Dana Harrison v. Brodie Faughn ( 2022 )

  •                  United States Court of Appeals
    For the Eighth Circuit
    No. 21-1685
    Stephanie Sturgeon; Whitney Tracey, originally named as Whitney Tracy;
    Christina Duncan; Leslie Lawson Thomas
    Dana Harrison; James O'Hara; Shane Willard
    lllllllllllllllllllllPlaintiffs - Appellees
    Brad Caubble
    Christa Hess
    lllllllllllllllllllllPlaintiff - Appellee
    Jessica Lemons
    Alvin Miller
    lllllllllllllllllllllPlaintiff - Appellee
    Brodie Faughn; Brittany Eskridge, originally named as Brittany Dickerson; Robert
    Stacy, Mayor of the City of Wynne, Arkansas; Jeff Sanders, Chief of Police of the
    City of Wynne, Arkansas; Billy Fowler, City Council Member; Charles Hamrick,
    City Council Member
    lllllllllllllllllllllDefendants - Appellants
    Herbert Todd, City Council Member
    Glen Hirons, City Council Member; Buck Morris, City Council Member; Donald
    Jones, City Council Member
    lllllllllllllllllllllDefendants - Appellants
    Freddie Smith, City Council Member
    Kenneth Lofton, City Council Member; Mike Hamrick, City Council Member;
    Jason Nichols, City Council Member; City of Wynne
    lllllllllllllllllllllDefendants - Appellants
    Appeal from United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Arkansas - Northern
    Submitted: January 13, 2022
    Filed: June 10, 2022
    Before SMITH, Chief Judge, WOLLMAN and ERICKSON, Circuit Judges.
    WOLLMAN, Circuit Judge.
    James O’Hara and Christa Hess, among others, filed suit against Wynne,
    Arkansas, patrolman Brodie Faughn in his individual capacity. The plaintiffs pleaded
    claims under 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    , alleging that Faughn had violated their constitutional
    right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. The plaintiffs also sued the
    Wynne police chief, Jeff Sanders, and the mayor, Robert Stacy, in their individual
    capacities, for failing to supervise Faughn.
    The defendants moved for summary judgment based on qualified immunity.
    The district court1 denied the motion, in relevant part. We reverse.
    I. Background
    O’Hara worked as a police officer in Cherry Valley, Arkansas. He was driving
    home at approximately 1:25 a.m. on June 2, 2017, when Faughn initiated a traffic
    stop. Faughn acknowledged that O’Hara was a police officer and thereafter went to
    his patrol car to search O’Hara’s name in a law enforcement database. Faughn
    returned and instructed O’Hara to fix his license plate tag lights, but did not issue a
    citation and drove away. Immediately thereafter, O’Hara exited his vehicle and
    photographed his license plate. The photograph shows that although both of the tag
    lights were working, they failed to illuminate O’Hara’s license plate.
    Faughn later contacted O’Hara’s supervisor, reporting that O’Hara had been
    confrontational and that he appeared to be under the influence of substances during
    the stop. In light of this report, the supervisor asked O’Hara to submit to a drug test.
    O’Hara refused to do so and was terminated.
    The case was referred by consent of the parties for final disposition by a
    United States Magistrate Judge for the Eastern District of Arkansas. See 
    28 U.S.C. § 636
    Hess first encountered Faughn when he arrived at her workplace to deliver
    papers to her employer. According to another person present, Faughn could not
    “peel[] his eyeballs off of” Hess. Faughn initiated a chat with Hess on social media
    a few days later, saying that she was “looking good” when he stopped by her office.
    According to Hess, Faughn thereafter began parking near her home and following her
    into stores and gas stations.
    Hess saw Faughn on August 3, 2018, as she was picking up pizza to bring to
    a party for her son later that afternoon. Faughn followed her out of the restaurant.
    Wynne officer Aaron Mears stopped Hess’s vehicle sometime thereafter, allegedly
    because her brake lights were out. Hess had had her brake lights fixed the day before,
    however, after receiving a warning to have them repaired. As Hess looked for her
    license and registration, Mears saw several prescription medication bottles in her
    purse and decided to investigate whether she was intoxicated. According to Mears,
    Hess showed signs of intoxication and he pointed a beam of light at her eyes to
    determine if they would dilate properly.
    Mears then called Faughn, who holds advanced certification in roadside
    impairment testing and who arrived at the scene approximately twelve minutes into
    the stop. Mears and Faughn each performed several field-sobriety tests on Hess. The
    two officers discussed the result of the tests: Mears stated that Hess’s “eyes were all
    over the place,” and that while her performance was “fairly decent,” she still showed
    indicators of intoxication. Faughn had little to say about Hess’s performance. Mears
    decided to place Hess under arrest for suspicion of driving while intoxicated by
    drugs. She was charged with driving under the influence of drugs and possessing
    improper lights, but was found not guilty of both offenses.
