Christy Lentz v. Teri Kennedy ( 2020 )

  •                                 In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 18-2659
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 16-cv-09516 — Gary Feinerman, Judge.
    SUBMITTED JUNE 10, 2020 * — DECIDED JULY 28, 2020
    Before FLAUM, BARRETT, and ST. EVE, Circuit Judges.
    ST. EVE, Circuit Judge. For nearly a week Christy Lentz
    feigned ignorance as she pretended to help investigators lo-
    cate her missing father. Officers soon discovered the father’s
    decaying body hidden at the office building the two shared,
    * We granted the parties’ joint motion to waive oral argument, and the
    appeal is therefore submitted on the briefs and the record. Fed. R. App.
    P. 34(a)(2)(C).
    2                                                 No. 18-2659
    and all signs pointed to Lentz as the murderer. Lentz, with her
    young daughter in tow, voluntarily accompanied officers to
    the police station under the pretense of follow-up questioning
    for the missing persons investigation. For the first hour and a
    half, officers asked general questions, like when and where
    she last saw her father, to commit Lentz to her story. They
    then took a cigarette break. When the interview resumed, the
    tone changed. The officers read Lentz her Miranda rights and
    confronted her with the mounting evidence against her. Over
    the next four hours, Lentz slowly confessed to shooting her
    In the state trial court, Lentz moved to suppress her
    videotaped confession but the court denied her motion. She
    proceeded to trial, where the confession was admitted into
    evidence, and a jury found her guilty of first-degree murder.
    The Illinois Appellate Court affirmed the conviction on direct
    review. Lentz then tried her hand at state postconviction
    proceedings but was unsuccessful.
    Now on federal habeas review, Lentz claims the interro-
    gation violated her constitutional rights in two ways: that she
    was “in custody” during the pre-Miranda portion of the inter-
    view, and that her confession was involuntary. Because our
    review is deferential and the state court’s decision with re-
    spect to both issues was not an unreasonable application of
    clearly established federal law, we affirm the district court’s
    denial of habeas relief.
    No. 18-2659                                                                 3
    I. Background
    We take the facts from the Illinois Appellate Court’s opin-
    ion, People v. Lentz, 
    2011 IL App (2d) 100448-U
     (Lentz I). 1 The
    state court’s findings are “presumed to be correct” and Lentz
    bears the burden of rebutting that presumption by clear and
    convincing evidence. See 
    28 U.S.C. § 2254
    (e)(1). She has not at-
    tempted to do so and the material facts related to the interro-
    gation are generally undisputed, as the entire event was vid-
    eotaped. Lentz challenges the application of clearly estab-
    lished law to those facts.
    A. General Background
    Lentz’s father, Michael Lentz, Sr., owned his own busi-
    ness, Industrial Pneumatics Supply—a pneumatic tools dis-
    tributor—in Villa Park, Illinois. Lentz had worked for her fa-
    ther since she graduated high school. She first began as a sec-
    retary but over time her responsibilities at the business in-
    creased to include handling customer service, paying bills,
    balancing the checkbook, and paying taxes. At the time of the
    incident, the company had only one other employee besides
    Lentz and her father, a part-time secretary. According to
    Lentz, she was in the process of taking over the business from
    her father because he wanted to retire.
    1  Lentz I is the appellate court’s decision on direct appeal, which ad-
    dressed the suppression challenges that Lentz now raises in her federal
    collateral proceedings. Lentz also filed a state postconviction petition rais-
    ing ineffective assistance of trial counsel claims, which resulted in a sec-
    ond appellate court decision, People v. Lentz, 
    2015 IL App (2d) 140888-U
    (Lentz II). The ineffective assistance of counsel claims are not before us and
    all of the facts relevant to the interrogation are found in Lentz I.
    4                                                  No. 18-2659
    On June 9, 2006, Lentz and her sister, Jill Baker, asked the
    police to check on their father because they had not seen or
    heard from him since late May. The police opened a missing
    persons investigation and interviewed Lentz on June 14, 2006.
    A week later, on June 21, 2006, the police stopped by the busi-
    ness’s office building. The door was locked and there was a
    handwritten sign saying that the business was closed due to
    a family emergency. The officers, however, noticed a smell of
    decomposition. They obtained a search warrant and searched
    the business, where they discovered Mr. Lentz’s dead body in
    a wrapped and taped bundle head-down in a plastic bin. It
    also appeared that there had been unsuccessful attempts to
    burn the body in the bin.
    Following this discovery, the police then went to the house
    of Chuck Minauskas, Lentz’s boyfriend, and arrived just be-
    fore 10:00 p.m. on June 21st, where they found Lentz, her
    seven-year-old daughter Taylor, and Minauskas. Lentz
    agreed to speak with the officers down at the Villa Park police
    station and the officers then transported all three there. Two
    detectives questioned Lentz over the course of approximately
    five and a half hours, the details of which we discuss below.
    They videotaped the entire interview. (A third officer was in
    the room operating the video camera.) In short, after about
    two hours of questioning, shortly before 2:00 a.m., Lentz ad-
    mitted to killing her father. Over the next three and a half
    hours, until about 5:30 a.m., the detectives elicited more de-
    tails about the shooting and cover-up. At the conclusion of her
    statement, Lentz was arrested and charged with murder.
    Before trial, Lentz moved to suppress her videotaped
    statement. The Illinois trial court heard evidence and argu-
    ments related to the motion over the course of several days
    No. 18-2659                                                    5
    between May and December 2008. The court denied the mo-
    tion. Lentz then went to trial, during which the prosecution
    played the videotaped confession in full for the jury. The jury
    found Lentz guilty of first-degree murder, and the court sen-
    tenced her to fifty years’ imprisonment. On direct appeal to
    the state appellate court, Lentz challenged the trial court’s de-
    nial of her motion to suppress.
    B. The Illinois Appellate Court’s Decision
    Lentz made the two arguments on direct appeal that she
    raises on federal collateral review: (1) that the circumstances
    in which she gave her statement violated Miranda v. Arizona,
    384 U.S. 436
     (1966), because she was in a custodial setting once
    she went to the police station, but the officers did not give her
    the Miranda warnings until part way through her questioning;
    and (2) that even if her questioning did not violate Miranda,
    her confession was involuntary and should have been sup-
    pressed. Lentz I, 
    2011 IL App (2d) 100448-U
    , ¶ 6.
