as justice may require.” ILL.
    S. CT. R. 277(f). Therefore, once the government initiated
    Nos. 13-2040, 14-1824, & 14-1980                                 13
    supplementary proceedings, it easily could have ensured that
    Sheth’s assets stayed put.
    The government also argues that, for purposes of determin-
    ing the balance due on Sheth’s restitution judgment, the value
    of Sheth’s unliquidated forfeited assets is irrelevant. The
    government relies on United States v. Robers, 
    698 F.3d 937
    Cir. 2013), aff’d, --- S. Ct. ---, 
    2014 WL 1757835
     (May 5, 2014), in
    which a defendant argued that the sentencing court was
    required to reduce the amount of his criminal restitution order
    by the fair market value of real estate collateral that he had
    given to the victims. 
    Id. at 939
    . We rejected that argument,
    stating that “what matters is when at least part of the cash was
    returned to the victims.” 
    Id. at 942
    . But Robers dealt with 18
    U.S.C. § 3663A(b)(1), which provides the method for calculat-
    ing the victims’ loss at sentencing. Thus, our conclusion in that
    case was based on the “plain language of the statute.” Robers,
    698 F.3d at 942. We said nothing about how properly to
    determine the balance due on an order of restitution when, as
    here, a defendant asserts during postjudgment proceedings
    that the government is over-collecting. The other case that the
    government relies on, United States v. Shah, 
    665 F.3d 827
    , 837
    (7th Cir. 2011), also deals with defendants who disputed “that
    restitution was computed correctly at the time their sentences
    were imposed.” In that case, we determined that the stocks the
    defendant had given to the government before judgment were
    security—not payment—for his undetermined restitution
    obligation and thus the defendant bore the loss for the securi-
    ties’ decline in value. The government does not explain why
    Robers and Shah are relevant here.
    14                            Nos. 13-2040, 14-1824, & 14-1980
    Nor can we rely on the government’s assurances that Sheth
    was not harmed because the forfeited assets are $2 million
    short of satisfying his restitution obligation. The government
    still holds unliquidated investments of undetermined value. It
    could be that these investments are, as the government asserts,
    worth far less than $2 million. But the list of assets provided by
    the government shows that some of Sheth’s investments were
    liquidated at five times what Sheth paid for them. Even credit-
    ing the government’s assertion that one of Sheth’s unliquidated
    investments is a total loss, the government is still in possession
    of investments that Sheth purchased for $550,000. It is at least
    possible that these investments are worth substantially more
    than what he paid.
    But this is a factual dispute that the district court, after
    allowing for discovery, should have resolved before ruling on
    the turnover motion. The government elected to enforce the
    restitution judgment in accordance with Illinois law. See 
    18 U.S.C. § 3613
    (a). And under Illinois law, Sheth was entitled to
    discovery and an evidentiary hearing when he asserted a
    defense to the government’s collection effort. See ILL. S. CT. R.
    277(e); Dexia Crédit, 
    629 F.3d at
    618–19; Workforce Solutions, 977
    N.E.2d at 275–77. Sheth did not stipulate to the facts or waive
    his right to discovery or an evidentiary hearing. See Workforce
    Solutions, 977 N.E.2d at 277. To the contrary, at every stage of
    the supplemental proceedings, he demanded more evidence
    and insisted that the government could not back up its valua-
    tion. Thus, the district court erred by resolving these disputes
    on the briefs.
    Nos. 13-2040, 14-1824, & 14-1980                                15
    Accordingly, we VACATE the turnover orders and RE-
    MAND to the district court for further proceedings consistent
    with this opinion. The disputed funds must remain with the
    clerk of the court until the district court resolves the parties’
    factual disputes and determines whether Sheth is entitled to
    any further relief. We withhold judgment on the other issues
    that Sheth has raised in his consolidated appeals, including the
    denial of his motion requesting appointed counsel and the
    district court’s grant of a judicial deed to Anita Sheth. We
    return the entire matter to the district court, noting that it also
    should address any further issues that Sheth has properly