Alejandro Moreno v. Nancy Berryhill , 882 F.3d 722 ( 2018 )

  •                                In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 17-1954
    Acting Commissioner of Social Security,
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 1:15-cv-11168 — Sidney I. Schenkier, Magistrate Judge.
    Before BAUER, RIPPLE, and SYKES, Circuit Judges.
    PER CURIAM. Alejandro Moreno appeals the order of the
    district court upholding the Social Security Administration’s
    denial of his applications for Supplemental Security Income
    and Disability Insurance Benefits. Mr. Moreno contends that,
    among other shortcomings in the Administrative Law Judge’s
    (“ALJ”) determination, he improperly relied on an outdated
    mental-health assessment and failed to incorporate all of
    2                                                    No. 17-1954
    Mr. Moreno’s limitations when posing the hypothetical to the
    vocational expert. We agree that the record contains new and
    significant evidence that could have affected Mr. Moreno’s
    mental-health assessment. We also agree that the ALJ’s hypo-
    thetical to the vocational expert failed to include Mr. Moreno’s
    limitations with respect to concentration, persistence, and
    pace. Accordingly, we remand the matter to the agency for
    further proceedings.
    A. Mr. Moreno’s Condition
    Mr. Moreno’s misfortunes began in February 2006 when
    he fell off scaffolding and landed on his back while taping
    drywall. He sought treatment from an orthopedist, who
    found a soft tissue injury but no signs of fracture. Later testing
    showed improvements in Mr. Moreno’s condition, but he re-
    ported that he still felt significant pain. A follow-up diagnos-
    tic test revealed acute lumbar radiculopathy—lower back
    pain caused by compression, inflammation and/or injury to a
    spinal nerve root. In addition to this condition, Mr. Moreno
    also is diabetic, has high blood pressure, and is obese.
    Beginning in April, Mr. Moreno sought treatment for his
    chronic pain from clinical psychologist Dr. Enrique Gonzalez.
    Dr. Gonzalez saw Mr. Moreno “on an almost weekly basis
    through 2009 for cognitive behavioral therapy.”1 These visits
    decreased in frequency to monthly between 2010 and the 
    first 1 A. at 827
    No. 17-1954                                                    3
    half of 2011; however, for the remainder of 2011 through at
    least June of 2013, Mr. Moreno saw Dr. Gonzalez on a weekly
    In his treatment notes, Dr. Gonzalez reported that
    Mr. Moreno manifested, among other symptoms, a depressed
    mood, irritability, memory difficulties, and an inability to con-
    centrate. Critical to our analysis, Dr. Gonzalez documented an
    ongoing inability to sleep, including times when Mr. Moreno
    would go days without sleep.2 Dr. Gonzalez also addressed
    Mr. Moreno’s difficulties interacting with the public and with
    his family, specifically outbursts of anger precipitated by feel-
    ings that others were taking advantage of him.3 Dr. Gonzalez
    observed fluctuations in Mr. Moreno’s mood and behavior
    over time, including some periods of improvement; for in-
    stance, Dr. Gonzalez reported improved mood when Mr.
    Moreno had scheduled activities with his daughter and fam-
    From March 2008 through November 2013, Mr. Moreno
    also saw a Dr. Walter Pedemonte on a monthly basis for psy-
    chiatric medication management. Dr. Pedemonte observed
    Mr. Moreno suffered from the following symptoms in March
    2008: “depressed mood, anxious affect, poor immediate and
    recent memory, fair remote memory, poor attention, [and]
    poor concentration.”5 He diagnosed Mr. Moreno with major
    depressive disorder and, over the years, prescribed
    Id. at 639,
    1947–48, 1996–98.
    Id. at 644,
    648, 1994, 1996.
    4   See, e.g., 
    id. at 638.
    Id. at 829.
    4                                                   No. 17-1954
    Mr. Moreno several medications, and combinations of medi-
    cations, to address his condition.