    1. The interrogation
    The Illinois Appellate Court undertook an extensive re-
    view of the evidence presented at the suppression hearing
    and the entire videotaped interrogation. Its opinion was thor-
    ough and detailed. We have reviewed the video for ourselves
    as well, and add some facts or details where we deem helpful.
    Villa Park police officer Tiffany Wayda was one of the of-
    ficers assigned to the missing persons investigation for
    Lentz’s father, Michael Lentz, Sr. She testified that on June 21,
    2006, between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m., she and a fellow detective
    went to the father’s business, where Lentz worked, looking
    for Lentz to get some phone records. No one was at the busi-
    ness, but after walking around the back of the building they
    6                                                  No. 18-2659
    “noticed the smell of decomposition and saw flies near a win-
    dow.” Lentz I, 
    2011 IL App (2d) 100448-U
    , ¶ 9. Wayda and her
    partner obtained a warrant to enter the building and search
    for a body, and returned to the building sometime between
    4 p.m. and 7 p.m. Once they discovered the body in the build-
    ing, they obtained a second search warrant for the entire
    premises. Wayda got back to the Villa Park police station at
    about 8:30 p.m.
    Jordan Anderson is a Wood Dale police officer. On June
    21, 2006, he was told to go to the Villa Park police station,
    where he and other officers were assigned to find Minauskas,
    Lentz’s boyfriend. Anderson and three other officers drove
    together to Minauskas’s home, while two other officers drove
    separately. Both cars were unmarked and all six officers were
    dressed in plain clothes, albeit with police identification. An-
    derson testified that the officers arrived at Minauskas’s home
    at about 9:52 p.m. Upon arrival, officers encountered Minaus-
    kas, Lentz, and their seven-year-old daughter, Taylor, stand-
    ing in the driveway. Anderson and another officer ap-
    proached Lentz, and Anderson testified that he said, “Hi, Ms.
    Lentz. My name is Detective Anderson. I’m from the major
    crimes task force, and we’d like to talk to you in reference to
    the missing persons case that we’re investigating.” Lentz I,
    2011 IL App (2d) 100448-U
    , ¶ 10. He asked Lentz if she would
    come to the police station with him so they could talk there,
    and Lentz agreed but said that she would need to bring her
    daughter. Anderson agreed and offered to give them a ride to
    the station. According to Anderson, Lentz “did not display
    any hesitation in accompanying them to the police station.”
     Lentz and Taylor got into the back of one police car and
    four officers got into the same car (one on either side of them
    in the back seat and two in front). At the police station, Lentz
    No. 18-2659                                                    7
    got out of the police car herself. She entered the police station
    through a secured door, not the front door that is open to the
    The appellate court noted that the witnesses all “agreed
    that there was no ‘cage’ or secure divider between the back
    and front seats of either of the police cars.” 
    Id. ¶ 11
    . Further-
    more, “[a]t no point did the police handcuff anyone, use phys-
    ical force on anyone, or raise their voices.” 
     “The officers
    did not say that anyone was under arrest.” 
    At the station, Wayda and fellow Villa Park police officer
    Todd Kubish interviewed Lentz. There was a third, unnamed
    officer in the room who operated the video recorder. “All of
    the officers were in civilian dress and none of them displayed
    their weapons at any point during the questioning.” 
    Id. ¶ 12
    The video picks up with Lentz already talking, which Kubish
    explained was because the video operator was trying to get
    the recorder started and that the only discussion missed was
    Wayda introducing Kubish to Lentz.
    The appellate court characterized Lentz’s demeanor at the
    start of the tape as “relaxed and helpful.” 
    Id. ¶ 13
    . They began
    to discuss the last time that Lentz saw her father and her fa-
    ther’s business in general. She described her role as handling
    “a little bit of everything,” including shipping, receiving, the
    books, and customer services. 
     She stated that her father re-
    cently made her the president of the company and that he
    wanted to retire soon.
    At this point, now about five minutes into the interview,
    Kubish stopped the conversation and told Lentz that he had
    forgotten to ask her something. The following discussion then
    took place:
    8                                                No. 18-2659
    Q. [Kubish] Tonight, how did you get here today?
    A. [Lentz] They transported us here.
    Q. And the officers asked you if you would be willing
    to come in here?
    A. Uh-huh.
    Q. You weren’t forced to come in here or anything like
    A. No.
    Q. Nobody dragged you out of the house?
    A. No.
    Q. Nobody threatened you to come in here?
    A. No.
    Q. And you know why we’re here, right? We’re here to
    talk about your father?
    A. Right.
    Q. That he’s missing, correct?
    A. Right.
    Q. I just wanted to make sure.
    A. No, that’s fine. That’s great.
    Lentz I, 
    2011 IL App (2d) 100448-U
    , ¶ 14. Kubish then stated
    that the date was Wednesday, June 21st, and the time was
    11:10 p.m. He noted that Lentz had something to drink (she
    had a visible bottle of water on the table) and asked if she
    needed anything, a bathroom break or pizza or anything,
    Lentz said no. This quick exchange occurred:
    No. 18-2659                                                    9
    Q. [Kubish] Okay, good. All right. So everything’s
    A. [Lentz] My daughter needs to go to bed soon.
    Q. Okay. [laughs] I’m sure she’s being very occupied.
    A. I’m sure.
     The appellate court’s transcription seems to indicate that
    Kubish laughed, but a review of the video reflects that it is
    Lentz who actually laughs after she says that her daughter
    needs to go to bed soon. We further note that, when Lentz re-
    plies “I’m sure,” she is smiling and does not have a sarcastic
    Kubish then resumed the questioning, “asking open-
    ended questions in a non-confrontational manner.” 
    Id. ¶ 16
    The appellate court noted parenthetically that Lentz “laughed
    periodically throughout the first two hours of questioning, of-
    ten in a manner indicating rueful agreement with what the
    officers said.” 
     The interview continued for approximately
    an hour and a half. They discussed her father’s personality,
    his personal life, the state of the business, and Lentz’s activi-
    ties since her father went missing.
    At 12:30 a.m., Kubish paused the conversation, asked for
    the time, and then announced the time and date (it was now
    June 22nd) and stated that they needed to switch the tape so
    they were going to take a break. Lentz then asked, “Is there
    any way that I could take my daughter home soon to put her
    to bed? Because it’s kind of late.” 
