Mitchell Alicea v. Aubrey Thomas , 815 F.3d 283 ( 2016 )

  •                                In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 15-1255
    and the CITY OF HAMMOND,
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Indiana, Hammond Division.
    No. 2:11-cv-445 — Theresa L. Springmann, Judge.
    Before BAUER, WILLIAMS, and HAMILTON, Circuit Judges.
    WILLIAMS, Circuit Judge. This appeal arises out of serious
    injuries suffered by Mitchell Alicea during the course of an
    arrest by the Hammond Police. Alicea sued Sergeant Aubrey
    Thomas and Officer Alejandro Alvarez under 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    for violating the Fourth Amendment by using excessive and
    unreasonable force to arrest him. The district court granted
    2                                                   No. 15-1255
    the defendants’ motions for summary judgment, finding that
    Thomas and Alvarez did not use excessive force against Al-
    icea, and that they were entitled to qualified immunity. Be-
    cause we find that the facts taken in the light most favorable
    to Alicea create a material dispute as to whether each officer’s
    actions violated clearly established law, we reverse the district
    court’s grant of summary judgment.
    On March 29, 2011, Mitchell Alicea burglarized a resi-
    dence on the 4200 block of Towle Avenue in Hammond, Indi-
    ana. While inside the residence, Alicea saw a police vehicle.
    He fled the home and ran north on Towle Avenue, cutting
    through an alley and into the backyard of another house. Al-
    icea then vaulted into an empty, five-foot deep, above-ground
    pool in the backyard, where he hid by sitting inside the pool.
    A. Finding Alicea
    That same day, Sergeant Aubrey Thomas was on canine
    duty for the Hammond Police Department when he received
    a radio dispatch alerting him of a potential burglary. With his
    seventy-two pound police dog, Leo, he drove to the location
    provided in the radio dispatch, and learned on the way that
    the suspect may have fled the crime scene. He turned on his
    emergency lights and drove to the 4200 block of Cameron
    Street, where the suspect was last seen. Sergeant Joe Grisafi,
    his supervisor, was there when he arrived.
    Thomas then let Leo out of the squad car on a thirty-foot
    leash and attached a tracking harness to him. The tracking
    harness alerted Leo that he was to start searching for a sus-
    pect. Thomas ordered Leo to the ground and announced his
    presence twice, alerting anyone in the general area that the
    No. 15-1255                                                  3
    Hammond Police canine unit was present and a dog would
    be tracking the area. After Leo tracked the garage and back-
    yard, he began barking by the pool where Alicea was hiding.
    B. Thomas’s Use of Force
    Thomas’s version of events is as follows: he approached
    the pool with his weapon drawn, and Alicea was inside the
    pool standing across from him, with his hands in his sweat-
    shirt, staring straight ahead. Alicea did not respond to re-
    peated requests to show Thomas his hands, and kept them
    concealed. Thomas again asked him to show his hands as he
    commanded Leo, with his leash still on, to get inside the pool.
    Thomas then assisted Leo into the pool. He commanded Leo
    to lie down, and after making a final request that Alicea show
    his hands, he ordered Leo to bite and hold Alicea so he could
    safely enter the pool to pat down and arrest Alicea.
    Alicea recounts the confrontation quite differently. He
    says after Leo discovered him, Leo started barking as Thomas
    appeared and asked Alicea to see his hands. Alicea recalls im-
    mediately complying by standing and raising his hands,
    palms out, at which point Thomas yelled, “You like to rob
    houses, you f***ing punk?” Thomas then threw Leo into the
    pool and commanded him to attack Alicea. Leo attacked Al-
    icea for several minutes, latching onto his right arm with his
    teeth as Alicea struggled to break free from his grip. Leo re-
    fused to obey Thomas’s order to stop biting Alicea, and it took
    several minutes for Thomas to remove Leo from Alicea’s arm.
    Alicea was bleeding and screaming in pain from the bites.
