Designer Direct Inc v. DeForest Redevelopme , 368 F.3d 751 ( 2004 )

  •                            In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 03-2429
    Defendant-Counter Plaintiff-Appellant,
    Counter Defendant-Appellee.
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Western District of Wisconsin.
    No. 01 C 40—John C. Shabaz, Judge.
    ARGUED FEBRUARY 20, 2004—DECIDED MAY 14, 2004
    Before FLAUM, Chief Judge, and BAUER and MANION,
    Circuit Judges.
    BAUER, Circuit Judge. The facts of this controversy,
    based on diversity jurisdiction, were recited in our earlier
    opinion, Designer Direct, Inc. v. Deforest Redevelopment
    2                                                No. 03-2429
    313 F.3d 1036
     (7th Cir. 2002), and so only those
    facts relevant to the issue at hand will be discussed here. In
    that opinion we reversed the trial court’s refusal to award
    reliance damages to Plaintiff. 
    Id. at 1047-50
    . On remand,
    the trial court calculated reliance damages by using the
    hourly rates agreed to in the Phase I contract—based on an
    arm’s-length negotiation. That rate was then multiplied by
    the number of hours Plaintiff invested in Phase III of the
    redevelopment contract—the phase at issue here. Finally,
    the judge reduced the calculated figure by ten percent to
    account for the profits and “inevitable unrecoverable time”
    due to Plaintiff’s employee’s mistakes and the like. The
    award amounted to $444,927. Defendant, Deforest Redevel-
    opment Authority (DRA), appealed.
    Under applicable Wisconsin law, damages are a finding of
    fact. Kolbe & Kolbe, Millwork Co., 
    476 N.W.2d 305
     (Wis. Ct.
    App. 1991). Therefore, we review the determination of
    damages for clear error. Designer Direct, 313 F.3d at 1047-
    48 (citing CSC Holdings, Inc. v. Redisi, 
    309 F.3d 988
    , 994-
    95 (7th Cir. 2002)).
    “Remedies for injury to a reliance interest are defined as
    ‘being reimbursed for loss caused by reliance on the contract
    by being put in as good a position as [the plaintiff] would
    have been in had the contract not been made.’ ” Reimer v.
    Badger Wholesale Co., 
    433 N.W.2d 592
    , 594 (Wis. Ct. App.
    1998) (quoting RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF CONTRACTS § 344
    (1981)). Such damages are usually construed to include out-
    of-pocket expenditures incurred in preparation or perfor-
    mance of the contract. RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF CON-
    TRACTS § 349 (1981). A plaintiff may also seek reliance
    damages under a theory of lost opportunity. RESTATEMENT
    (SECOND) OF CONTRACTS § 344 cmt. a. (1981). Damages
    must be proven with reasonable certainty. Pleasure Time,
    Inc. v. Kuss, 
    254 N.W.2d 463
    , 470 (Wis. 1977).
    First, it should be noted that Plaintiff did not prove the
    existence of a lost opportunity. While Designer Direct did
    No. 03-2429                                                3
    show that there was some interest from other potential
    clients, it failed to name them or show that it was likely
    that a contract would have been entered into but for
    Designer Direct’s contract with the DRA. Therefore,
    recoverable damages are limited to those losses actually
    caused by Plaintiff’s reliance on the Phase III redevelop-
    ment plan.
    Defendant argues that the reliance damages awarded to
    Plaintiff cannot be sustained. Its main complaint, beyond
    the argument that Plaintiff did not prove lost opportunity,
    is that Plaintiff did not show actual out-of-pocket expenses.
    While the argument has some merit, it misses the mark.
    Plaintiff rightly contends that there is more than one way
    to skin a cat. It argues that adding up all of the expenses
    paid in reliance upon the Phase III redevelopment plan
    should produce the same figure as subtracting the profits
    from the hourly-pay-rate-figure. Unfortunately, that
    method of calculation, at least upon the facts of this case,
    fails to satisfy the requirement of reasonable certainty of
    Under Autotrol Corp. v. Continental Water Sys. Corp., 
    918 F.2d 689
    , 692-94 (7th Cir. 1990), overhead expenses are
    recoverable as reliance damages. This is true provided that
    the plaintiff seeking to recover can show that those ex-
    penses were properly allocated to the breached contract,
    Cyberchron Corp. v. Calldata Sys. Development, Inc., 
    47 F.3d 39
    , 46 (2d Cir. 1995), and that they would have prob-
    ably obtained those overhead expenses on other projects,
    Autotrol Corp., 
    918 F.2d at 693
    . Plaintiff failed to satisfy
    the former.
    While it appears as though most of the work being per-
    formed by Plaintiff was directly related to the redevelop-
    ment project, other work was being done in both the
    Wisconsin field office and the main office in Des Plaines,
    Illinois. Plaintiff cannot recover that portion of overhead
    4                                                No. 03-2429
    costs which is attributable to those other projects. To clar-
    ify, let us say, hypothetically, that an employee of Designer
    Direct spent 80% of his working hours on the redevelop-
    ment project. That would mean that 20% of his salary and
    benefits is not recoverable as damages. In other words, we
    simply do not know what percentage of the overall working
    hours were spent on Phase III of the DRA project and what
    percentage of time was spent on other projects. Without
    such information, we cannot determine the percentage of
    benefits, and other overhead expenses that should be
    allocated to the breached contract. Allowing Designer Direct
    to recover those overhead expenses not allocated to the
    breached contract would result in a windfall for Plaintiff.
    We refuse to announce a rule forbidding Plaintiff’s
    method of calculating damages. However, we suspect that
    plaintiffs seeking to use such a method will find themselves
    in the same quagmire as Plaintiff in this case. The fact is
    that Plaintiff’s calculation is an estimated guess. While we
    believe that the properly calculated damages figure will be
    close to the figure previously announced, we do not
    know—and therein lies the problem.
    We remand with instructions to recalculate the damages.
    We invite Plaintiff to supplement the record with concrete
    evidence of expenditures and the percentage of overhead
    costs which can be attributed to the Phase III redevelop-
    ment plan. As Judge Shabaz has already found that “[i]t is
    entirely reasonable to infer that had Plaintiff not invested
    its efforts in this project it would have gainfully applied the
    hours to another,” the inquiry on remand should focus on
    determining those expenses which may be properly al-
    located to the breached contract.
    No. 03-2429                                          5
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit