Dominguez, S. Alejan v. Hendley, Paul ( 2008 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Nos. 07-1004, 07-1005 & 07-3030
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 04 C 2907—Milton I. Shadur, Judge.
    A RGUED M AY 30, 2008—D ECIDED S EPTEMBER 30, 2008
    Before B AUER, R IPPLE, and W OOD , Circuit Judges.
    W OOD , Circuit Judge. In September 1989, when Alejandro
    Dominguez was fifteen years old, he was arrested on
    charges of home invasion and sexual assault, based on the
    allegations of eighteen-year-old Lisa Kraus, who lived in
    the same building as he did. Dominguez was convicted
    and spent four years incarcerated before being paroled.
    Throughout this process and the period following his
    release, he maintained his innocence and worked to
    2                           Nos. 07-1004, 07-1005 & 07-3030
    exonerate himself. With the help of a new lawyer,
    Dominguez eventually proved that his DNA did not
    match the semen found on Kraus’s underwear, and on
    April 26, 2002, his conviction was vacated. In August 2005,
    Dominguez received a pardon from the Governor.
    On April 23, 2004, Dominguez filed a complaint under
    42 U.S.C. § 1983 against the City of Waukegan and the
    police officers—in particular Officer Paul Hendley—
    involved in the investigation of the incident with Kraus.
    After the complaint was amended more than once to
    add parties and claims and drop parties who had died, the
    case went to trial with only Hendley and the City as
    defendants. After all evidence was submitted to the jury
    but before the jury rendered its verdict, the district court
    dismissed the City from the suit, based on a failure
    of proof, but with the express understanding that the
    City was bound to indemnify Hendley for any judgment
    incurred. After a ten-day trial, the jury found in favor
    of Dominguez and awarded him a judgment of $9,063,000,
    based on its finding that Hendley had violated
    Dominguez’s right to due process by taking actions that
    denied him a fair trial. At that point, the City repudiated
    its prior position and stated that it might not indemnify
    Hendley, prompting Dominguez to move for post-judg-
    ment relief. Based on the City’s judicial admissions on
    the issue of indemnification, the district court reinstated it
    as a defendant and amended the judgment to make
    Hendley and the City jointly and severally liable for the
    judgment in favor of Dominguez. Hendley and the City
    appeal, and we affirm.
    Nos. 07-1004, 07-1005 & 07-3030                              3
    Hendley’s first argument on appeal is that Dominguez’s
    claim is barred by the statute of limitations. We review a
    district court’s ruling with respect to a limitations defense
    de novo. United States v. Gibson, 
    490 F.3d 604
    , 608 (7th Cir.
    In Illinois, the statute of limitations for § 1983 claims is
    two years. See 735 ILCS 5/13-202; Williams v. Lampe, 
    399 F.3d 867
    , 870 (7th Cir. 2005). Dominguez filed his com-
    plaint on April 23, 2004, and so if his claim accrued on or
    after April 23, 2002, then his lawsuit was timely. His
    conviction was vacated on April 26, 2002, which falls
    within this window. The real question is whether that
    is the proper event on which to focus.
    The jury was instructed to find for Dominguez if it
    found that the defendant caused Dominguez’s criminal
    trial to be unfair. A § 1983 claim for a due process viola-
    tion based on the denial of a fair criminal trial may be
    brought only after the conviction is set aside. Otherwise,
    that civil claim would imply the invalidity of the out-
    standing conviction and would thus constitute a collateral
    attack on the conviction through an impermissible route.
    Heck v. Humphrey, 
    512 U.S. 477
    (1994). So viewed,
    Dominguez’s claim did not accrue until 2002 and is
    therefore timely.
    Hendley argues, however, that the underlying reason
    why Dominguez asserts that his trial was unfair relates to
    his arrest, and thus we should find that his claim accrued
    no later than the time when his unlawful seizure was
    terminated—that is, the time of his arraignment. Fourth
    4                          Nos. 07-1004, 07-1005 & 07-3030
    Amendment claims for false arrest or unlawful searches
    accrue at the time of (or termination of) the violation.