    C. Alvarez’s Use of Force
    Officer Alejandro Alvarez was providing back-up to an-
    other officer when he received a radio call that there was a
    4                                                 No. 15-1255
    reported burglary. Alvarez headed to Towle Avenue, where
    he met Grisafi and Officer Fletcher, who was also with the
    Hammond Police. After learning Alicea had been seen fleeing
    through yards north of the burglary scene, the three drove in
    that direction. Upon arriving at Cameron Street, Alvarez set a
    perimeter around the area with Fletcher and Grisafi. He re-
    ceived radio notification that Thomas had found the suspect
    and had deployed his dog in the backyard. Alvarez went to
    the backyard, where he saw Alicea standing in the pool, and
    Thomas and Grisafi outside of the pool with Leo. Alicea was
    bleeding, looked in pain, and was screaming that a dog had
    bitten him and he needed medical help.
    Here again, the parties’ stories diverge. Alvarez says that
    he asked Alicea to get out of the pool, and when Alicea re-
    fused twice, Alvarez “helped him” by grabbing him between
    the shoulders and back and pulling him up and out of the
    pool. He then told Alicea he needed to pat him down for
    weapons and asked him to put his hands on the pool and to
    spread his legs. According to Alvarez, Alicea refused to coop-
    erate, demanding medical attention instead. Finally, Alvarez
    pushed Alicea to his knees and cuffed his hands behind his
    back, while Alicea struggled to stand up. Alvarez then
    pushed Alicea to his stomach, where he held him until the
    paramedics arrived. During this time, Grisafi and Thomas
    provided Alvarez with cover. At some point during the arrest,
    Alicea told Alvarez he needed medical attention, that he was
    on cocaine, and that he felt like he was going to have a heart
    attack. Alvarez also testified that Alicea struggled to get up
    onto his knees from his stomach as Alvarez patted him down
    to search for weapons. Alvarez maintains that he never
    kicked, punched, or stomped Alicea during this time period.
    No. 15-1255                                                   5
    Alicea, on the other hand, recalls Thomas inside the pool
    when Alvarez arrived, trying to extract his arm from Leo’s
    teeth by punching Leo. When Thomas finally succeeded in re-
    moving Leo from Alicea, Alicea recalls Alvarez grabbing Al-
    icea by the collar, pulling him over the pool, and dragging
    him onto the ground outside the pool. Alicea landed on his
    face, and Alvarez pressed his knee into Alicea’s back, punched
    his backside and ribs, and kicked and stomped on his head.
    Alicea was then taken to the squad car, where he was hand-
    cuffed. At the car, it was determined that he needed immedi-
    ate medical attention and someone called an ambulance. Al-
    icea admits he may have told both police and hospital person-
    nel that he had used cocaine in order to explain why he
    started running and to gain admission into the hospital’s car-
    diac ward, where he believed he would receive better treat-
    ment. However, Alicea says he did not use cocaine on the day
    of the arrest.
    Due to Officer Alvarez’s stomping, kicking, and punching,
    Alicea says he suffered lumps to the back of his head, bruising
    on his ribs and back, and difficulty breathing after the arrest.
    From Leo’s attack, he suffered ripped tendons and muscles,
    which required surgery and caused permanent muscle dam-
    age, pain, numbness, and scarring.
    D. District Court Proceedings
    Alicea brought federal and state law claims against the
    City of Hammond, Thomas and Alvarez under 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
     and Indiana Code § 34-13-4-1, which governs indemni-
    fication of government employees for civil rights violations.
    The defendants filed for summary judgment, arguing that: (1)
    Alicea’s indemnification claims against Hammond were not
    6                                                    No. 15-1255
    ripe for adjudication; (2) Sergeant Thomas’s decision to de-
    ploy Leo was objectively reasonable; (3) Alvarez’s use of force
    against Alicea was objectively reasonable; and (4) the defend-
    ants were entitled to qualified immunity. The district court
    granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants on all
    of Alicea’s claims, and also granted the defendants qualified
    immunity. Alicea filed a motion for reconsideration, which
    the court denied. Alicea now appeals, seeking reversal of
    summary judgment on his § 1983 claims.
