Glass, James W. v. Astrue, Michael J. , 263 F. App'x 526 ( 2008 )

  •                       NONPRECEDENTIAL DISPOSITION
    To be cited only in accordance with
    Fed. R. App. P. 32.1
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Chicago, Illinois 60604
    Argued January 29, 2008
    Decided February 14, 2008
    Hon. WILLIAM J. BAUER, Circuit Judge
    Hon. MICHAEL S. KANNE, Circuit Judge
    Hon. ILANA DIAMOND ROVNER, Circuit Judge
    No. 07-1342
    JAMES W. GLASS,                             Appeal from the United States District
    Plaintiff-Appellant,           Court for the Northern District of
    Indiana, Hammond Division
    MICHAEL J. ASTRUE,                          No. 05 C 136
    Andrew P. Rodovich,
    Magistrate Judge.
    James Glass appeals the denial of his application for Social Security
    Disability Insurance Benefits. He claims that the ALJ disregarded evidence of his
    difficulty adjusting to new work and thus, Glass argues, the ALJ erroneously
    concluded that he was not disabled within the meaning of the Social Security Act.
    Substantial evidence supports the ALJ’s decision; therefore, we affirm.
    I. Background
    At the time of his benefits hearing in May 2004, Glass was 59 years old. He
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    had a high school education and had worked for nearly thirty years at a steel mill in
    various positions, many of which were supervisory. In April 2001 Glass filed his
    first application for disability insurance benefits, alleging disability based on high
    blood pressure, “nerves,” and anxiety, but an ALJ determined that he was not
    Before the district court ruled on his appeal, Glass filed a second application
    with the Social Security Administration in September 2002. In his second
    application, Glass again alleged disability due to high blood pressure, nerves, and
    anxiety. But at his benefits hearing in May 2004, Glass testified that anxiety and
    an inability to concentrate, not physical limitations, were the primary reasons that
    he could no longer work. Glass submitted the following reports: two from Dr. Savio
    Manatt, who diagnosed Glass with an enlarged prostrate, hypertension, nicotine
    addiction, decreased libido, anxiety, and depression; one from Dr. Sanker
    Jayachandran, a psychiatrist, who diagnosed him as having a major depressive
    disorder that markedly limited his concentration and social interaction; and a
    report from Dr. Alan Long, a clinical psychologist, who opined that Glass was in the
    early stages of partial remission for alcohol dependence and that he had a
    depressive disorder. In the report, Dr. Long noted that Glass “has trouble with
    customary work pressures” and “has had trouble adjusting to changes in his job
    description.” But the doctor also assured that Glass “seems to have average ability
    to understand and carry out instructions.” Two agency physicians, after reviewing
    Glass’s record, also noted that he had affective and substance-addiction disorders,
    but concluded that these impairments did not render him disabled.
    At the benefits hearing, the ALJ posed several questions to a vocational
    expert. Taking into account Glass’s medically documented limitations, the ALJ
    hypothesized a person of advanced age with a high school education and an average
    ability to understand and perform simple work instructions, whose past work was
    skilled but who now needed unskilled labor with a flexible work schedule (no “line-
    driven performance expectations”). The ALJ asked the vocational expert whether
    such a person could work. The vocational expert opined that, due to his advanced
    age, this person would have “moderate to significant” difficulty adjusting from
    skilled to unskilled labor because the change would negatively affect his self-image.
    Explicitly asking the expert to put aside the question of low self-esteem resulting
    from a transition to unskilled work, the ALJ then asked the vocational expert
    whether the hypothetical person would have the capacity to perform any labor. The
    In denying benefits, the ALJ focused on Glass’s alcoholism; at one point, Glass
    admitted to having drunk as many as forty-eight cans of beer per day. The ALJ concluded
    that many of his infirmities seemed to relate more to his alcohol dependence than
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    vocational expert responded that the person could probably work as a stock
    material mover, machine feeder, or other jobs that require a medium level of
    exertion, and for which there are a significant number in the economy.