    Wallace v. Kato, 
    549 U.S. 384
    (2007). Even if no convic-
    tion could have been obtained in the absence of the vio-
    lation, the Supreme Court has held that, unlike fair trial
    claims, Fourth Amendment claims as a group do not
    necessarily imply the invalidity of a criminal conviction,
    and so such claims are not suspended under the Heck
    bar to suit.
    Hendley, however, is assuming that Dominguez’s claim
    is limited to his arrest and does not also include independ-
    ent charges of due process violations. That assumption
    overlooks critical parts of the case. Dominguez has
    asserted all along that the defendant officers violated his
    right to due process by manipulating or tampering with
    identification and testimonial evidence. He backed up
    these allegations with evidence at the trial. His due
    process claim is thus more than a Fourth Amendment
    claim by another name, and for that reason, it is not barred
    by the limitations rule announced in Wallace. Dominguez’s
    right to sue arose only after his criminal conviction was
    set aside, and, as the district court held, he filed within
    the two years permitted by law.
    Hendley next argues that he was entitled to qualified
    immunity because he did not proximately cause any
    constitutional violations at Dominguez’s criminal trial. It
    is somewhat unusual to encounter a qualified immunity
    defense this late in the proceedings, because qualified
    Nos. 07-1004, 07-1005 & 07-3030                             5
    immunity is normally raised during the pretrial phase so
    that the public official can avoid the burdens of trial. It is
    technically possible, however, to raise the defense after a
    jury verdict, if the immunity question itself depended on
    disputed issues of material fact. See Johnson v. Jones, 
    515 U.S. 304
    , 313 (1995).
    In this case, the defendants raised the defense of quali-
    fied immunity in their answer, but they did not move
    for summary judgment. This was a reasonable way to
    proceed, because Hendley denied that he had engaged
    in the misconduct of which Dominguez accused him:
    withholding material exculpatory evidence from the
    defense and prosecutor, orchestrating a show-up identifi-
    cation procedure that caused the criminal trial to be
    unfair, and fabricating evidence against Dominguez. There
    was and is no disputing that such conduct violates
    clearly established constitutional rights. Hendley merely
    hoped that the jury would credit his version of what
    happened rather than Dominguez’s.
    Hendley’s biggest problem is that qualified immunity
    is a doctrine designed to respond to legal uncertainty, but
    causation (a factual matter) has nothing to do with legal
    uncertainty. His contention about a lack of “proximate
    cause” is really just an assertion that the evidence was
    insufficient to support the jury’s finding that his
    conduct proximately caused Dominguez’s damages. Citing
    cases discussing proximate cause and superseding cause
    in § 1983 claims, Hendley asserts that “numerous circuits
    have held that police officers who provide truthful infor-
    mation to subsequent decisionmakers in the criminal
    6                          Nos. 07-1004, 07-1005 & 07-3030
    justice system cannot be held liable under § 1983 for
    allegedly wrongful convictions.” Quoting from Townes v.
    City of New York, 
    176 F.3d 138
    , 147 (2d Cir. 1999), he argues
    that the supervening cause doctrine applies “in ‘the
    absence of evidence that the police officer misled or
    pressured the official who could be expected to exercise
    independent judgment.’ ” These cases are of no help to
    Hendley, however, for they merely highlight the dif-
    ferences between those cases and Dominguez’s.
    Dominguez submitted sufficient evidence at trial to
    allow the jury to find that Hendley did not provide
    truthful information to subsequent decisionmakers, and
    that he did mislead the official who could be expected to
    exercise independent judgment. For example, the crim-
    inal prosecutor testified that he was never told about any
    showup used in Kraus’s identification of Dominguez.
    Dominguez also proved that Hendley received an exculpa-
    tory document, known to the parties as the “Navy Report,”
    but that this report was missing from the official file
    that had been provided to the prosecutor during the
    criminal trial, and was not part of the materials furnished
    to Dominguez in discovery. The Navy Report would have
    provided valuable exculpatory evidence for Dominguez.
    After Kraus was allegedly sexually assaulted, she visited
    a Navy hospital and was interviewed about the incident.
