Jason Douglas v. Bethany C. Price ( 2020 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 19‐1868
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 14 C 1741 — Gary Feinerman, Judge.
    ARGUED JANUARY 30, 2020 — DECIDED APRIL 13, 2020
    Before BAUER, KANNE, and SYKES, Circuit Judges.
    SYKES, Circuit Judge. Appellant Bethany Price objected to
    a proposed class‐action settlement, but the district judge
    ruled that she was not a class member and she did not
    contest that ruling. Price then sought attorney’s fees and an
    2                                                    No. 19‐1868
    incentive award for objecting. The judge denied her requests
    because as a nonclass member, she had no standing to object
    or to receive fees or an award. Price appeals the denial of her
    fee and award requests, arguing that nonclass members can
    be compensated for objecting. Because Price does not chal‐
    lenge the ruling that she is not a class member, we conclude
    that she is not a party and lacks standing to appeal. Thus we
    dismiss the appeal for lack of appellate jurisdiction.
    I. Background
    Price objected to the proposed settlement of a class action
    filed by Jason Douglas (the class representative) against The
    Western Union Company. The class complaint alleged that
    Western Union violated the Telephone Consumer Protection
    Act of 1934 by sending unsolicited text messages. The Act
    prohibits using any “automatic telephone dialing system” to
    make any call “to any telephone number assigned to a …
    cellular telephone service.” 
    47 U.S.C. § 227
    (b)(1)(A)(iii); see
    Campbell‐Ewald Co. v. Gomez, 
    136 S. Ct. 663
    , 667 (2016) (“A
    text message to a cellular telephone, it is undisputed, quali‐
    fies as a ‘call’ within the compass of § 227(b)(1)(A)(iii).”). A
    year into the suit, the parties agreed to settle for $8.5 million.
    The proposed settlement defined the class as: “All Persons in
    the United States who received one or more unsolicited text
    messages sent by or on behalf of Western Union between
    March 12, 2010 and November 10, 2015.”
    After the parties notified the class of the proposed set‐
    tlement, four people objected, including Price. She thought
    she was a class member because she had received two text
    messages from Western Union. Price objected to the settle‐
    ment on several grounds: it inadequately compensated the
    class; class counsel’s fee request was too high; the plaintiff’s
    No. 19‐1868                                                  3
    incentive award was too high; the class definition was
    imprecise because it did not include her; and the list of class
    members had errors.
    The class representative and Western Union contested
    whether Price had standing to object. They argued that she
    could not be a class member because she had “filled out a
    form in which she expressly consented to receiving text
    messages for the exact purpose for which she received one.”
    Western Union said that before sending text messages to
    customers, it generally obtained consent twice. Customers
    would consent when they first registered and again after an
    opt‐in text message asked them to confirm that they wished
    to receive additional text messages.
    During settlement negotiations, the parties agreed that
    two groups might have received “unsolicited” text messag‐
    es: (1) those who entered transactions on Western Union’s
    website but did not sign up for its loyalty program, and
    (2) those who transferred money via its website without
    consenting to receive text messages about their transfer and
    then received such a text. The parties maintained that Price
    did not fall into either class group because Western Union’s
    records confirmed that she had enrolled in its loyalty pro‐
    gram. To enroll, Price had to check a disclaimer box consent‐
    ing to receive text messages and had to consent to the loyalty
    program’s terms, which stated that by providing her cell‐
    phone number to Western Union, she consented to receive
    text messages. Thus, Western Union concluded, the two text
    messages that Price received were not “unsolicited,” so she
    was not a class member.
    After the class representative moved for final approval of
    the settlement, the judge held a fairness hearing. Price
    4                                                   No. 19‐1868
    participated despite the ongoing dispute over her status as a
    class member. The judge questioned class counsel about
    whether the class was properly limited to the two customer
    groups, voiced concerns about counsel’s billing records
    (some of which were also raised by Price), and requested
    more information about counsel’s time records. Class coun‐
    sel could not provide the information—he had no “detailed
    time records”—so time sheets were “reconstructed” from
    calendars, emails, and research records. Echoing the judge’s
    concerns, Price continued to argue that the court should
    reject the settlement and reduce class counsel’s fees.
    With minor changes to the class definition, the judge cer‐
    tified the class, ruled that Price was not a member, approved
    the settlement, and reduced class counsel’s fees. He amend‐
    ed the class definition to clarify that recipients of “unsolicit‐
    ed” text messages were in the class if they initiated
    transactions online but did not sign up for the loyalty pro‐
    gram or initiated money transfers online without consenting
    to text messages about the transfer. Price, the judge ex‐
    plained, did not fall into either category. The judge also cut
    class counsel’s requested fees from $2.8 million to $425,000,
    explaining that counsel’s “reconstructed” timesheets lacked
    adequate support, were misleading, and reported “grossly
    excessive” hours. Price moved for reconsideration, asking
    the court to find that she was “a member of the Class as
    originally defined” and to redefine the class to include all
    customers who received text messages, even with consent.
