United States v. Jama Mire , 725 F.3d 665 ( 2013 )

  •                              In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis Division.
    No. 1:11-cr-00015-WTL-KPF—William T. Lawrence, Judge.
    A RGUED A PRIL 12, 2013—D ECIDED JULY 25, 2013
    Before B AUER, P OSNER, and F LAUM, Circuit Judges.
    B AUER, Circuit Judge. This case introduces a new
    drug culture to the Seventh Circuit: the underground
    world of “khat.”
    Jama Mire and Hassan Rafle became involved in a
    conspiracy to distribute khat in the Indianapolis area.
    Mire’s business, the Somali House of Coffee, served as a
    place where people could get the “stuff” and enjoy it in
    comfort. Government agents received a tip from a con-
    2                                   Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793
    cerned Somali man about this khat-distribution con-
    spiracy and launched an investigation into it. Mire and
    Rafle were each indicted on one count of conspiracy
    to possess with intent to distribute cathinone, in viola-
    tion of 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 841
    (a) and 846. Mire was indicted
    on two additional counts: (1) knowingly using or main-
    taining a place for the purpose of distributing and using
    cathinone, in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. § 856
    (a)(1); and
    (2) possession with intent to distribute a mixture or
    substance containing cathinone, in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    (a). And after a bench trial, Mire and Rafle were
    found guilty on all counts.
    The Defendants appeal their convictions; the sentences
    they received are not at issue. Mire and Rafle contend,
    first, that their due process rights were violated
    because they were not given fair warning that the pos-
    session of khat may be illegal; and second, that the
    district court erred under Daubert in admitting govern-
    ment expert witness testimony regarding khat plants
    that were seized at the coffee house and tested for
    cathinone, a controlled substance. Mire also contends
    that his conviction for conspiracy to distribute khat and
    his conviction for maintaining a place for the distribu-
    tion or use of khat violate the Double Jeopardy Clause;
    and anyway, that the evidence at trial was not sufficient
    to support any of his convictions.
    Finding each of the arguments without merit, we affirm.
    Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793                                      3
    A. What is Khat?
    This is the first case involving khat to appear before this
    Court, so we take the opportunity to explain it. Khat,1
    pronounced “kY+t”—the common name for the plant
    Catha Edulis—grows in parts of East Africa and the
    Arabian Peninsula. It is known as the drug-of-choice
    among Somali men who chew the leaves or mix them
    in with tea for the stimulant effects. It is not smoked or
    eaten in any fashion. The use of khat in Somalia is legal
    and an accepted pastime, and the plant is readily sold in
    the marketplace and stores. Estimates put its use among
    Somali men as being equivalent to caffeine or tobacco
    use among the American population. See Edward G.
    Armstrong, Research Note: Crime, Chemicals, and Culture:
    On the Complexity of Khat, 38 J. D RUG ISSUES 631, 633
    (2008) [hereinafter Armstrong, Research Note] (noting
    that 75% of Somali men use khat). U.S. pop culture
    has even referenced the use of khat in Somalia, including
    the 2001 Oscar-winning film Black Hawk Down.
    See Black Hawk Down, INTERNET M OVIE D ATABASE,
    http://w w w .im db.com/title/tt0265086/?ref=ttqt_qt_tt
    (last visited July 8, 2013).
    “Street Names: Khat has over 40 street names to include
    Abyssinian Tea, African Salad, Bushman’s Tea, Chat, Gat, Kat,
    Miraa, Oat, Qat, Somali Tea, Tohai, Taschat.” Fact Sheet, KHAT
    http://www.justice.gov/d ea/pubs/pressrel/pr072606a.htm l
    (last visited July 8, 2013).
    4                                    Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793
    Khat “the plant” is not illegal in the United States. It is
    not listed in the U.S. Code or the Code of Federal Regula-
    tions (CFR) controlled substances schedules. See, e.g.,
    United States v. Hassan, 
    542 F.3d 968
    , 972 (2d Cir. 2008);
    United States v. Caseer, 
    399 F.3d 828
    , 833 (6th Cir. 2005);
    United States v. Hussein, 
    351 F.3d 9
    , 15 (1st Cir. 2003). The
    plant, however, contains two controlled substances,
    cathinone and cathine, that produce an energetic and
    excited state that allows a user to combat fatigue
    and function at a higher level. See U.S. Food and Drug
    Administration, Basis for the Recommendation for Control
    of Cathinone into Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act
    10, 12 (Nov. 5, 1992) [hereinafter FDA Report]. As a
    result, cab drivers in the United States have been known
    to use khat during their shifts.2 See Caseer, 
    399 F.3d at 831
    . “Fresh” khat is sold in “bundles,” costing approxi-
    mately $40 to $70 in the United States. “Dried” khat, also
    known as “garraba” or “G20,” is sold in packs or “baggies”
    for about $40 each.
    Cathinone, a Schedule I drug, has properties similar
    to those of amphetamine and is the stronger of the
    two controlled substances found in khat leaves. It was
    added to the U.S. Controlled Substance Act (CSA) in
    1993.3 See 
    21 C.F.R. § 1308.11
    (f)(3); FDA Report, at 18.
    An audio recording of a call played at trial included a cab
    driver saying he did nothing for hours during his shift
    because he was too high from the garraba he chewed.
    Synthetic cathinone is one of the key ingredients in the
    increasingly-popular recreational drug “bath salts.” See Drug
    Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793                                            5
    Cathine, on the other hand, is a Schedule IV controlled
    substance and the weaker of the two. See 
    21 C.F.R. § 1308.14
    (f)(1). Not all khat leaves contain the same or
    similar amounts of either substance, however; some
    contain none. The regulation of khat then is dependent
    upon the particular chemical composition of each leaf,
    which may vary depending on the size of the plant
    and when the plant was harvested. See Schedules of
    Controlled Substances: Placement of Cathinone and 2,5-
    Dimethoxy-4-ethylamphetamine Into Schedule I, 
    58 Fed. Reg. 4316
    , 4317 (Jan. 14, 1993) (“When khat contains
    cathinone, khat is a Schedule I substance. During either
    the maturation or the decomposition of the plant mate-
    rial, cathinone is converted to cathine, a Schedule IV
    substance. . . . When khat does not contain cathinone, but
    does contain cathine, khat is a Schedule IV substance.”).
