United States v. Rashid Minhas , 850 F.3d 873 ( 2017 )

  •                                In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Nos. 15-3761 & 15-3763
    Appeals from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    Nos. 14 CR 731, 13 CR 919 — Gary Feinerman, Judge.
    ARGUED OCTOBER 27, 2016 — DECIDED MARCH 10, 2017
    Before WOOD, Chief Judge, and BAUER and MANION, Circuit
    WOOD, Chief Judge. Rashid Minhas used the Chicago-based
    travel agencies he operated to swindle customers and airlines
    out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Minhas was con-
    victed of wire and mail fraud in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 1341
    and 1343 in two separate cases: one that proceeded to a bench
    trial in February 2014, and one in which Minhas pleaded
    2                                       Nos. 15-3761 & 15-3763
    guilty in 2015. At a consolidated sentencing hearing, the dis-
    trict court imposed two partially concurrent prison terms to-
    taling 114 months. On appeal from the two judgments, Min-
    has challenges the district court’s application of the Sentenc-
    ing Guidelines’ enhancement for causing “substantial finan-
    cial hardship” to the two sets of victims. U.S.S.G. § 2B1.1(b)(2).
    Though we have seen stronger evidence, we are not con-
    vinced that the district court committed clear error in its as-
    sessment of the record, and so we affirm its judgment.
    The first case (the “City Travel case”) arose from Minhas’s
    operation of City Travel & Tours. In 2008 and 2009, Minhas
    defrauded customers of City Travel and airlines through a
    scheme in which he collected payment for airline reservations
    that he canceled without his customers’ knowledge. By ma-
    nipulating the two-tiered online ticket-reservation system,
    Minhas was able to make reservations for customers paying
    by cash or check, print paper tickets and itineraries, and then
    cancel the reservations prior to the airlines’ receipt of payment
    for the tickets. Because the customers had paper tickets in
    hand, many were not aware the tickets were void until they
    arrived at the airport. In some instances, customers were
    forced to purchase last-minute replacement tickets or forego
    their travel. In others, the airlines allowed the customers to
    travel on the voided tickets and received no compensation.
    All told, approximately 372 customers lost money through
    the City Travel scheme: five lost more than $7,000 apiece, 14
    lost over $5,000, and 172 lost more than $1,000.
    Minhas was charged in an indictment in case 13 CR 919
    with seven counts of wire and mail fraud for the City Travel
    scheme. Undeterred by these charges, he swindled at least 50
    Nos. 15-3761 & 15-3763                                         3
    additional customers while he was on pretrial release; this
    time, he used another of his travel agencies, Lightstar Hajj.
    Lightstar Hajj held itself out as specializing in travel packages
    to Saudi Arabia for the hajj (an Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca).
    In fact, it could not sell a complete package, because it lacked
    the ability to provide the necessary visas. Minhas sold over 50
    of these fraudulent travel packages, for which he faced mail
    fraud charges in case 14 CR 731. About 54 victims lost money
    through the Lightstar Hajj scheme: 18 customers each lost
    over $10,000, 30 lost more than $7,000, and 45 lost more than
    $5,000. As we noted earlier, he was eventually convicted on
    all counts in the City Travel case, and he pleaded guilty to one
    count in the Lightstar Hajj case.
    When the time came for sentencing, the two cases were
    consolidated before Judge Feinerman. The probation office
    prepared a total of five pre-sentencing reports: one in each of
    the two cases prior to their consolidation, and three supple-
    mental reports thereafter. The district court held a sentencing
    hearing, at which it heard testimony from five victims: one
    from the City Travel case, two from Lightstar Hajj, and two
    from an uncharged fraud scheme. (Ten victims of the City
    Travel case had testified at trial.) The government also pre-
    sented charts listing the victims and their loss amounts. Ten
    victims of the Lightstar Hajj case submitted impact letters to
    the district court.
    A key topic at the hearing was whether to apply the Guide-
    lines enhancement for causing “substantial financial harm” to
    victims—a provision that had gone into effect earlier that
    month. U.S.S.G. § 2B1.1(b)(2). The court noted that it was fo-
    cusing on the victims’ financial losses in both cases as losses
    4                                         Nos. 15-3761 & 15-3763
    to a savings or investment fund, a factor Application Note
    4(F)(iii) to the Guidelines directs courts to consider.
    In the City Travel case, the district judge agreed with Min-
    has that the term “substantial” was relative to a victim. It rea-
    soned that dollar losses in the mid-four figures would repre-
    sent a substantial loss to a person of modest economic circum-
    stances. It then inferred that Minhas’s victims fit this economic
    profile: they were “working” people “of modest means” who
