United States v. M. Guevara-Martinez ( 2001 )

  •                       United States Court of Appeals
    No. 00-3855
    United States of America,               *
    Appellant,                 *
    * Appeal from the United States
    v.                                * District Court for the
    * District of Nebraska
    Martin Guevara-Martinez,                *
    also known as Jose Dias-Ibarra,         *
    Appellee.                  *
    Submitted: May 15, 2001
    Filed: August 20, 2001
    Before MORRIS SHEPPARD ARNOLD, BRIGHT and BYE, Circuit Judges.
    BYE, Circuit Judge.
    The government appeals the district court's1 suppression of fingerprint evidence
    obtained as the result of an unlawful arrest and detention. We affirm.
    The Honorable Joseph F. Bataillon, United States District Judge for the District
    of Nebraska.
    On January 31, 2000, two Omaha police officers stopped a car in which Martin
    Guevara-Martinez was a passenger. The officers found methamphetamine in the car
    and placed Guevara-Martinez under arrest. During the course of the stop, an officer
    asked Guevara-Martinez for his name. Initially, Guevara-Martinez did not respond at
    all; he later told the officer that he had no identification. In fact, Guevara-Martinez had
    identification. The officer removed an ID from Guevara-Martinez's wallet, and
    determined that it did not match Guevara-Martinez's appearance.
    The officers transported Guevara-Martinez to the Omaha jail. Suspecting that
    he might be an illegal alien, the officers informed a special agent of the United States
    Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) of the arrest. The agent went to the jail
    to interview Guevara-Martinez. Guevara-Martinez gave the agent the false name of
    Jose Diaz-Ibarra, and admitted that he did not have permission to be in the United
    On the day following the arrest, after the INS interview, Omaha police took
    Guevera-Martinez's fingerprints. Nothing in the record shows that Guevara-Martinez
    consented to the fingerprinting. Ultimately, the fingerprints revealed Guevara-
    Martinez's true identity, which linked him to his INS file. His INS file indicated that
    he had previously been deported from the United States.
    On February 24, 2000, Guevara-Martinez was indicted for possession with intent
    to deliver methamphetamine. That charge was later dismissed, however, because the
    district court ruled that the January 31 traffic stop was illegal, and suppressed the drugs
    seized during the stop. The government did not appeal the district court's ruling that
    the traffic stop was illegal.
    On June 22, 2000, seven days after the government dismissed the drug charge,
    Guevara-Martinez was indicted a second time, this time for being an illegal alien found
    in the United States after deportation, in violation of 
    8 U.S.C. § 1326
    . Guevara-
    Martinez again moved to suppress all evidence flowing from the illegal traffic stop,
    particularly his fingerprints and the statements he made about his identity.
    Alternatively, Guevara-Martinez moved for dismissal on the grounds that the
    government had an improper motive for the second prosecution (i.e., retaliation for
    having to dismiss the drug charge).
    The government opposed the suppression motion. The government relied upon
    the Supreme Court's statement that the "body or identity of a defendant or respondent
    in a criminal or civil proceeding is never itself suppressible as a fruit of an unlawful
    arrest, even if it is conceded that an unlawful arrest, search, or interrogation occurred,"
    INS v. Lopez-Mendoza, 
    468 U.S. 1032
    , 1039 (1984), and two circuit decisions that
    have applied Lopez-Mendoza to identity-related evidence introduced in criminal
    proceedings brought under § 1326. See United States v. Roque-Villanueva, 
    175 F.3d 345
    , 346 (5th Cir. 1999); United States v. Guzman-Bruno, 
    27 F.3d 420
    , 421-22 (9th
    Cir. 1994).
    Distinguishing Lopez-Mendoza, the district court suppressed both the fingerprint
    evidence and the statements Guevara-Martinez made about his identity.2 The
    government filed this interlocutory appeal pursuant to 
    18 U.S.C. § 3731
    , challenging
    only the suppression of the fingerprint evidence.
    When a district court grants a motion to suppress evidence, we review its
    findings of fact for clear error, and its conclusions of law de novo. United States v.
    The district court did not rule on the motion for dismissal.