    Once a khat plant or shrub is harvested, the cathinone
    in the plant metabolically breaks down into the less
    potent substance cathine. This breakdown occurs
    roughly thirty to forty-eight hours after harvesting but,
    again, varies depending on the particular plant and
    whether steps are taken to preserve the plant’s initial
    chemical composition. See Armstrong, Research Note, at
    639. In other words, fresh khat leaves have a greater
    ratio of cathinone to cathine than old, dried up leaves,
    Facts: Synthetic Cathinones (“Bath Salts”), N AT ’L I NST . ON D RUG
    A BUSE , http://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/
    synthetic-cathinones-bath-salts (last visited July 8, 2013).
    6                                  Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793
    thereby producing greater psychoactive effects on the
    user. This is why khat growers expedite the process
    of harvesting the plants and shipping them to the
    intended destinations: khat users purchase the leaves
    for their desired effects, and a slow or delayed shipping
    process naturally diminishes the effect of each leaf
    upon consumption. See United States v. Abdulle, 
    564 F.3d 119
    , 125 (2d Cir. 2009) (“[A] newly harvested leaf may
    contain cathinone, while the same leaf a few days later
    may contain only cathine, the weaker, Schedule IV stimu-
    lant.”). And at some point, khat leaves might not have
    any trace of the controlled substances and ingesting
    them would have the same effect as chewing leaves off
    an oak tree. See Argaw v. Ashcroft, 
    395 F.3d 521
    , 526 (4th
    Cir. 2005) (“At this juncture, there is no reasonable
    basis for the conclusion that khat always contains
    cathine.”). For this reason, khat generally arrives in the
    United States within five or six days after it has been
    The only way to determine whether a particular khat
    leaf has cathinone or cathine is to chemically analyze it.
    This is important because, unlike marijuana or peyote,
    law enforcement personnel cannot determine whether
    possession of a given khat plant is illegal by simply
    looking at the plant. Cf. 
    21 C.F.R. §§ 1308.11
    (d)(26) (listing “marijuana” and “peyote” as controlled
    B. The Facts
    Hussein Ahmed was a cab driver and known khat
    dealer in the Indianapolis, Indiana area. Ahmed had
    Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793                                 7
    “fresh” khat connections in Europe who would send
    packages of it to him at: his residence, rented mailbox
    stores, and the Somali House of Coffee (the coffee
    house) before Mire became its owner. Once Ahmed
    received a package, which usually contained 30 to 200
    bundles of khat, he repackaged the bundles into smaller
    quantities. This made for easier distribution of the
    product to local street buyers stretching from
    Indianapolis to Columbus, Ohio. One continuing problem
    for Ahmed was that some of his packages of fresh khat
    were intercepted by U.S. Customs officials. But for the
    packages he did receive, he would send back money
    using international money transfer businesses, including
    Dahabshil, Inc., Amal Express, and Western Union. And
    in doing so, he often used fake aliases to evade law en-
    forcement detection.
    Ahmed also distributed “dried” khat, which he pur-
    chased domestically, in boxes from Ethiopian sources.
    These boxes contained plastic trash bags full of garraba
    and weighed approximately 8 kilograms. One box cost
    Ahmed anywhere from $800 to $1,600.
    Ahmed had another problem, however; he needed
    help selling and distributing the khat he purchased. To
    overcome it, he reached out to others for assistance. One
    person Ahmed looked to was his roommate, Rafle, who
    fled from Somalia in the 1990s and eventually landed in
    Indianapolis. This made sense because Rafle was often
    present when Ahmed opened the khat shipments
    at their apartment and repackaged the “goods” for distri-
    8                                   Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793
    Rafle had two main roles in the conspiracy. First, he
    often sent money back to Ahmed’s sources overseas on
    Ahmed’s behalf. The amount would vary, but on one
    particular occasion, Rafle sent $700 to a “Guleed Ismail” in
    Holland. Guleed Ismail was one of Ahmed’s sources
    for fresh khat from September 2007 until February 2011.
    Additionally, Rafle was a truck driver by trade. Accord-
    ingly, he could transport khat from Columbus to Indiana-
    polis, and vice versa, while on the road. Government
    wiretaps captured a few conversations between
    Ahmed and Rafle when Rafle was commuting to and
    from Columbus. One such wiretap involved a khat trans-
    action that was to occur and included Ahmed
    apprising Rafle to tell the seller that he was sent by the
    “Sultan.” Another call included Ahmed advising Rafle
    to “change to local roads,” and Ahmed testified that he
    told Rafle to drive the speed limit to avoid law enforce-
    ment scrutiny. Ahmed paid Rafle approximately $400
    per trip in exchange for acting as his drug courier.
    Ahmed also wanted to distribute khat locally in a
    secure setting in Indianapolis; that is how the Somali
    House of Coffee and Mire became involved. Mire, born
    in Mogadishu, Somalia, immigrated to the United States
    with his family in 2004 and eventually made his way to
    Indianapolis, Indiana. In early 2009, he became the sole
    proprietor of the coffee house. The coffee house was
    also known by its previous name, Hargeisa Coffee;
    Hargeisa is a city in Somalia. It was at the coffee house
    where Mire’s troubles began.
    Ahmed testified that in April 2009, shortly after Mire
    purchased the coffee house, he reached out to Mire to
    Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793                                  9
    discuss selling khat there. The former owner of the
    coffee house, Handule Mohammed, was a player in
    Ahmed’s khat conspiracy and previously allowed Ahmed
    to send khat there. Testimony indicated that the
    Somali community in Indianapolis was a tight-knit
    group and was known to hang out at the coffee house
    Ahmed thought the coffee house, now under Mire’s
    direction and control, would be a good place to return
    and sell khat. Mire, a new business owner, wanted to
    increase profits at the coffee house, and Ahmed knew
    that. Ahmed’s selling point was that his khat sales
    would bring more customers to the coffee house and
    Mire would see an increase in his legitimate business
    sales in return. Mire agreed.
