United States v. Dennis D. Jackson ( 2019 )

  •                                In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 18-3534
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Southern District of Illinois.
    No. 4:17-cr-40052 — J. Phil Gilbert, Judge.
    Before FLAUM, SYKES, and SCUDDER, Circuit Judges.
    FLAUM, Circuit Judge. Dennis Jackson was convicted of
    multiple drug charges and sentenced to mandatory life im-
    prisonment. He appeals his convictions on the grounds that
    the district court erred in allowing certain recordings and tes-
    timony into evidence; he also challenges his sentence, seeking
    a reduction in light of the First Step Act. For the reasons stated
    below, we affirm the judgment of the district court.
    2                                                 No. 18-3534
    I. Background
    In 2017, the Southern Illinois Drug Task Force and the Illi-
    nois State Police began investigating Jackson and some of his
    associates, suspecting their involvement in a gangland shoot-
    ing. The investigation led to evidence suggesting that Jackson
    was dealing drugs in Harrisburg, Illinois. The investigating
    agents supplied a confidential source (“CS”) with funds to
    make several controlled purchases from Jackson, each of
    which was recorded via an audiovisual device on the CS’s
    person. After the CS completed three controlled purchases,
    agents obtained a warrant and raided Jackson’s residence.
    The search turned up methamphetamine, other drugs, cash,
    scales, and multiple loaded firearms.
    Jackson was arrested and several superseding indictments
    followed. He proceeded to trial on six counts: (1 & 2) distrib-
    uting a mixture and substance containing methamphetamine;
    (3) distributing five grams or more of actual methampheta-
    mine; (4) possessing with intent to distribute 50 grams or
    more of actual methamphetamine; and (5 & 6) two weapons
    charges. Before trial, the government filed an information es-
    tablishing that Jackson had twice pleaded guilty to felony
    drug charges. Taking his prior convictions into account, he
    faced, if convicted, a mandatory minimum sentence of ten
    years on count 3 and life imprisonment on count 4.
    As Jackson’s trial approached, the CS escaped from the jail
    where he was being held on unrelated charges. The CS was
    returned to custody only two days before Jackson’s trial be-
    gan, and the government determined not to call him as a wit-
    ness. Instead, the government filed a motion in limine seeking
    No. 18-3534                                                  3
    a pretrial ruling on the admissibility of the recordings show-
    ing the CS purchasing drugs from Jackson. The district court
    granted the motion, reasoning that:
    [a]ssuming the Government lays a proper foun-
    dation, does not use the CS’s statements for
    their truth, and satisfies all other evidentiary re-
    quirements, the Court will not exclude the re-
    cordings on Confrontation Clause grounds or
    any of the other ground discussed above. Fur-
    ther, it will give appropriate limiting instruc-
    tions to the jury when the recordings are played
    and at any other reasonable time requested by a
    In a pretrial hearing, the district judge noted that were
    Jackson convicted on count 4, a mandatory life sentence
    would apply, and he would have no discretion to modify it.
    Jackson stated that he understood and, contrary to his law-
    yer’s advice, wished to proceed to trial rather than accept a
    plea bargain.
    At trial, two investigators provided relevant testimony.
    Special Agent Jayson Murbarger and Inspector Glenn Roun-
    tree participated in the stings of Jackson; between them, they
    searched the CS for contraband, cash, or weapons before each
    controlled sale, provided him with cash to buy the drugs, and
    affixed audiovisual recording devices on his person. Mur-
    barger testified that he watched the CS during each sale and
    observed him placing the purchased drugs in the agents’ ve-
    hicle. The agents provided similar testimony discussing the
    chain of custody of physical evidence and the integrity of the
    recordings made by the CS.
    4                                                  No. 18-3534
    The recordings of the drug transactions were played for
    the jury over Jackson’s objections. The court provided the fol-
    lowing instructions:
    Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the govern-
    ment will now present recorded conversations
    and video recordings. This is proper evidence
    that you should consider together with and in
    the same way you consider other evidence in
    this case. …
    The recordings contain statements and ques-
    tions by the confidential source in this case. You
    may consider statements or questions of the
    confidential source on the recordings only to
    help you understand what the defendant said in
    response to—in response or did in reaction to
    those statements or questions. You may not con-
    sider the confidential source’s statements or
    questions for the truth of what the confidential
    source said. The confidential source’s state-
    ments and questions standing alone are not ev-
    idence of the defendant’s guilt.
