Chapman, Michael Joe v. Air Leaf Publ Book S , 292 F. App'x 500 ( 2008 )

  •                                    NONPRECEDENTIAL DISPOSITION
    To be cited only in accordance with Fed. R. App. P. 32.1
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Chicago, Illinois 60604
    Submitted July 24, 2008*
    Decided August 28, 2008
    KENNETH F. RIPPLE, Circuit Judge
    TERENCE T. EVANS, Circuit Judge
    No. 07-3334                                                         Appeal from the United
    States District Court for the
    MICHAEL JOE C HAPMAN,                                               Southern District of Indiana,
    Plaintiff-Appellant,                                           Indianapolis Division.
    v.                                                      No. 1-06-cv-1052-DFH-JMS
    AIRLEAF PUBLISHING AND BOOK SELLING                                 David F. Hamilton, Chief
    and BRIEN JONES,                                                    Judge.
    Michael Chapman published a 47-page book, “History of the World and Good or
    Evil Since the Garden of Edon” [sic], through Airleaf Publishing and Book Selling. This
    appears to be a trade name; it may be a division of either Bookman Marketing LLC or
    Airleaf LLC. It is hard to pin down Airleaf’s legal status because it is defunct. Before
    closing its doors at the end of 2007 Airleaf was accused by authors, as well as state and
    local officials in Indiana, of failing to print and distribute books that had been paid for
    (Airleaf was part of the “vanity press”) and of failing to remit royalties when books
    were sold. See
    Chapman, who has received $9 in royalties to date, accuses Airleaf of underpaying;
    Airleaf responded (before its attorneys, who like Chapman were not paid, withdrew
    from the litigation) that only two copies had been sold. Chapman maintains, however,
    that because at least 20 web sites (including Barnes & Noble, where its sales rank is
    728,827) list his book for sale, Airleaf must have sold hundreds of copies and might
    have sold tens of thousands. To this Airleaf replied that these booksellers do not stock
    * The appellees did not file a brief. After examining appellant’s brief and the record, we have concluded
    that oral argument is unnecessary. See Fed. R. App. P. 31(c), 34(a); Cir. R. 31(d), 34(f).
    No. 07-3334                                                                           Page 2
    Chapman’s volume but order only after a sale. Yet Amazon’s web site reported on July
    24, 2008, that it had two copies in stock, so this cannot be entirely right.
    Although Airleaf is out of business, it does not appear to be a debtor in bankruptcy, so
    the automatic stay, 11 U.S.C. §362, does not affect this litigation. And a second defendant,
    Brien Jones, still operates book-related businesses, see,
    though the relation of Jones to Airleaf is not developed in Chapman’s complaint or appel-
    late brief.
    Contending that Airleaf has violated the copyright laws by failing to pay all royal-
    ties, Chapman invoked federal jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. §1331 and §1337. The district
    court dismissed this claim under Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(6) because Chapman conceded
    that he had authorized Airleaf to print and distribute the book, and it then relinquished
    supplemental jurisdiction over state-law claims such as breach of contract.
    Chapman’s pro se brief in this court asserts only one theory: that Airleaf must have
    sold more than two copies, so it must owe him additional royalties. This is a claim for
    breach of contract, not for copyright infringement. Indeed, the complaint in the district
    court asserts no theory other than breach of contract. How much a publisher owes un-
    der a license depends on state rather than federal law. See Saturday Evening Post Co. v.
    Rumbleseat Press, Inc., 
    816 F.2d 1191
    , 1194–95 (7th Cir. 1987); T.B. Harms Co. v. Eliscu, 
    339 F.2d 823
    , 824, 828 (2d Cir. 1964) (Friendly, J.). Chapman’s claim “will [not] be supported
    if the Constitution or laws of the United States are given one construction or effect, and
    defeated if they receive another”. Gulley v. First National Bank, 
    299 U.S. 109
    , 112 (1936).
    Chapman apparently believes that, if an agreed royalty is not paid, then the license
    should be ignored and the claim treated as one for infringement, but this kind of artful
    pleading did not succeed in T.B. Harms and is unsound. It is just an attempt to disguise
    the real nature of a dispute about how much is owed in royalties. Because the complaint
    alleges that Chapman authorized Airleaf to print and sell the book, Chapman has ad-
    mitted that the claim does not arise under federal law.
    Nonpayment may allow an author to rescind a license and prevent future copying
    and sale of his work. That would create a genuine claim under federal law, if the ex-
    licensee went on printing and selling the work. See Vincent v. City Colleges of Chicago, 
    485 F.3d 919
    (7th Cir. 2007). But Chapman does not allege that he revoked the license, and
    Airleaf is not now making new copies of Chapman’s work—or anyone else’s.
    A claim for money supposedly due as royalties belongs in state court. The judgment
    of the district court is vacated, and the case is remanded with instructions to dismiss for
    lack of jurisdiction.