    were “not rich.” In characterizing the victims this way, the dis-
    trict court explained that it was extrapolating from the evi-
    dence before it (i.e., the testimony at trial and sentencing and
    from victim impact letters) and applying those characteristics
    to the group. The court then looked to a chart displaying the
    dollar losses for each victim and found at least 16 losses over
    $3000. Noting that it believed that losses below $2000 could
    still be substantial, as this was “a lot of money for a working
    person,” the court “err[ed] on the side of caution” and ex-
    cluded from its tally victims who lost less than $2000. It ulti-
    mately applied the § 2B1.1(b)(2)(B) four-level increase in the
    in the City Travel case, finding that between five and 25 vic-
    tims suffered a substantial financial hardship as a result of
    Minhas’s fraud.
    Similarly, in the Lightstar Hajj case, the district court relied
    on victim-impact letters and sentencing testimony to general-
    ize about the group of victims, finding that they tended to
    save for years, that many were not able to make the Hajj be-
    cause of Minhas’s fraud, and that it could also take years to
    recover the amounts of money they lost. The court then con-
    sulted the loss chart and counted at least 32 victims with dol-
    lar losses above the mid-four figures. It applied a six-level en-
    hancement pursuant to § 2B1.1(b)(2)(C), finding that the fraud
    Nos. 15-3761 & 15-3763                                         5
    resulted in substantial financial hardship to more than 25 vic-
    Minhas argues that the district court incorrectly applied
    the § 2B1.1(b)(2) enhancement in both cases by relying on in-
    sufficient evidence, extrapolating from the evidence it did
    have, and aggregating the victims’ economic characteristics.
    Minhas contends that in order to apply the enhancement, the
    district court should have made individualized determina-
    tions and identified the factual basis underlying the finding
    of substantial financial hardship to each victim. Because Min-
    has objected to the enhancement in each case at sentencing,
    we review for clear error the district court’s factual determi-
    nations, and we consider de novo the appropriateness of the
    enhancement. United States v. Harris, 
    791 F.3d 772
    , 780 (7th Cir.
    The Sentencing Guidelines provide for increased offense
    levels for crimes such as fraud that “result[] in substantial fi-
    nancial hardship” to victims. § 2B1.1(b)(2)(A)–(C). In addition
    to the text of the Guidelines, a court must also consider the
    Application Notes, which “are considered part of the Guide-
    lines and not mere commentary on them.” United States v. Rog-
    777 F.3d 934
    , 936 (7th Cir. 2015). Application Note 4 spec-
    ifies that when determining whether an offense resulted in
    substantial financial hardship, a court “shall consider, among
    other factors,” whether as the result of an offense a victim be-
    came insolvent; filed for bankruptcy; suffered a substantial
    loss of a retirement, education, or other savings or investment
    fund; made substantial changes to employment or living ar-
    rangements; or suffered substantial harm to the ability to ob-
    tain credit. § 2B1.1 cmt. n.4.
    6                                      Nos. 15-3761 & 15-3763
    The enhancement for causing “substantial financial hard-
    ship” came into effect on November 1, 2015, as a result of
    amendments designed to “place greater emphasis on the ex-
    tent of harm that particular victims suffer as a result of the
    offense.” Sentencing Guidelines for United States Courts, 80
    FR 25782-01 (May 5, 2015). Previously, § 2B1.1(b)(2) had pro-
    vided for an enhancement for offenses that involved total
    numbers of victims over certain thresholds, or that were com-
    mitted by the use of mass marketing, but it did not include
    any provision for whether the offense caused victims substan-
    tial financial hardship. See U.S.S.G. § 2B1.1(b)(2) (Nov. 2014).
    The effect of the 2015 amendment is to require the district
    courts, when they apply § 2B1.1(b)(2), to go beyond simply
    tallying the total number of victims (or deciding whether
    mass marketing was used), and to evaluate the substantiality
    of the financial hardship those victims suffered.
    Because the amendments are relatively new, we have not
    yet had occasion to weigh in on the district courts’ interpreta-
    tion and application of the “substantial financial hardship”
    provision. The 2015 amendment to § 2B1.1(b)(2) introduces a
    measure of relativity into the inquiry. That is, whether a loss
    has resulted in a substantial hardship (or substantial loss to a
    savings account as in this case) will, in most cases, be gauged
    relative to each victim. The same dollar harm to one victim
    may result in a substantial financial hardship, while for an-
    other it may be only a minor hiccup. Much of this will turn on
    a victim’s financial circumstances, as the district court recog-
    nized when it noted that “[a] loss that may not be substantial
    to Bill Gates may be substantial to a working person.”
