Cynthia Albert v. Trans Union Corporation ( 2011 )

  •                                In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 10-1154
    IN RE:
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 00 C 4729—Robert W. Gettleman, Judge.
    Before P OSNER, K ANNE, and W OOD , Circuit Judges.
    P OSNER, Circuit Judge. It is a curiosity of class action
    litigation that often there is greater ferocity in combat
    among the class lawyers over the allocation of attorneys’
    fees than there is between the class lawyers and the
    defendants. The contest among the lawyers is a zero-
    sum game. But the contest between them and the defen-
    dants is a positive-sum game because the class lawyers
    2                                               No. 10-1154
    are naturally very interested in the fee component of
    any settlement, while the defendants care only about
    the size of the settlement, including fees. So the lawyers
    may be willing to settle for less for the class if the de-
    fendants will help them obtain a generous fee award,
    and the defendants will be happy to help them if the sum
    of the fee award and the relief granted to the class is
    smaller than it would be if the class lawyers pressed for
    more generous relief for the class. E.g., Thorogood v. Sears,
    Roebuck & Co., 
    624 F.3d 842
    , 848-49 (7th Cir. 2010); Vollmer
    v. Selden, 
    350 F.3d 656
    , 660 (7th Cir. 2003); Reynolds v.
    Beneficial National Bank, 
    288 F.3d 277
    , 282 (7th Cir. 2002);
    In re General Motors Corp. Pick-Up Truck Fuel Tank Products
    Liability Litigation, 
    55 F.3d 768
    , 778, 802 (3d Cir. 1995);
    Weinberger v. Great Northern Nekoosa Corp., 
    925 F.2d 518
    524 (1st Cir. 1991).
    Indeed, class lawyers may try to fend off interlopers
    who oppose a proposed settlement as insufficiently
    generous to the class; and given the role of such
    interlopers in preventing cozy deals that favor class
    lawyers and defendants at the expense of class members,
    their requests for fees must not be slighted. Mirfasihi v.
    Fleet Mortgage Corp., 
    356 F.3d 781
    , 782-83 (7th Cir. 2006);
    Vollmer v. Selden, 
    350 F.3d at 659-60
    ; Crawford v.
    Equifax Payment Services, Inc., 
    201 F.3d 877
    , 880-82 (7th
    Cir. 2000); In re General Motors Corp. Pick-Up Truck Fuel
    Tank Products Liability Litigation, 
    55 F.3d at 803
    One such objecting lawyer in the present case, the
    appellant, Dawn Wheelahan, was awarded $2.7 million
    in attorneys’ fees by the district court for her contribu-
    No. 10-1154                                              3
    tion to the generous settlement of the Trans Union Corpo-
    ration Privacy Litigation. She contends that she’s
    entitled to three times as much as she was awarded,
    both because the total attorneys’ fees awarded to class
    counsel were too little and because her share of them
    was too small. She is not opposed by the class action
    defendant, Trans Union, because this is a “common fund”
    suit; attorneys’ fees come out of the amount of damages
    awarded the class, and so Trans Union has no stake in
    the dispute over fees. Wheelahan’s only opponents are
    some of the other class lawyers, who fear that an in-
    crease in the amount of fees awarded to her would come
    at their expense. They don’t object to an increase in the
    total fees awarded, or indeed to an increase in the
    share awarded to her that would not reduce their
    fees. With the class members unrepresented and the
    defendant indifferent to the overall award of attorneys’
    fees, we must decide the appeal with limited assistance
    from an adversary presentation. But this is a standard
    dilemma in class action adjudication, as we noted at the
    outset, and may be unavoidable without elongating
    the litigation disproportionately to the stakes in the
    fee dispute.
    The other lawyers for the class (with one exception) were
    prepared to settle the case for $40 million, consisting
    of $20 million in cash plus relief in kind valued at
    $20 million. Wheelahan opposed the settlement, and as
    a result solely of her opposition (she argues) the case
    was eventually settled for a little under $110 million
    (we’ll ignore the little under), of which $75 million was
    in cash and the other $35 million was the estimated value
    4                                              No. 10-1154
    of the relief in kind included in the settlement. At the
    oral argument Wheelahan told us that she should re-
    ceive at least 20 percent of the added value of $70 million
    as her fee. That would be $14 million, rather than the
    $2.7 million that she was awarded. Her brief, however,
    asks for only $8.4 million. As that amount is, as we’ll
    see, excessive the $14 million is pie in the sky and can
    be ignored.
    The dispute over fees grows out of a litigation that
    began in 1998 with the filing of a number of class actions
    charging Trans Union, a large credit-reporting agency,
    with violating the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 
    15 U.S.C. §§ 1681
     et seq., by selling information in its consumer