    B. The Administrative Proceedings
    In March 2007, Mr. Moreno filed his applications for Sup-
    plemental Security Income and Disability Insurance Benefits.
    His claims were denied on initial application and upon recon-
    sideration. A hearing was held before an ALJ in December
    2009; the ALJ issued a decision denying relief in March 2010.
    The Appeals Council denied review, and Mr. Moreno ap-
    pealed to the United States District Court for the Northern
    District of Illinois.
    In the district court, the parties filed an agreed motion to
    reverse and remand. The motion requested that, on remand,
    the matter “be assigned to a different ALJ, who w[ould] con-
    duct a new hearing, and reassess inter alia Plaintiff’s mental
    impairment(s) and the treating physician opinion(s).”6
    On remand, a different ALJ held a supplemental hearing.
    At the February 2014 hearing, Mr. Moreno testified regarding
    his mental health. He described a significant number of psy-
    chological concerns, including difficulty focusing, remember-
    ing, and interacting with others. He recounted that his wife
    administers his medication and keeps track of his physicians’
    appointments because he struggles to remember things. He
    also reported that he tried to take English classes but had trou-
    ble concentrating. Mr. Moreno also testified, as he did in the
    original hearing, that people “bother[]” him, 7 so he avoided
    6   R.34 
    (1:11-cv-01771). 7 A. at 874
    No. 17-1954                                                  5
    going to crowded church services and using public transpor-
    In addition to the hearing testimony and the notes of
    Drs. Gonzalez and Pedemonte, the second ALJ also looked at
    Mr. Moreno’s mental-health records, examinations, and as-
    sessments that predated the hearing before the first ALJ.
    Among these were the diagnosis and notes of Dr. Herman
    Langner, who examined Mr. Moreno in 2007 and diagnosed
    him with depression. The ALJ also considered the review of
    Mr. Moreno’s mental-health records conducted by psycholo-
    gist Margaret Wharton in 2007. In her assessment of
    Mr. Moreno’s residual functional capacity, Dr. Wharton ob-
    served that Mr. Moreno manifested a “[d]isturbance of mood”
    evidenced by “[d]ecreased energy,” “[f]eelings of guilt or
    worthlessness,” and “[d]ifficulty concentrating or thinking.”8
    Under functional limitations, Dr. Wharton noted that Mr.
    Moreno was only mildly limited in activities of daily life and
    in social functioning, but he was moderately limited in main-
    taining concentration, persistence, and pace.9 Her summary
    conclusions described Mr. Moreno as not significantly limited
    in “[t]he ability to carry out very short and simple instruc-
    tions”; “[t]he ability to perform activities within a schedule,
    maintain regular attendance, and be punctual within custom-
    ary tolerances”; “[t]he ability to work in coordination with or
    proximity to others without being distracted by them”; “[t]he
    Id. at 411.
    Id. at 418.
    6                                                 No. 17-1954
    ability to make simple work-related decisions”; and “[t]he
    ability to interact appropriately with the general public.”10
    The ALJ then used this information to pose a hypothetical
    question to a vocational expert regarding Mr. Moreno’s em-
    ployability. Specifically, at the second hearing, the ALJ de-
    scribed a hypothetical individual with Mr. Moreno’s physical
    limitations. In addition to physical limitations, the ALJ in-
    cluded in his question to the vocational expert that the hypo-
    thetical “individual can understand, remember, and carry out
    simple work instructions … and exercise simple work place
    judgments. And further, the individual would be limited to
    routine work … [with] no more than occasional changes in the
    work setting.”11 Finally, the ALJ required that the individual
    could have “no more than occasional interaction with the
    public.”12 Given these restrictions, the vocational expert
    opined that there were still a number of jobs that Mr. Moreno
    could perform, including that of an assembler, an inspector, a
    checker, and a hand packer.