    Some time thereafter, Mire expanded the coffee house
    to include a large room at the front of the building. This
    room was decorated as a lounge and had dark-tinted
    windows facing the street. The coffee house had other
    smaller rooms at the back of the building. One of these
    smaller rooms was where Ahmed kept the khat he
    sold there. Ahmed did not have a key to that room, or
    any other room, at the coffee house.
    Ahmed testified that he sold khat at the coffee house
    about four to five times per week from approximately
    April 2009 until April 2010, and this was done with
    Mire’s knowledge and permission. During this time
    period, the number of customers at the coffee house
    increased: often times, there were as many as fifteen
    to eighteen people chewing khat at a time. Testi-
    10                                  Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793
    mony indicated that the renovated coffee house “lounge,”
    with its tinted exterior windows and couches, served as
    an ideal place to enjoy the substance. Many of the khat
    users present were cab drivers in the area.
    In March 2010, Mire began selling khat at the coffee
    house on his own. Ahmed in fact testified that Mire
    went into business for himself; he did not supply Mire
    with khat to sell, share in any of Mire’s profits, or assist
    Mire in any pertinent way with respect to selling khat
    at the coffee house after April 2010. A recorded conversa-
    tion between Ahmed and his friend Sayid Awale on
    September 17, 2010, corroborated that information.
    Awale asked Ahmed where he could get “green leaves,”
    another name for garraba, and Ahmed told him “the
    little fat one who owns the place sells the stuff.” Ahmed
    testified that “the little fat one” was Mire; context demon-
    strates that “the stuff” was garraba and “the place” was
    the coffee house.
    Other testimony indicating that Mire was knowingly
    selling khat at the coffee house after April 2010 came
    from Jafar Tuti, a cab driver in Chicago, Illinois.
    Tuti rented a mailbox at a UPS store in Indianapolis in
    September 2010; Mire was present with Tuti at the time.
    Tuti had planned to move to Indianapolis from
    Chicago, but when that did not occur, he gave Mire the key
    to the UPS mailbox: instead of returning the key, Mire
    continued to use the mailbox himself. Tuti paid
    between $60 to $100 to rent the mailbox for three
    months; Mire paid Tuti $800 to continue using it in Tuti’s
    name. The owner of the UPS branch where the mailbox
    Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793                                 11
    was located testified that only Mire was authorized to
    receive packages at the mailbox.
    Unbeknownst to the Defendants, a confidential
    human source (CHS) of Somali heritage, Ali Jama, tipped
    off the FBI in an attempt to “clean up” the Somali com-
    munity in Indianapolis; he wanted to eradicate the use
    of khat. In April 2009, the CHS met with Special Agent
    Todd Samargia and Task Force Officer Andy Burks and
    told them that Ahmed, among others, was involved in a
    khat-trafficking conspiracy in the area. The CHS said
    the drug activity began around 2007 and explained the
    details regarding how the khat was shipped to the
    United States, where it was coming from, and how the
    conspirators used fictitious information on the postal
    labels. FBI agents used this information to launch an
    investigation into the khat-distribution scheme in India-
    napolis. The agents followed up on the CHS’s tip and
    tracked the shipping of khat, conducted wiretaps on
    individuals believed to be involved in the conspiracy,
    engaged in surveillance of the coffee house, and had
    the CHS participate in a few controlled drug buys of
    khat at the coffee house.
    The information gathered led to two indictments
    being returned against Ahmed, Rafle, Mire, and many
    others in the Southern District of Indiana on February 15,
    2011. On February 17, Mire was arrested, and a search
    warrant was executed at the Somali House of Coffee.
    The coffee house search turned up numerous large bags
    filled with dried khat. Luke Augustine, a Senior Forensic
    Chemist for the Drug Enforcement Administration,
    12                                 Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793
    tested the khat plants seized for the presence of cathinone
    and cathine. Some of the plants tested positive for
    cathinone; some tested positive for cathine; and some
    did not have a trace of either controlled substance.
    After Mire was arrested and informed of his Miranda
    rights, FBI Special Agent Jeremy Michaelis asked Mire
    about the khat found at the coffee house. Mire did not
    just deny ownership of the bags; he said it must have
    been placed there by his “enemies.” Furthermore, Mire
    went so far as to say that he had never before seen
    garraba in Indianapolis. Agent Samargia also had an
    opportunity to speak with Mire. He showed Mire a photo-
    graph of a man in the coffee house surrounded by
    bags presumably of garraba. Mire denied knowing who
    was in the photo, what was in the bags, or where the
    photo was taken. Agent Samargia testified that the
    photo was obtained from Mire’s personal cell phone,
    which was found during the search of the coffee house.
    On July 12, 2011, a superseding indictment was filed;
    eight individual defendants were named. Mire and Rafle
    were both listed in Count I, conspiracy to possess with
    intent to distribute cathinone in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 841
    (a) and 846. Mire was also listed in Count II, know-
    ingly using or maintaining a place for the purpose of
    distributing and using cathinone in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. § 856
    (a)(1); and Count III, possession with intent to dis-
    tribute a mixture or substance containing cathinone
    in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    (a). Five of the named indi-
    viduals pleaded guilty in some capacity, including
    Ahmed, who agreed to cooperate with the government
    Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793                                    13
    in exchange for leniency. The case against Mire, Rafle,
    and another co-conspirator continued.
    The government informed the Defendants that it in-
    tended to call Dr. Augustine and Theresa Browning, DEA
    Forensic Chemists, to testify as experts regarding the
    testing of khat plants for cathinone. On October 7, 2011,
    Mire filed a motion to exclude that testimony. 4 Rafle
    joined the motion on March 12, 2012. The Defendants
    contended that the testing procedures underlying the
    experts’ testimony were unreliable and incomplete.
    The district court conducted a Daubert hearing on the
    motion on March 19, 2012. See Daubert v. Merrell Dow
    509 U.S. 579
     (1993). On April 23, 2012, the
    court denied the Defendants’ motion to exclude, as we
    discuss in full detail below.