    On appeal, Alicea argues that the district court erred by
    granting Thomas’s and Alvarez’s motions for summary judg-
    ment as to his § 1983 claims. He also argues that the district
    court erred in granting the defendants qualified immunity.
    We will discuss each issue in turn. We review the district
    court’s decision granting summary judgment de novo and
    construe all facts in favor of Alicea. See Miller v. Gonzalez, 
    761 F.3d 822
    , 827 (7th Cir. 2014).
    A. Summary Judgment Inappropriate for Excessive
    Force Claims
    1. Sergeant Thomas
    The district court found that all the facts drawn in Alicea’s
    favor did not establish that Sergeant Thomas used excessive
    force when he gave Leo the command to bite and hold Alicea.
    The district court pointed to the fact that Alicea was a felony
    burglary suspect in active flight, and Thomas was dealing
    with an unknown threat. So, it held that Thomas’s use of ca-
    nine force was reasonable in light of the knowledge he pos-
    sessed at the time he made the attack command.
    No. 15-1255                                                      7
    This type of § 1983 excessive force claim originates from
    the Fourth Amendment’s protection against unreasonable sei-
    zures. Graham v. Connor, 
    490 U.S. 386
    , 394 (1989). An officer’s
    use of force is analyzed under the Fourth Amendment’s ob-
    jective reasonableness standard, and “must be judged from
    the perspective of a reasonable officer on the scene, rather
    than with the 20/20 vision of hindsight.” 
    Id. at 396
    . A court
    examines the defendant’s use of force in light of the following
    factors: (1) the severity of the crime at issue; (2) whether the
    suspect poses an immediate threat to the safety of officers or
    others; and (3) whether the suspect is actively resisting arrest
    or attempting to evade arrest by flight. 
    We have held that force is only reasonable when it is pro-
    portional to the threat posed. If an officer’s threat perception
    changes, so too should her force calculus. Cyrus v. Town of
    624 F.3d 856
    , 863 (7th Cir. 2010) (finding that
    while first taser shot is justified due to uncertainty of threat,
    once suspect is on the ground and unarmed, subsequent taser
    shots are unreasonable). In Miller v. Gonzalez, we held that sig-
    nificant force is unreasonable after a suspect has stopped re-
    sisting or evading arrest. 761 F.3d at 829 (7th Cir. 2014). In Mil-
    ler, the suspect was in flight and then became trapped in an
    enclosed area after jumping a fence. Id. at 824-25. Upon reach-
    ing him, the officer ordered him to lie on the ground, spread
    eagle, which he did. Id. at 825. The officer then jumped over
    the fence and landed on the plaintiff, breaking his jaw. Id. at
    825. We held that summary judgment was inappropriate be-
    cause it was unreasonable for the officer to intentionally use
    force after the suspect was subdued. Id. at 830. Similarly, in
    Holmes v. Hoffman Estates, we held that a jury could find it ex-
    cessive to knock the plaintiff’s head against a police vehicle if,
    8                                                     No. 15-1255
    as he contended, he was compliant with the officer’s orders
    throughout the arrest. 
    511 F.3d 673
    , 686 (7th Cir. 2007).
    At the same time, we have concluded that under certain
    circumstances, an officer is not required to take an apparent
    surrender at face value. Johnson v. Scott, 
    576 F.3d 658
    , 660 (7th
    Cir. 2009). In Johnson, we affirmed summary judgment where
    a police officer, in hot pursuit of a fleeing suspect, released his
    dog to assist the chase. Not more than one second from the
    suspect throwing his hands up and saying “I give up,” the
    dog bit and held him as the officer caught up to make the ar-
    rest. The officer then struck the suspect to subdue him, be-
    cause he interpreted the suspect’s struggle with the dog as re-
    sistance. We found that the officer’s split second decision to
    use force was reasonable to apprehend a suspect in active
    flight because “the police are entitled to err on the side of cau-
    tion when faced with an uncertain or threatening situation.”