    Following the hearing, the ALJ issued a written opinion in
    which he reviewed the evidence, applied the standard
    five-step analysis, see 20 C.F.R. § 404.1520(a), and concluded
    that Mr. Moreno was not disabled. At step one, the ALJ deter-
    mined that Mr. Moreno had not engaged in substantial gain-
    ful activity since his alleged onset date in February 2006. At
    step two, the ALJ evaluated Mr. Moreno’s physical and mental
    conditions, and concluded that he was suffering from severe
    Id. at 422–23.
    Id. at 921–22.
    Id. at 922.
    No. 17-1954                                                  7
    impairments—lumbar disc disease, myofascial pain syn-
    drome, left knee pain, obesity, and depression—within the
    meaning of the Act and regulations, 20 C.F.R. §§ 404.1520(c),
    416.920(c). But at step three the ALJ determined that these im-
    pairments, individually or in combination, do not meet a list-
    ing for presumptive disability. Applying the “special tech-
    nique,” 20 C.F.R. §§ 404.1520a, 416.920a—the method that
    considers “pertinent symptoms, signs, and laboratory find-
    ings” to determine whether the claimant suffers from a med-
    ically determinable mental impairment—the ALJ concluded
    that Mr. Moreno’s mental impairments do not cause two or
    more “marked limitations” or one such limitation coupled
    with repeated episodes of decompensation. Therefore,
    Mr. Moreno did not satisfy the paragraph B criteria of listings
    12.04 and 12.06. He found, however, that Mr. Moreno’s mental
    impairments do cause “moderate” restrictions in social func-
    tioning and concentration, persistence, or pace, as well as
    “mild” restrictions in his activities of daily living.13
    At step four the ALJ found that Mr. Moreno could not per-
    form his past work as a drywall taper, but at step five he con-
    cluded that Mr. Moreno could “perform light work” with
    some restrictions.14 In assessing Mr. Moreno’s residual func-
    tional capacity, the ALJ afforded the opinion of Dr. Wharton
    great weight, explaining that Dr. Wharton’s analysis was
    “consistent with the longitudinal evidence of record.”15 The
    ALJ also reviewed the notes of Mr. Moreno’s treating psy-
    13   See 
    id. at 814–15.
    Id. at 816.
    Id. at 831.
    8                                                             No. 17-1954
    chologist, Dr. Gonzalez, who documented fluctuating symp-
    toms of depression, suicidal ideations, low motivation, and ir-
    ritability.16 But the evidence as a whole, in the ALJ’s view, did
    not support a finding that Mr. Moreno’s depression precluded
    him from engaging in work activity. The ALJ placed particu-
    lar emphasis on portions of Dr. Gonzalez’s treatment notes
    that showed improvements in Mr. Moreno’s mental health
    during periods of increased activity.
    Mr. Moreno appealed to the Appeals Council, which de-
    clined review.
    C. District Court Proceedings
    Mr. Moreno then sought review in district court, which af-
    firmed the agency’s decision. The court first rejected
    Mr. Moreno’s argument that the ALJ’s assessment of residual
    functional capacity was “flawed because … it did not account
    for the recommendation of Dr. Wharton that claimant is only
    16 The ALJ found Dr. Pedemonte’s notes, as well as the other materials
    that he submitted, unreliable. The ALJ noted that, according to Dr. Pedem-
    onte’s notes, Mr. Moreno’s mental status exam remained completely un-
    changed, yet Mr. Moreno reported vastly different moods during his vis-
    its, and his medications were altered. 
    Id. at 828.
    Similarly, Dr. Pedemonte’s
    source statement, completed on October 31, 2009, reported “clinical find-
    ings of psychomotor retardation, hopelessness and helplessness”; how-
    ever, the ALJ gave “little weight” to this report because it was inconsistent
    with Dr. Pedemonte’s treatment records. 
    Id. at 832.
    Finally, in a letter
    Dr. Pedemonte submitted in 2011, he reported treating Mr. Moreno for
    “major depression chronic severe recurrent psychotic features.” 
    Id. at 834.
    The ALJ observed, however, that the diagnosis of psychotic features is
    “not supported by Dr. Pedemonte’s own treatment records.” 