    A bench trial for Mire, Rafle, and the other co-conspirator
    was held from March 12, 2012, through March 30, 2012.
    The bulk of the government’s case came from Ahmed’s
    testimony. Other significant testimony came from
    Dr. Augustine, Agent Michaelis, and Agent Samargia. At
    the close of the government’s case, all three defendants
    moved for a judgment of acquittal pursuant to Federal
    Co-defendant Abdikadar Hodan filed the first motion to
    exclude the government’s expert testimony, which Mire re-
    quested to join on August 12, 2011. Hodan pleaded guilty to
    the charges against him on September 1, 2011, so his motion
    was rendered moot. By invitation of the district court, Mire
    requested Hodan’s motion be reinstated and treated as if
    Mire had originally filed it. The district court obliged.
    14                                  Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793
    Rule of Criminal Procedure 29(a). They argued, among
    other things, that (1) the CSA violated the Due Process
    Clause of the Fifth Amendment because it did not
    provide fair warning that the possession of khat could
    be illegal; (2) the government did not prove they “knew”
    khat contained a controlled substance; and (3) the gov-
    ernment did not prove an “agreement” to violate 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    (a) as required by the conspiracy count.
    On April 4, 2012, the district court found Rafle guilty on
    Count I and Mire guilty on Counts I, II, and III. The
    court found the third defendant not guilty.
    On April 23, 2012, the district court denied the
    Rule 29(a) motions in their entirety; the court also issued
    its factual findings and an entry of judgment as to Mire
    and Rafle. Rafle was sentenced to a prison term of
    twelve months and one day for his conviction on
    Count I. The district judge sentenced Mire to sixteen-
    month prison terms on Counts I, II, and III; the terms
    to run concurrently.
    Mire and Rafle seek to have their convictions over-
    turned. They each contend, first, that their due pro-
    cess rights were violated because the CSA and its cor-
    responding regulations do not provide fair warning
    that the possession of khat may be illegal, and second,
    that the district court erred under Daubert in admitting
    the government’s expert testimony regarding the chem-
    ical composition of the khat leaves tested. Mire puts
    Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793                                      15
    forth two additional contentions: his conviction for con-
    spiracy to distribute khat, 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 841
    (a)(1) and 846,
    and his conviction for maintaining a place for the dis-
    tribution or use of khat, 
    21 U.S.C. § 856
    (a)(1), violate
    the Double Jeopardy Clause; and alternatively, the gov-
    ernment did not present sufficient evidence sup-
    porting each of his convictions. We address the four
    contentions in turn.
    A. Fair Warning
    The Defendants’ “fair warning” argument is that the
    CSA violates the Due Process Clause because the regula-
    tions do not provide sufficient notice to persons of ordi-
    nary intelligence that khat plants may contain cathinone
    or cathine and, therefore, may be illegal to possess.
    This argument is one of first impression in this Court,
    but all of our sister circuits who have considered it have
    rejected it. See United States v. Hassan, 
    578 F.3d 108
    , 122
    (2d Cir. 2008); Caseer, 
    399 F.3d at 839
    ; United States v.
    367 F.3d 756
    , 764 (8th Cir. 2004). We review this
    question of law de novo, United States v. Ketchum, 
    201 F.3d 928
    , 934 (7th Cir. 2000), and join the other circuits
    and reject it as well.
    The Due Process Clause requires a criminal statute
    to “give fair warning of the conduct that it makes a
    crime.” Bouie v. City of Columbia, 
    378 U.S. 347
    , 350-51 (1964).
    The Clause is violated when “a criminal statute . . . fails
    to give a person of ordinary intelligence fair notice that
    his contemplated conduct is forbidden by the statute.
    The underlying principle is that no man shall be held
    16                                  Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793
    criminally responsible for conduct which he could not
    reasonably understand to be proscribed.” United States
    v. Harriss, 
    347 U.S. 612
    , 617 (1954). But we will strike
    down a statute only when it contains “terms so vague
    that [persons] of common intelligence must necessarily
    guess at its meaning and differ as to its application.”
    Gresham v. Peterson, 
    225 F.3d 899
    , 907 (7th Cir. 2000)
    (quoting Roberts v. United States Jaycees, 
    468 U.S. 609
    629 (1984)).
    The issue here is not whether the statute is vague in
    and of itself. The CSA specifically provides that
    cathinone and cathine are controlled substances. See 
    21 C.F.R. §§ 1308.11
    (f)(3), 1308.14(f)(1). No one disputes
    that. Rather, the Defendants maintain that, even though
    cathinone and cathine are specifically prohibited, “the
    regulations do not give an ordinary person any indica-
    tion that khat is illegal, and in fact, tend to suggest that
    it is not illegal.” This argument is based on the fact
    that “khat” is not listed in the CSA or the regulations,
    yet it still may be illegal to possess at certain times, de-
    pending on the chemical composition of a particular
    plant or leaf—i.e., whether it contains cathinone or
    cathine, two terms that are unfamiliar to most people.
    We are thus looking at a statute that may be more ap-
    propriately described as “underinclusive,” because
    persons of ordinary intelligence would not necessarily
    know that khat is (or contains) a controlled substance
    even after reading the statutory text, as opposed to a
    statute that cannot be understood on its face. See Caseer,
    399 F.3d at 836
     (explaining that cathinone is an
    “obscure scientific term” and “the controlled substances
    Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793                                   17
    schedule’s vagueness derives not from the language’s
    imprecision but rather from the schedule essentially
    being written in a language foreign to persons of
    ordinary intelligence”). And in these situations, the risk
    of an individual being “trapped” is high. The Supreme
    Court in Bouie explained,
    When a statute on its face is vague or overbroad, it
    at least gives a potential defendant some notice, by
    virtue of this very characteristic, that a question
    may arise as to its coverage, and that it may be held
    to cover his contemplated conduct. When a statute on
    its face is narrow and precise, however, it lulls the
    potential defendant into a false sense of security,
    giving him no reason even to suspect that conduct
    clearly outside the scope of the statute as written
    will be retroactively brought within it by an act of
    judicial construction.
