United States v. Uzorma Ihediwa ( 2023 )

  •                                In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 22-2247
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Eastern District of Wisconsin.
    No. 2:20-CR-00116 — J. P. Stadtmueller, Judge.
    ARGUED APRIL 4, 2023 — DECIDED MAY 4, 2023
    Before EASTERBROOK, WOOD, and HAMILTON, Circuit
    WOOD, Circuit Judge. After a local high school student died
    from a fentanyl overdose, the police in Kenosha, Wisconsin,
    opened an investigation to track down the source of the fatal
    drugs. That investigation led them to Uzorma Ihediwa, who
    had sold Percocet pills to the student’s neighbor. Police soon
    discovered that Ihediwa’s pills were not authentic Percocet;
    2                                                   No. 22-2247
    they were counterfeits that contained a mixture of drugs, in-
    cluding fentanyl.
    Ihediwa pleaded guilty to one count of distributing fenta-
    nyl in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    (a)(1). The only contested is-
    sue at sentencing was whether Ihediwa knew that the pills
    contained fentanyl. If so, then his offense level under the U.S.
    Sentencing Guidelines would go up four notches. See U.S.S.G.
    § 2D1.1(b)(13). Ihediwa insists that he had no idea that the
    pills were counterfeit, much less that they contained fentanyl.
    The government, on the other hand, argues that Ihediwa
    knew that the pills were fentanyl-laced knock-offs. The dis-
    trict court sided with the government. Ihediwa has now ap-
    pealed, complaining only about his sentence. Because the dis-
    trict court emphasized that its ultimate sentencing decision
    was not affected by the Guidelines dispute, any error in its
    interpretation of the Guidelines was harmless. We therefore
    Fentanyl is a highly potent drug, and so when the high
    school student died of an overdose, the police lost no time in
    attempting to track down the source. They learned that the
    student’s neighbor, Edward Shingara, had given her the pills
    that caused her death. Shingara told police that Ihediwa was
    his supplier of “Percocet” pills. Another neighbor, Anthony
    Martin, informed police that he too had purchased “Percocet”
    pills from Ihediwa. For the next step in the investigation, the
    police conducted several controlled purchases of pills from
    Ihediwa. They found over 2,000 pills at his residence. But the
    recovered pills were not authentic Percocet; they tested posi-
    tive for a mixture of drugs, including fentanyl.
    No. 22-2247                                                    3
    Ihediwa pleaded guilty to one count of distribution of fen-
    tanyl, but he challenged the government’s recommendation
    that the district court apply a four-level enhancement under
    U.S.S.G. § 2D1.1(b)(13). That enhancement applies “[i]f the de-
    fendant knowingly misrepresented or knowingly marketed
    as another substance a mixture or substance containing fenta-
    nyl.” Ihediwa urged that he did not manufacture the pills
    himself, did not know that they were counterfeit, and did not
    know that they contained fentanyl.
    The government had no smoking-gun proof that Ihediwa
    knew the pills contained fentanyl. It relied instead on circum-
    stantial evidence. First, the government argued that Ihediwa
    must have known that the pills were fake because they were
    brittle, chalky, and easily breakable. It also asserted that Ihe-
    diwa was selling the pills for significantly less than the esti-
    mated street value of authentic Percocet. But even if these
    facts demonstrate knowledge that the pills were not real
    Percocet, they fall short of showing that the pills contained
    fentanyl, as opposed to other substances, let alone that Ihe-
    diwa knew their exact composition.
    To fill in that last blank, the government relied heavily on
    three text messages Ihediwa received from Bobby Felicelli,
    who the government claimed was Ihediwa’s longtime friend
    and customer. In the texts, Felicelli said that he had sold some-
    one 15 pills, and that the buyer had overdosed because the
    pills were not authentic Percocet; instead, they were
    “straight” fentanyl. He then asked Ihediwa to call him. The
    government argued that Felicelli bought the pills at issue
    from Ihediwa, and therefore Ihediwa knew (at least after re-
    ceiving the texts) that the pills contained fentanyl. The gov-
    ernment also pointed to a recorded phone call between
    4                                                  No. 22-2247
    Ihediwa and Martin, in which they discussed the high school
    student’s then-recent death. Ihediwa said that he “saw that
    shit in the paper” and “ain’t trippin’ about it.” But Ihediwa
    and Martin did not mention fentanyl in the conversation, and
    the news that the student had overdosed on fentanyl specifi-
    cally was not yet public. The government nevertheless argued
    that Ihediwa’s response reveals that he was aware of the dan-
    gerousness of his pills. Even if this is a reasonable inference,
    however, fentanyl is not the only substance that can make
    pills dangerous.
    The district court held that the enhancement applied. It
    first explained that the word “knowingly” in the Guideline
    could include deliberately avoiding knowledge of an inculpa-
    tory fact. “[W]hat’s driving this case along,” the court ex-
    plained, “[is] what is expected in terms of a reasonable person
    confronted under similar circumstances with this whole no-
    tion of knowingly … . [W]e can’t go forward with what might
    reasonably be described as the ostrich with the head in the
    sand approach.” The court then found that there were “mul-
    tiple red flags” and “an abundance of notice and from multi-
    ple vantage points” that would have put a reasonable person
    “on notice that not all was well.” The court then jumped to the
    conclusion that Ihediwa was deliberately avoiding awareness
    of the fentanyl and that this behavior satisfied the knowledge
    requirement of the enhancement.