    The account that she gave to the naval officer differed
    in significant ways from accounts she later gave in the
    investigation of the incident. Hendley denied that he
    arranged a showup, and denied that he had ever seen
    the exculpatory Navy Report. The jury therefore had to
    decide who was telling the truth on these points, and
    Nos. 07-1004, 07-1005 & 07-3030                            7
    ultimately whether Hendley misled the prosecution and
    caused Dominguez to receive an unfair criminal trial.
    This determination had nothing to do with qualified
    Hendley also argues that Dominguez has not proved
    that Hendley arrested him without probable cause. This
    would be relevant only if the verdict were based on a
    false arrest claim, but it was not. Even supposing Hendley
    did have probable cause at the time of arrest, the question
    is whether Hendley took actions (whether before or after
    the arrest) that caused Dominguez to receive an unfair
    trial. Probable cause at the time of arrest would not
    sanitize such acts.
    The jury was instructed that, in order to find for
    Dominguez, it had to find that Hendley caused
    Dominguez’s criminal trial to be unfair through any of
    three specified courses of conduct: (1) withholding mate-
    rial, exculpatory evidence in violation of Brady v. Maryland,
    373 U.S. 83
    (1963); (2) causing an unreliable identifica-
    tion procedure to be used at his trial; or (3) fabricating
    evidence. Hendley argues that the first of these—the Brady
    basis—should not have been submitted to the jury. He
    contends that Dominguez failed adequately to plead and
    support that theory, and also that he failed to prove it
    at trial. Neither point has merit.
    Fundamentally, the first point overstates the importance
    of pleadings by the time a case reaches trial. The purpose
    8                          Nos. 07-1004, 07-1005 & 07-3030
    of a complaint is to put the defendant on notice of the
    claim that is being asserted against him, her, or it; by the
    time of trial, the case has normally proceeded through
    discovery and the parties have provided whatever
    notice of their trial issues and evidence the district court
    ordered. This record suggests no lack of notice to Hendley
    or the City. They did not object to Dominguez’s evidence
    at trial about the Brady violations—indeed, that evidence
    was a prominent part of the trial. The defense sub-
    mitted evidence that materials were not withheld from
    the criminal prosecutor. As Dominguez points out, even
    if something is missing entirely from the pleadings, it can
    be tried by consent. See F ED. R. C IV. P. 15(b) (“When an
    issue not raised by the pleadings is tried by the parties’
    express or implied consent, it must be treated in all re-
    spects as if raised in the pleadings. A party may move—at
    any time, even after judgment—to amend the pleadings
    to conform them to the evidence and to raise an
    unpleaded issue. But failure to amend does not affect the
    result of the trial of that issue.”). The record easily
    shows that supposed flaws in the way that Dominguez
    described his Brady point in the pleadings had no effect on
    the trial.
    Hendley’s assertion that the evidence was insufficient to
    support Dominguez’s Brady theory is also unpersuasive.
    Once again, Hendley must show that no matter how the
    evidence is weighed or credited, no reasonable jury
    could have found by a preponderance that he withheld
    material exculpatory evidence from Dominguez when
    Dominguez was being criminally prosecuted. The trial
    record simply does not support such a conclusion, given
    Nos. 07-1004, 07-1005 & 07-3030                           9
    Hendley’s failure to disclose the showup and the Navy
    Hendley next attacks the court’s instructions to the
    jury. He has three complaints. First, he argues that the
    court erred in not giving his proposed instruction re-
    minding the jury that Hendley may be held accountable
    only for conduct in which he was personally involved, not
    for what others did or did not do. He accuses Dominguez
    of trying to blur the lines by laying all responsibility at
    Hendley’s feet, referring to “they,” and characterizing
    the investigation as Hendley’s. The district court declined
    to give the proposed instruction because the instruction
    it had already given referred only to results caused by
    Hendley. The plaintiff was entitled to try to prove
    Hendley’s responsibility for various acts, and Hendley
    had the opportunity to disclaim control, involvement, or
    responsibility and convince the jury not to find him liable.