    378 U.S. at 353
    The government puts forth two contentions as to why
    the situation discussed in Bouie is not present here. First,
    the government says that the Supplementary Informa-
    tion published in the Federal Register explains the con-
    nection between cathinone, cathine, and khat. The Gov-
    ernment is partially correct; the Supplementary Infor-
    mation does discuss the connection. See 
    58 Fed. Reg. 4317
    (discussing the connection between cathinone, cathine,
    and khat); see also Schedules of Controlled Sub-
    stances; Temporary Placement of Cathine ((+)-
    norpseudoephedrine), Fencamfamin, Fenproporex and
    Menfenorex Into Schedule IV, 
    53 Fed. Reg. 17459
     (May 17,
    18                                 Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793
    1988) (discussing the connection between cathine
    and khat). That information, however, was never incorpo-
    rated or published in the CFR, and there is no reference
    to khat in the CFR. See Hussein, 
    351 F.3d at 13
    Next, the government directs us to the U.S. Sentencing
    Guidelines, which provide a marijuana equivalency
    for khat-related offenses even though neither cathinone
    nor cathine are explicitly mentioned. See U.S.S.G. § 2D1.1,
    comment. n.8(D) (listing one gram of khat as being equiva-
    lent to 0.01 grams of marijuana). But on these facts, we
    simply cannot accept the government’s contention that
    this additional information cures the “underinclusive”
    problem. Many of the questions during oral argument
    focused on the general nature of khat—e.g., how the
    word is pronounced, what it is, how it is used, who uses
    it, and what its effects are. With these questions in
    mind, an ordinary person would not understand or
    generally know that khat contains two controlled sub-
    stances, let alone cathinone and cathine. See Caseer, 
    399 F.3d at 838-39
     (rejecting the government’s arguments
    that the Supplementary Information and the Sentencing
    Guidelines cure “a vague criminal statute of its constitu-
    tional defect”).
    The government is not without recourse, however; a
    lifeline is available. The Supreme Court has noted that
    “a scienter requirement may mitigate a law’s vagueness,
    especially with respect to the adequacy of notice to
    the complainant that his conduct is proscribed.” Vill. of
    Hoffman Estates v. Flipside, Hoffman Estates, 
    455 U.S. 489
    499 (1982). The statutes at issue here require “actual
    Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793                                      19
    knowledge” that khat contains a controlled substance;
    they contain a scienter requirement. See 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 841
    (a)(1), 856(a)(1) (requiring that the defendant com-
    mitted the offense “knowingly” or “intentionally”).
    Accordingly, the Defendants could not have been con-
    victed of violating the statutes unless they had actual
    knowledge that khat—fresh or dried—contains a con-
    trolled substance. See Hassan, 578 F.3d at 120-21; Caseer,
    399 F.3d at 839, 841-42
    ; Hussein, 
    351 F.3d at 14-19
    . This
    requirement saves the statutes. See Hassan, 578 F.3d at 120-
    21; Caseer, 
    399 F.3d at 839, 841-42
    ; Hussein, 
    351 F.3d at
    19; see also Boyce Motor Lines, Inc. v. United States, 
    342 U.S. 337
    , 342 (1952) (“The statute punishes only those who
    knowingly violate the Regulation. This requirement of
    the presence of culpable intent as a necessary element
    of the offense does much to destroy any force in the
    argument that application of the Regulation would be
    so unfair that it must be held invalid.”).
    Like our sister circuits who have considered the reg-
    ulations involving khat, we are mindful that “it would
    be helpful to people, who actually resort to statutes
    and regulations to determine whether their conduct is
    lawful, for Congress, through the statutory or regulatory
    scheme, to include the word ‘khat’ in the CSA.” Hassan,
    578 F.3d at 121. This is especially true considering that
    not all khat leaves contain cathinone or cathine and
    that other plants containing controlled substances are
    specifically listed in the schedules. See Caseer, 
    399 F.3d at 847-50
     (Holschuh, J., dissenting) (discussing other
    plants, like marijuana, peyote, the poppy plant, and coca
    leaves, that are “themselves listed in the schedules by
    20                                    Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793
    their commonly known names”) (emphasis omitted). But
    this does not invalidate the statutes at issue on
    Due Process grounds; the Defendants’ fair warning chal-
    lenge fails.5
    B. Expert Testimony under Daubert
    The Defendants’ second challenge is to the admission
    under Daubert of the government’s expert testimony
    regarding the presence of cathinone and cathine in the
    khat plants tested. Federal Rule of Evidence 702 permits
    expert testimony on an issue, provided the testimony is
    helpful to the trier of fact, is based on sufficient facts
    or data, and is the product of reliable principles and
    methods. Fed. R. Evid. 702. The district court is tasked
    with determining whether the requirements of Rule 702
    are satisfied. Bielskis v. Louisville Ladder, Inc., 
    663 F.3d 887
    , 893 (7th Cir. 2011) (citing Daubert, 
    509 U.S. at 589
    ). In
    doing so, the court considers a non-exhaustive list of
    guideposts: (1) whether the scientific theory on which
    the expert’s testimony is based can be or has been
    tested; (2) whether the theory has been subjected to peer
    review and publication; (3) the known and potential
    rate for error; and (4) whether the theory has been gener-
    ally accepted in the relevant scientific, technical, or profes-
    sional community. Am. Honda Motor Co. v. Allen, 
    600 F.3d 813
    , 817 (7th Cir. 2010) (citing Daubert, 
    509 U.S. at
    To the extent the Defendants attempt to bring the Equal
    Protection clause into the purview of their fair warning chal-
    lenge, we reject this without further discussion.
    Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793                                   21
    94); Bradley v. Brown, 
    42 F.3d 434
    , 437 (7th Cir. 1994).
    We give the district court “wide latitude” in performing
    this gate-keeping function and determining whether
    expert testimony is admissible. Lapsley v. Xtek, Inc., 
    689 F.3d 802
    , 810 (7th Cir. 2012).