    Id. ¶ 20
    . Kubish responded,
    “Well, we’re just trying to get through all this now, so—” and
    then the tape stopped. 
    10                                                 No. 18-2659
    The break lasted for thirty-two minutes, during which
    time Lentz went to the bathroom and went outside to have a
    cigarette. “Kubish and Wayda, who were both smokers, ac-
    companied [Lentz] outside and [Lentz] smoked a couple of
    cigarettes,” though it was “not clear if either of the officers
    also smoked a cigarette during the break.” 
     When the tape
    resumed, Kubish announced that it was now 1:02 a.m. and
    also noted for the record that Lentz saw her family members
    while outside:
    Q. [Kubish] And when you were outside you saw
    Mike, your brother Mike?
    A. [Lentz] My brother Mike and Howard.
    Q. And Howard is your—
    A. Brother-in-law.
    Q. And he’s married to?
    A. My sister Jill.
    Q. Jill. Okay. And you saw your daughter down there
    A. Yes.
    Q. Okay.
    A. On the park bench. Getting bit by mosquitos, yes.
    Q. [Wayda] Is she sleeping outside?
    A. Yes.
    Q. I’m sure she’ll go back inside when they go back in-
    side. Does Howard smoke?
    A. Yes.
    No. 18-2659                                                 11
    Q. So they’ll probably bring her back inside.
    Kubish then resumed the questioning, asking about Lentz’s
    presence at the business earlier that day. A few minutes later,
    at 1:07 a.m., Kubish switched gears and took out a Miranda
    waiver form. Lentz I, 
    2011 IL App (2d) 100448-U
    , ¶ 22. He told
    Lentz that he was “going to go over a couple things with [her]
    real quick.” Kubish then read each Miranda right on the form
    to Lentz and asked if she understood each one, to which she
    affirmed after each one and again at the end that she under-
    stood all of them. Lentz signed the waiver form next to each
    right. She also signed the bottom of the form acknowledging
    that she understood all of her above rights, waiving her
    rights, and agreeing to willingly make a statement.
    Both officers then questioned Lentz in a “slightly more
    confrontational manner” regarding various inconsistencies
    and discrepancies in stories, phone records, bank records, and
    conversations with other witnesses. Lentz I, 
    2011 IL App (2d) 100448-U
    , ¶ 22. Wayda commented that it was difficult to get
    a straight story from Lentz because “nothing matches” any of
    the actual documents the officers had collected. At 1:39 a.m.,
    the officers took a quick one-minute break to step out of the
    room to get some additional information from another room.
    “When they returned, Kubish said that they had spoken with
    the secretary, who told them that she had not been at work
    since May 15th, and that [Lentz] had been calling her and tell-
    ing her not to come in because [Lentz] was doing inventory
    and her father was crabby.” 
    Id. ¶ 23
    . Kubish then began to
    press Lentz about her statement that she had not noticed an-
    ything “strange or unusual” at the office when she was there
    earlier in the day—hinting at the smell of decomposition. 
    Lentz played dumb and pretended not to know what the
    12                                                  No. 18-2659
    officers were talking about, but she “could not explain the air
    fresheners and the white powder all over the floor, or what
    they were for.” 
     Wayda repeatedly pleaded with Lentz to
    tell the officers “what’s going on.”
    The officers took another one-minute break at 1:47 a.m. to
    change the videotape. When the interview resumed at 1:48
    a.m., “Kubish and Wayda began pressing the defendant again
    to tell them what was going on” and why the office smelled
    the way it did. 
    Id. ¶ 24
    . The officers also began asking if some-
    one else was involved in what happened. Kubish also sug-
    gested that “maybe it wasn’t [her] fault” and asked if her fa-
    ther “did something to [her].” Lentz “became emotional and
     “She said that her father had pulled a gun on
    her at work a few weeks ago, and had hit her in the past. He
    had come to her house and said he would put her in jail and
    beat her; she didn’t know why. Other people did not know
    about it.” 
     After the officers again asked her to tell them
    what was going on, Lentz “hesitated and said that she would
    probably never be able to see her daughter again.” 
    officers immediately told Lentz that that was not true. This is
    the exchange that took place:
    Wayda: … Get this weight lifted off of you. Tell us
    what happened.
    Lentz: I’m probably never going to be able to see my
    daughter again.
    Kubish: That’s not correct.
    Wayda: No, that’s not true.
    Kubish: That’s not true.
    No. 18-2659                                                    13
    Lentz then told the police that her father came at her with a
    gun and she pushed him and he shot himself, and she
    “freaked out.” This admission came approximately forty-five
    minutes after the officers had given her the Miranda warnings
    and about two hours and twenty-five minutes into the inter-
    view. She then related the events leading up to the fight and
    how it occurred. According to Lentz, she had not told her
    brother or sister or Minauskas. No one else knew.
    The officers expressed disbelief that Lentz could have
    done all that was done with the body by herself, but Lentz
    insisted that no one else was involved and no one else knew.
    She had driven her father’s truck to Kenosha and left it by the
    side of the road, and took the bus back. The gun was in her
    dad’s desk drawer. The officers continued to ask more ques-
    tions to draw out more details, but Lentz was reluctant to
    speak. She mostly stared down at the table, holding her head
    in one of her hands, and only gave short verbal responses. Af-
    ter a few minutes, Kubish told Lentz that he knew she felt bad
    about what happened and that if she did not do anything
    wrong, there was nothing for her to hide. He also reminded
    her that she initially called the police for help:
    A. [Lentz] I know, but what about my daughter?
    Q. [Kubish] Obviously, we’re going to take care of your
    daughter. We’re going to do the right thing. But you
    need to do the right thing. I can’t tell you what’s going
    to happen with your daughter until you tell me what
    happened with your dad. I mean turn, look at me.
    A. I’m obviously not going to be able to see her.
    Q. No, you are going to be able to see her. Once we get
    this straightened out, you can see your daughter.
    14                                                   No. 18-2659
    A. I can’t go home with her.
    Q. Well, we need to know what happened. Listen, look
    at me. You can’t look at me right now because you’re
    not being completely honest with us.