    Id. No. 17-1954
    capable of performing one-two step jobs.”17 The court con-
    cluded that the record as a whole adequately supported the
    ALJ’s determination that Mr. Moreno could carry out “simple
    work instructions.”18 The district court also was unpersuaded
    by Mr. Moreno’s argument that the ALJ’s residual functional
    capacity assessment did not account for Mr. Moreno’s limita-
    tions in concentration, persistence, and pace: “the ALJ’s hypo-
    thetical to the [vocational expert] adequately addressed Mr.
    Moreno’s specific deficiencies” even if the words concentra-
    tion, persistence, and pace were not used.19 The district court
    further determined that the ALJ was not required to seek an
    updated mental-health evaluation because the treatment
    notes that postdated Dr. Wharton’s assessment did not show
    a significant change in Mr. Moreno’s condition that would
    have caused Dr. Wharton to revise her conclusions. Finally,
    the district court found that the ALJ had “adequately consid-
    ered the combined effects of Mr. Moreno’s physical impair-
    ments, mental health impairments, and obesity when deter-
    mining his [residual functional capacity].”20
    Mr. Moreno timely appealed.
    17   R.26 (1:15-cv-11168) at 14.
    Id. 19 Id.
    at 18.
    Id. at 22.
    10                                                  No. 17-1954
    Mr. Moreno renews on appeal the arguments made to the
    district court. We conclude that two of his contentions are
    meritorious—that the ALJ improperly relied on an outdated
    mental-health assessment and that the ALJ’s hypothetical to
    the vocational expert failed to incorporate all of Mr. Moreno’s
    A. Mental-Health Evaluation
    Mr. Moreno’s primary argument on appeal is that the ALJ
    improperly afforded great weight to the mental-health evalu-
    ation of Dr. Wharton because the copious evidence submitted
    after her initial assessment could have altered her conclu-
    sions. The Commissioner, however, submits that the treat-
    ment notes of Drs. Gonzalez and Pedemonte would not have
    changed Dr. Wharton’s opinion because, as the ALJ con-
    cluded, the notes indicated improvement in Mr. Moreno’s
    mental health, not deterioration.
    Because the Appeals Council denied review, we evaluate
    the ALJ’s supplemental decision as the final word of the Com-
    missioner of Social Security. Scrogham v. Colvin, 
    765 F.3d 685
    695 (7th Cir. 2014). We must uphold the ALJ’s decision if it is
    supported by “substantial evidence, that is, ‘such relevant ev-
    idence as a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to sup-
    port a conclusion.’” Moore v. Colvin, 
    743 F.3d 1118
    , 1120–21
    (7th Cir. 2014) (quoting Richardson v. Perales, 
    402 U.S. 389
    , 401
    No. 17-1954                                                    11
    An ALJ should not rely on an outdated assessment if later
    evidence containing new, significant medical diagnoses rea-
    sonably could have changed the reviewing physician’s opin-
    ion. See Stage v. Colvin, 
    812 F.3d 1121
    , 1125 (7th Cir. 2016) (re-
    manding where a later diagnostic report “changed the picture
    so much that the ALJ erred by continuing to rely on an out-
    dated assessment”); Goins v. Colvin, 
    764 F.3d 677
    , 680 (7th Cir.
    2014) (remanding after ALJ failed to submit new MRI to med-
    ical scrutiny). Here, a comparison between Dr. Wharton’s as-
    sessment and Dr. Gonzalez’s treatment notes reveal signifi-
    cant and new developments in Mr. Moreno’s mental health
    that could have affected Dr. Wharton’s assessment. We focus
    on those aspects of Dr. Wharton’s assessment where the con-
    trast is most stark.