    Id. at 659
    Here, defendants argue that even taking Alicea’s version
    of events as true, Alicea’s prior flight cast doubt on the genu-
    ineness of his surrender. Despite the fact that Alicea asserts he
    immediately complied with Thomas’s orders to put his hands
    in the air, they argue that Alicea still posed a threat because it
    was possible he was concealing weapons or would attempt to
    vault out of the pool the way that he vaulted in. Thomas ar-
    gues that given the uncertain circumstances, deploying Leo
    was the safest way to control both the flight and safety risks
    he perceived as events unfolded, and so he acted reasonably
    in giving Leo the command to bite and hold Alicea.
    We disagree. With respect to Thomas’s consideration of
    Alicea’s prior flight, “[the] prohibition against significant
    force against a subdued suspect applies notwithstanding a
    No. 15-1255                                                      9
    suspect’s previous behavior—including resisting arrest,
    threatening officer safety, or potentially carrying a weapon.”
    Miller, 761 F.3d at 829. Unlike the plaintiff in Johnson, Alicea
    was not in active flight at the time he was discovered. Rather,
    under his version of the facts, which we accept as true for
    summary judgment purposes, he was standing still, arms
    raised, inside of an empty above-ground pool, surrounded by
    five foot walls. Also, the events took place in broad daylight,
    so limited visibility did not impede Thomas’s efforts to carry
    out the arrest when Leo signaled that he had discovered Al-
    icea in the pool. Cf. Miller v. Clark Cnty., 
    340 F.3d 959
    , 965 (9th
    Cir. 2003) (finding use of canine force reasonable where plain-
    tiff refused to pull over and ultimately fled by foot into dark,
    unfamiliar terrain). Significantly, Thomas had his gun drawn
    and trained on Alicea the entire time he was facing the pool
    and giving Alicea orders. If Alicea attempted flight, he would
    need to get out of the pool first. The obstacle of vaulting out
    of the pool would provide Thomas with ample time to dis-
    charge his weapon or to command Leo to chase and hold Al-
    icea. Moreover, Alicea gave no indication that he would flee.
    He immediately complied with Thomas’s orders. While sur-
    render is not always genuine, it should not be futile as a
    means to de-escalate a confrontation with law enforcement.
    The sole fact a suspect has resisted arrest before cannot justify
    disregarding his surrender in deciding whether and how to
    use force. See Miller, 761 F.3d at 829.
    Another fact supports our conclusion that summary judg-
    ment was improper. Yelling “you like to rob houses, you
    f***ing punk?” before commanding Leo to attack casts doubt
    on Thomas’s assertion that he made a split-second safety cal-
    culation. Thomas’s statement indicates that he had at least
    10                                                 No. 15-1255
    some time to assess the threat that Alicea posed before order-
    ing the attack. The district court found the statement to be ir-
    relevant because deploying Leo was ultimately reasonable,
    given the circumstances. But if one infers from the statement
    that rather than making a safety calculation, Thomas was act-
    ing out of retaliation, then his decision to deploy Leo was not
    reasonable at all. The statement “you like to rob houses, you
    f***ing punk” could reflect, as Thomas contends, an “unre-
    markable truism” that Alicea enjoyed robbing houses. See
    Miller, 761 F.3d at 828. However, the statement equally lends
    credence to Alicea’s argument that deploying Leo was an act
    of retaliation instead of a reasonable means of controlling a
    perceived threat. Deciding which inference is more believable
    is the task of a jury. Id.