    After the recordings played uninterrupted, Inspector Roun-
    tree testified as to what he saw and heard on the recordings.
    Following a four-day trial, on July 12, 2018, a federal jury
    in the Southern District of Illinois found Jackson guilty of
    counts 1 through 4 but was unable to reach a consensus on
    counts 5 and 6. The government subsequently moved to dis-
    miss counts 5 and 6 without prejudice.
    On November 28, 2018, the district court entered judg-
    ment and sentenced Jackson as follows: concurrent terms of
    No. 18-3534                                                     5
    360 months for counts 1 and 2, a concurrent term of 480
    months on count 3, and a life sentence on count 4.
    The President signed the First Step Act, Pub. L. 115-391,
    into law on December 21, 2018. One effect it has (among oth-
    ers) is to reduce the mandatory minimum sentences for vari-
    ous crimes. Section 401 of the First Step Act reduces the man-
    datory minimum sentence for violations of 21 U.S.C.
    § 841(b)(1)(A)(viii)––Jackson’s count 4––from life to twenty-
    five years.
    II. Discussion
    Jackson argues that the district court should not have ad-
    mitted the CS’s recordings without the CS present to testify
    and should not have allowed investigators to testify about the
    recordings. Jackson also argues that his sentence should be
    reduced because the First Step Act took effect shortly after his
    A. Admitting the Recordings and Related Testimony
    We review de novo whether an evidentiary ruling violates
    the Confrontation Clause of the Sixth Amendment and review
    other evidentiary rulings for abuse of discretion. See United
    States v. Wright, 
    651 F.3d 764
    , 773 (7th Cir. 2011); United States
    v. Prude, 
    489 F.3d 873
    , 878 (7th Cir. 2007).
    Jackson presents three arguments against the admission of
    the recordings during his trial: (1) the government failed to
    lay the appropriate foundation before the recordings were ad-
    mitted; (2) the investigators should not have been allowed to
    “narrate” portions of the recordings to describe their impres-
    sions; and (3) the admission of the recordings without the
    CS’s presence and testimony violated the Confrontation
    6                                                   No. 18-3534
    1. Foundation
    Jackson contends that the government failed to lay the ap-
    propriate foundation for the recordings and the chain of cus-
    tody of physical evidence because “[the CS] is the only one
    who could give testimony about the chain of custody of the
    evidence.” Jackson, however, fails to challenge the extensive
    eyewitness testimony provided by investigators supporting
    the chain of custody and laying the foundation for the admis-
    sion of both the recordings and physical evidence.
    Under Federal Rule of Evidence 901(a), “[t]o satisfy the re-
    quirement of authenticating or identifying an item of evi-
    dence, the proponent must produce evidence sufficient to
    support a finding that the item is what the proponent claims
    it is.” Jackson has not identified any meaningful lapse or flaw
    in the testimony authenticating the evidence entered in his
    trial, and he has not rebutted the investigators’ eyewitness
    recollections. The district court did not abuse its discretion in
    admitting the recordings or the other evidence challenged.
    2. Investigators’ Testimony
    Jackson briefly posits that the investigators’ “narrative”
    testimony about the CS’s recordings was inappropriate: “even
    if the district court correctly admitted the videos without [the
    CS’s] presence at trial, it erred when it allowed Officer Jayson
    Murbarger and Officer Glen Rountree to narrate significant
    portions of the videos when there was a less prejudicial means
    to present the same evidence–namely the testimony of [the
    CS].” Jackson does not identify any specific testimony as
    “prejudicial,” let alone unfairly prejudicial, see Fed. R. Evid.
    403, so the argument fails.
    No. 18-3534                                                    7
    3. Confrontation Clause
    Jackson further asserts that “[t]he district court erred
    when it allowed the government to introduce videos made by
    the [CS] as evidence without requiring him to testify,” argu-
    ing that this decision violated his Sixth Amendment right of
    confrontation and is contrary to the Supreme Court’s decision
    in Crawford v. Washington, 
    541 U.S. 36
    Generally, “in the context of the admission of testimonial
    hearsay in criminal trials, the Sixth Amendment’s Confronta-
    tion Clause bars the admission of such testimonial statements
    unless the declarant is unavailable and the defendant had a
    prior opportunity for cross-examination.” United States v. Fos-
    701 F.3d 1142
    , 1150 (7th Cir. 2012) (citation and internal
    quotation marks omitted). The Confrontation Clause applies
    to both in-court and out-of-court statements. 