    The government called Dr. Augustine, a DEA Forensic
    Chemist, to testify at trial regarding the results from
    his analysis of the khat plants seized and tested.
    Dr. Augustine testified that many of the plants he
    analyzed tested positive for the controlled substances
    cathinone and cathine. He also testified that there were
    some plants that did not include either of the controlled
    substances.6 The Defendants objected to this testimony
    before trial, contending that it was not based on reliable
    methodology. The district court held a Daubert hearing
    on the issue.
    At the hearing, the government called John Chappell,
    another DEA Forensic Chemist, to testify regarding
    the procedures and methods Dr. Augustine used to
    analyze khat for the presence of cathinone and cathine.
    Dr. Chappell testified that the proposed testimony was
    based on an analysis of the plant material using a
    process called gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,
    also known as “GC-MS.” GC-MS yields a “qualitative”
    result, as opposed to a “quantitative” result. Dr. Chappell
    explained that the difference between the two “results” is
    that a qualitative analysis involves testing the plant for
    The khat plants with a “negative” result had no bearing on
    the prosecution of the Defendants.
    22                                    Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793
    the presence of a particular substance while ruling out
    the possibility of other substances being present; a quanti-
    tative analysis determines the particular amount of the
    substance tested for in the plant. DEA procedures do
    not require quantitative testing of khat.
    With respect to GC-MS testing as utilized to detect the
    presence of cathinone and cathine in khat, Dr. Chappell’s
    testimony encompassed the non-exhaustive Daubert
    factors. He first discussed several studies and published
    literature detailing the use of GC-MS to detect cathinone
    and cathine in khat. Next, Dr. Chappell stated that GC-MS
    methodology had been subjected to various peer-review
    studies and directed the court to several peer-
    reviewed publications, including one that he co-authored.
    See John S. Chappell & Marsha M. Lee, Cathinone preserva-
    tion in khat evidence via drying, FORENSIC S CIENCE INTERNA-
    TIONAL, Feb. 25, 2010, at 108-120; Marsha M. Lee, The
    Identification of Cathinone in Khat (Catha edulis): A
    Time Study, 40 J. F ORENSIC S CI. 116 (1995). With respect
    to the third factor, he described the rate of error as “infini-
    tesimal.” Finally, Dr. Chappell testified that GC-MS
    testing was a proper and common way to analyze khat
    plants for the presence of cathinone and cathine.
    In response, the Defendants called Daniel McCoy, a
    toxicologist for over thirty years, to testify that the tests
    were inadequate. Dr. McCoy testified that the tests were
    inadequate because they did not include a “limit of
    blank,” a “limit of detection,” or a “quantitative compo-
    nent.” A limit of blank is the “highest apparent analyte
    concentration expected to be found when replicates of
    Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793                                    23
    a sample containing no analyte are tested”; a limit of
    detection is the “lowest analyte concentration likely to
    be reliably distinguished from the [limit of blank] and
    at which detection is feasible.” David A. Armbruster &
    Terry Ply, Limit of Blank, Limit of Detection and Limit of
    Quantitation, 29 C LIN. B IOCHEM . R EV. S49, S49-52 (Supp. I
    Aug. 2008), available at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
    pmc/articles/PMC2556583/. These assertions as to why
    Dr. Augustine’s testing was unreliable, which the district
    court rejected after applying Daubert, are the same as
    those the Defendants present on appeal. We thus look
    to whether the district court’s rejection of these
    arguments was “manifestly erroneous.” See Lapsley, 689
    F.3d at 809.
    In its written decision denying the Defendants’ motion
    to exclude, the district court addressed the issue of
    false positives. The court noted Dr. Chappell’s testimony
    that the qualitative analysis uses “negative controls” as
    “blanks” to verify that there is no “independent source
    of contamination in the preparation of the sample for
    analysis.” The court also noted that GC-MS analysis
    requires the tester to make sure that the “testing instru-
    ment” is not contaminated by a substance not actually
    present in the object tested. In the event of a “false posi-
    tive,” that sample result is invalidated and tossed out.
    We think this discussion was sufficient for the court to
    conclude that the rate of error in the testing was low,
    a critical guidepost under Daubert.
    The district court next addressed the issue of limit of
    blank and limit of detection in the testing. The court
    24                                 Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793
    noted Dr. Chappell’s testimony that these terms, and
    their corresponding meanings, are not generally applied
    in forensic drug analysis. Dr. Chappell had previously
    These terms are not generally applied in the forensic
    drug analysis of solid dosage forms because they are
    much simpler mixtures as opposed to toxicology,
    which involves, invariably, bodily fluids like blood
    or urine, which are very complex samples and also
    have typically very low concentrations of drug sub-
    stances, as I understand.
    The district court also considered Dr. Chappell’s testi-
    mony that in forensic evidence, these terms are not as
    important because the materials he and Dr. Augustine
    deal with, as opposed to other toxicologists, are “usually
    much more concentrated in the amount of the drug sub-
    stance” being analyzed and are “simpler mixtures.” And
    more importantly, the testers are not limited to a
    certain sample size. As Dr. Chappell testified, “If the
    [sample size] turns out to be inadequate for the detec-
    tion or identification of a controlled substance, it’s
    possible to take more material, examine it again, and be
    able to eventually maybe see whether there is some-
    thing more present in a sample.” This information,
    coupled with the Defendants’ failure to point to any-
    thing undermining it, adequately supports the district
    court’s conclusion that the GM-CS testing of the leaves
    did not need a “limit of detection” or a “limit of blank”
    to be admissible.
    The Defendants’ final argument, that the testing was
    unreliable because it did not encompass a quantitative
    Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793                                    25
    component, is without support. The Defendants do not
    assert that the testing for the presence of cathinone or
    cathine can never be done; they concede that science
    can determine “trace” amounts of the substances.
