Linda Turner v. United Steelworkers Local 812 ( 2009 )

  •                     United States Court of Appeals
    No. 08-3116
    Linda L. Turner,                     *
    Plaintiff - Appellee,          *
    * Appeal from the United States
    v.                             * District Court for the
    * Western District of Missouri.
    United Steelworkers of America,      *
    Local 812, et al.,                   *
    Defendants - Appellants.       *
    Submitted: April 14, 2009
    Filed: September 11, 2009
    Before LOKEN, Chief Judge, COLLOTON, Circuit Judge, and ROSENBAUM,*
    District Judge.
    LOKEN, Chief Judge.
    What began as a routine arbitration of an employee grievance under the
    collective bargaining agreement (“CBA”) between Eagle-Picher Technologies and
    Local 812 of the United Steelworkers of America (the “Union”) evolved into an
    unusual lawsuit by the employee, Linda Turner, against the Union, seeking to confirm
    a portion of the arbitrator’s back pay award allegedly imposed against the Union,
    rather than Eagle-Picher. The district court granted Turner’s motion for summary
    The HONORABLE JAMES M. ROSENBAUM, United States District Judge
    for the District of Minnesota, sitting by designation.
    judgment. The Union appeals. Reviewing the district court's interpretation of the
    arbitration award de novo, we reverse and remand with directions to enter an amended
    judgment eliminating the award of back pay against the Union. See First Options of
    Chicago, Inc. v. Kaplan, 
    514 U.S. 938
    , 947-49 (1995) (standard of review).
    Eagle-Picher terminated Turner in January 2005. Article 5 of the CBA
    authorized a committee designated by the Union to initiate a three-step grievance
    procedure to resolve “a grievance . . . over the application or interpretation of any
    provision of this contract.” The Union filed a grievance contesting Turner’s
    discharge. Step 4 of Article 5 provided that, if the grievance was not resolved at Step
    3, “the matter may be submitted to arbitration on demand of the Union within thirty
    (30) calendar days.” When Turner’s grievance was not resolved in late February, the
    Union demanded arbitration on Turner’s behalf, but it delayed making the demand
    until September. Accordingly, in addition to defending Turner’s discharge on the
    merits, Eagle-Picher argued that the matter was not “procedurally arbitrable.”
    After a hearing, the arbitrator ruled that the matter was arbitrable because
    Eagle-Picher had not timely raised its procedural objection. The arbitrator sustained
    the grievance, concluding that a thirty-day suspension was “the extent of disciplinary
    action supported.” However, the opinion explained, Eagle-Picher’s back pay
    obligation would be limited because “the lengthy delay in moving the proceedings to
    arbitration . . . [was] not the fault of the Employer.” The opinion concluded with the
    following operative provision (hereinafter referred to as “the Award”):
    The grievance is sustained. [Turner] shall be reinstated. The discipline
    shall be reduced to a thirty day suspension without pay. [Turner] shall
    be made whole by [Eagle-Picher] with respect to her seniority and
    benefits but [Eagle-Picher] shall only be required to pay back pay from
    September 10, 2005 to the date she is reinstated. The Union shall be
    responsible for the back pay from January 21, 2005 through and
    including September 9, 2005.
    (Emphasis added.) Eagle-Picher paid Turner the required back pay. The Union
    refused to pay more. Neither Eagle-Picher nor the Union sought to vacate, modify,
    or clarify the Award.
    Seventeen months later, Turner filed a Petition for Confirmation of Arbitral
    Award against the Union in Missouri state court. See Mo. Rev. Stat. § 435.400. The
    Petition sought a money judgment of $21,734.40 plus prejudgment interest, Turner’s
    calculation of back pay owing for the period January 21 through September 9, 2005.
    The Union removed the claim as completely preempted by § 301 of the Labor
    Management Relations Act, 29 U.S.C. § 185.1 Turner moved for summary judgment
    “in the amount of $21,723.40 plus interest to the date of judgment, currently
    $3,569.46.” The district court granted that motion and denied the Union’s cross
    motion for summary judgment, concluding that (i) Turner has standing to seek
    confirmation of the Award, (ii) the Union waived defenses to confirmation by failing
    to file a timely petition to vacate or modify the Award, and (iii) there was “little
    ambiguity” in the arbitrator’s statement that “the Union shall be responsible” for the
    claimed portion of the total back pay awarded. We take up these issues in turn.
    1. Standing. Section 301 “contemplates suits by and against individual
    employees . . . to vindicate uniquely personal rights . . . such as wages, hours,
    overtime pay, and wrongful discharge.” Hines v. Anchor Motor Freight, Inc., 
    424 U.S. 554
    , 562 (1976) (quotation omitted). However, under the grievance and
    Section 301 provides as relevant here: “Suits for violation of contracts
    between an employer and a labor organization representing employees in an industry
    affecting commerce . . . may be brought in any district court of the United States
    having jurisdiction of the parties, without respect to the amount in controversy or
    without regard to the citizenship of the parties.”
    arbitration procedures in most CBAs, the union serves as the grieving employee’s
    exclusive representative in the settlement of covered disputes with the employer, such
    as an alleged wrongful termination. Those procedures “are . . . enforced under § 301.”
    Id. In such
    cases, an employee may not sue to enforce an arbitration award against
    her employer absent a showing that the union breached its duty of fair representation
    to the employee by failing to enforce the award. See Vaca v. Sipes, 