    Applying the Graham factors to Alicea’s account, we do not
    find that Alicea, standing in broad daylight with his hands up
    at gunpoint and enclosed by a five-foot pool, posed a suffi-
    cient threat to Thomas to justify ordering Leo to attack and
    hold him. The district court erred in holding it was reasonable
    to command a dog to attack a suspect who had ceased flight,
    was effectively trapped, and who immediately complied with
    police orders.
    2. Officer Alvarez
    We see even less of a basis to grant summary judgment to
    Officer Alvarez, taking all facts in a light most favorable to
    Alicea. At the point at which Alvarez first saw Alicea, Alicea’s
    arm was in the jaws of a seventy-two pound dog. Two other
    officers were already at the scene. A reasonable officer would
    not think that punching, kicking, and stomping on Alicea was
    required to control the situation. It is true that Alicea was
    screaming, but there is no dispute that he was crying for help.
    No. 15-1255                                                       11
    The district court found that Alicea did not produce suffi-
    cient evidence of the kicking, stomping and punching because
    there was no medical documentation of injuries related to
    such conduct. It found that Alicea’s affidavit detailing injuries
    was insufficient to create a factual dispute, because the de-
    fendants produced medical records which lacked any men-
    tion of head injuries, and also because photographs taken in
    the ambulance did not reveal any injuries.
    The district court engaged in improper weighing of evi-
    dence at the summary judgment stage. It also mistakenly in-
    serted an injury requirement into its excessive force analysis.
    The defendants point to a series of decisions where we held
    that the use of force that resulted in injuries was constitu-
    tional. See, e.g., Smith v. Ball State, 
    295 F.3d 763
     (7th Cir. 2002);
    Padula v. Leimbach, 
    656 F.3d 595
    , 602–03 (7th Cir. 2011). How-
    ever, the question before us is not whether it is permissible to
    inflict injuries on a suspect who is resisting arrest. Rather, the
    question is whether Alvarez used the degree of force which a
    reasonable officer would believe was required to subdue the
    The defendants direct our attention to cases where officers
    used force against suspects whom they perceived to be refus-
    ing orders. In Smith v. Ball State, the plaintiff, suspected of
    driving while intoxicated, was completely unresponsive, and
    the defendants forcibly removed him from the driver’s seat of
    his car. 
    295 F.3d at 766
    . An officer who arrived to the scene
    misconstrued the situation as a struggle, and tackled the
    plaintiff to the ground. Id at 767. We found that “a reasonable
    officer who happened on the scene could reasonably miscon-
    strue Smith’s unresponsiveness as resistance requiring the
    minimal use of force.” 
    Id. at 771
    . Similarly, in Padula v.
    12                                                    No. 15-1255
    Leimbach, the plaintiff was having a hypoglycemic episode
    where he both refused to respond to police instructions and
    displayed aggressive behavior. 
    656 F.3d at
    598–99. The police
    forced the plaintiff into a prone position. 
     We found in favor
    of the officers, stating that “the Officers faced a fluid situation
    … [and] appropriately increased their force in order to keep
    the situation under control.” 
    Id. at 604
    . In Dawson v. Brown, we
    found that the defendant officer acted reasonably in tackling
    a man to the ground when, on arriving at the scene where the
    man’s son was being arrested, he reasonably perceived the
    man to be interfering with his son’s arrest. 
    803 F.3d 829
    , 833
    (7th Cir. 2015).
    In contrast, Officer Alvarez came upon Alicea when he
    was already seriously injured. Alicea was agitated, to be sure,
    but the source of his agitation was clear: he had just been at-
    tacked by a dog, and needed medical attention. Alicea testi-
    fied at his deposition that he was already face-down, on the
    ground, when Alvarez began to punch, kick and stomp on
    him. At this point, however loudly Alicea was screaming, un-
    der his version of events, he simply did not present a threat
    that justified kicking, stomping, and punching him. “Permit-
    ting substantial escalation of force in response to passive non-
    compliance would be incompatible with our excessive force
    doctrine and would likely bring more injured citizens before
    our courts.” Abbott v. Sangamon Cnty., 
    705 F.3d 706
    , 730 (7th
    Cir. 2013) (citing Phillips v. Comty. Ins. Corp. 