    The Wynne Police Department had received at least ten complaints against
    Faughn between September 21, 2016, and January 15, 2018. Officers reviewed the
    body camera footage from every complaint to determine whether the recordings
    supported the allegations and interviewed witnesses when footage was unavailable.
    The reviewing officer verbally reported the results of their investigations to Chief
    Sanders, including him in the review process when necessary. According to Sanders,
    the complaints against Faughn were determined to be unfounded, although there is
    no documentation of this process or determination.
    As relevant here, eleven plaintiffs filed an amended complaint against Faughn,
    Stacy, Sanders, other members of the Wynne Police Department and City Council,
    and the City of Wynne. Following various voluntary dismissals of claims and parties,
    Faughn, Stacy, and Sanders, along with other defendants not party to the appeal, filed
    a motion for summary judgment on the basis of qualified immunity as to the claims
    of six of the plaintiffs. The district court granted qualified immunity to the
    defendants as to the claims of one plaintiff and denied it as to the remaining five
    plaintiffs’ claims. The defendants appeal the denial of summary judgment as to
    O’Hara’s and Hess’s claims against Faughn, and as to all remaining plaintiffs’ claims
    against Stacy and Sanders.
    II. Discussion
    The defendants are entitled to qualified immunity unless their actions violated
    a constitutional right that was clearly established at the time of the alleged violation.
    See Atkinson v. City of Mountain View, 
    709 F.3d 1201
    , 1211 (8th Cir. 2013). We
    review the district court’s denial of summary judgment de novo. See 
    id. at 1207
    Summary judgment is appropriate when there is “no genuine dispute as to any
    material fact and the movant is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.” Fed. R. Civ.
    P. 56(a). “The non-moving party receives the benefit of all reasonable inferences
    supported by the evidence, but has ‘the obligation to come forward with specific facts
    showing that there is a genuine issue for trial.’” Atkinson, 709 F.3d at 1207 (quoting
    Dahl v. Rice Cnty., 
    621 F.3d 740
    , 743 (8th Cir. 2010)).
    A. Claims against Faughn
    O’Hara alleges that Faughn violated his constitutional rights by stopping him
    without reasonable suspicion that O’Hara had committed a crime, intending instead
    only to hassle and harass him because he was a Cherry Valley police officer. See
    Garcia v. City of New Hope, 
    984 F.3d 655
    , 663 (8th Cir. 2021) (“Because a traffic
    stop is a seizure under the Fourth Amendment, it ‘must be supported by reasonable
    suspicion or probable cause.’” (quoting United States v. Hollins, 
    685 F.3d 703
    705–06 (8th Cir. 2012)). “Reasonable suspicion is a lower threshold than probable
    cause,” requiring “at least some minimal level of objective justification”—something
    more than unparticularized suspicion or a hunch—for the belief that a suspect has
    committed a crime. Waters v. Madson, 
    921 F.3d 725
    , 736 (8th Cir. 2019) (internal
    citations and quotation marks omitted) (cleaned up). An officer is entitled to
    qualified immunity if “a reasonable officer in the same position could have believed
    she had reasonable suspicion.” 
    Faughn asserts that he had reasonable suspicion to stop O’Hara because
    O’Hara’s tag lights did not properly illuminate his license plate, as required by
    Arkansas law. See 
    Ark. Code Ann. § 27-36-215
    (c)(1)(A) (“Either a tail lamp or a
    separate lamp shall be so constructed and placed as to illuminate with a white light
    the rear registration plate and render it clearly legible for a distance of fifty feet (50')
    to the rear.”). O’Hara submitted only the photograph of his license plate and tag
    lights as evidence to support his claim that Faughn lacked reasonable suspicion for
    the stop. The photograph shows that the tag lights were functioning, but dim, and it
    further shows that the license plate numbers were obscured by darkness. Without any
    testimony, photographs, or other evidence to show that his rear registration plate was
    visible on that night, there is no genuine dispute of material fact that Faughn had
    reasonable suspicion to stop O’Hara for a traffic infraction. Faughn is thus entitled
    to qualified immunity on O’Hara’s claim.2
    Hess argues that Faughn violated her constitutional rights by conspiring with
    Officer Mears to stop and arrest her without probable cause as a pretext to continue
    a pattern of harassment against her. “Government officials are personally liable only
    for their own misconduct.” S.M. v. Krigbaum, 
    808 F.3d 335
    , 340 (8th Cir. 2015).
    To determine whether Faughn is liable for any alleged constitutional violation, we
    must thus perform “an individualized analysis” of his conduct as it relates to the stop.