    Hendley thinks, however, that the jury remained con-
    fused on this point, and as proof he points to the question
    it submitted to the judge during deliberation: “If we get to
    the point of considering damages, do we consider the
    total amount of damages or do we conclude the amount
    of damages in light of the degree of possible wrong-
    doing of the defendant.” At that point, Hendley renewed
    his request for an instruction on personal involvement,
    but the court decided to give the jury a proximate
    cause instruction.
    10                         Nos. 07-1004, 07-1005 & 07-3030
    The jury’s question does not necessarily show that they
    were considering assigning liability to Hendley for the
    acts of others. It might have suggested that they were
    thinking of discounting his liability to take into account
    the actions of others. Under ordinary principles of tort
    law, the fact that tortfeasor A’s negligent act proximately
    caused $100 in damages means that A is liable for the
    entire sum of $100, even if co-tortfeasor B could also
    have been liable for that same amount (with no double
    collection by the victim, of course). Not only does this
    explanation undermine Hendley’s claim that his instruc-
    tion was necessary to clear up confusion, it also sup-
    ports the district court’s decision to respond to the ques-
    tion by giving a proximate cause instruction.
    Second, Hendley claims that the court erred by failing
    to instruct the jury that Hendley had no post-arrest duty
    to investigate. This argument is premised on Hendley’s
    effort to characterize Dominguez’s claim as exclusively
    based on false arrest. Because it is not, and because
    Dominguez presented evidence from which a jury could
    conclude that Hendley engaged in post-arrest conduct
    (like manipulation of evidence) that deprived Dominguez
    of a fair trial, Hendley’s proposed instruction on “no post-
    arrest duty to investigate” was inappropriate and the
    district court properly rejected it.
    Finally, Hendley claims that the elements instruction
    was erroneous because it failed to discuss superseding
    cause, improperly submitted the Brady theory, and failed
    to limit recovery to the period of incarceration between
    arrest and arraignment as contemplated by this court’s
    Nos. 07-1004, 07-1005 & 07-3030                              11
    decision in Wallace v. City of Chicago, 
    440 F.3d 421
    (7th Cir.
    2006), aff’d on other grounds sub nom. Wallace v. Kato, 
    549 U.S. 384
    (2007). But the court gave a proximate cause instruc-
    tion, and so Hendley was not prejudiced by the absence
    of an instruction discussing superseding cause. We have
    already explained why there was no error in the court’s
    treatment of the Brady issue. Finally, with respect to the
    proper recovery period, the district court correctly con-
    cluded that the limitation Hendley proposed was not
    appropriate, since Dominguez’s claim was for deprivation
    of a fair trial rather than false arrest. The district court
    did hold that damages for any unlawful seizure of
    Dominguez had to be directly related to his thirteen
    days of detention preceding indictment, but that was prior
    to this court’s issuance of Wallace v. City of Chicago, when
    the circuits were split on the time of accrual of Fourth
    Amendment claims, and certainly prior to the Supreme
    Court’s affirmance in Wallace v. Kato. Thus, at the time,
    Dominguez’s Fourth Amendment claim was still a poten-
    tial theory of recovery. The district court specifically noted
    that its ruling “would not serve as a limitation on the
    admissibility of evidence as to the state law claims in-
    cluded in Dominguez’s Complaint that are to be resolved
    in the same trial as his Section 1983 Fourth Amendment
    claim.” Hendley points out that the court “failed to recog-
    nize that the only state law claims were asserted against
    Kraus and McCandless, both of whom had already been
    dismissed.” The district court might inadvertently have
    referred to state law claims while meaning to allude to
    claims other than the Fourth Amendment claim, namely,
    the federal due process claim. In any event, the Fourth
    12                          Nos. 07-1004, 07-1005 & 07-3030
    Amendment claim was eventually dismissed as time-
    barred and only the due process claim remained. After
    that, Hendley’s proposed recovery-period limitation
    was no longer an appropriate instruction.