    The enhancement increased Ihediwa’s Guidelines-recom-
    mended range from 51–63 months to 78–97 months. But the
    court ultimately sentenced Ihediwa to 40 months’ imprison-
    ment—a surprisingly low sentence that was below even the
    one the Guidelines would have recommended without the
    disputed enhancement. Ihediwa appeals, arguing that the
    No. 22-2247                                                   5
    district court committed procedural error by misstating and
    then misapplying the legal standard for knowledge.
    To determine whether a Guidelines enhancement was cor-
    rectly imposed, we review the district court’s legal conclu-
    sions de novo and its factual findings for clear error. United
    States v. Major, 
    33 F.4th 370
    , 378 (7th Cir. 2022).
    The Guidelines do not specifically define “knowledge” or
    “knowingly,” and so we assume that these terms have their
    “usual meaning.” United States v. Bader, 
    956 F.2d 708
    , 710 (7th
    Cir. 1992). “For purposes of criminal liability, deliberately
    avoiding knowledge of a criminal activity is the same thing as
    having actual knowledge of that activity.” United States v. Car-
    435 F.3d 767
    , 780 (7th Cir. 2006). This standard is a de-
    manding one; negligence or recklessness will not suffice.
    United States v. Tantchev, 
    916 F.3d 645
    , 653 (7th Cir. 2019).
    The district court made numerous references to “a reason-
    able person” and “notice” throughout its analysis of whether
    the enhancement applied to Ihediwa. This raises the question
    whether the court appreciated the critical distinction between
    deliberate avoidance and mere recklessness or negligence.
    But we need not decide whether the court correctly held that
    Ihediwa had actual or constructive knowledge that his pills
    contained fentanyl. The court made clear that the contested
    enhancement did not factor into its ultimate sentencing deci-
    sion. Therefore, any error was harmless.
    “[W]e have often encouraged district judges facing a
    tricky guideline issue to ask themselves whether the answer
    actually makes a difference to them.” United States v. White,
    883 F.3d 983
    , 987 (7th Cir. 2018). This does not mean that a
    6                                                  No. 22-2247
    district court can inoculate every Guidelines miscalculation
    with a boilerplate disclaimer that its final decision would be
    the same regardless of any error. But when the district court
    credibly and thoroughly “explains that a disputed guidelines
    issue ultimately did not matter for the exercise of sentencing
    discretion under [18 U.S.C.] § 3553(a), we will treat an argua-
    ble error in the guideline calculation as harmless.” Id.; accord
    United States v. Abbas, 
    560 F.3d 660
    , 667 (7th Cir. 2009) (hold-
    ing that a Guidelines error was harmless because the district
    court provided “a detailed explanation of the basis for the
    [chosen sentence]” as opposed to “just a conclusory comment
    tossed in for good measure”).
    Here, the district court said several times that “the record
    should be crystal clear that the sentence imposed by the Court
    would be the same irrespective of whether either guidelines
    construct applied, and that is underscored by the serious na-
    ture of the conduct here.” This was not a rote disclaimer. The
    court provided an adequate explanation of why its sentencing
    decision was unaffected by the disputed “knowledge” en-
    hancement. Throughout the sentencing hearing, the court
    made clear that it disapproved of Ihediwa’s reckless conduct,
    regardless of whether his actions met the demanding “delib-
    erate avoidance” standard needed to constitute knowledge.
    In its view,
    Mr. Ihediwa was on very, very, very troubled
    waters with his continued distribution of this
    substance marketed as Percocet because there
    are multiple red flags here … . [T]here’s appro-
    priate notice, and there’s an abundance of notice
    from multiple vantage points, whether it’s the
    structure of the substance, whether it’s the
    No. 22-2247                                                     7
    price, whether it’s fragility of the pills, et cetera,
    et cetera. … Whether [the text messages] are
    true or fiction, they put [Ihediwa] on notice that
    all was not well. That’s what this is all about.
    In short, the court determined that the “salient fact” was that
    Ihediwa was “on notice” about the dangerousness of the pills
    and nevertheless continued to distribute them. The court also
    explained that it gave weight to the mitigating factors pre-
    sented by the defense, including Ihediwa’s academic achieve-
    ments during the pendency of the case.
    These considerations were entirely appropriate. See 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (a)(1) (“the nature and circumstances of the of-
    fense and the history and characteristics of the defendant”);
    § 3553(a)(2)(A) (“the need for the sentence imposed … to re-
    flect the seriousness of the offense”). Although the Guidelines
    enhancement at issue required the district court to thread the
    needle between recklessness and knowledge, the court was
    within its authority to decline to attach punitive significance
    to that distinction. Courts are “entitled to adopt their own
    sentencing philosophy based in the considerations of section
    3553(a), and so they are not compelled to accept the advice
    that the guidelines offer.” United States v. Bravo, 
    26 F.4th 387
    396 (7th Cir. 2022).
    The fact that the district court’s choice of sentence was not
    affected by the Guidelines dispute is further supported by the
    sentence itself: only 40 months’ imprisonment. This sentence
    was well below the Guidelines-recommended range, whether
    with the enhancement (78–97 months) or without it (51–63
    8                                                 No. 22-2247
    Because the district court selected a sentence for Ihediwa
    based on reasons independent of the disputed enhancement,
    and it supported its choice using the section 3553(a) factors,
    any error in its application of U.S.S.G. § 2D1.1(b)(13) was
    Because the alleged procedural error was harmless and
    Ihediwa does not challenge the substantive reasonableness of
    his sentence, we AFFIRM the judgment of the district court.