    Lentz I, 
    2011 IL App (2d) 100448-U
    , ¶ 24. Kubish went on to
    say that they needed to know “why this happened” and
    needed more details surrounding the clean-up. Lentz, at
    times, became emotional and cried, and also occasionally put
    her head down. The questioning continued until approxi-
    mately 5:30 a.m. “Kubish and Wayda agreed that at no point
    during the interview did they tell the defendant that she was
    free to leave, although in the beginning they did not consider
    her to be under arrest.” 
    Id. 2
    . Custodial interrogation
    In determining whether Lentz was “in custody” at the
    time she gave her statement, because Miranda applies only to
    custodial interrogation, the appellate court considered the fol-
    lowing relevant circumstances:
    (1) the location, time, length, mood, and mode of the
    questioning; (2) the number of police officers present
    during the interrogation; (3) the presence or absence of
    family and friends of the individual; (4) any indicia of
    a formal arrest procedure, such as the show of weap-
    ons or force, physical restraint, booking or fingerprint-
    ing; (5) the manner by which the individual arrived at
    the place of questioning; and (6) the age, intelligence,
    and mental makeup of the accused.
    Lentz I, 
    2011 IL App (2d) 100448-U
    , ¶ 8 (citing People v. Slater,
    886 N.E.2d 986
    , 995 (Ill. 2008)). The appellate court’s “own re-
    view of the record” led it to agree with the trial court that the
    No. 18-2659                                                      15
    “majority of the relevant factors favor a finding that the de-
    fendant was not in custody during the pre-Miranda portion of
    the interview.” Id. ¶ 26. The court balanced the factors as fol-
    •   First Factor: location, time, length, mood, and mode
    of the questioning. “The questioning took place at
    a police station, in a conference room in a portion
    of the building not open to the general public.” Id.
    But the appellate court found that because Lentz
    “knew that the police wanted to talk to Minauskas
    at the same time and would want to do so sepa-
    rately, the location of the questioning would not be
    especially suggestive of custody to a reasonable
    person.” Id. The time also did not weigh in favor of
    custody even though the questioning took place
    during the late evening and early morning hours
    because there was “no indication” that “the police
    chose the time in an attempt to make the defendant
    more vulnerable.” Id. Rather, the questioning took
    place “as soon after the discovery of the body as
    practicable.” Id. As for the mood and mode of the
    questioning, the appellate court, like the trial court,
    placed “great weight on these factors” and found
    that “both the tone of the questions being asked and
    the defendant’s relaxed demeanor demonstrated a
    cooperative and voluntary interview rather than a
    custodial interrogation.” Id.
    •   Second Factor: number of police officers present
    during the interrogation. The appellate court found
    that this factor was “neutral” because three officers
    was a “usual number for interviews” and “they
    16                                                   No. 18-2659
    were in civilian clothes with their weapons secured
    in their customary holsters.” Id. ¶ 27. Further, only
    two of the officers questioned Lentz while the third
    officer operated the videotape recorder.
    •   Third Factor: presence or absence of family and
    friends of the individual. The appellate court did
    not address or weigh this factor.
    •   Fourth Factor: indicia of a formal arrest procedure.
    Simply, “none of the indicia of a formal arrest were
    involved, such as the show of weapons or force,
    physical restraint, booking or fingerprinting.” Id.
    •   Fifth Factor: manner by which the individual ar-
    rived at the place of questioning. This factor fa-
    vored a finding that Lentz was in custody because
    “the presence of six police officers at Minauskas’
    home, four of whom accompanied the defendant
    back to the station, might lead a reasonable person
    in the defendant’s position to conclude that he or
    she did not have a choice whether to go with the
    police officers.” Id. ¶ 28.
    •   Sixth Factor: the age, intelligence, and mental
    makeup of the accused. This factor favored the
    finding of a noncustodial interview because Lentz
    “was not a minor and does not appear to have had
    any difficulty in understanding the nature of the
    questioning.” Id. ¶ 27. Although Lentz argued on
    appeal that she was tired because she had been
    “awake since 4:45 a.m. the previous morning” and
    “had been in the bar for some hours that after-
    noon,” based on the videotape Lentz, “while
    No. 18-2659                                                   17
    occasionally appearing tired, was alert and ori-
    ented throughout the questioning and did not
    show any impairment to her ability to understand
    the proceedings.” Id.
    In the end, three factors weighed in favor of finding a noncus-
    todial interview, one factor weighed in favor of finding Lentz
    was in custody, and one factor was neutral.
    Lentz, however, emphasized that the officers never told
    her that she was free to leave. The appellate court found the
    argument unpersuasive in this case because “the videotape
    shows the defendant agreeing with Kubish that she had vol-
    untarily consented to come to the station and answer ques-
    tions.” Id. ¶ 29. There was “no[] need to reassure the defend-
    ant that she was free to go: the defendant clearly viewed her-
    self as being in control of her own presence at the station.” Id.
    Similarly, Lentz’s comment before the first break that she
    would need to take her daughter home soon “was delivered
    in a tone indicating that she was telling the police that she
    could not stay all night and would eventually have to leave—
    a communication that was consistent with a belief that she re-
    mained free to terminate the interview.” Id. Lentz’s “manner
    throughout the pre-Miranda portion of the question[ing] was
    that of someone voluntarily cooperating with the police in an
    effort to locate her missing father.” Id. “Finally, we do not
    view the fact that Kubish and Wayda accompanied the de-
    fendant outside while she smoked to be suggestive of cus-
    tody; the police testified that otherwise the defendant could
    have gotten lost or locked out.” Id. And Lentz’s demeanor re-
    mained “relaxed and cooperative even after the break, sug-
    gesting that she was not intimidated by Kubish’s and
    Wayda’s presence outside while she smoked.” Id.
    18                                                  No. 18-2659
    Thus, “viewing all of the factors together” and “taking all
    of the circumstances into account,” the appellate court con-
    cluded that Lentz “was not in custody during the pre-Miranda
    portion of the questioning.” Id. Therefore, “the failure of the
    police to warn her of her constitutional rights at the outset of
    the questioning did not violate Miranda and her statements
    were not subject to suppression on that basis.” Id.