    386 U.S. 171
    , 177
    (1967). This is called a “hybrid § 301/fair representation claim.” Livingstone v.
    Schnuck Market, Inc., 
    950 F.2d 579
    , 582 (8th Cir. 1991).
    As Turner has not alleged a breach of the Union’s duty of fair representation,
    the Union argues she has no standing to enforce the arbitration Award. But this case
    presents an unusual situation. Turner is suing the Union for failing to pay its alleged
    obligation under the Award, not for failing to represent Turner in collecting from
    Eagle-Picher. If we assume, hypothetically, that a CBA expressly contemplates
    arbitration awards against the union, and provides for separate representation of the
    employee when such claims are asserted, no congressional policy underlying § 301
    would be compromised by allowing an employee to sue the union for breach of
    contract (refusal to pay an award) without first showing a breach of the duty of fair
    representation. As the court said in O’Hara v. District No. 1-PCD, 
    56 F.3d 1514
    1520-21 (D.C. Cir. 1995), “When the employee alleges that the union itself has
    breached an obligation to the employee under the [CBA], the policy reasons for
    requiring a violation of the duty of fair representation in the hybrid suits no longer
    apply. Proof of the contractual violation alone should suffice.” Thus, like the district
    court, we conclude that Turner has standing to assert this claim. Cf. Brown v. Sterling
    Alum. Prods. Corp., 
    365 F.2d 651
    , 656-57 (8th Cir. 1966).
    2. Waiver of Defenses. Though judicial review of an arbitrator’s award under
    § 301 is highly deferential, an award may not be confirmed unless it “draws its
    essence from the collective bargaining agreement.” United Paperworkers Int'l Union
    v. Misco, Inc., 
    484 U.S. 29
    , 36 (1987), quoting United Steelworkers of Am. v.
    Enterprise Wheel & Car Corp., 
    363 U.S. 593
    , 597 (1960). Applying that principle,
    the Union argues that the award of back pay against the Union may not be confirmed
    because (i) the CBA authorized only the arbitration of grievances against the
    employer, Eagle-Picher, not the Union; (ii) the CBA provided the arbitrator with
    discretion to impose or modify remedies only against “the Company”; and (iii) the
    parties submitted to the arbitrator only the question whether Eagle-Picher violated the
    CBA by discharging Turner without just cause.
    The district court declined to consider these issues because the Union failed to
    seek to have the Award vacated, modified, or corrected. We agree. A suit to vacate
    an award under § 301 is subject to the applicable state statute of limitations. See
    United Parcel Serv., Inc. v. Mitchell, 
    451 U.S. 56
    , 60-64 (1981). Under Missouri law,
    a suit to vacate an arbitration award must be filed within ninety days, Mo. Rev. Stat.
    § 435.405.2, whereas a suit to confirm the award is subject to Missouri’s five-year
    statute of limitations for breach of contract actions, Mo. Rev. Stat. § 516.120. “The
    failure to file a timely motion to vacate an award . . . typically bars a party from later
    raising any defenses to the confirmation of the award that could have been raised in
    the vacation motion.” Sheet Metal Workers Int’l Ass'n, Local Union No. 36 v.
    Systemaire, Inc., 
    241 F.3d 972
    , 975 (8th Cir. 2001). This principle “is intended to
    enhance the speed and effectiveness of arbitration, to provide fair review of the
    arbitrator’s decision, and to preclude the losing party from dragging out proceedings
    in order to dilute the integrity of the arbitration award.” Teamsters Local, No. 579 v.
    B&M Transit, Inc., 
    882 F.2d 274
    , 277 (7th Cir. 1989). As such, it is “fully consistent
    with the federal policy of according finality to labor awards.” Derwin v. General
    Dynamics Corp., 
    719 F.2d 484
    , 490 (1st Cir. 1983); accord Assoc. Musicians of
    Greater N.Y. v. Parker Meridien Hotel, 
    145 F.3d 85
    , 89 (2d Cir. 1998).2
    The same principles apply to actions to vacate and confirm awards made under
    the Federal Arbitration Act. See 9 U.S.C. §§ 9-10; Domino Group, Inc. v. Charlie
    Parker Mem’l Found., 
    985 F.2d 417
    , 419-20 (8th Cir. 1993).
    Here, the Union argues that it should not be barred from asserting these
    defenses because it reasonably construed the award as not obligating it to pay any
    portion of the back pay and did not know Turner would take a contrary position until
    after the statute of limitations for challenging the award had expired. The Union’s
    position is not unlike the employer’s contention in Local Union No. 36, Sheet Metal
    Workers’ Int’l v. Atlas Air Cond. Co., 
    926 F.2d 770
    , 772 (8th Cir. 1991), where we
    held that an employer waived its defense to the arbitrator’s jurisdiction by not suing
    to vacate the award. The argument might have force if the defendant in the suit to
    confirm was not a party to the arbitration, or if the petitioner sought to “confirm” a
    remedy not mentioned in the award. See Local 2322, IBEW v. Verizon New England,
    464 F.3d 93
    , 97-98 (1st Cir. 2006). But as the First Circuit emphasized in Local
    id. at 98-99,
    the waiver principle should otherwise be strictly enforced to further
    the federal policy favoring prompt resolution of collective bargaining disputes. Here,
    the Union was a party to the arbitration, and the Award by its plain language arguably
    imposed a partial back pay obligation directly on the Union. In these circumstances,
    the Union should have sought clarification by the arbitrator, or sued to vacate that part
    of the Award. By failing to do so, the Union waived its defenses to confirmation.
    3. Interpreting the Award. With the Union’s defenses waived, Turner is
    entitled to a judgment confirming the Award and to enforcement of that judgment.
    Group, 985 F.2d at 420