    Hendley’s final argument is that the cumulative effect
    of a number of trial errors deprived him of a fair trial, and
    thus the district court abused its discretion when it
    denied his motion for a new trial. We will examine
    each alleged error individually; if we find two or more
    errors, we will assess the cumulative effect to determine
    whether the district court abused its discretion in not
    granting a new trial. See United States v. Allen, 
    269 F.3d 842
    , 847 (7th Cir. 2001).
    Each error alleged by Hendley is itself subject to the
    abuse of discretion standard. See Thompson v. City of
    472 F.3d 444
    , 453 (7th Cir. 2006) (evidentiary
    rulings); Gorlikowski v. Tolbert, 
    52 F.3d 1439
    , 1444 (7th Cir.
    1995) (enforcement of a pretrial order); United States v.
    276 F.3d 370
    , 373 (7th Cir. 2002) (improper
    remarks by counsel); United States v. Vasquez-Ruiz, 
    502 F.3d 700
    , 704 (7th Cir. 2007) (potential juror bias). Once
    again, he faces an uphill battle because of the standard
    of review.
    Hendley first raises a number of complaints about
    things that Dominguez’s lawyer did during the trial. For
    example, he argues that the lawyer, in his opening and
    closing remarks and witness examinations, misstated
    Nos. 07-1004, 07-1005 & 07-3030                           13
    facts and misled the jury. First, he objects to the fact that
    counsel called Hendley a “bad officer.” We do not believe
    that the district court abused its discretion in letting the
    remark stand. The language involved here is hardly
    inflammatory, and much of Dominguez’s case involved
    trying to prove that Hendley engaged in a deliberate
    frame-up of Dominguez; a fleeting reference to his being
    a “bad officer” seems rather trivial in light of the whole
    record and unlikely to influence the jury if it was not
    otherwise inclined to credit the evidence against Hendley.
    Next Hendley complains that Dominguez’s counsel
    misled the jury by referring to “they,” so as to obscure
    who was responsible for what actions. For example,
    counsel said things like “they interrogated [Dominguez],”
    and “they kept him there all night and deprived him of a
    lawyer.” Hendley points out that, for example, it was
    Officer Marquez rather than Hendley who interviewed
    Dominguez. Nonetheless, we conclude that the district
    court did not abuse its discretion in allowing these re-
    marks, because Dominguez was not misleading the jury if
    he could show that these acts were taken under Hendley’s
    direction. The defense was free to point out who engaged
    in the physical acts and to refute the contention that
    Hendley was leading the investigation. Most importantly,
    the jury was instructed to find for the plaintiff only if
    Hendley caused the denial of a fair trial. The district court
    was entitled to take the position that this was sufficient
    to eliminate the risk that the jury would find Hendley
    liable for acts for which he had no responsibility.
    In addition, Hendley believes that Dominguez’s counsel
    confused the jury about when exactly Hendley became
    14                          Nos. 07-1004, 07-1005 & 07-3030
    aware of various facts relating to Dominguez’s criminal
    case. This argument relies on Hendley’s insistence that
    information available only after the time of arrest is
    irrelevant. Once again, this flows from Hendley’s refusal
    to acknowledge that the trial was about the deprivation of
    a fair criminal trial for Dominguez, not about the
    alleged false arrest.
    Hendley also argues that questioning Mr. Carter,
    Dominguez’s crim inal defense attorney, using
    hypotheticals because Carter could not remember
    Dominguez specifically, was improper, but he cites no
    authority in support of this position. He also argues that
    Carter’s claim—that Carter would have used the alleged
    Brady material to support Dominguez’s criminal de-
    fense—is undermined by the fact that Carter did not
    use any of the documents that actually were provided. We
    see no error here: it was up to the jury to decide what
    weight, if any, to give to Carter’s testimony.