    Turning first to “Affective Disorders,” the form completed
    by Dr. Wharton asks the evaluator to indicate if the claimant
    has “[d]epressive syndrome characterized by at least four” of
    the listed symptoms.21 Dr. Wharton did not check this diag-
    nosis because her evaluation suggested a presence of only
    three of the nine symptoms: “[d]ecreased energy,” “[f]eelings
    of guilt or worthlessness,” and “[d]ifficulty concentrating or
    thinking.”22 Critically, Dr. Wharton concluded that
    Mr. Moreno did not exhibit “[s]leep disturbance” or
    “[t]houghts of suicide.”23 Dr. Gonzalez’s treatment notes,
    however, indicate that, for at least some period of time after
    Dr. Wharton’s assessment, Mr. Moreno experienced both 
    of 21 A. at 411
    Id. 23 Id.
    12                                                 No. 17-1954
    these symptoms. Specifically, on February 17, 2010, Dr. Gon-
    zalez noted that Mr. Moreno “has not slept for three days,”
    and on March 24, 2010, that Mr. Moreno “continues to report
    sleep disturbance.”24 Sleep issues arose again from December
    2011 through March 2012.25 Moreover, at different times in his
    treatment, Mr. Moreno reported to Dr. Gonzalez that he was
    “capable of having” suicidal thoughts, was having suicidal
    thoughts, or was having “negative thoughts related to … the
    purpose of living.”26 Because it bears directly on criteria that
    Dr. Wharton considered, this evidence certainly could have
    altered her conclusion regarding the existence and severity of
    Mr. Moreno’s affective disorder.
    Similarly, with respect to Mr. Moreno’s functional limita-
    tions, Dr. Wharton assessed only mild limitations in social
    functioning. Her consultant’s notes reveal that Mr. Moreno
    did “not like to be around others, as people bother him.”27
    Dr. Gonzalez’s notes reveal something more serious than a
    general dislike of people—“anger outbursts in public
    places,“28 especially when he felt “that people [we]re taking
    advantage of him.”29 This documented history of aggressive
    behavior could have “changed the picture so much” that
    Dr. Wharton would have concluded that Mr. Moreno was
    Id. at 1947–48.
    25   See 
    id. at 1994,
    26   See 
    id. at 645,
    1946, 1997.
    Id. at 420.
    Id. at 1994.
    Id. at 1996.
    No. 17-1954                                                        13
    more than mildly limited in social functioning. 
    Stage, 812 F.3d at 1125
    We cannot accept the agency’s argument that the newer
    mental-health records would not have made a difference be-
    cause they showed improvement. This argument is based on
    the ALJ’s own assessment of the more recent records. We have
    made clear, however, that ALJs are not qualified to evaluate
    medical records themselves, but must rely on expert opinions.
    Meuser v. Colvin, 
    838 F.3d 905
    , 911 (7th Cir. 2016) (remanding
    because the ALJ improperly “played doctor”); 
    Goins, 764 F.3d at 680
    (prohibiting ALJs from “playing doctor” by summariz-
    ing the results of a medical exam without input from an ex-
    The Social Security Administration’s ALJs are significantly
    overburdened with massive caseloads and insufficient re-
    sources. We therefore credit the ALJ with authoring a decision
    that reviewed and considered the lengthy record in detail.
    Nevertheless, the ALJ was presented with a case that had
    trekked through a seven-year-long journey, which rendered
    important aspects of the early mental-health analysis stale.
    Because the ALJ relied heavily on that stale analysis, we re-
    mand to the Agency to conduct a new mental-health assess-
    ment on which Mr. Moreno’s functional capacity reasonably
    can be determined.30
    30  Because our remand requires the ALJ to solicit an updated men-
    tal-health evaluation, we do not address Mr. Moreno’s other argument
    concerning Dr. Wharton’s assessment—that the ALJ erred in selectively
    omitting Dr. Wharton’s recommendation of one- to two-step work in for-
    mulating his hypothetical question to the vocational expert.