    . The district court saw “little ambiguity” in granting
    Turner a money judgment for back pay during the period the arbitrator declared the
    Union “responsible for the back pay.” We conclude the issue is not so simple. By
    requiring Eagle-Picher to pay back pay, the Award plainly imposed a liability. But
    the word “responsible” assigned blame to the Union without necessarily imposing
    liability. The paragraph preceding the Award suggested that, whatever the Union’s
    responsibility for part of Turner’s loss, the Award was limited to Eagle-Picher’s back
    pay obligation: “I am only ordering that the Employer pay back pay . . . .”
    A potentially threshold question is whether to direct the district court to remand
    to the arbitrator for clarification of an ambiguous Award. Without question, a
    reviewing court may ask the arbitrator to clarify an award. See Int’l Woodworkers of
    Am. v. Weyerhaeuser Co., 
    7 F.3d 133
    , 137 (8th Cir. 1993); AFSCME, Local Lodge
    No. 1803 v. Walker County Med. Ctr., Inc., 
    715 F.2d 1517
    , 1519 (11th Cir. 1983);
    McClatchy Newspapers v. Cent. Valley Typographical Union No. 46, 
    686 F.2d 731
    734 n.1 (9th Cir. 1982); cf. Local 
    2322, 464 F.3d at 98
    . However, we agree with the
    Seventh Circuit that the remand procedure should be sparingly employed in labor
    arbitration cases, “given the interest in prompt and final arbitration.” Ethyl Corp. v.
    United Steelworkers of Am., 
    768 F.2d 180
    , 188 (7th Cir. 1985). Therefore, we will
    first determine whether we can discern the arbitrator’s clear meaning. Like the
    question whether a contract is ambiguous, this is an issue we review de novo.
    We must construe the arbitrator’s Award in the context of the CBA she was
    interpreting and the specific dispute submitted by Eagle-Picher and the Union. The
    CBA provided that the Union may submit unresolved grievances against the employer
    to an arbitration in which the Union represented the interest of the grieving employee.
    Nothing in Article 5 suggested that claims could be asserted against or liability
    imposed upon the Union in the arbitration of a grievance against the employer.3 The
    arbitrator defined the issues submitted as “1) Is this matter procedurally arbitrable?
    2) If so, was the Grievant terminated for just casue and if not what is the appropriate
    remedy?” Nothing in this statement suggests that the arbitrator believed the parties
    submitted a remedial claim against the Union. See 
    Safeway, 889 F.2d at 950
    J., dissenting) (“an arbitration submission, clearly framed in terms of employer’s
    breach [of the CBA] . . . . [should not be construed as] requiring the union to defend
    In this regard, Article 5 is distinguishable from the CBA at issue in United
    Food & Comm. Workers, Local Union No. 7R v. Safeway Stores, Inc., 
    889 F.2d 940
    947 (10th Cir. 1989) , which imposed a duty on the union to request arbitration “with
    reasonable promptness,” a duty that appears to authorize the arbitrator to award a
    remedy against the union, if that issue is properly submitted.
    itself against its client while at the same time requiring it to give that client fair
    We also construe the Award in the broader context of labor arbitration. In
    affirming the vacating of an award that expressly ordered the union to reimburse the
    employer for part of its back pay obligation, the Seventh Circuit explained:
    Not only does the [CBA] strongly imply that the arbitrator could not
    impose the reimbursement remedy . . . we think it is clearly implausible
    to suppose the parties [to the CBA] ever contemplated that remedy. . . .
    [B]y agreeing to allow the type of remedy imposed here, the union would
    have created the potential for conflicts between its own interests and its
    duty to fairly represent its employees. . . . If the union had known that it
    might be liable for the amount of [the employee’s] back pay, the
    temptation would have existed for the union to give short shrift to [his]
    grievance or to defend itself at [his] expense, since if [he] was not
    entitled to back pay, the union could not be liable.
    Carpenter Local No. 1027 v. Lee Lumber & Building Material Corp., 
    2 F.3d 796
    , 799
    (7th Cir. 1993). We assume that the arbitrator was aware of these concerns and would
    know that a serious conflict of interest might result from imposing a direct monetary
    obligation on the Union that represented the grieving employee unless the parties’
    submission gave clear notice that such a remedy was at issue.
    Finally, we find it significant that the submitted issue of procedural arbitrability
    gave the arbitrator an independent reason to focus on the Union’s fault. Eagle-Picher
    argued it should have no wrongful discharge liability because the Union’s arbitration
    demand was untimely under Article 5. The arbitrator rejected that complete defense
    but explained that the employer was not being assessed a back pay obligation for the
    period when the Union’s delay made it “responsible” for any injury to Turner.
    For the foregoing reasons, we conclude that, in labeling the Union “responsible
    for the back pay from January 21, 2005 through and including September 9, 2005,”
    the arbitrator did not intend to award back pay against the Union for that period.
    Accordingly, although Turner was entitled to a judgment confirming the Award, the
    district court judgment “in the amount of $21,723.40 plus interest” must be reversed.
    The judgment of the district court is reversed and the case is remanded with directions
    to enter an amended judgment not inconsistent with this opinion.
    COLLOTON, Circuit Judge, concurring in part and concurring in the judgment.
    I concur in all of the court’s opinion except for point 2 concerning waiver of
    defenses, which I view as unnecessary to the decision in light of the conclusion
    reached in point 3.

