Steve Ragan v. Don Lynch ( 1997 )

  •                         United States Court of Appeals
    No. 96-2910
    Steve Ragan,                          *
    Appellant,                 *
    *   Appeal from the United States
    v.                               *   District Court for the
    *   Southern District of Iowa.
    D. Lynch; Charles Harper;             *
    Ronald Welder; Debbie Nichols;        *
    Sally Chandler Halford,               *
    Appellees.                 *
    Submitted: March 11, 1997
    Filed: May 15, 1997
    Before WOLLMAN, and BEAM, Circuit Judges and LAUGHREY,1 District Judge.
    BEAM, Circuit Judge.
    Steve Ragan appeals the district court’s2 entry of summary judgment
    against him in this 42 U.S.C. § 1983 action.     We affirm.
    The Honorable Nanette K. Laughrey, United States District
    Judge for the Eastern and Western Districts of Missouri, sitting by
    The Honorable Ross A. Walters, United States Magistrate Judge
    for the Southern District of Iowa, presiding by consent of the
    parties. See 28 U.S.C. § 636(c).
    Steve Ragan is serving time in the Iowa State Penitentiary (ISP) for
    his robbery of a convenience store by threatening the cashier with a gun.
    Ragan sent a Christmas card to the cashier in which he offered an apology
    and   asked    for   forgiveness.3   This   contact   upset   the   victim.   The
    administrator of the Victim Witness Assistance Program wrote a letter to
    the Iowa Department of Corrections complaining on the victim’s behalf.
    Ragan was served with a disciplinary notice charging that the
    correspondence violated prison rules.       A disciplinary hearing was held, at
    which neither the victim nor the person who complained on her behalf
    testified.     The disciplinary committee relied on the complaint and on an
    investigator’s written report to find that Ragan violated Institutional
    Rule 40, “Misuse of Mail, Telephone, and Other Communications.”         Ragan was
    sanctioned with fifteen days of disciplinary detention, restriction to the
    maximum security cellhouse for six months,4 and loss of 180 days good-
    conduct time.
    Ragan filed three internal appeals of the disciplinary committee’s
    determination, all of which were denied.        After serving his disciplinary
    detention, Ragan filed an application for postconviction relief in state
    court.     The state court found that Rule 40 did not prohibit Ragan’s
    conduct.      The court then reasoned that without Rule 40, the disciplinary
    committee’s decision lacked
    The card was not produced at Ragan’s prison disciplinary
    hearing nor is it part of the record before us.         Given the
    procedural posture of this case, we accept Ragan’s representations
    about the contents of the correspondence.
    The district court determined that the maximum security
    restriction was not at issue in this case. That finding was not
    appealed and need not concern us here.
    any support in the evidence.    Ragan’s disciplinary record was therefore
    expunged and his good-conduct time returned.
    Ragan filed this section 1983 action in federal district court
    seeking damages from the ISP employee who investigated the victim’s
    complaint, the administrative law judge who chaired the disciplinary
    committee, and the three ISP officials who denied his administrative
    appeals.   He claims that the defendants violated his Fourteenth Amendment
    right to due process.5   The district court granted the defendants’ motion
    for summary judgment, reasoning that since Ragan’s good-conduct time had
    been returned, his only damage was the fifteen days of disciplinary
    segregation, which is not protected by the Due Process Clause.        Ragan
    A due process claim is cognizable only if there is a recognized
    liberty or property interest at stake.    Board of Regents v. Roth, 
    408 U.S. 564
    , 569 (1972).   Because Ragan concedes that the Due Process Clause itself
    was not violated here, he must establish that the disciplinary committee
    interfered with some constitutionally-protected liberty interest.
    Ragan was subjected to two sanctions: segregation and loss of good-
    time credits.   He acknowledges that no liberty interest was implicated by
    the segregation.     Sandin v. Conner, 
    115 S. Ct. 2293
    (1995).        Ragan
    asserts, however, that the additional loss of his good-conduct time
    implicates a constitutionally-protected liberty
    Ragan also alleged a First Amendment violation. The district
    court found that the state’s legitimate interest in preventing the
    harassment of crime victims justified restriction of Ragan’s right
    of free expression. That ruling is not contested on appeal.
    interest.      For purposes of this case, we will assume without deciding that
    Ragan faced the loss of a liberty interest.6
    When inmates are entitled to due process before being disciplined,
    they must receive: (1) advance written notice of the charges; (2) an
    opportunity to present evidence in their defense; (3) a written statement
    by the fact finder of the reasons for the action; and (4) a decision
    supported      by   some   evidence    in   the   record.   Superintendent,   Mass.
    Correctional Inst. v. Hill, 
    472 U.S. 445
    , 454 (1985) (citing Wolff v.
    418 U.S. 539
    , 563-67 (1974)).            Ragan concedes he was provided
    the first three elements.             His claim centers around the evidentiary
    Ragan argues that the state court’s determination that Rule 40 did
    not prohibit his conduct is equivalent to a finding that due process was
    violated, which, in turn, entitles him to damages.           As an initial matter,
    we   are      not   convinced   that    a    disciplinary   committee’s   erroneous
    interpretation of a prison rule constitutes a due process violation under
    Hill.       Regardless, Ragan has suffered no injury or, if he did, any harm
    suffered has already been remedied--his good-time credits have been
    returned and his disciplinary record expunged.               Because there was a
    procedure available to remedy the disciplinary committee’s mistake, that
    error alone does not amount to a denial of due process.         Wycoff v. Nichols,
    94 F.3d 1187
    , 1189 (8th Cir. 1996) (no due process violation in sanctioning
    inmate for conduct not prohibited by prison rules when appeal of discipline
    restored good-time credits
    The retention of good-time credits does not automatically
    qualify as a constitutionally-protected liberty interest. Wolff
    v. McDonnell, 
    418 U.S. 539
    , 556-57 (1974).        Further, we have
    previously expressed doubt as to whether Iowa’s statutory scheme is
    sufficiently mandatory to create a liberty interest in good time.
    See Moorman v. Thalacker, 
    83 F.3d 970
    , 973 (8th Cir. 1996).
    because appeal procedure “constituted part of the due process [and] cured
    the alleged due process violation”).
    Ragan attempts to distinguish Wycoff on the grounds that in his case
    it was a state court, not prison administrators, who restored his good-
    conduct time.     However, the Fourteenth Amendment requires the state to
    provide him adequate procedures.   See Rendell-Baker v. Kohn, 
    457 U.S. 830
    838 (1982) (Due Process Clause applies to acts of states).   The Iowa state
    court is just as much an arm of the state as ISP administrators.   Thus, the
    process afforded Ragan by the state included a full-blown evidentiary
    hearing at which Ragan was represented by counsel.   Those proceedings were
    effective in vindicating any liberty interest Ragan might have had.      In
    short, the system worked for Steve Ragan. Any defect in the committee’s
    process has been remedied, and Ragan has suffered no deprivation without
    due process.    It follows that he is not entitled to damages.
    We affirm the district court’s decision granting the defendants’
    motion for summary judgment.
    A true copy.