    223 F.3d 835
    , 838 (8th Cir. 2000). Here we review a legal issue: whether, in
    a criminal prosecution brought for a violation of 
    8 U.S.C. § 1326
    , Lopez-Mendoza
    requires suppression of fingerprint evidence obtained as the result of an unlawful arrest
    and detention. We hold that Lopez-Mendoza does not apply, and that the present case
    is controlled by Davis v. Mississippi, 
    394 U.S. 721
     (1969) and Hayes v. Florida, 
    470 U.S. 811
     (1985). In the absence of evidence that Guevara-Martinez's fingerprinting
    resulted from routine booking procedures, rather than for the purpose of pursuing INS-
    related proceedings against him, we conclude that the district court properly suppressed
    the evidence.
    I.    Lopez-Mendoza
    In Lopez-Mendoza, the Supreme Court reviewed two civil cases, both involving
    deportation proceedings that took place following unlawful arrests. Adan Lopez-
    Mendoza challenged an immigration court's jurisdiction over his person following his
    unlawful arrest, but did not object to the admission of evidence offered against him in
    the proceeding. 
    468 U.S. at 1040
    . In contrast, Elias Sandoval-Sanchez didn't object
    to the immigration court's jurisdiction over him, but rather to the evidence offered
    against him in the proceeding. 
    In the jurisdictional case (Lopez-Mendoza), the Court said that the "body or
    identity of a defendant or respondent in a criminal or civil proceeding is never itself
    suppressible as a fruit of an unlawful arrest." 
    Id. at 1039
    . But the Court addressed the
    evidentiary case (Sandoval-Sanchez) from a different tack. There the Court
    acknowledged the "general rule in a criminal proceeding [] that statements and other
    evidence obtained as a result of an unlawful, warrantless arrest are suppressible if the
    link between the evidence and the unlawful conduct is not too attenuated." 
     at 1040-
    41 (emphasis added).3 Thus, the Court's reference to the suppression of identity
    appears to be tied only to a jurisdictional issue, not to an evidentiary issue.
    Notwithstanding the Supreme Court's different approaches to the jurisdictional
    and evidentiary challenges brought in Lopez-Mendoza, two circuits have applied the
    Supreme Court's suppression-of-identity reference to evidentiary challenges in criminal
    proceedings. See United States v. Roque-Villanueva, 
    175 F.3d at 346
     (holding that
    neither a person's identity nor his INS file are suppressible in a § 1326 criminal
    proceeding even if the defendant was illegally stopped); Guzman-Bruno, 
    27 F.3d at 421-22
     (indicating that a defendant's statement of identity need not be suppressed in a
    § 1326 criminal proceeding merely because it was obtained as the result of an illegal
    One court has concluded, however, that Lopez-Mendoza has no bearing upon
    the suppression of unlawfully obtained identity-related evidence in a criminal
    [T]he Supreme Court language only addresses the jurisdictional concern
    that the "body" of the defendant is never suppressible, not whether
    statements by a defendant regarding his identity may be suppressed. This
    interpretation is supported by an examination of the authorities cited by
    the Supreme Court: Gerstein v. Pugh, 
    420 U.S. 103
    95 S.Ct. 854
    43 L.Ed.2d 54
     (1975) and Frisbie v. Collins, 
    342 U.S. 519
    72 S.Ct. 509
    96 L.Ed. 541
     (1952). In Frisbie, the Court held that "the power of a court to
    try a person for crime is not impaired by the fact that he had been brought
    within the court's jurisdiction" against his will. 
    342 U.S. at 522
    72 S.Ct. at 511
    . The Supreme Court reaffirmed this holding in Gerstein, stating
    that an "illegal arrest or detention does not void a subsequent conviction."
    420 U.S. at 119
    95 S.Ct. at 865
    . These cases deal with jurisdiction over
    Ultimately, the Court found the general criminal rule inapplicable to civil
    deportation proceedings. Id. at 1051.
    the person, not evidence of the defendant's identity illegally obtained. The
    language in Lopez-Mendoza should only be interpreted to mean that a
    defendant may be brought before a court on a civil or criminal matter even
    if the arrest was unlawful.
    United States v. Mendoza-Carrillo, 
    107 F. Supp. 2d 1098
    , 1106 (D.S.D. 2000).