    3. Voluntariness of the confession
    Lentz’s second argument was that, even if the questioning
    did not violate Miranda, the court nonetheless should have
    suppressed her inculpatory statements because they were in-
    voluntary. Lentz I, 
    2011 IL App (2d) 100448-U
    , ¶ 31. Similar to
    the “in custody” determination, in considering whether a con-
    fession is voluntary, a court must consider the totality of sev-
    eral factors, including: “(1) the defendant’s age, intelligence,
    experience, education, mental capacity, and physical condi-
    tion at the time of questioning; (2) the legality and duration of
    the detention; (3) whether the suspect was given Miranda
    warnings; (4) the duration of the questioning; and (5) the ex-
    istence of any physical or mental abuse.” 
    Id. ¶ 32
    Lentz argued that “the police impermissibly used her de-
    sire to take her daughter home to coerce her into confessing
    to accidentally causing her father to shoot himself.” 
    Id. ¶ 33
    She asserted that Kubish and Wayda “repeatedly referred to
    her daughter in encouraging her to ‘tell us what happened’
    and ‘be honest.’” 
     She argued that the “cumulative effect of
    this use of Taylor’s presence at the police station, coupled
    with her tiredness and the length of the interrogation, wore
    her down to the point that her will was overborne and her
    confession was not voluntary.” 
    No. 18-2659                                                    19
    “A close look at the record refutes this argument.” 
    Id. ¶ 34
    During the pre-Miranda portion of the questioning, Lentz’s
    daughter Taylor was mentioned three times:
    •   The first mention occurred shortly after question-
    ing began, when Kubish asked whether the defend-
    ant needed food, water, a bathroom break, or any-
    thing else. At that point, the defendant told Kubish
    that Taylor would need to go to bed soon. Her tone
    of voice on the videotape indicates that she was ad-
    vising the detectives that she was willing to coop-
    erate and answer questions regarding her missing
    father but she would eventually need to get Taylor
    home to bed.
    •   The second mention occurred an hour and a half
    later, after Kubish said that they would need to take
    a break to change the tape. The defendant asked
    whether she could take Taylor home “soon” to put
    her to bed, indicating that she would like to wrap
    up the questioning at some point in the near future
    although not necessarily right then. Kubish did not
    respond directly, stating that they were “just trying
    to get through all this now.” The defendant did not
    say anything further about Taylor.
    •   The police and the defendant then went outside for
    a half-hour break. Immediately after the break, Ku-
    bish made a record of the break, noting that while
    she was outside the defendant saw her daughter
    asleep and other family members nearby. The
    20                                                No. 18-2659
    defendant agreed, but voiced a concern that Taylor
    was being bitten by mosquitos. Wayda reassured
    her that the other family members would bring
    Taylor back inside when they were done smoking.
     In each of these three instances, it was Lentz who brought
    up her daughter and the officers responded only indirectly.
    Next, about five minutes after the smoke break, Kubish
    read Lentz her Miranda rights and she signed the waiver form.
    Approximately forty-five minutes after receiving the Miranda
    warnings, Lentz stated, “You know, I’m probably never going
    to be able to see my daughter again.” 
    Id. ¶ 35
    . “Kubish and
    Wayda both immediately responded, ‘that’s not true.’” 
    This is then the point where Lentz first stated that her father
    had come at her with a gun and she had pushed him away
    and that he had shot himself as he fell. “Between the time that
    the defendant received the Miranda warnings and the time she
    expressed concern about seeing Taylor as she was preparing
    to tell the police how her father was shot, the defendant did
    not indicate that she was concerned about Taylor in any way
    or wished to see her.” 
    Id. ¶ 35
    The questioning continued, with Kubish and Wayda “re-
    peatedly suggest[ing] that the defendant, who was small in
    stature, had help from others, possibly her brother or Minaus-
    kas, in handling her father’s body and disposing of the truck
    near Kenosha.” 
    Id. ¶ 36
    . As the officers “continued to press
    the defendant hard on this point, urging her to tell them the
    full story and be truthful,” Lentz then asked Kubish what
    would happen with her daughter. 
     Kubish responded “that
    they would take care of her daughter and do the right thing,
    but that he could not tell her what was going to happen with
    No. 18-2659                                                  21
    Taylor long-term until she told him what happened with her
     “After that, Kubish and Wayda referred to the de-
    fendant’s concern for Taylor more often—a total of eight more
    times—in urging the defendant to give them a full and truth-
    ful account.” 
     “Although the defendant appeared increas-
    ingly tired and stressed during the remaining questioning, at
    no point did she change her account of any of the significant
    details of the story that she had told the officers.” 
    Therefore, the appellate court concluded that “[t]his rec-
    ord does not support the defendant’s argument that her state-
    ment was the product of police coercion relating to whether
    she could see Taylor or take her home.” 
    Id. ¶ 37
    . To the con-
    trary, when Lentz commented about Taylor having to go to
    bed soon, “the police reassured the defendant that Taylor was
    being cared for.” 
     And when Lentz expressed fear that she
    would never see Taylor again—immediately before making
    her first inculpatory statement—“the officers unanimously
    told her that was not true.” 
     “Thus, there was no coercive
    use of Taylor’s presence or the defendant’s concern for her
    prior to her confession that she was involved in her father’s
    shooting and attempted to cover up his death.” 
    Finally, the appellate court made it a point that it “do[es]
    not condone the officers’ later statements that they could not
    tell the defendant what would happen to Taylor until the de-
    fendant had provided a full and truthful statement, the de-
    fendant has not identified any manner in which those state-
    ments caused her to change her story or provide any substan-
    tial new information.” 
     Thus, the court found that Lentz’s
    statements were voluntarily and freely given.
    22                                                   No. 18-2659
    The Illinois Appellate Court affirmed the judgment of the
    state trial court. 
    Id. ¶ 48
    . The Illinois Supreme Court denied
    Lentz’s petition for leave to appeal.
    C. State Court Postconviction Proceedings
    Following her direct appeal, Lentz filed a petition for relief
    pursuant to the Post–Conviction Hearing Act (Act), 725 ILCS
    5/122–1. See Lentz II, 
    2015 IL App (2d) 140888-U
    , ¶ 2. The trial
    court granted the state’s motion to dismiss the petition with-
    out an evidentiary hearing, and Lentz appealed. In her state
    court postconviction appeal, she argued that the trial court
    improperly dismissed her petition because she made a sub-
    stantial showing that she was deprived of her right to effec-
    tive assistance of trial counsel. The appellate court affirmed
    the dismissal. 