    Crawford, 541 U.S. at 50
    –51. According to Jackson, the recordings consti-
    tuted out-of-court testimonial statements and should not have
    been admitted, as the CS was in government custody and
    Jackson never had the opportunity to cross-examine him.
    Jackson ignores, however, that not all out-of-court testimonial
    statements implicate the Confrontation Clause.
    Crawford reiterated the longstanding principle that the
    Confrontation Clause “does not bar the use of testimonial
    statements for purposes other than establishing the truth of
    the matter asserted.” 
    Id. at 59
    n.9. Jackson has not identified
    any statement made by the CS on the recordings that was be-
    ing offered for the truth of the matter asserted. Indeed, Jack-
    son fails to challenge any specific statement of the CS; instead,
    he objects to the admission of the recordings as a whole. The
    district court allowed the recordings into evidence on the
    ground that the CS’s words were not being offered for the
    8                                                     No. 18-3534
    truth of the matter asserted or any inappropriate purpose and
    noted that Jackson had not identified any statement where the
    CS “put words into Jackson’s mouth.”
    On appeal, Jackson still has not pointed to any statement
    admitted for any purpose beyond adding context to Jackson’s
    own statements. “The admission of recorded conversations
    between informants and defendants is permissible where an
    informant’s statements provide context for the defendant’s
    own admissions. [S]tatements providing context for other ad-
    missible statements are not hearsay because they are not of-
    fered for their truth.” 
    Foster, 701 F.3d at 1150
    (citation and in-
    ternal quotation marks omitted).
    The district court’s use of a limiting instruction (telling the
    jury that the CS’s statements could not be considered for their
    truth, but only to provide context to Jackson’s own state-
    ments), further supports the propriety of the recordings’ ad-
    Id. at 1152
    (noting that a district court’s limiting in-
    struction was relevant to its determination that the Confron-
    tation Clause was not violated: “[T]he jury was provided with
    instructions by the court indicating that the CI’s recorded
    statements were not to be considered for the truth of the mat-
    ter asserted, but instead only to provide context for the de-
    fendantʹs admissions.”).
    United States v. Gaytan is instructive. 
    649 F.3d 573
    (7th Cir.
    2011). There, we held that “the district court properly admit-
    ted [the CS’s] out-of-court statements—not for their truth but
    to contextualize Gaytan’s own statements without putting
    words in his mouth. There was no Confrontation Clause vio-
    Id. at 580.
    The Gaytan district court had provided lim-
    iting instructions to the jury: “The confidential informant’s
    No. 18-3534                                                    9
    statements are offered only to provide context for the defend-
    ant’s statements, and are not to be considered for the truth of
    the matters asserted.”
    At oral argument, counsel for Jackson attempted to distin-
    guish Gaytan from this case, noting that in Jackson’s case the
    judge instructed the jury that “[t]he confidential source’s
    statements and questions standing alone are not evidence of
    the defendantʹs guilt” (emphasis added). Jackson’s counsel ar-
    gued that the use of the phrase “standing alone” materially
    differed from the instructions in Gaytan because it implicitly
    invited the jury to consider the CS’s statements as evidence
    when viewed in conjunction with other evidence.1 This consti-
    tutes mere semantics. The trial court’s instruction stated a log-
    ical corollary of what we have already determined is an ac-
    ceptable use of a CS’s out-of-court statements: to provide con-
    text to the defendant’s own statements.
    As Jackson has not singled out any statement of the CS of-
    fered for the truth of the matter asserted, and because the dis-
    trict court provided an appropriate limiting instruction to the
    jury, there are no grounds to hold that Jackson’s right to con-
    frontation was violated.
    B. First Step Act
    We review questions of law affecting sentencing de novo,
    Foster, 701 F.3d at 1156
    , and review a sentence’s reasonable-
    ness for abuse of discretion, United States v. Vizcarra, 
    668 F.3d 516
    , 527 (7th Cir. 2012).
    Jackson challenges his mandatory life sentence on count 4,
    arguing that the passage of the First Step Act a mere twenty-
    1 Jackson   had not made this argument in briefing.
    10                                                    No. 18-3534
    five days after his sentencing retroactively made the life sen-
    tence unjust, pointing out that “the trial judge stated on the
    record ‘my hands as a judge are tied as to what your sentence
    should be.’” Jackson’s appeal of this issue is unavailing.