Document Info

Docket Number: 08-3116

Filed Date: 9/11/2009

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/14/2015

Authorities (21)

Local 2322, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers ... , 464 F.3d 93 ( 2006 )

Frank Derwin v. General Dynamics Corporation , 719 F.2d 484 ( 1983 )

Teamsters Local No. 579 v. B & M Transit, Inc. , 882 F.2d 274 ( 1989 )

Local 802, Associated Musicians of Greater New York v. The ... , 145 F.3d 85 ( 1998 )

United Food and Commercial Workers, Local Union No. 7r v. ... , 889 F.2d 940 ( 1989 )

American Federation of State, County and Municipal ... , 715 F.2d 1517 ( 1983 )

Sheet Metal Workers International Association, Local Union ... , 241 F.3d 972 ( 2001 )

Guy Livingstone v. Schnuck Market, Inc. , 950 F.2d 579 ( 1991 )

Domino Group, Inc. v. Charlie Parker Memorial Foundation , 985 F.2d 417 ( 1993 )

Holden Brown, George House and George Wolff v. Sterling ... , 365 F.2d 651 ( 1966 )

Local Union No. 36, Sheet Metal Workers' International ... , 926 F.2d 770 ( 1991 )

Ethyl Corporation v. United Steelworkers of America, Afl-... , 768 F.2d 180 ( 1985 )

carpenter-local-no-1027-mill-cabinet-industrial-division-affiliated-with , 2 F.3d 796 ( 1993 )

mcclatchy-newspapers-dba-the-sacramento-bee-a-california-corporation-v , 686 F.2d 731 ( 1982 )

Charles O'Hara and Jerry Howard v. District No. 1-Pcd, Meba,... , 56 F.3d 1514 ( 1995 )

United Parcel Service, Inc. v. Mitchell , 101 S. Ct. 1559 ( 1981 )

United Steelworkers v. Enterprise Wheel & Car Corp. , 80 S. Ct. 1358 ( 1960 )

Hines v. Anchor Motor Freight, Inc. , 96 S. Ct. 1048 ( 1976 )

Vaca v. Sipes , 87 S. Ct. 903 ( 1967 )

United Paperworkers International Union v. Misco, Inc. , 108 S. Ct. 364 ( 1987 )

View All Authorities »