    The district court found the reasoning in Mendoza-Carillo more persuasive than
    the broad interpretation given Lopez-Mendoza by the Fifth and Ninth Circuits. So do
    we. We find it significant that the Supreme Court didn't distinguish between identity-
    related evidence and other types of evidence when discussing Sandoval-Sanchez's
    evidentiary challenge. The Court simply referred to the "general rule in a criminal
    468 U.S. at 1040
    . If the Supreme Court meant to exempt identity-related
    evidence in a criminal proceeding from the "general rule," we believe the Court would
    have said so while discussing the evidentiary challenge, not the jurisdictional challenge.
    Our belief is strengthened by the fact that the evidence that Sandoval-Sanchez
    challenged, INS Form I-213, see Lopez-Mendoza v. INS, 
    705 F.2d 1059
    , 1062 (9th
    Cir. 1983), probably contained identity-related evidence. See INS Form I-213 (Rev.
    4/1/97) (including spaces for name, aliases, birthdate, and checkboxes to indicate
    whether an alien has been photographed or fingerprinted).
    Furthermore, the identity-related evidence that the district court suppressed was
    fingerprint evidence. Prior to Lopez-Mendoza, the Supreme Court twice applied the
    exclusionary rule to fingerprint evidence obtained as the result of unlawful arrests and
    detentions. See Davis, 
    394 U.S. at 727
    ; Hayes, 
    470 U.S. at 815
    . Because Lopez-
    Mendoza doesn't indicate that Davis and Hayes are overruled, we are bound to apply
    those earlier cases. See Agostini v. Felton, 
    521 U.S. 203
    , 237 (1997) (warning that the
    circuit courts shouldn't conclude that more recent Supreme Court cases have, by
    implication, overruled earlier precedents); State Oil Co. v. Khan, 
    522 U.S. 3
    , 20 (1997)
    ("[I]t is this Court's prerogative alone to overrule one of its precedents.").
    We conclude that Lopez-Mendoza's statement about the suppression of identity
    only refers to jurisdictional challenges, not to fingerprint evidence challenged in a
    criminal proceeding. Therefore, we must determine whether the "general rule in a
    criminal proceeding" applies, and if so, whether it requires exclusion of the fingerprint
    evidence under the circumstances present in this case.
    II.    Fingerprint Evidence and the Exclusionary Rule
    In Davis, police officers in Meridian, Mississippi, unlawfully arrested and
    confined a young black man in order to get his fingerprints and compare them to prints
    found at the scene of a sexual assault. 
    394 U.S. at 722-23
    . The State of Mississippi
    argued that the exclusionary rule should not apply to fingerprint evidence because of
    its inherent trustworthiness. Although the Supreme Court questioned whether
    fingerprint evidence may be less subject to the exclusionary rule than other types of
    evidence, the Court nonetheless held that "[d]etentions for the sole purpose of obtaining
    fingerprints are . . . subject to the constraints of the Fourth Amendment." 
    Id. at 727
    The Supreme Court revisited the issue sixteen years later in Hayes, which also
    involved a young black man unlawfully detained by police who wanted his fingerprints.
    470 U.S. at 813
    . The Court again suggested that there might be circumstances where
    the exclusionary rule would not require suppression of fingerprint evidence: "[n]one of
    the foregoing implies that a brief detention in the field for the purpose of fingerprinting,
    where there is only reasonable suspicion not amounting to probable cause, is
    necessarily impermissible under the Fourth Amendment." 
    Id. at 816
    . The Supreme
    Court nonetheless reaffirmed the Davis holding: "None of [our] cases have sustained
    against Fourth Amendment challenge the involuntary removal of a suspect from his
    home to a police station and his detention there for investigative purposes, whether for
    interrogation or fingerprinting, absent probable cause or judicial authorization." 
    Id. at 815
    Since Davis and Hayes both suggest that fingerprint evidence has less Fourth
    Amendment protection than other types of evidence, those two cases "should not be
    read as declaring that fingerprints taken after an illegal arrest are always inadmissible."