    678 F.3d 513
    , 527
    (7th Cir. 2012)).
    In sum, Alicea’s factual account creates a material dispute
    as to whether Officer Alvarez used excessive force. Lack of
    medical documentation of his injuries, while potentially rele-
    No. 15-1255                                                     13
    vant to Alicea’s credibility, is immaterial to the threshold ques-
    tion of whether Officer Alvarez’s use of force was reasonable
    when the facts are viewed and reasonable inferences are
    drawn in Alicea’s favor.
    B. Grant of Qualified Immunity Improper
    Alicea further argues that the district court erred in grant-
    ing qualified immunity to both officers. The doctrine of qual-
    ified immunity protects government officials from liability
    when their conduct does not violate clearly established statu-
    tory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person
    would have known. McAllister v. Price, 
    615 F.3d 877
    , 881 (7th
    Cir. 2010). The district court granted qualified immunity be-
    cause it found that Alicea failed to demonstrate that either de-
    fendant deprived him of his constitutional rights. It further
    rejected the cases that Alicea provided to support his argu-
    ment that the defendants’ actions violated clearly established
    As explained above, we conclude that the evidence, taken
    in a light most favorable to Alicea, would permit a reasonable
    jury to find excessive force in violation of the Fourth Amend-
    ment. So we turn to the question of whether Thomas’s and Al-
    varez’s actions violated clearly established law.
    In determining whether a right is “clearly established,” we
    take care to look at the right in a particularized sense, rather
    than at a high level of generality. Roe v. Elyea, 
    631 F.3d 843
    , 858
    (7th Cir. 2011). When available, controlling precedent from ei-
    ther the Supreme Court or our circuit will guide our inquiry.
    However, a case holding that the exact action in question is
    unlawful is not necessary. Safford Unified Sch. Dist. No. 1 v. Red-
    557 U.S. 364
    , 377–78 (2009). Even where there are notable
    14                                                    No. 15-1255
    factual distinctions, prior cases may give an officer reasonable
    warning that his conduct is unlawful. Phillips v. Cmty. Ins.
    678 F.3d 513
    , 528 (citing Estate of Escobedo v. Bender, 
    600 F.3d, 770
    , 781 (7th Cir. 2010)).
    At the time of Alicea’s arrest, it was clearly established that
    an officer may not use excessive force against an individual
    during an arrest. Holmes v. Vill. of Hoffman Estates, 
    511 F.3d 673
    687 (7th Cir. 2007). It was also clearly established that using a
    significant level of force on a non-resisting or a passively re-
    sisting individual constitutes excessive force. Rambo v. Daley,
    68 F.3d 203
    , 207 (7th Cir. 1995). Commanding a dog to attack
    a suspect who is already complying with orders clearly vio-
    lates the principles set forth in Holmes and Rambo. Punching,
    stomping and kicking a suspect who is on the ground and se-
    riously injured similarly violates clearly established law.
    There is a material dispute as to whether Alicea was resist-
    ing arrest, both at the moment that Thomas commanded Leo
    to attack him, and at the moment that Alvarez arrived at the
    scene of the arrest and removed Alicea from the pool. There
    is also a material dispute as to the level of force that Alvarez
    used, described in detail above. “Because the facts are in hot
    dispute, the officers cannot seek pretrial refuge behind a claim
    of qualified immunity.” Dufour-Dowell v. Cogger, 
    152 F.3d 678
    680 (7th Cir. 1998). It was improper to grant qualified immun-
    ity to Thomas and Alvarez prior to a jury determining
    whether Alicea was, as he contends, fully complying with or-
    ders before the defendants used force to arrest him.
    No. 15-1255                                             15
    For the foregoing reasons, we REVERSE the grant of sum-
    mary judgment and REMAND for proceedings consistent with
    this opinion.