    Nos. 15-3761 & 15-3763                                           7
    We recognize that reasonable people may disagree about
    the substantiality of a loss in a particular instance. The inclu-
    sion of the word “substantial” implies that the loss or hard-
    ship must be significant, meaning at least more than minimal
    or trivial. But between a minimal loss or hardship (occurring,
    perhaps, when a defendant fraudulently obtains five dollars
    a victim had intended to donate to a charity), and a devastat-
    ing loss (occurring in the wake of a scheme to wipe out a vic-
    tim’s life savings), there lies a wide range in which we rely
    upon the judgment of the district courts, guided by the non-
    exhaustive list of factors in Application Note 4. In the end, this
    is just one more determination of a fact that bears on the ulti-
    mate sentence; that determination is entitled to the normal
    deference that applies to all facts found at sentencing. See, e.g.,
    United States v. Parolin, 
    239 F.3d 922
    , 926 (7th Cir. 2001) (“De-
    termining whether a defendant’s victims were ‘unusually vul-
    nerable’ is a question of fact that is reversible only for clear
    Minhas urges that the district court committed clear error
    when it chose to consider the victims as a group rather than
    individually. In some instances, that would indeed pose a
    problem. It would be clear error for a district judge, for exam-
    ple, merely to divide a total loss amount by the number of
    victims without any information about the amount each indi-
    vidual victim suffered or the victim’s financial circumstances.
    But that is not what happened here. This district judge care-
    fully consulted a chart that listed each victim’s individual
    losses. Inferring that each person was of modest economic cir-
    cumstances, the judge then reasoned that losses above a cer-
    tain threshold to each one were substantial.
    8                                       Nos. 15-3761 & 15-3763
    A district court may draw reasonable inferences from the
    record. United States v. Melendez, 
    819 F.3d 1006
    , 1011 (7th Cir.
    2016). Making an inference about an individual victim by vir-
    tue of his membership in a particular group is not necessarily
    problematic, so long as a district court has reason to believe
    that the victims are in similar economic circumstances. The
    question here is thus whether the court had sufficient evi-
    dence from which to infer that the victims were in similar eco-
    nomic positions.
    In making its factual findings, a district court may draw
    conclusions from the testimony and evidence introduced at
    sentencing. United States v. Halliday, 
    672 F.3d 462
    , 475 (7th Cir.
    2012). In the City Travel case, the district court indicated that
    he was doing just that, as he considered the evidence about
    Minhas’s customer base. That evidence revealed that they
    were not rich and that they were looking for discounted tick-
    ets in a Pakistani-American newspaper. The court also indi-
    cated in the City Travel case that he was relying on the testi-
    mony of victims at sentencing and at trial, and on the submit-
    ted victim impact statements. These people reported saving
    for long times for their trips. In the Lightstar Hajj case, the
    court indicated it was relying on evidence from impact state-
    ments and testimony that victims had saved for long periods
    to go on the hajj, or that they had spent their life savings to do
    While Minhas notes that much of the testimony was “con-
    clusory” and lacked “verifiable facts,” the evidentiary stand-
    ards at sentencing are more relaxed than at trial, United States
    v. Harmon, 
    721 F.3d 877
    , 888 (7th Cir. 2013), and the district
    court is entitled to make credibility determinations about the
    witnesses and testimony presented. United States v. Smith, 308
    Nos. 15-3761 & 15-3763                                          
    9 F.3d 726
    , 746 (7th Cir. 2002). “[W]e require only that the infor-
    mation considered has sufficient indicia of reliability to sup-
    port its probable accuracy.” United States v. Statham, 
    581 F.3d 548
    , 553 (7th Cir. 2009).
    In addition to numerous victims who testified about the
    amounts of time that it took them to save enough money for
    their trip, another victim who testified at sentencing indicated
    that he and others were from the same neighborhood, and
    that Minhas “took money from the poor people, hard-work-
    ing people like [the victim].” The district court was familiar
    with victims who testified at trial and knew that Minhas’s
    schemes tended to target those looking for discounted travel.
    And while looking for discounted travel alone does not imply
    that a person is not rich, it is at least some evidence that he or
    she is not so wealthy as to be purchasing luxury airfare or
    travel packages. One can imagine stronger evidence showing
    that the victims shared similar economic circumstances. But
    that does not mean that the district court erred by relying on
    what was in front of it when it concluded that it was more
    likely than not that the necessary number of victims in each
    case suffered a substantial financial hardship.