    The judge denied the motion.
    Price did not appeal her exclusion from the class and did
    not seek to intervene. Instead, she sought attorney’s fees and
    an incentive award. The judge invited her to address
    No. 19‐1868                                                  5
    “whether a person who never fell within the class definition
    (original or modified) may move for fees and an incentive
    award under Rule 23.” Price responded that no law barred
    her request, so she was entitled to fees and an incentive
    award for her success in reducing attorney’s fees and im‐
    proving the class definition. The motion was denied because
    Price had cited “no authority for the highly questionable
    proposition that a non‐class member can recover fees and an
    incentive award under Rule 23.” Price appealed. The parties
    then sought approval of a proposed settlement of her appeal
    under Rules 23(e)(5)(C) and 62.1 of the Federal Rules of Civil
    Procedure; the judge refused to approve it.
    II. Discussion
    On appeal Price does not challenge the finding that she
    was not a class member. Instead, she contends that as a
    nonparty she may nonetheless seek fees and an award if she
    benefited the class. But her argument ignores a threshold
    question: whether a nonparty to proceedings in the district
    court has standing to appeal a decision that the nonparty
    does not like. The Supreme Court has held that “only parties
    to a lawsuit, or those that properly become parties, may
    appeal an adverse judgment.” Marino v. Ortiz, 
    484 U.S. 301
    304 (1988). A nonparty who is dissatisfied with a ruling in
    the district court must seek to intervene for purposes of
    appeal (and a denial of a request to intervene is itself ap‐
     Price did not appeal the ruling that she was not
    a class member, and after the court ruled that she was a
    nonparty, she did not ask to intervene for purposes of
    appealing any unwelcome rulings. Accordingly, under
    Marino she lacks standing.
    6                                                    No. 19‐1868
    In Devlin v. Scardelletti, the Supreme Court clarified that it
    has never “restricted the right to appeal to named parties to
    the litigation.” 
    536 U.S. 1
    , 7 (2002) (emphasis added). But
    Devlin does not undermine the application of Marino to this
    case. The Devlin appellant was an unnamed member of a
    class certified under Rule 23. As a class member, the appel‐
    lant had standing to appeal from the district court. 
     at 6–7,
    9. The Court emphasized that in class actions, unnamed class
    members may be parties for purposes of appeal when they
    have properly objected in the district court. 
    Id. at 10
    . But
    here, Price acquiesced to the court’s decision that she was not
    an unnamed class member. And under Rule 23(e)(5)(A) only
    a “class member” may object to a class settlement, so the rule
    does not create standing for nonclass members like Price. See
    Mayfield v. Barr, 
    985 F.2d 1090
    , 1092–93 (D.C. Cir. 1993);
    Gould v. Alleco, Inc., 
    883 F.2d 281
    , 284 (4th Cir. 1989).
    At times we have allowed nonparties to appeal, but only
    when the district court has ordered them to do something
    (as with a contempt citation issued to nonparty witnesses) or
    when they are agents of parties to the suit (as with attorneys
    seeking fees). See Reynolds v. Beneficial Nat’l Bank, 
    288 F.3d 277
    , 287–88 (7th Cir. 2002). Those circumstances do not
    apply here. Citing Reynolds’s discussion of common funds in
    class actions, Price nonetheless argues that “[w]hen a lawyer
    lays claim to a portion of the kitty, he becomes a real party in
    Id. at 288
    . But that situation is distinguishable from
    Price’s because those attorneys represented named or un‐
    named class members, both of whom (unlike Price) would
    have standing in the district court. See, e.g., In re Trans Union
    Corp. Privacy Litig., 
    664 F.3d 1081
    , 1083–84 (7th Cir. 2011)
    (concluding that the attorney who represented class mem‐
    bers who filed individual claims could participate in the
    No. 19‐1868                                                   7
    appeal filed by class counsel where the appeal would direct‐
    ly impact that attorney’s fees); Reynolds, 
    288 F.3d at 287
    Price insists that we must have appellate jurisdiction be‐
    cause her appeal is “taken from an order denying [her]
    motion for attorney’s fees, making [her] an aggrieved party.”
    But by acquiescing to the ruling that she was not a class
    member, she had no standing after that decision and could
    not be “aggrieved” by any of the later rulings. If Price
    thought she had a legal interest, she should have appealed
    the decision that she was not a class member or sought to
    intervene to become a party. See Marino, 
    484 U.S. at 304
    (noting that if a nonparty “has an interest that is affected by”
    a district‐court ruling, “the better practice is for such a
    nonparty to seek intervention for purposes of appeal,” with
    denials of such motions being appealable); see also Devlin,
    536 U.S. at
    12–13 (opining that the possibility of an objector
    who is “not actually a member of the settlement class” is
    likely a rare situation and could be resolved “by a standing
    inquiry at the appellate level”). She did neither.