    Hendley’s next set of arguments relates to the district
    court’s decision to enforce the final pretrial order strictly
    against the defense (as he sees it), but not against the
    plaintiff. He points out that when the defense took issue
    with the fact that Dominguez did not include the Brady
    issue as a contested issue of law in the final pretrial order,
    the court said, “we don’t need that as part of the final
    pretrial order”; by contrast, certain defense objections
    during trial were overruled because the defense had not
    objected to the admission of the exhibits listed on the
    final pretrial order. The Brady issue was a factual one
    rather than a legal one, and so we see no error there. The
    Nos. 07-1004, 07-1005 & 07-3030                          15
    fact that the pretrial order form did not have the
    customary spaces in which to indicate an objection does
    not relieve a party from the duty to notify the court in a
    timely manner that it objects.
    Hendley also asserts that the district court should not
    have admitted a document referred to as the “Chancey
    Memo,” because the memo was speculative, irrelevant, and
    highly prejudicial. This was a memorandum written by
    Matt Chancey, chief of the felony division of the Lake
    County State’s Attorney’s Office. The memo informed
    prosecutors that their obligation to scrutinize cases care-
    fully was “especially true in the case of Officer Hendley
    because of the questions which exist about his credibility.”
    The Chancey Memo directed those reviewing felony
    cases to (1) refuse to approve cases involving confessions
    supposedly obtained by Hendley without recorded or
    written confessions unless the case is prosecutable with-
    out the confession; (2) refuse to approve charges in cases
    where Hendley interviewed key witnesses, until the
    accuracy of the purported statements was verified;
    (3) require corroboration in any case where Hendley
    handled physical evidence or would be called to testify
    about his observations.
    Naturally, this was quite prejudicial, but the question
    is whether it was unfairly prejudicial. The claim against
    the City was still alive during the trial, and this memo
    was relevant and highly probative for the question
    whether the City of Waukegan was aware that there were
    problems with Officer Hendley. The district court did not
    abuse its discretion in admitting the Chancey Memo.
    16                         Nos. 07-1004, 07-1005 & 07-3030
    Hendley claims that it was error for the district court to
    limit the defense’s examination of the prosecutor from
    Dominguez’s criminal case. This inquiry was important to
    him, he says, because the procedures followed by the
    prosecutor would have helped support Hendley’s
    defense that other actors were superseding causes of the
    wrongful conviction, or equivalently, that Hendley did
    not proximately cause it. A look at the record shows,
    however, that the district court was simply managing the
    trial appropriately. The defense’s examination of this
    witness took up 114 trial-transcript pages, and Hendley
    has not shown that the district court abused its discretion
    in urging defense counsel to stay on track and refrain
    from confusing the jury.
    Hendley also complains about a grab-bag of “prejudicial
    testimony.” He objects to the amount of evidence that
    Dominguez’s attorney elicited about Dominguez’s inno-
    cence and the inadequacy of the facilities where he was
    detained. But this information was relevant to liability
    and damages, and the district court had no reason to
    exclude it. Hendley also objects to Dominguez’s attempt
    to blame Hendley for the actions and omissions of others,
    but we have already explained why this does not accu-
    rately reflect Dominguez’s purpose. Hendley also tries to
    find fault with the fact that Dominguez urged the jury to
    credit certain parts of Lisa Kraus’s testimony, while
    painting her as a liar with regard to other matters. There
    is nothing improper about this. He also claims that
    Dominguez misled the jury by pushing the theory that
    Hendley should have continued investigating up to the
    Nos. 07-1004, 07-1005 & 07-3030                      17
    time of Dominguez’s criminal trial. But this is just
    another variation on Hendley’s theme that any events
    subsequent to Dominguez’s arrest are irrelevant, so long
    as there was probable cause at the time of arrest. This
    argument lacks merit, for the reasons we have already
    Finally, Hendley claims that the plaintiff gave an im-
    proper pretrial interview. As Dominguez notes, and
    Hendley does not dispute, the defense did not seek a
    mistrial in the court below based on this interview—it
    merely sought to broaden voir dire. At voir dire, it was
    established that no member of the venire knew about the
    interview, and no seated juror even watched the news
    channel on which the interview aired. Thus, the defense
    was not prejudiced by this interview, and no error oc-
    curred as a result of allowing the trial to proceed.
    Finding no errors among the issues raised by Hendley,
    we have no occasion to assess any cumulative effect.
    * * *
    We AFFIRM the judgment of the district court.