    Instead, their argument is framed around a misguided
    belief that a precise amount of the substance needs to be
    calculated. In making this argument, they liken the situa-
    tion here to the fact that the majority of dollar bills in
    the United States have traces of cocaine on them, see
    Theresa K. Casserly, Evidentiary and Constitutional Implica-
    tions of Employee Drug Testing Through Hair Analysis, 45
    C LEV. S T. L. R EV. 469, 474 n.49 (1997) (“In Miami, it is
    reported that there is cocaine on every dollar bill.” (citing
    Constance Holden, Hairy Problems for New Drug Testing
    Method, SCIENCE, Sept. 1990, at 1099)), and people are
    not put in jail for the possession of dollar bills. But as
    we pointed out at oral argument, people do not ingest
    dollar bills to get the effects of cocaine (at least not rea-
    sonably); people do chew khat leaves for the stimulant
    Furthermore, the CSA and its accompanying regula-
    tions prohibit the possession of cathinone if it can affect
    the nervous system, regardless of the amount. See 
    21 C.F.R. § 1308.11
    (f) (explaining that cathinone in
    Schedule I includes “any material, compound, mixture,
    or preparation which contains any quantity . . . having
    a stimulant effect on the central nervous system”) (em-
    phasis added). It is irrelevant as to whether the
    precise amount of the controlled substance found in a
    khat plant could actually produce the effects the user
    desires; a “trace” amount can have a stimulant effect on
    the nervous system even if the user does not get “high.”
    26                                   Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793
    To find in the Defendants’ favor, we would have to
    write an additional element into the offenses: that khat
    leaves must have a “certain amount” of cathinone
    versus “any quantity.” That is not our job, and we
    decline to do so. See Urnikis-Negro v. Am. Family Prop.
    616 F.3d 665
    , 684 (7th Cir. 2010) (stating that “[o]ur
    job is to apply the statute as Congress has written it”).
    Finally, the fact that one khat plant may be illegal to
    possess (because it contains a controlled substance)
    whereas another may be completely legal (because
    the controlled substances have fully broken down
    into others) makes no difference in this case or to the
    application of the Daubert analysis. The Defendants’
    argument that a qualitative assessment is insufficient
    because it does not say “how much” cathinone or cathine
    is in a given leaf or plant easily fails; the district court
    correctly rejected it.
    As to the Defendants’ other arguments, including
    that the research articles Dr. Chappell discussed were
    not peer reviewed and that there were other “serious
    defects in the methods used by the government chemists
    to test the khat materials,” we have considered them
    and find them unpersuasive. The record establishes that
    the district court properly followed Daubert and did
    not abuse its discretion by admitting the government’s
    expert testimony.
    C. Double Jeopardy
    Mire argues that his convictions and subsequent sen-
    tences under 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 841
    (a)(1) and 846 (conspiracy
    Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793                                    27
    to possess with intent to distribute cathinone) and 
    21 U.S.C. § 856
     (knowingly maintaining a place for the
    distribution or use of cathinone) violate the Double Jeop-
    ardy Clause. This challenge was not raised in the
    district court, so we review for plain error. See United
    States v. Fluker, 
    698 F.3d 988
    , 1003 (7th Cir. 2012).
    The Double Jeopardy Clause states that no person shall
    “be subject for the same offense to be twice put in
    jeopardy of life or limb.” U.S. C ONST. amend. V. In other
    words, “a person may not be convicted and punished for
    two separate offenses arising out of the same act
    unless ’each [offense] requires proof of a fact which the
    other does not.’ ” United States v. Larsen, 
    615 F.3d 780
    , 786
    (7th Cir. 2010) (quoting Blockburger v. United States, 
    284 U.S. 299
    , 304 (1932)). Our inquiry, also known as the
    Blockburger test, takes us to the elements of the offenses
    at issue: “[i]f each statute contains an element that the
    other does not, then the offenses are different. If one
    statute has an element missing from the second, but all
    of the second’s elements are in the first, then the second
    is a lesser included offense of the first.” United States
    v. Loniello, 
    610 F.3d 488
    , 491 (7th Cir. 2010). Only in the
    latter situation is the Double Jeopardy Clause violated.
    A conviction for conspiracy under 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 841
    and 846 required the government to prove beyond a rea-
    sonable doubt that: (1) there was a conspiracy to possess
    cathinone with an intent to distribute it, and (2) Mire
    knowingly or intentionally became a party to the agree-
    ment. A conviction under § 856, however, required the
    government to prove that: (1) Mire knowingly used or
    28                                 Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793
    maintained a place, and (2) he did that for the purpose of
    distributing or using cathinone. Looking at these
    offenses and their elements, it is clear on their face that
    there is no Double Jeopardy violation. Mire acknowl-
    edges that the conspiracy count required proof of an
    “agreement”; there is no agreement requirement for a
    conviction under § 856. Mire also acknowledges that a
    conviction under § 856 required proof that a defendant
    “used or maintained a place”; there is no similar
    element in §§ 841(a) or 846.
    That the conspiracy offense “functionally” has no
    element that § 856 does not have because of the facts of
    this case, as Mire asserts, makes little difference. Even
    assuming that the agreement for the conspiracy to violate
    § 841(a) involved Mire’s ability to “maintain a place”—the
    Somali House of Coffee—it is well-settled that “the com-
    mission of a substantive offense and the conspiracy to
    commit that offense are two separate crimes.” United States
    v. Somers, 
    950 F.2d 1279
    , 1283 (7th Cir. 1991). If that is
    the case, surely the principle of “two separate crimes”
    applies to a conspiracy offense and an offense com-
    pletely separate from the substantive offense of the con-
    spiracy. Furthermore, proof of an “overt act,” or that
    Mire actually maintained the Somali House of Coffee for
    the purpose of distributing or using cathinone, is not
    required for a conspiracy conviction. See United States v.
    673 F.3d 661
    , 663 (7th Cir. 2012). As we explained,
    proof of an overt act was required for a conviction
    under § 856. There is nothing special about this case or
    the offenses charged that takes it outside the reach of
    these long-standing principles.
    Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793                                   29
    The facts underlying each conviction no doubt overlap.
    But the offenses are effectively different, and we
    presume Congress intended separate punishments for
    each offense. See United States v. Faulds, 
    612 F.3d 566
    , 569
    (7th Cir. 2010); United States v. Xiong, 
    595 F.3d 697
    , 698
    (7th Cir. 2010). Mire’s Double Jeopardy challenge fails.