    14                                                             No. 17-1954
    B. Hypothetical Question
    The ALJ’s determination is faulty for another reason. Both
    Dr. Wharton’s assessment31 and Dr. Gonzalez’s notes set forth
    problems with Mr. Moreno becoming distracted, “spacing
    out,” and experiencing difficulties concentrating.32 These lim-
    itations, however, were not included in the hypothetical ques-
    tion posed to the vocational expert.
    Our cases require that an ALJ “orient the [vocational ex-
    pert] to the totality of a claimant’s limitations,” including “de-
    ficiencies of concentration, persistence and pace.” O'Connor-
    Spinner v. Astrue, 
    627 F.3d 614
    , 619 (7th Cir. 2010). Moreover,
    “the most effective way to ensure that the [vocational expert]
    is apprised fully of the claimant’s limitations is to include all
    of them directly in the hypothetical.” 
    Id. We, however,
    not required the ALJ to use “this specific terminology” in all
    Id. For instance,
    “[w]e sometimes have assumed a [vo-
    cational expert]’s familiarity with a claimant’s limitations, de-
    spite any gaps in the hypothetical, when the record shows
    that the [vocational expert] independently reviewed the med-
    ical record or heard testimony directly addressing those limi-
    Id. “We also
    have let stand an ALJ’s hypothetical
    omitting the terms ‘concentration, persistence and pace’ when
    it was manifest that the ALJ’s alternative phrasing specifically
    excluded those tasks that someone with the claimant’s limita-
    tions would be unable to perform.” 
    Id. 31 Id.
    at 418 (noting “[m]oderate” “[d]ifficulties in [m]aintaining [c]oncen-
    tration, [p]ersistence, or [p]ace”).
    32 See 
    id. at 648–49,
    651, 655 (noting “distractibility”); 660 (noting “spacing
    out”); 704, 706–07 (noting difficulty concentrating).
    No. 17-1954                                                   15
    Here, the question posed to the vocational expert included
    that the hypothetical “individual can understand, remember,
    and carry out simple work instructions,” can “exercise simple
    work place judgments,” is “limited to routine work,” and can
    have “no more than occasional changes in the work setting.”33
    Clearly, the ALJ’s question did not account explicitly for
    Mr. Moreno’s moderate limitations in concentration, persis-
    tence, and pace. Moreover, there is no evidence in the record
    to suggest that the vocational expert engaged in an independ-
    ent review of Mr. Moreno’s medical records.
    The Commissioner contends, however, that the question
    posed by the ALJ adequately accounted for Mr. Moreno’s lim-
    itations. She asserts that the ALJ’s reference to simple work
    instructions and to routine, low-stress work “reasonably ac-
    commodated Moreno’s moderate difficulties in concentra-
    tion, persistence or pace.”34 We cannot accept this argument.
    “[W]e have repeatedly rejected the notion that a hypothetical
    like the one here confining the claimant to simple, routine
    tasks and limited interactions with others adequately cap-
    tures temperamental deficiencies and limitations in concen-
    tration, persistence, and pace.” Yurt v. Colvin, 
    758 F.3d 850
    858–59 (7th Cir. 2014); see also Stewart v. Astrue, 
    561 F.3d 679
    684–85 (7th Cir. 2009).
    “When an ALJ poses a hypothetical question to a voca-
    tional expert, the question must include all limitations sup-
    ported by medical evidence in the record.” 
    Stewart, 561 F.3d at 684
    . The question posed to the vocational expert did 
    not 33 A. at 921
    34   Appellee’s Br. 23.
    16                                                  No. 17-1954
    address Mr. Moreno’s documented limitations in concentra-
    tion, persistence, and pace. As a result, the vocational expert’s
    assessment of the jobs available to Mr. Moreno necessarily is
    called into doubt, as is the ALJ’s conclusion that Mr. Moreno
    is not disabled under the Social Security Act.
    For the reasons set forth in this opinion, we reverse the
    judgment of the district court and remand for proceedings
    consistent with this opinion.

Document Info

Docket Number: 17-1954

Citation Numbers: 882 F.3d 722

Judges: Per Curiam

Filed Date: 2/16/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023