    credit files to advertisers without the consumers’ authori-
    zation. The actions were consolidated for pretrial pro-
    ceedings in the Northern District of Illinois. In 2006
    lawyers referred to by the parties to the appeal as “MDL
    Counsel,” who had filed the earliest cases, agreed with
    Trans Union to a $40 million settlement. Wheelahan, who
    had filed her own class action in 2005, opposed the pro-
    posed settlement, and her opposition, together with that
    of class counsel in a case filed against Trans Union
    in Texas, persuaded the district judge to rescind his
    preliminary approval.
    He approved the final settlement of $110 million in 2008.
    The settlement placed a ceiling of $18.75 million on attor-
    neys’ fees for the class lawyers (remember that the fees
    come out of the common fund created by the settle-
    ment). The lawyers urged the district court to award
    this amount—17 percent of the estimated value of the
    No. 10-1154                                                 5
    settlement. The district judge, however, thought $18.75
    million excessive and reduced it to $10.83 million, but
    later reconsidered and referred the issue of fees to a
    special master, who recommended an award of $13
    million, of which about two-thirds ($7.8 million) would
    go to the MDL counsel and most of the rest to Wheelahan
    and to the Texas counsel. The district judge accepted
    the recommendation.
    The special master arrived at these figures by first
    determining the total amount of attorneys’ fees that
    would be reasonable to award and then allocating that
    amount among the lawyers. He placed little weight on
    the contingent fee agreements between the lawyers and
    the “clients” (the named plaintiffs in the class actions),
    recognizing that named plaintiffs are usually cat’s paws
    of the class lawyers. In re Cavanaugh, 
    306 F.3d 726
    , 737-38
    (9th Cir. 2002); Goldberger v. Integrated Resources, Inc., 
    209 F.3d 43
    , 53 (2d Cir. 2000); John C. Coffee, Jr., “The Regula-
    tion of Entrepreneurial Litigation: Balancing Fairness
    and Efficiency in the Large Class Action,” 
    54 U. Chi. L. Rev. 877
    , 885-86 (1987). That’s especially true when, as
    in this case, the prospective relief for an individual
    class member is minuscule: the class has 190 million
    members!—though most have not filed claims and the
    deadline for filing is past. The special master recognized
    that his task was to estimate the contingent fee that
    the class would have negotiated with the class counsel
    at the outset had negotiations with clients having a real
    stake been feasible. In re Synthroid Marketing Litigation,
    264 F.3d 712
    , 718-20 (7th Cir. 2001); see also Missouri v.
    491 U.S. 274
    , 285-86 (1989); but see Goldberger v.
    Integrated Resources, Inc., supra, 
    209 F.3d at 51-52
    6                                             No. 10-1154
    Such estimation is inherently conjectural, and what
    the special master mainly did was examine data on
    awards of attorneys’ fees in other class actions. He
    relied heavily on an academic study which had found that
    between 1993 and 2002 the average awards of attorneys’
    fees in common fund consumer class actions had been
    either 16.2 or 24.3 percent of the amount of the settle-
    ment, depending on which of two datasets of such
    awards were consulted. Theodore Eisenberg & Geoffrey P.
    Miller, “Attorney Fees in Class Action Settlements:
    An Empirical Study,” 1 J. Empirical Legal Stud. 27, 51
    (tab. 1) (2004). The average award declined in percentage
    terms as the size of the settlement increased, in recogni-
    tion of the fixed-cost component of a lawyer’s activity in
    a case—there is an irreducible minimum of lawyer
    activity that must be undertaken if the client is to have
    a reasonable chance of prevailing, no matter how small
    the stakes in the case. In the case of settlements of
    between $79 million and $190 million (the range within
    which the settlement in this case fell), the study found
    that the average attorneys’ fee awards were 17.6 or
    19.5 percent of the settlement, again depending on the
    Id. at 73
     (tab. 7). The award that the parties to
    the settlement in the present case recommended—$18.75
    million—was just below that range: 17 percent of $110
    million, as we said.
    The special master then looked at a group of securities
    cases and from the fee awards made in them estimated
    that if the settlement in such a case had as in this case
    been $110 million the fee award would have been between
    3.8 percent and 23.2 percent. He thought this range rele-
    vant because plaintiffs’ discovery costs tend to be higher
    No. 10-1154                                                 7
    in securities class actions than in consumer class actions.
    But he did not indicate how one might adjust the fee
    award in this case to reflect the presumed lower cost of
    He then considered the noncash portion of the settle-
    ment: a choice, valued as we said at $35 million, between
    two “free” credit monitoring services that Trans Union