    Id. ¶ 65
    The issues raised in her state postconviction proceed-
    ings—ineffective assistance of counsel—are not at issue in this
    habeas appeal and we say no more about them.
    D. Federal Habeas Proceedings
    Having exhausted her state court remedies, Lentz then
    turned to federal court and filed a petition for writ of habeas
    corpus pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 2254
    . In her petition, Lentz
    raised two claims: (1) the introduction of her videotaped
    statement at trial violated her Fifth and Fourteenth Amend-
    ment rights; and (2) her trial attorney was ineffective.
    On the first issue, the district court found that the Illinois
    Appellate Court’s decision that she was not in custody during
    the pre-Miranda portion of the questioning was reasonable
    and that “state court thoroughly applied the general, multi-
    factor Miranda custody test to Lentz’s case. At the very least,
    its decision was reasonable.” The district court also concluded
    No. 18-2659                                                          23
    that the appellate court reasonably applied federal law when
    it determined that her statement was voluntary. On the inef-
    fective assistance of trial counsel claim, the district court also
    found that the state court reasonably applied Strickland and
    that it did not make any unreasonable determination of the
    The district court denied a certificate of appealability.
    Lentz filed a notice of appeal and a request for a certificate of
    appealability, which we granted only with respect to her
    claim that “the admission of her videotaped statement into
    evidence might have violated her constitutional rights under
    the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments.”
    II. Discussion
    Lentz presents two issues on appeal, both concerning her
    videotaped statements. First, Lentz argues that she was in
    custody prior to her Miranda warning and therefore should
    have been read her rights before any questioning. And sec-
    ond, she asserts that her statements were not made voluntar-
    ily. With respect to both arguments, Lentz contends that the
    state court erred because its decision was contrary to clearly
    established federal law. 2
    We review the district court’s decision de novo, but our
    habeas review is otherwise significantly limited. Schmidt v.
    911 F.3d 469
    , 476 (7th Cir. 2018) (en banc). Under the
    Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, a fed-
    eral court may grant habeas relief only if a state court adjudi-
    cation on the merits (1) “was contrary to, or involved an
    2  Though Lentz also asserts the state court unreasonably determined
    facts in her statement of the issues and argument headings, she does not
    identify any specific factual determinations that were erroneous.
    24                                                    No. 18-2659
    unreasonable application of, clearly established Federal law,
    as determined by the Supreme Court of the United States;” or
    (2) “was based on an unreasonable determination of the facts
    in light of the evidence presented in the State court proceed-
    28 U.S.C. § 2254
    (d)(1), (2). An unreasonable application
    of clearly established federal law must be “objectively unrea-
    sonable.” White v. Woodall, 
    572 U.S. 415
    , 419 (2014). We accord
    great deference to the state courts’ determinations. Dassey v.
    877 F.3d 297
    , 301 (7th Cir. 2017) (en banc).
    “[W]hen the last state court to decide a prisoner’s federal
    claim explains its decision on the merits in a reasoned opin-
    ion,” this presents a “straightforward inquiry” for the federal
    habeas court. Wilson v. Sellers, 
    138 S. Ct. 1188
    , 1192 (2018). The
    Illinois Appellate Court was the last reasoned decision on the
    merits, and thus we focus on that decision and “simply re-
    view[] the specific reasons given by the state court and defer[]
    to those reasons if they are reasonable.” 
     We do not ask
    whether we agree with the state court decision, or even
    whether the state court decision was correct. Dassey, 877 F.3d
    at 302. The sole question for the federal courts is “whether the
    decision was unreasonably wrong under an objective stand-
    ard.” Id. Even if the petitioner presents “a strong case for re-
    lief,” the state prisoner is entitled to federal habeas relief only
    if “the state court’s ruling on the claim being presented in fed-
    eral court was so lacking in justification that there was an er-
    ror well understood and comprehended in existing law be-
    yond any possibility for fairminded disagreement.” Harring-
    ton v. Richter, 
    562 U.S. 86
    , 102–03 (2011). This standard is
    meant to be difficult to meet and is reserved for the “rare”
    case. Dassey, 877 F.3d at 302.
    No. 18-2659                                                  25
    In our narrow review, we conclude that the Illinois Appel-
    late Court did not unreasonably apply established United
    States Supreme Court precedent and did not make any unrea-
    sonable determination of the facts.
    A. Custodial Interrogation
    The Fifth Amendment, which applies to the states through
    the Fourteenth Amendment, Malloy v. Hogan, 
    378 U.S. 1
    , 6
    (1964), provides that “[n]o person … shall be compelled in
    any criminal case to be a witness against himself.” U.S. Const.
    amend. V. To protect a suspect’s Fifth Amendment right from
    the “inherently compelling pressures” of being questioned
    while in custody, the Supreme Court in Miranda held that “the
    prosecution may not use statements, whether exculpatory or
    inculpatory, stemming from custodial interrogation of the de-
    fendant unless it demonstrates the use of procedural safe-
    guards effective to secure the privilege against self-incrimina-
    tion.” Miranda v. Arizona, 
    384 U.S. 436
    , 444 (1966). Those safe-
    guards include a warning, prior to questioning, that the sus-
    pect has a right to remain silent and a right to the presence of
    an attorney. 
     Importantly, by “custodial interrogation” the
    Court meant “questioning initiated by law enforcement offic-
    ers after a person has been taken into custody or otherwise
    deprived of his freedom of action in any significant way.” 
    In Miranda caselaw, “custody” is a “term of art that specifies
    circumstances that are thought generally to present a serious
    danger of coercion.” Howes v. Fields, 
    565 U.S. 499
    , 508–09
    The most basic question of the “in custody” determination
    is whether given the “objective circumstances of the interro-
    gation,” Stansbury v. California, 
    511 U.S. 318
    , 322–23 (1994)
    (per curiam), a “reasonable person [would] have felt he or she
    26                                                  No. 18-2659
    was not at liberty to terminate the interrogation and leave,”
    Thompson v. Keohane, 
    516 U.S. 99
    , 112 (1995). The relevant fac-
    tors include “the location of the questioning, its duration,
    statements made during the interview, the presence or ab-
    sence of physical restraints during the questioning, and the
    release of the interviewee at the end of the questioning.”