    It is also worth noting that the district court understood
    that, at least in the Lightstar Hajj case, the harm was not just
    the loss of money, but was also a spiritual injury inflicted
    when it became impossible for the victim to make the hajj. The
    hajj is an annual pilgrimage to Islam’s holiest site, Mecca, and
    making it is a religious duty to be performed at least once in
    a lifetime by every able-bodied Muslim who can afford the
    trip. See The Religion of Islam, The Fifth Pillar of Islam: The
    Pilgrimage (Hajj), at https://www.islamreligion.com/arti-
    cles/184/fifth-pillar-of-islam/ (last visited Mar. 10, 2017); see
    10                                       Nos. 15-3761 & 15-3763
    also Diaa Hadid, What Muslims Do on Hajj, and Why, The New
    York Times (Sep. 8, 2016), https://www.nytimes.com/2016/
    (Those who have made the pilgrimage are often given the title
    “Hajji”, a term of respect.) While being deprived of this op-
    portunity (for a year at the very least) may not constitute a
    financial loss in the traditional sense of losing dollars from a
    bank account, it is a significant alteration in life circum-
    stances, as are many of the factors pertinent to interpreting
    “substantial financial hardship” that can be found in a non-
    exhaustive list in Application Note 4(F), such as making
    changes to employment or retirement plans or altering one’s
    housing situation. The existence of this loss reinforces the dis-
    trict court’s ultimate choice of sentence.
    Minhas further argues that the district court ought to have
    identified which of the particular victims it was including in
    its calculation, rather than concluding that at least a certain
    number of those on the list met the threshold. While listing
    each individual victim he was including to meet each thresh-
    old would have been helpful, it is not an end in itself. We look
    at the record as a whole, and in this case it is adequate.
    We are bolstered in our decision to affirm Minhas’s sen-
    tence because we are convinced that any error that may have
    crept into the sentencing proceeding was harmless. Though a
    district court must seriously consider and carefully apply the
    Sentencing Guidelines, they are, in the end, only guidelines;
    sentencing is the responsibility of the district judge after care-
    ful consideration of the § 3553(a) factors. United States v. Lopez,
    634 F.3d 948
    , 953–54 (7th Cir. 2011). Procedural errors do not
    warrant remand when we are convinced that returning the
    Nos. 15-3761 & 15-3763                                        11
    case to the district court would result in the same sentence.
    United States v. Abbas, 
    560 F.3d 660
    , 667 (7th Cir. 2009). We
    acknowledge that “[a] finding of harmless error is only appro-
    priate when the government has proved that the district
    court’s sentencing error did not affect the defendant’s substan-
    tial rights (here—liberty).” 
    Id. Nonetheless, “[a]n
    error in cal-
    culating the Guideline range can still be harmless where the
    district judge makes clear that the sentence would have been
    the same absent the error.” United States v. Tate, 
    822 F.3d 370
    377 (7th Cir. 2016). We have suggested that when a district
    court faces a “tricky but technical issue” under the Guide-
    lines, it should exercise its discretion under § 3553(a) and
    United States v. Booker, 
    543 U.S. 220
    (2005) and spell out
    whether the resolution of the guideline issue matters or af-
    fects the final decision on the sentence. 
    Lopez, 634 F.3d at 954
    The district court was aware that it could let the parties
    and the reviewing court know whether it would have given
    Minhas the same sentence if it had agreed with him on the
    guidelines issue. While the judge’s initial statement was some-
    what inconclusive—he began by stating “I can’t say that I
    would have imposed the same 9-1/2 year sentence … ”(em-
    phasis added)—he then discussed the seriousness of the of-
    fense and aggravating factors. He noted that he “would have
    imposed sentences at the upper end of those Guideline ranges
    [proposed by Minhas]” and that he “would have made less of
    [the sentence] concurrent and more of it consecutive.” This
    suggests to us that perhaps the judge simply misspoke when
    he said “can’t” instead of “can.”
    In any event, the court finally concluded, “[t]his is a seri-
    ous crime, and as I said, taking into account everything and
    even putting aside the technical calculation of the Guidelines
    12                                     Nos. 15-3761 & 15-3763
    range, I don’t think anything less than 9-1/2 years would be
    sufficient to fulfill the purposes of 3553(a).” This is a firm
    statement that after all was said and done, the court thought
    that a 9-1/2 year sentence was the correct one for Minhas. That
    is what the court ordered, and any error buried in the weeds
    of the Guidelines was thus harmless.
    The judgments of the district court are AFFIRMED.

Document Info

Docket Number: 15-3763

Citation Numbers: 850 F.3d 873

Judges: Wood

Filed Date: 3/10/2017

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023