    would offer each class member who filed a complaint:
    (1) Get six months of free credit monitoring services
    (which retails for $59.75) that includes: (a) the ability
    to lock your credit report so third parties, such as
    lenders or other companies, will not be able to access
    your credit report without your consent (unless al-
    lowed by law); (b) unlimited daily access to your
    Trans Union credit report and credit score; and
    (c) credit monitoring with a 24-hour email credit
    notification service; OR
    (2) Get nine months of enhanced credit monitoring
    services (which retails for $115.50) that includes all
    the services listed above, plus a suite of insurance
    scores (which allows you to see your credit informa-
    tion as insurance companies do) and a mortgage
    simulator service (a customized report that shows
    the mortgage rates that you should qualify for).
    In re Trans Union Privacy Litigation, “Detailed Notice,” p. 5,
    (visited Jan. 5, 2011) (emphasis in original). The special
    master thought this in-kind relief worth less to class
    members than $35 million in cash would have been
    worth and that the attorneys’ fee awards should there-
    8                                               No. 10-1154
    fore be lower than the awards for cash relief—only
    5 percent of the $35 million. In contrast, he awarded
    15 percent of the cash portion of the settlement.
    The $35 million figure is the retail price of the offered
    services multiplied by the number of class members
    who asked for the services in lieu of cash. The value of
    the services to a member of the class could be less
    than the retail price. The members of the class were
    presented with a choice between cash relief—not
    knowing the actual amount they’d receive—and in-kind
    relief. (This is a standard feature of settlements in
    common fund class actions.) The amount of cash to
    which each class member asking for cash rather than
    services would be entitled would be $75 million divided
    by the number of such claimants. If they are very numer-
    ous, the cash that each would receive would be less than
    the value of the in-kind relief even if a class member
    valued that relief at less than its retail price. Suppose the
    class member can obtain cash relief of only $30, and the
    retail price of the service he could obtain instead is $60.
    Then even if he values that service at only $31, he is
    better off choosing it. (On the assumption that the
    amount of fees requested was proper and that one
    percent of the 190 million eligible claimants requested
    cash relief, their individual recovery would be only
    $29.60: $75 million, minus $18.75 million in attorneys’
    fees, divided by 1.9 million.)
    But this possibility need not justify a lower attorneys’
    fee award (let alone two-thirds lower) for the in-kind
    component of the settlement. The fact that the amount
    No. 10-1154                                                 9
    of cash that a class member can expect to receive is likely
    to be small makes the in-kind option very attrac-
    tive—maybe not $35 million attractive but the special
    master did not try to estimate a lower value.
    Next he considered the risk of losing that the lawyers
    for the class faced when they embarked on the litigation.
    If they lost they would receive no fees at all, and the
    higher the risk of failure the larger the contingent
    fee that a client would have to pay in an arm’s length
    negotiation with the lawyer in advance of the suit. As
    we’ve noted in previous cases, the logic of scaling the
    fee to the risk leads to absurdity if pressed too hard: it
    would justify an astronomical fee in a frivolous suit
    in which the plaintiff prevailed by a fluke. Kirchoff v.
    786 F.2d 320
    , 326 (7th Cir. 1986); McKinnon v. City
    of Berwyn, 
    750 F.2d 1383
    , 1392-93 (7th Cir. 1984); see
    also Pennsylvania v. Deer Valley Citizens’ Council for Clean
    483 U.S. 711
    , 719-23 and n. 6 (1987); Laffey v. Northwest
    Airlines, Inc., 
    746 F.2d 4
    , 26-27 (D.C. Cir. 1984), overruled
    on other grounds by Save Our Cumberland Mountains, Inc.
    v. Hodel, 
    857 F.2d 1516
     (D.C. Cir. 1988); John Leubsdorf,
    “The Contingency Factor in Attorney Fee Awards,” 
    90 Yale L.J. 473
    , 474 (1981). But within the set of colorable
    legal claims, a higher risk of loss does argue for a
    higher fee. Risk aversion to one side (for a lawyer with
    a diversified portfolio of cases should not be risk
    averse, Rand v. Monsanto Co., 
    926 F.2d 596
    , 599 (7th Cir.
    1991)), if the market-determined fee for a sure winner
    were $1 million the market-determined fee for handling
    a similar suit with only a 50 percent chance of a favorable
    outcome should be $2 million. E.g., In re Continental
    10                                                 No. 10-1154
    Illinois Securities Litigation, 
    962 F.2d 566
    , 569, 573 (7th Cir.
    1992); Staton v. Boeing Co., 
    327 F.3d 938
    , 967-68 (9th Cir.
    The special master thought the risk of loss in the
    present litigation had been low because in 2001, when
    many of the separate class actions against Trans Union