    565 U.S. at 509
     (citations omitted). The freedom-of-
    movement inquiry, however, is not the end-all be-all. “Not all
    restraints on freedom of movement amount to custody for
    purposes of Miranda.” 
     Instead, the focus is “whether the
    relevant environment presents the same inherently coercive
    pressures as the type of station house questioning at issue in
     If a defendant is in custody but is not warned of
    his constitutional rights, “no evidence obtained as a result of
    interrogation can be used against him.” Miranda, 
    384 U.S. at 479
    Furthermore, under § 2254(d)(1) habeas review, “the
    range of reasonable judgment can depend in part on the na-
    ture of the relevant rule.” Yarborough v. Alvarado, 
    541 U.S. 652
    664 (2004). “The more general the rule, the more leeway
    courts have in reaching outcomes in case-by-case determina-
     The Miranda “in custody” inquiry is a general
    standard, so its application to a specific case can “demand a
    substantial element of judgment.” 
    Lentz contends that “at the point that [she] and her daugh-
    ter were transported to the station, the objective circum-
    stances indicated she was under arrest and not free to termi-
    nate her encounter with police.” She focuses on the number
    of officers who arrived at Minauskas’s home (six) and who
    drove her and her daughter to the police station (four). At the
    station, the officers separated Lentz from her daughter and
    No. 18-2659                                                    27
    placed her in a “non-public room.” Two officers questioned
    her while a third officer videotaped the interview. She asserts
    that when she “asked permission to take Taylor home, the of-
    ficers avoided her request.” And while at the station she was
    “accompanied at all times,” including “by multiple officers
    when she went outside to smoke.” According to Lentz, a rea-
    sonable person would not have felt free to terminate the in-
    terview. These were all factors, though, that the appellate
    court expressly took into account and found that, on balance,
    did not make the interview custodial. That was not an unrea-
    sonable application of Miranda.
    She also alleges that the Illinois Appellate Court “com-
    pletely failed to take into account the fact that the officers did
    not allow [Lentz] to drive herself to the station; that the offic-
    ers did not allow her to make arrangements for her seven-
    year-old daughter’s care; and that when she arrived at the sta-
    tion she was separated from Minauskas and, more im-
    portantly, her daughter.” This characterization does not do
    justice to the court’s opinion. The appellate court discussed in
    detail all of the relevant facts surrounding the interview in its
    background discussion. See Carter v. Thompson, 
    690 F.3d 837
    843 (7th Cir. 2012) (finding state court did not fail to consider
    facts that were discussed elsewhere in opinion). Specifically,
    regarding the initial encounter at Minauskas’s house, the
    court noted:
    [Officer Anderson] asked the defendant to come to the
    police station with him so that they could talk to her
    there. The defendant said fine, but she would need to
    bring her daughter. Anderson agreed and offered the
    defendant a ride to the police station, saying that they
    would bring her back when they were done. The
    28                                                   No. 18-2659
    defendant did not display any hesitation in accompa-
    nying them to the police station.
    Lentz I, 
    2011 IL App (2d) 100448-U
    , ¶ 10. To say on habeas
    review that the state court failed to take into account certain
    facts that the court specifically acknowledged in its opinion
    strains credulity. We have no reason to doubt that the Illinois
    Appellate Court adequately considered all of the relevant
    facts and circumstances in its final custodial analysis, repeat-
    ing only those that it deemed necessary.
    Though Lentz may disagree with the state court’s weigh-
    ing of certain facts, the highly deferential habeas review does
    not permit a federal court to conduct its own independent in-
    quiry and reweigh factors as a de novo matter. “The issue is
    not whether federal judges agree with the state court decision
    or even whether the state court decision was correct.” Dassey,
    877 F.3d at 302. The “only question that matters under
    § 2254(d)(1)” is whether the state court’s decision is contrary
    to or involved an unreasonable application of clearly estab-
    lished federal law. Lockyer v. Andrade, 
    538 U.S. 63
    , 71 (2003). In
    this case, the Illinois Appellate Court’s opinion extensively re-
    viewed all of the circumstances surrounding the interrogation
    and weighed all of the proper “in custody” factors. Even if
    “certain facts weigh against a finding that [Lentz] was in cus-
    tody” and “[o]ther facts point in the opposite direction,” this
    does not make the appellate court’s decision an unreasonable
    application of federal law. Alvarado, 
    541 U.S. at
    664–65. Fair-
    minded jurists may well disagree over whether Lentz was in
    custody, but these differing indications lead us to hold that
    the state court’s application of the in-custody standard was
    not an unreasonable application of federal law. 
    Id. at 665
    . The
    custody test is general, and the Illinois Appellate Court’s
    No. 18-2659                                                   29
    application of federal law fits well-within the Supreme
    Court’s prior decisions. We cannot grant habeas relief on this
    B. Voluntariness of the Confession
    The Fourteenth Amendment’s guarantee of fundamental
    fairness forbids the admission of an involuntary confession
    into evidence in a criminal prosecution. Miller v. Fenton,
    474 U.S. 104
    , 109–10 (1985). The test for voluntariness asks, “Is
    the confession the product of an essentially free and uncon-
    strained choice by its maker?” Schneckloth v. Bustamonte,
    412 U.S. 218
    , 225 (1973). In making that determination, courts
    assess the “totality of all the surrounding circumstances—
    both the characteristics of the accused and the details of the
     One such relevant circumstance, significant
    here, is the “psychological impact on the accused.” 
    Id. at 226
    Voluntariness is a general standard, and as such applying it
    “can demand a substantial element of judgment.” Dassey,
    877 F.3d at 303 (quoting Alvarado, 
    541 U.S. at 664
    ). “The more
    general the rule, the more leeway courts have in reaching out-
    comes in case–by–case determinations.” 
     (quoting Alvarado,
    541 U.S. at 664
    ). We afford the Illinois Appellate Court’s vol-
    untariness conclusion such leeway here.