     (quoting Walton v. Dawson, 
    752 F.3d 1109
    , 1125 (8th Cir. 2014)).
    Hess has not set forth evidence showing Faughn to be responsible for the
    alleged Fourth Amendment violations that occurred when Mears stopped her in
    August 2018. Hess saw Faughn at a restaurant at some point before the stop. But
    there is no evidence in the record that Faughn asked Mears to initiate the stop or that
    Mears and Faughn communicated with one another before Mears pulled Hess’s
    vehicle over. Faughn’s twelve-minute-later involvement in the stop resulted from his
    response to Mears’s call for assistance in performing additional field sobriety test on
    Hess. Further, it is clear from the body camera footage that Mears, not Faughn, made
    the decision to place Hess under arrest. Hess’s allegations about Faughn’s
    inappropriate behavior towards her on other occasions do not support her claim that
    Faughn, rather than Mears, caused her to be stopped or arrested in August 2018. We
    O’Hara’s complaint seems to raise a separate claim that Faughn deprived him
    of the wages from his Cherry Valley police job without due process by calling
    O’Hara’s supervisor, who later terminated him. O’Hara did not meaningfully pursue
    this claim in the district court or on appeal, however, and so we do not consider it.
    thus reverse the district court’s denial of summary judgment to Faughn based on
    Hess’s claims.3
    B. Claims against Sanders and Stacy
    The plaintiffs allege that Chief Sanders and Mayor Stacy are liable for
    Faughn’s alleged unconstitutional acts because they had received notice of his
    behavior and failed to stop it. A supervising officer may be liable for the actions of
    his subordinates when “he (1) had ‘notice of a pattern of unconstitutional acts
    committed by subordinates’; (2) was deliberately indifferent to or tacitly authorized
    those acts; and (3) failed to take ‘sufficient remedial action’; (4) proximately causing
    injury to” the plaintiffs. Livers v. Schenck, 
    700 F.3d 340
    , 355 (8th Cir. 2012)
    (quoting Andrews v. Fowler, 
    98 F.3d 1069
    , 1078 (8th Cir. 1996)).
    Assuming that Sanders and Stacy knew of the complaints against Faughn, we
    nonetheless conclude that the plaintiffs have failed to present evidence that either
    official was deliberately indifferent to them. “[D]eliberate indifference is a subjective
    standard that ‘entails a level of culpability equal to the criminal law definition of
    recklessness.’” S.M., 808 F.3d at 341 (quoting B.A.B., Jr. v. Bd. of Educ. of St.
    698 F.3d 1037
    , 1040 (8th Cir. 2012)). The failure to train or supervise the
    officer must “reflect[] a deliberate or conscious choice.” B.A.B., Jr., 698 F.3d at 1040
    (internal quotation marks and citation omitted). “To be deliberately indifferent, an
    ‘official must both be aware of facts from which the inference could be drawn that a
    substantial risk of [unconstitutional] harm exists, and he must also draw the
    inference.’” S.M., 808 F.3d at 341 (quoting Farmer v. Brennan, 
    511 U.S. 825
    , 837
    (1994)) (alteration in original).
    Hess submitted an affidavit stating that Faughn had patted her on the buttocks
    during the stop. The complaint did not include this allegation, however, nor did Hess
    plead any claim based on unconstitutional sexual contact.
    Sanders understood that a subordinate officer investigated all complaints by
    watching body camera footage or by interviewing witnesses if footage was
    unavailable. He received verbal reports of the investigations, and disciplinary action
    was taken when the complaint was supported by the footage or interviews. He
    believed, based on the investigations, that the complaints against Faughn were
    unfounded. There is no evidence in the record that would show that Sanders
    subjectively believed that Faughn nonetheless posed a substantial risk of
    unconstitutional harm to others. Similarly, no evidence suggests that Mayor Stacy
    deliberately disregarded a risk posed by Faughn. He viewed body camera footage
    relating to at least one complaint against Faughn, but he otherwise referred
    complaints to Sanders rather than investigating them himself. Because no evidence
    in the record supports a finding that either Sanders or Stacy subjectively knew of and
    deliberately disregarded a substantial risk of unconstitutional harms posed by Faughn,
    we reverse the district court’s denial of summary judgment to them.4
    We reverse the district court’s order denying qualified immunity as to O’Hara’s
    and Hess’s claims against Faughn and as to all plaintiffs’ claims against Sanders and
    Stacy. We remand for entry of summary judgment in favor of Faughn, Sanders, and
    Stacy on these claims and for further proceedings not inconsistent with this opinion.
    While the plaintiffs’ briefing and complaint alleges that the police
    department’s policies and customs were insufficient to protect against constitutional
    violations, no official capacity claims are before us. See Monell v. Dep’t of Soc.
    436 U.S. 658
    , 694 (1978).