    that were eventually consolidated for pretrial pro-
    ceedings had not yet been filed and those that had been
    filed were still in their early stages, and so presumably
    the costs that the lawyers would have borne in vain
    if the suits collapsed were small, a decision by the
    Federal Trade Commission holding that Trans Union’s
    practices attacked in the class actions indeed violated the
    Fair Credit Reporting Act was affirmed. Trans Union
    Corp. v. FTC, 
    245 F.3d 809
     (D.C. Cir. 2001). The special
    master thought that outcome made the risk of loss to
    the class counsel in this case less than the risk in In re
    Synthroid Marketing Litigation, 
    325 F.3d 974
    , 980 (7th
    Cir. 2003), where we had upheld a 22 percent attorneys’
    fee award. Without trying to quantify the difference
    in risk (“no one can know”), the special master con-
    cluded that the attorneys’ fees in this case should be
    limited to 12 percent of the settlement. (Fifteen percent
    of the $75 million in cash plus 5 percent of the $35 million
    of in-kind relief equals 12 percent of $110 million.)
    The 12 percent figure was plucked out of a hat, and a
    hat with three holes in it: the unresolved comparison
    with securities class actions, the arbitrary reduction in
    attorneys’ fees for the nonpecuniary relief, and the per-
    functory (less than a page) consideration, also left unre-
    No. 10-1154                                              11
    solved, of the relative risk of loss in the present case and
    in Synthroid.
    Having lowered the attorneys’ fees ceiling to 12 percent
    of the settlement from the 17 percent that the lawyers had
    recommended to him, thus setting an overall limit on
    attorneys’ fees of $13 million, the special master turned
    to its allocation among counsel. He thought Wheelahan
    and counsel in the Texas suit piggish to be requesting,
    between them, $10.8 million of the $13 million. The
    request was based on their claim to be responsible for
    the entire $70 million increase in the final settlement
    over the settlement to which MDL counsel had agreed
    earlier. So far as we can judge, had it not been for the
    efforts of Wheelahan and the Texas lawyer the class
    would indeed be poorer by $70 million. The special
    master did not suggest otherwise. But then, remarking
    that the premise of Wheelahan’s and the Texas counsel’s
    claims was that the initial, rejected settlement had not
    reflected the true settlement value of the case—which
    was obviously so—he asked: “But who ‘created’ that
    extra value [the $70 million]? It was principally the
    efforts of MDL Counsel.” The others had “helped unlock
    the true enhanced value in this case, but they did not
    solely create it,” and “MDL Counsel remain entitled to
    share in the value of the case above and beyond the
    original $20 million in cash and $20 million of in-kind
    value embodied in the rejected settlement.” He decided
    they should get full credit for having created the first
    $20 million of the cash component of the final settle-
    ment, for that was the amount that had been negotiated
    in the first settlement agreement, and 50 percent of the
    12                                                No. 10-1154
    credit for the additional $55 million in cash in the
    final settlement, for a total of 63 percent ($20 million plus
    .5 x $55 million = $47.50 million ÷ $75 million = 63 percent)
    of the cash component of the final settlement. He used
    the same percentages in determining fees for the in-kind
    relief, and so ended up awarding MDL counsel 63 percent
    of the $13 million total of attorneys’ fees awarded. He
    gave Wheelahan 22 percent of that total (hence the
    $2.7 million that he awarded her) and Texas counsel
    15 percent.
    In making these adjustments the special master was
    wrestling with a problem of joint causation. The final
    settlement was the result of the combined efforts of
    MDL counsel and of the other two class lawyers.
    The fact that these efforts were successive rather than
    simultaneous has no significance. The MDL counsel
    created an asset—the expected gain from the lawsuits—
    the value of which they did not realize. The efforts of
    the other lawyers enabled the full value to be obtained.
    Suppose the value of an uncut diamond owned by A
    is $1,000, he hires B to cut it for $5,000, and after it is cut
    it is worth $10,000. Does that mean that B should receive
    not $5,000 but $9,000 because he created additional
    value in that amount? That isn’t how prices are set in a
    competitive market, or, since we’re talking about attor-
    neys’ fees, wages either. The suggestion that they are
    echoes the “comparable worth” theory of fair compensa-
    tion. See Paul Weiler, “The Wages of Sex: The Uses and
    Limits of Comparable Worth,” 
    99 Harv. L. Rev. 1728
    , 1756-
    58 (1986). B in our example received $5,000 because that
    No. 10-1154                                           13
    was the competitive price for cutting the diamond. He
    was not entitled to the surplus that his service created,