    In his order denying benefits, the ALJ determined that Glass could perform
    “the full range of medium work, subject to moderate restrictions necessitating a
    flexible pace that would accommodate the need to avoid crowds and line-driven
    performance expectations and subject to an average ability to attend simple work
    instructions.” The ALJ discounted the vocational expert’s opinion that because of
    his age, Glass would have moderate to significant difficulty making a transition to
    unskilled labor. According to the ALJ, “unsubstantiated issues of self-esteem, self-
    confidence, and self-image are not relevant as nonexertional obstacles to
    competitive work.” Relying on Glass’s testimony, the medical reports, and his
    modified hypothetical question, the ALJ concluded that Glass was not disabled.
    Glass again sought review in the district court, but the court affirmed the ALJ’s
    decision denying benefits.
    II. Analysis
    On appeal Glass claims, based on the testimony of Dr. Long (the psychologist)
    and the vocational expert, that he is unable to transition from the skilled labor that
    he formerly performed to unskilled work, and thus the ALJ should have awarded
    him disability benefits. To qualify for benefits, Glass must be unable “to engage in
    any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or
    mental impairment which can be expected to result in death or which has lasted or
    can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months.” 
    42 U.S.C. § 423
    (d)(1)(A). This court defers to the ALJ’s factual findings, and will
    affirm the ALJ’s decision so long as it is supported by substantial evidence. See
    Schmidt v. Astrue, 
    496 F.3d 833
    , 841 (7th Cir. 2007); Prochaska v. Barnhart, 
    454 F.3d 731
    , 734 (7th Cir. 2006).
    According to Glass, Dr. Long suggested that he “cannot adjust to other work”
    and Glass faults the ALJ for “ignoring” this assessment. This court has noted that
    “where the testimony of medical experts is at issue, the ALJ is entitled to accept
    any part of an expert’s testimony or reject it completely.” Bunge Corp. v. Carlisle,
    227 F.3d 934
    , 940 (7th Cir. 2000). Here Glass’s contention that Dr. Long said he
    “cannot adjust” to work is simply not borne out by Long’s report taken as a whole.
    In part of his report Dr. Long opined that Glass “has trouble with customary work
    pressures” and “has had trouble adjusting to changes in his job description.” But
    elsewhere in the report he also described Glass as having an “average ability to
    understand and carry out instructions.” Dr. Long’s combined statements suggest
    that Glass may have some difficulty adjusting to unskilled labor, but that he
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    nonetheless can do so with average competence. Accordingly, substantial evidence
    from Dr. Long’s report supports the ALJ’s conclusion that Glass can transition to
    substantial gainful activity involving unskilled work.
    Glass also contends that the ALJ impermissibly ignored the vocational
    expert’s hypothetical opinion that Glass would be unable to adjust from skilled to
    unskilled work because of lost self-esteem. The ALJ did not err for two reasons.
    First, Glass overstates the vocational expert’s testimony. She testified that Glass
    would have moderate to significant difficulty adjusting from skilled to unskilled
    labor because of a lowered self-image. But she then added that, despite these
    difficulties, he could be successfully reintegrated into the workforce. Second, in any
    event, the ALJ did not credit the portion of her testimony in which she asserted
    that Glass’s transition to unskilled work would lower his self-confidence and make
    the adjustment difficult. The ALJ was permitted to do so, see Ehrhart v. Sec’y of
    Health and Human Servs., 
    969 F.2d 534
    , 540 (7th Cir. 1992), because that portion
    of her testimony amounted to a psychological assessment that was beyond the scope
    of her expertise. It was also inconsistent with Dr. Long’s expert conclusion that
    Glass could follow job instructions with average competence.
    Because the ALJ’s conclusion is supported by substantial evidence, we
    AFFIRM the denial of benefits.