    We recently held that the First Step Act is not retroactive:
    it only applies to sentences imposed after its execution. In
    United States v. Pierson, as in this case, the First Step Act fol-
    lowed the defendant’s sentencing while the case was still on
    925 F.3d 913
    , 927 (7th Cir. 2019). Pierson, like Jackson,
    received a mandatory life sentence for violating 21 U.S.C.
    § 841(b)(1)(A)(viii). Similarly, Pierson argued that the First
    Step Act’s reduction of the mandatory minimum sentence
    from life to twenty-five years should apply to him.
    We disagreed, noting that the First Step Act only applies
    to sentences “imposed” after its execution, and holding that
    the imposition of a sentence occurs on the date of sentencing
    in the trial court itself (not, as Pierson maintained, after an ap-
    peal’s resolution): “Any reduction in criminal penalties or in
    a Sentencing Guideline can pose difficult line-drawing in ap-
    plying the reduction to pending cases. … In the First Step Act,
    Congress chose language that points clearly toward [the re-
    sult that] the date of sentencing in the district court controls
    application of the new, more lenient terms.” 
    Id. at 927–28.
        Here, as in Pierson, the sentence was imposed “when the
    district court sentenced the defendant, regardless of whether
    he appealed a sentence that was consistent with applicable
    law at that time it was imposed.” 
    Id. at 928.
    Therefore, the First
    Step Act does not apply to Jackson’s sentence, imposed prior
    to the Act, meaning the Act cannot justify a reduction.
    No. 18-3534                                                  11
    Additionally, the district judge’s pretrial statement that
    his hands were tied in relation to a mandatory life sentence
    on count 4 does not support vacating Jackson’s sentence; in
    fact, the entire colloquy shows Jackson accepting the risk of
    such a sentence in proceeding to trial. The colloquy occurred
    immediately before trial, and in it the judge described to Jack-
    son the effect of the government’s information establishing
    Jackson’s prior drug convictions:
    THE COURT: Mr. Sims, have you had a chance
    to review the second 851 enhancement thatʹs
    been filed and to talk with your client about the
    impact it would have on Count 4 in the event
    the jury finds Mr. Jackson guilty of Count 4? Did
    you relay to him, as I did, that heʹd be looking
    at mandatory life imprisonment?
    DEFENSE COUNSEL: Yes, Your Honor, I did.
    THE COURT: And no parole in the federal sys-
    tem. You understand that, Mr. Jackson?
    THE DEFENDANT: Yes, I do.
    DEFENSE COUNSEL: Yes, Your Honor, and
    against my advice, my client has elected to go to
    THE COURT: Is that correct, Mr. Jackson?
    THE DEFENDANT: Yes, it is, Your Honor.
    THE COURT: Now, you understand that if you
    go to trial and if youʹre found guilty of Count 4,
    that my hands as a judge are tied as to what
    your sentence would be? You understand that?
    THE DEFENDANT: Yes, I do, Your Honor.
    12                                                 No. 18-3534
    Contrary to Jackson’s claims, the judge’s statement that his
    “hands as a judge are tied” does not demonstrate that such a
    sentence was unjust. In context, the judge was warning Jack-
    son about the potential consequences of proceeding to trial,
    and explicitly making clear to Jackson that he would have to
    sentence Jackson to life were he found guilty on count 4. Jack-
    son has provided no authority to support the proposition that
    a judge describing mandatory sentences in a pretrial hearing
    indicates an unreasonable punishment.
    Finally, Jackson’s mandatory life sentence is not unreason-
    able as it was within the Guidelines range at the time of sen-
    tencing. “A sentence within a properly calculated guidelines
    range is presumed to be reasonable; it is the defendant’s bur-
    den to overcome the appellate presumption.” 
    Vizcarra, 668 F.3d at 527
    . Jackson insists that the passage of the First Step
    Act shows that the government knew the mandatory life sen-
    tence on count 4 was unfair. While the Act demonstrates that
    Congress wished to revise certain mandatory minimum sen-
    tences, it does not follow that Congress intended to brand sen-
    tences carried out under the prior framework as unreasona-
    III. Conclusion
    For the foregoing reasons, we AFFIRM the judgment of the
    district court.