    because he wasn’t the diamond’s owner. MDL counsel
    correspond to A in our example and Wheelahan and
    the Texas counsel to B.
    The special master may have had an inkling that his
    percentage allocations were arbitrary, because he also
    looked at the relative time productively invested
    by the different lawyers, multiplied by a reasonable
    hourly rate, and came up with an estimate of the rela-
    tive costs incurred by the different lawyers. This com-
    putation, which accords with the evidence, yielded a
    ratio of MDL counsel’s costs to Wheelahan’s costs of 4.3
    to 1, which is considerably higher than the 63 to 22 per-
    cent ratio of fees that the special master awarded to
    the two counsel. In effect he penalized MDL counsel
    for having proposed an inadequate settlement. Those
    counsel aren’t complaining, however.
    The special master did fine in his allocation of fees
    among counsel, but, as we explained earlier, failed to
    justify the $13 million ceiling on fees, and one re-
    sult—critical to this appeal—is that because a $110
    million settlement is large and Wheelahan’s contribu-
    tion major though not so great as she contends, the
    $2.7 million award for her contribution—a mere
    2.5 percent—was too small. But as we have upheld the
    allocation among counsel, her only valid complaint is
    about the aggregate award.
    Remember that the special master ruled that as far as
    the cash relief was concerned, an award of fees equal to
    15 percent of the cash award was proper, and that he
    14                                              No. 10-1154
    failed to justify a lower percentage of the value of the in-
    kind relief. An award of attorneys’ fees equal
    to 15 percent of the entire $110 million award, which
    would correct the special master’s error, would be $16.5
    million. But considering that he erred consistently in
    favor of reducing fees, we think he did not make a case
    that the $18.75 million requested by the lawyers for
    the class was excessive.
    Consider against that background what Wheelahan
    is asking for. She wants an additional $5.7 million,
    which on top of the $2.7 million awarded to her on the
    recommendation of the special master would give her
    the $8.4 million requested in her brief. If we are correct
    that she is entitled to only 22 percent of the total attor-
    neys’ fees awarded, the implication of her request is
    that the special master should have recommended a
    total fee award to all counsel of $38.2 million, because
    $8.4 million is 22 percent of that amount. That would be
    35 percent of the settlement. She does not defend
    that percentage, or complain about the total of $18.75
    million in attorneys’ fees agreed to in the final settlement
    negotiations, but on the contrary that is the starting
    point of the calculation that mysteriously generates her
    claim to an $8.4 million award.
    We conclude that she’s entitled to 22 percent of the
    $18.75 million in total fees that should have been
    awarded, which is $4.125 million. Since she’s already
    been awarded $2.7 million, she’s entitled to an additional
    award of $1.425 million. No other lawyers have
    appealed from the fee awards, so they are not entitled to
    additional fees.
    No. 10-1154                                           15
    The additional award to Wheelahan does only rough
    justice, but a remand would produce only speculative
    refinements, given the inherent uncertainties of estima-
    tion in such a case, and would do so at a heavy cost
    in judicial and party resources unlikely to be offset by
    any benefit in greater precision, which would in any
    event be illusory. We are mindful that the $1.425
    million will come out of the relief awarded to the class
    members, who are not represented in this appeal, but we
    do not think that this litigation should be protracted
    further by our appointing a lawyer to represent the class
    in place of the existing class counsel, who at this stage
    are concerned only with their fees. That lawyer’s fees
    would come out of the common fund and so reduce
    the amount of relief obtained by the members of the
    class. We therefore order the judgment of the district
    court to be modified as explained above, and we
    remand for the entry of a corrected judgment.
    One issue remains to be addressed. The district court
    had directed the special master not only to recommend
    fee awards but also to investigate complaints that
    Wheelahan had engaged in unethical behavior in the
    litigation. The special master concluded that although
    Wheelahan had behaved unprofessionally in various
    respects, she had not behaved unethically, and so he
    recommended against the imposition of any sanction
    and the district judge accepted the recommendation.
    Nevertheless her appeal challenges the judgment on the
    further ground that the special master and the district
    judge have made unwarranted criticisms of her. Whether
    16                                          No. 10-1154
    this is true or not, it is not a basis for an appeal. A
    criticism is not an appealable order.