    Lentz maintains that the officers used her concern for her
    daughter as an interrogation tactic to coerce her confession,
    thus rendering it involuntary. The Illinois Appellate Court’s
    determination that her confession was voluntary, she argues,
    is contrary to Lynumn v. Illinois, 
    372 U.S. 528
     (1963). In
    Lynumn, the defendant confessed “only after the police had
    told her that state financial aid for her infant children would
    be cut off, and her children taken from her, if she did not ‘co-
    Id. at 534
    . The Court held that it was “clear” that
    30                                                   No. 18-2659
    these threats, delivered while the police officers encircled the
    defendant, produced an “impellingly coercive effect” that
    made the confession involuntary. 
     at 534–35.
    Recently, we addressed a similar habeas appeal, wherein
    the defendant alleged that her confession was involuntary be-
    cause the police made comments about keeping custody of
    her children. Janusiak v. Cooper, 
    937 F.3d 880
     (7th Cir. 2019).
    We noted “the fraught emotions that can arise when the po-
    lice talk to a suspect about her children,” and thus set out to
    review Supreme Court precedent and our circuit’s law re-
    garding the discussion of children during custodial interroga-
    Id. at 888
    . “Several lessons emerge from the Lynumn line
    of cases.” 
    Id. at 891
    . First, explicit threats to a suspect’s cus-
    tody of a young child are presumed to be coercive. 
    however, “police are not forbidden from talking about a sus-
    pect’s children.” 
     (emphasis added). And third, “any state-
    ments about a child’s custody should not be false; otherwise
    the suspect’s will may be overborne by lies that have nothing
    to do with the strength of the evidence.” 
     at 891–92.
    Turning to Lentz’s case, at the threshold the Illinois Ap-
    pellate Court’s ruling is not contrary to Lynumn. Unlike
    Lynumn, no officer here suggested that Lentz’s daughter
    would be “taken away” unless she confessed to the crime.
    Even under Lentz’s own characterization of the facts—that
    “the detectives refused [her] repeated attempts to make ar-
    rangements for the proper care of her daughter”—these tac-
    tics still are not similar to those employed in Lynumn because
    the officers did not condition the custody or care of the child
    on cooperation and did not make explicit coercive threats.
    Thus, the state court’s decision is not contrary to Lynumn
    No. 18-2659                                                  31
    because Lentz’s case is distinguishable on reasonable
    grounds. See Janusiak, 937 F.3d at 892.
    The appellate court’s decision was also not an unreasona-
    ble application of Lynumn to the officers’ comments about
    Lentz’s daughter. At the outset, before Lentz confessed, the
    court noted that when Lentz initially expressed that her
    daughter needed to go to bed the officers “reassured [Lentz]
    that Taylor was being cared for” and that both officers imme-
    diately told Lentz it was “not true” when she lamented she
    would never see her daughter again. Lentz I, 
    2011 IL App (2d) 100448-U
    , ¶ 37. The state court’s finding that these pre-con-
    fession comments were not coercive is consistent with the
    Lynumn line of cases.
    After Lentz first confessed, though, she again asked what
    would happen to her daughter and Kubish told Lentz “that
    they would take care of her daughter and do the right thing,
    but that he could not tell her what was going to happen with
    Taylor long-term until she told him what happened with her
    father.” Lentz I, 
    2011 IL App (2d) 100448-U
    , ¶ 36. Specifically,
    Kubish stated, in part: “I can’t tell you what’s going to happen
    with your daughter until you tell me what happened with
    your dad.” We find this statement troubling. It straddles the
    line of impermissibly conditioning the care or well-being of
    the suspect’s child on the suspect confessing. Importantly,
    however, Lentz confessed before the officer made this prob-
    lematic comment and, moreover, Lentz did not “change her
    story or provide any substantial new information” after-
    Id. ¶ 37
    . Given this, whatever pressure the officer’s
    statement may have placed on Lentz, we cannot say that the
    Illinois Appellate Court’s determination that it did not have a
    compellingly coercive effect was an unreasonable application
    32                                                  No. 18-2659
    of federal law. That said, we agree with the appellate court,
    and stress, that “we do not condone the officers’ later state-
    ments that they could not tell the defendant what would hap-
    pen to Taylor until the defendant had provided a full and
    truthful statement.” 
    Following that disconcerting statement above, the officers
    referred to Lentz’s concern for her daughter “more often—a
    total of eight more times.” 
    Id. ¶ 36
    . The state court carefully
    reviewed and evaluated all of those comments in its opinion
    but found that none of these references were coercive in na-
    ture. Though Lentz attempts to frame some of the comments
    as “expressly condition[ing] Taylor’s wellbeing” on Lentz
    telling the officers what they wanted to hear, that is not a fair
    reading of those statements. The officers pleaded with Lentz
    to tell them the truth and told Lentz to “think about” her
    daughter. The police are not forbidden from talking about a
    suspect’s child and the officers’ generalized statements here
    fall squarely within bounds of permissible familial commen-
    tary: “When the suspect raises the matter, a police officer can
    avoid a later accusation of impermissible exploitation by
    avoiding the question with a truthful statement (e.g., ‘I don’t
    know what will happen to your kids’).” Janusiak, 937 F.3d
    at 891.
    We think that a review of the videotaped interrogation
    readily demonstrates that the officers did not leverage Lentz’s
    daughter to compel her confession. But we need not even go
    that far. “When reviewing state-court decisions, the deferen-
    tial standard of § 2254(d) requires federal courts to deny relief
    where reasonable jurists might disagree about police behavior
    involving statements about close family members.” Janusiak,
    937 F.3d at 890. At the very least, it is enough that fairminded
    No. 18-2659                                                  33
    judges could reach the Illinois Appellate Court’s conclusion
    that Lentz’s confession was voluntary. We must therefore de-
    fer to that decision and deny habeas relief.
    III. Conclusion
    Lentz confessed to shooting her father over the course of a
    five-and-a-half-hour interrogation. She maintains that any
    statements she made before she received her Miranda warn-
    ings should have been suppressed and that her confession
    was involuntary because the officers used her daughter’s
    well-being to coerce the confession. The Illinois Appellate
    Court considered all of the circumstances surrounding
    Lentz’s confession and reviewed the videotaped interroga-
    tion, and determined that Lentz was not in custody during the
    pre-Miranda portion of the interview and that her confession
    was voluntary despite any references that the police officers
    made about her daughter. Our habeas review is narrow and
    because the state court’s decision did not involve an unrea-
    sonable application of clearly established federal law, the dis-
    trict court’s judgment denying Lentz’s petition for a writ of
    habeas corpus is