    D. Sufficiency of the Evidence
    Mire’s final challenge is to the sufficiency of the
    evidence underlying all three of his convictions. His first
    contention is the government did not prove the “actual
    knowledge” element in each count—i.e., that Mire “knew”
    khat plants contained a controlled substance. See 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 841
    (a)(1), 846, and 856(a)(1). His second conten-
    tion is the government did not prove the “agreement”
    required for the conspiracy conviction under 
    21 U.S.C. § 846
    . Our inquiry on these questions is whether “after
    viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to
    the prosecution, any rational trier of fact could have
    found the essential elements of the crime beyond a rea-
    sonable doubt.” Jackson v. Virginia, 
    443 U.S. 307
    , 319
    (1979). And in making this determination, it is axiomatic
    that we will not “weigh the evidence or second-guess
    the [trier of fact’s] credibility determinations.” United
    States v. Stevens, 
    453 F.3d 963
    , 965 (7th Cir. 2006). Thus,
    we will only overturn a verdict for insufficiency of the
    evidence “if the record is devoid of the evidence from
    which a reasonable jury could find guilt beyond a rea-
    sonable doubt.” United States v. Stevenson, 
    680 F.3d 854
    856 (7th Cir. 2012).
    30                                   Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793
    We begin with Mire’s contention that he did not “know”
    khat contained a controlled substance, specifically,
    cathinone. Initially, it is important to note that the
    mens rea for the offenses charged—
    21 U.S.C. §§ 841
    846, and 856(a)(1)—only required the government to
    prove that Mire conspired to distribute, maintained a
    place to distribute, or possessed with intent to distribute
    any controlled substance. See, e.g., Abdulle, 
    564 F.3d at 126
    351 F.3d at 18
    ; see also United States v. Turcotte,
    405 F.3d 515
    , 526 n.2 (7th Cir. 2005) (acknowledging the
    Hussein case and stating the “baseline principle that
    defendants must know that the substances in
    their possession are controlled substances to be con-
    victed under the CSA, even if they do not know the
    exact identity of the substance they possess”). It does not
    matter whether Mire knew that khat contained cathinone
    or cathine; all that matters is Mire knew that khat con-
    tained an illegal substance. This distinction is key
    because having to prove a defendant knew the particular
    controlled substance at issue would be a much more
    difficult undertaking.
    Unlike many of the cases in which we review a suffi-
    ciency of the evidence claim, Mire’s trial was a bench trial.
    We therefore know exactly what evidence the trier of
    fact relied on when rendering his decision. Here, in the
    entry of judgment, the district judge specifically dis-
    cussed Mire’s statements to Agent Michaelis in which
    he denied having ever seen khat or owning the khat
    found at the Somali House of Coffee, in addition to
    Mire’s statement that the khat had been placed there by
    his “enemies.” As the district judge wrote, “Denial of
    Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793                                   31
    ownership of the khat and deflecting responsibility for
    it are strong circumstantial evidence that Mire knew
    that the khat contained an illegal substance.” We agree
    with the judge’s assessment of the information and
    cannot say that no rational jury could reach the same
    conclusion. See United States v. Skidmore, 
    894 F.2d 925
    , 928
    (7th Cir. 1990) (concluding that the defendant’s “denial
    of ownership reinforce[d] the inference that he knew
    about the presence of cocaine”). Mire’s contention that
    the government did not prove that he “knew” khat con-
    tained a controlled substance is wrong.
    We move to Mire’s argument regarding the “agreement”
    requirement of his conspiracy conviction. See 
    21 U.S.C. § 846
    ; United States v. Speed, 
    656 F.3d 714
    , 717 (7th Cir.
    2011) (explaining that the government must show an
    agreement between two or more persons to engage in
    criminal conduct to attain a conviction for conspiracy).
    Ahmed testified at trial that in 2009, before he started
    selling khat at the coffee house, he had a conversation
    with Mire about selling khat there. Ahmed also
    testified that the parties agreed that selling khat at the
    coffee house would bring in more customers and
    increase business for Mire. That is what occurred.
    Between 2009 and March 2010, Ahmed sold khat at
    the coffee house, and Mire allowed khat to be stored in
    an unlocked back room of the building. Ahmed said
    he did not have keys to the room; we can
    thus presume that Mire, as the owner and operator
    of the coffee house, held the keys and permitted the
    khat’s storage there. In other words, if Mire did not want
    32                                   Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793
    khat there, he could have easily prevented it by simply
    locking the door. The district judge found Ahmed’s
    testimony both credible and persuasive, and we have no
    reason to disagree with those findings. We also be-
    lieve Ahmed’s testimony demonstrates overwhelmingly
    that the parties operated under an agreement and had
    a mutually-beneficial relationship: Ahmed sold khat at
    the coffee house; individuals went to the coffee house
    for the khat; and once the individuals were at the coffee
    house, they purchased legitimate items like coffee, tea,
    and sandwiches. An important factor in the success of
    any retail business is foot traffic. Like a saloon that
    offers video poker to attract patrons, Mire’s agreement
    with Ahmed brought in the customers necessary to
    keep the Somali House of Coffee afloat.
    It is true that Mire started selling khat on his own in
    March or April 2010, but that did not undo the
    conspiracy (or the agreement) that had already occurred.
    See United States v. Read, 
    658 F.2d 1225
    , 1233 (7th Cir. 1981)
    (explaining that a participant may withdraw from a
    conspiracy, but he is “still liable . . . for his previous
    agreement and for the previous acts of his co-conspirators
    in pursuit of the conspiracy”). The information in the
    record precludes Mire from convincing us that no
    rational jury could conclude he and Ahmed were parties
    to an agreement. Thus, Mire’s challenge to his con-
    spiracy conviction suffers the same fate as all the other
    challenges on appeal.
    Nos. 12-2792 & 12-2793                                33
    Having now described the underground world of
    “khat,” and for the reasons discussed above, we A FFIRM .