Document Info

Docket Number: 10-1154

Judges: Posner

Filed Date: 1/14/2011

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/24/2015

Authorities (17)

William Weinberger v. Great Northern Nekoosa Corp. , 925 F.2d 518 ( 1991 )

sholem-goldberger-v-integrated-resources-inc-arthur-h-goldberg-jay-h , 209 F.3d 43 ( 2000 )

In the Matter Of: Synthroid Marketing Litigation , 264 F.3d 712 ( 2001 )

Cheryl Reynolds v. Beneficial National Bank, Appeals of ... , 288 F.3d 277 ( 2002 )

Thorogood v. Sears, Roebuck and Co. , 624 F.3d 842 ( 2010 )

in-re-general-motors-corporation-pick-up-truck-fuel-tank-products-liability , 55 F.3d 768 ( 1995 )

in-the-matter-of-continental-illinois-securities-litigation-fred-l , 962 F.2d 566 ( 1992 )

lawrence-crawford-on-behalf-of-himself-and-a-class-of-others-similarly , 201 F.3d 877 ( 2000 )

thomas-g-vollmer-peggy-r-pospeshil-mary-kennah-and-publishers-clearing , 350 F.3d 656 ( 2003 )

in-re-david-cavanaugh-in-re-michael-hannon-in-re-richard-weiss-in-re , 306 F.3d 726 ( 2002 )

Staton v. Boeing Co. , 327 F.3d 938 ( 2003 )

In the Matter Of: Synthroid Marketing Litigation , 325 F.3d 974 ( 2003 )

Claire Rand, Custodian for Brett Rand v. Monsanto Company , 926 F.2d 596 ( 1991 )

Anita Kirchoff and William Kirchoff v. Michael Flynn , 786 F.2d 320 ( 1986 )

Save Our Cumberland Mountains, Inc. v. Donald P. Hodel, ... , 857 F.2d 1516 ( 1988 )

Pennsylvania v. Delaware Valley Citizens' Council for Clean ... , 107 S. Ct. 3078 ( 1987 )

Missouri v. Jenkins Ex Rel. Agyei , 109 S. Ct. 2463 ( 1989 )

View All Authorities »