    Wayne R. LaFave, Search and Seizure, § 11.4(g) at 323 (3d ed. 1996). But should the
    exclusionary rule apply to the fingerprint evidence involved in this case? Admittedly,
    the facts aren't quite like those in Davis and Hayes, because the police did not detain
    Guevara-Martinez just to get his fingerprints. But neither were the fingerprints
    obtained under circumstances the Supreme Court suggested might enjoy less Fourth
    Amendment protection (i.e., a brief detention in the field unsupported by probable
    We reject the government's contention that Davis and Hayes are inapposite
    because the police did not detain Guevara-Martinez for the sole purpose of getting his
    fingerprints. We apply the exclusionary rule whenever evidence has been obtained "by
    exploitation" of the primary illegality instead of "by means sufficiently distinguishable
    to be purged of the primary taint." Wong Sun v. United States, 
    371 U.S. 471
    , 488
    (1963) (quotation omitted). Evidence can be obtained "by exploitation" of an unlawful
    detention even when the detention is not for the sole purpose of gathering that
    We conclude that officers obtained Guevara-Martinez's fingerprints by exploiting
    his unlawful detention, instead of by means sufficient to have purged the taint of the
    initial illegality. First, we note that Guevara-Martinez did not consent to the
    fingerprinting. We often find that consent is sufficient to purge the taint of an unlawful
    detention, e.g., United States v. Lyton, 
    161 F.3d 1168
    , 1171 n. 3 (8th Cir. 1998);
    United States v. Ramos, 
    42 F.3d 1160
    , 1164 (8th Cir. 1994), and so the absence of
    consent counsels in favor of applying the exclusionary rule.
    Second, the fingerprints were obtained during the unlawful detention, not as the
    result of a subsequent investigation. Cf. United States v. Watson, 
    950 F.2d 505
    , 508
    (8th Cir. 1991) ("[W]here a law enforcement officer merely recommends investigation
    of a particular individual based on suspicions arising serendipitously from an illegal
    search, the causal connection is sufficiently attenuated so as to purge the later
    investigation of any taint from the original illegality.") (emphasis added). Thus, there
    is little, if any, attenuation between Guevara-Martinez's unlawful detention and the
    Third, we find it significant that the fingerprinting occurred only after the INS
    had interviewed Guevara-Martinez. The government has offered no evidence that the
    fingerprints were obtained as a matter of course through routine booking procedures,
    rather than for the purpose of assisting the INS investigation. Cf. People v. McInnis,
    494 P.2d 690
    , 693 (Cal. 1972) (holding that a photograph taken during routine booking
    procedures following an illegal arrest could be used in connection with an unrelated
    charge); Paulson v. State, 
    257 So. 2d 303
    , 305 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 1972) (holding that
    fingerprints routinely taken after illegal arrest could be used in a subsequent
    prosecution for another crime). The absence of evidence that the fingerprinting
    resulted from routine booking, and the concomitant inference that an INS-related
    purpose motivated the fingerprinting, also counsel in favor of applying the exclusionary
    A district court decision upon which the government relies, United States v.
    946 F. Supp. 287
    , 289-90 (S.D.N.Y. 1996), aff'd on other grounds,
    133 F.3d 908
     (2d Cir. 1997) (unpublished table decision), can and should be
    distinguished. In Ortiz-Gonzalbo, the defendant was arrested for second-degree murder
    on a New York state charge and fingerprinted. It was subsequently discovered that his
    fingerprints matched those in an INS deportation file, and he was charged in federal
    court under § 1326. He moved to suppress the fingerprint evidence in the federal
    proceeding on the ground that the state arrest was unlawful. 
    946 F. Supp. at 287
    . The
    district court rejected the challenge, holding that "[u]nless the state arrest here was
    motivated by a desire to gather fingerprints, there would be no deterrent effect to be
    achieved by suppressing them." 
    Id. at 289-90
    Here, the authorities desired to gather the fingerprints, and were able to take
    advantage of the unlawful detention in order to get the fingerprints. Under these
    circumstances, we believe that suppressing the fingerprint evidence will achieve a
    deterrent effect.
    As a final, separate matter, the government points out that a set of untainted
    fingerprints can be obtained in the civil deportation proceedings that Guevara-Martinez
    will inevitably face. Since Guevara-Martinez can be recharged using the new set of
    fingerprints, the government asks us to ignore its use of tainted evidence in this case.
    We decline to reverse the district court on this alternate ground. In Davis, the Supreme
    Court refused to affirm a conviction because the authorities there could have used a
    second set of prints that were validly obtained, stating that "[t]he important thing is that
    those administering the criminal law understand that they must [obtain the evidence the
    right way]." 
    394 U.S. at
    726 n.4 (quoting Bynum v. United States, 
    262 F.2d 465
    , 469
    (D.C. Cir. 1958)).
    For the reasons stated, we affirm the district court's suppression order.
    A true copy.